Stress analysis with Inventor

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hi and welcome to the video on carrying out stress analysis on on an engineering component the first thing I'd like you to do if you haven't done it already is to open up inventor we're going to be using Autodesk Inventor today there's an icon on your desktop you can just double click that and open that up and get that get that up and running I'm using a 2015 version which I just realized you're probably running a 20-17 version it's getting pretty similar there may be a few differences but I'm sure you can work them out so while that's running I would also like you to go to Moodle and if you go to to your courses scroll down into unit engineering design what I've done is I've put a component in this so this component is this anti-roll bar blade that we've been we've been talking about and all you'll need to do is simply click on here and it should just download that I part you can see it's it's an inventor part so that's in your downloads personally I like to save it to my desktop I think it's easier to find but um but it's up to you you can always you can always open it up open it up from from your downloads if you want to I can just copy just copy and paste it to your desktop if you want to do it I've already got about 6 of these in there where I've pasted it ok but that's basically what we're going to do is we're just going to download this part so we're going to go back to inventor which hopefully has opened up by nail and if you go up to the top left icon so this is kind of our Start button if you click that to open that we're going to open a part up later on we might look at creating a new part but now we're just going to open this part up so open click open I'm probably teaching the psychics here but but you never know I'm going to do it if we look at our desktop or our downloads we should find anti-roll bar blade so this inventor part we simply click to select you can either double click or or click open so this is a inventor is a big program it's it's graphics hungry it says its processor hungry so so it might just take a little while to load up and a lot of features it does a lot of things it's its equivalent of so leap works if you if you use SolidWorks before at the same sort of feel and you'll notice a lot of similarities with on the shape so they're trying to bring on shape up to this coding level so so this part will open up now and there we go so you can you can see we have our part you can also see in the tree how I created it but we don't look at that a little later the first thing I want to say is how we manipulate components in this environment it is similar to one shape but it has some slight differences so if I go to you for hopefully kind of sheet on this but if you want to zoom in and out use the mouse wheel same as on shape left button selects hold down the mouse wheel and drag to pain so that will move your left right up and down but the big difference is if you want to tumble it then you need to press shift and hold down the mouse wheel so it's not right click and drag okay so that's that's that's probably the big the big difference here the other thing is just to be careful of is it seems really fast it's very easy to lose your part zoom in and out I think I'll know it's gone I've lost it forever if that happens is it a like on on the right here which is zoom all will get you back click that it will bring the part back okay so remember it zooms in to wherever you're wherever your cursor is okay and if your cursors off to one side the part will zoom if you move the cursor you'll lose it lose it forever okay so this will bring it back okay so we've got our lovely engineering component here opened up and it is the anti-roll bar blade that we've been looking at so along the top here we have various different environments we can work in and we actually want to go to environments so we're going to open up environments and in here you can see a number of things so we can go to inventor studio where we can render you want to make some fancy pictures but we're going to do stress analysis so we're going to open up open up our stress analysis environment and at the moment there's there's nothing we can't get into anything it seems a bit strange because we want to create a simulation so we're going to open this up and we don't really need to change anything for what what we're going to do here if you want to call it something different just so you can find it if you want to call it into anti-roll bar doesn't really matter we're just going to say okay so we're going to create this new this new simulation for it now we can we have all these options here to do this and also we have on we don't have our tree part tree working in here and the next thing we're going to do is we're going to assign a material to this component at the moment it's just a generic solid it is it doesn't really have any material that that exists okay so we're going to click on assign materials and that should hopefully open up so at the moment as you can see it's made of generic inventor material so we want to set it to a material so you click materials and what will happen is will open up a whole range of materials and if we if we hover on them so you can have copper gold if you want you can make a gold anti-roll bar it sort of vaguely simulates what it might look like with this I know can have a clear one polycarbonate we wanted but if any roll bar is made from one from an alloy steel now we can't put this on directly so what we need to do is we need to add this to our our document materials so we're simply going to click and drag this up here and it now gives us an alloy steel option and if we then click that to select it's now turned this into alloy steel and it does a lot more than just look like or vaguely look like an oyster it's now going to calculate using the properties of that material so later on if you want to you can try changing the materials and see what happens to it as we put loads on it so it will literally simulate what happens when you load it up for that material okay so we just know we just just closed that down and say ok as you can see now it's changed into analyst steel and that's what we can do and we can create our own custom materials if we know sort of these young's modulus and things like that of the material we could assign it any material we want ok so it's now set our material the next thing we need to do is constraining it so we're going to put a load on it we're going to try and bend this bar so we need to hold it at one point and then we're going to put a load in other place so we need to consider where we're going to where we're going to hold it and this section here screws into the mounting on the end of there on the end of the the anti-roll bar itself so effectively we're going to hold this area here so we can have different kinds of constraints we're going to append constraint frictionless constraint if it was something that could still want to move around a little bit but we're going to fix it down so we're simply going to click fix constraint and it's asking us for a location and what I would suggest is that we're going to put a location on here doesn't really matter too much somewhere around on this face here all right so we say apply we've just have to actually apply that now now we've done it when it's accepted that so we closed that down doesn't look like much has happened but we actually actually have this constraint and if we open up the little bar a little tree here if we hover on fixed constraint we can see where we've constrained it okay so now we're going to apply a load to this to this blade and what we're going to do is we're going to apply a load to this end so if we click on force so we apply force to this it's asking us for the first of all for our location so a location is going to be that the tip of this the tip of this blade doesn't we do it on the tip okay and the next thing it asks our direction and we have to actually select tell you that so we click on here to say yes I'm going to tell you a direction and what it wants is either going to apply it normal to a face so 90 degrees to a face or in line with a line that we select in this case I'm going to select this line here this edge as you can see now it shows us the direction sorry it's in theories is the blade in its stiffest mind and then we also then going to select the size of the load and I'm going to put 500 Newton's on this so approximately 50 kilos I click apply as I think about it and it says it's okay it's not very intuitive to say cancel but effectively they're gonna cancel it so if we also look at our load we have our we have our load set in here if we hover on it you can see it highlights the highlights our load so now we've set up our simulation environment and we can actually click simulate so if I now say go and then run it's going to start crunching lots of numbers it's not hugely difficult simulation but it takes a little bit of calculation for it to think about it and there we go so we can see the results of this load that we've that we've put on here and we have a number of different types of stress that we can apply to this so it's showing us it's showing us around little Fitness so it's showing us where the areas of highest stress are and Ready's so red is our maximum stress as you can see but that's where it's constrained this is the point of greatest leave would you consider the moments we're effectively taking moments about this point here so this is this is our high stress and this is our lowest stress so that's that's interesting as we can see the stress but what I particularly want to look at here is I want to know how much this is going to deflect by so I'm going to click on displacement and we can see here how far it's displaced and now our chart has changed to distance and the maximum displacement is 2.3 millimeters which not surprisingly is is on the end so when we put a 500 you close on this bar it will move by it by 2.3 millimeters as we can see quite understandably the displacement gets less and less and less towards the end now we have a number of things we can we can do we can probe here to give us our maximum value which is not surprising here cause on the end we can also do things like we can animate it so if you really wanted to have a look at what's happening we can animate this now and if you have something which is more complex particularly so we can actually watch it watch it deflecting so we're quite powerful and this is often known as finite element analysis so what what it does to calculate this it breaks it down into lots of little triangles that's what it does is working out all the stresses in these little triangles so these are all the elements of it and we can create a finer mesh if we want to make more accurate and I get rid of that for a second and then we can also look at the safety factor so it can tell us whether we are whether this is likely to break a lot so if we have a safety factor of less than one it will probably break and this really gets particularly if we look at the minimum mania listen it's just probe the minimum so the minimum is around here that really doesn't like that now in the real world that's that's just because through a lot of pressure on it okay but as long as there's nowhere along here so everywhere else along here is going to be in the order of sort of about three or more so it's plenty strong enough in theory if we made this out of some softer material we might get problems with it right okay but it's really nice we can see the stress and the safety load and distribution on this as as we bend it so we spoke earlier about this being an adjustable device so what we want to do is look at the other extreme so this is in its stiffest setting and if we go back now and we we look at our force if we double-click on our force here we can edit edit this force so in fact what I want to do is it's probably easier just to if I right-click on it I can just delete it and I'll set it up again so if we click force now the location is again going to be on the tip of this blade but the direction is going to be at 90 degrees to it so I'm going to click this face and now you can see it's slightly offset but it's actually going 90 degrees so it's going across it in its is weakest direction I'm going to put the same load on it 500 Newtons apply that force and we're going to run the simulation again and we're going to see there's differences particularly difference in deflection that'sthat's really what I'm looking at with this component if I remember to click run edit crunch the numbers and now it it kind of defaults to what it shows you so it may not look like it's it's been a little more but it exaggerated the amount it bends because otherwise if something's moves such a small amount that you can't actually tell it's move so it will exaggerate that if we look at a displacement now what we can see is whereas before it was about was about two and a half millimeters now the deflection is 26 millimeters so it's about an inch so that's a huge difference in deflection so this is this is the range with the range we have so this this section there is going with a big deflection so again I can if I want I can I can animate this it's not going to look a lot different so actually because it tries to bring it within a certain bring it within a certain range and again we can look at the safety factor we can look at the stresses in this as principal so we can see that the stresses and the shape of the blade it's tapered so that hopefully we bring the stress we even it out rather than just making a very high stress point here as you can see there's a reasonably gradual shape we can't do it perfectly and again we can look at safety factor actually it doesn't like that very much we are we are pushing this material to be honest we're making it do things it doesn't really like to do but but hey that's that's that's kind of what we're here for is to is to push things in the extreme okay so have a play with that you can change the material that's that's quite interesting if you want to change your material see what see what happens with them with different materials or you can move on to the next video and that'll just show you quickly how to draw your own path just a very simple lump if you like and and so you can put it in and you can try it and see it and see it for yourself okay
Channel: Gary May
Views: 41,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CAD, Inventor, Stress, FEA
Id: hKneLgOB-Xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2017
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