Street Wars | Full Movie | Steven Seagal Action | True Justice Series

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign so what's it gonna be April tell me what you need you know what I want I'm bored I need a little pick me up I can take care of that [Music] one of these in your whole world will change [Music] thank you you understand by the dope on the ground to get on the Fire [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] all right won't help me help me sister grab that guy I got him I got him okay [Music] [Music] all right come here little [Music] thanks boss see that I was like trying to Corral a monkey on crack [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] get out [Music] remember [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign ER today right ain't missing us I guarantee that yeah yeah you know sometimes someone can say the littlest thing and end up saying so much what's that supposed to mean you tell me we're all loaded up Sarah's transporting the bodies to booking what now Chief look just squeeze your informants and see if you can find out where any more stash bands on Elijah you got a second what's up man something wrong no not all look I know you temporarily lost Radnor I think I can help you out with that turns out I can spare someone to bring your team back up to full speed kidding me right look here's the deal Gates is the mayor's nephew I need the mayor off my back for the next few weeks and this will help me do that and I don't really like to get involved in departmental politics it'd be really nice if you keep me out of it well I know that which is why I Shield you for most of it so I'd appreciate it if you could do this for me man it seems like I really have a choice thank you all right your team's on Deck it's been a fatality to Rave Club on the east side I might take one of your team members and gaze to handle it all right you're up okay Gates here is going to be working with us it's going to be kind of a temporary deal just until Randy gets back I'm going to sign him to work with Sarah and they can be the first to handle this whole Rave overdose deal I'll call Sarah and give her the good news man it's just gonna be fun or what yeah it's good it looks like a typical Rave overdose what are these kids Gonna Learn Street chemists kill people left and right Gates you get the witnesses thanks okay I'll be right over there if you need me okay these kids think anything that comes in pill form must be from a pharmacy listen Sparks will you give me a heads up when you get to talk to college report completed I will but just don't expect it to be anytime soon I've got six other cases already stacked up ahead of you no there's no rush it's a routine overdose homicide can handle it trust me you guys will be handling this you think this is intentional I do a bad load typically results in a minor overdose brain swelling dementia this one looks different there are signs of other more lethal chemicals involved you see the rigidity around the mouth at her clenched teeth that's an indicator of How High the dose was the toxins flooded her system and caused convulsions and dizziness which made her pass out e raises the body's temperature and causes muscle spasms and dehydration but what it doesn't do is cause severe rigidity in the muscles like she has it is so sexy when you get all technical like that I am so sorry for him still teaching him people skills what did the witnesses say just that they saw her dancing with the local Dope Dealer named Tommy before she died [Music] okay Sparks thank you no problem it works good work really good work the notes and so we can see no one spot there's no one following me like I need to talk to you about what's going down another unit 88 Kitty or something we're not now where the hell are you I don't like talking about this kind of stuff on the phone usually you think the entire deal I'm not that stupid why would I jeopardize our safety to turn you guys in besides who would I talk to [Applause] who would you talk to you freaking kidding me cops that's who you talk to I haven't talked to the cops obviously but if you're continuing to threaten me or my son I might you're calling the shots now that's for everybody and that means no more hot lows in the streets my kid and I could be brought up on murder charges if they find out we're dealing with you we're in charges we wouldn't want that now would we that's too much of a chance to pressure you and your kid in the right man sound [Music] good morning Seattle drive time clock says 7 23 in the a.m time to hit the commute to work get your day on its way yeah we've got one another one yeah it looks like it's gonna be one of those weeks all right swing by pick me up and uh do me a favor bring coffee I gotcha it's my job Patrol responded to a shots fired call and finds three bodies one of the victims is holding a smartphone if you filmed the whole thing I saw a piece of evidence yeah let's be honest the dummy had spent more time running and less time filming you might still be alive I'm sure it's family you'd love to hear your thoughts on that you know I convinced you to do that notification if you like [Music] I need to just see this again and that's all but you see now this guy here I know this guy he's a local camera guy he's Franco hey you know where you going man I'll grab the team we'll be in the bullpen all right hey you know remember Franco from Harmony yeah do you have any idea where he might be right now is he in trouble or what no man he's just a person of interest we gotta talk to him he's in jail because he didn't come home last night man people around here said his wife is going crazy trying to find it have you tried talking to his friends yeah man they don't know where he is either he said he's been laying low for a few weeks now I'm wondering why that is so you've been uh hanging around some rough guys man them scary mercenary types they uh I think he might be mixed up with some drug dealing you uh you don't think there's a chance he's dead do you I don't know I mean I hope not hey Chiefs the traffic cams caught the lower half of the shooter's car I've got a partial plate of David William sam7 I have out of theft check into that but it's probably torched by now that those guys punch it in the computer and see if they can figure it out yeah right away boss foreign all right let's see here what's going on with that cocaine we got out of the hotel nothing workable yet what's with the overdose victim at the nightclub where are we at with that I'm still looking for the local dealer she was dancing with all right do me a favor don't forget about this kidnapping case any damn time you have I know I'm working all over time anything more from the pole cams nothing but a partial shot of the car's plates but Gates is going to run the partial numbers through the dea's system he says he has a friend there can you imagine the DA's got their own Gates don't be too hard on me man he might turn out all right well you already got him Running Scared he's intimidated by you yeah but you know what he shouldn't be because I'm not hard on him I'm not hard on any of you guys man y'all don't know what hard is if we give him a chance he might turn out to be a good cop let's see I can check with parking enforcement and see if they've given out any tickets to a car matching the date and model all right what's going on with the cell phone video we're running it through the FBI's official recognition program hopefully we'll get a match well until we get any results on any of this stuff that's out there I want you guys to hit the streets all right thanks chief hey I gotta swing by the house real quick Kathy left me a weird text message and she's not answering herself you need me to come with that she's pissed at me all right whatever you did will blow over just give me a call after she chews your ass and we'll link yeah yeah good luck [Music] [Music] [Music] all right called yourself you all right no I'm not and I'm telling me you have emphysema look it's manageable look the reason why I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to have to worry about me worry I'm your wife if you get an attack in the field you could die look I keep an inhaler with me I'd take my meds and I'm as good as new I care more about that job than you do me [Music] [Music] where's your hers I know I haven't already told you nobody's got a clue where he's at his wife's freaking out tell her to relax we're gonna find him his friend said he was real scared last time they saw him what he scared about nah you wouldn't tell him and one more thing Connie son you know Paul's son Tommy yeah and now he's missing too man this is all connected [Music] [Applause] like that [Music] I don't usually waste as much time with people but uh I hate leaving this app so [Music] as you know I got plenty of guys who can tune you off so once more where's your idiot son [Music] good morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] the patrol has been picking up a lot of these exact same pills Lately from the club going crowd they're all stamped with a spider they're completely backlogged although I'm sure if you called them they can fix that I'll talk to Sparks and see if I can expedite so there's no more kids dying on the street okay boss Gates and I all work the crowd thank you [Music] yourself hey hey man where you going Tom are you running for me [Music] [Music] where we at on this girl he's admitted that he gave the girl the ecstasy pills but he says he didn't know it was a hot low so uh the dancers died in a cage know her [Music] yeah Jasmine we party together at least a couple times a week foreign exactly how many pills did you sell that night to her and other folks uh I don't know a handful a handful you know I kind of need more exact number than a handful because we're dying oh wait wait I you guys charging me for Jasmine's brother too where your daddy I don't know why because as soon as the Baddie hit the streets your daddy disappeared and I know him and he ain't dumb you know what I think I said enough yeah I don't think I'm gonna say no more there's another dead kid found at a rave club downtown male 20s that makes three Tommy this ain't looking good for you this could even lead the death penalty got the report back from the samples [Music] oh traces of heroin cocaine LSD it looks to me like somebody's trying to put together a cocktail that's going to make sure potent stuff Sparks said if it doesn't kill you within the first few doses it will make you an addict wasn't the new guy supposed to bring me some of this uh he's meeting someone about the license plates I don't know I told him you don't like us to meet with a partner present but he blew me off play off yes he blew me off nice hey hey this didn't come from me or my agency don't worry I don't get all Cloak and Dagger on me look I'm serious if work gets out that I'm gonna definitely relax I won't okay all right this uh this is great is the exact same match in the model this is good stuff I owe you one yeah you do information is a two-way street you know no it's a highway right what the information highway information Super Highway very funny look since I gave you that how about you giving me the heads up on that big dope seizure that came and his team just made you know I just got assigned I uh like a couple weeks maybe settle and get comfortable I mean I just I really want these guys to you know want me on their team the only reason why I gave you that was because you were gonna give me something in return oh yeah but uh how do you know I meant information I mean there are other things I have to offer [Music] I yeah no of course I'm joking relax right a joke do you ever stop being a smart ass yeah otherwise I'd be a dumbass right I'll give you a week then expect some payback uh thanks [Music] we put Tommy in the cell yeah but uh he wants to talk to you again we've got another overdose victim over in the west Precinct this is getting bad man this is getting bad we gotta do something [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh easy [Music] all right they're ready for us let's move through yeah watch it any idea what he was doing out there by himself no he said he was trying to get some potential information on the car used an apartment you know whether y'all chose him or knowledge to your partner and that's still your partner's brought on the ground out there and I told y'all many times you're responsible for your partners you got to know where he is what he's doing at all times if you can't back up your partner and take care of him you can't be a cop [Music] [Music] you're lucky why you gonna give me a sponge bath you have a ruptured spleen and broken ribs I don't think you're going to be doing much of anything I'm serious no I'm fine I just need a couple days to rest don't even think about it hey before that guy turned me into roadkill I had an envelope right we found that satellite photograph of an old building outside of town is that associated with the murders in the park I think so the partial plate matched up to a car that was surveilled there right well it makes sense a big building off the beaten path if the Ecstasy lab is there that's probably where they're holding Paul too how'd you get the info called in a favor from a friend at the DEA that's all I can say you know Kane really jumped our asses about not watching your back right it's trying to give you a fair shake so no more secrets all right look I appreciate everything that he's done for me it won't happen again it won't happen again Chief uh temporary setback I'll be back in no time well I just got to sit right from the dock and he said it's gonna be about 30 days so won't be that quick I'm a quick healer well I look at it gives you a little bit of time to think about how you can prevent this kind of thing in the future toxicology confirms all the Ecstasy from the ODS have the same amounts of cocaine heroin and LSD a few hot loads also show traces of signing yeah but they're all chemically uniform which means they came from the same lab right I was going to try going through the numbers on Gates's phone but dumbass erased the call log it's all good Sarah explained it to me Gates was trying to cover for a friend down at DEA all right anything in there on the prince uh yeah actually the guy Gates killed was a parolee out of Nevada Frank Wasserman weapons charges and sales and he had prior training with the military you ready to talk yeah I think I know who took my dad these guys from out of town the ones that told me to eat why do you think they took him to get to me now I've seen and heard things that they don't want anybody else to find out about like what once they landed in town I helped them set up their first Lab at one of the properties my dad was managing after they got set up and running they started supplying me and the other dealers why would they put bad dope on the street see the way I figure it they peppered each bag with hot loads ones that were lethal once word gets out that us supplies are killing people then they move in set up shop and have a corner on the market um yeah how your daddy gonna mix up in this we were both being paid to scout for potential properties for them he knew it was a no-brain not a first but after that girl died I had to come clean about what they were really doing and after that he really wanted them gone what made him think he could chase them off himself he thought they would run if he threatened to go to the cops he had them meet in a public place he figured that it'd be safe for them to talk there yeah it was real safe suffice it to say your daddy grossly underestimated the bad guys on this one we both did all right first things first Chief has order patrolled around these three dealers and I don't care what when why how what y'all have to do I want them and I want them bad before somebody else dies to find them and bring them in second thing I'm gonna hit this place in a few hours this is where we believe they're holding paws the only thing is we don't have any backup because we don't know who we can trust right now what do you mean well what he means is Gates has been compromised on his last meet I hate to say this but whether it's in DEA or on our side we got somebody dirty [Music] hey hey baby yeah I need to tell you something yeah we're just about to hit a pad I can't really talk right now sure it is but I can't go ahead make it fast what kind of riding you I have to go Kathy I can't really do this right now there's a reason Kathy I love you I have to go I'm pregnant [Music] take the line down do it carefully I want everything intact and moved in the next two hours [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign what's with the extra body boss this year's Cody is a friend of mine from SWAT good guy trust him a lot want him in a long gun case we need long gun support Juliet I work with you a little bit on spotting and glassing once you get on some glass and watch out for him I can do that all right y'all miss Mama all right [Music] thank you doors opening two stands of leaving garage doors closing okay gotcha Arrow come in give us five before you pick them up we don't want the drivers making calls before we make entries [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] what so what you got on the ground now drop your weapon drop it back okay we're walking out of here drop your left up get the door [Music] you tell your man Outside The Stand Down truth of the matter is is we don't have communication with them I wish I did but I don't so my advice to you is to stay away from the doors and the windows and drop your gun [Music] drop it check your weapon put it on the ground lay face down on the ground face down on the ground face down on the ground now [Music] [Music] how you holding up uh I can't complain could have been worse if those locals intercept the sedan just one of them the other managed to get away figures okay how's my son is good and we're gonna have to see the judge in the morning and talk to him but everything's gonna be high hey boss yeah man sure you don't need me for anything shouldn't you be home with the wife right now no I just thought that what you thought I need you for some no I'm okay listen man this has your name on it is that yours huh something I need to worry about nah my wife does enough worrying for the both of us I'm fine I promise anything else I need to know we're having a kid okay I just found out how crazy is that I told him one reason for you to get back home If I Could Turn Back the Hands of Time spend a lot more time with my wife and kids go on [Music] Andre mace baby listen to me I know you want us to be together but we're having a baby I'm pregnant and I'm going to raise my child in a secure environment whether you realize it or not Cain and the job consumes every part of you [Music] I love you [Music] I'm leaving I'll be staying at my mother's until we figure this out [Music] give me a few days before you try and call me call me okay [Music] goodbye Andre foreign [Music] [Music] attention [Music] to see this message [Music] drop your weapons Stand Down on the cop where's Kane drop your weapon drop your gun now drop your gun now I mean you sure you want to be doing this right now yeah I want to be doing this drop your gun now [Music] now [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] hey partner it's not like that I want to keep a secret from you I just met a guy that I used to work with for a cup of coffee on the east side no I just got home I'm gonna call it a night oh [Music] it's a boss who wants to talk to you says I can't wait yeah we've got trouble in Seattle need to find out what's going on yes [Music] oh man didn't see anything yeah nothing on that side of the street either tell me something how does a DA field agent not hear or see someone with a gun getting within point-blank range of her because she knew the shooter [Music] [Music] who is this is Stephanie she was a DEA agent she's a woman with Gates right before they tried to kill him she would have been the prime suspect we gotta do the best we can to find out who killed her because that's going to probably tell us everything oh foreign [Music] just a moment this is the best part so tell me you have something for me that's exactly what you thought local cops were in the lab in Seattle Abby was killed so my nephew is dead is there anyone from his crew that can tie us to the dope Maybe pH got away but the other driver he knows us he was arrested did you talk to him he's in jail he's a liability [Music] bail him out kill him if you can't get to him you know what to do and I want the cup who was responsible for killing my nephew get engaged to do it do you understand I hate this town hey another visit do I need to get a restraining order on you just pretend you don't love the company truth is uh it's actually kind of nice to see a familiar face those nurses and I haven't exactly been seeing eye to eye it's probably because of your sponge bath fixation yeah that could be it Kane says he needs some answers the agent you met with the day you were ambushed can't give your name why not because I promised her I wouldn't let anyone know she slipped me the Intel this didn't come for me or my agency she could lose her job if that got out right well I don't think she's worried about that anymore [Music] we met a while ago when I was in Patrol I pulled over a car the DEA was following turned out she was the lead agent we hit it off and uh I really liked her when was she killed it's when they tried to kill me she might have been the one to set you up no no not a chance not her she was a good girl she wouldn't do that to me [Music] I need to get back to the office um Kane's got us working day and night but my phone is always on if you need to talk [Music] hey boss Sheriff sent this over for you I mean you gotta be kidding me man I ain't got time for this Kane before you say anything I would have preferred to give you the news myself I got tied up in a city council meeting I mean I'm juggling three homicides as it is look I understand that and I'm sorry to put the pressure on but this is the type of thing you and your team need to handle we're not supposed to be babysitters well you are for this one don't let them get lost don't let him get people to camp leave them alive if you're not with them normally yeah but there's been some death threats on his life city council wants to protect it that's the mayor on the other line I gotta go I'm sure you can figure it out for fast security for a film crew agent Zolo my supervisor sent me down said you guys need to speak with me yeah it's about your partner well Stephanie told me she was gonna go meet someone I asked if she wanted me to come along she said no I assumed it was personal business it was the sort of thing out of the ordinary for her not really we all have personal lives right so is that the last you heard from her no she called me that night said she'd see me at work the next day my night Stephanie was killed she gave these to one of our detectives what the hell was she thinking this is classified stuff it's an ongoing case explains why she didn't want me to go with her who else is currently working on this case no one just me now so does anyone else have access to your investigation or your work files just my supervisor checks and balances that sort of thing well I have no beef with you you will when you get done with this beat man [Music] [Music] it's the it looks like he's been stabbed 15 20 times this ain't about sending a message this is about getting them dead so he can't talk [Music] yeah it's done good now what about the cops who were responsible I'll handle it [Music] [Music] I do have an office you know don't forget I've seen it it ain't much better than this Bonnie so what's with me I'm gonna be straight with you jack you've got an Intel leak you got somebody on the inside that's gone bad wait a minute okay now I'm sorry your guy got hurt the other day but I lost one of my agents remember I trust you I consider you a friend and I think you know me well enough to know that if I say something it's probably true and I'm telling you you got problems if you're saying that there's a rat in my unit let me assure you otherwise look man Stephanie passed on until that night the gates isn't it Gates was injured your agent got killed what's that tell you if there is a rat and I'm not saying there is but if there is I'll find them I promise you I'm asking you to let me help you okay how would you do that I would need access I don't like this out of that game what kind of access I need to know everything that Stephanie was working on I need to see everything that she saw what makes you think that my boss would sign off on an external investigation he's not you can't tell them it's as simple as that I'll phone you later with an access code but don't screw me on this cane my career ends if anybody above me finds out yeah my word and I need you to promise me that you will keep me updated every step of the way we do this together or not at all yes sir okay call you later [Music] thank you yeah hey go ahead Jack I got the access code all right man I'm in let's keep it posted all right [Music] so you see 60 years ago when the internment camp was first closed that area was still thriving a pharmacy but now it's been it's been completely transformed it's no longer just Japanese sex with us what we have here you're listening what we have here is an encampment that's mutated into a low income settlement one that's being targeted for Selective enforcement I'm sure selective enforcement it's got a real liberal sound to it Fortress Awards no no offense but uh if you think you're gonna make the government care about these people you're crazy why not the powers that be created the situation these people the good and the bad are products of the environment that the government created perhaps your job is bloody to that is that what you think that uh all cops have gotta us against them mentality you're a young white middle class called right you probably live in a Suburban neighborhood miles from the area that you Patrol and no doubt are a registered Republican am I am I right yeah that doesn't make you a bad person it just shows you how polarized this community has become but do you understand that none of this is interesting to people like me and if your audience doesn't consist of us young white Republicans uh we're not really going to get the advertisers right and investigative piece has made us food for the brain not for advertising stores yeah well I guess my brain just doesn't uh eat what your restaurant is serving whilst it's ready for you guys let's go all right come on man hey chief uh this is Sivan he's the guy we're supposed to assist while him and his crew film inside Harmony and this is my assistant Matthew I am doing an investigative piece on the city um I have not locked into the exact angle but the main focus will revolve around the area known as Camp Harmony thank you for the assistance you're providing Chief Kane so pleased to meet you so I'll dedicate myself at least one other member of my team to do security for y'all while you're in the area I just appreciate it if you do what we say so that nobody gets hurt Chief I'm not saying I'm as experienced as you but last year I had two attempts on my life because of a piece I did on organized crime so believe me I do know a thing or two about survival well I'm sure you do know how to handle yourself but these people in Camp Harmony they really don't care about you documenting their plight well that's why we have you isn't it all right [Music] in position well he is predictable if nothing else we need to get something that ties them to that murder attempt on Gates is there any other footage no we had to pull Juliet off him so she could back up Kane at Camp Harmony are you kidding me right no [Music] thank you [Music] look at that look at that look at that what the despair on the faces of these people the victims who realize help will never arrive and if it does they might be victimized by the very people return to for help optimized cops are the good guys you know that right depends what side of the fence you're standing on young lady fact is that old man they're just scurried into the Shadows is a victim that's been forced to take the real predator predator that's an old homeless man the only thing he's hunting are cans and plastic bottles that's not a good idea you go poking your head around these old buildings and you're likely to get shot sir didn't you hear what she said come on you gave me your word that this would be taken care of I thought it would be how many more men do we have to lose and for what ecstasy and this is over it will be over we're getting out of Seattle and I want you on a plane tonight you'll handle this personally I want that cop taken care of do you understand me how's Savannah's assistant oh they're shaking up but okay it tells me it's not the first time someone's taking shots at him you know boss between you and I'm not so sure he was the target I mean around here man they could have been shooting anybody it could have been me it could have been anybody the shooter tossed the gun atf's running a trace all right what's the deal is he still planning on going through with this unfortunately yeah thinks it's going to be great publicity for his piece that's a real Hollywood guy [Music] oh it's the right ammo it fits I would explain why Stephanie would right Zolo would know that he can walk right up on her there must have been something in that file that Zola didn't want gates to see y'all have looked through the file thoroughly right at least a dozen times so Zolo was dealing with the bad guys the entire time it was the name of the guy who tried to kill Gates Frank Wasserman we should check his arrest record see what makes a guy from the DEA connect with this group Sarah see if you can get a hold of somebody from Vegas Metro they had a pro warrant in the system for a Wasserman find out what the original case was for and where he did his time you got it yeah well cross reference is jobs friends family everything I bet there's a paper trail showing that zolon Wasserman have a prior relationship well if we could have access to the dea's Case Files but yeah if we did that we would be fired burned it to stake stoned to death but password for the files this bus please leave a message after the beep it's amazing keeps rolling out to Harmony it's your turn of course Gates here's the latest we're focusing on Stephanie's partner we're looking for any affiliation with the dope dealer what's a partner's name Victor Zolo by the way I know it's wrong and it's not driving a sponge bath [Music] I landed what do you got I just had Nevada State Prison run all the visitors Wasserman had before he was paroled let me guess if Zolo paid him a visit how do you know that because I'm smarter than you wow you know you sound just like Radner which is bad anyways I bet you you don't know why he went to go see him because Zolo and Wasserman are cousins are you gonna be mad if I tell you I already knew that are you serious I just went through both agents reports and the relationship is in Stephanie's report but not zolos so Zolo freaks out when he finds out that Stephanie knows that him and Wasserman are cousins and then the night Stephanie goes to meet Gabe solo has his cousin try to kill them but he wasn't expecting Gage to get the drop on Lost women [Music] let's do this [Music] [Music] thank you foreign you know this violates about half a dozen federal laws rules were not the window when they tried to kill Gates right I hate to rationalize breaking the rules but yeah you're right Juliet is it good it's better than good you're not gonna believe how much your guy has in his account [Music] this guy's looking real spooked what you see on his account a lot he has more money than any cop I've ever met Julia Juliet are you okay Juliet relax I'm fine any backup over here ASAP until Kaney needs to respond to my location okay what happened we just lost our number one suspect [Music] all right now they're doing to the note shots thank you nine shots just how much time you think we're gonna be spending with y'all out here Chief Kane I understand but man I got other priorities and all kinds of stuff going on you know we were promised by the sheriff that you would be at our disposal so I'll call him to clarify that I mean it's just not safe out here yeah boss agent zolo's been hit Juliet's on the scene but we need you back here ASAP all right we're gonna set a unicorn to pick you up I'm on my way okay thanks boss Mason I got a black and white coming out here for me I'm about to jump in there and get into town for some urgent stuff do me a favor and watch some stay with the children make sure that the locals don't eat them we'll take care of it boss South Harmony's got some beautiful sunsets you're gonna love it brilliant that'll make for a great transition set up nicely for all night shots love it stand down I'm a cop please I'm down [Music] now [Music] get that attachment I sent you yeah I did that's the bank statement that's all it was holding when it was gunned down that's a hell of a lot of money for a cop that's for sure I ran a check on Zola after Stephanie's murder I also pulled his bank records looks like he was on the drug dealer's payroll oh remix probably found out about Zola's cousin Wasserman and got killed for but then who is driving the car that killed Zolo probably just the Dealer's dirtbags tying up Loose Ends why would they kill an active DEA to manage agent would have too much value to them you know like why are we still discussing this of course it was them who else could it be missing Kane this is a serious black eye to my agency I would appreciate it if you would back off just let me close this case out we got to put this behind us all right let's go [Music] we got a problem Mason just sent me a text message to say he wants us to meet him at Davis container yard before that's what doesn't make sense Mason's not the kind like I would send me a taxi call me directly so if something's going on you think someone's trying to set you up if that's the case Mason's either dead or being used as bait gear up and let's get going let's go we're going to die aren't we so I hope that still got a lot of things in my life I want to say and I want to do [Music] [Music] good all right so keep your eye out for booby traps these guys are highly trained they're all trained in the military and they will be happily armed you want me to call into my support no because they'll hear that stuff come and disappear into the Shadows well what if they burn us first somebody's gonna burn us foreign [Music] [Music] we need to take everyone down [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] congratulations [Music] [Music] thank you Mason room clear okay boss all right listen to me free the hostages take them out exactly the way I came in here [Music] [Applause] I got you go clear Mason yeah we're clear let's get everybody out here go go go go come on go wait this way Gates [Music] slow down what okay I'll tell Kane get on the wall don't move [Music] [Music] [Music] hey man don't move don't move let's try this again get your hands up on the wall you know it's a shame you couldn't fight better man how'd a little kill your ass let's go [Music] [Music] okay are you here okay okay yeah man I'm right here okay Dirty Money Dirty Money Dirty Money leaves the trail man it's almost impossible to hide it here my people followed the 250 000 deposit out of Zola's account try and guess where Atlanta is this about game you're insinuating that I have it yeah kind of am if I wouldn't bother saying too much you only gave you up said you've been on this payroll for years we're friends King you know that's ridiculous engage remember him right you know I found your name in visitors along in Nevada State Prison you're the one that said was awesome to kill Gates they messed it up didn't he this is crazy and therefore she started covering her tracks patting Zola's account make him look guilty for your God give me an excuse put your hands up man come on over here and get on the car you know how it works you have the right to remain silent anything you say Canon will be used against you in accordance you happy to be going home not really I only made a truce to those nurses so good look uh Sarah I know I screwed up and I ignored your advice to always have another team member with me so I'm sorry Kane tells us independent action whether it's fueled by good intentions or not can get you killed that's why he's not happy so uh we good though sure yeah we're good for today at least but next month when you're back in your uniform well are you kidding next month uniform how you feeling buddy you look like you're ready to go besides man I have this for horses and you ain't no wussy right I'm really looking forward to having you come back on full dirty like Sarah said in the uniform no but Chief that's crazy I mean I can be out here right away I'm gonna be okay you haven't given a chance to show you what I can do yet sir I'll give you a ride home I got somebody I gotta see so I gotta hurry figures through this week oh is this one man this girl's stalking me stalking me you ready yeah [Music] Seattle operations and tatters [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 301,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action Full Movie, Classic, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, b-grade, bigtime, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, popcornflix, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube
Id: MwpEdT64Z90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 23sec (5423 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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