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foreign [Music] well there's a Mexican gang MS-13 in the Crips but everybody's jacked up because there's talk of the Yakuza joining forces with the tongs but on this deal who the play is well there's a faction moving in from Southern California but you got to watch out for the tamaguchi brothers there's a a meet happening here tomorrow it's an office building I don't know something for you there Mike I'll set up a Stakeout from Stakeout there's nothing going down I can't take this anymore foreign take a look I might said that the meeting was going to be today's words usually pretty good I don't know man you could just hang for a little while um you know they should issue with motorhome for stuff like this jobs like this why does the eyes always say sometime today when one of the areas say 2 15 today I don't know it's organized crime right organize it okay yeah I got a heads up for you man I sure hope so because I'm sitting in front of an empty villain for a long time yeah it's not going to happen today the Yakuza boys are going to put on a short Force they're going to take out the MS drug distributor it's at a warehouse on Maitland when now all right Randy get with me man see if you can give Mason and Julia to meet me over here right now I got some Intel on it he's going down amazing yeah boss [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] guns on the ground get him down get on the ground on the ground [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] ha ha ha huh [Music] foreign [Music] yeah it's too long and profitable association between the Yakuza and the town it's a good business company [Music] you're wasting your time Monday thank you foreign well uh I know more about that path than you may think it's not the end of the world I've been very curious you have a much higher rank than these other people yet you're not ordering them around you're acting just like another Soldier what's the story with that his business so those are residents looks like he was calling home check this out there's a number he calls about you okay got it South King Street near Chinatown it's a business listing handmade Chinese pot stickers right but if you've got 11 calls here this morning I just really love the dumpling hold on this place has been busted before it's a gambling joint run by the tongs of course it is [Music] so anyone here got any idea who I am anyone what about you no I don't not even a little bit familiar maybe you need to look at my face a little better my name is Leroy Jacobs Leroy proud father of Brian who died in the service of his country devoted husband reformed alcoholic two years clean and sober and now former homeowner ring any bells why did you leave Japan I was involved in human trafficking buying a selling woman for sex it's hidden and see their tears and take my younger sister coming up the age and I ran into a problem the accuser won't change their ways because of me dogs are not going to change because of you but you can change boss sorry we have a situation dispatch on three and it's urgent be right there maybe we can make a deal like I said I know that world is good as you I know it very very well I know how to protect you and your family thank you [Music] okay we have a hotness situation at the home National Bank so what is being deployed now Commander Shaw wants to talk to you go ahead and Patch him through it's Shaw yeah you got a situation yeah the suspect used his name as Leroy Jacobs Well what does that have to do with me that name doesn't ring a bell well you mentioned you he's pretty freaked out we're just looking for any background you might have well I mean I could talk to him how you know how this goes Kane this is SWAT Operation we have our negotiator on site well I mean it's not like I'm trying to step on any toes man I trained y'all know how much uh you know what I think I do remember this guy let me talk to him all right Kane we'll try to keep this guy wrapped up until you show up I don't want to engage if I don't have to but I can't make you any promises I'll head on down there man just give me a couple hours I'll be there I'll take care of it yeah you got it two hours all right thanks he's starting on the paper once you uh scratch out the book and slip no you catch it you clean it I'm staying here nice foreign excuses yeah at least we're tipped especially in plain clothes kill katsuo [Applause] you find out who killed them foreign [Music] so before I go down and talk to this guy I need to know a few things you guys are going to be with me on that did we dig up anything else yeah Akio made a number of phone calls this morning to a Tong gambling house and my CIA told me that the tone in the Yakuza might be forming an alliance I want you and Sarah to go down there and make your presence felt uh Let The Oxen know that we're thinking about them that we love them that we miss them and that we are in their face in every other orifice their God so why don't you all head out and do that maybe we might get lucky and flush out somebody who don't want to be flushed out no problem y'all get gone cool you know what this is I know it's a damn house whose house I I don't know your house my house I thought it was my house I called in my house come over to my house for a beer I would tell my friends imagine my surprise when I found out it wasn't my house that it was your house now do you remember yes yes of course Leroy liar you know remember I remember he used to come in every second Friday to cast your check I haven't seen you in a while though she remembers the regular everyday working folk remember but you foreclosed on my house and you still got no idea who I am I'm sorry too late because I got news for you you didn't foreclose on my house you foreclosed on me so I tapped into a street camera at the intersection next to the bank only one conviction for stolen property looks like the judge let him off easy no time you know I remember this guy man he was going through a real tough stretch for a while lost his son in Iraq I put in a good word for him my house only time I ever owned the key so the roof over my head and that's something for a guy like me I made all my payments I paid my taxes on it too you and your bank had no right no right to take my property away I raised my family in that damn house that was my home that was our home you listening to this good every man gets done on his luck every now and then but what do you care right all you care about is the damn money you don't give a damn whose ass ends up living on the street you don't care if life's kicking a man while he's down but not this time not this time this time you're the one down on your luck was a cop named Kane he runs the SIU here our contacts in Japan have looked into his past this is what we know it's just another dumbass Gaijin cop just listen William [Music] okay hey Bob pulling up at our friend Gambling Hall uh look here man just watch your six be careful hand to the right when you get in there make sure whatever you do can match the paper later be safe don't do nothing stupid yeah sure boss Kane's father was U.S military in Japan during the war he married an affluent Japanese woman daughter of a famous Samurai family in Kyushu the head of that family King's grandfather was one of the last great Swordsmen Kane was born old man fell in love with his grandson took him in eventually taught him secrets of his buha secret sword School this guy came he's not just a dumb guy Jean cop was raised and born in Japan he speaks the language better than you do you need to finish our business go to ground tongue ship comes into Port tonight how ready are we the mechanic delivered the first half yesterday good let's get it done the last thing we need is some Half Breed Samurai breathing down our neck the cops are here looking for a payoff I don't think so it looks like business however you guys take care of it hey fellas how's Thug Life you tell me officer are you looking at something is there a problem come again screw you careful big boy we bite back how much to pay for this [ __ ] I'm bored and you know hmm it's a tempting offer I gotta tell you I'm not gonna be honest pal I don't think he'd handle her and even if you could doesn't he look like he's more your type oh [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] there's a foreclosure side he's definitely not here everybody let's talk to the neighbors [Music] no no no don't let him fall you can speak English if he sits back in that Japanese you gotta hit the reset button yes look at that it's like magic isn't it foreign so now I have a problem no that ain't quite right we have a problem poor old Leroy don't got a job don't got a family don't got nowhere to live and I want to know what you're going to do about it suggestions okay I'll give you one I want my house back Leroy I can't just give you your house back you took my mom's house too after my dad passed away see Fred exactly why people go out to rob banks you steal from the people and sometimes the people want a little payback I'm sorry really really sorry okay I'm sorry we foreclosed but we have to have rules we can't just go on friendship and character it's not good business it seems to me with all the money the government's been bailing you guys out with you got the wrong idea what makes business good [Music] [Music] what do you mean you can't hold them they assaulted a police officer hey they beat you up too don't listen I don't care if they posted bail Kane hasn't had a chance to talk to him yet Hey listen what if I told you that they were terrorists huh known Terrace then you can hold them as long as you want well so the two Yakuza punks are back in the street we've been the rules all the time maybe they could do us a favor right yeah where's a sap and a dark alley when you need one right why are you busting my balls here look man I'm coming down to talk to them Robert you got to tell him that if he doesn't release some horses I'm not going to step foot in the bank I need some kind of Goodwill gesture you here yeah you got it all right what's the word with the crazy in the bank um he's not crazy he just wants his house back wouldn't you come I wonder what's he thinking it's stupid maybe if the guy finished fifth grade he wouldn't have lost his house in the first place you know what I got an idea here's what we do we uh we tell him it's his you throw him the keys and then when he walks out we bag and tag him great yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] control no please sure loyalty loyalty I have warrants if I fought them I'd be arrested and deported if I go back to Japan I'm dead it's my fight it's your fight always oh yeah cause I never step back can we take a beating and take a bullet that's the way it is if you ever run like that again I'm gonna cut your head off all right that's enough come on let's go watch the fight those were the cops killed you know this how what else would they have come it was a message they came to laugh at us soldiers they came because they were ordered to order to by their boss killed one of us we're here for business and our partners the tongs are watching us they need to know that we can be trusted that we're not going to run around killing cops we only need them for the network of reports we do what we want we do what we want no we do what's necessary we do what's required by our code we die young we die with violence this is Yakuza this is our way this is our nature who died as he was meant to we move on the testatong network with the Armament shipment and then we'll start moving the real merchanters the cops are going to be bringing heat so we need to move fast and you brother you need to focus nobody here made no good will gesture to me did they [Music] no screw you all right folks we're getting right down to it now they say I gotta let some of you go as a Goodwill gesture I get screwed and I got to be the one with all the Goodwill how the hell does that work it doesn't matter anyway because this is between you and me okay folks you can go on out set to use the front door I'm sorry [Music] so apparently after his wife got sick he got fired from his job because it was taking too much time off to take care of her lost his health insurance then she couldn't get the coverage she needed she died six months ago [Music] I don't know why this is in the straight SWAT Operation well you know because life is not black and white and you got to really look into the psyche of the person I mean if you saw a guy on the top of a tall building ready to jump and you knew they'd just lost his wife and his son and his house would you shoot put him out of his misery of course not I talked to him yeah but what are we supposed to do like Mason said it's a SWAT Operation they're not going to let us anywhere near the place I don't really want you close to the bank I want you close to the SWAT Command Center I'll put you guys on a special frequency for us on our radios or only we can hear each other there's going to be corridors in line of sight for the snipers if Leroy wanders into one of those Corners they might try to kill him so if you guys hear any kind of a Kill Order like that or a shoot order you need to let me know as soon as possible I'll certainly try to save Leroy but also I'm in danger so you guys really keep your heads up and see if you can help me out there of course all right you got a wife Fred kids divorced I have a daughter she's 15. I'm sorry to hear that it's a joke Fred teenagers man but you should give you a harder time than I do you miss your wife at all I know she's not dead or nothing but if you miss having around sometimes honestly no uh you're not so bad Fred but I got to make a point here it's just the way business goes sometimes you gotta do things you really don't want to do in your time is running out it's good to see you again Kane good to see you buddy how you feeling better he's released five hostages but he's still got the bank manager no I don't trust him Kane this guy is hair trigger man I don't think so I remember this guy I think I can talk him out good luck to you Kane because if you can't do it I'm gonna go in and do it my way y'all hanging back here you hear me Chief riding clear show me your hands or I kill him better not try nothing funny brother I didn't come here to try something funny and you didn't call me here to shoot me kind of figured you weren't going to come why is that no one else cares what should you I care and that's why I came so let's talk what can I do to make things better you sure don't have a piece yeah I'm sure I don't have a piece man yeah my word no you got your word I got Fred you break your word I break Fred you should listen to this Fred I'm listening Leroy seems to me words don't mean much anymore my word was always my life that's what I taught my son then though no good did it your son died With Honor trying to protect our country think about showing your son proud make your wife proud I would do the best I can to try to do something to help you get this house back but you broke the law now so we got to deal with that my wife loved that house she was so proud of it it's all we had but it was enough it's full of her you know the whole house is full of everywhere I go she's there I lost my wife just like you ain't a day go by or I don't miss her and I don't think about her [Music] foreign I'm with you man I just can't make it make sense anymore it's like nothing's familiar to me anymore unless I'm in that house I don't know where I am but that's the problem Kane I'm right here but they ain't I know it's like you see nobody feel them and they're not there no cane I'm done living like this if you kill yourself you won't be able to be with her you'll be going in the other direction you will never see your wife and son again I'm asking you please put the gun is down and come with me thank you foreign it is but uh most importantly you can't affect others lives man particularly innocent people that's not right I'm always going crazy my whole life I don't know what gets into me sometimes what kind of stretch am I looking at honestly man I think it could be 10 to 15 it could be a little less put in a good word for you I won't be that old when I get out I guess I'll take this time to just get yourself together make plans what you're gonna do when you get out thanks King all right my friend be safe [Music] foreign it's me what's up the uh Yakuza has a warehouse full of guns ready to ship out you want to know where it is ready your friends in the town have to say they're reserved they don't trust us here oh they'll be happy you're still carrying console it's not right listen to me I spoke to our people in Japan there's more bad news on the cane front after he left Japan he was recruited into Black Ops for the U.S government he's been deployed all over the world as a highly skilled assassin we do not want to avenge anyone's death right now especially with this guy around that's a fight we will not win and you know there will come a time when we can avenge katsuo's death when the cost won't be so high right now risk is too great for us business first all right we've told the tongs about the next shipment yes they know who it's going to they know what part of the world and I'm sure they can figure out the rest and they have reservations of course they had reservations anything new scares them but when I told them the amount of money that was involved we found the strength to continue business new package should be arriving at the garage the mechanic I don't like them we need to find a new middle mat after this next run patience so what I'm really trying to say is that this is a big shipment these guys are kind of wannabeuxes so they've got their egos online I expect them to start shooting at us so they're not real yakisa American Japanese we're connected with the SoCal gang so in a way it makes them more dangerous and more unpredictable so just keep your heads up and watch each other's backs thank you [Music] everything's packed relax it's just Kenji not coming back from the mechanic it's tight can't you know [Music] get on the ground boy you should press it in there get on the ground [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] we ran into some of your friends the other day they were having a drink living the life hey fellas I was Thug Life yeah it's kind of puzzling it's really strange you know what I mean like they just didn't have a tear in the world oh you killed katsule he's just brother get out [Music] now you're in a problem I have a problem oh wow let me tell you something you're the one income [Music] let's go face [Music] time you see your friends tell them enjoy the good times Live It Up because they are not going to last pal man no they're not see the good times are gonna hit like a ton of bricks just like a brick wall you know why of course he knows why He's a smart guy oh because that warehouse you got shot up that was owned by the MS they're people that are dropped and you know what the calling card is right of course he's gonna know this they'll cut your goddamn head off and they gonna roll it right down King Street you know they're looking for you right oh you gotta know that what about your friends hey Smiles we don't care [Music] you know I think we should put you back on the streets and see how smug your ass is when you're not in protective custody oh I'm so afraid the stream is my own brother do you think they're gonna get through to him of course not look at him what can we do to him to make him break what can we do that hasn't already been done to him ten times worse hey boss you get any workables Mason and Radner are getting nowhere with this guy I know would you say we make some kind of a deal what can I do for you I'm willing to help you if you'd help me give my family out of Japan where they'll be killed protect him we're never going back there we have a deal first thing I want to know why are the actors in the toms doing business together well and Shiro and his brothers won't tell much but I know that they want to move special product it's not going to Japan tongues as a worldwide connection and they want to test the teleport Network before they ship it out where's it going the Middle East what is it I don't know the contact is a mechanic here all right so I got an old friend man I've known this guy for 100 years his name is matzoda he was friends with my wife's family seems to know everything that's going on in the community so he's really got his ear to the ground we're gonna go see him I think he might be able to help us find kenjiro and so we'll start there all right second stop we're going to visit a couple of my Ci's I'll kill talk to mechanic they would might be the one in the same [Music] [Music] Castle [Music] so it was but suitason helpful buzz you know I think he was he had heard about this underground Fight Club that he thinks the alcohols are involved in and maybe you could check your sources and see what you'll find out about that problem next stop is that guy my foreman there he is you know the reason I brought you here is because you're a great cop you're my best guy and I figured if I got something that I can't handle you can handle it for me you know there might be some bad boys in there he wants tobacco should I be worried about this man you have nothing to worry about [Music] [Music] Mikey what's going on buddy hey what are you doing here can you miss harassing me that much look I've been checking in with my parole officer all right I just saw him this morning now you know that it's just a social call I got this friend man he's a new client he wanted to buy some old cars and I told him you'd give them a deal if you know what I mean are you trying to get me killed I think you might be able to do that all by yourself listen I did my bit in County all right I learned my lesson I got this place now I fixed bikes and cars for gangsters I hear things and I tell you that's it so I guess that means if I were to look around I might not find any crucial math or any other funny crap around here I don't know speed kills all right I'm just gonna look around man foreign [Music] looks very familiar to me Lord have mercy see four minutes big Federal time get on the car man we got two bogeys coming up on our six bars don't even think about it foreign [Music] turn around wow congratulations pal back to the world powered eggs late night sweaty man hugs you just went Federal baby [Music] oh cops got the C4 it's Keen again coin doesn't need to know this you understand kenjiro I heard about your brother doesn't matter I can get another shipment of guns in a week it's America oh that's less shipment anyway no what do you mean no I'm talking to look our access to the Middle East is solid you don't need a dry run it was Ichiro's idea anyway it's ten times the money let's do it no it's disconnecting he's on top of us now something has to be done before we move to C4 my problem is I have an empty ship sitting in porn you know about listen this is your business oh you listen this guy was involving Black Ops for the US government up until recently and the interesting thing is apparently these skills are very far from people so now he's got some very powerful enemies you really think that we have the time to find out whose enemies are this guy my ships your weapons we started and get off get off a drink place on the car outside the garage came back stolen out of California so you think of it is now the Aquas that they are targets are going to stay as close they can to their allies so you get any kind of a location on the fight club that lots of the tipped us about well it's news of the gang unit um this is a tough one infiltrate keep trying to work some sources see if I can flush something out all right in the meantime try to put some eyes on the local tongs and see if you can find any California place that are located on the places that we're looking and if you can get any kind of a tip on this old Cowboys and what they doing cool after this case I'm gonna use some quiet time God he left you're alone I'm gonna get much quieter than that I just went on an extended vacation to a mother's house extended vacation come on man look you're separated all right no more vacation lasts about what one week on how long I don't know I stopped Counting look I don't want to talk about it right now I just want to focus on the hair now I'm not really trying to listen to your negative projections about my wife all right let's talk about the here now what exactly are we doing here and now are we going in there to stir things up or what's the plan no we're just gonna follow up on the police so we go in there and start busting these guys for parking the cars out front that's gonna lead to a foot chase and you know what I don't want what Chase exactly you know I don't really think too much of them man we go in there we can take them is that with or without you sir where it was raised man really my daddy always said to me never hit a man with glasses eat something leave it then like that problem is I can't fit about my pocket surprise me because I'm sure you find the way to do it you know me come on let's get out of here [Music] all right so what's the point of all this I mean what's the end game I mean these guys gotta know that there's a line you don't cross so why do they want to cross I get it what do you do when you cross a do not enter sign on the door I go somewhere else I know I head right in there I mean look man I'm working on it I'm trying to pull it back but I had right in that door same thing with these guys trying to prove themselves they're gonna do whatever it takes thank you okay I understand you and the owner are close truly sorrow for your loss yeah man he was very close to my wife's family close to me [Music] I was just here well there's anything I can do let me know yeah me too sir I mean any uh favors anything you need checked out or anything at all you let me know I'm happy to help I want this occasion I know you might think this is personal but it's not personal I know these people no no you can assist but just please just let homicide do their job all right but I think I could really help homicide because I know the players better than they do I think I could help yeah well that's what worries me all right all right against my better judgment it's yours just do me a favor and keep homicide in the loop all right found this in the scene it says an eye for an eye careful you don't fall on it what hahaha Taka good to see you I'm glad you called I was getting bored in L.A drink Scotch right scotch come by so only me and you now like in general but when we're done here the Yakuza is going to own the city are you ready to go to war of course you think I drove 1100 miles just to say Konichiwa oh did you find anything about Kane beware the man that knows our structure and our secrets he's a killer masquerading as a cop he's coming for tongue member killed a good friend of his he thinks it was us we'll let him come whoever stands in our way taka cops are not you take him out that's my brother so so what so is there something you want to talk to me about let's just talk about the case sure all right what case okay we got a briefing in Kane's office as of not all cases are on hold except for this one that's it my baskets come in here I want to get him up to speed I'm going to have him work with us on this this guy was a friend of mine he was a great guy really really good man and I believe that this killing was a Revenge killing and I think it may have had something to do with the Intel that he provided me on the aquaza and some of the underground fight networks that they got going and their Enterprise and stuff like that what's the latest well Los Angeles and it's a follow-up info on the two Knuckleheads from the garage both did a stint and Juvia also in Chino both at known SoCal Yakuza click see if you can get back on the phone with Ellie and see if takahiro is in their database at all confirm if he was doing time when the other two were Chino and in relation to Ichiro and family well I mean taka is the youngest of the other three brothers anyway I got a job a few Gates a little favor to me yeah and you need he did a lot of work with you know gang task force right yeah coordinated with him all the time listen man I want these Yaks of punks and I want them bad do everything you can hit every CI every street hoe every junkie anything and everything you can to find out where when if how and why they is yeah no problem Chief I got it was we coming after him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign welcome to the war zone what happened here looks like the gang bangers are pushing back oh Gates great gatesy hey you know what I'm gonna have a grande non-fat no whip extra hot do you guys want something no that's that's good I like that no no I'm not joking Radner we're surrounded by dead bodies have you noticed I mean I've noticed yeah all right what do you got kids any Witnesses what are you kidding these guys don't even see themselves when they look in the mirror so watching hang out and tons yeah it was all right well if they're watching or associating with the Yakuza then maybe this is payback for the hit on the MS [Music] foreign [Music] sleep you should talk it's called shift work you should try it sometime you can do that in my business man listen I need a favor the ballistics on the bullets recovered from the gas station murder yeah where are we on that we should have those soon I heard about it do me a favor call me as soon as you get some here of course something else you're on overtime right when am I not do me a favor see if you can get uh any prints off of this deal with the so Cowboys and see if there's anything in the system what you can find okay thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] nice work and I'm nuts boss is gonna be ecstatic perfect what are we children here I mean yeah good thing you're running nothing when it blew up you might have almost looked as dark as me yeah that's good we're gonna laugh it up all night or you want to hear what happened all right what do we know Mexican gang got hit looks like Associates of the MS didn't really see the bomber but uh pretty sure it was a tongue so can I can I get a lift foreign [Music] [Music] we hear one of your guys missed his Target a little bit enable the cop car don't take it personally Quan it's just a little joke you lied about the C4 got busted before you could pick up careful how you talk to my brother it's all right he's right he lied to me again it'll cost you let's fight after we wiped out the MS-13 still have an empty ship well I can get you more C4 Ichiro has other contacts he's in jail tonight yes Gino's records show that the three of them did time together attack is ahead of a Yakuza faction but uh ATS all over it wiretap surveillance you name it yeah that was before taka headed out of town anyway I think it's about time we'd pay their brother a jailhouse visit we're on it hmm it's hot in here do you mind if I take off my jacket [Music] all right over here now it's gonna be real simple Mike we know the C4 was for the tamabuji brothers you're the only one who can pin it on them give me a deal and we can talk it's that simple no you don't get a deal from us you got to deal with the Feds that we can put in a good word for you if you tell us what you know then you're out of luck well then how does life in a federal prison sound State time maybe you got no end point for the C4 and you're not going to Loop me into some terrorist charge friend it's just not going to happen well then let's talk Rico friend Rico what are you kidding me distribution to a criminal organization open Kane's goddamn CI for two years what about this loyalty keeps talking about let me clue you in Mike two things the government does not like organize crime and C4 was holding it as a favor that's it look if you talk we can see that the report reads possession only and if not well if not this might be the closest you get to a woman for the rest of your life what am I facing well we could work on five to seven before a good time kicks in you better not be screaming on this or what you screwed yourself Mike the guy dealt with testifying open court five to seven with good time yeah we'll see what we can do how come your brother talk is in town huh no you know what I don't think he likes cops yeah no that's not what he's gonna say I was gonna say white people oh what man you are starting to sound as bad as I am I don't have to say anything to you two idiots without my lawyer here you know it doesn't have to go down like this first of all don't you ever call my partner an idiot twice second of all case hasn't gone to a jury yet think about it until time to work something out I'll tell you what I will share this you're gonna run here you know that okay all right playing with fireworks you okay man [Music] thank you [Applause] foreign [Applause] that wasn't business it was pleasure we have no business until you guys deliver don't worry we can talk to Cheeto tomorrow right here next time how are we supposed to find these guys I got it I'm sure that ATF has kept a log of every phone number that so kalyakuza has dialed in the Seattle area so I'm betting that even if they were calling cell phones we could use that information and triangulate it to a location in the city wow good one thank you it doesn't matter if he speaks perfectly English Japanese is his first language and the lawyer got convinced a judge that he'd understand his rights and that's how he got bailed down on a technicality you have to understand something even foreigners have rights in this country and what that means is if there's any doubt at all get a translator how many times I told you that get out of here hey I just got in the report was waiting here for me what's it say you were right we got a fingerprint match out of SoCal on that piece of paper you gave me to a kanjiro tamabuchi I know him thanks anytime I know matsuda was your friend I hope this helps thanks [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] some good pics [Applause] good to see you hate to break up the family reunion some of the other Tong bosses are getting worried about Kane where it is he's coming for us hard tell him to relax tell them if they have a problem they can talk to me I'm talking to you and it is a problem yeah well now that my Big Brother's out we can use his contacts to get more guns and C4 your ship isn't going to seem away empty let it sail no guns no C4 this cane is coming for us we're shutting it down I suggest you do the same what do you mean we're shutting it down we're finished here we're pulling back to California and going to ground we're gonna live to fight another day you're gonna hide what what your damn speech to me we died this is what we do you go high then I don't care if I can get guns I can get anything I want we got the New York who's out brother no more of the older ways the old world is done it's a new age for us now I make the rules [Music] yeah we still can't find Ichiro or his brothers I contacted ATF and got a list of all the landline locations the SoCal Yakuza dial before how many over a hundred send them over I'll put some people on it it's gonna take a while it's okay Graves I think we can handle it all right but then we did a triangulation of all the calls made to cell phones and the list now down a lot yeah yeah one place in particular I checked it out this morning it didn't look like much but saw a bunch of Fighters going in MMA types yeah that would be the fight club that Master doesn't was talking about we should hit that place I wish it hit it hard that's where I think we'll for sure hit Pay Dirt amazing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right [Applause] Jazz up slowly quietly [Applause] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] do it man put your hands up put your hands up okay okay get out all right foreign would you rather use your gun and shoot a man with a sword pick up the sword and die like a samurai well you don't have to worry about that first of all I'm not a Samurai and you're not a Yakuza I wouldn't shoot you because I don't want to waste a bullet you want to die come and cut me hurry up [Music] where do you think you're going pal oh I'm a businessman a businessman really well you're a businessman going to jail not for long come on let's go yeah we'll see about that [Music] help him do a sweep with the other one way thanks guys [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 442,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action Full Movie, Classic, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, b-grade, bigtime, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, popcornflix, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube
Id: yJNWS9xw83U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 25sec (5365 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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