Selling PC's & Laptops $15000 Payout

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g'day scrappers today i'm just heading off to my uh pc buyer so i've got a uh a van load of uh all kinds of things to sell to him um obviously pcs uh that are good to uh refurbish laptops and uh a whole heap of other little things monitors as well so yeah um i'll give you a little look at uh um another recycler and we'll just have a look at the operation a little bit of how the other side of e-waste recycling works where i am a predominantly end-of-life recycler i recycle obviously end of life i.t equipment but obviously there's quite a lot of stuff that i pick up that still has another potential life to continue on and so um my buyer he's also a e-waste recycler but he's for he focuses basically on uh refurbishing and on selling stuff so we're a little bit different they're they're not a processor um like me like where my end of life stuff i dismantle it and uh scrap them out for the circuit boards and other commodities he probably passes on the stuff that he can't refurbish onto other recyclers including a little bit to me occasionally i'd like to get bit more but i don't often get to see him so if i was closer to him i'd probably arrange a better system if i had a factory obviously i could do it a little bit better but uh this is the the way i chose to do my business and he's chose to go the other way and go for the refurbishment which is probably uh obviously a lot more lucrative business um you know uh well when i say lucrative you know it's it's at least profitable enough where he can employ people and have a factory and stuff like that where um for me i just chose to go one way just uh a one-man band and do it that way so i need buyers to um take on my uh good stuff so i can continue uh on and and have have a enough room to uh keep bringing stuff in because i don't have a factory i don't have the storage facilities that the refurbish type of recyclers do like a factory so uh because it is a big commitment and a big investment when you know when you want to go that way and have a factory and and staff you also got to have things like forklifts and racking systems and you know it's a big commitment and i just i i'm not at that stage where i want to sort of commit i decided if i did it say like six years ago that would be a different story like by now i'd probably you know just be managing the the factory but um yeah i just didn't want to commit so i'm happy doing uh exactly what i'm doing so now let's just go and meet me buyer and we'll spend time unloading my van going through the laptops and items and he'll uh price stuff for me and then i might do a little uh a little tour around the uh sections where in his factory where he sets up uh reformats and and so on um laptops and pcs a little repair section and yeah we'll just we'll play it by efc what um what i can show you and obviously it's it's uh it's someone else's business so um you know i'm not going to sort of go around and just show the whole thing i've got to sort of be mindful of you know their privacy as well because you know there's a lot of e-waste recyclers out there and um you don't want to you know i'm sure that uh he doesn't want to show too much of his operation or the stock levels or whatever is going on because yeah it's you know business is business so let's get there and make a start okay so i'm here at my buyers and i'm just uh just waiting for him to get ready they're just keyboards so hey what's happening oh you know hey what do you mean okay yeah a bit daunting uh huh have you hurt your back no no okay i saw you like leaning down oh it's just early in the morning trying to so i think that these are all there's a couple of uh different variations of i3 so yep you got the the one and then not sure it's like smaller not as many uh pcs as i thought yeah he said about 90 or 100 and but i think uh food next year they all look the same that have been the same yeah okay so these are a couple of different yep i've got about 50 or 60 keyboards not sure if you're interested huh yeah they're all just one they're all aces from these yep so not sure if you're interested in them i can take them i don't think so you're gonna need probably back to ten place sorry it's on the way home bud all right yeah okay so that's all i can get to at the moment yep we'll do some laptops and monitors just got some just some empty boxes put a few in the back just so they so things don't fall back um okay so this is his yard anyway the factories in behind that door there it's a it's a completely different weird setup because uh that part of the factory is leased out to other companies but he uses a little bit yeah he's got a big one in there but this is his main yard and it looks like containers for stuff that are shipped overseas the good stuff and yeah um pretty clean yard yeah um all right so uh how we're gonna do this i'll give you that any good uh yeah definitely so 22 inch monitor 24 24 24. now maybe i can unload it and you can write down what i'm unloading okay yeah how about that i'm sure there's quite a bit yeah that's fine yeah we'll just yeah i can help them thank you not up there up down up down um [Applause] one's a small one it's so much easier to pack than unpack yeah absolutely ah this big projector any good to you the big sharp i had to be big looks a bit ugly that print any good um i could throw it in my bin that's about it okay yeah like the it's a recycling but yeah [Music] i found someone to buy hp printers i don't want to store them and pelletize them because they're so heavy and awkward and hard to pelletize yeah it's not even worth keeping you know to sell for the ten bucks or whatever that i get for it yeah uh i get the same problem um that's with everything for me like just this big one any good yeah yeah definitely the bigger the better what's that about 32 27 actually it looks bigger doesn't it please i know these look like the common ones i remember in your video i believe one or two of them had a sticker or no um you mean as in saying what it was inside yeah have you looked huh okay so this one is a pentium gold i actually haven't come across pentium gold okay where's that at in the uh scheme of things to be honest it's got a broken screen but um i'm not sure i'll actually have to look this up for you okay i'm not sure on that one um another pentium gold missing key there it is okay but that's all right um no worries i'll have to look that one up this one okay they're usually an i5 4th gen five 4th gen yep that's correct um so i can do say 80 80 on this okay so 8080 times three times four times six seven broken screen so that one if we can do for say 15 bucks on that one [Music] [Music] i'll do 10 bucks on that one this one key miss otherwise it's fine i'll do 100 bucks on that one and that one thank you um so yes [Music] that's an i5 second or third generation i would have lost on that um i can do 70 bucks sorry matey yeah oh the last one was 10 yeah that one was 10. uh 10 yesterday yeah um this one i can do 50 on okay this is block eight these look nice aren't they yeah i bring you the good stuff mate all right oh okay i freeze second or third but it's touch screen um i'll go 50 bucks on it this one looks better oh yeah i have free fortune oh okay i free um i can do one second i can do about say 70 on that yeah that one is the sixth generation um i'll do 110 on that by five fourth i can do say 90 on that one pentium i can do 30 bucks on that i think that's another pentium so it's another 30. and then pentium so 30 that one is a 50. you want to put them back in this yes that's good thinking it's just one tiny box i might do better that's a gamer it's a crapper but uh it's a good gamer not sure this exact specs oh another give us the uh um which one are there yep there you go 750 or something yeah it looks like today's gonna be a good payday okay all right let this patch down yeah okay um so yeah i think they're all going to be should i just grab him while i'm here i'll cut i'll go around the side and all right we'll demolished um i'll say five story on that yeah keep going we got i5 second i will do say 40 on that one and we have an i5 3 or 4. so that's just an ipad docking station to charge up ipads that's pretty cool yeah interesting yeah so these are the computers two weeks wow it's been a busy two weeks and then that's all the all-in-ones that came in the last two weeks just two weeks yeah two weeks that's where all my work's going wow two weeks see i couldn't in two weeks i couldn't obviously store all these you know yeah at one point i actually had to have three drivers yeah all right 12 schools in one day 12 in one year yeah like high schools or um it makes sense yeah so mine as well and then this will be the testing stations here okay so this is a new area for testing yeah okay not fully but yeah and then those pelletized right so we we don't actually even test for two duos okay so they're just and then it's the ice series that we test and we get all the details of the ram and the thingy um if we need a wipe then we definitely wipe them yeah and that's it and then that's ready to go out to uh yeah so this will eventually go in a container okay and 40 of these kind of pellets fit in a container wow yeah and then i'll show you the monitors and so the container ends up in on the ocean somewhere in dubai dubai dubai at the moment yeah okay um i'm surprised that people in dubai would buy used equipment well dubai is very similar like singapore it's just a hub from there it actually will go to other other countries yeah but there's not much packs and stuff in dubai for shipping so yeah so basically when we test monitors wow we end up packing them yeah take the stands off and you'll get roughly about 100 monitors per one of these boxes again this is the same height as those desktop pallets and roughly about 40 of these will fit in a container we'll have what sizes are under and beautiful i mean it's great that it's all getting reused rather than just uh scrapped out and uh you know like the other big recyclers they just throw through machines and and scrap it all out you know yeah well i mean they call that recycling but in my eyes you know it's like reusing yeah reusing is what it's all about because i mean they've got to you know use energy just to destroy it and then make a little bit of plastic and metal out that's it yes because i mean i deal with end of life stuff so it's stuff that can't be sent anywhere else how i process it and get the circuit boards and that but this is this is where it's at um i mean it depends on the customer some don't want it reused for those we have to definitely destroy it yeah but if they don't mind then we definitely reuse it where we can they're beautiful um all right awesome you're doing good for the planet mate people are going to love you you should get a like a noble peace prize you know for environmental protection all right the other ones i've seen all right let's have a look so yeah yeah so they definitely um find out if they're locked or not it will contact the network and if it goes through here then it's all good this is going to come up three times oh it's all good yeah yeah and the little ones like that it's all from the same tech so he's he's redone every one of them so now they're good it's the real deal i will just check these ones yep yep yeah with the uh ipads guys uh there's a big difference between a locked ipad and an unlocked light ipad as far as value uh they can't do much with uh the locked ones they're mostly used for uh the uh i think the the motherboards or you know the chips in them and parts like screens keyboards batteries things like that and obviously the the main objective is to uh not just recycle them in a in a scrapping sense but it's to uh and going for the circuit boards and chips it's it's all about uh repurposing and that's what this guy is all about um as we were discussing you might have heard it's a nice dell i7 i'm going to separate these two into two piles one with undamaged screen okay yeah yeah good idea that makes a difference too obviously as damaged scream it's uh it gets treated like uh one that's uh locked um not necessarily because there's actually two screens on here right so there's one which is the lcd itself and then there's one which is the digitizer part so the digitizer part is not that expensive to replace okay um it's if the internal screen is damaged right okay yeah okay you want these uh keyboards uh yeah nicely bright and so you can label your pellets and stuff oh this box here is is a cream box mate this is where all the good stuff is yeah definitely that's what i said you're going to need before you're going to bring a trailer with your money or armor guard truck and his little i just kept one for myself just in case my pc conks out i can access internet okay that's that these are the ones that john west rejected not every laptop is sellable these are just scrap don't even know why i put them in was this okay already packed like this um yeah they did well you know what they did they put all the ipad 2's and freeze at the bottom and a few better ones at the top oh okay probably as they went okay so i might just count them as i'm putting them back in okay so we got two four these are the second and third sorry like the older type okay yeah how do you know the difference uh by the charger so okay that's oh the little charge here okay nice to know yeah that's six eight everything on these two poles is there 10. hi everybody hey mate how are you 4 8 12 16 20 22 24 26 28 30 [Music] 32 um 33 of the ipad 2s and 3s um so if i had a thousand of them it still wouldn't make a difference you'd still take them yeah yeah i'd still take them 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 25 25 yep and and there are the 15s hold on 26 sorry 26 and these are not just this one i can do okay so we're getting there guys still gotta go through the pcs but most of them are no they're all i3's they're second gen and there's a few uh fourth gen um their stuff rejected just laptops they're basically just scrap laptops anyway but i thought i'd bring him just in case he wanted him um yeah just got some more ipads to go through this this is uh all the laptops these were cool the dells monitors okay surface pros so 128 surface pros uh i3s not always but yep generally i3 256's i5s or possibly i7 yep and 528 512 512 is i7 definitely definitely i7 okay yep okay well just did uh um some ram and cpus there were quite a lot of four gig server rams and he mentioned there's a little r to distinguish it as a server server ram is a totally different ball game really um the value in server ram is 16 gigs and above uh unfortunately but still uh four gig they're still worth a little bit better than scrap value you know so um uh yeah wow so projectors and monitors um a lot of ipads uh these are were really nice the hp elites and what was better were these surface pros uh really nice good good value good good money resale on them all right goblin crystals big back pain board yeah nothing on that end there's some not bad gold pins on there these are pretty good so i might have the opportunity to buy that stuff some interesting big rectifier just got a power board there power board there's a nice nortel networks box it's a power power unit nortel is really good unless unless they're power boxes then yeah yeah oh yeah this this one's got oh yeah just uh it's still a power unit okay um so whilst it looks like it possibly could have been something awesome um they're basically power boxes but there might be some good stuff in there big fans and there's a whole heap of circuit boards there so if i take them i've gotta um take them all out of the bags and stuff and then sort them into their grades but it looks like there's some high grade stuff there so this was saying about this kind of stuff here obviously is not uh sellable items this is just end-of-life stuff so you know i get to take a little bit of this occasionally um he does have many buyers for this kind of stuff but this this is good but it's a lot of work to actually sort it all out because they're all in packaging and stuff so it does take a lot of time but it's just something i do in my spare time and i get a bit of value out of it um mostly for me it's all about picking items out of it for goal recovery and then on selling the boards and so i generally pay whatever i can get for the boards minus you know my labor and stuff so yeah it works out good for both [Music] see your laptops okay so these are obviously just mid-grade boards um some have got a central chip but most of them are all just empty so they're only mid grade but they're looks like oh yes some laptop motherboards could get value from that it looks like some might be some better boards like that obviously just gotta see anything with when i'm picking up from here boards and stuff is that you know i've got to remove all the batteries and you know it does take a lot of time but it still gives me the opportunity to depopulate stuff if i want to and get some extra value that way so some of this stuff it's only mostly power board stuff but it'll still give me something to scrap that'll be okay yeah for the start of the year yeah so that's pretty much empty will have a power board there it does have a back plane but it's pretty much this is just kind of rubbish but still uh i'll throw some in scrap metal these rectifiers ah a heat uh kind of like a heatsink uh irony alley but it does have a a power board so oh well he's offered him to me so i might as well take him i don't want to uh takes just reasonably good stuff and leave junk you know so if he wants to get rid of it i'll take it you know still give me something to do these are awesome awesome fans nice aluminium casing i'll just take them they don't have much monetary value but i just like them just to have a bit of fun with stuff oddball stuff that i don't normally get myself yeah just power boards if i can fit him ah this looks like a ups yeah because he's kind of put these aside for me in case i wanted them so beggars can't be choosers you know you just grab it i mean obviously this doesn't just come free uh i'm trying to get value for him as well to offset some of the stuff that he buys with me so oh well i'll take it because for the same reason don't don't want to leave him with absolute rubbish but oh well see so there's a server board i've still got to take it off the base but i'll put them with the other boards i get off him and that way the next time i come with boards we can you know reduce the next time i come with laptops i'll say okay well from that stuff that i picked up a few um you got x amount and that offsets you know his cost on stuff that he can actually resell and make a bid on so it's a win-win for both parties this is like a it's like an honesty box you see so i take it and the idea is to pay a reasonable price you know to give him some back because his driver still had to go and pick all this up you know you can't always just pick up stuff that you actually want so it's got to pay for that too this vcr isn't complying okay so see this sort of stuff's good i like this you get a good board out of it that's just a cover there we go nice power boards so it kills two birds with one stone so i'm here selling my stuff and okay power boards nothing really they look like they got boards or some something actually probably gone a little bit too high i don't want them sliding through the window i have to fix that one more okay that looks like a couple nice boards in there at least huh see all this stuff is just uh end of life all that we can really do with it is just uh scrap it out sort of cv radios or something this is my third pallet load just putting a few things in the front i love these motorola transceivers just trying to save a bit of room for circuit boards and stuff um yeah okay um oh a lot of this looks good we'll both get some value out of this um geez where do i start there's a nice nice ceramic ics good golf fingers so some of this stuff is higher higher grade you know so good value goodness it's going to take quite a while to unload uh in an orderly manner check that out and there's that's uh over a cubic meter of boards [Applause] unbelievable probably should have put gloves on probably should have got a trailer he's just put this tub of um cable and stuff whoo but i don't think i'm gonna fit i suppose once the cable goes on top um it's not gonna it's gonna actually hold down so it's not going to slide but i reckon i'll be struggling just to get this tub in and this is the one i kind of wouldn't mind having um see like that it's really hard for this to go as a mid-grade board because of all this dead weight but there are some good chips on there and stuff so we can bring it down to a low grade just a lot of small stuff that's a nice board does have a little battery always got to sort of keep an eye on them and remove them but it's a it's a high grade board obviously it's got a lot of fingers they're not the best fingers they're okay um but it's a higher grade board server grade telecom um but yeah i was just saying to him you know like even though people selling him stuff is you know important to him i was just saying that you know geez um having a place to actually sell to and fair prices is is more valuable to me so he's more valuable to me than i am to him well it kind of it's debatable uh obviously he makes uh his profit on the laptops and so on and uh also helps his supplier he's uh he's buyers because he's obviously got buyers of can reconditioned um computers so so he's not just about making money either he's you know he likes enjoys the fact that he's helping other people make a bit of money too and that's great you know it's uh what makes the whole it game go around see like that board it looks impressive but it's well it does have some chips to remove but it's only really a low grade board after that [Music] sometimes i get guys bringing me boards and i think that they're spectacular but they're not always as good as they that kind of look so this stuff is very similar to the stuff that i took away last time just more of it that is going to take some work and obviously my prices that i pay for boards are a little bit lower in this case because my prices are based on boards delivered to me and so obviously this is a lot more time consuming because i'm i've got to load up and then i've got to bring it back and unload it and before i can weigh it so but i still try and be fair and reasonable and as i said it this is these are what i call honesty boxes he's uh honest with his prices sometimes uh he might underpace for something and he'll let me know and say hey look i actually got a little bit more um so you know next time i owe you extra excellent but at the same time he does overpay for certain items thinking that they might be in better condition than they turn out to be and so sometimes i have to accept that too but he may have paid fifty dollars for one series of uh ipads and it turns out they were all locked and he couldn't do nothing with him and so i mean no one can afford to lose a lot of money so it's only fair that it works both ways okay that one's done i'll keep gown how's that certainly packing it yeah i'll be able to get the cable on top but uh i just wanna clear off the boards if i can hard drives oh yeah things like this as good as they are i mean mostly probably because there there could be a cpu under there um but otherwise you know i've got to take it out of all this so it takes time i'd love to be able to just take it back and weigh it and say that's how much there was but we've got four different grading as well as things like hard drives and before i can grade it i need to sort of get it to clean to sellable state and that's what takes time so you know this could take me two maybe even three weeks before i can actually uh know how much what's here how much it weighs what it's worth how much i owe him kind of thing i try to do as quick as possible but you know with other jobs coming in all the time um see i can't use this van until i actually emptied this out and i can't just empty it out and throw it aside i've got to actually sort it as i go and clean it up and then put it away properly into the selling boards or into the depopulating area so it takes time but it's a time well spent because this is good stuff and for my goal recovery a lot of components especially like gold band crystal oscillators things that i like it's all good almost there guys okay so those two board boxes are done still a little bit here wouldn't mind that okay i might see if i can get some of this cable in here wow okay i think i'll uh close the side doors wow looking good mine's gonna throw cable over the top just to add about another three days of uh emptying the van but uh yeah i even pay for the cable okay so that one's um done taken out some hard drives here this is not a great deal here i might go through if i've got some room but anything that he can use i can't our keyboards normally when i used to pick up a lot of cable from this place i used to have you know always brought side cutters but i just happen to not have side cutters in the van today and it helps when you're unloading cable because it uh it all tangles up as you know and it can be really hard to grab decent amounts and okay but smaller ones like this sort of stuff easy yeah see any problems i used to actually bring my tubs how you leave my tubs but i don't get much cable from here anymore but it used to be a lot easier when i could just bring an empty tub and wheel wheel it in and wheel out the full ones and process it when i got back this might be a little bit too hard yeah these monitor cables they can always be trouble they always hook up all right well that's it guys i'm all loaded up ready to go nice uh bunch of cables on top so let's get back and start processing okay well how was that what what a mission that was um uh it actually took a little bit longer than i i expected i knew it was going to take a while but geez i must have been there uh for a few hours uh a lot of little things to go through you know a lot of the laptops to go through and um yeah um like the pcs are relatively easy you just uh they're all uh almost all of them were identical so you can just count them up you know whereas the laptops kind of uh you got to go through virtually every one because you've got to uh look for certain things that are missing for instance if it's been opened up and has ram missing it has a battery missing is is the screen which is quite important if the screen's cracked it makes a big difference yeah and even the ipads and stuff like that it makes a big difference whether they're locked or unlocked so there were some really nice ipads there um about eight or nine of them that were actually a really good expensive ones um but it turned out they were locked so i got like 20 of the value compared to if they were unlocked so it makes a big difference and uh oh well that's just how it is um but it turned out uh probably my biggest or definitely my biggest sale there by far um geez uh what was it it was close it was around fifteen thousand dollars worth of um uh it stuff sold there today so that that's you know pretty good money and you know i i i believe that he'll probably there's about five thousand profit in it for him um maybe five to seven or something like that so i mean but the obviously i i've picked it all up and i've put in the work and all that and and with my clientele so as i mentioned you know it's not just a free pickup i've spent seven years building up what clientele i've got in advertising and and all that so you know it's uh it's not necessarily all free and quite a bit of time into it um and same for him it's not just easy money for him either because he's got to um go through everyone test it reform at them make sure that they're they're all working he has actual testing stations for different kinds of equipment where he can load up like six or eight laptops at a time and do the whole system configuration and testing all in one go it's got programs to do that so um but still you know he needs to have staff and so on to to do all that and then he's got to then sell it to his buyers or wherever they go a lot of the laptops he was telling me that they actually most of his laptops and ipads or his ipads stay in australia laptops i'm not really sure some might go overseas others are repurposed here in australia but as you saw in that one section of his warehouse where um showed a whole heap of pallets of pcs and big boxes full of monitors uh he was saying that they mostly go to dubai and he's saying not necessarily to be sold in dubai but it's like a um a central kind of dispatch uh country like singapore where uh things will then you know be sorted and uh go to various clientele around the world probably you know europe asia you know who wherever um so that's the difference i was saying from the start of the video when i was saying that i i'm a recycler that deals mostly in end of life electronics so anything that i can on sell to either this buyer or a couple of other smaller buyers that like to buy specific things um i will and they will get repurposed and then what can't be repurposed you know obviously what else do you do with them so at least i dismantle them and get the commodities out of them the circuit boards and the metals and the plastics and and everything that can be recycled um goes to the appropriate places so you know nothing really goes in landfill and uh so that's my side of recycling and this guy's side of recycling is repurposing that's his idea you know reuse you know recycle reuse and repurpose or whatever the three r's are um so that's his sort of idea of and his you know what he means by recycling is yeah we don't want to just smash everything up and just take out the the precious metals and the plastics and metals and so on you know we want to see if they can go back on into the community and and actually uh and go again and in some cases in some countries it could be five or ten years some of this stuff can still go for you know and then eventually they'll go to people like me that will dismantle them or to very large recycling companies that will shred it all up and take out all the precious metals and so on and all the base metals and everything so you know i really like his style of recycling and it's it's the best part because even uh when i do schools and he does a lot of schools um probably got half of my schools but you know a lot of the schools don't really even want their stuff to be treated as end of life right now because they feel that oh there's still some use there so uh that's why he gets a lot of um of those kind of jobs because he's not going to just put him through a shredder and go for the precious metals he's going to actually spend time and um and reap you know bring him back to perfectly working condition and then put them back onto the market and so it's a beautiful little circle and yeah so that's the two sides of e-waste recycling my side i'm a small fry so but that's basically an idea give you an idea of what i do and my side of the e-waste recycling and the repurposing side now obviously on my side of recycling there are much bigger levels uh like my board buyer here's a much bigger version of me although he probably also on sells well just like i do things that are just too good to uh to totally destroy and recover metals he'd probably resell but generally he's processing to um and you know end of life electronics and a lot of his clients don't want their stuff repurposed because he's he's dealing with bigger companies like actual computer companies they don't want their old stuff put up back onto the market most likely because they want to sell new stuff but he also does government organizations he does uh military organizations so they obviously want their stuff completely destroyed and it's almost like in a secretive way so i don't even when i'm there i don't get to see that if i do happen to see something that's high-end military you know i i you know i certainly wouldn't show a video of it or anything because it's all you know top secret and that kind of thing so um but they pay for that service they pay for him to destroy but this guy yeah he's got a great operation and um yeah it's amazing the things that uh he can buy and sell and amazing uh his knowledge now he can look at something and say oh yeah that's that that's got that's an i3 gen 2 that's an i5 4th gen um yeah he he's you know got a really sharp eye and he knows his stuff he knows you know what can sell on that it's quite amazing if i had that knowledge i'd probably do the same as him but for me i'd have to sit and research every single item that i got it would just take hours and hours um you know and it just wouldn't be viable for me and i don't have the space he's got like three quite like you know large warehouse spaces in in amongst that you only saw really just a small section of one but um so he's got a much bigger operation and he can he can stack stuff up onto pallet racks sky high and and store it until he's got the right amounts to um send to his buyer or the country that wants it and like i said a lot of those monitors and all that they all go to dubai at the moment i was quite surprised so uh yeah because i thought i said to him you know i wouldn't have thought people in dubai would want to be buying reconditioned it equipment you know i thought most of them could afford to buy brand new stuff and top of the range um but yeah he said it's it's more like a disre distribution hub and from there it goes um wherever it's got to go so awesome so all that stuff that i sold that'll probably you know it's going to go into good hands uh anything that he couldn't uh is too old or unrepairable like you saw that bunch of laptops that i put back in that's all just scrap laptops if he can't do anything with it even pay five dollars for it then it's uh it's just scrap so that's just how it goes ah goodness yeah so i'm back now uh me battery went flat as usual while i was driving so i obviously did spend a lot of time there because i went through three batteries um yeah as you could see quite an amazing drop-off and quite an amazing pickup at the same time and yeah just sort of really loaded it up a lot of cable to uh process um that's going to be quite time consuming so i'm just going to have to tomorrow just throw all the cable into a couple of bins and just leave it until uh i've got time i'll i'll weigh it up and so what i'll do is i i just weigh it up because it's still got the plugs and obviously and a lot of things need to be taken off like mice and stuff so i just weigh it up as a as low-grade wire and um yeah and so i pay a portion of the low growth value um back and obviously all the circuit boards yeah there are some good circuit boards um i got a bunch of these kind from the last pickup i got off him um yeah some of these are okay some have a a ram stick or two and um some pretty good boards obviously they still got everything like batteries and and things we have to remove before i can sort of weigh him up and grade him and get a value uh for him but yeah it's a kind of win-win he gets value for um stuff he may otherwise not uh he's also helping me out by giving me a little bit of extra work because i'm nowhere near as busy as him obviously like you probably saw the all the pcs and and stuff like that whole row of you know double pallet rows of pcs you know that was just what he picked up in two weeks my gosh um yeah so that's why i didn't sort of go try and go too big in my small business is because i don't have the space to grow that big and i didn't want to get a factory or anything to to have to deal in e-waste on that level good luck to him i'm just happy to do my little thing and like i said i um what i brought him the laptops pcs monitors and bits and pieces i also brought him some ram good ram like four gig uh ram etc uh cpus things like that but yeah there was about fifteen thousand dollars in uh sale so looking forward to getting that um you'll probably just deposit it into the bank or something like that uh yeah so you know that's going to be a nice start of the year uh boost to the business account and um yeah and then yeah double bonus is you know just loading up the van i did get a lot of that first stuff that you saw the uh the power supplies and all that it's pretty low value it's mostly scrap metal but there are some good items where there's some good boards so what i do is when i remove the boards i'll just add them to these boards so um yeah and and all that'll happen is the next time i go in and bring in my laptops and so on um he'll just take off the value of the stuff that i i got from him today and and that's how we sort of go around not always i get a full load sometimes it used to be very regular i mentioned i used to have tubs at his place but i don't have the tubs there anymore and so he sort of uh he has quite a few different guys that he gives this kind of stuff to um sells it so um yeah so oh well he's at least he's good enough to give me a bit of a load when i get do get down there and so like i said out of the uh the stuff that i sold him he's going to make a decent whack out of as well and and so it's a win-win uh for me a lot of the things like the pcs um can you imagine me trying to sell them on ebay and then spending the time um you know testing everyone making sure they're all okay and so on and um it's just too too much for a one-man band whereas he's got the facilities to do all that so it's awesome for me because hey when i first started recycling anyways i was scrapping out a lot of these the newer pcs that could have been uh unsold so you know it's not a huge amount of money per pc but it's a lot more than scrap and it certainly adds up when you've got volumes so yeah great day uh a big payday and uh yeah i hope that was a bit of fun for you i couldn't show as much as i wanted to in as far as the his operation goes because he was partially uh closed down um he didn't no staff were there it was just me and him normally he's got five or six guys running around doing things so you know uh but yeah so the the lights were off in most of the factory and so i thought oh well that's okay um i'm getting the main job done that is uh we spent quite a few hours going through all the laptops and then you know i probably spent another hour or so loading up the van again so i'm too tired to start unloading so i'm just going to leave this to tomorrow but yeah just once again it's just another aspect of my small business just to show you guys that are interested in recycling e-waste in your country wherever you are in the world um well this is what it's kind of about it's a it's a mixture of things it's picking up it's scrapping out processing stuff it's it's on selling it's uh more picking up and processing and you know for those of you that understand e-waste and that and you know as far as you know cutting the plugs off and that it's time-consuming and especially if the cable is all tangled up it just takes a long time and then you've got cable in plastic and so on that you gotta dispose of so you know it all adds up in time and uh you know to um like for him to pay one of his workers to do that it's just not worth it because this is you know cutting cords and cables it's a low it's a low end side of the business and most e-waste recyclers they just throw all this into one bin and sell it as low-grade and that's all i do because you know anyone that's employing someone just doesn't have the um it's just not worth paying someone to be cutting plugs off and processing low-grade stuff like that they just throw it all in i know with my other buyer they do the same thing they just throw it all into a big bin and the scrapyard picks it up and and that's it but for me um a smaller you know recycler i might go for a week without doing a pickup at all so this sort of at least gives me a little bit a little bit of work to do and yeah and some of the boards as i said were great things like this they look great but they do have some some chips but a lot of transformers and so there is a lot of dead weight but there are things that i can pick off for my own um precious metal recovery one day and uh and then you know like take a few ics and then throw it in low grade so it's just a matter of balancing out and working out what grade to pay this at and as i mentioned when i'm buying boards like this where i'm actually picking it up loading my van bringing it here unloading it weighing it up that's a lot of work in between so obviously i don't pay exactly what i would pay if a another scrapper would bring me the boards ready to go um and and so they're unloading from their car and it's just straight on the scales way pay see you later it's you know like as you could imagine it's it's a bit like a scrap yard going to going somewhere and picking up all this scrap metal and then sorting it out you know no scrap riyad would do that sort out their metals and so on and then still pay him top dollar you know that would be a quite a considerable uh difference in price whereas my price isn't that much lower i still pay a fair price because um you know because well with this guy in particular i want to you know i try and make sure that i get him the best value as i can because um i want this stuff continuously you know and so if i'm if he's not getting much uh value from me then he's going to just pass it on to someone else so you know in cases like this uh you can see there's some ram sticks so i take all that into account when i'm grading boards there's probably a a cpu under here it might be yeah it looks like it's a on board cpu so it's a bit different but nonetheless this i would grade as a high telecom grade and yeah and that way he should do well um out of boards like this but uh yeah there you go guys i'm gonna go in and have something to eat now and enjoy the rest of the the night and uh yeah get on to this tomorrow and uh yeah really get stuck into it and try and uh get this processed as as quick as i can to at least give him a his price and uh and then i can just continue on and processing things like depopulating boards that i want to pick stuff off and things like that and then they'll go to my other buyer my board buyer so i hope that was fun uh yeah like i said it would have been nice to show you more of his operation but uh their business you know and they're all partially closed but uh you know there's only so much that i probably would have been able to show you anyway because you know it's just it's just not right to go in the the heart of the business and show what other businesses are doing uh if it was my business you'd know about it inside and out but you know these nartel boxes you know i reckon there's going to be a nice board in there so you know i normally don't buy complete items uh but in this case you know i do spend a time take the board out get rid of the plastic and all that and then and put the boards in with the boards that i'm buying off him and uh um yeah so i i sort of give a little bit more in this kind of case but normally with other scrappers that sell me boards if you bring boards to me not only they've got to be prepared and cleaned and steel taken off and batteries taken out and so on but they're also going to be graded in in area because it's all time and if i'm spending an extra hour or two sorting out your boards well that's an hour or two that i could have been processing my own stuff so you know time is precious in this game especially so keep scrapping guys have fun and have a great new year this will probably be the last video before uh for this year anyway and so um i'll catch you through next year and uh hopefully we'll do some street scrapping have a bit of fun out there and uh yeah so look after yourselves and i'll catch you then
Channel: eWaste Ben
Views: 132,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: selling it equipment, ewaste ben, recycling ewaste
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 22sec (5182 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 28 2021
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