Blood Alley | Full Movie | Steven Seagal Action | True Justice Series

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foreign [Music] hey you you down there get out of here now leave now mister oh you get hurt [Music] wait hold on thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign foreign [Music] hi what do you got lucky Tony Young group who runs the affiliate of the 14k Triad up here tell me about this guy and uh why he's got to be taken out I think he has an association with a high level Target [Music] just tell me about lucky Tony or he's involved in Lone sharking money laundering human trafficking the thing of it is it's a very low level guy uh so why don't you tell me what the name of the real game is the real game is National Security same as always we think he's getting involved in Beyond Cutting Edge missile targeting systems and stealth systems we think Tony is answering to someone who's a high-level bomb stealer so this guy is a cut out exactly we also suspect the Chinese government has some involvement they want Tony taken out with extreme practice let the Chinese know that this kind of activity is a bad idea once any government uses cutouts then our bets are off 14k operates out of here ceasefan you're in the dark they have no idea they're being used by the Chinese government well like I said man if they want to play that game it's better for us because that means we can do whatever we want right [Music] give me a big solid here and I'm I'm grateful for it in return I'll give you all the Intel I have on taco karagic now we have no current information as to the location lucky Tony but I have opened a dialogue with the intelligence service up here it's completely off record they don't much care for covert CIA Ops on their soil so go figure your high level Target is going to stay buried eliminating his support structures the only way we can make him show himself and it's the only way you're going to get to take your shot wow that is crazy crazy all the human feet washing ashore I mean there's been like 16 of them and nobody knows who the hell they belong to that's some cycle cutting up his victims ditching bodies I don't know the paper here says they've been detached naturally naturally no that's disinformation man the cops are planting stuff just to try and trip the guy up no no way it's just gang bangers stuffing bodies yeah what do you think um are you saying something hey Sarah yeah go with Marcus okay a brief you I got a meeting with RCI [Music] how y'all doing good ladies looking good I don't think the president bless you guys [Music] excuse me sir my employers requested that you join him at his table [Music] you don't know him but he knows you I see him I'd appreciate it if you reconsider my offer you don't want to make me look bad in front of my boss do you no no I don't no I'm 6'5 you must be at least seven feet huh yeah I really don't want to make you look fine for any boss I don't so what I'm gonna do is rather than knocking you out of one punch I'm Gonna Knock You Out in three that'll make you look good [Music] they're impressive not surprising yeah everybody around here knows you some shoot you Kung Fu Master but I know Kung Fu too you know my stylist no it's called Shoot you so come with us or I will freaking shoot you thank you don't you think we should get out of here no I don't I like it here okay I hope you remember I did your solid right there yeah you did me a solid you got in my way man what hey you got two seconds to tell me why you set me up okay don't kill me easy no killing I owe some money lots of money and Marcus won't do anything I tell him everything I know he doesn't care I need help just my problems you'll never see them again but maybe I will but now maybe as they sing twice before asking me for it see you help me I help you you know what the difference between me and everybody else is everybody else that you deal with they think you're stupid I think you're smart but you think I'm stupid see those guys that you had tried to talk to me that was really unfortunate if that had happened wrong I'd have to kill you right now but instead of killing you you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna give you a chance to make it up to me so when we talk about people like karate you tell me everything you know about them I don't care what you tell Marcus I don't care I care about me tell me everything you know and not only am I going to let you live but I'm gonna make them leave you alone how's that okay I'm sorry I can help you I can help you this Mr Karate but we can't talk about this here okay come on let me ask you something why does the Quran just want to kill you I didn't know she was his girlfriend what can I say I just moved here a couple months ago she was very friendly but this is why I do good things for Marcus see I have no papers Mr K we call it illegal alien but maybe you can help me get out of here into USA look my friend this ain't about a negotiation but like I told you a minute ago anything you know about karate you tell me and I mean anything that's what you gotta do of course I can be very useful man to you I've seen some strange things go down on boat called Viking Moon [Music] foreign nine were identified as known missing persons the other seven were all from different individuals that was started mechanically I found this one two days ago do they think it's the gangs dumping their kills well that's one of their working theories there's no hard evidence really got an interesting call on the tip line this morning run the audio file they killed her for sure I have to go how much to go on the interesting thing is the call originated from a cell number the game task force is the monitoring whose numbered is registered to Tony yongiri are they tracking his movements by his mom only reason I just make according just because the call went into the tip line is he under surveillance not at the present time no trides are tough enough to crack they put all their resources into more accessible targets foreign what do you got for me handsome I just talked to Sarah uh I need to track a phone number connected no problem pretty much every mobile unit these days runs GPS give me the number in all hack content system unless he's removed the battery from his phone I can turn it inside out tell you anything you need to know well I want to know where it's been where it is within a couple of feet if that's possible I'll ping it damn you can get me an address from where the signal came from this morning that'd be cool you got it so everything you guys think you know is probably wrong Intel says 14k operates at his Clubhouse and his fan tongs follow orders but it doesn't mean that they know where the orders are coming from or what they mean we're gonna set up surveillance and try to sketch out their security you're gonna have to stay in touch with Finch still coordinate the surveillance keep me and Sarah [Music] all right you sure you can handle this what's the handle walking down an alley with a bag of cans Johnny you gotta make sure you look Street hey you're not breaching bunkers in a rock you know what maybe you know what I'll do it no really because I used to I used to bottle pick for a couple years seriously no [ __ ] go [Music] foreign [Music] Sims are setting up surveillance thank you so they confirmed the lucky toys there right now yeah that's the second thing he's not there but I found him made the call to the tip line looking at it right now I'm monitoring her public chat room I'm sending you the link hello JT hi Alex thank you Bubbas okay Johnny I'm moving around let's get the rest of these cameras set up a little tear left I'm out too far back left no too far now go back to the right now good I'm here the call originated from the same building I tracked lucky Tony's phone to 14K runs of boiler room under there for porn and prostitution they must run 30 girls doing cam shows I've been voice matching she's the one who made the call to the tip line 100 percent perfect Johnny I gotta go at the end of The Alley smoking a cigarette Armani you kidding me we're like Kmart all right Finch I got another one for you weapons charges assault charges bottom feeder an office and get this free hello friend thank you for dropping by do you have a camera so I can see you we'll have fun who is this [Music] wait a second okay if we've been made I've Got a Car at the end of The Alley me I thought you boys might need a babysitter yeah yeah well I'll be around the corner when you need me Johnny at the last Cannon place yet come on duck and covered hey get out of here you bum he's just trying to make a living man get out now I'm just collecting some bottles Johnny take the beating you bonehead you're gonna blow your cover this house 14k territory come again shows for free foreign but I enjoyed the hell out of that [Music] mine remember I'm just around the corner if you get scared what's up with Sarah um other than the fact she thinks we're morons yeah but do you think she trusts us the girl lost her whole team bro [Music] good movement talk to me finches this our guy Finch hello you want to shut off the porn for a second is this okay ah but I'm just getting to the good part Johnny oh baby yeah okay cut it out no no big fish just got interpolitan we're on it uh hang on boys I'm on point Z full intelligence Brad if anyone can lead us to younger this guy can [Music] okay boss we just reeled in a big fish lucky Tony's personal physician the team's tailing him I'll keep you posted okay I'm pulling into the alley now let me know when you see our girl okay well cameras are clear no movement yet [Music] okay here's your chest of fresh air you try anything I'll cut your head off [Music] okay that's our girl here she comes my friend he reached out he asked for help I'm here to help you come on how I could trust you Sarah I can't talk right now don't worry Finch filled me in just wait for my word buddy okay be smart get back in there go on I'll be in touch [Music] what'd you find any sign of the doctor oh there's no one out back it's those two monkeys in the front Finch what's going on it's been almost two hours I tracked a small vessel that departed from your location he might be on that well how far away is it rendezvous food with a Chinese freighter called The Viking Moon biking is registered as a fishing vessel a Mothership the small vessel I'm tracking split and is headed back to your location well let me know if they change course [Music] I think you might want to book a consultation why is that because I'm staring at a photograph of him standing next to Darko koratzik is he still in the factory unclear he might have gone up to me to ship all right see if you can give me an address on his office I'll see what I can find out on this guy yeah I want the doctor alive copy what's up we're going in Kane wants a doctor alive well we're extracting him for interrogation so conscious and without bullet holes would be best as for the rest of them they shoot at us we shoot at them not necessarily in that order what do you got for me sweetheart there's a doctor named Martin silke I checked his background and it might be him I got an address I'll give it a shot keep digging he's a friend you got it [Music] [Music] at the roof see if I can spot the boat [Music] okay foreign talk to me I've got movement on the water [Music] the doctor's here put your ass back down here [Music] freeze get on the ground now get out of here dead check him Sims [Music] thank you [Music] let's go come on [Music] Sims falling down don't let them get to the vehicles I got him foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] okay let's go [Music] for the highway I'm gonna try and cut him off all right foreign s seriously we lost the doctor Sims is tracking him yeah he was cutting up girls for their organs must be dumping the buzz off the ship that's why these feet keep washing up on shore where do you want us to be hook up with him find out when snatch him do it as a patient I'm interested in I take care of things on my end I'll be in touch copy that okay we're going after Sims yeah that would have been impressive if he didn't get away pretty what he's Northbound on 99. looks like you're heading back into the city foreign [Music] [Music] come on how are you I'm a friend of a friend I want to help you tell me about your sister we came here on the boat so we have papers and nice jobs taking care of babies for rich people it's right behind me they did something to her I know they did something to you too I don't matter you called the police you want to make things right that means you matter thank you [Music] whatever he wants how often do you see Tony three times Kane will call you soon when he does he'll want you to call Tony and tell Tony you have to see him that someone's been asking about his doctor I have to go in here it's me Chief he's there I'm watching lucky Tony he's in May's room they've grabbed her and now they're dragging her out of the room see if you can paint her phone on it where are the others you're heading back to East Van Sims where are you right behind the doctor boss I see if you can keep your finger on the dock to stay alive I'm on it staying alive yeah I'm going after the girl lucky attorney and the doctor all there Sim says all right let's get her I gotta get in there come on Finch you got me loud and clear all right I'm going in foreign [Music] [Music] thank you go go go get this way this way come on where's the girl Finch just south of you don't know which floor right there you're right on top of her I'm here to help you fish I got her nope wrong room she's moving must be above you grab your stuff and get the hell out of here [Music] and that comes directly what's happening Kane is two minutes away where's the girl still moving away from you maybe heading for another exit [Music] hurry up get out of here yes sir Darko needs a doctor now I said are you here yet we are one minute away it's right on top of them they're still in the building on a different exit tracking them South [Music] Sims com link is down foreign [Music] we're here just pulling up Finch we're in find Sims stay with me Finch calm as you can I need to know where the girl is they're moving fast they're right on top of you thank you foreign [Music] static you should be right on top of her good job on Tony thanks I uh I guess you and your team are on your way over the Border probably not I'm gonna think about getting some more stuff done up here left behind a lot of bodies it's going to be hot in town I've been doing this a long time but uh karate is here so hey just keep in mind I've done everything I could to get you what you wanted I appreciate that I'm just trying to see who could I just answers to who's on the top of the ladder and I know you and I got different bosses and marched the different drummers but uh you know I have to get up on this heard of a man named Arnon Grossman I have I think he's the largest Oregon trafficker in the world yeah and karachi's trying to join forces with him there's also indications that our high level target has some dealings with Grossman as well that's what I hear you see can you and me we're on the same page I just think darker can wait that's all I don't think so man I'm not gonna let this guy slip out my fingers again have it your way you always do I see around the canvas all right [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] he's Invincible it's not the first time he's been patched up he'll be back before you know it so why do you say Sims is Invincible he's been trying to get himself killed since the day I met him why would he want to do that I don't know if he can help it or not it's just the way he functions I mean he's not firing on all cylinders unless there's a good chance that he's not gonna walk away alive but he always walks away he's a Golden Boy like that good guy to have on your team hmm so what's the plan this time it's Kane's call speaking of Kane hello Sarah how far away are you five minutes tops all right I see in five I'm going in foreign Keynes going in and we're not far behind we'll get back to you in a bit you got it I've got a bad feeling about this here we're on board [Music] be careful it's very valuable [Music] all right [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] s man who are you huh you kidding man let me see your hands it's not gonna shoot us in the back come on down here man come on what is this it's messed up get out of the way down foreign [Music] all the computers and the logs had been stripped from the ship we can recover most of the navigational data from the AIS tracking it'll be on a server yeah it's what's not on the server that we need to know why do you leave those guys alive it wasn't an accident well sometimes uh people leave folks alive to tell a story it's called delivering message two whoever found them got to fear the man who did this because he's capable of anything it's another message you know it's a nine by 18 Makarov modified farmer piercing has a lot of the experts Nancy operators around the world are using them lot of Kevlar okay so expats Nest goes on kills them all doesn't tell us why a lot of these expert stats guys are good operators they're working throughout the Balkans maybe Darko might have brought some of them with him good guys they have on his side bad guys to have up against us I'll tell you that so Darko was sending 14k a message I mean if I was selling body parts and I didn't get them I'd be pretty pissed off too well you know anybody could have hit that ship I mean the fact of the matter is we kind of got to be prepared for anything business as usual [Applause] hey hey honey ah you miss me already yeah but what's wrong is everything okay I'm fine don't worry you just seemed like you had something on your mind this morning I think I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed I've been getting the feeling lately the baby miss your old job maybe I do a little bit you know but I'm done all right I'm done you don't sound dumb don't overthink it too much okay I'm done I promise all right okay I love you yeah I love you too it's my boy for me all right okay [Music] I uh I had a conversation with Kathy and I mean you already know how she feels about me in this job new baby boy now I think I'm Dungey [Music] foreign [Music] thank you are you crazy you lost your mind [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] what the hell are you going on look hey I did you a big favor back in the old country you don't remember that I had to do a favor getting you over here didn't I I met you on the dock you said anything anything my friend okay okay okay shut up we'll do one I got this girl with me for Mr krantzik you know somebody's trying to kill me I I don't know what to do I think it might be him it could be karantic why you trying to kill you I don't know you're going from the old country you just talk to him for me you're an idiot this is like tracking device replacement for karate delivery yeah you gotta talk to him for me please man he's gonna listen to you just tell him I can make it right please okay understand no phones I'll see if I can find out what's happening okay what's the situation with Sims they're all done patching him up he should be here any minute I want you guys the whole time for now until uh he gets back I got a little meeting with Marcus thank you what did you do to my sister don't worry you'll find out soon enough [Music] that's okay I'll go be with her soon someone is coming for you too he said he'd help me kill you oh who said that you tell them [Music] I just kind of really need to know who I'm going after I mean if he's uh that high level the target I need to get a little bit more information all right for your ears only he's known only his idolon ghost no one knows his real identity what's his deathness today I know but he's rumored to have been involved with Hezbollah and Hamas it's been hundreds of millions of dollars smuggling oil and cigarettes in and out of Iraq then he moved into arms dealing I know about this guy actually he's one of those guys that handles everything at arm's length very very careful player who's connected to the Albanian mafia and the Asian Triads but from what I know he always has cutouts he doesn't deal with anybody directly interestingly enough I also heard that he was involved in the ethnic cleansing and uh Serbia that's true it's brought up on war crimes no one could get the conviction yeah that's him I know him our Intel indicates it might be coming into the countries he's vulnerable in Europe Mideast too many people want him dead and we know he's got connections to the Chinese listen man I know this might be a far-fetched would you think he might have something to do with karachik and Grossman and that deal we've got going on here we don't know you know more about Grossman than me we're at that theater people in me to him that said you want to know who invented transplant tourism Grossman yeah it's a good opportunity to eliminate in any way by the way we win I agree you know there's no real easy way of saying this King That's it man what is it Andre Mason was killed this morning found out because they're set up targeted sorry kid but you will have your Justice I promise [Music] came here this is Eddie Marcus's friend I remember yeah I want to be your friend too so I will help you Mr Karen's doctor he's in motel room this girl [Music] since when do you need to be patched up for a little bullet wound okay so after all man soft it's a flash flood okay just trying to get a little vacation pay good luck with you sorry not to tell you sorry I just found out or his wife and kid okay I know [Music] what's up but a lot of your friends die in Iraq yeah whatever you want did it piss you off does it make you angry sometimes good I'm really pissed off where is he where do you think he might be Mr karazek no it wasn't my fault I can make it right for you I promise where's Sims he's back just top side right now be down in a minute he's all right then all right well here's the load on Antonio goody as you all know he smuggles women from mainland China and I used them in his prostitution ring but he also uses them by feeding Oregon farm what's left of the bodies he throws into the Straits of Juan dejuka and that's why all you guys are seeing all these washed up feet Tony was a cockroach everybody knows that but karate is uh even worse he's the one who set up the pipeline to bring in the girls to harvest them my sister telling me that he's trying to make a deal with the biggest organ dealer in the world out of Israel man named Arnon Grossman he runs his multi-billion dollar organization what do you got Finch I went through all the data and the files you got from the doctor's office I found one interesting thing all the organs that went to karate's buyers were perfect matches not just blood type perfect tissue matches they must have screened hundreds maybe thousands of girls to find the ones they cut well I mean that's kind of what I've been saying it all adds up that's why I cut out six products so valuable he's not just ripping organs off from people he pre-screens them and probably gets them onto China spends a lot of money and time to get the right match so that means he has a lot of money behind him so why did Ce go straight for May well I think they've already screened her and she's probably a perfect match for his next client so does he have women in reserve I'm sure he does he has a show that he can produce consistently and the thing of it is if he gets a regular Supply and he makes a partnership with this guy on on then he's going to be very very powerful we can't let that happen so let's put a little hit on the and uh see if we can find out what we can to uh jerk or not in their tail and stop his whole organization okay let's do this grab her arms hold her down hahaha hold her head down it's okay two minutes here a few minutes here drop dead tell me about your friend Arnold Grossman who really I know he has a meeting tonight where's the meeting she's meeting with karatezik well that's why karatezik was so angry because he really needs this deal and where's the meeting I don't know they don't tell me they don't tell me anything okay listen listen to me I personally am very happy I'm not a cop anymore because I think if I arrested you booked you you got into the judicial system somehow you'd get out of it and for me the crimes you've committed Against Humanity are astounding not just to women but to everyone you don't really care who you butcher do you this is bigger than you think you can't stop it you did you're too late foreign okay [Music] me you okay oh man doctor I understand you hear something from me I haven't lost the entire shipment very little time and patience left if I run out of either one you will have the pleasure of watching your own daughter sliced open and I will sell her insights to my business associates do you understand me I'll tell the doctor you're Elijah Kane is the doctor dead not yet not yet my friend you have made my life very difficult of late Mr Ken well I'm not very concerned about that um and in the end I have the girl so you don't really matter to me anymore well don't forget that threats mean very little to me again just as I mean little to you let's not play that game deal if it's you who ordered the hit on my team then game is on if it's not then you're a smart man you do not know what or who you are dealing with anybody to do anything to you so who did that's a good question Nikolai didn't know what makes you think I do listen you're a smart man you know me know where I come from and you have Intel that I need so so believe it or not there's honor here amongst us give me the Intel that I need you go back to your activities appear Into the Night and leave you alone for this lifetime then you know what's gonna happen deal the doctor is part of it I need him back if your Intel checks out I'll get him back to you immediately well the man you want you already have Milan sadek gave the order to kill your officers I'm gonna check out what you say I'll call you back in an hour [Music] okay well this is the real deal and uh we're gonna be walking into a Hot Zone very hostile environment at the same time we need to draw the target out I'd say there's a 50 50 chance of will I walk out alive I plan on running I only should plan on living that's a good thing I'll go with you no it's no problem I can handle it yeah I know you can handle it Sarah but 50 50. those are my kind of odds I'll drive you're giving yourself an A plus already stay positive old habit we all did it he got shot up while you're out on patrol or came across an IED the Medics could identify your body tell your blood type it's the little things to keep you alive [Music] no no now this is just to make you feel better about yourself [Music] I'm feeling like like they think that we get to do over out there if things go wrong you gotta grab your gun today could have shot either one of us there's no Second Chances out there no three two one reset all right well thanks for the pep talk oh [Music] yes my darling talk to me when cerrick you asked for here's the thing there's identification coding on the video turns out it's a CIA tape and the coding IDs informant and the operation I know you're going um foreign for over a year Marcus is the guy who runs up why does that not surprise me so there's no way you ordered the hit on your team it would have been picked up sure did everything check out Kane yeah believe it or not everything checked out so uh for all of our sakes I'm really happy it's just a lot of us work for everybody I'm gonna go ahead and uh send you the doctor back right away simple as that yeah it is simple as that you know I'm a businessman so you honored you're into the bargain and I'm gonna honor mine [Music] [Applause] thank you Finch I just talked to karate I need to know where that's going to be you got it foreign I should be here in a minute so what's with the chalk and cheese routine what are you talking about the two you guys you're like Polar Opposites and everything oh Johnny he is uh it's my good luck charm it's funny that says the same thing about you Sarah I'm the I'm one of those guys who just doesn't worry you don't worry about what about everything and I I live right here right now don't care about the future don't care about the past the Delta thing you could die at any moment so when you do you die happy no matter what no no it's not about that it I mean right now is all that matters right now because when we die all we have is right now so we might as well get used to it I hope you're right about that well I guess I'll know one day won't I Johnny Johnny's one of those guys who cares you know he may not show it but he feels it and for some reason I just need to be around that why I don't know I just do you're just in time the big guy needs to talk to you [Music] he told me you did some sniping in Afghanistan is that true yes sir I can shoot by the looks of it you need someone who can spot well that's a good thing because anybody can shoot but spotting is the hard part I'm very very good shooter I'm not a very good spotter so I need somebody good on the ground that's for sure I mean I don't have time to train anybody so I need somebody who's good no I'm better than good sir that's the truth well I hope you can walk the walk because uh if it ain't true we might all be dead I can tell you the wind speed by the feeling on my cheek I can see vapor trails in the dark sir well we're about to find out [Music] now goes on the move uh Finch it's Kane yeah from Dragon darker's film see I can read your mind he said Northwest on King's Way looks like his meaning is a go I don't need a 20 ASAP just turned on Maine looks like he's heading for the Waterfront area downtown the dock area near the downtown Madison's almost home like I showed you on the sand table good luck guys if you need me I'm right here slow down time get you into position [Music] [Music] all right [Music] remember Johnny Grossman's our first kill we got to take the head off the snake thank you [Music] [Music] no confirmation yet hold until they give the word worry about us worry about your own backyard all right Johnny I need Targets this guy's gonna have preset positions for all his operators just like we do over by The Cannery got him three on the West Side I've got him foreign three with the tone car and one facing goddamn give me Progressive that's my wind speed steady nine o'clock four miles per hour [Music] there's Darko all right I have karate do you have a clean shot I do he's in the open but I can't identify the other occupants from the vehicle all right see him sir standby on performance Grossman confirmed yeah what's going on karazik great to see you Arnold where the hell is my shipment oh secondary targets are in the open Target's ID samsara rollout workout we have a visual confirmation on both Grossman and Karachi Sims quick access is off Governor's way copy that you think it's under control we had a minor setback this is not how I do business where's Dr Z maybe I'll just take my business up with him it's also the better one trust me I've made arrangements with certain people to ensure our activities can continue and molested what are you talking about I mean the CIA will ignore our operations from now on [Music] [Music] what if Kayla just released DRC he should be with you in a moment down [Music] send it [Music] down thank you Johnny I got him send it send it turn it down below give me a left Mill half hold foreign [Music] [Music] car no clear shot Target flush him out one finger go left from the fence gotcha time to end this [Music] ah traffic's open [Music] [Music] send it [Music] Target down Splash is good guys I've got emergency response Vehicles heading away copy it's a lot of dead guys man we got to get the hell out of here okay let's hit it foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I just wanted to tell you man you did a great job on this side man I'm starting to get really attached I don't know if I can live without you thanks the girls are all over the news they're saying an unknown group to save their lives kind of cool are they not far from the truth are they I mean sometimes you got to give up something to get something but the long and shortest we did the best we could and I don't think they died in vain I really don't I'm sorry about May well the good news is that karachik is dead and uh your obligation the Marcus is finished I'm I'll start teaching you that would be great hey how about I come out into the field with you too someone let you do that but we have to do a little of the time in here baby steps Oscar again tomorrow Coke [Music] oh you want me to do that you're gonna be okay I'll be fine thanks so y'all did a great job it's not easy being an operator it's very dangerous it can't get ugly and I think it's gonna get out there but um I'm proud of y'all we're gonna have to get packed up and get out of here by light so you're going on let's get going thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 368,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action Full Movie, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, popcornflix, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube, steven seagal movies, true justice season 2, sound of freedom, movies like sound of freedom
Id: UlbOrJpKsl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 32sec (5372 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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