90 Minute Skate Sessions GREAT FOR PROGRESSION!!!!

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the 90-minute session so this started from a conversation with my wife where we were talking about how her ballet is structured and also how my son's soccer is structured or football to the entire rest of the world but anyways the general idea is this that it sort of gets broken up into roughly thirty minute segments so both my son's soccer and my wife's ballet do this the first is the warm-up the second is the routine where they're working on everything and then the last it's usually the kids in the soccer are just playing so they go here play this game and then they're practicing all the things they were learning that day or in my wife's ballet for example she'll give them a new move to do that is beyond their capabilities but that they can now introduce and start to work on and what I realized is I actually do the same things intuitively in my skate sessions so I'm going to show you guys how my skate session tends to work out so first the warm-up and in this there's a bunch of low impact stuff where I'm just sort of getting a feel for how I'm gonna be performing that day [Music] I actually have a tendency to do that exact line with very little variation about five or six times [Applause] [Music] once I'm feeling limber enough then I kind of start on a routine of manuals and the manuals kind of help get my gravity center they help get my balance center after the manuals that's when I kind of start messing about on the ledges and maybe even getting into heel flips [Music] [Music] that's the warm-up and the warm up slowly transitions into my favorite part of the session which is routine and that's where I really start working on solidifying my tricks and part of the routine is also building confidence and seeing how you're going to be doing for the day to know if you're going to get to that next level and start pushing for tricks that are a little bit out of your limit some days though I never get out of the warm-up this is also the stage where I start assessing the ledges to see if I need to wax anything [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so if you can't tell this part the routine is all about repetition this is where I'm working on really solidifying my tricks so it's not good enough for me to just be like I got this trick I can land it I need to have it better I need to have it longer and the only way I'm going to be able to do those is to do it more and over and over and over I may not be able to do my tricks as impressively on this ledge however the difference is last year I was struggling to do my switch tail slides on the small one and this year I've worked on them so much that they are now in my routine the other two functions of the routine are the first one is it's satisfying you should be spending a certain amount of time doing the tricks you know how to do even if your ability level is simply competently riding around and maybe doing a few kick turns spend a good chunk of time doing that otherwise if every time you go out and skate you spend the majority of your time not landing tricks it can be a pretty frustrating experience unless of course you just like that but I need to land stuff it's in my nature I need to feel that competency the second and equally important part of the routine is when you're landing all your tricks what you're doing is you're building confidence you're gaining momentum think of it like the special meter in Tony Hawk pro skater when you keep landing stuff it gives you the confidence and the momentum to try and land those harder tricks this last phase of my skating is the least visually pleasing so I'm actually not gonna film me just missing a whole bunch of tricks that I'm trying what I'm gonna do is I'm going to show you guys a bunch of tricks that over the last year have graduated from the last sort of experimental stage into my routine stage [Applause] [Music] as you can see I don't have them dialed but they're definitely in my routine I'm usually doing them like at the end of a line or something I do a couple tricks to get the SPECIAL meter up and I'm like 50% more likely to land it in the middle of a line still in the experimental stage you guys ever see one of those at the end of my video is a clean one that's the first clean one I filmed done a couple decent ones off-camera [Applause] was that assigned to not try it or to try it one more time [Applause] most of them are kind of like that or some variation a little bit better but they're really frustrating and I get stuck on them and you gotta know when to fold them you guys may have noticed that I don't really do process videos very much where I show myself like working on something a lot and then maybe landing it and that's because I have like a super short attention span and can't watch anything like that so I don't usually make them anyways that's a super unsatisfying way to end the video so maybe I'll show you a couple other tricks that I'm working on but I'm not gonna try frontside Krueger grinds I will film some Noli ones though yet another example of why I don't film tricks I don't have in my routine yet well that's it you guys that's how I structure my sessions and don't freak out I know you should never tell skateboarders what to do and I'm not actually I'm just saying I think this is actually a good way to structure a session it works well for me it helps my personal progression I hope you guys found this useful I hope it wasn't too anticlimactic watching me miss all those tricks after in between my tricks I usually throw some flak around in there just to keep the special meter up and to not miss all the tricks I try [Music] that's literally me getting those back first day [Music] welcome back switch frontside heels welcome back I've missed them
Channel: Ben Degros
Views: 159,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skateboard, progress, old, older, over, 30, 40, 50, better, how to progress, how to progress at skateboarding, tutorial, ledge, curb, rail, ollie, easy, best, high, pop, how to, kickflip, heelflip, slide, board, popshuv, shuvit, 5-0, tail, nose, treflip, tre flip, 360, 180, varial, varialflip, variel, switch, switchstance, crooked grind, crooked, fronside, smith grind, smithgrind, backside
Id: QwWLX5xvDMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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