Stretching Before or After Skateboarding?

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so stretching before or after a session which one is best well i'm not a physiotherapist and i can't tell you exactly what you should do but i can tell you what's best for me um you might also be wondering what i'm doing and obviously i'm watering a curb how else did you think they grow so the last thing i ever want to do when i show up to the session is like sit down on the ground and start stretching i'm still like a little kid when i get to the skate park in that i just want to get on my board and get skating as fast as possible but stretching does have some great benefits the good news is i stretch after i actually never stretch before my session so my approach to warming up is i just get on my board and i do it slow and steady so if i'm in a skate park my favorite thing to warm up on is transition hands down so the reason i love transition for warming up so much is there's no pushing there's no jumping uh your legs don't even have to move all that much when you're just doing like basic slash grinds and axle stalls for me it's really the best way to warm up like 15 20 minutes on transition and i'm like good to hit the street park if i even feel like getting out of the ramp that day so if i'm not lucky enough to have some transition around the next thing that i'll usually warm up on is curbs and you know pretty basic stuff like no complies [Music] so for me the key is a long slow warm-up where i don't do any hard tricks i don't do any flip tricks where my ankles are going to bend a whole bunch for the first 10 minutes or so usually i'll start with heelflips before i actually graduate to kickflips kickflips put a lot more torque on my ankle and honestly it takes me about 20 minutes to warm up to the point where i can do it and i don't risk having an ankle strain so i actually injured myself doing a static stretch about four years ago i wasn't warmed up i put my leg up on something and i just did a good stretch like this and right here it was like a muscle tendon i don't know what it was but i felt this like rip all through there and for four years it was tight and i couldn't loosen it i will admit i didn't do anything for it but it wasn't until i started doing like a sort of split stretch and then i started massaging that muscle and i could feel it slowly letting go but basically that lingered for four years and it was just from stretching when i wasn't warmed up so again the key for me is a long slow warm-up and speaking of a long slow warm-up all this filming and stuff i'm actually not skating so i'm gonna get on this ramp get really warmed up we'll have a session which i haven't filmed a session in a while and then i'll show you guys my cool down routine and it's pretty simple i don't actually do a lot of stretches cooling down but i almost always try to remember to do it so so well you guys i'm feeling pretty warmed up and as much as i love skating transition i don't actually like filming it very much because like i don't know i'm kind of done my eight tricks that i have decently and i don't feel like filming any more of them you know what we haven't done for a long time is like a flat ground session you know back when i used to do the reviews and like try and tell you how i thought a board felt because i did every single little trick on it well let's do one of those without the board review that's enough of that you guys as much as i love flat ground i'm totally bored and i'm pretty much out of tricks that i can comfortably do with the knee right now so i want to get to some ledges but before we do i'll indulge you for a second okay the setup is real 8.5 full se 52 millimeter radial slims thunder 149 standards it's great setup maybe just a tad on the wide side for me but it's been really good for the knee recovery incredible pinch especially on the mini ramps and flat bars um yeah yeah i accidentally turned into a thunder guy while i was rehabbing my knee anyways let's get to some ledges and the one more flat ground trick that i forgot to do so okay you guys it is the end of the session it's really cooling down clouds came in but uh this is the most important time for me to stretch and this is one of the most important ones that i do so it's going to be different for everybody in my opinion but the cool down stretch is absolutely essential for me i really need to keep this part loosened up like that hamstring that i pulled a long time ago so i do this and i just keep inching my way in and part of the reason that i like to stretch at the end of the session is now i'm super like i'm all warmed up my muscles are super limber and they're ready to be stretched and i know that i'm not gonna tear them again like i did that time so personally for me i find this the most productive time to stretch i mean i'm not getting a very productive stretch right now because i'm busy talking and looking at the camera but i have definitely noticed that like when i do a good stretch after a session you know that feeling when you had like such a hard session and then you sit down and drive for a while and you get up and you're just like i can barely move i don't have that so bad when i do a good after skate stretch so it can be sometimes kind of hard to find a good spot to get that stretch after a session you know even if you have to go to the parking lot or somewhere like i really recommend it and who knows maybe if you actually do it at the skate park you might encourage other people to pick up some good habits so this is another one that's really important for me and a lot of these stretches are going to be specific to what bothers me so i have definitely had some pretty bad achilles tendonitis problems in the past so i find that i have to do a really good stretch and this isn't if i can find something else to stretch on this isn't the only one i do so first i do this one because i find the two stretches that i do both seem to kind of stretch out my calves in a different way and the more i do there the better because like i said i'm i've been a little bit prone to like calf strains and achilles tendinitis lately and this helps a lot i really don't need to stretch my calves out in the beginning of my session again that like 20 minute slow warm up where i don't try hard tricks that's all i need that's really been my secret lately to not getting you know bad strains like strains that put me out you know i've always got something that's kind of bugging me but i don't always have something that's keeping me from skateboarding anymore just gotta do the other side now i definitely recommend a quad stretch like we do a lot of that stuff listen to me recommending things again i'm not a physiotherapist and you got to do what works for you but for me a quad stretch is a good idea honestly i've only just been able to start doing these again so i've mentioned in videos that i have a torn meniscus or had i don't know it's getting better but anyways before i started doing the knees over toes guy exercises and this isn't just like a long knees over toes guy plug but before i started doing them i couldn't even do this stretch i think i just had like scar tissue and lack of mobility so i like this one because it gets your quad and it also stretches out like the front of your shin you know your ankle like you can get a good stretch there so that's another spot that definitely can get tight for me and it's one of those places that can get strained like i said if i do kickflips too early i think that's part of the reason why i do so much more heelflips now than i did like when i was younger i always did a lot of heelflips but i was more kickflippy and now i'd say it's possible that i'm more heel flippy and it's because they warm up for me faster oh i stretched that out good so i mentioned that i like to spend a little bit more time stretching my calves and i found if you can get your foot on any kind of an incline so often i do this actually in my garage with like a little piece of wood with grip tape on it and i just prop it up against something but i really find that like i get an extra stretch when i do this one and my achilles are kind of feeling it that was a good sesh and i've been skating like three days in a row so i'm feeling some parts of my body a little bit right now but this is the one that stretches out my achilles the most like if i had to do only one or the other of those two stretches this is the one i would choose it's a really good one and then once you start getting a real good stretch there you can even like kind of go down like this and like start stretching your hamstring too so i like this one because it's usually not hard to find some sort of a slope you can do this on doesn't have to be a quarter pipe it can be a bank right or you can even just do the common one where you hang your feet off of a step like you just put your balls of your feet on a step and then do this thing with one or both feet it doesn't matter but definitely you start stretching out those calves you're gonna notice less achilles tendonitis less plantar fasciitis that's an unpleasant one that one is almost gone since i've been doing knees over toes i still have the little lump in the arch of my feet in both of them but i have no pain so when i wake up in the morning and i take those first steps i'm not feeling like the center of the arches of my feet aching anymore so yeah calf stretching is the big one there for me i think but for some people it could be that whole kinetic chain where it's you know like your hamstrings pulling on your calves pulling on your arches so of course there's some more classic stretches we can do like this one for the glutes it's a good stretch i mean it's not necessarily the best stretch for me but i definitely get something out of it definitely like this is one of the stretches that i might start skipping you know like if i'm in a rush say my wife just called me when are you coming home when are you coming home this might be one of the ones i skip and last but not least i'll often double down on this one again because i find that i don't often get the best stretch the first time so when i do this one a second time i keep moving my board because i'm hoping one of these will be a good screen grab for a thumbnail but i really find that doing this one twice helps me get the most out of it i'll also often go like this to really just like work on each leg individually too i didn't know i was going to turn this into a stretching tutorial honestly i'm like not the best person to be listening to about how to stretch i'm just telling you guys what works for me that's all i can do oh that was a good one well you guys that's pretty much it so back in the day i used to do more dynamic stretching at the start of my session or static stretching even over time i found that i just didn't need to do it anymore the long slow warm-up you know like a good 15-20 minute warm-up of doing tricks that i know i'm gonna land and that i know i'm not gonna hurt myself on that seems to be the ticket and you know i did pretty much every trick that i can do in this video at this spot so until we either have new obstacles or i have new tricks i don't know what else i'm gonna film here it's time for me to kick my feet up and just relax and not feel too sore the next time i get up and remember you guys i don't want this to be specific advice for you i hope that if anything it just encourages you to consider adopting some healthy habits that are going to help you skate for longer i'm 40. i made this channel to just kind of show what it's like to just keep skating into your geriatric skate years which i don't even think i'm in i think i'm in my middle age skate years you know i want 20 more years and hopefully if i continue to you know adopt better habits and improve upon them regularly that maybe i'll be able to do that and i hope if that's what you want for yourself you're able to achieve that too so hopefully this wasn't too long-winded of a video it was definitely windy i hope it didn't wreck the audio anyways i hope you're doing awesome i really mean that and yeah that's it i'm not going to drag this out any longer until the next one you guys
Channel: Ben Degros
Views: 29,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stretching, stretching exercises, stretching exercises for beginners, stretching after workout, stretching exercises before workout, stretching for flexibility, stretching before running, stretching and mobility workout, stretching and flexibility exercises, stretching and warm up exercises, skateboard, review, tutorial, Ben, Degros, best, easy, ollie, kickflip, grind, slide, trucks, deck, wheels, bearings, bushings
Id: YdGhaJv0IRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Sun May 29 2022
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