Inventor Tube & Pipe Advanced Workflows | Autodesk Virtual Academy

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all right so we'll start moving on for myself i'm a customer success manager here at katie technologies a lot of you may recognize me i did come from the lifeline team over here so i do have a lot of high technical background with various different products within the product design manufacturing collection and the aec collection as well just keep a couple little highlights here i did come from a mechanical design engineering background inside of the oil and gas industry where i used very several various amount of tools from the pdmc collection such as autocad p90 plant 30 inventor and vault and then i left that industry and went more into an acmep industry where i use a lot of autodesk's ac tool sets such as autocad revit navisworks and bim360 so i really do have a a quite a bit of knowledge with how all these tools kind of interact together and being able to be kind of leveraged into your environment so for what we're planning on covering today is we're going to kind of go a little bit more in depth and this is i'm not sure if everyone kind of joined the first session by our my colleague adam evangelista who hosted um the first part of this tube and pipe where you kind of dove into creating pipe styles creating some pipe routes this is really the next step from that segment so we're going to go in a little bit further in depth with some of those workflows um again we're going to create a lot more author components um getting the understanding of how you can leverage the authored components inside of your tube and pipe runs um i'll i'll definitely touch on being able to import standardized pipe styles between project to project as well um so whether your company is leveraging a a database of your pipe styles keeping it as standard how you could then bring these into your samples into your sub sub assemblies or even assemblies themselves that way you have a you know a a you know a standard within your company itself um the pipe tools and fitting placements we'll we'll talk about some of those some snap functions auto routes when to use them when not to use them getting the understanding of what auto routes could potentially affect your assembly as well and then additionally we'll talk about how you can then bring some of these assemblies into a drawing creation if you need to create a specific detailed isometric drawing um you could then extract the build material so then you could submit that to your shop as well i'm seeing that we're getting some auto routes i mean amaze sorry getting audio drops anyone getting audio drops at all you sound fine on my end jeff okay i got some chat saying that we have some auto some audio drops or something okay perfect all right so let's switch into we'll go into inventor and we'll start with a couple different authoring uh touching on somebody's authoring um i have a a compressor here and this is just a part maybe this is a a manufactured component that you're getting you're getting a detailed drawing i mean you begin to fabricate this that way you can then you know leverage this inside of your assembly um the modeling is pretty much done now what we're going to want to do so that we can begin leveraging and connecting our pipe runs to this is we're going to have to go into the authoring function for this now for authoring and this is as soon as you've you've done creating your part itself we're going to go into the manage tab and in the manage tab there is this authoring palette here if we expand right below where it says component we have several different authoring tools um so a little bit more specifically for the tubing pipe environment there is its own tube and pipe authoring tool so we'll click that one and i'll kind of move this dialogue so i could see this and i forgot to mention we are doing this all in inventor 2021 so if you're using an older version um some of the workflows on within routing is a little bit different um you know ask away in the chat i'll do my best to kind of point out some of the differences between an older version from here we're going to be able to define what type of connection we're going to have and this is essentially how a pipe is going to get connected to some of these components you're creating um so you have several different types you have adapters down to flanges your crosses different fittings that you may find within your content center a little bit more specifically here because this is a com just submit select flanges now previously um you are able to author i believe before it was like up to 10 connections or even eight now you have the ability to author even beyond that now so if i just keep clicking i could author as many connections as i need to so uh you're not restricted really anymore um before in the past when i used to really leverage this to on my previous company i believe we only had eight connections that we could author at max but now you don't have to really deal with that so you do have ability to kind of author multiple different connections with multiple end treatments as well so i'll start off with this flange i'm going to select my end treatment and i could tell my entry at this being a flange i can then tell it what type of size i want this is my nominal size here for my nominal size i know that this is a four inch inlet for this compressor i'll just go with four inch here where the next part it wants me to do is define the connection where this is going to start at so i'm going to start and select this raised face here and notice that it's automatically determine the center point here i can then specify the direction i'm going to just select that same ray space here and you can see that there's a little purple segment here and this is how it's going to be in engage so i'm just going to flip this axis you can see the arrow is coming out word now that's what i want right there now if you did have a different entry in here you could tell if for instance maybe you're dealing with a a female connector some threaded connection you could tell it if you want this to be a flange treatment or a or a threaded treatment and then you could tell if it's going to be male or female in this case i'm just going to make this neutral now additionally i'll do one more connection i'll just go with this back connection right here so i'll select my connection number two and i believe this back connection is a three inch so i'll change this to three and i'll go with the same type of process i'm going to select my center circle right there and i'm going to select that same point here and then i'll flip my axis okay and i'll click okay now i before i click okay actually if this for instance was maybe a maybe you're dealing with a lot of soccer well connections or even soccer wealth fittings you do have the ability to kind of change how your components are being engaged so if an example of this is if this is a soccer weld a pipe would have to stick inside of here and that pipe would then be seated inside of the socket a value and this value could be pertained to your shop's tolerances maybe a standardization that your company has you can then tell it a certain engagement you could go by a percentage here so maybe you want your pipe to be engaged at this connection point to sit inside of it fifty percent of the time or you could set it a specific distance so if you know that you're dealing with a three inch pipe size you may have a rule within your company that okay if my engagement needs to be the diameter of the pipe divided by two to give you a value of 1.5 that's another example of being able to kind of specify your engagement how these components are being interconnected in this case because i know this is flange i don't need to adjust my engagement so i'll just keep my my my my nominal engagement size is zero percent here and i'll keep these values like that now let me add one more connection here i'll add a third one here i'll go with three and you can see within this compressor there is some threaded connections that are to happen right here so if i want to bring in a maybe a swagelok fitting for instance maybe a male mpt connection by a tube i'll be able to then bring that swagelok connection and connect it to one of these threaded fittings and i'll do it right here this one that's at a odd angle in this case i'll change it to threaded for my end treatment i could specify my size here and i'll say this could be i'll say half inch i don't know the exact size but i'll go with half inch right here i'll go with the same process and i'll try to select that inner circle right there and then i'll select that same axis here and i'm going to flip the axis here and i'm going to tell that this is going to be a female connection now if i know a specific distance maybe maybe you have a standard for how much threading is engaged within a connection you can tell at that distance i can go with a distance of say 0.125 8 inch or even a quarter of an inch and set that engagement at a quarter i'll click ok once you click ok we've finished we've told the inventor that we finished authoring this component it's ready to be leveraged and used and i'll show you an example of that momentarily but i want to go through another kind of example of authoring really quick so let me just back out let me save this really quick and i have a couple other authoring that i want to go through i'll switch to this valve here i have this flow server valve you could see that it's a a two-way valve and this one very this one's a little bit easier i just want to author these two flange connections that way i can bring these into my pipe assemblies so in this case if i just go into my manage again go to my authoring for my tube and pipe you can see that i previously already authored a tube connection here an end treatment there but i'm going to add two more here i'll change my entry minute again to flanged i could specify specify my size which should be a three inch and then my point being my outside circle and let me just change around this so you can see this little better and then my direction that same outside circle and i messed up i did it to the first one so i already i changed that already it's okay i'll just switch to my second one again it retained the entry made of flanged i'll change my value here now i'm going to specify the other flange here i'll select that same outside circle here and then i'll flip my axis so it's coming out this way and then my third i'll go back with the same one that i had here this one i believe i had it at other just for this tube fitting right here i'll select this outside circle here and then i'm going to select the same outside circle and making sure that the arrow is coming outward now i could set this as female if i want to and what female is doing it's understanding that there's a standardization of a half inch threading and how much that half inch threading is being engaged with components i'll just click ok and let me save that so that author went through and i'll show you i'll show you how we could use you shortly just want to go through one more authoring really quick in another case another instance of authoring is you may have assembly an assembly like this this is a sub assembly this is just a little representation of a strainer now these strainers can be fabricated within your company's environment oftentimes because this is its own sub-assembly this may have its own fabrication drawing and you may not want to bring this entire assembly inside of your pipe run my recommendation to kind of go about with your in-house custom fabrication fabricated components or sub-assemblies like this is make a derived part of it so that as this this assembly's design is changing going through different engineering cycles and phases that derived par will update and i'll show you how we could go with go about that we'll make a new part really quick i'll make a new standard part from here if i go inside of the manage tab what you're going to see is under this insert portion there's derived now under derive i'm just going to specify where that sub assembly exists and this could be any representation of any other component that you're making i'm going to find my strainer assembly i'll click ok now what i'm going to do here is i'm going to have this retain associativity and why i want to why i want that is because as i was saying if this assembly is changing um maybe you're changing design changing sizing it's going to maintain a link between it so this derived part is going to be its own individual part once we insert it into our piping assembly okay so i'm going to want i'm going to want this to maintain associativity that's what this yellow little plus is right there plus in the circle so i'll click ok and now you can see that it's a derived part now i could save this as its own unique part and i'll save it within that same folder structure and i'm just going to call this strainer now it's just the part that i could then bring into my pipe assembly where lastly all i'm going to want to do here is then author it again with authoring i'll go into my flanges i'll rotate around i'll author my first flange here my first flange should be a four inch i'll select the outside circle for the raised face i'll select that same outside circle you can see my my flow error is going to outside my second point here because i want to want pipe to run to this t here i'm going to change this to buttwell now so we'll find butt weld i believe this is still four inch two so i'll select this outside circle and then i'll select that same access point i'll click ok click okay so that's this is just telling me that it's been published it's ready to be used inside of your assembly so now that we have an authored component here that's driven being driven by the subassembly here so as i change the design if i add maybe a lifting lug for instance you'll see that lifting link be generated inside of your drive component okay now lastly is you may have a case where you're downloading components and this one's a a male mpt connection directly from swagelok a lot of your vendors may be providing 3d 3d data files that you could bring directly into an inventor from here once you download it you can then open an inventor using the anycad function which i did here you could save the component and then lastly just go through a phase of authoring it so i'll just go back into managing it my manager go into my author my tubing pipe switch this around really quick and because this is a connector i'll change this to being a connector type i have two connection points so this is going to be threaded and i know that this is a three-quarter inch npt so i'll put that value as three-quarter inch i'll specify my start point my n-axis point here and i'll flip my direction here i'll tell that this is a male connection here and then for my second connection here i'll change this end treatment to other just because because a tubing is going to go right here i'll switch sides really quick i'll specify my outside my axis and then it's going to still have that same three-quarter inch value because it is tubing but in this case i'll keep it female the tubing is going to sit inside there a little bit and it's going to sit inside there by a value of 50 percent this is the engagement and i'll click ok all right so we've authored several different components now now let's see how we can use these inside of your assemblies now so i'll switch into the skid package assembly that i have here now i do have some updates and that's because some of these components in here have authored already so i'll just update that really quick and i'll save it now we'll go with this first one here and we'll go with the strainer assembly that i created here i'll go into my tubing pipe runs so let me find i mean minimize these a little bit got some things open i'll go into my tubing pipe runs and i'm gonna activate this assembly here so let's let's find this assembly here this run five i have now we'll go with this derived component first so we'll place that we'll see what that what that treatment is like i'm going to place that fitting because it is a custom component that i created i'm placing it from my folder location so i'm just going to find my strainer assembly and there's my strainer part from here i could then right click and connect the fitting and connect it directly to this end treatment here and then you could go through the process of rotating this in this case i know that my outlet is going to go directly into this compressor so i'm fine with that and then i can escape but what's great about this now is now you have a single item inside of this potential isometric build material for that direct part i can then go in here and if i want because it is just a a strain or something i could go through and give it its own unique description or you could reference that description to its assembly fabrications run but in this case i'm just going to continue going to the round and continue routing now and because i because i went through the authoring portion of this t here i could down select that t to my compressor and generate the route now in this case what i'm going to do here is i'm going to convert my auto route to a sketch it's just a straight segment here now that's something that's new in 2021 is being able to convert your auto routes right away into a sketch now if i go and change my display to routes only here i can see what you probably would be seeing inside of an older version of inventory you're just linework here before you populate the route so there's a driven dimension here this is not really needed so i could just delete this and you can see what's driving this is i do have a flange locator here um so a couple different ways how you can kind of drive these assemblies i myself am more of a fan of creating these flange locators that are just a surface part that i generated and then i use those to locate my piping assemblies or my pipe runs instead of bringing in a a flange and having those kind of outside of your assembly environment all right i'll finish that sketch and i'll display my objects again now let's look here now let's go with that flow serve valve now now with the flow server valve which is this three inch one right here i authored the end points here now let's go about with this one let's insert it inside of a run so i'll finish this tubing pipe run right here and i'm going to find this assembly here okay so we could go and find that pipe run it's right here expand that and just like we did with the derived strainer there i'm going to go place fitting and find where that work find where i saved that three inch closer valve and here it is this is pretty big it's a three inch 150 pound so i'm going to insert it now i want this to be inserted between my flange locator here and this gasket so i'm going to insert it in this case i'm going to insert it directly there and from here i can then rotate it and have it placed in that direction so now i have my my flow server valve it's a three inch valve i have it connected to my flange locator and then i can continue and populate a route now in this case right here if i want this maybe where i'm routing from this reducer maybe to route into this this t that we have here see this or not this t there's a 45 degree elbow right here a couple different ways you could go about this we can go into the route itself and i can route directly from this reducer here and then maybe i need maybe i there's another object that's maybe around this area here or maybe i'm going to account for some additional pipe supports that are going to be needed for this piping assembly here i can then just simply come out a value i could come up a value here and i'll just kind of pretend i'm jogging around a component that may be underneath this this one particular iso now in cases like this you may want to just simply try to connect by snapping to this endpoint here right so this may you know this may generate a route that may be useful here but it's not get may not give you the kind of end result you're looking for what i really like to do in cases like this is i like to use point snaps so from this end point here we know that i need to come out a value if i know that this is going to be my connection point here i know that this connection point here may be within that same iso so what i'm going to do is locate where i have that 45 degree elbow okay so i want to find that 45 degree elbow within this run and i'm going to use the the elbows origin so that i could snap to these locations so i'm expanding this elbow i'm expanding the use and visibility of these origins here so that when i go back into the run itself go to this end point here i can then right click and make sure i'm in activated with my point snap here and then i can point snap directly to an elbows plane in this case it's going to be this x y plane here it's going to take me to the exact distance from that end point there to this elbow's end point here see how far it went out now in 2021 additionally i could have made that line become parallel right away i'm a fan of having your lines become floyd constraint so let me do that again let me delete this and let me let me run that same point snap again so you can see what the difference of what this looks like now i'll select that same end point here in this case i know i want this line to go back to that same z direction so i'm going to turn on my z parallel here and i'll do that same point snap now now the only difference here is it didn't constrain it parallel and that's because i didn't make this vertical be parallel to the y in cases like this what you can do is include geometry and i'm going to scroll up and i'm going to include my origin axises here i'm going to include my x my y and my z and i'm doing this is because i can then create a parallel constraint along this vertical line here to there okay so now i'll escape out of there and then we have a couple questions come in how do you create a flange locator that may be something i could show afterwards i don't think i'm going to show it here now in this case here if let me finish this route really quick let me just back out of this what i'll do in this round now is i can then display my objects really quick just so i can see what my route's looking like and i'm going to go back into a part probably really quick and i'm going to place another elbow right at the end of this just so you can kind of see what this will do okay now by adding an elbow i i did do a point snap directly to this endpoint here i want to show you something a little bit different here this this additional elbow obviously increase my length so i'm gonna have to shorten this pipe run by that length of the elbow i believe it's just three inches a two inch elbow or i could do a measurement really quick just to see expand my origin here and i'll just measure just to confirm from this axis to here just to see what that is if it is three inches and i could go back into my route really quick and and it is because i did do a a point snap i'll just go to this value and subtract it by three okay so now these are back aligned i just finished that you can see the elbow adjusted now from here if i go back into the route itself i can go from this 45 degree elbow and let me move this little dialog right here go from the end point there and then another example of point snapping here is maybe i want this to 45 up and then come straight into this t now i know i could probably go get that same alpha just by going here but let me show you an example of that let me find this elbow here first and i believe it's which one is it this elbow right here so yeah let me make sure i have that elbow selected go from the end point here i'll make sure my point snaps on so i'm just going to right click now i'm just going to find that origin plane that i want and it should be this xz so it's going to come up that exact value there i want to make this go parallel with my x now so i'm just going to bring this degree down here and you can see that the axis went parallel with the x now and now i'll click into this endpoint there and click my green dot to confirm it now because i did specify this exact angle here by a point snap or this exact length here i did generate an auto route here now auto routes are great um they you know they're very helpful for cranium but really understanding what auto routes could do and potentially affect this if i go to this otter route and convert this to a sketch for instance you'll see that it has an angular dimensional value here which is 135 degrees this is driven and then a driven length dimension here from that that 45 degree end point to where i connected it to this 90 degree elbow if i were to maybe change the location of this heat exchanger your auto routes may break you may see that they start to break your routes itself so i would typically recommend kind of converting your auto routes to sketches and then removing dimensional values let me change this display to routes only really quick and then removing dimensions so that you could allow yourself to have a more of a diamond dynamic route if i delete this if i delete this and this here what i can down do is make this parallel here i'll make this let's see if i have this parallel there there we go and what this is allowing me to do it's going to maintain this degree here but if i were to pull this heat exchanger back now let me see if i could find this heat exchanger really quick and let me get at it let me guess get outside of my pipe runs really quick and just play this i'm going to go back to the top really quick and i'll just collapse all so you can see all this i'm going to find this heat exchanger here now i do know that this for instance this route right here is an auto row and same with this route here from this flange locator going into my heat exchanger if i were to relocate this equipment here let me just find it in browser if i were to relocate it change its dimensional value so i have a minus 36 for its location let's see what it does if i go to minus 48. you could you could see that this auto routes trying to see what happened with this auto route here right all i did was change this value made this come out further but this auto route that i kept intact here completely broke gave me a weird different route something that's not something that my shop would never want to fabricate i created all these pockets for no reason do that just by changing that one dimensional value for my equipment or now if i go back let me undo this really quick if i go back into this auto route and let me find it within the pipe run itself see what the behavior is now if i convert it to a sketch okay and let me go and find this route let me go into the tube route itself or the route 08 here you can see i have two auto routes i have a auto route two and then auto route one so what i'll do in this case is yeah the route looks great but just to further configure this i'm gonna convert it to a sketch and same thing with the second one here i'll convert it to sketch and let me just change my display really quick so we see the line work only we have something like this now now you can tell to tell this is just a simple pretty much a simple route i'm going to delete these dimensions i don't need these i'll keep this these driven ones don't even need i thought one of these were was a an actual value there in this case i'll just give myself a perpendicular constraint here and this perpendicular is not needed there let's see if i can use perpendicular here nope or lastly i'll just do a parallel so i'm going to include my geometry one more time i'll include my x my y and my z and then i'll do a parallel from this line here the x to the x of the assembly let's go with this one here parallel here i think just the dimensions actually needed let's see probably just the dimensional values needed here let's see what's going to drive that probably this dimension here yep 25.5 so i'll just add this one dimension just to drive this so it's going to maintain this 25.5 coming out from this flange here and let me just do that really quick to this bottom one i think this is driven as well so let me just go back to this bottom route as well a route of seven go into the route seven really quick and convert my auto route to a sketch as well i'll delete these driven dimensions i don't need these and let me make this routes only yup so this looks good okay so this has a 4.5 there it's probably fine let's see if i can keep this here so i just put it perpendicular there so now i have this route being driven just by this this 25.5 on both of these okay now let's finish this route here let me display all objects really quick now let's take a look at the behavior now display all these objects now if i go back into my heat exchanger let's move this heat exchanger now so let's find that heat exchanger again i'll move this value what did i do did i say 48 i can't remember what we'll go with 42. you can see now these runs themselves now are maintaining the actual the actual route preference i wanted see that as i'm changing that equipment same thing here and that's because i try to make these as dynamic as possible so that they could automatically update let me change that value i think i want 48 i think i push it a little bit further let's try to push this even further my mind is 48. let this update and it's going to break here and that's because there's not enough straight length right here to meet that endpoint but you can see now where this was auto-routed it's not coming up with some some crazy snake anymore right it's maintaining this actual route design that i wanted so that i could easily adjust this equipment maybe i need to fit some valves in here or maybe i need to fit another little pump assembly within this area there now now i can then move my equipment and have my routes automatically update with it so that's a little example of how you can kind of configure these these routes themselves so let me change this value back i think i went back to 136 and you can see now this picks itself now we do have a couple questions coming in let's see what these are if the dimensions are driven do we still need to be deleted uh they don't need to be deleted claudio i just personally like to clean them up myself hi gd mmg gdm is only possible in 2020 or i believe that's only possible in 2021 samuel i believe that's only possible in 2021 okay now one more thing is i believe on this compressor right i believe i i believe i um i authored a two video in there so let's let's see how the two fitting interacts with my authored tube that i downloaded from swagelok so let's go back to my skid package here i believe i already started a a run already so let me just dive into this run really quick just for time purposes too jeff just fyi keep an eye on the time yep let me just place this last one and then we'll call it after okay so from here i'll just go back into place fitting and i'll find that tube fitting and we'll go with this one right here now i could just connect it to find where i connected it which was this angle there you can see now it's retaining that connection and then from there i can then route my tube runs within my route itself i can create a new route click ok and then make a tube run so if i have a half inch i do have a half inch style there and then create my tube run off those fittings okay so i know we're running out of time here i will probably won't probably fully create this but hopefully everyone got the idea of how we can start leveraging those okay um i know wheels pretty quick but i think that's pretty much everything i wanted to cover really quick um oh one more thing i forgot to kind of cover point snaps or a rotation snap really quick let me just show that really quick and i'll do within this run itself kind of see how this works i'll go into this route now maybe this route right here let me show my routes only i'll delete this here maybe i've maybe i've really specified this route length here but this route itself may need to connect into maybe this bottom connection of the heat exchanger instead of where i was originally tying into this 45 degree elbow what i can do is i can edit this i can select that the elbow right here i can right click on the elbow edit fitting orientation and then i could then just by making sure and selecting one of these rotational arrows here and i'm going to make sure my rotation snaps turn on just by right clicking i can then select this arrow hold it and then select where i want to connect to you can see now that elbow's directly rotated to where i could to that end point here and then i can route directly off that elbow into that heat exchanger connection if i need to i don't have to do any calculations to determine the angle that i need to to give me a direct run or route into that component now or rotation snap just configure that for me okay that's pretty much it all i have for today um we'll go back into here um i do want to kind of talk about some of the learning resources again we do have our our kativ ava's so just make sure you take a look at some of the videos if you didn't catch the previous one hosted by adam the part one of this tubing pipe i would definitely recommend taking a look at that adam dove into further of creating custom tubing pipe run styles in there and how you can leverage those inside of your your company's environment so some questions and answers q a see if we have anything i know we got a pretty busy chat going on here huh yeah we can we can jump through the chats um i guess you answered one of the questions is like where's the part one so the part one's on our youtube channel if you just search katie technologies on youtube you'll find it and all of the last five years of apas are all there so that's uh that's one place to take a look if you haven't already we're definitely missing some tube and piping there so that's what we're really trying to add i know it's an environment that a lot of our customers are using we want to make sure that we're providing as much resources on that as possible if there's anything else inside of the environment that you want us to further take a look i know someone asked about how we create those flange locators put just quick high level on that i just created a a 3d part i made it a surface part just so that it has no weight so that it doesn't affect my assembly environment um so if you do need to you know populate your center of gravity is it all from your assembly it won't have any effect at all but then i authored that component as a flange locator at the front of it so that then when i'm creating my routes i can directly connect to those after i locate them inside of my assembly all right there's a youtube question as well um jeff can you tell us the name of the vendor for the male connection yep that is swagelok they're just a standard tubing um fabricator that makes swagelok fittings um so they have various different connectors they have all their parts and models that you can download so if you need a particular connector a particular tubing connection you can find it on one of their catalogs and download it very similar to mcmaster car you can probably check my master card see if they have anything on there as well but swagelok is primarily where i go to for tube fittings cool um do you see any others that you haven't gone through jeff i know that you answered a ton of these as you were actually going through the webinar yeah sorry about that i think i got john see if you're not authoring it may i'd be two by two adapter do you need to attach your connecting point to the inside surface the two piece fully engage it no john you don't need it uh you don't need to author it to the inside piece you could do the outside and then determine your your tube engagement value by a specified distance or uh inventor will do its best guess to understand based on the size a mathematical equation to understand engagement for that tube fitting i came from you know very being very specific my shop had a lot of tolerances for fabrication so i put those tolerances inside my authoring itself all right i think that's everything jeff that's it all right that's everything i had um thank you everyone yup no worries uh thanks again jeff and it looks like bill just mentioned something saying that you mentioned something about something you can use to start runs arrow oh that's the flow uh the flow locat or the flow locators the flange locators i i had in my my assembly that again is just a a 3d arrow kind of part that i created that's a surface part and then i author that part as a flange connection so that when i bring those into my assembly i can then manually constrain them where i want my connection or my time points would be and then i could create my routes off of it yep and uh cheers to you bill i know that uh bill's one of our good friends here at kativ bill helped put together a ton of the tutorial information too in inventor so if you have used inventor tutorials which i have extensively to learn a lot of this stuff um you can partially thank that man right there so um thanks again bill i may even just do that as my tech tip so i know a lot of people are asking questions about the flow locator i'll do that as my tech tip so just take a look at that within our uh i believe we do that on linkedin and some other locations too so i'll make sure i highlight that so everyone gets to understand how you can create a flow locator or a flange locator yep absolutely um all right that seems like that's everything jeff again thanks for putting us together for us i know that we've had a uh a visible lack of tube and pipe information on our channel as well as our website for the last couple of years and it looks like we're you know we're knocking that out of the park so definitely appreciate you being here for it thank you appreciate everyone's feedback and uh participation absolutely thanks everybody we'll see you again next week um we got a couple of ava's coming up over the next couple weeks before the the thanksgiving and christmas holidays so definitely stay tuned we're not going anywhere talk to you guys later bye
Channel: KETIV Technologies
Views: 5,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: autodesk, akn_include, inventor, inventor tube & pipe, inventor 2021, inventor tube and pipe, inventor tube and pipe, inventor tube and pipe tutorial, inventor tube and pipe routing, inventor tube and pipe tutorial pdf, pipe, inventor tube and pipe add-in, how to use tube and pipe in inventor, Manufacturing, Process Manufacturing, KETIV, KETIV Autodesk Virtual Academy, Autodesk Virtual Academy, autodesk inventor tutorial, autodesk inventor tutorial for beginners, Autodesk Inventor
Id: u8qiZHaHdAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 49sec (2689 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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