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get a scrappers we're going Street scrapping again hey there we go some power supplies and the geforce GX gtx 560 slot card look at that nice gold fingers that's a good start three power supplies oh uh I was expecting to find three modems instead [Applause] [Applause] and I don't really need microwaves what the heck since we're just making a start I don't know what's going to come so one microwave to start us off [Applause] and some cord food hey just to cheese off any guys that complain about meat cutting cords well it's rubbish what do you want me to do leave it no all right well that was one looks like a nice day so let's get outta here and there see what we can score I think we might have a good day second corner and you see a complete it's got a no it's a nice gaming one antic ha that's more like it this might be a good day keyboard chord Mouse [Applause] no don't want the subwoofer that's not cable it's just hose I think [Applause] all right Wow look at this cord oh wow I'll get the wrist well that's a nice pickup I'll take this gosh yeah [Applause] awesome PC in a game up well nice to get a gaming because you usually get a good graphics card in there hopefully some good ran all right well just a few minutes into it one PC and for those that are having a drink for every time I say PC well you just had your first drink all right so there's a scrapper on the bike so maybe I'm just lucky and turned into the right streets first up or maybe it's just good timing we'll see how we got all right keep moving maybe I had the luck with the PC because I picked up a microwave well here we go cord food and now with this always but we'll take the cords nice and I'll walk get a little bored hey madam [Applause] no that's nice okay all in the back some people have said you know mentioned in the last video that I should put in a little bin for there's more more cords what's that speaker for our cords just so I can throw the cords in and it'll be easier I've tried and it doesn't really work for me shoes yeah I end up it just ends up the bin takes space and it yeah it just doesn't work it's just as easy for me to there we go there's record bucket all right well there we go that's a handy pocket I'm already having fun okay what's next another modem maybe so we've got to at PCC that might be the trick find a PC first because the modems will come in for startle maidens hey modem that's nice DVDs wow this one's heavy madam but this DVD player it must have a hard drive Digital asks Emmitt cinema system yeah it's really heavy on this side it's probably gonna transform or a hard drive I don't know it's a nice one I'll just leave it for this side okay keep moving up okay just the printer [Applause] [Music] cords huh lots of cord food today yep stuck to let her set batteries don't mind if I do since I'm here oh isn't that strange the same kind of battery across the road some must have dumped him maybe and put one over the road I don't know it's really unusual I go for a walk see it's a good example and it's a reminder for me I would have just drove straight past that pile you know and it pays to certainly place to go and have a look shoes lots of shoes because you know from the car you think oh yeah now nothing there but see there was a battery and it's not worth much but I'd rather take it alright keep moving along I take this bit of Steel since it's got a bit of weight yeah DVD an old dolly oh it's one of those things you lie on when you're fixing your car just have a look in this box but this pile here looks interesting yes this what's that well we've got a modem yayyy another one of them check this out satellite receivers five of them how do you get five satellite receivers well easy go out street scrapping and pick them up so PC user discs it's got to be something else here you go another satellite box I don't want flat-screen TVs but I'm sure I'm missing something here yeah no L do sit down here well is that all up 6 satellite boxes hit one pile well that was a good one what's this hey PC hey it's been opened Ram everything's in there hey reading a bit of brass in there but they're too hard to take off anyway but I've got a PC that's one of those outdoor chairs or tables or whatever they are oh that's a nice one awesome oh hey indeed CPU yeah well that's PC number two happy about that although nothing probably going to beat that gamer I think we've got a scrap that PC here yep oh well never mind and now I don't take the girls out of barbecues anymore they're just too greasy and I used to do it when I was building up a bit of a collection of cast iron grills and stuff but I remember this pile from yesterday anyway they haven't added anything to it just busted me mirror faster how's that for luck mate I just went to back up and it just started yeah broke me mirror Lisa that's the most expensive part I can replace the mirror and ah who is it going to cost me we have 400 bucks and I for da it's the last thing I need yeah that's a nice BMW Wow even comes with the full package yeah you mind if I ask wraparound that's me yep yeah I'm scrapping I'm just trying to pick up a bit of work because I work from home and I rely on a little bit of scrap metal and stuff to keep me going electronics because we're obviously detected you driving as part of the course we'll just give me a quick brilliant breath test ok we'll confirm your details mortgage on your wife cool bananas all right yes certainly is I was just excited I backed up and I see me I've seen a PC there and it's just what I want do you mind if I pick it up Thanks yay I've got a PC okay that's all happening all right I'll just wait yeah bugger luckily I've actually got a spare mirror I backed up and I hid this bin yeah oh here we go I had a couple of dreams plas mawr maybe she's hope it hasn't hanger hang around Ricky already might start to make excuses nothing you know here we go no surely not today I will mail here go back thanks a lot please like alright how they're doing their job you know and I better put my sleepover but yeah they they were kind of behind me and they saw me back up and they actually saw me smash my mirror and well it was all happening you and go there was a PC on the curb I smashed my mirror and I got pulled over by the cops can't get much better than that Hey but you know they just wanted to check out who I was and though they pulled up someone else probably another scrapper so it's strange I've never seen him in this area but Sal mentioned put yourself out on I I'm not sure if I actually had my seatbelt on but because I was pulled over it probably looked like I don't know Berta huh I just need to take a breath that was insane I got a PC and I didn't get a fine but yeah I've got no mirror now which makes it a little bit harder but the last time I bought a mirror I actually bought two just in case so it's a good thing but I didn't actually see the mirror housing and I thought the whole thing broke off and if I know because it's really expensive to replace the whole mirror housing for a Mercedes Benz it's it's like 500 bucks so the glass not a problem it's only ten bucks all right well as soon as my adrenaline gets down a bit I'll be able to spot something else to pick up but yeah look the cops they just doing the right thing you know they're not out to harass anyone they just is another one don't tell me I'm going to get pulled over again fathers say they're everywhere around at the moment I didn't say one yesterday [Music] it's crazy yes as I was saying they're just trying to do the right thing and keep everyone safe you know if you're lurking around the streets they just want to know what you're doing and you know make sure that you've got a license and your car's registered and insured or whatever it's a lady scrapper you know so it's no drama I've got no problem with cops hanging you know pulling me over although it really happens but hey it just added a little bit more excitement to the video hey now what do we got here huh ah that's their script out of projection TV and they've left me the whole circuit board and this is no I thought it was the the main CPU maybe yeah I don't really want to move it around cuz it's gonna make a bit of a mess but yeah that's the projection TV [Music] I'll take this whole thing weighs heavy it's good for scrap steel it's still got some cable and stuff to clean out of it oh gosh okay so just put all that back yeah copper coils look three of them really nice it's the good thing about projection TVs hurry is a modem yay a shake flashlight yeah cord cutters left a little present what is that Dean this is a nice country-style junk pile nice house charming little cottage well that was really strange yeah and as they're saying they'll keep losing track of my conversation pepti you know there are guys that drive around and they're got alcohol in their system I was a bit worried because I had a few drinks last night but as he said highly unlikely young and it's still gonna be on my system before I just had a couple of drinks last night and I'm all clear good to know subwoofer I do not want well the last microwave I took straight after I found a PC so I'll see if I can give me stuff a little bit of luck with a little one little microwave it'll probably be a small form-factor PC just looking [Applause] well it's much more relief continuing on scrapping after being pulled over by the cops and not getting a fine like last time it was three hundred and what thirty three hundred and thirty bucks or something no seat belt well that was a bit of a downer yeah and it's amazing how the left mirror on these vans or both mirrors but mostly the left is really important it's really hard to drive - you like make turns or reverse without a left hand mirror what are they they're just heaters huh hey smoke detector oh there's an item Hey bag of goodies [Applause] no I don't want to stainless steel there's that PC anyway oh well nice and heavy just so someone can say Oh pick up the scrap metal I don't want the scrap metal really what's this now it's a hot plate here we get sony dvd we take yes so having a bit of fun play it's all happening here yeah and the street that's why we like scrapping because you don't know what's going to come up next all right we'll keep moving take our goodies three yeah just wanted to sit around the back there's sometimes you just miss out not looking in the rear it's a DVD seem to be good at this picking up DVDs I reckon this copper transforming this one what the heck it might give us a bit of luck to pick up another PC oh not a PC but a modem all books of things oh and another modem hey that was a quick stop off [Music] technically you meant to take off the door [Applause] Kord food another day today Oh busted up not too bad hey three pcs three microwaves whole bunch of DVDs batteries wire not bad I think we've got a bit of a bit of cable here oh yeah cord food yay food keep bringing it in really repped why not when it's easy like that we take it it's this little siren well here's a big cord on this accordion nice cord that's what we're like all right so it kind of pays sometimes to look you know what because I don't have stainless steel I don't want it but I'm going to put up there for another scrapper to see it you want stainless steel yeah because it was hidden no one's going to see it before the garbage truck comes and takes it away but here it's only what probably three bucks of stainless steel so I'd rather let scrap metal guys pick it up because they're dealing with this stuff all the time this looks like could be turntable still in box $299 just plasti well you don't now unless you give it a go and try and look all right yeah so before any of you guys complain about me not taking that stainless steel sink there is a method to my madness it's I'd rather a scrapper that really needs it and deals with it all the time take it make a couple of bucks from it and good on them you know I'm not trying to pick every cent that I can find furniture scrubber where's my vein yeah I was hiding it for you so now an ass could see it yeah I'm here the e-waste guy and you're the furniture guy yeah I wish I knew what I was looking for mater I'd go for it too but I just I have no idea you know and yeah well that's it madam yeah day seven of the scrapped mission might end up just being a whole heap of modems another modem I'm certain there's a scrapper just planting him down there you know and just having fun watching the video saying yeah you got that one you got that one all right JVC high voice theory a company heads doesn't say how many heads six head nothing yeah [Music] scraps stuff scrap there [Applause] nope a bit of a power supply oh yeah cause food that's what we like last we go that's nice [Applause] good stuff I'll take the CRT monitor copper cool bit of scrap steel I think we've got a PC hey hey oh yeah nice and heavy I'll scoop awesome beautiful cool bananas yeah in the vacuum cool that's a big one a lot of cord yeah they're too easy to crack anyway all right well we got a PC that's number four so must much better than the last scrap session huh I was gonna take the milk rate but I think I've got enough now I just use them for hard drives nice chord again and I want to bike crane these are two too lightweight for me alright nice barrel alright well it's starting to get a bit late and starting to get hungry so I might do a few more streets and call it a day just check out some of these piles bit of data cable a modem and another modem [Applause] I'll hit the speaker while [Applause] [Applause] Bob son that's a nice piece of angle that's better than scrap go thick it is so if you got to go and buy a piece like this it's very expensive well I can't complain with that it's all good stuff mostly you know a few microwaves but I can't remember how many pcs at least for a lot of DVDs but batteries you know it's it's a really good script a good value there for me yeah I'll probably just do a few more streets and call it a day we'll go back next week and we'll do it all again [Music] ah hard drive one bonus [Applause] yeah well I'm getting so hungry going to start eating cords so I think I'd better start heading back and calling it a day I can't complain with that you know four or five pcs what else do you want then I it's been a really good day and head back and start yeah thinking about making some dinner this area here is very congested most of the streets it's really hard to navigate through this cars parked on every side and [Music] just a couple more piles well there's two microwaves there but I think I've got enough microwaves for now so all I'm going to do I'm just going to have a little walk around here and start heading home starting to get a bit late and well I've had my streets crap fix for the week now can't complain with what I got oh yeah certainly a lot of scrap metal for those guys that want scrap metal it's it's really not worth it unless it's really chunky heavy steel if I feel my van with just scrap metal that I pick up off the street because it's all different shapes and sizes I'd be lucky to get 20 bucks worth for scrap in there you know like this piece of steel looks like a bit of copper okay so that piece of steel is fine but you can't find just that kind of steel it's usually all really big pieces and you know these heaters aren't too bad I'll grab one couple of chords end up luckily I've got a spare mirror so I can fix all that because I can't go without a mirror really hard alright guys well I think I'm done for the day the streets crap mission [Music] a success and yeah well what else what else do I want from that you know I mean wow it's been great all right well I'm heading home now so hope that was a bit of fun for you keep scrapping and yeah look out for some ketchup videos maybe through the week I've got to remind myself to stop talking aloud when I'm in the in the vein it's like I'm you know trying to speak to you know to someone on the other side of the world I don't know why I do it I think it's because right at the start when I started making videos in the van the microphone wasn't that good and you couldn't really hear so I had to speak up over the the car so I think that's that's what is stuck in my head that I've got to speak up otherwise no one could hear me no there's some copper there it's like a big cook our washout someone looking at mostly likely furniture cut some cords this is like a I'm pretty sure it's a copper Tyler sure but this one is if I can cut me well that's not good nobody do caution sharp edges some nice stainless steel hopefully some spots of that [Music] there you go a bit of bit of copper I didn't mean to release the gas but hopefully it's not freon gas these they're Australia Post tubs but they're really good strong tubs though you can get a movie from lids as well but seeing that it's just going into landfill I'll keep it one more pile just have a look since I've already stopped oh look at that scrap yeah scrap that PC and they've stood it up so I can see it that's ok guys rice cooker just like a brand new rice cooker Secord okay well I'm done that's it for me huh I'm walking a bit wobbly I'm pretty tired from today but yeah that's it awesome can't complain of that great day Street scrapping Australian style so guys until next time keep scrubbing have fun then I'll catch you then
Channel: eWaste Ben
Views: 87,623
Rating: 4.745223 out of 5
Keywords: trash picking, ewaste ben, melbourne hard rubbish, street scrapping
Id: Tw71H7B3SeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 0sec (3840 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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