Autodesk Inventor 2021 : 0 : Basics in 30 Min

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hi so we're an Autodesk Inventor and we're gonna go through the basics of Autodesk Inventor and kind of one shot here so so in honors convened we have a part assembly drawings and presentations parts if parts and assemblies if you can imagine a keyboard on a keyboard each key is a part an assembly would be the entire keyboard put together okay a drawing is unlike an orthographic multi-view drawing those are generated from parts and assemblies and then finally a presentation is a video like an exploding part video that we can show the things we're creating kind of in action okay let's go ahead and create a part the easiest way to do that is to do a drop down menu and notice that all of our different types of files are right here so let's create the part okay parts are made from 3d features okay and to make a 3d feature we need a 2d sketch and then we're going to apply a 3d feature to it okay so let's click start 2d sketch all right now we're in 3d mode right now when we're making a part one of the most confusing things is discerning whether you are in 3d mode or 2d mode okay so so right now we're in three mode we see extrude revolve all the 3d features once I click the start sketch I select an origin plane and click now we're in sketch mode okay notice that we have sketch one here that everything else is grayed out only sketch one is highlighted we see the finished sketch button we see that the sketch tab is highlighted and it's you know and that's is we've switched to the sketch tab and we also see these gridlines okay all right so we're going to go ahead and make a rectangle here okay so click move the mouse left click again and then we're going to dimension so we always dimension immediately after we click the dimension tool click move the mouse up click again we're gonna make this six inches okay if you lose notice that we just lost the rectangle I went off the screen in order to get everything we're drawing back on the screen we use the zoom all button so go over to the right hand corner right hand side here and click zoom all okay we're going to go ahead and dimension the other side so we click move the click again this time we're gonna create a dimension that is going to be a parametric dimension so this means that we are going to base the dimension on a formula ok so rather than put in a number here we're going to click another dimension okay so that was d0 that's the variable name and then we're going to divide that by 2 and hit we can hit the green check or click enter ok notice that that function now resulted in 3 inches so we had 6 divided by 2 is 3 and that's the that is the dimension for the height of the rectangle okay in order to have a hole in our rectangular solid we're going to go ahead and add a circle so we're going to go ahead and click the circle move up and click again this circle is going to be two inches in diameter okay and in order to get the circle into the center of the of the rectangle we're going to click on the circle whoops we're gonna click the dimension tool sorry about that and we're going to click up from the circle to the top of the rectangle move it over and then we're actually going to do the same thing so we're going to click on the the height of the rectangle which is d1 we're gonna divide by 2 and hit enter okay we're gonna do the same thing from the side so click on the circle move over to the side move down click again and we're gonna make this the width divided by 2 okay we're gonna click the green check and finish sketch okay um so so we're going to go ahead and extrude so if we click extrude here notice we have more than one 2d area we can select any 2d area so here's one here's one or we can do both so the first thing we're doing notice on the extrude dialog we have two arrows here so that means we have to select two things and interestingly enough on this dialog we selected one and actually selects it both for us and then we can go ahead and do the distance for the extrude in this case point five and we're going to go ahead and click OK all right um the next thing we're gonna do is create a second sketch so let's go ahead and do start 2d sketch click start 2d sketch and after we do our first sketch all subsequent sketches are put on to the surfaces of the object so we're going to click the side of the of the existing object now in this object what we're going to do is we're going to create a rectangle in the object so we're gonna click on here and click over right click okay now you should be dimensioning all this for the purposes of time I'm not gonna I'm gonna stop dimensioning right now so so we're gonna go ahead and finish sketch and we're going to go ahead and click extrude notice extrude we can either cut or we can either take add material or we can cut so if I click cut and then on the distance if we just go to next notice that that gets us to the next face which is this this the edge of the circle there I can also select too and then I can go select a face and click OK alright and that gets us this this hole through the middle of our object okay um so that is the basics of 3d modeling ok each of these each of these tools works in the same way where you're creating a new sketch you finish the sketch and then you apply a 3d feature to that sketch ok and you can explore that on your own ok so we've created our part we haven't saved it yet so let's go ahead and save it so so we're gonna go ahead and create a project folder when you're starting out your you want to keep everything inside of one folder ok so we're going to call this we're going to call this peg toy top and save okay so we want to so we've created a part and now we want to create an assembly so we needed to create a couple of more parts to demonstrate our assembly so let's go ahead and we're going to do the drop down do part and we're going to go ahead and do a start a 2d sketch click we're gonna start TV sketch click on the plane we're gonna create a circle in general you should start from the origin so we're gonna click on the origin we're gonna move out we're gonna dimension this to be two inches okay we're going to finish sketch then we're going to extrude sir click extrude it's going to automatically select the this closed area of the 2d sketch we're gonna change this to be six inches and click OK okay we're gonna go ahead and save this off by clicking the Save icon and we're gonna call this painting toy peg I'm going to go ahead and click Save okay the final final IPT here we're gonna go ahead and do the drop down and click part okay we're gonna click on start 2d sketch move over left click on the on the XY plane or sorry XZ plane and we're going to go ahead and create a rectangle okay the dimension for this we're going to go ahead and make this three inches across and we're gonna we lost it we're gonna click the zoom all on the right staying in the dimensioning tool we're going to click move the mouse over click again and we're going to make this six inches and then we're going to go ahead and finish Sketchup at the top okay so the next thing we're going to do is click on extrude we're going to extrude it a half an inch it's gonna be a simple extrusion and then we're going to go ahead and click okay we're gonna save this off as peg toy side okay for our purposes now I'm gonna go ahead and close these IPTS okay and we're going to go ahead and create our next file type and that's an assembly so we're gonna do with a drop-down menu click assembly okay and an assembly remember that an assembly doesn't store any information about the parts themselves all an assembly does is finds the part file opens it and positions it relative to other part files okay so they all have to be stored in a folder or at least the assembly has to find where the part is located okay for our purposes we're gonna go ahead and save it off first notice that we go to all file types we can get the name okay we're just gonna call this peg toy and then we change it back to I am so peg toy I am and save we're going to go ahead and do the drop down to place from content center instead we're going to select place we're going to select the first the first one we're going to select here is in the wrong folder the first thing we're going to select is that is the object that most things are going to attach to in this case the peg toy top so we're gonna click peg toy top and click open when we're placing an assembly notice that I can rotate the cube by clicking and dragging and I can click I can also zoom wheel out to scroll and I can continue to click as I need more parts when I'm finished I right-click and click OK I can also right-click on parts and delete right-click and delete okay so I'm gonna go ahead and get all of my parts in here just initially because there's so few parts so I'm going to go ahead and click place I'm gonna get the peg toy side click click to place click to place again right click ok click on place one more time and I'm gonna get the peg toy peg click open and click to place right click okay alright so now we're gonna go ahead and once we have everything in here it's a bit helpful if we go ahead and select everything right click on one of these and then click I property x' okay we're gonna go over to occurence and we're gonna click on degrees of freedom and then click OK what this is going to do is it's going to tell us if each if each if each object is fully constrained or not okay so so let's go ahead and and start to constrain these these object together okay so let's go ahead and click constrain now what is a constraint you can think of constraints as gluing things together so the two that we're gonna use for this basic assembly are mate mate and mate flush so let's take our hands out in front of us and let's put our palms together you have just made mated the palms together so the palms are facing each other and now they share a same plane okay for mate flush let's take our palms hold our hands out in front of us with our palms facing the ceiling hold one above another okay if we were to mate flush them move your palms so they're even with each other but both are still facing the ceiling okay so now those are mate flushed okay all right so let's go ahead and get started so we have a mate mate and we're going to start with with one of the sides so the first thing we're going to do is we're gonna scroll in and click see how we don't click we never click an edge we always click on a surface for this so we're going to click on the top surface of the side we're gonna use the click cube by clicking and dragging we're gonna wheel out and we even might click the wheel and pan in okay and we're trying to get to see the bottom of the top there okay so we have the side top of the side bottom of the top there okay and we're gonna go ahead and click apply ok so now that that is that part if we click on the right side to get it straight on you can see that that part is now stuck together okay now one of the things that is difficult here is that both parts are moving around and what we can do is we can take that main first part and we can what's called grounded okay so we can right click on the first part or on the kind of the central part of the assembly right click and we can click around it and that kind of locks it in place alright so the next thing we're going to do is that we're going to flush up the sides of this so we're going to click constrain we're gonna change from mate mate to mate flush and then we're going to go ahead and click on the side of the of the side and the side of the top and notice that now those are walked together okay also notice that do you see this green arrow agrees of freedom notice that there is only one left we click apply and the last one we're going to do use that it use the cube to kind of move around we're going to stay on mate flush and we're going to click the final the side of the side in the side of the top and click apply and notice our degrees of freedom are gone from that object okay um also notice that when we grounded the first the first item okay the top notice that all the degrees of freedom left that's at the top as well okay we're gonna repeat on the other side so we're gonna go back to mate mate we're gonna do that we're gonna you know zoom in and get to the top surface of the side and click click to select we're gonna select the bottom so we're gonna mate made it together remember that's like putting your palms together right we're gonna glue it together and click apply then we're gonna flush this to sides so we're gonna click on mate flush we're gonna click the side at the top and the side of the sorry the side of the psyche on the side of the top and click apply we're gonna use the cube click and drag the cube around so we can see both things click the wheel drag the wheel across to move we can even move things out of our way if necessary but we shouldn't shouldn't be super necessary here and notice we just have one left we can see that degrees of freedom there so we're just going to go ahead and flush the the front of the side there in the front of the top and we go ahead and click apply ok our final constraint is with the with the cylinder so this round peg all we're going to do is mate mate the centreline so we see this dotted line on circular objects in circular holes so we find the center line and click mate find the center line it's kind of hard to find sometimes you might have to move the cube around a bit okay we're looking for that dotted line for the hole of there it is right there okay we see in the center there it's not that it's not the dot in the center it's not that it's that dotted line right there and we're gonna go ahead and click it and click OK all right so now that we're out we can kind of drag things around all right we can go ahead and move things up and down right just like that we can also click on an object and we can apply different materials to them so if we go ahead and we go let's say we're gonna make the sides Gold with some gold and gold medal let's say we're gonna make the peg let's go up to default and let's say we're gonna make the page driftwood let's say that we're gonna make the top we're gonna at the top say indoor pool that's a bit hard to see isn't it so let's make the top let's make it nylon 6 ok ok so there we go so there is our there is our peg toy kind of constrained together so that is how we do a basic assembly the other the other types of constraints that we have are are also just as easy it's just that you know initially we're just using those mate made constraints so okay um that is an assembly ok let's go ahead and move on so we're gonna go ahead and close our assembly for now and we're going to go ahead and create a drawing ok so we're going to do our drop down menu again and click on drawing okay so here's the drawing just notice right when we come in that the drawing itself has it's a D size paper so it's quite big if you're planning on printing this out on a home printer that you know an eight and a half by 11 printer what I suggest doing when you're first starting out is just to delete the title block you can always come back in and do this when you get more when you get more experience and then right-click on the sheet click on edit sheet change the size to a4 okay and that's gonna be the size of your home printer okay so we're going to go ahead and bring in a part file okay so we're gonna go base view and actually it's best to save this first so let's go ahead and save it and we're gonna we're gonna save it as pig-boy dot DWG and click Save okay we're gonna do a base view we're gonna select the base of you and that's gonna be our top paying toy top we're gonna click open now notice that the view is not really correct here right so the scale is automatically selected by an inventor the view is not correct though so we need to go ahead and use the cube and we want to we want a front view that is going to give us the most detail okay in this case in this case we're gonna we're gonna have this here it's gonna be our front view okay and then we go ahead and notice we can get all to project and use it well so is it knows the scale is just fine and the scale automatically adjusted we wouldn't want one-to-one it's way too big we want one half we also take a look at our hidden lines hidden lines are moved or shaded versions okay and we want hidden lines selected so the next thing we're gonna do is go ahead and move up and click to place our projected views so our top projected view our side and then our isometric view once those are all placed we're going to go ahead and click OK okay um so some clearly I grabbed a different top than the one that we were working on just a second ago but it's better for for demonstration purposes here okay so let's take a look and we're gonna go on to the annotate tab and start to annotate this sketch so let's go ahead and create the center line for our circle okay so we click on the center line tool click on the hole for the center line we're going to go ahead and click the dimension and we're going to click on the circle and bring out our dimension okay notice that in yours when you first start this will open up each time you do it edit dimension when created is automatically set I'm gonna go ahead and put through okay because this is a hole that goes all the way through and notice that I'm gonna uncheck this edit dimension when created but you'll have to do that when you first start okay the next thing we're going to do is we're going to start to create our dimensions so so we're I'm going to start on the top so I'm going to click one side and then the line that I'm dimensioning to okay and then I'm going to start in I'm careful not to do any chain dimensioning okay so we're going from you know baseline dimensioning here so we're going to go over them one side to the other okay we're careful to place things neatly not overlapping lines not dimensioning to hidden lines okay so there's our side now we're going to do the top the height oops and I definitely didn't leave myself enough room we're gonna right-click and click OK to get out of the dimensioning tool we're gonna move the dimension over get back into the dimensioning tool then we're gonna go ahead and click to bottom to the square on the rocket arrow at the top of the square and I missed one right but another rectangle to the centre of the circle and things are a little bit crowded once again okay notice that notice that when I went to the center of the circle it went it went over the square so we're gonna go ahead and move it to the other side and then we have one final dimension here and that's gonna be the width of the or the depth of the block there okay so that that is a simple drawing let's take a look also and we can see that we can also create a new sheet okay so if we have an existing sheet we can create a second sheet serene ahead and click oh great click OK to get out of the mention tool right click new sheet and notice that sheet 1 is still here if we double click on it but it becomes grayed out so we're gonna go to sheet 2 alright so this time we're gonna go ahead and place of views and we're gonna click on base view we're gonna find our model and it's just a you know a slightly different one than the one we just did hey you know what let's go get ours that we've made all right so let's so we have this here we bring in our assembly this time and we're just going to take a look at creating a list of parts okay so we have our assembly we're gonna go ahead and make it - one wow that's big we're gonna make it to two one okay move it up and this time we're gonna make it a shaded view click okay and let's go ahead and try that again click ok there we go sorry raster view not shaded view and then we're gonna go over to annotate and we're going to go ahead and do a parts list mm-hmm we're gonna select the view for the parts list this could be any assembly obviously yours would be more complicated click on the click on the view that we want to create do we want to select there and then click OK we're gonna bring it down to the side here and then we can go ahead and create these balloons so we place the parts list we can go to a balloon and then we can go over and start to label we double click to place the balloon okay double click click double click just click double click OK and that's how we create our drawing okay let's go ahead and close our drawing here and we're going to create our presentations we're gonna go ahead and click the X all right so uh so let's go ahead and go to the new and we're gonna create a presentation okay a presentation is based upon an assembly okay and clearly ours is gonna be really simple but yours would be more complicated again so we're gonna click our pig toy whoops let's go get our our one that we created okay so we're going to go to our oops we're going to give it to our owed us presentation and it's going to ask us to select an assembly and we're gonna click on our peg toy there we have it and so the presentation functions mainly on this tweet components so we're gonna go ahead and tweet components notice that I'm gonna go to kind of zoom kind of way out so that I can easily manipulate these things the duration is how long each is going to last years is going to default to 2.5 seconds notice that what I can do is I can select apart and then I can select a a axis to move it on I can also select to rotate it so I can say hey I want to rotate this you know by say a hundred and well let's say 360 right okay I can also do it numerically so I can go to tweak components I can click on an object I can just click on it I can pull on the axis that I want to move it this time I'm gonna go ahead and just move it 9 inches then I can click on rotate I can rotate it let's say 360 degrees right and hit enter okay I can also do more than one in a row so let's say that I wanted to move two components let's say I can click on one move up now notice as I'm doing this take a look at the the the timeline down here knows the timeline is changing as I'm doing this so once I click over to my next component it just automatically creates it ok with the dead and the duration that is set so when I click over the next component notice that was my last component so I'm gonna move down and then when I click the green check you can see on the timeline that it creates it for peg toy top okay all right so let's take a look here we can kind of move back once these once these tweaked components are created so notice that you know it's just each one spins like that and then moves into place we can go down to the timeline and let's say we decided that these need to take a little bit longer than we thought and let's say we want to you know kind of overlap some things notice that we can drag these where we create a rotation and a motion and one notice we can't adjust it we have to double click it and then and then adjust it that way so we then can move it we can lengthen it but they kind of lengthen proportionally so let's go ahead and do that so they kind of all overlap here all right we can test it out now we're going to reverse this so everything comes back together in our video so we can reverse it press play and we can see it all kind of come back together here okay so we're I'm satisfied with our with our with our animation here so it's time to export it so let's go ahead and move everything down and the the way that the camera is located for our video so we're going to export a video and we want to make sure that our camera is correct so for example if we if we our view right here like we just had this what we would see is exactly what you're seeing here okay which wouldn't be too great right okay so let's say that we went exactly 45 degrees okay that might be a little bit better all right so you're gonna see that the view that we have when we export the video the same thing we're looking at is exactly the perspective that's going to be produced in the video so let's give that a shot alright so we're gonna go ahead and click video and we're gonna do current storyboard we're gonna select instead of current wind to the size we're gonna make it nine hundred and twenty by ten eighty that's 1080p if we did the 720 that'd be 720p we're gonna do a file name we're going to call it peg toy okay and then we're gonna save it to projects too right and so here we have it projects and we want to save it to our folder and select folder and then we're gonna keep it on WMV WMV is a windows movie file format the other option is a avi which is a little bit more Universal but I don't believe the compression is quite as good out of this program so we're gonna leave it on WMV for now okay we go ahead and click create oops last thing so we said we didn't want an explosion video right we want things to come back together so we're gonna go ahead and click reverse so they all come back together for us so let's go ahead and click OK and we're going to wait for it to publish which is just gonna take a second okay so it's published and let's go take a look okay so here is our video and let's play it okay and this is what was produced so we see there our thing our assembly coming back together and it's quite a nice video I'm sure yours will be better okay so that is so that is kind of a basic introduction to Autodesk Inventor I hope it helps a best of luck
Channel: Education Public
Views: 222,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk Inventor 2021, PLTW, IE, POE, GTT, Basics in 30 Min, Beginner, Workshop
Id: GlN87pw9jV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 43sec (1723 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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