99a vs 101a Spitfire Formula 4

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okay okay okay all right let's get all settled here and get ready okay take two 99 versus 101 and we're gonna be comparing only along spitfire formula four nope okay all right take three okay this is the 99 versus 101 and we're going to be looking at specifically spitfire formula four and the reason for that is as soon as you change a brand or as soon as you even change the formula within a brand then the properties of the wheel change entirely so you know i could have a 99 formula 4 and a 99 classic formula and both of these wheels have totally different properties so we really just have to stick to the formula for for today okay so my personal favorite is actually the 99 now there's a couple of reasons for this so one of the reasons is because it's just a little more forgiving so i definitely noticed that the wheel just has a little more bounce and actually believe it or not i actually find that the 99 slides a little bit easier than the 101 and spitfire formula 4 is the only wheel that i noticed that in every other wheel i find that the 99s are usually stickier so that's a weird thing and it's probably just me and there's going to be a lot of people that disagree but that's been my experience in formula four when it's harder it tends to get a bit stickier so getting back to the reason that i like them one it's a little more forgiving on rougher ground two it slides a little bit better to me or at least i like the slide better and three here's one that you might not have thought of so it gets fairly cold out here on the west coast in canada now it doesn't usually go much below freezing but for about eight months of the year it's pretty cool and i do find that these 99 are just the right hardness for all the cold weather now in the summer i can happily jump up to a 101 because i find you know have you ever noticed that your bushings tend to be a lot harder in the winter and softer in the summer in fact sometimes it can be a big problem well i found that wheels actually do the same thing so i actually really like the way 101 feels in the summer and maybe if i live down in southern california 101 might be good all year round but up here i find to get you know the most out of my wheels for all the year i find 99 to be the best let's get into the 101. so yeah the 101 um one of the things i like about the 101 is the hardness so while i said i like the softness what i do notice is that i have slightly more control and pop on a 101 it's just that once i start doing a lot of street skating i find it to be pretty unforgiving so the ground around here is just not smooth enough for me to make the most out of 101 which is why i like these okay so i've said most of what i have to say about these and we're going to get to a little session i had yesterday and then i'll get back to this in a minute let's get a little curved juice on here i don't even know what i just did there [Applause] it is really cold and windy today i think i'm getting warmed up enough to put my trucks on this thing [Applause] you know this sounds a little bit blamey i think venture highs are my least favorite slappy truck so far i don't know something about the geometry and maybe these square lock-ins is just like making it kind of hard to plow up this thing [Applause] seriously though like i have video proof this footage right here is on thunder 147s with 53 millimeter conical fulls weird combo but like every try [Applause] this is not every try hasn't been any try [Applause] yeah this is shocking what a weirdly bad combo this is but you know what it's a wicked ledge combo wicked tech combo so um yeah i don't really care about slappies that much but if you do care about slappies maybe avoid really square like really really square wheels and venture highs something to think about however i bet you with some like 54 millimeter classic shapes it'd be wicked [Applause] all right well that's enough of that curb i want to head into the skate park and do some stuff not sure if i'm going to film any more clips today but uh i got a little bit of trivia so this parking lot next to thompson skate park has actually been in a bunch of videos and it's got a pretty rad name so anyone who knows what this spot is and what videos it's been in start leaving your comments right now we'll show it at the end i'll show a couple quick little clips but yeah this used to be a famous spot where dudes would go and skate you know like after going and skating the skate ranch they'd come out here and uh so yeah this parking lot actually has some history anyways let's get to the rest of the skating in this video whenever and whatever it is [Music] i had a i had a quarter inch of grind on that one [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah fire's out [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so [Music] i've never done that trick here across the whole thing so ah that's kind of cool [Applause] oh i want it a little cleaner [Applause] you guys i'm done that uh that took everything out of me and my left leg from like balancing that whole time is so um sore but in a good way yeah there was way more tries than i showed you in this video you guys i spared you but i was working on a lot of this stuff for a long time and i gave you the highlights really quickly on another note too you guys it's really cool there's been a lot of people starting to skate this year uh this skate park is actually like on a regular basis pretty full of skaters somebody get that wally [Applause] so yep that was my session a couple days ago and uh some tricks i did and as you can see i was kind of working my way towards a kickflip crook but man i don't know i gotta just go like a lot faster and just commit to it and that ledge is like so sharp and pointy and it was so cold that day that i don't know i just wasn't into taking the spill okay but getting back to that thing i briefly mentioned um yeah the parking lot so yeah there was a lot of stuff that happened at that place i never got to skate it at least i don't think i did because i didn't live out in this end of town way back in the day but yeah it's been in a lot of videos i mean like eric costen i was surprised to see that and even though it's hard to tell because you know it looks like two totally different places it is the same place and those apartment buildings in the background are the same apartment buildings the trees are just way bigger because that was 25 years ago or more it was actually almost 30 years ago so anyways yep that is the eight parking lot okay before we go we are going to talk about one more thing about wheels and that is the spitfire classic formula 99 now i haven't ever tried the classic formula in 101 in recent memory so i don't know what it's like but this is totally different than a formula 499 so these feel like they have a little bit less rebound to me so when i'm riding over rougher ground they don't feel as smooth and like you know they just don't bounce the same it's like they're absorbing the speed instead of like gliding over it i've also noticed that these tend to be a lot stickier so you know or grippy if you like that sort of thing one place they work really well on is like masonite and they're not bad on skate light too so they definitely have more grip than a formula four if you're looking for that the downside to these is that they do flat spot pretty easy even after just like one kind of heavy street session i went back into a smooth park and these things even though i didn't have any big flat spots on them it felt like they just had about 20 teeny little ones like they just weren't riding smooth they didn't feel like a perfect circle anymore so for me and the way i skate i actually need formula fours because they're one of the only wheels that actually holds up to me anyways hopefully you guys got something out of this if you're wondering what the difference is between 101 and 99 yep 99 is my preference however if i lived somewhere really hot and the ground was smoother i would actually probably ride the 101. either way it doesn't make a big difference to me and i will take either one and ride them any time of year but if i had my druthers yes it's the 99 in the winter and the form and the 101 in the summer so anyways that's all that's my opinion okay so hopefully that wasn't an overwhelming amount of info and remember this is strictly for the formula four line um bones is going to be totally different my opinions on that things like ojs and ricta and all those wheels i haven't actually really tried much yet is going to be totally different so if i ever do get some experience on any of those other brands i'll be sure to make another 99 versus 101 all right and one last thing the 97a spitfire a quick little sneak preview so i don't actually have a set but my friend has a set and i did try it and what i would say about those is they are amazing for rougher ground they also have a little more grip so when i was skating his wooden mini ramp with like pretty slick masonite they had tons of grip on that but a little bit of slide when you need it and even on like you know kind of rougher sandpapery concrete i could still get them to slide pretty decently so um yeah just the quick little you know sneak review here i found them too soft for me so like i find when a wheel starts to get a little bit soft it messes up my timing and just doesn't feel quite the way i like it to but generally speaking if i lived somewhere with incredibly rough ground and rough spots then i think they'd be a really good choice so if you're wondering about those yeah they're smooth they still slide and they're a really nice feeling wheel just you know this side of too soft for me okay guys i'm finally done that's all i had to say in this video hopefully you got something out of it and yeah till the next one whatever and whenever it may be i want to say thanks for watching and you know hopefully you're doing awesome out there
Channel: Ben Degros
Views: 134,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skateboard, wheels, fastest, best, spitfire, bones, big, wide, setup, review, tutorial, Ben, Degros, easy, ollie, kickflip, grind, slide, trucks, deck, bearings, bushings, truck, venture, thunder, skate, ben, degros, flight deck, worst, good, bad, how to progress, how to progress at skateboarding, ledge, curb, rail, how to, heelflip, popshuv, shuvit, 5-0, tail, nose, treflip, tre flip, 360, 180, varial, varialflip, variel, switch, switchstance, crooked grind, crooked, fronside, smith grind, smithgrind, backside, durometer
Id: xUNpxgyfiQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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