Refining GOLD For Fun And PROFIT Pt1

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welcome back to my channel everyone S tips here and uh in this video what we're going to do is we're going to refine some carrot scrap gold here that we've accumulated over the last few weeks going to get a measurement on how much material we have this is our 14k stuff let's get that in the Melt dish carefully so we don't spill it all over the place all right we've got3 gam of 14k let's go ahead and zero this out here's our 10K stuff pour that in right on top of it and we' got 49.8 G of 10K I've calculated that I need 174.50 gram of sterling silver to properly inqu this gold and I've calculated that our yield from this batch is going to be about 86.5 gam of 24K pure gold before we go any further Miss Street tips has directed me to uh put a couple of items on my eBay site for sale this is a 14k Charleston bracelet it's 7 in long if you look down here you can see it says 14k and then I have a San Marco bracelet and it's 14k also we find that for you all right let's see what we got here we've got uh the silver here that I'm going to use to inquart this gold this is sterling silver and I've got 1757 and I've calculated I need 1745 so now we're going to set this aside and we'll go out and quart this but before we do that I wanted to show the size of these bracelets that we're going to be offering for sale each one of them is going to be 7 in in length and they're both 14K gold so let's uh put them up here on the scale this is the San Marco it's been been cleaned and sanitized with my ultrasonic cleaner and my steam cleaner we've got 10.6 Gams on the San Marco we'll be offering that for sale on my eBay site it's just like little half [Music] moons and then we'll be offering this Charleston bracelet says Charleston right there by the stage coach and that one is 10.2 G of 14k so we'll offer both of these bracelets for sale on my eBay site [Applause] for for for these were some balls some gold balls that had some material inside of them and so I removed them and got rid of that stuff so it didn't contaminate our batch [Music] this first n foil is complete I can tell when it's done cuz all the fumes are gone in there so what we'll do now we're going to pour this off into a jar that has H some sterling silver pieces in it just in case there's any excess [Music] Nitric left in that solution now we're going to put this back up on the heat I'm adding some more nitric acid [Music] this will be our second nitric acid boil I think this is nitric boil number seven I lost track because I stopped putting them mark up there doesn't matter I just keep going until the solution is carless and still got a little tint of blue going on so we may need to do one more Nitric boil just to make sure the longer we spend here doing these nitric acid boils the less problem we're going to have when we go to uh dissolve the gold in the Aquaria so let's do one more nitric acid boil this is nitric boil number eight and I can tell we're pretty much done with these nitric acid boils because our solution in there is colorless and that means that we've uh got all of the base metals and silver dissolved out of there so now it's uh okay to conclude that uh these Nitric boils are complete like I said before this is the eighth Nitric boil if we had to do nine we'd do nine keep going until that solution is colorless I remember when I first started refining it was hard to restrain myself and be patient with this uh that's a newcomer new beginner mistake is to to uh lose patience want to press forward before it's time and then that creates problems for us later on so the longer we spend here with these nitric acid boils the easier the refining is going to be when we go to the aqua regia now what I'm going to do is I'm going to boil this recovered gold now in a little bit of distilled water and try to get a little bit more of the nitric acid out of there just for a few minutes Gold's been boiling in a little distilled water now for few minutes going to pour this off and now what we'll do is add some Hydrochloric hydrochloric acid add about up to the say 450 ml level here now I'm going to add some sulfuric acid this will precipitate out any lead that may be [Music] present now I'm going to measure out some nitric acid and what we'll do is dissolve the gold now with Aquaria I think I'm going to go with about that's about 50 ml let Set this stuff out of the way and what we'll do is put this up on a uh heating pad over here and I'll turn on the time lapse and we'll uh dissolve gold in [Music] Aquia e I've allowed the solution to evaporate down so that we can drive off any excess nitric acid and we're going to pull it down off the heat and let it cool down [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] there's some pieces down in the bottom of the be speaker here that are not even gold I think they're pieces from some of the jewelry that were in the carrot scrap just going to rinse this down into the uh filter it' be easy to mistake those as pieces of undissolved gold but they are [Music] not I think our solution is a little bit cloudy so what we'll do is We'll pour the uh solution back through the uh same filter a second [Music] time see if we can get some of this cloudiness to clear up [Music] what happens here is when we pour it back through that same filter for a second pass once that filter paper gets loaded up then it's able to filter out even finer particulate from the gold solution that we're trying to filter and this second pass should clean up the uh clean up the gold solution very nice for us [Music] our solution cleared up pretty good for us now we're going to pour some water in here and give it one final rinse to get all the gold solution out of that filter down into our main solution the solution looks nice and clear now here's all the junk that was in the filter so now what we're going to do let's go ahead and [Music] uh transfer our solution into a clean Beaker which I have prepared here with some ice in it whenever I have two or more Tri o of golden solution I add ice to cool it for this next reaction [Music] [Music] all right I'm going to add some stump out stump out is sodium metab sulfite we're going to precipitate out to pure gold here we [Music] go I have another spoon of stump out [Music] that's three 4 5 6 seven spoons let me put one more eight spoons of stump out should pretty much do it get this thing a little Shake Stir It Up reach in here to get a Stannis test and make sure we've got all the gold dropped out of our solution as you can tell by that negative Stanis test we don't have any gold if there was gold there'd be a stain on our piece of filter paper it's clear that means all the gold has been precipitated I've allowed the gold to settle completely now what we're going to do is go ahead and pour off this waste solution into a waste container and then I'll uh rinse the the precipitated gold down here over and over with some hot distilled water there's her gold down there if you can see that looks really good going to go ahead and pour this off now and uh rinse the gold off here we go I'm going to add a little bit of hydrochloric acid to the gold we're going to set this up on the heat up here and boil it in a little hydrochloric acid for a few minutes try to remove some more contamination I've had it boiling in hydrochloric acid for few minutes let's dump this off into our waist container gold is looking really good right now beautiful color I'm going to pour this [Music] off and I'm going to rinse it with a little bit of cold hydrochloric acid here all right that's the gold how it looks right now it looks really good nice clean pure gold powder let's set the gold up here on the heater again I'm going to add some hydrochloric acid there we go I'm going to add a squirt of sulfuric acid just in case we've got any lead that's made it this part into the process I will measure out about another 50 mL of nitric [Music] acid now we're going to put this on time lapse add the nitric acid to form alaria in there and then we're going to redissolve this gold a second time here we go I've got the gold dissolved I've got all the fumes to clear up so we don't have any excess KN in here let's pull it down and let it cool off for a second [Music] is [Music] this took less than a minute to pull through this filter you can see the filter's nice and clean up there nothing in it so this is going to be some high Purity gold this this time around with the second refining and what we'll do is uh transfer the solution icing Crystal Clear there transferred into this Beaker with some ice in it it [Music] [Music] [Music] all right ready to go ahead and do a precipitation now get a test with some Stannis this is how we can tell we've got golden solution see that dark stain means we've got golden solution all right let's go ahead and get some stump out in here and get this gold precipitated for the second time here we go first spoon right here [Music] [Music] that's six spoons I think that should do it for us get another status test to make sure we've got everything dropped out of our solution as you can see by that test there's no gold left in solution we've dropped everything now so what we have to do now is just go ahead and let this settle out completely and it's getting late I think what we'll do is we'll call this this will be the end of part one of this uh 33 o gold refining and uh we'll pick up right here in the morning and continue with a part two thank you for watching
Channel: sreetips
Views: 43,106
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Id: -gkTvbl4zZs
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Length: 31min 8sec (1868 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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