AutoDesk Inventor 2017 : 13 : Stress Analysis

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okay so we're going to go ahead and take a look at stress analysis inside in vender 2017 okay so we're going to do the drop down and part and we're going to go ahead to just create a new 2d sketch as usual yes we're going to take a 2d sketch do a rectangle right in this case we're going to mention this rectangle to be let's say that we're going to do it three inches wide oops zoom all to see the whole thing and we're going to make it we're going to go ahead and make it a 24 inches long all right okay so we have a rectangle we're going to go finish sketch and now we're going to go to extrude so we're going to go ahead and extrude this out and we're going to make it to be 1.5 inches tall all right there we go okay now the next thing we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and shell and the shell is going to be the shell is going to be 3/8 of an inch I'm going to click okay so we're there we have essentially we have a piece of oak channel not a piece of oak channel aluminum right but but Oh Channel nonetheless alright so uh okay so we got our IP team all right now we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and we're going to go into the stress analysis tool okay so there's the stress analysis if you to exit European if you see where I'm at so I'm on the 3d menu it's all the way over to the right right here is stress analysis simulation okay alright so the very first thing we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and create study okay and all we want to do you can look through these you mean you can look up the stuff is this kind of an introductory video okay so you can go ahead and look up although all the items there okay a couple things need to happen for us to do this stress analysis okay the first thing we need to do is assign a material so we can right click on this and we can do assign materials in this case see the original materials generic we're going to override the material as aluminum welded okay we're going to click OK alright now we're going to assume that that we are going to to attach this on both ends okay we're going to assume that we're going to weld it all right so we're going to go ahead and do this fix constraint so the problem is it to a ploy of apply a force we have to have it constrained in some areas okay now we have an option here notice how I can just do this whole face or I can do each individual edge like this see I can do these edges okay you know it's up to you however you know you think best represents so what will be happening with your your your actual piece I think it bears you know some some investigation obviously okay so I'm going to continue to add these constraints right so this is a situation where we've welded all around the outside of this aluminum bar okay alright so we have our constraints done we have our materials done and now we're going to go ahead and do our load okay and now in this first one we're just going to go ahead and do a force alright so we're going to go ahead and click on force we want it just kind of on the top here whoops you want to just kind of on the top so we're going to add and click alright there's our force we need a magnitude right in the directions the directions is down and the force is going to be a hundred pounds okay we're going to go ahead and click apply all right so there we have it we have our constraints we have our materials you can see your material we have their loads you know what I might not have put the constraints on because I should be seeing those right now so let's just go ahead and do the constraints again just real quick okay we got our constraints and okay alright so now we have everything assigned here we got our constraints and notice when I click down we got our fixed constraint okay so now it's time to go ahead and simulate alright so we go ahead and go ahead and click simulate and run okay that's simulate but in the middle and run okay so we got our deflection we get our you know our forces that occurred right or sorry our deflection that occurred all right so that's our simulation right there now another cool feature of Autodesk Inventor is that we can actually animate this okay so we can click on animate we can click play okay and notice that I can really I click OK I can really get in here right so I can go ahead I can um I can zoom and pan and kind of get it all set up where I like it I can animate alright okay and then I can what I can do is I can go ahead and click Save so I can do study result and then I can save it to My Documents oops My Documents is empty here because let's just go ahead and save the desktop okay there's a survey results ok our compressor here I like to h.264 that's that's me but you choose what you compress or you like if you don't know about a choose h.264 it's just an mp4 compressor right ok so let's go ahead and take a look at what happened so we got our study result here I'm going to double click it I just opened up you know my desktop but double click the AVI and hopefully it's going to open up in gham player okay so here we go so here's our resulting uh okay so that was our resulting video right if we go ahead and open it it plays and whatever player that you have done on your system there nevermind the error message there okay so there we have it so we can also I'm going to go ahead and click OK so we can also do a couple of other things here all right so let's go ahead and take out the constraint or sorry let's go ahead and delete our constraints let's go ahead and delete our force and let's go ahead and apply a moment here okay so we're going to go ahead and comply Fick do fix constraints again this time we're going to say that we are just welding one side of it okay and we're going to apply we're going to apply a twisting force okay so we're going to provide moment all right so basically we're going to go ahead and click on the side that is a parallel to the moment that we're applying okay in this case I want to twist away from our while we're weld over here and I'm going to go ahead and click and I'm going to go ahead and give it a pound force inches right so I'm going to say a hundred and I'm going to click OK alright now let's go ahead and simulate again alright and we're going to run it okay and notice now this time our force has been applied in a twisting motion and to really understand it let's go ahead and animate it okay all right and we can go ahead and save it if we like you can also slow it down right you can also make it more steps so let's say we want fifty steps right or 20 steps I want it normal okay so that is our overview of the of the stress analysis feature and Autodesk's 2017 of course there's a lot more here so you should go ahead and read the documentation the help features are amazing in here so if you just go ahead and highlight you can really just read a lot of the help right directly from the interface which is fantastic okay so good luck with stress analysis
Channel: Education Public
Views: 154,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AutodeskInventor2017, BasicStressAnalysis
Id: teyRroZcX7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2016
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