Conducting Stress Analysis in Autodesk® Inventor®

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good morning everyone and thank you for attending today's webcast Autodesk Inventor stress analysis product overview our presenter today is Kevin Bosch he's an MCAD solutions engineer with Hagerman and company we're also joined on the line by Kendrick Cooper to help field questions kindred is a solutions engineer with Hagerman and company as well before we get started I'll let you know that you're in listening only mode if you have questions during the presentation you can type them into the question panel on the right hand side of your screen and they'll be addressed throughout by kindred and at the end Kevin will go over some as well all registrants will receive a follow-up email containing a link for the recording of this presentation and with that I'm going to hand things over to come in welcome everyone and and thank you for registering for this webinar here's our agenda for today our goal today is to review some of the product design challenges and help you understand how Autodesk digital prototyping solutions and portfolio of simulation products can help meet your business challenges more importantly we'll dive into learning about the key benefits of Autodesk Inventor stress analysis and hear about other products such as nastya and in cad and simulation CFD Autodesk Digital prototyping is an innovative way for you to explore your ideas before they're even built it's a way for team members to collaborate across disciplines and it's a way for individuals and companies of all sizes to get great products to market faster than ever before from concept through design manufacturing marketing and beyond Autodesk Digital prototyping streamlines the product development process from start to finish that's one of the beginning steps of that that portfolio Autodesk Inventor professional includes stress analysis dynamic simulation and frame analysis a stress analysis can help you find the best design alternatives for a part or assembly early in the design development you can ensure that designs performed satisfactorily under the expected use without breaking or deforming with dynamic simulation in the assembly environment the intent is to build a functional mechanism dynamic simulation adds to that functional mechanism that the dynamic real world influences of various kinds of loads to create a true kinematic chain and finally the frame analysis overview you're able to understand the structural integrity of a given frame regarding deformation and stresses when subjected to various loading and constraints these tools are embedded in Autodesk Inventor professional by offering this embedded workflow Autodesk Inventor stress stress analysis streamlines processes helping you maintain your productivity and then and eliminate compatibility issues while equipping you with the integrated tool designed for all skill levels that delivers powerful FVA technology while keeping the familiarity ease of use integration and associativity of your CAD system with regard to ease of use stress analysis reduces the need for multiple single platform simulation technologies by embedding Fe a technology directly into Autodesk Inventor software enabling its solid and surface surface modeling capabilities to provide Fe a pre and post-processing there's a familiar interface in workflow a single window CAD Fe a experience provides the same look feel menu and tree type structure of your CAD system when you develop your Fe a model enabling a workflow conducive to frequent use of simulation for small changes to products that you typically couldn't make before integrated with powerful cran CAD translation tools this reduces your learning curve helps you maintain productivity and eliminate compatibility issues arising from importing CAD models into different FBA platforms rapidly explore how design iterations perform without recreating the setup for each modification and finally there's there's true part geometry associativity part geometry data is accessed directly through your cad system and features this true associativity so you can easily make changes to your model without having to duplicate the work for validation explore what-if scenarios easily with full associativity of FAA and CAD data and validate your concepts Autodesk Inventor professional stress analysis provides two different types of analysis static analysis evaluating structural loads and conditions and modal analysis that evaluates natural frequency modes including rigid body movements the setup for a stress analysis is relatively simple first we set our expectations eliminate the physical behavior using a conceptual model in the pre-processing step we define our material and boundary conditions our loads our constraints and specify contact conditions and mesh preferences in the solving step we run the simulation to solve the mathematical representation and generate the solution the part is divided into smaller elements the solver adds up the individual behaviors of each element and it predicts the entire physical system by resolving a set of simultaneous algebraic equations in the post-processing step we display and evaluate the results post-processing is the study of the results of the solution and the improve inputs phase of the process in conclusion we look at at these results do they meet our expectations if the answer is yes then our analysis is done if the answer is no we can modify the inputs to improve the results to modify those we can reduce geometry that's complex we can remove questionable geometry tight corners radii whatever we can change loads and can strains change the analysis type and so on the refinement is a highly iterative process you slide over to the Autodesk Inventor software here and let's see there we go what we have here is a a airbag from a rail system and the goal here is to analyze this lifting jig can this jig handle this this airbag pulling it out for maintenance the airbag itself weighs about 150 pounds or so a little little more so we want to put this kind of load on it and make sure that that our design is going to be able to handle that load we're also going to take this just a little bit further and do what's known as a parametric study how can we make this lighter how can we make it better we'll look at some different options for that so our first step is really to go into the stress analysis stress analysis environment and on inventor's environments tab we can select stress analysis and we'll go ahead and create our our design study the first thing that we want to look at I'm going to just change this name I want to change my objective to be a parametric dimension we're going to change some some model parameters here and look at those differences and all or how our parts are going to come they're going to be created and the most common type of contact we've got a few different options here we come in now as far as the model itself is concerned oftentimes we want to simplify what we're looking at so we don't necessarily need to look at this entire model we can come in and choose different design representations if we want to different levels of detail or positional representations in this case I'm actually going to exclude some components right from the study itself so just over here in the browser I can come through and and select a few items and just simply exclude those we don't need to calculate those we don't need to to look at those a few others here let's see and our handle we can exclude those from the study so we've got that part set up typically our next step would be to go into the materials area and assign our materials in this particular case the things that we're going to be looking at already have materials assigned we see some areas here that that are just using the generic material we can override that if we so desired and we can see our list of different materials here in this case we're not looking at those so these are set up pretty well we can change our material type or our material library if we so desire we have that ability as well we need to set our constraints and this is simply tied down right here at this at this little lug we'll go ahead and apply that and we need to add our load so we're just going to do a load of basically 780 Newton's that calculates out our mass and gravity and since we've put it both of these flanges here that separates that entire load out over both of those areas our next step is to actually look at our contacts how our parts are coming together and to do this I'm going to use the automatic contact tool first go ahead go ahead and let that run through and that creates a series of bonded contacts for us now it's it's a pretty comprehensive tool and often times it will take some things that we don't necessarily need to have so we can come in and look at some of these contacts and and see if we actually need them and and we can kind of see there's a tube here that's got some edges and we really don't need contacts there so we can suppress that I think I've got that set up in the outer clamp as well let's see here there we are you can pull those out and then lastly we've got some fasteners here throughout the throughout the setup that actually need to have a different type of contact so we can we can spread these out very quickly select those and just a simple right click and edit we can change to a different type of contact and that is our setup it's it's ready to ready to go through now what I'm going to do in our next step is just look at the types of elements that are going to be automatically created in our mesh view we do have some controls for the size of those elements or if we need to get in and tighten up elements in a specific area or maybe spread out elements in a specific area we have those controls within the software this meshes out pretty well so we can pretty we can leave that one and we'll go ahead and run the simulations relatively quickly we do see a couple of warnings that that there's some components that could spread off or slide off we'll take a look and and what the software does is Attucks offspring you see these probe fly let's see let's go ahead and turn off our probes in machs and as we switched our display maybe we go from von mises to displacement maybe we look at the safety factor we can see where these were these probes go we can review stress within a given plane relatively simple nothing terribly complicated about it as I said our our main goal here is to set up a parametric design or an optimized design so we have this parametric table and I'm going to spread this out just a little bit so we can we can see some things that are being added here we have some in constraints that we want to look at just a simple right-click allows me to bring up a menu of these constraints we'll look at our mass and let's say displacement and maybe our safety factor and I want to set some some maximum and minimum values or our maximum displacement I don't want to go above 0.2 millimeters our minimum I don't want to go below a safety factor of 4 and now I need to look at the model parameters that I want to be able to adjust so once again I can go back into my model tree what we're primarily going to be looking at are these link arms right here and I'll go ahead and select show parameters for those and we've got a series of user parameters the thickness of the link arm the slot thickness we'll see a little slot in there in the arm there it's with the number of slots and and their spacing so we'll set all of these these are our slots kind of looks like a hole there but we can adjust that with our parameters we can come in and set either static values that we want to look at we can we can adjust and set a range of values if we so desire and then how many iterations within that range so I my range is 1 to 9 and I want to see 5 iterations within that range and I'll do one last setting for our slot spacing here now as we look at this I think I'll change my view let's slide this down just a little bit let's look at displacement and if I want let's say our number of our number of slots so the amount of slots that we've got in an arm if I simply take my little slider here and move it off to the side you'll note that it says hey this is not available that simply means that this iteration hasn't been calculated yet well I can come right back to simulate and I've got some options the default when I've got a setup like this is to run a smart set basically ten different configurations that we can look at I also have the ability to run the exhaustive set so that full set of configurations or I can run this one only and just simply running this one it takes about as much time as it as it would for just the initial the initial run once again it's going to pop and show us those those little errors there are warnings I should say they're not early errors the model law or the software fixes that but very quickly we can see that it that it makes that change for us now I've got got this model completed I click the close button just a little bit too quick it's going to come up and ask me if I'm sure I want to close this and no I do not there we go let's see yeah I've got this one completed running that exhaustive set takes takes a you know pretty significant amount of time for this particular set up with my system it was I don't know 20 25 minutes obviously that depends on your system the complexity of your analysis there's a lot of different factors that go into that but I can't come in here go back to that parametric study and once again just pulling through and looking at different possibilities I can view the results for those possibilities if I want to safety factors so on and so forth I can pull in my min max flags I can actually come in and say hey you know what what is the least or minimum mass that I can look at and it will show me what that design is not something that I would care for I might come back and change the count or something to that effect but we can see all of these things and all of these different possibilities in a relatively quick setup there are a number of different types of analysis that you can do obviously we talked about we talked about the modal analysis we can talk them we can copy this and change our loads maybe added an additional load or reduce that load we could have come through and added in added different parameters for our various parts all of these things can be done let me let me switch back over here just a minute another tool there's there's Oh gracious almost a hundred folks here looking at this I'm betting that some of you really want to take your analysis a little bit deeper so Autodesk has has provided Nastran in CAD it does work directly in the software much like inventor professional does you can see some of the similarities here on the left some of the things where where inventor professional and nasty and line up on the right we can see the differences things like heat transfer some differences in in linear structural as well as nonlinear structural some post-processing differences there are quite a few things that master and in CAD can do beyond the capabilities of inventor professional as we look at this kind of an in a basic analysis sense inventor professional is is primarily about linear static analysis as well as normal modes analysis nasty and in CAD certainly can do those but also we can look at buckling and assess the statement stability under under given loads examine structures for sudden failure modes caused by a comprehensive forces critical loads and mode shapes or linear and nonlinear initial stress we could look at pre-stress static and normal modes this enables engineers to analyze structures subjected to initial stress and model the effect of the initial stress state under structures displacement stresses and modes we can look at linear steady state heat transfer using the principles of conduction and convection heat transfer engineers can examine designs for equilibrium equilibrium temperature distribution we can review composites providing easy straightforward handling of complex ply data we can look at additional modeling contacts we've seen some of these with with inventor stress analysis but NASA and intend care goes beyond analyzing individual parts real world simulation of assemblies as possible with sophisticated modeling of different kinds of contact interactions including sliding friction and weld contact types and within basic analysis we can also look at thermal stress and this supports the analysis of structures subjected to a thermal load we can go even deeper in the advanced analysis within Nastran and CAD looking at nonlinear static computes solutions such as large displacement rotation large strain plasticity hyperelasticity and creep nonlinear steady straight steady state heat transfers solves heat transfer problems with nonlinear thermal boundary conditions such as temperature dependent thermal properties linear and nonlinear transit random response frequency response nonlinear transit heat transfer solving transfer problems with nonlinear thermal boundary conditions automated impact analysis and drop test sophisticated treatment provides realistic and meaningful impact of drop test simulations the only inputs required our project velocity and and acceleration and then finally advanced nonlinear materials the solver kaftan captures complex nonlinear phenomena such as plasticity hyperelastic elasticity shape memory effects this enables analysis to model a wide range of materials from metals and shape-memory alloys to rubbers and soft tissues some of the additional simulation products include CFD their simulation CFD for fluid flows mold flow for plastic mold filling composite analysis and design for varying various types of materials as well as building structure analysis some of the the additional seminars live seminars that are coming up simulation in the future of making things in our San Jose office and in September as well as a couple of simulation live demos in our Atlanta and st. Louis office September 13th and and 20th you can look for more information on the Hagman site for those we've got some additional webinars coming up CFD for for AEC will be looking specifically at hospitals and healthcare facilities and air flow within those structures FAA it doesn't have to be difficult I know that I saw that Martin was going to be on here I think this is going to involve a strain in CAD that's in September and then we've got simulation for SolidWorks users in October for more information just additional resources sim hub at simulation TV and and there's a Resource Center as well as discussion forums event listings for four different webinars and training classes some additional learning resources and you certainly have the ability to ask some questions up there plenty of different opportunities for for training Hagerman offers classes for inventor stress analysis as well as master and in cad simulation CFD and all of the tools have some some really interesting tutorials a great place to start - to get your feet wet with these with these simulation tools i won't i won't bore you too much longer we'll be glad to answer some questions here but if you do have have some more questions if you'd like a personal demonstration or a deeper demonstration please contact your account manager you can also contact martin Craig he's our he's our simulation business manager and last but not least you can reach out to me but if I win the lottery tomorrow I'm probably not going to be here so we'll you know I just wanted to give you some some extra options there so that is that is what I have Kendra do you have a list of questions there yeah Kevin there were there's only been two questions come in so far the first one I addressed and it was regarding gravity and when to specify gravity okay for the general masses I kind of answered it in the sense of if you ever in doubt whether or not gravity has an effect on your results it's always best practice to specify gravity and the direction the last question I thought I would leave for you to answer openly and the question is can we do FBA analysis on rubber extrusions the stress analysis within inventor so inventor stress analysis tool that we're looking at here does not do that within a strand in CAD it does handle those nonlinear materials so it would we could definitely do that with that tool they get our future webinar with that will will definitely get into those know do I need to add you think there's anything any more than I need to add Kendra's there's a lot of there's a lot of materials out there that can be analyzed under a linear condition under a very small limited window would materials would be one their linear up to a very small point in and they quickly become nonlinear and quickly fail one thing I've always addressed with anyone looking at nonlinear materials is just about every material on the planet is nonlinear beyond a point including steel but any rubberized materials polymers plastics all of those are gonna be nonlinear and any results you try to do in inventor are going to be inaccurate at best because the nonlinear behavior let's see that is correct mr. Patel they the the current tools built within the inventor software do not provide FA analysis for for the rubber extrusions that would require the Nastran in CAD which is in and operates very similarly to to simulation or inventor simulation the process that you've seen is is very similar but it does have the capability to handle those and let's see missing warn on yeah go ahead go ahead Kendra I was going to to address his question John is asking what about simulation of thin diaphragms 2007 it's thick one and 1/8 inch in diameter the very fine line you have to walk when you're working with thin walled parts a lot of the analysis packages out there approach thin walled parts very very carefully depends on the loading conditions the constraint conditions it's something to look at we've had a lot of success with thin walled parts and then depending on the configuration of the part if you've got a very thin walled Potter it's in cross-section yet the overall length of the part is maybe 40 feet and the cross-section is 2 inches by 3 inches that gets into another realm of a very very complicated analysis and you have to approach the results very carefully and that's with pretty much any Fe a package out there so looking at a diaphragm like that just based on those dimensions not knowing the other details I'll go out on the limb and say you should be able to but obviously it's going to depend on the situation the loading conditions and constraining ya material types yeah exactly let's see is it possible to simulate an increasing load until the point of failure to watch the loading of stresses throughout the part there is some possibility with that that would be I believe more in the dynamic simulation side the I guess the limitation is it is the limitation would be that it is part specific am I right about that candidate am I saying that correctly it is there's a couple of gotchas you got to kind of watch out for when you're getting into a dynamic loading situation the dynamic stimuli the kinetic engine can help you define those loading points in time and you can watch that snapshot in time and yon to answer your question yes that is in the winter Pro yes any other questions I'd like to like to encourage you guys to reach out to us if you're interested in learning more about about inventor stress analysis we we do offer those classes looks like we've got a few other questions that are coming in here let's see the mark to answer your question when looking at the results what are the the planes being referenced to example X distance there's no UCS for reference that would be to the Assemblies UCS so let me switch over to - inventor here let's see there we go well don't see the ucs in this particular view there is a UCS apparently I've got my symbol turned off but there is a UCS within within this this this origin plane of XY and Z within the assembly itself and can force be parametrized do you know what kindred I don't know the answer to that one do you and inventor pro I do not believe it can and Nash Tran I'm not sure we'd have to look that up and see if we can find a way to do that yeah yeah we'll have to check that one out I'm gonna I'm gonna bet my salary and say I don't think so anything a pro but we'll see I would say well any and even just thinking about it what we can do is copy designs to change that force yeah creating different design scenarios so let's see once again regarding tutorials we've got there are definitely some some tutorials about stress analysis within the tutorial archive frame analysis we see that in there these don't go quite as deep as our classes do and obviously with Nestor and in CAD that has some tutorials as well but those classes are very very informative and very helpful any other questions at this point it looks like that all of them I see someone with a raised hand there it does look like that's uh that's what we see yeah it looks like that's it Kevin um but thank you so much for the presentation it was great this will conclude our broadcast for now if you have additional questions you can simply reply to the confirmation or reminder email you receive from GoToWebinar we can route those to the appropriate parties Kevin or Martin or kindred or whoever you need to go to to get those questions answered there will be a short survey when the session closes down and we do ask that you take a few moments to fill that out we would appreciate it and otherwise thank you for attending today's webcast and have a great day everyone yes thank you
Channel: Hagerman & Company, Inc.
Views: 11,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: finite element analysis tools, finite element analysis solution, stress analysis in autodesk inventor
Id: L2LtzqngLoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 54sec (2214 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2016
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