The Ultimate ETHIOPIAN FOOD TOUR - Street Food and Restaurants in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia!

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good morning I hope you're having an amazing day at smart Queens I'm in Addis Ababa Ethiopia and this is well I think it's one of the best culture and food destinations in the world I love Ethiopian food and today I'm gonna go on a tour with go Addis they specialize in off-the-beaten-path tours and especially food based tours we're gonna go on an ultimate Ethiopian food tour of Addis Ababa and we're gonna go to a market we're gonna eat some incredibly some of the best Ethiopian food and I'm gonna share it all with you in this video right now good morning it's 5:30 a.m. we're starting this ultimate Ethiopian food tour right now and we're on our way to the market first thank you hey this morning I'm hanging out with Blair Hinault and he's with galantis he's going to be taking me around the market this morning all right let's go driving through Addis right now you can see that the city it's very quiet the city is just waking up but when you get to this section of Marcato it is already buzzing fir has told me that it opens at 3 a.m. and this is where people come to buy wholesale vegetables fruits and vegetables so the trucks come in from the countryside they bring the fresh vegetables and then individual shopkeepers from around addis come here to shop to buy things and resell them back at their small shops in the neighborhoods of audist and throughout artists hello you gotta be careful walking around there these guys carry some massive loads on their head shoulders giant baskets of onions and just gonna sacks of potatoes 500 kilos are you okay how many kilos is Jack heavy load that's like a hundred kgs of mangoes on his head wormy coca that is honest onions are hugely important in Ethiopian food used in almost every dish and often simmered down into sauces but there's just masses of onions and you got to be careful not to get knocked out by an onion bag we just asked one of the guys how heavy his bag was full of onions he said 150 kilos that's like 300 and some pounds so much respect for them they're so hard-working but that is why you do not want to get knocked out by a bag of potatoes or onions the Sun is beginning to fully make its appearance how are you doing good I'm fine ready for a coffee yes the rest of Addis Ababa is beginning to wake up this morning but we just literally walked for about 30 minutes and they were still you can still see parts of the market it's it's just sprawling it's gigantic where Tomoka the oldest coffee shop in Addis 1953 established 1953 1953 you pay at the register up front and then you come with your chip one of the popular styles of coffee is a macchiato in Ethiopia and it is yeah you you're gonna love it we both got macchiatos but there's two different types of macchiato this is a macchiato black the macchiato it's the difference between you know your preference of how much milk you want then how strong you want yeah okay never mind oh yeah that's a Mexican accent okay maybe I maybe I should mix mine real fast so you can kind of mix that around those layers going all that is uh just beautiful yes that is really strong so good how's that perfect like coffee bitterness to it it is kind of nutty tasting just slightly cut with that milk things that it to break the bitterness yeah if dodging those giant gunnysacks or getting hit in the head by a giant gunny sack of onions didn't wake you up this will definitely wake you up I love it [Music] my eyes have opened macchiato is incredibly good and you can also come here to buy some beans coffee beans roasted Ethiopia and coffee beans I bought a couple bags I wasn't gonna leave without them where are we heading next to Mercado like that it's different sections okay especially not Alicia Terra which means what do you have okay it's more recycled coffee section and those are just official shops you can Feli there's probably a lot more Mikado in addis ababa is one of the largest if not the largest biggest open-air market in all of Africa spice section and the main spice in Ethiopia is called Berber Berber is like a blend of more than 13 different spices normally but the complex mix is 22 and then every family every family they make their own spice for sure the reason why I personally love Ethiopian food so much and why I considered it to be one of the best foods cuisines in the world is because of the blend of spices that goes in the Ethiopian cooking and so the main spice mix is called Berber a which is a mix of spices that is what makes Ethiopian food so flavorful this is the biggest bag of dried chilies or chilies maybe I've ever seen in my life this is like a swimming pool of dried chilies like you could you could dive into this so that is the smallest grain in the world a black we just super fine slacks and you can try that you can touch it how it's very fine just like a sand the smallest grain in the world it is that it grows in the highlands of Ethiopia we're just taking a look at some theft which is the grain that they used to make injera which is the most important it's the staple food of Ethiopia you eat it with everything so this is the most important one of the most important foods grains and all of you opiod this is you so it's a kind of like a traditional medicine eat it and then this is rule three bedroom and smell the rosemary two barrels and rebar and old car parts and metal scraps they're all used for creating things so every everything is recycled we're heading out of market oh that was incredible so fascinating to see people are also really friendly and now we're on our way to eat breakfast we're stopping for breakfast at a restaurant it's call you pronounce it Kenya potamia this is a very well known restaurant and I think there's quite a few different branches of this restaurant within artists but the other food is top-quality really good so we're starting off with something called chips ah it's like a flatbread but like a thin pancake and then it's like shredded into pieces and then they stir-fry it kind of mix it with the Berber a which is the the seasoning spice mixture but then you mix it before you eat it you add honey all that honey that is quite a contrast of flavors because you've got that slightly spicy burger and mix seasoning but then it's coated in the honey we also got this special fool and fool our fava beans and they're at the buff but you wouldn't even know the bulk contains this is the special fool so there are all sorts of toppings on top of the beans grab a little bit of everything oh that is awesomely good you can taste the spice mixture the beans below the onions the the fresh tomatoes [Music] this is the roux that we saw at the market but first I'll just taste the coffee first and then I can dip it in there just just never gets old and you can never have enough you just dip dip it inside okay I'm gonna go in for the roof and you just kind of dip it in and immediately you can smell that aroma coming out like that lemony aroma coming up oh yeah okay [Music] oh yeah that gives it a little bit of a different fragrance it doesn't mean it doesn't it doesn't like it complements the copy is what it is oh okay this is where I meet up with Betty okay that's it that was so much fun thank you for taking me around thank you room that was the sunrise market yeah that was seeing the market being able to see where all the ingredients come from yeah and then now we're gonna eat a lot more Ethiopian food today but then I'm gonna meet up with desi who has another guide but great thank you very much that's been awesome thank you very much thank you man hey what's up we just met up with desi hi I'm Gladys and he's gonna take me around this is where we're gonna really begin to eat a lot of Ethiopian food we drove over to Shola market when the name came from the fig trees oh that's the butter okay and those mountains drink the grow costly because of the soil type and the climate the flavor of the coffee like wild wild coffee every family in Ethiopia they buy green beans they roast them themselves they grind them themselves and drink it but coffee is such a it's an integral part of Ethiopian culture so I got a kilo of your gosh fa which is a very well-known region as well as a kilo of wild coffee for coffee this is their whoo smells so good now you were just walking through the clothing section and one of Jesse's friends has just invited us to sit down and have a coffee read almost this is something that I've never tried before coffee with salt and it's pretty common to have mm-hmm yeah oh yeah that like brings up just like salt does it brings out the flavor of whatever you're drinking that is that's dark that's smooth that's that's delicious and that's what you just picked up from the market too which is the route and you just kind of you just kind of simmer in there that lemony aroma yeah with that salt and then that Roux it does like it does sort of cut the bitterness yeah it's it lowers the bitterness a little bit and the acidity something that you should know is that coffee and Ethiopia is called buna thank you we're we heading next we are going to area called og where I live want and we're gonna have one of the best chickpeas is it here oh awesome yeah yeah awesome Shiro is it's one of the greatest Ethiopia dishes the chickpeas - and I've ordered also tomato but with spice awesome a small little Shiro spot and right now she's just stir frying up some of the injera with some tomato sauce and you can smell the spices in there there's chilies in there you can see really smell the rosemary it just smells unbelievably good I think they're getting ready to make the Shiro onions and that's the butter okay it first puts that clay pot onto the charcoal and then she added in a paste which i think is them some onions and then some oil oh here comes the chickpea flour yeah and there's a little bit of spice mixed into that chickpea flour already so you can smell I like a little bit of turmeric maybe a little bit of a little bit of a spice blend there's a little bit of Berber in there just a little bit and basil our plate of Jenna oh and there it is so they are coming to eat together [Music] [Music] some of the Shiro just a mother Shiro that is yeah that's just sensational it's so smooth it's almost like sticky like peanut butter you can taste the garlic it's just hot and bubbly that's that's insane and yeah the chickpeas have create that like pasty consistency next up for some of the food food which is the sauteed stir-fried in like like drenched in spices and tomato sauce in Jetta mm-hmm you can taste the rosemary in there which was simmered down oh that's good it's just like saturated with spice and flavor that's Shiro that's just insane yeah that's like that's like comfort food it's so soothing it's vegetarian yeah it sensationally delicious let me think you know though that was by far the best shooter I've ever had I mean going to the market this morning seeing all the spices and then seeing all the ingredients and then watching her prepare it and make it right there in front of us before we ate it that was that added to the beauty of that Shiro it was it's spectacular Micah I mean didn't join us for the the market tour because it was early and hectic but they joined us now and we're on our way to go eat some fish this is called Pombo this is the ethiopian sparkling water this is my second beverage of choice in Ethiopia after coffee you will get this one looks unbelievably good they have a bed of injera and then it is fish slice off the bone so the fillets and then it's kind of simmered with some of the spices their favourite there for sure they don't smell it and tomato there's some rosemary in there that is amazing and something that desi told me is that in Ethiopia there's no you know tilapia can be farmed very easily but the quality goes way down there's no farm to lap yep it's all fresh it's all wild tilapia and with the addition of that that chili paste that chilli sauce oh man yeah it's delicious thank you this is the fried fish you gotta squeeze on someone and it's they've kind of like checker cut it so that it gets like perfectly deep-fried and crunchy I'll try Wow yeah that's crispy dip that into that chili fried so far and brush and there's a little bit of a like fenugreek there's something they wash it with cinnamon first hmm they wash it pretty great for this flower and it's like almost like a wry livers both versions of the fish are delicious but the more unique version is the ones that that's cooked with the spices he's gonna make the juicer a little shop he has some food products but then he also has some fresh fruits outside but this is where he's gonna make us a fresh juice and hopefully the Laird the Laird juice Ethiopian lured juice which is it's awesome avocado the green one there is a strawberry this is mango papaya orange and pineapple might actually be too thick for tourist straw so I'm gonna go in with a spoon first avocado and I think that looks like kind of mango or orange on the top I got some strawberry too though Wow mm-hmm that's unbelievably good the avocado is so creamy and so thick and actually Ethiopia is where I learned to really like avocado as a drink or as a shake or as like a sweet drink rather than a savory fruit that would be spreadable it's so thick it's just the most all-natural fruit shaker you could possibly have then it's starting to rain again for the second or third time today so it is a perfect time to have some more coffee not only is coffee so popular in Ethiopia but there's a whole ceremony that surrounds coffee because of its important significance in Ethiopian culture so if you're gonna roast the bottom you can see he's she just poured in the green beans all that's starting to smoke and smell really good as we're waiting for the coffee to to roast our snacking on some puffed barley and some peanuts and this is a snack that you often eat or also popcorn is popular more modern style great crunchy snack and Jesse was telling me a lot of people don't want to drink coffee unless they smell the aroma oh it's important if you smell the smoke that smells so good next up she's burning the frankincense which is also important for a coffee ceremony we've got a ceremony and you can smell it it's a beautiful aroma but in frankincense it's a sap that comes from a tree it started downpouring outside this is the perfect coffee drinking times and again we have it with GRU which is that herb oh it's so good oh that's so smooth that's so strong that's just perfectly lightly acidic but it's awesome I've had coffee with salt today I've had coffee plane and another ingredient you can add is black cumin oil which is something I've never seen or tasted before and it's medicinal oh wow oh that's delicious that's it does have a almost more of like a vanilla let me taste that again it almost has a like like a pungent clove taste to it Coffee was spectacular as usual but having the whole ceremony that elevates the cough the Ethiopian coffee experience and we're on our way to the next restaurant called Grande and this is a special restaurant because I actually ate here on my previous trip to Addis Ababa but I got the recommendation from NGO Addis and is that this place is amazing so I already know this place is amazing we're gonna stop here especially the et eat the Bayonetta which is the mixed vegan vegetarian platter [Music] and when you order a mixed plate vegetarian like this it's called bayonet bayonet coupe they lend it to Vienna - yes we gotta try that Shiro first because it's hot and fresh right out of the pan oh yeah Shiro never gets old knowing you can chase it with the chili oh yeah oh it is a chili kind of goes up your nose yeah and something that I really love here is the tomato salad no Julia spicy yeah oh no man the tomato salad is awesome though because you've got the juicy tomatoes and then I think it is lime juice yeah and nice and salty mm-hmm sometimes you can get these green peppers and they're not too spicy sometimes they are spicier depending on that it's like sunflower soaked injera yeah and you also pick it up with in general you can see how like milky it is oh yeah you can see that that milkiness but the sunflower makes it better mm-hmm it is really juicy it's milky yeah it's milky but that's all coming from some yeah chili is really spicy it's making us boast like that our noses are running from their chili the woman is very good oh yeah we got one more main restaurant to eat at on this ultimate Ethiopian food tour we're gonna eat some meat this place is called gilma and it's one of the the most well known butchery meat restaurants in addis ababa the best place for me in the entire city one of the common dishes to eat here is raw beef so tonight he carefully slices a couple of delicate chunks that just like pure red color with some fat and different different parts of the cow onto a plate we're gonna eat that if smells like clean natural beet which it is sparkling modern for sitting down for the grand finale of this Ethiopian food tour ultimate Ethiopian food tour des II was explaining to me that Yuma they have their own farm so they raise their own cows this is some of the freshest best quality beef you can get so that the knife comes veteran yours Oh take this like this where's the Chili's [Music] actually tests like sashimi sushi yeah very fresh you take a piece of injera and then you grab a chunk of the red meat you wrap it in there like that you dip in the chili in it then the mustard and then that the other chili and you can see that raw we're on the shimmering underneath there that is a totally new way of eating a steak it's so fresh now you don't even taste like them it doesn't even taste raw hear me and then with that spice the mustard tastes really good see this one is not quite as red just although it has a little more of a like a French - it'll mow that's the muscle mmm now we're gonna see the frag one yeah okay I'm having coffee - yes so that's all [Music] I eat it the same way yep chunk of that meat I want some of that onion as well dip it into the the trio the ramen is really good because it's almost like it's just pure whereas the cooked one has a little more of a crunchy and it's a little more tender I think real quality great tasting beef [Music] the cook bonus it's awesome so that's the end of this Ethiopian food tour and that was some serious meat at the end the raw meat was amazing it's so good and I want to say a huge thank you to go Addis for taking me on this tour and to Bray and decía all have their link in the description box below but they offer some off-the-beaten-path local food tours as well as the market tour that we did in the morning but it was it was fantastic I I fully enjoyed it and I didn't I I didn't pay for this tour but the the words and this video is my own opinion and yeah it was fantastic I'm very full I'm ready to go home and take a nap so I'm gonna end the video right now thank you very much for watching please remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed click subscribe now and also click that little bell icon that way you'll get notified of the next video that I publish thanks again for watching goodbye from Addis Ababa Ethiopia see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 5,190,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ethiopia, Ethiopian food, best Ethiopian food, Addis Ababa food, Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa tours, Go Addis tours, Mark Wiens, street food, things to do in Addis Ababa, things to do in Ethiopia, street food tour, food travel tour, African food, Africa, Ethiopian cuisine, how to eat ethiopian food, ethiopian food injera, ethiopian people
Id: 35yussxyr2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 08 2018
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