WHICH HAND is the COIN in?! - Learn How to Find it with Body Language!!

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- Normally people put it in the left hand. I'm just gonna say that, normally people put it in the left hand. Don't let that influence you, but normally people put it in the left hand. Go ahead and bring your hands out. So I know it's over here, right, yeah, again. If I lose, you get to keep the quarter. Alright, bring your hands out, cross your arms. - You got it. (foreign language) (chill music) - [Chris] Open it, show me, okay. (foreign language) (foreign language) - Put the quarter behind your back. Mix it up a couple of times. Normally people put it in their left hand, but don't let that influence you. Ready, bring it out front, come in closer. I think it's over here, did I get it? Yeah, do it again. Wait, put them behind your back, and when you're ready, bring your hands to your front. I think it's going to be over here, one more time. - Alright, man. - [Chris] I think I know where it is, but cross your arms? It's over here. (foreign language) - Bring your hands up forward. I'm gonna know just from your body language. I think (mumbles) Did I got it, okay do it again. (laughter) Cross your arms. (laughter) Alright, do it one more time, but this time I want you to hold your hands out like this. Are you left handed or right handed? - Right. - Right handed? - Yeah. - Keep your hands right here, you're right handed? I'm gonna say it's in your right hand, open your hand slowly. It's not there, it's in this hand, give it to me. This is what we're gonna try now. You're gonna guess which hand mine goes in. Alright, I dunno if it'll work. Which hand do you think it is? You think it's in this hand? No, but look, look, it's not in this hand either, it's under your watch. (yelling excitedly) - This guy, man, this guy. - Yo, what's going on, guys, welcome back. As you've seen by the footage that I just presented you, today, yes today, I'm going to teach you one of my favorite little things to do, which is a sort of add-on to an effect and I'll get into that in a second, but we're gonna learn which hand the coin's in. And because I'm feeling generous, I'm also gonna teach you a really cool effect that goes along with which hand, which you probably just saw. I love doing this effect for so many reasons which I'll get into in a second. First of all, thanks for watching, thanks for tuning in. I know it's not Monday, I realize that. It's Friday and you're learning something and the reason for that is because this is not, how am I gonna say this, this is not an effect that you just want to go up to someone and perform. It's not like "oh, you're a magician?" "Why yes, I am, here, place this coin "behind your back, I'll tell you which--" It's not that type of effect, not in my opinion, anyways. If you wanna go out there and do this ten times in a row, by all means, go for it, if you've got the cojones. But where this effect really shines, as I've mentioned in the last video that I mentioned this video in, this effect really shines when someone asks you how you did something, when they're curious Obviously you performed some mind blowing magic or mentalism and they say "well how'd you do that, how?" And now you can tell them, "well, "I'm gonna actually teach you something. "I'll tell you how I did it, I'll use this as an example." So you tell them to "take the coin, "put it behind your back," and then you say, "bring your hands out forward," you say "I'm gonna actually "teach you how to do this after I'm done." So now they're super interested. Now they get to learn something, so they don't even care about the card trick anymore. You're a magician, you're divulging secrets to them, they feel super privileged. It doesn't even matter if you mess up, because the explanation that you're going to give them, which I will give you, is just a genuinely, really cool explanation for anybody and actually works, so you're not BS-ing them. When they mix up the coin behind their back and they bring it out forward, you're looking for multiple things. The first thing you're going to look for is their eyes. Their eyes will subtly twitch, sometimes not so subtle, but more times than not, subtly twitch towards the hand the coin is in. When this happens, actually, have a look at this video. We're going to actually see the moment that their eyes twitch very subtly towards the hand holding the coin. Open it, show me. Those cues are going to be very, very, very small. Sometimes so small that your mind will even forget for a second. It's a weird thing to say, but you'll see it, and then you'll be like "wait, did I just see it, "or did my mind make that up?" Because that's how subtle it is. And in that case, you trust your gut. Just trust your instincts, go for what your mind is telling you. What you initially think you saw more times than not, it'll be there. But usually when you do this at first, people are not even aware that you're looking for their eyes, and you're not going to tell them, either. So boom, they bring it out, they go... Bam it's in that hand, put it behind your back, do it again. Now, at this point, either they have no idea how you're doing it, or they're aware that you're looking at their eyes, so one of two things will happen: one, they will straight up poker face you. Bring out their hands like this, and like, not even twitch a little bit. Or two, they might very well just do the same mistake over again. And in that case, boom, it's there again, it's a mirror. But if they don't, if they straight up poker face, there's two things you can do from here. One is you look at their nose. Not up their nose, at their nose. Their body language and their head will slight, ever so slightly direct you towards the hand the coin is in. Do this yourself: grab a coin right now, put it in a hand, put your fists out, take your head and put it opposite of where the coin is. You see how wrong that feels? I know this sounds weird, but internally, subconsciously, it feels like you're lying to yourself. You're automatically instinctively gonna go just a little, like two, three degrees towards that. So if you can imagine a line running from their nose, you can sort of gauge which hand it's in. This point, if you still can't get a read, and you're thinking, "oh, I dunno," you can do one of two things again: you can either say "you're really good at this, "put them behind your back again and mix them up, "I have no idea where it is," so instead of getting it wrong, just, if you didn't get the read, tell them to do it again. Boom, you might get lucky and they might look at it. You might get it there, or with the nose thing, or if not, at this point, this is like the surefire thing. I don't even, like it... It's so amazing that this works, but it does. You say "quickly, bring your hands out front," and without hesitating, you say "cross your arms." Now here's what they're gonna do: they're gonna go like this, boom, and the coin is gonna be in the hand that's underneath. Why, you may ask, well let me tell you. The reason is we're automatically conditioned to sort of hide what it is we're trying to keep secret. We're trying to protect that secret, so the hand goes underneath, the hand that's hiding the coin you'll wanna conceal, you'll wanna keep it away from them, and it just works. It's just something that works. Now if you do any other funny business before, if you say something like "are you "left handed or right handed?" or anything, it might throw them off, and it might mix them up, so quickly you just have to say, "bring your hands out quickly, alright, cross your arms." Boom, automatically, it's kinda like a magnet, the hand that has the coin will go under. It's just a weird thing that works. I encourage you guys to go try this out on your friends and family. Annoy them for a little bit, and tell them, "hey, this is an experiment, something I'm trying out." But here's where the real kicker comes in. Here's why I love this effect. Not because it works, but because this is something I can teach to the spectator. Gets them away from the mentalism or card trick that I just performed, and gets them now into something super cool. This is like what's on TV, this is what they see on TV. This is like super powered stuff, like body language, NLP reading. And that's the type of stuff that you wanna learn, coincidentally, also the stuff that they love to learn. So now you're giving them something. So after you've done this, even if you mess up, you explain to them what you're looking for, and they are genuinely, 100% of the time, very extremely interested in everything you're saying, even if you got it wrong. But if you do this properly, you won't get it wrong. You'll nail the first one, the second one, it's up to you, if you wanna go for it, you get it, or if not, you do the cross arms and you're done there and you explain everything, or boom, you get another read, you go onto the third, then you cross arms, you got all three, one, two, three. So I'd like to tell a spectator after this, "well, now I'm gonna teach you how to do that, "would you like to learn that?" They're like, "please, sir, I want some more." So at this point, I'm like, alright, well here's what I'm looking for. The first time you actually looked at the hand. It's funny in this instance when I performed at the Night Vibe, my buddy's barber shop, I told the guy this, afterwards, after everything, I told them how I did it, individually, I took them all aside and performed this individually. I told them how I did it, and I showed them the footage, the footage that you're seeing, the footage you've just seen of their eyes moving towards the hand, or their hands crossing, or the subtle body cues, I showed that to them, and trust me, they were so fascinated by this. And to them, now they have something that they can go and share with their friends, their family, something they can impress their coworkers with. So it really leaves them with something cool, and it doesn't really take anything away from you, because you're not giving them some magic method, you're giving them actual psychological body language tricks. Now for the coin under watch part, this is super simple, this is another out in case things go wrong and in case they're wearing a watch, this is a great opportunity. So if you see they're wearing a watch and you wanna perform this sort of which hand to explain how you did the card trick, and this is complicated. You wanna do that, boom, you see they have a watch, you have the second quarter, so you ask them for a quarter, you already have a quarter in your pocket, whatever the case may be, you need two quarters in this case They put it behind their back, they bring it out, you tell them this time, I want you to bring your wrists out this way, they go "okay," at this point look for the read, if you don't get it, it doesn't matter. As you saw in the video, actually let's check out the video right now. You see the exact moment that I'm like loading it under his, and he has no idea what's going on, he thinks I'm reading, trying to read his, like, wrists or something to find out where the coin is. I'm loading the second coin under his wrists, and at this point, I didn't even look for the read. I didn't care, because I was already one ahead. I think it's in this hand, he says no. I say "aw, damn, alright, let's try this." So at this point, I'm golden. I take his coin, I say "you're gonna try "to guess where the coin is in my hand." Take it behind my back, literally drop it in my back pocket, no secret there, bring my hands out, he guesses, I go "no, it's actually not in either hand, but it's actually under your watch." (mimics explosions) So that's a cool little add on that you can do if you're in this position where you see somebody have a watch, you can do a little coin under watch. How that's done quickly, I'm not going to go into it because it's really not that hard. I don't want it to get long, but you hold it in your finger palm here, so the coin goes here, casual as you grab their wrists, you see it on the video, the video is basically a tutorial at this point, and you slide it under, now, if the watch is loose, forget about it, grab it back, don't even do it. His watch was a bit loose, which is why I brought his hands down, I was like "hold them down here." And I was hoping he wouldn't shake around. Normally this'll just slip right under. They won't feel it, it doesn't even change the pressure. And then boom, you guess, you get it, you don't get it, it doesn't matter, you take it back. Behind your back, in your pocket, boom, bring your hands out, they guess wrong. It's under your watch, so I hope you enjoyed that. So again, I just want to reiterate, this is not an effect that you wanna go out and perform straight up. It's an effect, like, I like to use it as an add-on, kinda like a 2.1, you know that I mean? And just try it out on your friends and family, do it until they're annoyed and they can't stand you anymore That's how I got started. Eventually, you'll start seeing these subtle little cues that I've been talking about. They'll become more and more clear and you'll start to really be able to analyze what it is you're looking for, and you'll see it happen in the blink of an eye and you'll know super confidently right away, it's there. And that confidence, when you get that, when you know it's there, you know, if I go, "I think it's, I don't know," it's like 50/50, but when they bring them out, you're like "yeah, it's here, "do it again" and they don't even have to show it to you, they're like "oh my god, how's he doing it?" So guys, that's a little tidbit. The reason I put it out on Friday, because Mondays are reserved for tutorials, I reserve for something really really cool, this is, for me, really cool, for you, might not be like the greatest effect in the world, but honestly, I think this is one of the really cool things that you can perform for people and leaving them with something is very important, it is very strong, they're so floundered by your generosity of divulging something. To lay people, when you give up a secret to them, it's like "whoa, isn't this shit, like, super secret?" We tend to, like, throw it around on YouTube and stuff, but lay people, like, they really think we covet this stuff like it's some sort of rare alien fetus or something. So anyways guys, hope you enjoyed that video. Thanks for watching, let me know in the comments below after you've performed this. Go try it out with some friends right now, right now. Go do it right now, go wake somebody up and do it. And let me know in the comments what the results were like. Subscribe if you're not already subbed and I'll see you on the next video, peace out. (chill music)
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 995,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: easy magic, beginner magic, chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, trick, magic trick, magic tricks, learn, how to, magic revealed, revealed, sleight of hand, playing cards, deck, street magic, street, magic performance, best of, great magic, explained, secret, secrets, magicians secrets, which hand, coin, agt, find the coin, psychology, nlp, body language, read, reading a person, which hand is the coin, how to find the coin, how to read people, magic, magician, coin to watch, under watch
Id: qvPJoKZtwak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2017
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