Urban Warfare | Full Movie | Steven Seagal Action | True Justice Series

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foreign [Music] [Music] 33 5 [Music] foreign [Music] Humphreys forgive the appearance I just came from the range I was training some folks over there I told you urgently needed me or somebody did five assaults no Witnesses no DNA no suspect info the victims appear to be unrelated and the mo is always the same yeah except this time he's escalating into homicide and that's how serial killers are made man they just start escalating in their own minds and bring it to a whole new level and apparently that's why Grace feels the need for you to be here looks like she tried to fight back and he hit her too hard would you do me a favor and bring all the files over to my office tomorrow so I can try to get a handle on this and then I'm gonna see if I can take a look around here if I could my detectives have already canvas the neighborhood well there must be a reason why they asked me to come so if you don't mind I just kind of want to get in the air and look around a little bit I promise to be a good boy and not disturb anything fine but no one saw anything we need to talk to everybody yeah Mason I'm leaving the crime scene now heading back to the SIU have the team meet me in the bullpen I'll be there in 30 minutes [Applause] [Music] hey man why are you following me huh who are you working for who sent you [Music] wanna talk to me now who sent you okay easy that's far enough I know where he keeps your gun just gonna reach for it okay yeah you do that freeze foreign [Music] [Music] come on [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] Humphreys Special Victims Bureau yes what's in the box probably if I was on the rape cases Kane was telling us about earlier did anyone get an ID on the guy who jumped Kane yesterday no saying it's a random act why does he have a tech guy doing a bug sweep of his office nice to see you again Lieutenant phrase caught on quite the show yesterday I don't know about that but anyway thanks for the files I'll have all my people go through them and get back to you right away do you mind if I ask you a question Sean up was yesterday's attack related to this case darling I can't be talking about all that stuff like I said let me go through them and we'll talk wasn't my choice to bring you in on this in fact I strongly objected I am here because I was given a direct order man I love people who are not who not follow a direct order I myself wish I had more people that could follow orders like you do that's great it seems like you might be a little bit upset about something what I am upset about is the fact that someone attempted to kill you right after you left my crime scene and you're not saying word one to me about what the hell is going on well like I said darling it's as far as I can see a completely unrelated matter and the way we're ordered to do things is we follow protocol and protocol in my station is that if there are unrelated cases we're not allowed to discuss them with anybody but if any information services that relates to this I will be the first to call you up oh that's nice thank you but you know what it's not my case anymore look I am perfectly capable of taking care of business I have been doing this for 12 years so don't for a second think this is about my ability the thing of it is believe it or not is not about who's a better cop right now it's just about which one of us little minions can get the bad guy I never said it wasn't and I still think that my Bureau could have handled it and I think they could have too but for better for worse we got it now and like I said I'm gonna give it to my folks and see if there's some workables and I mean you can stay if you want thank you you know what why don't you let me take this to your team looks like you've got your hands full new assignment compliments of the special victims Bureau we say whatever I almost missed it it was coupled to the thermostat probably using the wiring as a transmitting antenna you guys know what they're doing who made it hard to say this isn't a commercial device and we got nothing that's small and sensitive in our books not even close it's a carrier current listening device is uh some of the government connected folks military my guests are hardcore special ops well either us or the bad guys can't tell these days Cutting Edge is Cutting Edge doesn't come with a manufacturer's stamp that's a show so you think the office is clean now unless they got something smaller which is a definite possibility can I keep it keep what so we got a lawyer accountant mother doctor and now a teacher five assaults one every three days a serious agenda oh we got any workable physical evidence or anything no nothing no DNA you build a pattern figure out where he's gonna strike next guy knows the street three of the attacks while daylight in public places and he still managed to get the victims into stairwells or field trip with her kids and we still got to work so the only Witnesses we have are victims Greg oh you think he's working from the list Maybe I knew him knew where they were heading you know maybe he's targeting for a reason well that would make sense but there's no connection between the women hey what about this one last one the teacher Humphreys and her people think that she fought back and he panicked and that's why he killed her or he's escalating it's level you know this woman wasn't your average teacher she taught it that Elite Spring Hill School Hey listen when we catch this guy are you gonna go out cuckoo bananas start cracking skulls again no that was a unique circumstance you can relax I'll be fine well then you won't mind this little bit of information Charles Grosso registered sex offender he had worked at Spring Hill School up until a couple months ago they let this pig work around kids I know sure about this Mason I told you I got a hunch on this guy he's dead center from where all the bodies are being dropped okay I called that enough of a hunch foreign [Music] I got plans for you sweetheart you and I should do some bad things together now you're teasing me I'm gonna tease you later instead of them being in the vault by yourself especially before noon yeah well I ain't breaking any laws by being here what the hell do you want oh we just want to talk after going by your apartment and you're not being there I figured that you would have crawled up inside you got questions for me you can ask my lawyer till then get lost you're not being very social Harem she's not surprises me because I believe that one of the stipulations in your probation is if a cop asks you a question you answered you um got a new partner sure looks like it not bad hmm 40. sure you know I like a little package you probably do you probably have one yourself you want to accuse me of something or is this just about to pass I'm not done talking this is Virgin of police harassment Mason harassment they ain't harassment yeah that's just me asking you a question you want me to stay away from you answer the gosh damn question I'll find out anything to do with that crossword you gotta use that on yourself Mason get out of here get out the hell was that did you not learn anything from Juliet's issue are you trying to get us fired he had it coming all right that's enough I'm sorry it's just a little pet project in my decent I'm ready to a friend of mine's daughter a few years ago sorry if I ever get the chance don't swear finish that sentence if anything happens I don't have to testify against you let's do that don't put me in that position [Music] even though I got a feeling about this guy yeah we're trying not to beat on him yet Charles Grasso nice place you got here Charles so how long do you work at the school about two months oh yeah just enough time to develop a crash couldn't get her at school so you got her on a field trip right listen you gotta believe me I made a mistake a few years ago but prison changed me I've been going to council yeah that's what they all say you look familiar have I arrested you before I worked at the school I bust tables over at Giovanni's stop in there a few times I never knew you were a cop so why'd you get fired huh besides the fact that you're just a creepy little son of a idiot that runs that school found out I hit on one of the teachers told me those broads were his is that so yeah I also heard through the grapevine that he likes the young ones too sounds to me like you're projecting yeah maybe so fact is I should know what to look for in a fellow pervert right look all I'm saying is game recognizes game what's his name Jonathan Jonathan McSweeney ask around you'll see he's the one that you should be questioning not me okay well we'll check him out you just make sure you're around if we have any more questions all right nice meeting you ma'am we will see each other again sometime huh hey uh what was that all about what do you mean guys Giovanni's I mean is that true it's a bar that serves good rigatomi they're a problem with that no but people don't go to Giovanni's for the rigatoni you're a pig little surprised don't try and pigeonhole me into some preconceived image that you have about female cops all right I am who I am I'm the my sexuality is not something your tiny little brain could comprehend so you play for both teams right I'm kidding look I'm kidding you know what I'm not surprised it's it's it's cool do you really want to talk about this you want to go there should we talk about you and Sarah maybe perhaps no no don't talk about that oh poor baby I hurt your feelings I'll see you in the car foreign plenty of identifying marks three old stab wounds uh two bullet wounds probably from 10 or 15 years ago multiple fractures that had healed several pins man I guess he's a professional it's something lived a very active life check this out he actually went to the trouble of sanding his fingerprints off why the hell did he do that they're just gonna grow back eventually yeah but until then he wouldn't leave any identifiable prints some of the guys in the Soviet block before they'd go on an OP they'd make sure that they didn't have any traceable fingerprints so that if they were killed nobody would know who they were and if they weren't their stuff would grow back you know yeah I know that it wasn't mean it means that these folks are Pros that's what it means these guys they uh knew where I've been they know where I'm gonna be they've got listening devices in my office that we've detected that are not obtainable for normal Pros or civilians there are high level sophisticated governing operators we found this the crime scene I take it it's from before we hired you now is this a one-off thing or something I need to worry about I mean I'm telling y'all I know I know these folks want to talk to me but I don't know why and he didn't attempt to kill you well I've found a non-lethal nerve toxin on the tip enough to knock you out for two days and leave with a nasty hangover so what the hell is going on camera man I'm kind of telling you all I know I I have a past I've been out I've been out of that game for a long long time they obviously want to talk to me about something or I just don't know why or why okay okay hang on Kane you're a cop now this is not an isolated incident you need to be straight with me I will not have this town turned into a wild west show do you understand what did I say to you in there I told you somebody wants to talk to me whoever it is a professional that's all I know these guys are pro they come from high up I don't know who they are where they come from and if I knew I would tell you oh Harold just got put back on the streets I'm saying this smacks of his Mo nah I don't know man you really think Harold's smart enough to cover up his tracks maybe not you think Charles Grasso is hard to tell what about the principal of that school Jonathan McSweeney maybe grassroad and pegged right oh wow as a petal we don't even know if it's this one guy yet it could be a team we don't have any DNA we don't have a description we don't have a pattern you know I got ears like an elephant I couldn't help it over here with you I'm talking about and uh man I think you're partially the right thing of it is man there's always a pattern people work in their comfort zones and the way they work kind of defines the way they think and the way they act if you look deep enough put your mind in their mind you can always kind of decipher that pattern no matter how obscure it is but anyway Julie and Sarah why don't you guys go talk to the principal he might be the suspect he might not but if Grosso is right and he is a bad guy then let's smoke him out and you two tell him after that and we'll sweat them and see what we come up with if he's dirty I think that uh he's going to want to clean up his act or you know give himself up real quick so go ahead and go do it all right so listen what's the word on that guy boss okay the guy who attacked you that guy that guy man he hasn't dropped me a postcard he hasn't called me no word at all not talking got it [Music] oh This is highly irritating Spring Hill is a privately funded institution which means we have to maintain a Flawless reputation in order to operate at our current capacity we've won prestigious Awards all right well that's great but what we're here to talk to you about Mr McSweeney is your employees teachers gardeners janitors you well as I was trying to explain we hire only the best each of our employees has done to go a very thorough background check including myself let's be frank shall we please do this is not about Spring Hill this is about you people trying to cover your asses if you've done your job then one of my staff would not have ended up raped and murdered we were all devastated here because of the incompetence of your department animals capable of crimes like this just shouldn't be on the streets I agree we need to do better so with that in mind you'll understand that we need to interview everyone at the school including the students on what grounds Mr McSweeney this man is a registered sex offender and he worked for you until you fired him that makes him a person of special interest in our case and we have to interview people because someone might have noticed something this part of his past must have slipped through the cracks I promise you we had no idea nobody's saying you did talking to the students I I don't know if that's such a good idea they're already upset parents might not approve we're concerned that Grasso might have had contact with some of them while he was here yes yes but um I'd like to talk to our lawyers about it before we do that until then please Sarah and I got mcsweeney's residence taked out let us know when he leaves laughs [Music] foreign [Music] let us know if you need backups yeah this game was right Julia and Sarah really spooked the hell out of them oh yeah I don't know about nobody but I would take my garbage for a five mile drive before I download it yeah it was a stranger let's go see what was so important to get rid of foreign keeping warm all right I see it here come on hand it over thank you is that everything fellas you guys have a good night what's up [Music] laughs I have a message for your boss this is about his debt he better pass or you will with your life thank you [Music] that didn't go so well done Marcus it's me okay we should do this face to face okay yeah man oh man it's good to see you man good to see you you know I gotta be honest I didn't think I'd hear from you again see none this businessman you never know when somebody's face gonna pop ain't that the truth what's going on I need to know if something trying to get into my files files of course not you've been offline for years I'm sorry to say somebody tried to pull the black op on me the other day tried to take me out now why would someone want to do that no idea like I'm telling you it wasn't us think about it you're caught me all right yeah people don't like cops you think of it is whoever did this man they're not civilians like they use the track gun and I know it was in that track gun so they Pros the government Pros you see so can't argue that something going on man that bugged my office look if they wanted me dead man they could shoot me with a sniper two thousand yards up the street I'd be gone we'll see what I can do they're parts of your fire that even I haven't seen you know maybe you need someone who has you think Hutch is still around or yeah who's he working for I can't say you're not cleared for that information anymore do me a favor man just tell them I need to see him here I'll tell you what I think long and hard about that look when you're out you're out you know that hell you even taught me that I don't know how it is you're safe man all right [Music] I gotta do that thank you I mean seriously you guys you look stunning the Reddit brings out your eyes seriously how do you always end up getting your butts kicked yeah it ain't funny something's going on with Kings something you ain't telling us about see I don't want to get my ass kicked but as long as I know what it's for if you know what I mean I agree with that Kane definitely has to come clean about what's going on with him the context went to the contents of the garbage bag and you don't look too happy it looks like McSweeney ripped the hard drive out of his laptop and then tried to smash it most of the data was destroyed but the text extracted a few files that stayed intact sick son of a and we can't prove the drive was his because it was in the alley when we recovered it not in the trash bag Kane's door is closed is he around he's with Graves you can wait in the cafeteria you guys can keep that why is that woman always here yeah happy King he screwed up big time good morning Lieutenant never should have brought your team on board that angry thing man makes you sexy but look you just don't know what you're talking about right now we've been keeping tabs on Charles Grosso just like he requested and now he's gone and if he is our man then chances are we are not going to find him again until he rapes and kills again well the thing of it is I know he went underground we're gonna track him your team stepped on him too hard just like they stepped on another one of our suspects too hard I knew it was Grosso well there's no hard evidence and guys like him scare easy he took off as soon as he felt the heat no he wasn't scared something about this guy that I am tapping into listening a repeat offender an active parole for a rape that he played two eight years ago take a look at his bio smart guy that can't get his craft together didn't want to put in the effort to get ahead him he's your classic underachiever so were you separated at Birth work for the city work so he knows these streets inside and out got fired from that got a job as a janitor couldn't even make that one work I'm telling you this guy hates women he blames him for his failure he's always failing with them look at that lawyer mother accountant doctor teacher all strong successful women you know why he killed the last one she recognized him he's doing now what he wanted to do eight years ago get them all so how do we stop him so the thing with this man you're dealing with an enemy who has this kind of psychology you understand his mentality what do you do find them man you let him find us and with this kind of mentality he'll always find us that's the secret to this whole deal y'all have been nailing it so far how do you think he's going to find us I think he wants his 15 minutes I think he wants to be known for this famous that's right I think he wants to do a cop kill one like the teacher and I think in his mind you fit the bill someone like you he wants a dinner Humphreys I'm telling you there's a reason why this guy went AWOL he feels like this is his last shot you think so I think if we put you out there he'll take the pain probably the only shot we got boss you know there's a thinking man I want this you know he knows who I am your team your colocaine I agree Juliet takes the lead on this okay let me go talk to Graves let's do it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay here we go everyone stay back Mason speak to me where's the end Julia's on the Move Radner has the eye Sarah and I have this six 10-4 here we go Julie had to slow down you're out of sight what's your 20. northeast corner Alleyway a whole position here [Music] boy he took the babe we lost radio contact she might be hurt northeast corner where you going what do you think man foreign laughs Kane's on his way now door's locked all right stay here make sure it doesn't double back hold that in the block everybody hold your positions contain the area you got that all right [Music] oh where is he go foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh God it's a little difference [Music] [Music] that's enough Julian he's not worth it foreign I said no interruptions guess that was our fault we forgot to make an appointment can't come in here I think we can we just did heard you caught your rapist my lawyer tells me that there's no need for any interviews with our students now oh I also took the time to pull Charles Grasso's file we did all the necessary background work came back clean apparently had several stolen identities all of them legitimate but um my lawyer also tells me that we're not liable for those we followed all proper procedures you're going to want to call your lawyer again are you trying to intimidate me because I really don't think that's necessary if that's a search warrant you're wasting your time you're free to search wherever you want it isn't a search warrant it's an arrest warrant and yours is the name on it on what charge possession of child pornography you see you got rid of the laptop and the data on that but you ran a popular antivirus Suite that automatically backs up all of your important files online in the background so you don't have to think about it photographic files McSweeney thousands of them let's go [Music] hey Mason what's up chief what is this I don't know what you're thinking huh really yeah you're right you know you're a cop man you can't act like civilian as a cop you go doing stuff like that they call Internal Affairs you lose days and then they start bothering me and I don't want to be bothered by my own guys and if this guy ended up dead you'd be the first suspect between you and Juliet man I get it I'm sorry you get your chance and the rest of this guy unless you do something stupid yeah you're right yeah I can't you can't just walk away from what you've done [Music] Green Lantern to watch tower approaching Strike Zone that's confirmed radio contacts with our operatives with an 0-900 hours over they're in that Village somewhere Green Lantern Over America foreign blocked onto a large thermal pattern in the Target building permission to fire over here hello [Applause] snack up foreign [Music] let's get them out before I cut them out oh my God bathroom now probably will go [Music] she's dead give me the shower curtain Sergey we have to get it out [Music] is going to be messy you guys it should have seen his face when we slapped a warrant on him it was perfect so everybody did a great job man proud of y'all good case good job so what but you want to tell us what's been going on with you I mean you know it is true y'all need an explanation and you'll get one someday of course yeah Sparks we've got another homicide you're going to want to see this all right we're on our way right now everybody Mount up Sarah and Juliet looking at the homicide at Rainier and Henderson you guys are with me let's go no no I won't ask you again what did you do with my money you had a chance all you had to do was cooperate you couldn't do that huh there was wealth for all of us enough to go around enough for most men but you wanted it all for yourself great is your failed you're my friend what the latest shipment from our girl what happened he died how I don't know all the other girls past them no problem if it's not all here you owe me it comes out of your hands okay we got everything live now where were we foreign not yet I can tell you this much she vomited blood pre-mortem and I haven't done a rape kit yet she was dead before they cut her open yeah everything's pulled out stomach intestines everything so what does that mean botched abortion no her uterus is intact all right let's spread out get canes remarkable [Music] get up on your knees [Music] I said Neil see that stubbornness that's why you're out of business you just couldn't let us move our diamonds to you could you it's called competition the American way [Music] see you in hell [Music] oops that was lucky for you fortunately I have other guns [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you we get anything back yet yep I think you'll find this interesting take a look at this now take a look at this so like I figured she was already dead by the time her insides were pulled out of her what's the toxicology say allergic reaction to latex what does that mean she showed extremely high levels of the inner system enough to kill her prolonged exposure sure but no latex found on the scene at all it could have been removed who knows so she has an allergic reaction dies and then someone comes along and guts her are you sure there was no cocaine or heroin found at all just latex she was clean she's got to be mealing for somebody or something otherwise this doesn't make sense those are the facts all right thanks folks no problem [Music] [Music] yes come on come on Alex get in here power get the AKs that son of a is mine boys son of a [Music] I understand I'm coming up empty with the dead latex girl anyone find out her name yet Mason Mason sorry I see I have mine just drop the dime on a new group of Russians this is the same group that is suspected in the shooting incident this morning it's got a good feeling about this let me looks like the making of a gang war and they're working the same district where you found your Jane Doe you coming to my brain riding along [Music] [Music] so Friends new places new faces man which tells me you're still in the game heard you wanted to talk to me sorry I had to bring it back to this step somebody's running a black op against me [Music] I wondered if you know anything about that possible I haven't seen your name on any Burn Notices really uh what have you seen we intercepted succumb stuff little bird notices capture and transport Target was unclear until now you know where it's coming from georgian's unknown or until indicates African my way somewhere in the middle took out a lot of their top players remember thank you you have any idea who's coming next come on Ken you know how this works the game's not over yet right how are you working for Hajj I'll let you know if I hear anything all right give you a heads up [Music] every damn second he's walking around his embarrassment to me we can't move these diamonds through his clients if he's still alive he's not showing his face most of Kuru are dead then fine he's a woman check the motel he's bound to go to her for money maybe place to stay find her and you will find him do it all right well I recognize this I don't agree or two yards right yeah and eyewitness said that uh they saw a couple carloads of guys pull up uh they busted in he heard a lot of shots and then he saw some poor guy humping it down the alley in his underwear I think from the description he might have been greater himself and the shooters came out minutes later so an armed robbery in a tow yard except for they didn't take anything um what is all that doesn't look like dope paraphernalia I don't know I mean they're cutting and measured something there but what it is I got no idea one of my Ci's told me that he's seeing a couple new faces in town spending a lot of money sounds like grieger in these guys Patrol ever arrested one of grigors man no it's not for my lack of trying they know Greek is up to something but they haven't been able to develop anything solid on them it's not like his tow yard does a lot of business what kind of a tow yard never has any cars in it who's this the 400 Motel homicides work in a case where they found two bodies always left of them and a couple dumpsters not too far from there it's got to be connected to him well if it is Greek or I think he is on the losing end of this battle I agree time to go Boris love is not going to believe this you want to see us yeah come on in YouTube take a look at this same deal as last Sparks around the toxicology wait so two girls die of an allergic reaction to latex both get gutted and there's no drugs yeah what are the odds of that pretty good they're both sisters what DNA confirmed their identity so they're both runway models so they're both working in Europe and this side in America we found remnants of latex condom in their intestines and what's more important we found diamonds they are smuggling diamonds they swallow and cross the border we never get a name on that first one Nia Michelle but she's a zero in our system on criminal history she doesn't have any prints on file I know she's never even had a license through Motor Vehicles here or in any other state right and no one has filed a missing person's report I'll give you a number of friend of mine in Interpol why don't you see if you can call him and check see if there's any other models that have been missing or gone missing in mysterious Fashions any new money on the street there got to be a new player in town somebody's setting up shop here actually Mason was saying there is not our usual group either these guys are high profile we need to find out who they are and shut them down quick well Radner thinks the Multiple homicide was grigor's workers but no one's seen grigor since we found the bodies well we need to see him we need to find them and it would make them an offer see if he can tell us who's trying to chop him off at the knees all right but can we offer him we've never been able to get anything on Greek war information intelligence money I mean we all know he's dirty and we know someone's trying to kill them so if we offer many Aid to help him with any of those things something good is going to happen when a guy like him starts running you know it's easier to get him to make the right decision and help us at the same time good thinking get on that thanks chief so if you guys want the motels you want grigor well I think we know where grigo is going to be where does a guy go when he is known to trust to his girl exactly she'll have guns she'll have money she'll have whatever he's stashed with her there he is well hello there oh come you want to stop keeping out of trouble Thomas hell no I'm not staying out of trouble you asked me to work off the case I can't do that flipping burgers I got to be on the street working angles what do you want all right well we may have an easier way for you to work off the case ooh how exciting watch your mouth you know a guy named Gregor Gregor hell yeah I know Gregor I got him his party favors when he needs them why we need to find them you know where he's at no I can ask around probably won't take very long he and his old lady got a daily habit the old lady have a name Anna I know her as Anna staying I don't know but I heard she might have got pinched last night he couldn't have told us that earlier dumbass you didn't ask get out of here this is all you have to say yeah okay okay well let's go over this so when was the last time you saw him I told to the detectives this morning and you told him you saw him this afternoon okay okay tough one so it's a lot of my business right now it's in your best interest to share that information with us let's see who's been calling no you're not but you could be considered consider 2400 Motel how can we direct your call 2400 Motel okay services what information do you have from immigration services you might have some problems with them and if you cooperate with us we can make those problems go away I don't know where he is if I knew I wouldn't be here okay you sure about that I know what's going down with grigory Detective I hear what happens out there and I'm not talking to you about any of it can I go now we're trying to stop him from getting killed do you expect me to believe that you don't care if he dies you're just gonna find someone else to buy a jewelry and you think you can save him he knew how this would end it's life where he's from you get ahead and you're dead I have all day and I need to know where he is and I'm pretty sure you know so where do you want to start free to go what'd you get hey baby [Music] relax relax I didn't tell them anything hey I'm on my way hang up now and don't say one more word [Music] foreign with me the safest place to ride this thing out I don't think I could do that if they don't snatch you they will kill you unless you come in I can't help you see but the problem is this whole thing ain't adding up and uh I've been at this a long time a lot longer than you and a lot longer the guys you're working for and I'm smart enough to know that some ain't right I'm here unofficially you realize that I do you're out as far as a company is concerned you don't exist from where I stand I'm taking a big risk just trying to help you doing it because you're my friend will be my friend why don't you act like one all right how's this We Believe Marcus has been compromised I don't think so I asked him to contact you and he brought you to me Marcus never camped in me we had surveillance on him I heard you wanted to talk to me on the tape you should have came I didn't think I'd hear from you again what's going on I need to know if something trying to get into my files I think Marcus might be behind this whole operation against you buddy I'm sorry [Music] oh what exactly think you're going chief so do you want to go back through the window do you think or should we use the front door piss off let's go don't know why I'm being cuffed I'm the one being chased down now you're going to want to stop running and start talking seems to me you run out of options I always have options my friend that's all yeah well see the way I see it is you can talk to us or you can die I mean it's up to you they gotta catch me first to kill me right all your friends are real good at tracking people down in fact half your Associates are lying in the morgue right now and you know who put them there don't you to do yourself a favor and start talking don't do it for yourself you know do it for your wife your kids oh you're gonna love this shower curtain in there matches the same one the girl was wrapped up in whatever you're selling we ain't buying oh what's wrong he said that we found the guy first there just us we've got Greger at the hotel and we think this is the place where they were bringing the female couriers just rewind the security tapes man see if we can get some confirmation we're on it Tuesday night two guys and a girl in a motel that'll be easy just call me back when you get something [Applause] I understand this we don't give a crap about you yeah I'm not stupid I figured that out the first 10 times you told me give me a name I'm killing all these girls who's been laying your friends out in the street that's it look at that take a look at that two guys walking with the girl um you drag out in the shower curtain not gonna talk all right then what's your plan because whatever it is it's not gonna work you're just gonna end up dead too she's right you know what me personally I talk that's what I know hey [Music] [Music] [Music] stop [Music] turn around turn around [Music] please tell me because I have no idea why your team is right in the middle of a Russian gang war here in my city I got a pretty good idea why you should know better than anybody you're a cop you're out there in the street hitting hard my guys are not sitting behind the desk pushing papers we get out there in the street and we mix it up you make enemies you piss people off and you end up in the middle of a war that sounds like BS to me are you going to get involved I don't think that's going to help anything no but it'll cover the Department's ass if you say so that's kind of not the way I look at it but hey you're the boss that's the way it's going to be I need to do what's best for the Department on top of all that I've got every women's rights activist in the city breathing down my neck to catch this animal not to mention the city council on the Press calling me every day looking I got a lot on your plate Kane but clear it and get your team focused on solving this I don't know how the hell all those bullets missed you you got nine lives my friend I need a smoke you got one got health issues sorry you got health issues better not as bad as mine maybe not but everybody's locked ones out right you should consider a new line of work see we can help you out with that no thanks if I'm not under arrest why am I still cuffed well I'm sure you did something bad in the last 48 hours see I just haven't figured it out yet tell me something why'd you get married am I seriously a guy like you domesticated what's in it for you just want to know man-to-man forget about the whole cop thing kids I want the kids good kids with a good woman to raise them I get that I guess the end of the day every guy just wants a girl like his mother I guess don't give me the Freudian crap I don't got any mummy issues all I'm saying is it takes a good woman to raise good kids yeah get me highness don't waste your time I may speak with an accent but you can't Deport me I was born here it's true his wife wasn't I'm pretty sure she does not have a passport excuse me yeah I'll call you back his name is Boris law get a warrant on this guy I want to go in the heart I want him out of business before another one of these girls dies I'm on it call me when it's over I gotta go see somebody okay okay what's up man what's up did they flip you man did they flip you the truth have you been compromised the hell are you doing Jane huh are you crazy so you're not compromised right absolutely not you're still my guy I'm still your guy because look you're here word on the street is your turn but uh the person who told me that he ain't right either who told you that Hajj Hutch yeah when was the last time you seen him two days ago telling you for the last time we're not after you I swear on everything I love you have my word he told me you didn't pass on an information of course not why that I told you you were not cleared for any operational information anymore I mean I thought about it for a second but I couldn't take the risk until I knew what the hell was going on come on man you know the deal all right what's going on with Hutch who's he working for he's been dealing with the Middle East not sure who exactly I'm trying to talk to him myself but we can't find him is that why you didn't pass on the information it's gone silent since last we talked I wouldn't do you like that man you know that I believe man my loyalty lies with you man I believe I wouldn't be here without you all right see you in your shadows man all right stay up I got your back man poor swap you're under arrest for what murder I think I want my Royal present if you're planning on asking me anything else drugs just weren't enough for you anymore you're ruining my night you know that well you have a really busy life you know that blood diamonds murder money laundering I don't think so you can talk to my optimizations you don't have nothing on me see you might call it nothing we got an eyewitness to your direct participation in six homicides and an attempted homicide see so where we come from that's called a whole lot of something it's Gregor and you think jury is going to believe guy like him we're about to find out excuse me put your hands behind your back let's go you have the right to remain silent they think you say will be used against you in the court of law yeah the right to an attorney man I never thought somebody like you do me like that you're like Judas who made you act like that you made me look like a fool and a coward I don't know what your problem is with me I moved as fast as I could I did everything I could to help you however you acted in those kind of situations I understand you know I never criticize you for that our mission was to kill lhub if I got killed in the process so be it you did the best you could I never criticized you for that I mowed something for that cane not just some crappy pension how much am I worth 25 million oh that's a lot of money boy 35 if I bring you in alive you took out the third top Al-Qaeda guy all right on friggin tape to kind of taped that stuff personally you know it's bad enough being sold out but being sold out to them guys why the hell not the same right something wrong with your child I'm thinking about me now and they pay better [Applause] oh foreign decorating I see just a little white boy here trying to set you up man telling all kinds of stories about you but uh he's not a good enough Life For Me Yeah well you know it's a spy game right who can you trust you can't trust nobody but me yeah once you head out I got this get up you trying to bring me huh stay down man don't you learn huh what's wrong with you lesson learned Punk thank you darling so we're taking off tonight boss man great job out there guys really proud of y'all work thanks took out a smuggling ring and solved a series of murders you and your team are up for accommodation oh come on man anyway there's nothing to do with me that's them you know you really ought to take some credit every now and again Kane man I'm just a simple country boy trying to keep my ear to the ground my eyes open once in a while yeah so uh how's that little situation working out I'm not going to be tripping over any dead bodies without fingerprints or rule books without rules am I I don't think so I think everything has been resolved and uh I don't think you have anything to worry about good whatever the hell that means it's good [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 350,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action Full Movie, Classic, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, b-grade, bigtime, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, popcornflix, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube
Id: xqS3kyqkdO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 15sec (5415 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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