Spotify Song Requests and Control on Twitch with Streamer Bot [2024 Update]

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welcome back Maniacs uh my apologies for not putting out a video last week the time I was supposed to use for making that video I actually used for making the extension that's in this video so we got a little little bald up and time crunched but that's okay cuz now we got like a really good polished turd ready to present to you um I think everybody's going to enjoy it if you're coming here from the other Spotify video please make sure you disable those actions and or delete them out of your Spotify don't want the two Spotify controllers doing some weird thing and they're not going to work so disable at the minimum preferably Le the other one and then uh go ahead and follow the instructions here if you're more of a pictures person the link down description to mustach Maniac website I have an entire write up with pictures the only thing I ask is you keep this video playing in the background CU you know I'll take an extra 3 minutes watch time otherwise I'm excited to put this out um please ball means I'm looking for feedback I'm looking for bugs I'm looking for anything and everything you can find once you do get it installed so come through the Discord and we'll get things ired out for now though sit back shut up and follow the clicks all right to getting started at installing mm Spotify 1000 we're going to head to developer. the link is down in the description if you just want to copy and paste once you get to this site you can either create an account if you don't have one or just log in um by clicking the drop down arrow here after we're logged in we'll go to our dashboard and on the dashboard section if you've created an App before you'll have it in here if this is blank that's okay because we're going to go up to here and press create app once we create app there's only a couple required uh the app name is required so we're going to call it whatever we want to it does not matter I want to make it V 1,000 because I've already got a v1000 and we'll just say control Spotify via stream bot again app description is required so we got to leave that there the redirect Yuri is extremely important I'll zoom in you can find it down in the description of this video but this needs to match verbatim and after that we can leave all of these unchecked just check that we understand and agree to their developer terms and press save now we're on the homepage of our app um none of this stuff matters all we really need to do is go into settings here and we'll see a client ID as well as a client secret um so we press the client secrets that way we can get access to both of them open up a text file so we can copy them client ID and I'm going to paste it and then Cent secret I'm going to copy that one and then also paste it on my text document we need both of these to get everything set up um come back down here verify your redirect your rematch is what it should be and it is that's all we need from the Spotify developer app so we can go ahead and close out of here and head into streamer bot all right so now we're headed over to streamer bot we're going to press the import button up the top of stream rbot here we're going to drag and drop the previously downloaded file into the import string box you'll notice that you're getting 14 actions one Q 12 commands and if you're using 0.2.3 beta or higher you'll have a timed action 0.2.2 streamer bot versions and previous will not include a timed action because it's not importable press the import button and press okay acknowledging all the commands will be set to disabled and you can see that by going to the commands Tab and everything is readed this time we could really go ahead and group enable all of them if you're using stream Abbot 0.2.2 and earlier you need to do this next step if you are using 0.2.3 beta and above you can skip this step what you're going to have to do if using 0.2.2 is go to settings and then up here to timed actions we need to add the time to action that's not going to import with it so you'll right click and you'll see the add dialogue press add in the timed action we're going to name it Spotify Auto Runner just like the one you see in my screen up there leave enabled and repeat checked and then set the interval to 1 second press okay all right so now that we've created the time to action we're going to move back over to our actions tab located up here and go down to Spotify Auto runner from there we'll see we don't have a trigger currently so we're going to right click let's go to core timed actions once we click that timed actions we'll get a drop- down menu where we can select our Spotify Auto Runner timer from that we're going to press okay and now everything else is is just about ready to go the following step will require us to go to initialization and from initialization we'll see over here we need to copy and paste our client secret and our client IDs from earlier so we'll double click on the box go to our text file that had our client ID grab it and paste it press okay and then we're going to go down to our client secret same thing paste it press okay this is just a note in case you didn't get into the description or in the written text to use this Yuri we did when we create our app so there's nothing further done after you've saved the client ID and the client secret we can go ahead back up to the top stream robot press save in order for initialization to happen properly we need to make sure that we launch our Spotify app it has to be open and running so that it knows which device to associate with so open it minimize it and then we can head to the chat button to pop our chat out for stream robbot once the chat's popped out it's pretty self-explanatory we're going to go to the chat entry field and type Spotify I nit for Spotify initialization once we do we'll get a nice little popup window here says this this is our app we want to do all these things to your account you press agree and then you'll be greeted by my pretty face you can close out of that web browser you should get a success message in your chat saying congratulations your Spotify account can be controlled by whatever the name of your computer is yes my computer's name is mustach Maniac so that checks out all right so the last thing we're going to do is just a few of the commands um all of the commands are listed in the stre bot extension site as well as on the mustache Maniac website with the picture walk through um however we'll go over a few of them just to show you exclamation mark play plays the player as you can see down here time is going up so that's a good one pause will pause it skip we'll skip it all of the things you expect out of a player are working wonderfully um additionally you can do things like PQ for what's coming up next if you do exclamation mark Q it shows you one song you do exclamation mark Q3 it'll show you the next three songs um you can accept song request by either song and artist combination just song name and or a Spotify link why don't we grab a song There we go copy the song link so we'll do first a song request by Slaughter to Prevail using just the song name that's been added to the queue and now we're going to add another song request by Spotify tracklink will not accept playlist artist or album Yuri but it will accept track links added them to the queue now if we check the queue we should see our song request however that's kind of a lot of words and not everybody wants to know who requested the song but if you want to turn that te her off just do request your name off it'll no longer show it so if we run the queue again you'll see that we get the three songs without the requestor name on there requester name we can turn we can say on we can say yes we can say true all of them will show the name we skip the song currently it shows you the song that's coming up next as well as the requester again with requester name off that would be excluded however you can also exclude the song from showing up when a new song plays so now if we skip it will no longer show a new song it just skips to it it does not disable the song command however which shows you the song and request her by using exclamation mark song um the other really neat feature we got is the volume if you look down here which I'm currently blocking for you so we're going to fix that all right let's get our player up here so we see the volume's currently at about I don't know 70 if we go volume 10 it'll set it to 10 pretty cool pretty standard the cool feature that ours has though is if you look in scamer bot it also got an argument so this is disabled currently however if I were to enable this argument and I just use volume it's going to set it to whatever that argument was at seems kind of basic in this application of just showing you but if you want to do something like when you go to your just chatting screen you want to pause the song or you want to set the volume at a lower tone when you're chatting versus when you're gaming you can take that sub action and put it in other actions so that on scene change it does this really really powerful feature I think that uh not many people realize it was an option and now they do um and I think one more I want to go over is last last shows you the last song that was played and if you do the last three four five it'll show you the last three four five one caveat with the last is this goes across all your devices on your account so if you drove in in your car and you played a song and then you jumped on your computer or you had one playing on your phone it does not differentiate so the last three songs are the last three songs other than that I think that's a general basis of the command functionality again you can check the stream robot extension site when it gets approved over there or you can check mustach and check a link of it the entire write up which is down in the description thanks again you Maniacs I greatly appreciate each and every one of you I'm super stok to get this attention out there I know I've been talking about it for months actually just started working on it recently but it's been an idea for a long time um I do want to give it extra thanks to deg gry Bear fgr freak on and Tommy 3621 all three of them Stellar dudes uh they've been helping me debug and test run and try and break out of this thing and they've broke it a few times which has been really cool um to all the co-i supporters thank you very much I hope that you enjoyed the week longish early access to this um but if you're watching this now make sure you go download the most recent copy because I did make a couple minor tweaks to everybody else I appreciate you being here share this video with a friend subscribe to the channel let everybody know all of the shitty content that I'm making please and at the very least you you can at least like come through and make fun of me till next time we'll catch you later maniacs
Channel: Mustached Maniac
Views: 1,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spotify, Twitch, Song Requests, Streamer Bot, Control, 2024 Update, Music, Livestream, Broadcasting, Gaming, Integration, Tutorial, How-To, Technology, Entertainment, Online, Community, Audience Engagement, Digital Media, Streaming Platform, Software, Automation, User Interaction, Creative Content, Content Creation, Online Presence, Engagement Tools, Chat Enagamenet, Playing with Viewers, Music on Stream, DIY Twitch, New Streamer, Twitch Affiliate, Spotify Playlist
Id: pjFzpPAeiE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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