Control OBS Using Your VOICE! (Just Like TheSushiDragon)

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camera two yes goddess switch to gaming initiating pro gamer mode camera one anything for you my queen switch to webcam activating thought cam let me show how you did all that [Music] something i've wanted for the longest time is the ability to control my stream using just my voice now you might be thinking okay when am i ever gonna need to do that well for example in my stream when i'm playing apex i have a separate just chatting scene that i use when i'm waiting in between games but when i actually get into a game i switch to my gaming scene the problem is i always forget to switch to my gaming scene until it's too late and i'm too busy trying to not die in bronze lobbies but with voice commands i can just say i'm gaming daddy anything for you my queen and then it automatically switches to the scene for me obviously there are many other examples we've seen streamers like the sushi dragons switch camera angles using their voice which i think would be really cool for like a cooking streamer that has multiple camera angles set up and they don't necessarily have access to their desks to click on obs because maybe like their hands are messy or the desk is on the other side of the room you can just change camera angles with your voice in fact the other week one of my viewers told me that they have a disability that makes it difficult for them to control obs with their hands so using voice commands is just a nice way to make his life a little bit easier so i forgot who asked me that but yeah this video is for you you're welcome i just came up with another reason for why you'd want to use voice commands bro when these guys stop talking like come on man like speed it up i got places to be oh okay that was kind of rude but i guess i should just show you how to do it now in order to do voice commands you're going to need a program called the voice attack now voice attack is a program that has many applications outside of just streaming but basically it's very powerful software that listens to phrases in your voice and then when it hears a phrase that you set it can execute a program or it can do a virtual key press or it can do text-to-speech it can do a lot and so basically we're gonna leverage the power of voice attack and then send commands to obs so i'm gonna show you a simple way and intermediate way and the advanced way of doing that but you can't do any of that without installing the software so head on over to the link in description box down below to download voice attack it does cost 10 but they do have an unlimited trial that allows you to have 20 commands and one profile which i think for a lot of people is going to be more than enough so if you didn't want to pay for it that's fine the free version is more than enough for this video by the way this video isn't sponsored but know what i'm saying once you've downloaded a voice attack just run through the installation it's pretty straightforward just follow the instructions it's going to ask you to set up a microphone and train the speech engine which i highly recommend doing just because it helps it recognize your voice after you've gone through the whole setup process you'll see this window and if you just speak into your microphone you'll see that every single sentence that you say should be recognized and written out into this window now it's not going to do much because you haven't programmed anything but if you just say something like hello good day to you it does have some pre-programmed commands already set up to add your own commands click on this button here and it's going to bring up this window so you'll see a list of all the pre-populated commands so if you say the word calculator it's going to open up the calculator app on your pc click on new commands to create your own command and the most important thing is this top field here that says when i say in this box you just want to type in whatever phrase you want so for example i'm just going to say switch to webcam and then just press ok and then done and then in the main window when you say that phrase it's gonna say recognized with a green box next to it that means it's recognizing the phrase that you wrote just keep in mind that when you're saying these phrases make sure that you leave a short pause before and after so that voice attack properly recognizes that you're saying that phrase okay so how do we hook up voice attack to obs we're gonna start with the simplest most basic small brain method like even if you got the smoothest brain that even like koalas would be like wow this guy doesn't know what's going on like even you can figure this out you're gonna go into edit command and then underneath where it says when this command executes do the following you're gonna click on key press the idea is that when you say your voice command is going to do a virtual key press which you can then use as a hotkey and just hook directly into obs what i like to do is set the key press to an f13 to f24 key i've talked about this in previous videos but yeah windows actually recognizes f13 to f24 even if it doesn't show on most people's keyboards but whatever set it to whatever key combination that you want then you just have to go into your obs settings under hotkeys and then any of these hotkeys that you have listed here you just have to say your phrase so switch the webcam and then that virtual key press that you set should appear in any of the boxes by the way because we're just doing simple virtual key presses this method actually works in streamlabs obs yeah streamlabs now if for some reason that virtual key press isn't appearing in obs and you're absolutely sure that you've set up everything right make sure that if you're running obs in admin mode voice attack needs to also be running in admin mode otherwise the virtual key presses are not going to recognize but what if you want to do more complicated things like toggling sources on and off changing filters um changing scene transitions adding delays all those complicated things these are things that you typically need something like touch portal or a stream deck or liar lion board to accomplish well the great thing is lion board actually has a feature where if you press a hotkey it activates any of the commands you have set up wait what's a what's a lorean board okay so if this is the first time you're ever hearing of lior on board then what's wrong with you man like deal with the times when you live in the dark ages i did a whole video introducing liuren word so you should totally check it out click on the that thing should appear up there but watch that video but basically to summarize it it's powerful's macro software even more powerful than an actual stream deck that allows you to script really complicated macros to do things in obs like toggle sources filters etc whole bunch of stuff for example here's a somewhat complex command i did entirely within lyric board it basically mimics that wraith portal effect you know that one where she goes phasing and then she like goes into the void and whatever i'm not going to get into every single step i did to script this command but basically it's just toggling on and off a bunch of different color correction filters and shaders and even voice changers the point is this is a pretty complex macro but what you can do in lion board is you can right click on the button go to copy button id then go back to your main menu then click on trigger shortcut then all you have to do is enter in your key combination that you use for your voice attack command here and then underneath where it says extension trigger or button id just copy paste your button id there and then now in my case all i have to do is say the word sniper phasing and then it does this whole crazy super advanced effect probably way more than what most people are going to do but i just wanted to give you an example of combining voice attack with lion board to do very complex macros of course if you wanted to do something simple like just changing scenes or changing camera angles you can do that but basically anything you can do in lion board you can now hook up to voice commands alright so time for the advanced part this is for all you hardcore obs phd scholars out there the ones like me who have way too much time in their hands up to now all the methods i've showed you require you to set up hotkeys which i absolutely hate doing because there are only so many key combinations that you can never guarantee that they will never conflict with any of the games or any of the programs that you have running this method doesn't require hotkeys at all we're gonna be using something called obs command and this is a tool that the community recently got me to use and it is absolutely amazing essentially obs command is a tool that allows you to control obs directly from the command line if you're not familiar with command line it's basically that black window that they type all that gibberish into and all those movies and it sounds scary but stick with me especially towards the end of the video because i'm going to talk about something that's i'm working on anyway because it's a command line utility we're able to write out really complex macros which not only bypass the need for hotkeys whatsoever but you can write really complex commands that are just as complicated as all the commands that you can write out in your board or touch portal the only problem is because there's no user interface you have to go through the painful process of writing out all your commands by hand which is really tedious and takes a long time but that's where my secret project comes in again we'll talk about that in a couple minutes so i left a link down below to where you can download obs command i'm gonna assume that you have some experience using the command line but here's a quick example of how it works if i open up command line and type in obs command dot exe and then slash scene and then the name of any of the scenes i have in obs when i hit enter it's going to switch scenes for me and you can do things like toggling sources on and off so you write in slash toggle source and then the name of a source and it would toggle that source on and off in obs and you can run as many commands as you want so if you want to toggle two sources on and off then you just put toggle source the name of the source and then for your second source you put toggle source again and then the name of your second source you can even do things like adding delays by typing in slash delay and then the number of seconds lots of cool stuff you can do i recommend that you read the documentation on the obs forums page because it lists all the different things that you can do with obs command but we want to do this in voice attack and not through the command line so how do we do that in voice attack click on other windows and then run an application the application that you want to run is that obs command.exe that you downloaded from the description box and then in the parameters field this is where you'd put all your commands so if you wanted to change scene then you'd write slash scene and then the name of the scene that you want to switch to again you can put as many commands as you want just make sure you put them all within this parameters field and then when you're happy with it click on test run and see if it changes scene or does whatever your command does in obs you'll notice that when you're testing your command it's gonna open up a command prompt window which is probably not what you want so make sure that the window style is set to hidden so that's just gonna run your command but it's gonna make sure that that command prompt window doesn't actually open up but yeah that's basically the advanced part just press ok say whatever your phrase is and check that it works here's here's one for you enhance so yeah now before wrapping up i did say i have a secret project because i know a lot of you guys are probably scared of command prompt and you don't want to have to go and write out all your commands so i'm actually developing my own user interface for obs command i can't talk too much about it yet because it's still in very early stages of development but here's a sneak preview just to see what it will kind of look like eventually i've only spent like a couple hours working in this so a little bit to go but stay tuned because we're going to talk more about this in a future video anyway that's voice commands guys if you like this video that's great love it guys if you want to learn more about the super advanced stuff that you can do in obs make sure to jump to my twitch streams i stream four nights a week and i'm always doing just chatting talking about streaming stuff so it's a great time for everyone i think also make sure to join the discord we have over a dozen members so if you want to talk to like one or two people make sure to do that guys i'll see you guys in the next video if i don't see you for the rest of the year happy christmas merry new year's happy holidays i'll see you when i see you goodbye [Music] sniper phasing [Music] you
Channel: nutty
Views: 29,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5PTlhMeqYvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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