BEST SEAFOOD in Atlantic City!! 🦐 USA FOOD TOUR - Anthony Bourdain New Jersey (Day 2)

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hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's mark wiens good morning from atlantic city new jersey it's a beautiful day this is day two of the anthony bourdain food trail of new jersey i love how that sauce is just it's an infinity edge we finished last night in atlantic city but this morning we have to backtrack a little ways up to asbury park to eat at one place yeah baby so that's where we're going first thing in the morning then we'll come back to atlantic city we've got a couple places to eat in atlantic city check out this raw seafood bar we'll probably walk along the boardwalk a little bit but it's going to be another day of iconic legendary eats in new jersey and we're on our way to the first place for breakfast today redlicious and you made the sandwich for anthony bourdain that's amazing [Music] so due to the opening hours of restaurants we're having to do a little bit of backtracking this morning so google says an hour and 17 minutes to get to asbury park which is where there's this one just ultra iconic old school deli that we have to eat at that we're gonna begin with today and then after that we'll be driving straight back to atlantic city to do some more eating so we're on our way [Music] so asbury park this is the home of bruce springsteen john bon jovi it's known for its music scene it's another coastal city on the shore of jersey and without stopping anywhere we came directly to frank's deli all right love the look of this place so classic so old school they have some booths that we're sliding into right now but then at the front there they have a whole bar counter seating which would be ideal if you came on your own but with a family these boots are great a lot of jersey classics from sandwiches i love how they call them frank's overstuffed sandwiches over stuffed deli sandwiches overstuffed sub sandwiches gonna get the sub sandwich as well as probably a pastrami sandwich do you see how long that's what it is and what's your name my name is um redlicious redlicious and you made the sandwich for anthony bourdain that's amazing so nice to meet you nice to meet you and thank you that is a huge that is very big it's over a foot it's um 19 inches long it's long and strong it's arm-sized oh yeah for here please put the sesame seeds on top oh yeah yeah this is wow yeah because we're very busy so ah okay all that meat goes onto that oh yeah all this oh yeah oh this bra start off with the cheese okay and this is provolone provolone cheese then we go up with the boiled ham spoiled him then we next we go on to the salami the heart salami we are called submarine engineers that is the greatest term ever and you know we never have to go below sea level we're always above water i love it then we go on to the hot time where are you from uh arizona oh shoot you arizona you came far you went pretty far yep we started in boston and then oh that's cool welcome welcome to asbury park new jersey thank you first time ever here [Laughter] and why are you doing that let's have fun oh yes pepperoni pepperoni nice sandwich has it all has it all right this is a bay marina bay marina tomatoes all right and we lay them down [Music] oh beautiful onion and the main ingredient it's made with love that's always the most important the most important ingredient then what i like to do is i like to lay the hot peppers down hot peppers these are pickled too uh yeah they're like they're not asleep then we proceed on to the shredded lenses lettuce and you're laying it on accordingly salt salt we got pepper we got the oregano and last but not least garlic powder the italian gets the garlic powder got the oil of vinegar all right oh so that's vinegar this is vinegar oil olive oil yep well yeah like a blending oil close it up wow check that out mark that is beautifully engineered that's that's why we're called submarine engineers channel yes she's we do videos here yeah she's steven spielberg and i'm redlicious that's my actor's name redlicious so can we put it on this long plate all right all right you want to see me what is the name of this sandwich number four italian submarine number four bourdain enjoyed here the time that he was here absolutely amazing thank you redlicious you're welcome submarine sandwich engineer that is beautiful oh without a doubt look at that oh yeah baby here we go here we go ah yes okay we gotta go to the table let's go to the table i can't wait to take my first bite absolutely amazing you are incredible [Music] whoa yeah thank you very much that is a sandwich and mike i got a mickey mouse pancake let me show you that that stack oh man it's heavy look look at the layers look at the toppings look at the ingredients oh man okay here we go first bite oh yeah that is beautiful oh those pickled chilis in there are wonderful i love that freshness of the vinegar the juiciness of the oil it just kind of soaks into the bread yeah the bread is so thick and so hearty that it gets soggy like where it needs to be yet it remains crispy and fluffy where it needs to be as well i think for me what makes it are those pickled chilies and the vinegar okay actually i want to taste that pickle just good awesome classic dill deli pickles and we also ordered the reuben which i don't think i've ever seen a reuben like this they keep the knife underneath it so that you can you have some leverage on the sandwich to lift that rye bread and flip it over oh wow look look at that wow that is spectacular that is so heavy oh it's a weight i think i've got to like support it with one hand and bite and then push with the other hand oh wow there's so many layers of corned beef so many layers of provolone the mustard the rye bread the butteriness the sour acidity of the sauerkraut that is amazing [Music] oh it's so good yeah still eating it oh you didn't fight into your door not yet not yet coming soon coming soon okay i'm moving on to piece number two [Music] well that is the king of summer and sandwiches [Music] you know it's a good sandwich when you end up with some lettuce and ingredients in your lap [Music] oh now that is one serious chub sandwich and then redlicious hooked us up with one of the donuts for dessert wow that is hearty i think it's jelly jellyfield that's sweet that's puffy it's so pillowy and that's a perfect way to end the massive sandwich meal at frank's deli and our total bill for we got the pastrami we got the gigantic oversized sub and a pancake for micah 3652 when they say oversized subs on the menu they mean it oversized is an understatement [Music] [Applause] yeah baby redlicious that was an ultimate outstanding experience redlicious thank you you are amazing keep up the incredible work and just making everybody feel special okay from here we just go straight back to atlantic city [Music] [Music] welcome back to atlantic city and we're going straight to tony's baltimore grill for some pizza and some spaghetti and meatballs [Applause] wow the bucket seat booths you can feel the history in this place and just it's kind of dark and kind of almost had a has a nightlife kind of feel to it menu is right here on the says atlantic city's oldest pizza joint quite a selection of different italian food on their menu can we please get the spaghetti and meatballs and then one pizza [Music] i love how it's all about the music there's jukebox because on almost every table where you can choose your song a tribute to the past uh there's photos with the history of atlantic city and that entire front section right on the corner i believe you enter that entrance and it's a bar there but we came straight to the restaurant section which is actually pretty sizable there must be 40 or so tables and booths in here and i also know that they're open late so catering to the late night pizza crowd here too while we're waiting for the pizza and the spaghetti to come out i just want to remind you that this we're going on the full anthony bourdain food trail in new jersey it's ten different places so it's three days three videos if you're not already eating a sandwich or a pizza or have a drink in front of you go get one right now and then keep watching if you haven't watched the first video make sure you go back and watch that and then the next video to come and also make sure to give this video a thumbs up if you're enjoying it and the pizza should be right out wow thank you nice and the pizza awesome oh that looks delicious okay we got the pizza with sausage and mushroom which she said was the special and actually i just was just reading this place dates back to established in 1927. that's some history as well and then probably what i'm even more looking forward to than the pizza is the spaghetti and meatballs it's an infinity edge sauce just spilling over the noodles are barely visible two huge meatballs [Music] i'm gonna start with the spaghetti [Music] oh those meatballs all the softness of them [Music] oh flaming hot so soft so tender they crumble in your mouth [Music] oh yeah that is hot simple that's good that's everything it needs to be and anthony bourdain called this a taste of his youth so this would be i think a very common and with the italian influence within new jersey spaghetti and meatballs would just be a classic especially in your youth when you're growing up in new jersey okay let's try the pizza how's the pizza in really good oh that pizza is amazing i love the tartness of their tomato sauce a thick layer of cheese the silky mushrooms the saltiness of the sausage that is delicious oh you taste the oregano in there i think that's black pepper in the sausage i love black pepper i'm gonna add on a little chili flakes [Music] really good pizza wow like for me it's that tomato sauce similar tartness to the spaghetti that's what's powering it and with those extra chili flakes that makes it too [Music] it's really good pizza it's like nothing fancy it's the type of pizza that's made it through generations it's the type of pizza that's they've been making since 1927. [Music] welcome to the atlantic city boardwalk we're going to take a little walk along here uh this is kind of the hub and center of it all people come here to see and be seen and it's been like that for a hundred years and we're actually heading down a little ways to a place specifically to eat james saltwater taffy while we're walking along the boardwalk here i'm gonna give you the one minute quick history of atlantic city it was in the 1930s when atlantic city was just at its peak it was one of the places to come to be to be seen there's entertainment options of everything you can imagine and then starting especially during world war ii atlantic city started to go into decline especially when millions went to war went to battle and people weren't taking vacations anymore and so at that time crime increased corruption increased and the city started to fall and on that note we've just arrived at james saltwater taffy so let's hold that thought and we'll continue the story so james saltwater taffy right at the front here you can get a mixed bag 10.99 a pound uh we're gonna try they say the original one is the molasses but then they have some like like 35 different flavors or something [Music] they sell it by the pound and yeah they have something like 35 different flavors but the original is the molasses i'm going straight for a molasses i'm sure oh i love that untwisting that feels great in the fingers the gooeyness i'm sure it's been 20 years since i've had any kind of taffy [Music] oh yeah that's sticky [Music] but kind of hard and kind of melting all of your shrimp it's sweet to be honest not really my favorite thing but it is it is good it is unique it is historical and even like anthony bourdain says he's not hugely into sweets but he is a sucker for nostalgia the next part of the story starts in the 1970s when they were trying to revive atlantic city and so they legalized gaming the gaming industry gambling casinos and that's what atlantic city is so known for and with that came some revival and brought people back to come to stay in atlantic city but along with the casinos came corrupt politicians and greed and the city became crippled by its corruption and so again atlantic city started to decline and then in the early 2000s there were a few surrounding states i believe connecticut and pennsylvania and maybe even new york that approved a number of adult gaming locations within those states and so there wasn't a need for uh people to come to atlantic city and so once again atlantic city went into decline and so that's really been the story of atlantic city ups and downs if you walk around now i mean the boardwalk is one of the nicest parts of the city and it's very unique and very interesting to walk around and there's quite a lot happening but if you go into the back streets of atlantic city you'll just see abandoned buildings to be honest it's in quite a sad state it's on the verge of bankruptcy it looks like half the buildings are under economic collapse houses have been foreclosed and yet at the same time people come here for vacation for entertainment for the beach and i especially like what anthony bourdain said he said that there is always hope because of the sea the sea is always good and no matter what happens the decay the ups and downs the sea will be there and it brings with it a sense of rejuvenation it's a learning experience it's an educational experience peering into the sea the atlantic and so that completes our walk on the boardwalk in atlantic city from here we're going to one of the most legendary the oldest and probably one of the best restaurants in all of atlantic city tonight for dinner in atlantic city doc's oyster house since 1897. [Music] hello thank you very much what a restaurant a landmark of atlantic city you come in here it's actually huge the bar is full people are eating oysters having a drink this afternoon pictures all around of atlantic city of the history and i'm ready to eat some oysters and some other classics they have the raw bar they have entrees they have steaks they have lobsters they have some specials including flounder and they have a section on the menu that's called docs classics that they say these dishes have been on the menu since 1897. okay no bro okay you're on you're on best place for happy hour in the world yes i think you're right great oysters great number two what's your favorite oyster oh that asked him okay what's your favorite oyster it's my favorite oyster yeah the one on my plate that's the right answer the one on his plate the oyster bar the happy hour bar the seafood and he's going to be shucking some oysters plating some oysters and lots of friendly amazing people also absolutely what a great place [Music] thank you very much i appreciate it and the bases are loaded right take care just some of the pan seared with the black and snapper black and snap over over jambalaya jambalaya stew [Music] [Music] [Music] wow this is the kitchen mussels mushroom [Music] here we marinara [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] unlimited [Music] step on space on yes stephan johnson [Music] really appreciate it they're so cool running back to the dining room the only bad thing about hanging out in the kitchen is seeing all the dishes that i didn't order there's oh i guess there's always next time you can only order so much for a meal for two and we're starting off i got the seafood sampler the raw seafood sampler have to start with the oysters three different types of oysters i'm not totally sure which one is which but look at that the different in comparison i'll go small i'll do a little bit of lemon doc's oyster house since 1897. [Music] oh yeah oh that's beautiful that is so pure not too briny melts in your mouth ceviche at the top i think it's a mixed mixed ceviche the onions in there the cilantro it's cool it's refreshing look at the size of that shrimp go for a dip cocktail sauce so much oh that's sweet that little bit of horseradish kick wonderfully fresh and refreshing and muscular oh yeah okay [Applause] let's go downstairs pluck one of these mussels out of the ice very good some of the crab nuggets [Music] i'm not sure if it's supposed to dip it into any sauce or just eat it pure i'm okay with pier oh wow i love crab the sweetness the strandiness i'm gonna try one of these beautiful clams next and i think this is a vinegar sauce which i'll add a little bit of this vinegar and onions clams are beautiful oh yeah wow that is perfectly with clams i love that hint of bitterness that contrasts the sweetness all those are delicious and so fresh [Music] the lobster claw i think it should be cracked to reveal pull this off oh yeah i think is that thing in the way yeah chef step on yeah yeah that's you man that's you hey micah say hello huh wow oh look at those huh thank you micah my god [Music] thank you thank you chef food is amazing yes you have a cooler chef wow oh wow the juiciness the stringiness the sweetness of that lobster chef stefan personally delivered out of the kitchen you are the man thank you chef these are just sensational just puffed up a balloon of crispy potato thank you very much thank you very much awesome here we go main course has arrived we got two different dishes the flounder which is the special and then we also got from the old docks classics a menu item that they've been serving since 1897 a mix of fried seafood there's flounder there's crispy potatoes strips there's a crab cake a giant crab cake and fried shrimp along with coleslaw i think i gotta start with that flounder man that looks incredible gonna go for that corner right there oh oh it's so soft it's so tender the butteriness of that flounder wow [Music] get a little bit of that spinach on the bottom there's some of those tomatoes and that sauce [Music] [Music] oh wow that is amazing that flounder just melts in your mouth with this beautiful rich coating i think an egg batter so delicate it has this hint of acidity i don't know if there's a little bit of wine in there balanced by the tartness of the tomatoes that sauce is insane [Applause] flounder frank shade oh it's you got it so incredibly good oh thank you man you're the best man here we go fried seafood platter from doc's 1897 menu i gotta try that that crab cake first oh i think i'm just gonna break it in half oh yeah so uh chef showed me this and he said you gotta see the visible chunks of crab which you can and then i think it's a mix of kind of batter and egg and then deep fried wow mayonnaise i think it's finger food oh yeah that's loaded with stringy crabs the crunchy crust on the outside is so good do it a little different in that tartar sauce i'm usually not too huge on tartar sauce but that's good because of all the pickles in it those are just paper thin crispy all the way through [Music] everything just wonderfully and fresh [Music] i mean that fried cheese blue platter is outstanding but this flounder is the dish of the meal hands down well well it's so good good amazing yeah what's the best yes that's so good so good so good [Music] i hope this is appropriate but i just have to i cannot let a single drip of that sauce go to waste it's that that good that was just outrageously delicious thank you chef stefan and all the chefs oh yeah cheese pie it's very sorbet yeah it's a wrap cracker pie crust and a whipped cream cheese filling it's really good thank you thank you very much [Music] oh wow oh yeah that's wonderful it's a cheesecake well cheese pie cheesecake pie so light and refreshing and superb and like i'm not usually huge on desserts i really have a dessert at the end of a meal this is really good though gotta try that raspberry ice cream [Music] it's really good oh i'm having a an immediate tooth freeze that cheese pie is wonderful though it's really good ying and mike are loving it outstanding food historical location iconic landmark restaurant and our total bill for this meal 117.29 that's for everything and with that just unbelievably good meal we've come to the end of day number two on this anthony bourdain food tour food trail of new jersey and so again huge thank you for watching this video thank you for watching this entire series please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed click subscribe and i will see you on the next video goodbye from atlantic city new jersey
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 1,618,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New Jersey, Mark WIens, food tour, Anthony Bourdain, New Jersey food tour, Atlantic City, Atlantic City food tour, Frank's Deli & Restaurant, James Salt Water Taffy, Dock's Oyster House, best seafood in Atlantic City, American food, American food tour, seafood, best seafood, restaurants, best restaurants, boardwalk, food vlog, food videos
Id: LJ2IlVuyr5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 21sec (2061 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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