Scrap Yard, GPU Pick Up & Scrap

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get a Scrappers start of a big day uh it's bit early for me but I'm just uh here at the scrapyard just getting rid of uh scrap steel and some batteries and then I'm going to go and uh do a pickup straight after this we'll see how we go hopefully the pickup's worth it it's a regular client so should be all right there you are I thought I'd bring the camera these batteries done as well thought i' bit a load up and get this scratch steel out the way just in case it rains next week and rather not do it in the rain and just make room for hopefully some fresh [Applause] pickups a all right that's that's the batteries okay I'll keep going go quite a bit of a weight in the van so should should do okay from scrap steel anyway [Music] okay this big thing all right okay that's everything and batteries all right ah just got to get the forklift to uh put this in too heavy okay well that's that job done H gosh uh yeah so the lead acid batteries was 76 cents a kilo so that wasn't bad and uh mixed uh pressing steel had 855 kilos so that that's pretty quite a lot of weight uh 25 cents a kilo so that's pretty good obviously you got to reduce the uh tax levy the um rubbish tax on scrap steel but uh oh well 274 for that L load not bad at all man Harry hey all right now time to go and do that uh pickup and see uh what we get from there okay oh holy moly how are you hey Alex how are you man not bad another load yeah yeah um again you know something you don't want just put it aside and yeah I'll get rid of it in another way um these are the usual these ones some have Bo some just chassis so metal all right this is like a big Behemoth thing okay um yeah probably have fun trying to um yeah so do you want to start with just do you want me to start bringing them around with the forklift is it easier um we you want to carry them it's up to you yeah I don't mind yeah well if you move a little bit forward I can just pick them up and bring them around to you can just flick them into the van all right um unless you want um probably just a big thing first to put that at the front like the heavy stuff towards the front and all the GPU stuff in there yeah yeah um I can probably pull that out as well I can just reverse them out anyway and I'll bring them in order you want yeah uh yeah just uh at least I'll bring that one couple of heavy things and then it doesn't really matter the rest we take it from there yeah now these drives are all like I said Smash Up requests yeah yeah no no problem you still take them yep absolutely yeah I'll I'll do with them all right no worries no worries buddy all right if you go a little bit forward yep okay let's get this done looks like quite a quite a bit um a littleit higher uh I'll get these off first I yep you're using it's got CPU units in there okay do you want to move it forward yeah wait beautiful thank you oh these are all um heat sinks oh okay yeah um not put it's metal anyway yeah yeah no problem okay [Music] you sounds this looks like some heavy stuff okay again um T okay yep said something I'll deal from that no problem okay [Applause] um the hole waight on it oh these heavier ones gpus in them okay the old Tes or something like that yeah oh yeah GPU yeah un used to buy racks of these back in the day yeah no just for yeah just for processing power yeah yeah you too [Music] manate all right well that's that might go back and scrap out that big GPU um thing but even those last blades the server blades you know you say there's four gpus in each one that's a lot of gpus I mean like some of you might know the the gpus were very expensive back in the day you know you know those each one of those blades would have been like 20,000 uh if not more all right let's go back and maybe scrap something okay well that was a interesting uh little uh pickup after the scrap run so I don't know how good my microphone is going to work on this uh camera cuz I'm not using my uh normal microphone I'm just having a lot of problems with microphones um I might have to actually get a new camera so um yeah I got a lot of the GPU uh kind of things I've got a really big GPU server that I'm going to scrap out uh probably in a separate video um but I got five of these and these ones are interesting because if you remember the gpus that were Nvidia Tesla well these units are actually labeled Nvidia Tesla so um I thought that was really cool and um so this one looks like the worst of the lot so uh yeah like I said I've got five of them so uh just in case there's something really cool about these I I might keep them but these are um yeah kind of uh different they're not enclosed gpus as opposed to um uh the Nvidia Tesla gpus that we got here um they look similar uh yeah might be slightly different but um they're the ones that I'm kind of used to and still still got a lot of them I've had people ask me about them but I just don't want to ship them overseas um it's just not worth it people think oh you know they'll get them and but when you by the time you take into account the postage it's really you might as well just buy them in your own country um it really wouldn't be worth it so anyway so I thought I'd just do a little scrap out of this unit because I got so many and uh yeah and then uh I'll wind this video up and uh yeah probably do a scrap video of um the main GPU server that is huge and uh yeah it' be interesting to do that one so just uh get the power supply out and what else we got here looks like it might be a secondary power supply yeah now that um I don't have my microphone I'm I've got to kind of remember to talk into the camera um so that's going to be a bit awkward uh yeah I'm not sure what I'm going to do I might just have to buy a new GoPro um the later version and uh hopefully that works I might even need new um microphone system just doesn't seem to be working right even when I was at the scrapyard I noticed when I was editing the start of this video that uh you know I I cut out a lot of things that were really crackly um so I've cleaned out the the microphone port in the camera and it seemed to have worked for one video but yeah it might be um really dirty inside and might just be uh finished and [Music] okay so we got all kinds of screws here get the Torx ones [Applause] out there just not [Applause] sure not really sure how to take these ones apart these are a little bit different but uh this one's just a sacrificial lamb and till we work out what we got and you never know someone local might want to buy the other uh four save me scrapping him but and yeah certainly looks awkward ah there we go okay yeah so it looks like there's uh four of these gpus in this uh these units but they're uh yeah very different they these might be like uh maybe because they're a Nvidia Tesla brand um chassis that they didn't need feel the need to uh to put a cover on but they certainly got a bigger heat sink um interesting I might just uh yeah see if we can open one up not really sure okay here and there's our huge Nvidia chip uh that looks pretty awesome and uh yeah pretty much loaded it's a it's a very highgrade kind of board it's got all BGA around the back here Lo so uh technically you know this really should go into high grade rather than PCI card but it's still have to leave fingers and a copper L radiator so that's cool so four of them and and that's pretty much it uh there's no real uh circuit board this is just all about um gpus and maybe connect to the server but uh yeah really interesting and well you know still get you know if I add four of these boards up you know it's still a pretty decent amount of uh highgrade boards um if that what I end up doing but uh yeah because there's no I suppose there would be um so this is BIOS version um so I suppose there would be some sort of model on there just doesn't look it unlike the other ones so a little bit stranger but not a great deal um you know there's no hard drives or anything you got a couple of uh back plane boards but uh they're not like the um the ones that I did when I did uh the last pickup at that place but the really cool thing is the the big server that I I want to scrap out in a separate video uh I just don't have time for it today got quite a few things I'm doing and yeah [Music] okay do not know how to get these [Music] out suppose I'm going to have to learn there we go gotcha all right so it's probably not as complicated as I thought but yeah just uh there's one chip behind the heat sink there other side the same thing and just going to have to separate that uh this part is got nothing anyway so I'll probably just cut out that that's just uh scrap steel and uh just get these and throw this into a midgrade board after I get that steel out so yeah really very little uh to this that's pretty weird so I got the other four there so that's all they are uh just simply um Tesla Nvidia uh straight out gpus uh pretty outdated uh as the guy said but that's the big um GPU serve and that's that's incredible so I'll do that separately and um any other GPU stuff I've got I got quite a bit from this place a lot of little bits of rubbish but uh yeah still um well there you go so I thought I'd just do this quick video with the scrapyard and uh a little pickup and and yeah a little basic scrap out not a great deal but uh if anyone in you know Melbourne is interested in in these gpus with uh systems with four gpus in them um and a power supply and stuff uh you know you can contact me and uh you know buy them if you want but uh yeah other than that um I don't ship overseas so don't bother asking because I really you know don't want to do that just uh the shipping is just too crazy and I just don't have time to package stuff up and go to the Post offices and stand there for like an hour uh trying to um post stuff off and then always wondering whether it's actually going to get there or not so forget about that anyway guys that's it for me I'm going to put put up a quick one uh with this huge GPU unit and uh yeah we'll see what's in that I reckon that'll be an interesting scrap so I'll do that uh in a day or two just uh roll a few videos as I go keep scrapping have fun and I'll catch you then
Channel: eWaste Ben
Views: 17,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ewaste ben, gpu scrap
Id: OkwuntAwZvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 0sec (1680 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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