Getting Caught Doing a Magic Trick!! (How to deal with laypeople)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/_funnyplayer_ 📅︎︎ Nov 19 2017 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/_funnyplayer_ 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2017 🗫︎ replies
yo what's going on guys Chris Brander your welcome back today I'm super excited about this video because it tackles questions and magicians get asked all the time I get this question all the time from magicians how do I deal with these answers what do I say to a layperson that asked me how I did that can you do it again it's magic real all these questions are really really important to answer properly now there are so many ways to answer these questions and I'm going to tackle them in the way that I feel comfortable asking these questions was which doesn't lie to the spectator it doesn't reveal anything and doesn't make a situation super cringe you want to avoid cringe at all costs thanks for watching let's get right into it number one so probably the most prevalent question a magician gets asked is how did you do that this is a contextual question because in context when you astonish someone when you perform a trick to someone and they're less completely baffled on how that works the first question that pops to mind is how most the times they're not necessarily asking you how but it's just an instinctive reaction to the situation if someone showed you something completely impossible you see this thing happening in front of you and all you can say is but how so you're not necessarily asking because a lot of times laypeople will say how did you do that but wait don't tell me don't tell me I don't want to know it's just an instinctive thing for the most part now if you do get a really inquisitive spectator that really wants to know how and they asked you a man how did you do that well how do you handle this situation I think first of all comedy is a great way to get out of these situations in a performing environment in an environment where you have a lot of people around and you don't embarrass them or yourself or reveal anything well comedy is a good way to segue into something else so there are the stock lines that you can use and I've used them as well we all have how did you do that very well I thought or can you keep a secret they go yeah so can I that usually gets a last one personally that I like to use that I've been using a lot is when they say how did you do that and I go I can't tell you leanin it's funny but again you're sort of mocking the spectator because they know you're dancing and tiptoeing around the question a better way to tackle this so you use it as a way to get into another trick with the pseudo explanation so for example they say how do do that you can say well I can show you how I did this here hold your hand down boom we're into another trick you're showing them something maybe you can explain something maybe there's something simple you want to explain to them one of my personal preferences and this I love doing this right when they ask you how do you do that and I say well you know it's a combination of things combination of suggestion sleight of hand misdirection psychology and everything put together creates this to one simple inch is not going to satisfy you but instead I can show you something and they go okay you say take this quarter put it behind your back and bring your hands out front and I will tell you every time where it is and then I'll explain to you how I how I came to that conclusion I've been doing this for a long time it literally is like a 95 percent hit rate I can get it three times in a row no fail if that's something you want to learn let me know in the comments I can teach that on a future video but I do this and then I explain to them how I got to that by reading their body language by doing this and that and it really is true I'm not there's no gimmick nothing and so leaving them with that something that they can go out and perform gives them a little bit more of leverage and a little bit more confidence and it doesn't make you look like a so those are the ways that I answer how did you do that next question one question usually magicians get asked a lot and especially by like you know kids and stuff is can you do it again or can you show my friend the trick where the thing appears in your wallet bro don't tell them that appears in the wallet and again there are hack stock lines that you can use which are once and trick twice a lesson that's that's a favorite I use that quite a bit like you know jokingly once the trick twice a lesson what that implies is that there is a method and there is an explanation and that they I believe that they are smart enough to figure it out if I perform it again which gives them again some sort of personal gratification you're not belittling their intelligence you're actually claiming that they're intelligent enough to see it if I do it again which kind of takes you down a notch takes them up a notch it makes them feel good about themselves another good way of getting out of can you do that again this is my personal favorite in that instance I see that maybe they want to sort of have a little bit of power as well because right now you're the magician you have all the power type thing so give them something something I like doing as well is when they say ha you know can you do that again here's what we're going to try we're going to do something different if you don't mind but this time I'm going to let you do the trick I'm going to actually let you read his mind or let you so in this instance again you're giving them you're giving them something instead of taking something away from them and that's a really powerful thing next question is how do you learn magic a lot of this a question I get asked often because after you perform and they're impressed and everything they say well how does one learn magic how did you come about being a magician how do you who are magic there are many answers to that and most of them are not the answers they want to hear first of all thing YouTube I YouTube it or a Google it or I downloads of magic videos or watch DVDs like these are all very unromantic answers which you can go ahead and say if you like but most people like to stay away from that and like to say like books and mentors which is also true but some people just say because it sounds better here's how I like to spin that question but somebody asked me you know where do you learn magic I tell them quite simply the answer is not as awesome as you may think I didn't go to Hogwarts I didn't have a mentor it's pretty boring you know it's a lot of time spent by myself in my room practicing by myself with a deck of cards reading you know nothing super exciting but here's what here's what's more interesting I can tell you why I learn magic if you're interested this is a beautiful beautiful way to sort of segue into into something deeper and more meaningful and more human so you're getting away from the methods again and in the behind the scenes that you're getting more into the emotional side and why it is you're doing something now at this point you can tell them why and it could be whatever it is so it could be I was a shy kid and it was easy for me to break out of my shell or it brought me my uncle closer together or to smash I don't know whatever whatever you want to say in that instance but it's a great opportunity for you to start talking about theory talking about how you see magic what magic means to you and hopefully bring you closer to the spectator and you guys will connect so turning the house into a lie is a beautiful thing here's a very touchy one when they ask you is magic real now this is a very touchy one because usually when you're dealing with this you're dealing with several types of people either someone who's religious or spiritual or someone who believes in you know some sort of physics that hasn't been which is all perfectly justifiable you have to kind of watch how you answer this question because some people will say flat-out no this is not real which is okay I think it's okay to not lie to the spectra I think that's a good way of approaching it to not lie to them but is there any way you can deliver that in a way that doesn't completely crush their souls one thing that I'll say sometimes is I could lie to you or I could tell you the truth which would you like sort of giving them the red pill blue pill scenario and what's great about that what's great about presenting the red pill blue pill scenario is that now they're aware that there are two sides that they're aware that you don't think it's real but if they're not it kind of leaves mystery as well and if they usually people won't want you to lie to them they'll say oh I want the truth and then if they say that because most of time they'll just understand right away they'll say okay it's awesome and if they want the truth you just tell them not for me not as far as I know I do trick slider and you know that type of thing but you'd be surprised what the human brain can believe and what you can convince someone through psychology it's very interesting and mostly to most everybody pretty unexplainable which makes it amazing you know taking whatever their sort of fantasy of magic is and making it into a real thing but that real thing is still mysterious you know means you're not really taking anything away from that I'll usually just tell people to my knowledge everything I do and everything I've seen is explainable either might be real magic out there not for me to decide I haven't seen it you know just being truthful and on instead of it's fine they understand that because the answer that they're looking for in this situation is not the answer you're going to be able to give them you may be the only connection to something supernatural you may be the missing link in their mind for them to finally believe that there's something bigger out there that there's some magic out there when they ask you this they're hoping you say yes and let me know let them into some secret that they yet to discover but that's not your job and that's not your place to do that you know by doing that you're literally making them dumber you'll irate that and I don't like to do that I'd like to make my audience either smarter or remain the same even though you're not going to give them the answer they want and that's what you want to give them because going to make you feel like I'm the old powerful mighty magician yes magic is real of course it is mortal not the way to go it's lying to people it's being a little bit of a weasel so be truthful but mind your spectators perspective and sort of try not to destroy them at the same time when being truthful be be truthful be humble be honest last question so this is not more of a question but it's more of a situation this is something I get asked all the time and it happens to me all the time what if they guess the method so let's say you're performing ambitious card and you flash the doublelift right they see two cards instead of one what do you do if they call you out they say I saw how you did that this brings me to a story that Tony Chang shared with me and I thought it was super interesting which was basically you see Tom Hanks acting as Forrest Gump and you approach him and say man Tom that was amazing acting really good but uh I know what you were doing like use the method I know you were doing Tom Hanks to be like cool thanks only a magician would say what do you mean I am for schoo it's a weird thing to pretend like nothing happened illusion went perfect so what do you do in that situation again if your character doesn't allow you to sort of waver on what's real and what's not and what's fiction and what's real it's embarrassing I get it but at the same time you're human okay put yourself in this position or someone were to show you a trick right and they flash something how does that make you feel obviously as a magician you're like don't really care but at the same time we feel bad for the person we were empathic we sort of feel like oh it's alright man keep going keep going you know it's cool it's cool do you know what I mean like we're human we see that someone is having a hard time or something so generally people you know they don't want to hate on you but again if they do call you out and they're like okay I know how you do this you flash whatever and my character is not really character it's like me times three that's how I to explain it is me with time Street not three of me but just one me multiple in three and what I like to say is uh yeah I got a obviously I gonna practice that one a little bit more saying that you know just makes you human and it's alright you've done well so far and you'll continue to do well afterwards it's not it's just a magic trick really another thing is to give them a compliment here's a funny story I was sitting with Eric repair who was who was a chef and Eric said he saw a magician and the magician was bending spoons with his minds and bending forks not that thing we're talking about theory except this guy's not a magician and he's like he's like and then I saw a green laser and its sleeve so I knew how he did it I was like okay and he was like yeah are you sending it with laser obviously in New York City he approached a guy he told him that he'd caught him out like that and what does a guy do the guy said he caught me you know you're too quick you're too quick most people don't see that and so I was thinking in this guy's position like why would he lie to him like that why would he say that because if you tell him the truth and say oh no no that's not how I did it at all he's going to assume you're lying like you're trying to hide the secret right he just went with it you look at you know it's giving them something doesn't really change anything it kind of makes them feel good about themselves when they catch me out sometimes I like to say this this is a good one the hot one I like to say you're a very analytical person I am you like someone who sees a problem has to solve it has to find a solution very analytical like an engineer an architect or something you just like your problem solver by nature and they go obviously they go yeah and then you say yeah like you literally are the hardest people to fool as you guys are so analytical and you know you sort of see the COG work and everything and I usually tell them like you know there are people who enjoy looking at clocks and there are people who like building them and I think you're more of the latter so let me try something else and hopefully this one will get you it look watch closely it's one I'll do just for you in that instance you're giving them something again you're not taking something away and that's very important you know when you take something away from someone they're going to be defensive but when you're not when you're giving them something instead that's where it's at that's where the magic happens they feel good about themselves you didn't belittle them everything is good so by giving them something like that it doesn't matter it shows your human shows vulnerability and these are all beautiful tree that people want to see in other people this video have gone on for long enough I had a lot of points to talk about I'm glad I got to talk about all of them sorry this ranted on for so long but I'm glad you stuck by it and I'm glad you guys watching I hope you enjoyed it I'm learning everyday as a magician as a performer and as a human being what it means to perform magic and all these situations you know I am the culmination of all the situations I've been in in my life and I'm very proud of that all I want to say is that use these but mostly use the idea behind them looking at something through a different lens instead of coming up with a quick crack joke something you know little Jabby or the look take a step back and really look at it from a point of view of someone else to be like well what if the magician did screw up like what would you say oh man this magician school is being honest and normal you know I mean way better than being you know forth gum so guys anyways thanks again for watching hope you go this video if you did please hit the like button if this helped you out comment below which of these tips or maybe something you would do I really want to hear from you what would you do in these types of situations let's start a conversation so guys taste again if you haven't subscribed already go ahead and hit that subscribe button and we'll see y'all next video [Music]
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 483,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: easy magic, beginner magic, chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, trick, magic trick, magic tricks, learn, how to, magic revealed, revealed, sleight of hand, playing cards, deck, street magic, street, magic performance, best of, great magic, explained, secret, secrets, magicians secrets, problem, magic, magician, laymen, laypeople, spectator, how, help, performing
Id: Jy2pQT41eJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2017
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