Stream Deck One Button PC Configuration - Step by Step Guide

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hi and welcome back to ask drtk whenever you go to do anything on your computer that involves more than one application it's always a matter of opening them up resizing them placing them on the screen if you have multiple monitors you're probably dragging them all over the place but what if i told you you could use your stream deck to make all that happen with one button and make your workflow a lot easier that's what we're gonna do today now we all know that the stream deck has a lot of built-in controls for various applications lets us do things in obs our streaming platforms we can control our hue lights or our gado lights and a lot more but of course before we need any of that we have to get the apps open we need to organize them the way we want them maybe we have multiple screens and that's always the hassle especially if you're going to go online if you're going to stream and you want to have discord open maybe you need stream yard open your game open maybe something else maybe you're streaming to multiple platforms and you want to monitor other chat and so you open all of these up you log in you set them up move them around to the different screens and all of that takes time and especially if you're streaming with the same setup regularly why not just use one button and so we need to do a couple things on the stream deck to make that happen but let's take a look now the great thing is that we really have almost everything we need built into the stream deck we need to use a couple of the built-in systems and then we need to download one plugin and that's going to be the windows mover and resizer so let's take a look at how to get that plug-in installed okay and so to install the windows mover and resizer we'll go into plugins and simply in the search just type in windows and you'll see the windows mover resizer comes up and you'll need to install it you'll see i already have it installed and i don't want to uninstall it because i have quite a number of things set up on my stream deck with this already once you go ahead and install it you'll see that at the bottom of the list in the stream deck you now have the windows mover so you just go ahead and open that up and you're going to see the windows mover there's also a virtual desktop mover as well as a pin and unpin and i'll get into those in future videos but this is going to be about windows mover and so to make this happen what we're going to use is this windows mover then from our system we're going to need the website function and the open function and then from in the stream deck section we're going to use the multi-action and once we set up a multi-action you'll see other things come up including delay and sometimes you need to use a delay if you want to apply a setting so for example if i was launching obs with this and i then wanted to automatically switch scenes i would go ahead and put a delay in between and so that's just something you need to know about that but that's all we need to do in order to get things set up we need the stream deck section which is built in we need the system section which is built in and you need to install the windows mover and now that we've got everything we need to make this happen let's set up one button to do everything from launch to resize relocate windows get everything completely ready whether you want to stream or record or really any other productivity workflow okay and now normally i would use separate screens for this but i've just moved everything all into one screen so that i can show you and so what i have here is a game open i've got rise of the triad one of my favorites from the past and i also have a stream yard login here as well as discord and uh you know it'd be nice to be able to get these to all pop up on whatever screens i want all at once and so in stream uh stream deck control i'll just pull it up here i've created some individual buttons to launch stream yard and discord as well as rot but what we really want is one button that's going to open these and place them on the screen that we want in the size that we want and so we're going to use three things here we've already gone ahead and installed the windows mover which we're going to need but first we're going to go ahead and actually create a multi-action so i'll just pull multi-action onto a button here and now we can begin the actions and so the first thing i'm going to do is have it go ahead and open up stream yard and so in order for that to happen stream yard is a website so pretty simple i just need to actually go here into the system tab in the in stream deck set up here and i'm going to bring a website in and the website of course this is going to be stream yard so i got stream yard put in there and then the url is simply the url we have here and the easy thing because i have it open is i'm just going to go here and i'm going to copy it and we'll paste it into the into the spot here so that's the first thing so i have that opening up now great that it opens but the issue is depending on what i was using the browser for at another time i'll end up with a situation where it's not in the right spot so what i need to do is make sure it goes in the right spot so all i'm going to do for that is add in a windows mover after this and the windows mover i'm just going to call relocate stream yards and then we need to fill in a few things here and it's going to be a specific application and then i just have to go ahead and select it now i have stream labs open in chrome you would choose whichever browser you normally use here and then we'll go a little further down and you'll see it's going to show you a screen and you can have it show a friendly name or otherwise i have three displays on this graphics card so you need to just use the correct display that you're on now for me this is display two but i will tell you that this is a little bit buggy sometimes when you set this up as display two it actually goes on to a different screen so occasionally you just have to try one of however many displays you have until you find the right one but the first thing is to have that the next thing is to click get window coordinates here so we'll just do that and it'll populate up some numbers now i have it set for no resize which means i always want it to open this way but i can have it set up to maximize minimize or resize onto any again of the displays that i want i can also have it become the top most so if i have multiple windows it'll be the one that's active that's that's really handy if the first thing we want to do is log into one or the other and uh so like normally i'd probably log into discord first so we'll leave that off but um there we go so now when we run this multi-action it's going to open the website here to log into stream yard and it's going to place the window here in this size then the next thing i would want to do is add in discord and so the thing with discord is i have again a button set up for that already but discord is in fact an app that i have here so again what i need to go is into system and just bring an open over and once i have open i'll just put a title here again discord and then for the app now normally you just click choose and you would look for where this is going to be and depending on your system it may not be just sitting here in this program data windows microsoft start menu etc because it may install it into a an app roaming so what what i do generally for that is i just go into the start menu and i show the location of the file and what i'll do is i'll just drag that over here so that would bring this up and you can see in fact that it's sitting in the roaming microsoft windows start menu folder so that's the case and in order to get this to be what i need in terms of the app file here all i typically do is is take this and i'll right click on it and i'll choose properties and i'll just move it off screen to do that because it just takes up too much space on the screen you can see so i've chosen properties and i'll just right click on the target and i'll copy that and then i'll bring it over into the into the multi-action here so now i have it in the multi-action and what that's going to do is it's going to open discord and then i need to do the same thing now in terms of getting it to open here because i always want it in this spot so then what i'll do again is i'll add up a windows mover so i bring that in and this one is going to be called relocate discord so now i have relocate discord and again it's a specific app i'm just going to go into the list of apps here and i'm going to scroll until i find discord and there it is so i have discord now again the screen depending on whether you have one screen or more it may not pop up on the right screen so you may need to choose a different screen here but i will leave it where it is for now and then i'll show you how to fix it once we get this running once again i'm going to get the current window coordinates i have them there and this here is the option again to you know keep it the size that it is on screen maximize minimize or resize and again normally in this situation when i bring this up i probably want to log into discord first so i'm actually going to make this the make this the top most and so i have that set as make top most and so what i'll do is now i'll click here and so now when i press the button actually i would end up having a stream yards open up to log in and discord open up to log and i mean that could be it i could start my game manually but in this case i also wanted to go ahead and open the game i could have it open up steam if i wanted and go in directly to different games through that but here i'm going to show you a specific specific game because this is something i think a lot of people have trouble with when they're trying to get a specific game from steam to natively launch and the thing about it is you would think about this brought here as an application but in fact steam treats it as a url to open so what we need to do again is go in here and instead of using the open for an app we're going to throw another website in here and this is going to be called rot and then we need to put the url in and to get the url we do the same thing you need to find it in your start menu and if it's not in the local it'll be in the roaming start menu and in this case it's under steam and the same thing i would just simply go ahead here and i'll click properties and i'll get the location so just pull that out of the way again let me go ahead and do that properties and i'm just going to copy and paste the url from there so i'll put it in here and there we go now i have the url for the game sitting there and it's going to open it up and the same thing applies now if if it launches it's automatically going to launch wherever the game launches which is usually the middle of the str of the screen and so again what we need to do here is go ahead and add a windows mover in afterwards and this one again is going to be relocate rot get that all right and the same thing applies now that i have it running here and that's the important thing about setting up these movers of course is that we have to actually have the program the window running so that it can see where it is and it can grab the size the location all those things so uh go down here it's a specific app and i'm just going to choose what i have and in this case the one that's up here i believe is rot launcher so yeah um didn't quite get the right one there let's grab that again uh rot launcher okay that's good and then we'll go ahead again with same issue with screens it may or may not be the right screen for you you might have to go back but we'll take a look right away i'm gonna get the current window location everything's there again in this case i'm running it here as a not resized here i don't want full screen or anything at this point because i'm going to be logging into my discord and my stream yards account in order to make this work so we just leave that where it is and and so now it's going to launch these three programs so we'll launch stream yard size it put it in the right place we'll launch discord size it put it in the right place and we'll launch our game here we'll launch rot and then we'll size it and put it in the right place and so that's all going to happen automatically with this button so let me go ahead i'll go back to here and i'm going to actually close these three so we'll get rid of them all together and now i'm going to go ahead and click that button on the stream deck and you'll see a few things happen i ended up getting discord open and then it moved i ended up getting rise of the triad open and then it moved i ended up getting the dream yard open and it moved out of the way they're not in the right spot they're on the wrong screen so what i need to do is go in and try changing the screen here now it by default for the screen setup as display one and so i'm gonna try display two in this case and i'm actually going to do that for all of them we'll see what happens if it gets right this is actually display 2 that we're looking at here so hopefully you know you would think this would be where it is but again it's just a bug in this program that it doesn't necessarily uh allow uh allow you to just choose what it is and have it all work unfortunately i'll go ahead and i'll close those apps up on the other screen where they where they opened and now i'll just go ahead and try that button again and yet again they didn't open the right place so i went ahead and i'll just close those all again and now we'll go ahead back into multi-action and let's make another change here we'll we'll try calling it display number three even though uh like i say i'm not not uh that isn't display three as far as i'm concerned with my system but for the purposes of the of the uh plug-in here we'll go ahead and we'll set it up that way so this is the one little idiosyncrasy with this uh with this plug-in otherwise it's really fantastic and and i find it really useful so i'll go ahead back here and again i'll press the button and so are we getting closer here well now i had it open up in the first place then the second one opened and the third one actually opened took a little bit of time but all of them did in fact open up so now when i press that button i'm going to get them all on the screen so again i'll close everything up here and i'll also i'll uh i'll just move stream deck out of the way and i'll press the button again and so once you do that it's going to go ahead and bring these up on screen and so i have my layout now again i'm showing you this on one screen just so that i can record it but i would normally have these on separate screens that have the game on my main monitor and i'd have my discord over on another screen and my obs and my stream yard over on another screen yet so but to give you an idea that's what happens so by setting up a multi-action i was able to get everything to launch so really all i need to do here is go ahead and log into my account start the game i'm ready to stream and it just saves time in terms of of launching each program manually and moving them over and resizing them so i really like this i haven't given this one a title but this one is going to be you know i'll just make it stream rot and you know i can create i can create many of these for every game that i stream if i like or again i can set it up so that it launches steam and i go from there a lot of flexibility but the nice thing is just one button that goes there i'll show you i'll show you one other thing here that's really nice with this is that i also use philips hue in my studio and so if i want to go ahead and have it throw the scene on i can do that as well and all i would need to do is choose the group and the scene and i can have it go ahead and turn my studio lighting on that's all controlled with philips hue plugs and otherwise so really really great in terms of one button sit down get streaming works really well and of course this isn't only for streaming so i'll go ahead and push my recording button and you'll see i have this one launches up focusrite control and studio one so again a lot of flexibility you can really automate any setups depending whatever you use your system for and so whether i'm going to record and mix using my daw i'm going on a live stream hanging out on discord getting any other productivity done checking all the social media i have one button set up for each of these so that i can configure everything and it saves me a lot of time and i hope it'll save you a lot of time as well and if you're interested in audio video recording streaming gear and tutorials check out one of the videos on the screen as always thanks for watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: askdrtk
Views: 103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stream deck, stream deck setup, stream deck tutorial, stream deck plugins, one button pc config, elgato stream deck, streaming setup, stream deck tips, stream deck guide, elgato stream deck guide, elgato streamdeck, streamdeck tutorial, stream deck setup ideas, best stream deck setup, elgato stream deck software, elgato stream deck plugins
Id: 898TLklG5TQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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