Street Food in Kenya - ULTIMATE KENYAN FOOD TOUR in Nairobi | East African Food Tour!

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good morning I hope you're having an amazing day  at smart queens i'm in nairobi kenya and today   i'm gonna meet up with my buddy James and we're  gonna take you on the ultimate Nairobi hardcore   Street food tour so I'm about to meet up with  James and actually I don't even know her gonna   go just gonna take you to some spot some of  his favorite spots and we're gonna eat some   amazing Street food today in Nairobi yeah what's  up and everybody say hello to James hello he's a   buddy of mine we went to school together yeah  and we're on our way to go eat yeah there's a   place I ran for me Junction tower where they have  all kinds of things let's get there you'll see it   oh these are the spots right here  there's a number of stalls here and   James said he comes here frequently to  eat so this is all I can smell the fish Amanda they have a number of different  dishes here but you can see back here   they're making their top hobbies which are the  the flatbread but then they have regalia they   have cabbage you can smell the stew you  can smell the fish which is one of their   specialties which James and I are gonna try  as well as some of their other their dishes idiot we got the fish we got googly we got cabbage  and I think we got some some chapatis which will   be right off the rod off the hot plate as well  coming very soon I'll start with it we got some   value and we're gonna share it all it's a cornmeal  you can kind of play with it you can kind of mix   it and then you can kind of scoop up with some of  the little fish and which is cooked with tomatoes crunchy they have a little bitterness  to them right and then they're cooked   down with those tomatoes so that gives it  that tartness okay and that fresh tripodi's   have arrived but yawn that the vegetable  is called bogus' action yeah you know I   don't think I've ever had that before I'm  not okay yeah it's not it's not as common   as some of the other vegetables and I  it's freshly fried it's right off the   hot grill you can see the golden bubbles  that have the blisters of the chapati a little bit gummy like the gas okay but just a little bit maybe  I just a monkey my indeed that is Argus 1400   yes a tumor or the stomach sour Asante  sana oh they're just bringing a sample   not advisable to eat too much give Eddie  along with fish and vegetable because you   might get kind of bloated and have gas  mana try some of them a tumble there's   some intestines in here but it's mostly tripe  and onions cooked down the onions and tomatoes oh yeah it's really tender it has a  definite like natural and a grassy taste it and I got the actual fish is called dog on you  can kind of mix it with the cabbage and I'm   gonna chase it with the chapati I love like the  bitter flavor of those fish and then that crunch   the saltiness cooked down with those tomatoes  and those onions off of your final dishes that   get dirty which is beans and there's corn in  here and it's also cooked with tomatoes it's   a little plain but just that it just focuses  on that starch I mean the corn the beans it's   party it's nutritious that was a really good  meal so that is our first meal complete this   is a spot you come to this topic they're always  here and what's also cool is that it's like an   entire bench table so you sit together with  everybody and you can you talk you hang out   you you meet new friends nice to meet you  a Sunday yeah and split ends place dagger   at the corner you're in yeah okay very cool and  and it's very welcoming you can get all sorts of   Kenyan food here there's tripodi's there's ooh  golly there's Sukuma wiki there's a boom bowl   salad Jim oh that was a great meal yeah that  was still good Jim's good way to start good   way to start is yes good way to great way to  start this Kenyon's reboot or of nairobi and   we're moving on next we'll cover yes James  is gonna take me to a cow head soup spot but   we're gonna jump into my tattoo which is the my  tattoo is the form of the the most popular form   of transportation public transportation in  Nairobi in Kenya they're minivans there's an   entire Matata culture in Nairobi and yeah we're  gonna jump in one to get to our next food spot oh I see where we heading that's where  we're gonna eat next uh but my toxins   they are known for their driving usually  quite fast they're known for playing loud   music ha there's an entire narrow view much  hockey culture that's very fascinating at the   very artistic mixed in with the hip hop  reggae culture as well but it's always   an adventure today my doctors that's all  in a row how much is that pair these days so good to be riding back into my doctor this  brings back so many memories yeah and it's a   bumpy ride and they're known for they're known  for their extreme stops in the middle of the road just came to like a handbrake stop we  almost went flying again we made it here gotham otaku and we stopped by James's house  and James just recently had a baby so huge   congratulations Jamie is so cute and so amazing  yeah he's he's so precious but we are also   stopping to have a chapati here this is yeah  this is gonna be a homemade this is a homemade   chapati yeah oh yes oh yeah immediately  as I pick up this chapati it actually has   a different texture than the chapati I just  it's really good mm-hmm it's like a perfect   gummy texture like just a little bit oily to  hold it together and congratulations miss Ann   just explained that she sure there's a secret  ingredient in her chapatis that I I only know   I can only tell now that she mentioned it but  now that she does mention it I can I can taste   it there's a little bit of peanut butter in these  chapatis so you taste that nuttiness and they are   excellent that chappati was amazing and it was  such an honor to meet James's baby so precious   we're gonna continue this kenyan street food  tour at a place that james knows for the cow   head soup which is right in his neighborhood James  is still hungry yeah this is the klung right just   a meat paradise and the name stomach clinic and  so they're drilling some of the the beef over   here you can see slices of tongue going on the  grill right now but then on the on the other   side that's where the soup is yeah that's this  cow head soup which is in sizzling in a barrel they're making the cow head soup in a barrel and  there are just these giant all other the heads but   the heads are tossed in chopped up but you can  still see some of the skin the fur the hair is   in it's all just the teeth they're all tossed in  the soup so that all boils down and then they're   also doing some grilled beef as well so we're  gonna we're gonna eat it all but this this is a   spot right here Oh James is cooking we got our  tray of meat in Ghana oh yeah we just want you   gonna try a piece of the tongue which is what I'm  very excited oh it's so tender so it's a barrel   it's so flavorful because I know the meat chunk  here or this one I'll dip a little bit of salt   and get some of that peanut peeling this kind  of looks like maybe maybe a piece of the shin it's so tender it's really milky  yeah it's like it's so rich okay   so rich on the merits it's actually it  is milking it is really oily it almost   is like melted like cow butter really  cow tasting really meaty tasting really   grassy tasting but really rich and hearty  enough it's amazing actually it's delicious yeah that is like it's yeah it's a  natural route yeah it almost smells   like ginseng is like ginseng yeah yeah or  it is like it's like it's like sweet like   honey actually it's sweet like honey and  then and then it's like a little bitter as we were eating the root then Nevada decided to   buy Kenya Kenya bracelet I needed  one but yeah I'm still eating that it's really good that is like a that is like a  sweet snap had some of the best most like thick   rich beef soup yeah cow head soup exactly  I've ever had every now mister program the   program yes to just go around and eat today  as much as we can that's the brilliancy of   who yes sue just hematite together now you look  at this because this case we are walking towards   the market now and there's some more food  stalls there that we're gonna check out next   democracy the market eat some more food we made  it to DA Goretti market at the entrance there's   lots of clothes and shoes and then we'll all  be coming up to the vegetable section as well so walking through some of the back streets  and get to some of the restaurant areas there's bananas avocados bomba oranges come back  oh yeah yeah yeah we met up with Vincent who is   from the market and he's taking us around walking  us through the stall to to a food stall or Dingle   oh yeah because we haven't had Dingle yeah so  this is like a mixed plate so we came kind of   to the back of the market this is the spot they  have sort of a mixed plate that includes beans and   cabbage and Bengal which it's dengler egg which  is the which is the green gram which are mung   beans and so that's what we're gonna eat you get a  mixed plate they scoop it all out and then you can   eat it with chapatis but we've already had quite  a few chapati so maybe we'll just eat the beans   and the cabbage yeah next how is it Vincent is it  good very good how is the food very nice the best James and I are starting to get a little full  so we've decided not to have a chapati but this   would normally be served with the chapati  but on this this is the whole mixed plate   so all the dishes they have you can see the  beans on this side there's cabbage there's   a potato right in the center there's some  beef and the green ground bingo begin next   plate of food yeah here we go it's just  like party mm-hmm home cooking and you've   got the starches in there the beans so you're  eating the pork and the port method chapati and those are the fish that we ate at the  beginning of the day that same fish those dried   fish they're from Lake Victoria right from Lake  Victoria we're emerging from the market now back   onto the main road serious road work happening  here and James was telling me because of the rains   it's been like a swimming pool here yeah this  would all fill up with water that's a lot of rocks we might have put some of James's friends  and we're stopping at the unity cafe hotel   to eat some more food okay so they have quite  a few things on their menu but they have some   of the similar things that we hate so I'm gonna  try kimochi Bangu I think this is a bamboo this   dangle this is Minji yeah the beef okay but  a mixed plate of rice there's rice there is   dango there's another type of other piece Minji  please please yeah and then beef beef stew yeah   keep still okay with rice it's a little bit plain  but it's good the meat is tender and stewed with   tomatoes you've got I really like the mung  beans mandazi is like a it's like a fried   dough so then for this dish they chop it up into  bite-sized pieces they mix it with a soup and you   can see some of the beans in there and yeah  this is we're all sharing that in the center this is actually my first time to have that  let's think that's good it's like it's like   because my Nagi is a little sweet yeah  my daddy is a little bit sweet but then   mixed with the salty soup it's like the  contrast of sweet and salty ham yeah   that's the highlight of a meal right there  okay as under sauna we just finished eating   and these are jeans and Sprint's or just  me you know they have a shoe shop here so   spiders very you guys hang up and we're just  discussing the next food that we're gonna eat Thank You Santa family say ok  how can I see don't you see is   it a game oh this is thick it's not as a designer that is the conflict we walked over to a  place that specializes in kal foot boiled   Cowboys but yeah that's the whole foot he has  been boiling in that milky drop this will be   my first time for a cow foot like this oh  there's the front foot yeah you want some   fried foot - we can have so you just take some of  these pieces you take the bone you can take the   it's mostly skin okay I kind of an oily skin  piece yeah its skin but it's been cooked for   probably so long that has this crunch to it and  this one is the plain just to boil the cow leg now it has a little more grizzle to it that  is like the ultimate amount of textures in   your mouth at lunch its jiggly its grizzly its  fatty its crunchy cartilage II bits in collagen   bit yeah it's like a an amusement-park of  textures in your mouth inside the bottle and that's how that's how it mixes with the  salt - great job so it's boom like the foam   yeah exactly still it gives it like a whipping  shake and that stirs it up that creates the cap   of Macao soup cappuccino effect and gives  it that foam on top and that's why it's so   frothy sounds nice when he slams that suit  in the jug that's such a satisfying like it   is our second beef soup of the day but  this one when you can see them shake it   and again it has that a real frothiness on  top so it's like a it is like a cappuccino oh yeah that is salty it's beefy and butter it  does taste like melted butter it's so thick and   so rich and then with that marrow yeah that's  hot oh yeah how are you conga list on the way drinking hot soup and there's no air flow in  there so we all stepped outside to get some   airflow we're all sweating after that soup that  cow hook that was that was a unique thing to eat backtick dagger at the corner and  there's one more kenyan street food   that we need to eat to complete this and  ultimate Kenya Nairobi Street boudoir yeah you can see the smoke from the fire  hahaha James suffocates but it's stuffed   with something that's the natural thing  on it you can choose you have the grill   it kicks it off the grill he chops it on the  cutting board and you just eat it from there   we're starting with some masala it was like  a stuffed sausage at first but I think that   is all-natural all-natural stuffing yeah I  put some of that in is nice somebody's there oh wow can you serve I  guess it's kind of it's probably kind of spongy okay this one is the large intestines next yeah   Justin is so good it's like it's kind of  crispy my caramelized and natural tasting with aura which is Kenyan blood sausage that's  blood filled into their this is a favorite   street meat and yeah you can dip it into some  of that really believe that chilli sauce as well Oh Oh woo I was so good oh I have missed  it oh it's so good it's not even like you   can barely take the budget more like the  condition onion onions in there it's not   like irony you're just kind of like truly soft  you really softened and then held together with   that intestine wrapper it's one of the best  things and then that is tasty I didn't know   at first but that blood sausage that we  just stayed it actually is not blood it's   mostly minced meat the bigger fatter one  is actually the blood sausage that's why   I didn't have that irony bloody days this  one is the real blood sausage you can see   it's a fat one it's thick you can see it's  mostly blood and there's fat in there as well tyloo knowing awesome dude it's really hot that  one's good too really good yeah you're just kind   of falls apart in your mouth right fatty - yeah  the cow udders and that's that big like white   lump on the grill so this is gonna be our last  meat off the grill while well that that is a   unique texture it's like chewy but crunchy yeah  and bad even fatty very well it's all fat really   right now basically it's kind of like a little  bit rubbery but you kind of like juices as well   well that is that's an interesting texture it's  pretty good though eat it right here and then you   just continue on this is a it's like the ultimate  meat fast food stop yeah that's kind of greasy so   you can use a they have some newspaper in happen  that was an awesome way to end this Kenya Street   that's so good what was your favorite meat off  the grill I like the minced meat matura oh yeah   that is it was really good the intestines are  also really good we've come to the end of this   Kenyan Street food tour today with Kim's you know  I want to say a huge thank you to James did you   have fun you did very much so that was it was yeah  absolutely awesome so huge thank you to my buddy   James congratulations for your baby as well and  I will have all the information of what we ate   in the description box below so you can check it  out and I want to say a big thank you to you for   watching this video please remember to give it  a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment   below and if you're not already subscribed click  subscribe now and also click that little bell icon   that way you get notified of the next video thanks  again for watching see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 5,528,968
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Keywords: Nairobi, Kenya, street food, Kenyan street food, kenyan food, nairobi street food, best kenyan food, kenya food, Mark Wiens, food, food travel, African food, Africa, food tour, Nairobi tour, Kenya tour, nairobi travel guide, African street food, travel, travel documentary, kenya documentary
Id: mzHfHHF6aSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 53sec (1793 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 18 2018
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