Street Scrap - No Food in the Fridge Challenge Pt 1

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Oh g'day scrappers welcome to the street scrap no food in the fridge challenge basically what I'm doing today is I'm simulating the fact that say there's no food in the fridge we've got nothing to eat what are we going to do we've got no money we'll all we've got is a little bit of fuel in the tank and so the kids are hungry everyone's hungry we've got to go out and get some some money to get something to eat all right so that's the challenge today so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go out and do some Street scrapping and I'm going to no-holds-barred just pick up everything that that I can possibly find on the street as far as scrap steel is concerned okay so there's no you know selection of you know good stuff to sell and all that there's no time to sell anything we've got who get scrap steel take it to the scrapyard cash it in get that money and go and buy food for the day so let's go and see if we can actually do this and see what we what kind of money we can get at the end of the end of the day it's we don't have much time so I'm going to try and do it as quick as possible I'm not going to be selective on what I pick up it is if it's scrap steel I'm going to I'm going to grab it sure cut some chords and take some things like microwaves and so on but what I'm going to do is I'm going to repair the Transformers when I get to the scrapyard and we're just going to see in say an hour hour and a half how much scrap that I can get and fill up the van with it and yeah and basically how much food because this you know it happens it happens to people they have no money and they have no way of yet getting any money like borrowing it or anything like that and yeah the the food is the fridge is empty there's nothing to eat kids are hungry you know and so let's go out there and try and get some scrub and feed the family all right guys so let's go and do this let's do this let's go and get some food for the day and feed the family so it's a no-holds-barred scrap I'm not going to be picky I'm just going to pick anything that I can get scrap steel from and we can cash it in today not really looking for any furniture to keep or anything like that we just got a silver fridge [Music] just timber wall timber okay I'm gonna try and do it as quick as possible obviously but [Music] [Music] okay so we've got one spoon of rice so far now it's a race against time because Saints it's a race against time because the scrap truck the garbage truck is coming today and so I wouldn't be surprised if they've already picked up on because sometimes that's what they do they go around first they take away all the scrap metal and then another truck comes and takes away all the timber [Music] but that might not be the case okay so we've got to quit middle put that joint frame [Music] but even though we're hungry we still can't make a Messel and I don't want to make too much noise so it's all scrap steel but it's going to be too hard we'll just take what we can I'm trying to do it as quick as I can but I don't want to make too much of a mess and it's only the first Street that should be alive okay so that needs to be dismantled and it's just going to take up too much space but yeah so as I said it's a different kind of scrap today yeah we're not looking for things that we could probably possibly sell or because that's not going to get us food today microwaves what I'm thinking of doing is scraping out microwaves once I get to the scrapyard oh good some cast iron I can't pass up a modem got some good weight yeah so worried now a race against the garbage truck at the same time so [Music] okay I'm gonna take the push bike even though they take up quite a bit of space [Music] but so does everything else anyway I'm not going to find just nice clean bars plastic okay so if we just got bars and pipes like this it would be fine even though some of this this chrome tubing I actually like that to keep for myself so we'll just see how much we get at the end and you know if I can keep a couple of bits for my own use all well and good whipper snipper we can scrub middle vet Peter so already the first bikes already making a bit of a nuisance on itself are we just feeding the family today beautiful I've got my cords so I cut it before I scrap it steel so yeah we've got to get back as quick as we can go to the scrap yard drop all the steel off and don't feed the family okay touch the pipe see this wire doesn't weigh enough and it takes up a lot of space but we're going to pipe [Music] [Music] it's quite a large area so I think we'll have any problem filling up the van and yeah I noticed the van sounds really loud in these videos it's it's loud but it's not as loud as the microphone makes out it is it's just a very sensitive mic on I'll just cut that cord yay we're going our first toaster we won't be selling the chords today but we certainly don't want to pass them up okay think we're go to PC looks like a PC so I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with pcs weather because I don't really want to spread just throw them in a scrap steel obviously I suppose I could scrap it out wow it's a nice Dell okay well it's half scrap there anyway so I might be able to get away with that just have to unscrew the circuit boards and I see cocky police chase [Music] well that was unexpected to get a PC straight up or a bonus now I suppose one option is to if I saw CRT TVs on the road I could pick them up off so not pick them up but actually scrub them out but yeah I don't want to be scrubbing out TVs or their you know it is an option and it does get us copper and stuff to that we can also sell at the same time but [Music] yeah breaking up will bury might be able to just put aside it anyway see just they just take up a bit of room you know I'm gonna leave that make an executive decision you know if I just put really big things you know I'll end up with five bucks worth of steel you know we don't want to just cover petrol we want to if we want to put food in the fridge that's the challenge can I put food in the fridge for for dinner tonight there's a microwave with cord [Music] but first is another this vacuum cleaner might still have the cord yes it does it's a nice long one okay that's heavy ooh that's a much heavy piece of steel I [Music] hid it some heavy steel here [Music] [Applause] yes so this challenge is just to to show ya guys in Australia maybe it's not the rest of the world hand well where that piece of steel set you can the aluminium plate you can and you might be able to if you're hungry you know going around and picking up a bit of scrap steel there's no other way you can actually get money for food well he's a option it only takes a little bit of your time and I suppose if you don't have money for food then you probably don't have a job anyway I'll take it I just want to fill up the van get off this mind busy straight huh I forgot my microwave can't forget that [Music] yeah a lot of time people put sheets of steel right underneath and yeah but I've already got a couple of really nice chunky pieces of steel so that's kind of what we want yes it stills underneath I can take this CD player so much for hey another spoon of rice so that's quite a heavy heavy CD player another one days if I change over five CDs I know what's going to happen if I start putting in push bikes it's just going to [Music] it's just so much in this area too little that what a timber martini some steel for us oh yeah stop probably good to tape but we need to put food in our belly get in my belly they certainly had a lot of stuff to cry I never made I'm God they just stand out [Music] here we're getting bits and pieces carrying user all tangled up okay since we're doing scrap steel I thought I might as well put on the gloves might be a good idea let's hope you want nice cast iron I'm not sure if I'm gonna be bothered actually separating a cast iron at the scrapyard unless I get 10 of them what's her nothing that I want anything but I'll take the lead I can take our wheels but obviously not just tires but if there's a tire on the wheel they'll accept one or two of them another microwave yes answered microwave lanes it certainly is they're everywhere got fan Hey Khalfan murder so just keep that but can't pass it up Gold is plastic take a little cord found a piece a beauty I got around to pick up scrap steel and I'm still getting more e-waste than expected like we've got some stuff here Oh power tools Wow I think that is hammer drills you know that is that's one of those hookers you know the they smoke that I don't know some kind of stuff yeah out of it I put the big ball of fire like a big coal they're just empty what that is stretcher it's constantly me yeah I think I can just scrap this fine I'll just take it a scrap steel yeah I'll just throw the whole thing in scrap steel how much is bent these legs nice bookshop I will be spiced enjoy square steel I'll just keep the keyboards for my own scrapping later on see that house he's picked up a lot of scrip for yourself it's got microwaves and stuff all kinds of bits why not you know okay [Music] [Music] now when I want still it seems harder to find Oh this Paul hooks interesting I'm gonna DVD another modem some car parts here got some nice shockers give us good wait like that I like cop hats we were looking for scrap steel this is like a compressor Oh got a big alternator it's one of those vehicle control units got it radiator it's uh looks like it's just a it's just that aluminium radiator no copper in that I think I'll scrap that out speed control it's an alternator I think yep we're an air conditioning your pump what's that that's a Mustang Wow five liter Wow there's some nice Mustang one of my favorite cars okay okay that's nice tt hey there's a toaster we always take toasters for scrap steel when we're looking for that's quite a decent looking Mustang I wonder if they've left it out for hard rubbish because I could scrap that out no problem Oh smashed his window so it looks like there's gonna be no problem putting a little bit of food on the table today we're not gonna get hungry and yeah all right keep moving okay if I had that Mustang I put a trailer on it amazing going around scrapping in the Mustang yeah okay haha check out this big dummies two big dummies how I got some grills these ones are pretty heavy and rusty nothing these piles look like they've been rummaged true Oh we'll get the toaster since we're here and get these motors and DVD pay up on your streets - crap [Music] looks like a gate a gate with a bit of weight flyscreen doesn't weigh anything but since we're looking it's a nice cage for a rabbit [Music] I listen stealing some big gathering put my feet few awkward okay keep moving okay well my camera is cut out on me again it's when it's really hot I mean it's not really hot today it's just dead it's very humid oh yeah and it doesn't tell me when it cuts out it just it just it doesn't cut it into freezes are some scooters yeah good solid whoo little white okay take some of these pipes little trampoline [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] the rest is a bit awkward we'll have a look here Wow Buddha saw that projection think way okay it's gonna be just a little bit too long and take this mesh yeah there's some points higher Betty I'm actually too big I don't want to end up having a pipe going through my window or something brilliant you have to UM change a window especially the back windows on veins really expensive they see to mercedes-benz they think you're rich so so sorry yeah 700 bucks something like that you know I [Music] know why the back windscreen is so much more expensive than the front it's almost double maybe because they don't replace as many cuz you don't need to replace them for roadworthy wow that's that's a big to have a nice prison wins in it cut the cord oh gee so bad huh it's a big mercedes-benz symbol probably just what I was talking about you're better off to remove the roof in the Sadie's bins badge and put off you know Mazda or something or toy yodel I don't know Holden or something that way I think ah it smells good it's cheaper all right nice little walk any weights but tell you the days that we've been having here in Melbourne here at the start of winter is just unbelievable and the nights huh reasonable cool not as cool as I like right to be but yeah very warm days okay looks like we got a microwave I'll just cut the cords okay there's a with a nice table on top of the microwave it's a nice little coffee table I don't need it but it's nice I might just cut this you know there's a scrapper on the street what's he going for he's going for scrap metal - he's just loading up in the back of the trailer so no point in following him he's already whole he's almost got a four he's got I got some good big chunks of Steel you got fans good on him oh there's no like [Music] well I might you're baiting me to it keep going all right it's a bit scattered around this area oh yeah we're gonna be yeah today they're meant to be picking it up eh yeah so got to catch them before they get it [Music] he reckons there's a couple of trucks already going around picking you up so that God was going flat out he was just picking up scrap steel throwing it in I mean I'm showing you my style and I'm going kind of reasonably hard but that guy was going like you know bat out of hell and you know just try and catch up and he's trying to yeah obviously beat this just the rubbish truck and fill up you know get some scrap metal cash these apostate Oh don't you hate when you see something and you think oh it's a nice piece of steel and it turns out to be plastic what do you do well we've got some old shears I suppose you just get what you can get but when you got a trailer so I haven't got a tow bar here so I can't put a trailer on but you don't have to be as careful you can just throw it in and and get there's another scrapper a lady I think she's just picking up toys and things like that and little household knickknacks you know that's good too but we're just trying to make a little bit of money to feed the kids there's no food in the fridge and I can't go home without a little bit of money to buy some food well that's the challenge anyway you know and okay so I've got a vacuum cleaner here which recording it okay that's gives me a bit of a bonus and oh it's quite heavy that it is steel I'll take this nice up vintage style magazine rack [Music] come on do some heavy bits of steel but because it's a warmer than I anticipated get that salt water now have it's still there people just had slides I don't really want to be rummaging through this that this house is all set they got a four-wheel drive a boat an old car two SUVs for full drive an SUV beautiful house so don't expect to see those people out in the streets picking up scrap but I mean this area here isn't really an expensive area well it's reasonably expensive I suppose if you put a big nice big house on that it gets more expensive but you know it's a bit out of the city so [Music] is a monitor that I would have wanted that's half that's not gonna feed us today [Music] so with our scrubber maids they're picking up scrap steel you know it's obviously going to be take a little bit longer to find stuff it's going to be more smaller bits and pieces I guess you know no point in putting big chairs in there or something other mods will just take off with the chairs a big basketball ring then there's the scrapyard we'll want to take the the backboard and I certainly don't want to break it [Music] [Music] I think in this number to scrapping video the part to Street scrapping video I'm pretty sure it was the one where I left heaps of Steel but those it was a really long pieces I did take some steel but as a vintage Octavia okay I don't know if I'm actually doubling up in the home I think I've got to get my bearings where I'm at and see on the map I will keep cruising bonus guys check it out whoo it's an old dusty one yep it's crashing in it so I'm gonna try and scrap these out on the spot at the scrapyard when I get there at least take out most of the things and then I can just throw it straight into scrap steel and we got annoying voice the irons way a little bit okay that was bonus PC so what's that three already again and I do well it's more trophies remember last week lots of trophies some wheelie bins they got holes in them that I don't have lids oh here's a nice motor won't take telephones try anything okay I think that's enough [Music] here like that that's crap either passed by before why he's really you know I'm not really in scrapper mode like scrap steel mode you know so my eye isn't trained to go quick and quick enough to just pick up things whereas he can spot scrap steel like I can spot PCs I can spot a wave stout but yeah it'll take a little while for me to be able to really spot scratch deal out you know and by then we'll probably be finished for the day anyway who's a good cord on this microwave sorry thank you intake the whole murder this exercise bike oh yeah it still works and all that but I'm not going to be able to fit it in the van franz empty from the star I would have my problem but I'll look like a bit of a Guinness trying to squeeze that into the van I don't begin like me and he still nope looks like we'll get that DVD player no that's a printer oh gosh I hate printers okay keep moving
Channel: eWaste Ben
Views: 49,023
Rating: 4.7558441 out of 5
Keywords: street scrapping, kerbside picking, curbside scrapping, scrap steel for money, ewaste ben, scrap metal yard, selling scrap steel, trash picking
Id: Xg4NwvFDlxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 55sec (3775 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 15 2018
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