FOOL Any Magician with An Ordinary Deck of Cards!!

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(mellow music) (light music) (Chris exhales) - Good morning, what's up, guys, and welcome back. I'm gonna update you guys on a few things. First of all, 1st Playing Card V2. I know a lot of you guys have been waiting. I've been waiting, I'm getting kind of impatient. The cards are being packaged still. Tops, like two to three weeks, tops, tops, tops. Second bit of news, the last video that I posted got taken down, not to fret. I'm working very hard to get it back up. Thank you for all the kind messages you guys have sent my way, I appreciate it, but that's not why we're here today. We are here today to learn some magic. This is an effect that I have performed a lot, especially for very experienced magicians. This is like my go-to how to fool a magician, and in my opinion, when you wanna fool a magician, you have to eliminate slight of hand. And it has to be an ordinary deck of cards. Now, if you have those two things together, the only thing left is really principles, and that's what I'm gonna teach you today. I'm gonna teach you a really cool principle that you can use, even if this is the very first card trick you've ever performed and fool the pants off probably any magician. So without further ado, welcome back, and let's get into it. Ah, so we got a normal deck here. - Uh-huh. - All the cards are here. (upbeat music) I'm gonna take. We'll do this, you shuffle this half. I'll shuffle this half. - Just whatever I want? - Yep, just shuffle it. (jazz music) Good? - Yeah. - Good? - Yep. - Take this half, I'll take this half, and you just shuffle that. - What? - Yep. - I like this already. - Alright, perfect, look through that. Look through it. - Yep. - [Chris] Take any card you'd like. - This one. - You can show the camera if you'd like. - Okay. - You got it? - I love this. - Put it back. Shuffle. (jazz music) - This is too fair. (Chris laughs) - Like so far, on a scale of one to really fair. - I feel like this is a gag. That's what I think right now. - I mean, literally, there's no way. - No. - You shuffled both packets. You took a card, you put it in. Then, you shuffled that packet into the other packet. - Yeah. - Everything cancels everything else out, right? - Yeah. - Alright. So I'm gonna try to go through this pack and find your card. - Okay. - Alright. (jazz music) I might. (jazz music) Let's see, let's see how quickly I can do this. I'm usually pretty quick at this. - If this works, I'm gonna be pretty surprised. - I think. I think you went with, you didn't go with a red card, did you? Oh, hold on, don't tell me, don't tell me. I think I know exactly where this is going. You didn't go with a red card. (jazz music) For the first time, name your card. - Nine of spades. Ooh. What? - And that's-- - No! (jazz music) - Cool? - Yeah, hard, hard. - (laughs) You guys wanna learn it? Is that a yes, if you wanna learn it, hit the like button, and I'll teach ya, let's go. Alright, so let's grab the cards, yoink. Right here should be good. I think I'm gonna do the tutorial like this. I don't really have anybody to hold the camera right now. Alex is gone, running, he's doing some errands, so. My mouth is really close to the mic right now so I feel like this is a little bit ASMR. So I'm gonna teach you a card trick today, okay. Here we go, guys. So regular deck of cards. There is a bit of a set up that you guys have to do. A very set up, and this basically explains the whole principle, but I'm gonna run through the routine anyways just in case you guys get lost. You need to separate the cards into two piles, and it's not red and blacks, it's not odds and evens. It's a principle based on the orientation of the pips. So as you see, this here is facing up, right? The 10, there's obviously, it could be either way, and it's the same card. So we're gonna put the ace into one pile. Four is the same, whether you flip it upside down or not. So just go ahead and do that and separate them into two, so this. Obviously, you see here, there's two hearts face up. So you can tell the orientation of this card so you're gonna put it here, okay? So we're gonna go ahead and do that and separate them, the ones that obviously have an orientation like this one, some cards don't. Face cards don't, this one does, and you wanna make sure they're all facing the same way. So these are all facing upwards, here you go. (jazz music) There you go, the eight, yep. As you can see, five clubs face up, three of them face down, so this one goes here. (jazz music) And we'll do that real quickly for you guys so you guys can, so we can get to learnin' some stuff. This is like a 30 second set up, and after you're set up, you're good to go. So you just take your playing cards aside, and you do this. I have a feeling most of these cards are this way, hold on. (jazz music) Nope, okay, I was wrong, there you go. (jazz music) Here. Here. (jazz music) Here. (jazz music) And done, so now that we're here, I think the ace is the first card. That's just about, and if you include the jokers, you can probably include the jokers if you want to as well. That's almost half, it feels like half. It's not quite half, but it's very close. Close enough for you to hand off half of the deck. What you're gonna end up doing is you can fall shuffle at this point. So you can do any type of fall shuffle you want, as long as you don't change the orientation. You're gonna them half the deck. So you say, "Alright, listen. "I'm gonna take half the deck, and you're gonna take "half the deck," so first, you're going to give 'em the half that doesn't matter, the half without orientation. Alright, this, they can shuffle however they want. I like giving them a little bit of a guideline. So if I'm shuffling, you can do this shuffle, which is the riffle shuffle. That doesn't matter 'cause you're not changing the orientation, right? I'm still keeping the same orientation on the cards. You can also do an overhand. Usually, just overhead if you do this. See, you don't wanna do that though, there you go. If you just do this, they'll usually do what you do. So you go, "Go ahead and shuffle your cards," and they're shuffling, and this is super fair. Now, you're gonna switch piles, you're gonna give 'em this, and you're gonna do the same thing. You're just gonna say, "Keep shuffling, go ahead." They shuffle these cards. Again, as long as they don't change the orientation during the shuffle, you're fine, and normally, shuffles don't require you to change your orientation. So once they've done that, you're gonna ask them to go ahead and take a look through the cards and take any card. Now, at this point, you can either have them look. I like having them look through that pile, but you could also force this half on them. So you could go, "Okay, I'm gonna take the cards back here. "Take any card." Now, at this point, you're forcing any one of this top stack that has that orientation, right? So that's something you can do. Personally, I just had Wes choose from that pile, and I think it's equally as fooling. But if not, you take it back, you go, "Okay. "Take any card you want." Now, they're gonna take a card. All I have to do at this point when they've taken the card and go ahead and look at it is do this. Now, at this point, they can look at this card. Let's say it's the six here, the six of spades, and I say put it back anywhere. And now, you can shuffle this entire deck to your heart's content, oh man, how fair is that? That is so insanely fair, and all you're looking for, and you see how they're face up? All you're looking for is that one face down card as you go through, the one card with the orientation that's downwards, and obviously, we know it's the six of spades 'cause there it is. It's the only one upside down. All the other cards, their orientations are upwards, and then, you can play it off however you want. And that is their card. So that's about it, I don't think I have to run through it any further than that. It's pretty self-explanatory, extremely fooling. Any which way you wanna perform it is fine as long as you remember and have a look at the orientation of the card that you gave them and make sure you just reverse your pack. Or if they reverse the card, then you just keep your pack normal and put it right back in, shuffle it up. Hope you enjoyed this little POV tutorial. This was kind of fun. I wish Alex was around to help me out and film. He's gonna get back any second and be like, "Hey, dude, I'm sorry, man, I was out buying hair products." Alright, guys, thanks so much for watching this video. Hope you enjoyed it, hope you enjoyed that tutorial. I mean, obviously fooled the pants off Wes, but not only Wes, Alex was behind the camera, also fooled. Super easy trick, but very powerful. Don't underestimate the power of this trick and use showmanship, like I said. Use your own presentation to sort of upsell the idea of fairness or whatever you want, whatever. Adapt it to who you are, I think this is great. I think whether you're eight years old or 40 years old, this is something you could perform straight away, and it's very powerful. So thanks for watching, guys. If you did enjoy this, go ahead and hit the like button. Subscribe if you're new here. I gotta go film some more stuff. In LA for the next few days. You'll be seeing some more content, and we'll see you then. Peace. (upbeat music) ♪ I will ♪ (singer speaks in foreign language)
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 470,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magic, trick, chris ramsay, tutorial, beginner tutorial, beginner, how to, card magic, card tricks, card trick, chris, ramsay, ramsey, street magic, fool, fooler
Id: BiV3LVTtxj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 11 2019
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