How To Improve Your Skateboarding Faster

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today we're going to be talking about ways that you can improve your skateboarding faster and no this isn't a tutorial on how to skate fast but rather some tips and ideas to hopefully help you improve your skateboarding a little bit quicker first we have working on your foundation so a lot of times when people are first getting into skateboarding they probably see videos of people doing all these crazy tricks and so naturally that's immediately what they want to start trying but if you're someone who hasn't really spent much time on a skateboard this can kind of be a bad way of thinking because there's actually a lot more intricacies to skateboarding than just standing on a piece of wood and kicking it there's a ton of learning how to shift your weight and balancing and overall just a level of comfort that you have while standing on a skateboard which kind of naturally happens over time and so my biggest recommendation is that you spend plenty of time just riding your skateboard you should just really be comfortable with the way it feels to sort of shift your weight and turn maybe try a few manuals and definitely learn how to push well basically standing on a skateboard and riding should pretty much feel second nature to you and it's when you're at this point that doing tricks will seem a lot more easy and that's because you've built up that foundation of knowing what the board feels like beneath you and the ways you're going to have to be shifting your weight and moving your body when you start trying tricks so definitely go out there and get a good foundation going before you try anything too crazy up next we have warming up when you're out skateboarding and you're trying to learn a new trick you'll probably spend a whole entire session if not several just trying that one trick and so when you go home and then go back out the next day it's tempting to just pick up where you left off and go straight into that trick but i highly recommend forming some sort of warm-up routine and this can look like different things to different people personally if i'm really in need of a warm-up i'll usually go out and do ollies shove-its 180s and kickflips in every stance but really i just recommend doing whatever tricks you're comfortable with and maybe try doing them in every stance or doing them several times each and even if the trick you're trying to learn isn't anything like the ones you're warming up with it's still a great way to kind of get your muscles moving and just get you in the mindset of doing tricks and you don't even really have to put in too much effort when you're warming up i usually just do the trick well enough to land it i don't focus too hard on popping it too high or making it look nice the main thing here is just to kind of get yourself nice and loose so you're ready to try a new trick up next we have don't move on from tricks too fast and by this i mean say you're trying a trick and you finally get it after a ton of tries well don't make that one time that you landed it the only time that you do it every trick kind of has its own feeling including the way that your feet move and how high you have to jump so if you just landed your first kick flip and then you immediately move on to say trying a 360 flip then the odds are when you go back to try and do that kickflip again you won't really be able to do it that well and so my recommendation for this one is once you land a trick do it over and over again until you can land it at least several times in a session this is something that i suffered from when i first got back into skateboarding i would try forever to do a trick and then finally once i landed it i would immediately move on and that made it so i basically had no muscle memory for the trick that i had landed and so when i went back to it i couldn't really do it anymore so definitely take enough time for each trick that you land to do it enough times that you have it at least semi-consistent so that when you do move on to other tricks you'll still be able to do that one for our next trick we have skating with other people now i know this doesn't apply to everyone since everyone doesn't have the opportunity to skate with other people especially in this day and age but if you do have access to friends or a skate park then this is definitely something that can help you improve in a few different ways first off if you're skating with other people who are maybe a little bit more advanced than you or have a different bag of tricks they can be a great resource to help you learn also even if you're trying different tricks skating with other people in general can be pretty motivating in that not only do you have other people who can encourage you when you're trying a trick but also hopefully watching them skate and trying tricks can help inspire and motivate you now like i said i know not everyone has the ability to skate with other people and that doesn't mean that you can't be encouraged and motivated even if it's finding a sense of community online or through skate videos just surrounding yourself with skateboarding in general can be the motivating factor that you need now on the other side of that same coin we have don't compare yourself to others especially when you're first starting off and trying to learn tricks you can get frustrated at the fact that it seems like other people are progressing faster than you but i would say that this is the wrong mindset to have when watching other people skate just like i mentioned before about skating with other people you should see other people who are better than you as a source of motivation and inspiration rather than a source of discouragement because you think you'll never be as good in skateboarding everyone has their strengths and their weaknesses and so just because you can't do a kickflip when all of your other friends can it doesn't mean that you can't excel at some other area in skateboarding and so maybe you'll be the guy who gets really good at freestyle or grinds and then eventually at your own pace you'll strengthen the areas where you had weaknesses but either way comparing yourself to others isn't really productive and you should always just view other people who are better than you as a source of inspiration because odds are if you stick with it eventually you'll get there too up next we have don't be afraid to try random tricks now this might sound kind of weird but what i mean by it is like i said before some people have strengths and weaknesses in certain areas of skateboarding and so if you're trying a certain trick and for whatever reason you absolutely cannot do it i would say to just kind of try something completely different because sometimes you'll find that randomly you're just really good at doing a certain type of thing on your skateboard for instance there's people who learn shovits or heelflips before ollie's or some people can just do certain tricks really well in other stances but not regular either way though it's always a good idea to kind of think outside of the box and of course you want to get your fundamentals in like your ollies and your kickflips but if you see someone do a random trick that you think maybe is too advanced for you i would say to at least give it a shot because you never know what you might just randomly be good at i can't do varial heelflips or laser flips but one day i decided to try a fakie big spin heelflip and for whatever reason it just felt right so i eventually landed it and then it's basically the only trick i did forever but the whole point is it's a trick that would have sounded way too hard for me but because i just went out and decided to try it i was able to figure out that it just felt right for me so don't be afraid to go out and try some random tricks coming up next we have don't get mad at yourself so skateboarding can obviously be an extremely frustrating thing hey especially when you're first starting out and you're trying to learn tricks and it just seems like the board and your feet don't do what you want them to and a lot of times skateboarding and a bad temper can kind of go hand in hand but in my opinion this is really an unproductive way of doing things because skateboarding is all physics and the board is only doing what your feet are making it do and so if something isn't going right then there's always a solution to correct it and so i would say instead of using your energy to get mad at yourself or your skateboard instead focus that energy back into your skateboarding and basically do a ton of trial and error so when something isn't working out don't just do the same thing over and over again maybe try to slightly alter your foot positioning try the trick while rolling or stationary or like i said before just try something completely different even if you're getting upset because you can't land something that you know you should be able to it's always best to go back to some easier tricks that you know you can land to build up some more confidence and once your head is in a good space again you can go back to trying the trick and lastly we have go outside and skate now this is the most obvious thing in the world but what i mean is that you can only learn so much from watching tutorials or reading how to's but really the way to improve at skateboarding is to just go out there and do it that's not to say it isn't helpful to kind of learn the basics of a trick and what you should be doing but there is no substitute for just hands-on experience and not only that but the more you just go out and skate even if it's just rolling around or doing the fundamentals the more comfortable you'll become in general which brings us full circle back to our first point of having a solid foundation the more you skate the more comfortable you'll become and the more in tune you'll feel with your skateboard which in the long run should overall just lead to you being able to improve faster so these are just a few of the tips that i kind of have in mind when i'm skateboarding it's definitely great to have that solid foundation and i do love me a good warm-up session and while i don't have many people to skate with whenever i do it's always motivating trying random tricks and not getting upset at myself when i can't land them has always helped steer me towards what i can learn and what i am good at so i would just hope that you take these tips and kind of have them somewhere in your head and hopefully you can start putting some of them to use to help improve your skateboarding faster as always i'd like to thank my wonderful patreon pledgers i'd like to thank you for watching and you can like and subscribe if you want
Channel: VLSkate
Views: 530,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skateboarding, skateboard, skate, skater, skating, sk8, vilas, left, vlskate, atm, click, bones, ipath, real, world, hardware, tricks, trick, kickflip, heelflip, poway, security, fight, braille, vs, hater, bail
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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