3 Horrible Days Truck Camping in Alaska

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that was the most scared I've ever been truck camping I'm not joking what do I do what do I do this sucks jackary just died I guess and I'm not saying it wasn't dangerous cuz it was welcome back to roaming Reckless where my dog blue and I are truck camping our way through every single one of the 50 United States living out of my 27-year-old imported defender in this episode we run into some pretty bad luck over and over and over again which leads me to introduce you to one of the most prominent aspects of truck camping fulltime Murphy's Law it simply States what can go wrong will go wrong we're starting off today on what I thought was going to be a 3-day camping trip up in the Alaskan mountains where I had rented a dry camping y it was going to be really great okay but as you'll see that is not what ends up happening in this episode at all hi we're going to a yurt that we have to hike to 2 miles in the middle of the woods and we're we're going to be staying there for 3 days so this is going to be dry camping so we've got to take all of our supplies with us there's going to be nothing there for us but firewood we've got to hurry up and get packed you look so upset this is for your own good good job look how handsome you Bo this thing's so heavy oh my gosh ready we're starting up here our Y is down here almost 2 miles shouldn't take us too long Sun is setting right now though so it's probably going to get dark pretty quick after we get there blue is just having the time of his life we're 15 minutes into our walk my back is already killing me so got a love scoliosis oh man good times this really isn't too bad of a hike though I mean it's just basically like compacted snow super easy to walk on so that's good we have like I don't know probably a mile and a half left woo I think I don't know I'm totally guessing totally guessing Okay how pretty though what a beautiful walk Bobby are you excited for the yurt we've never stayed in a YT before cool the Historic adidad Trail from SE to Nome is 1,000 mil long the portion we're on right now is 25 miles this was used as a winter dog slide Mail Route until the Alaska railroad established regular service between seart and Fairbanks cool we're in Balto's territory we're in Narnia bub starting to get a little bit dark my back is killing me not s don't hike in a Patagonia bag I thought I'd be fine just a couple miles but this hurts look at this are you joking that mountain right there are you joking okay this is so exciting for a minute there I was worried this wasn't going to be like a super picturesque spot but it's looking good so far oh my God this is insane I actually feel like I'm in Narnia like come on says that we're 322 ft away rabids campart heck yeah here we go bub just in time before dark oh my gosh how cute this view bbby how exciting okay come on bub those icles oh my gosh look at the Skylight there's little Skylight oh it's so cute this is so cute Bubby oh my gosh someone remind me to get a hiking backpack a proper one thanks okay other than my back being destroyed I'm super G oh it's oh I see oh the Skylight and the windows really add to this place I'm very excited I just I love being in the mountains I love anything with a good view as I'm sure most people do so this location is way better than I was anticipating which makes this all that more exciting I'm really glad we got it for a few nights the good thing is that the temper temperatures have been more mild recently like I think it's only going to be 18 or 20 at night over the next couple of days which to us is like a sauna I was out in shorts in 15 degree weather the other day because I've been so scarred byga 55 for two weeks so I think as long as we keep a little fire going it's going to be really cozy in here which is good because I didn't bring that many blankets all right sir are you looking your now we pause okay excuse me get out get out of your jacket good boy all right you come in the front door our little bunk bed I'll just sleep on the bottom with blue wood stove then Nature Center stocks the wood so we can use as much of that as we need chairs over there let's get a fire going and then dinner cuz I'm starving this wood is kind of wet which is not good now we're cooking I've been working on the fire for like 2 hours at this point and I am running out of fire starters I really don't know what else to do it's like all of the wood is wet and nothing well I have all like I don't even know if you can see all this but I have all this like kindling I've been trying to restart the fire every time like tinier and tinier it only burns with a fire starter and then as soon as it wears out it goes away it's just too wet and there's so much smoke in here it's like not even funny so it's just like bad luck I guess that the wood they stocked is wet now my pickle is is that it's pitch dark while I could go back to PO it's pretty early in the night still it's like 8:00 do I really want to walk 45 minutes straight in the pitch dark through the Alaskan Wilderness no I don't want to do that in the dark but I can't stay here if there's no fire I mean I I think it's only supposed to be like 18 tonight so maybe we could tough it out I don't know but then it's like I also don't want to like start toughing it out and then decide at like 3:00 in the morning I can't take it so it's just like what do I do what do I do this sucks I give the fire one last ditch effort using the One log left I have that I think is semi not wet so we'll see what happens see how Smokey it is in here just from like dealing with wet wood good boy I feel like blue and I are going to have to make the Tre in the middle of the night back to PO because I just can't risk the fire not working and then blue getting cold in the middle of the night I think blue and I are just going to have to go back to PO cuz at least we have the diesel heater I'm going to leave some of my stuff here and come back and get it in the morning when it's light out and like we can't even breathe in here what the heck this sucks this sucks I can't even make this like an LOL moment because it's not yeah this fire is crap well Bubby are you ready for uh we're going to have to try to like Sprint back I can't believe this is happening I like I can't even breathe oh man buby where did we get oursel into all right kid here we go I've got my knife I've got three light sources plus my phone Bubby's ready to go leaving stuff here to pick up tomorrow morning let's go to the heat bub yeah this sucks Bubby it took us like 45 minutes to get up to the YT I'm hoping with my lighter pack weight I should be able to get back a lot faster yep come on good well not really time to like play but I like the positive energy Hallelujah po I've never been so happy to see this truck in my life holy crap that was not fun [Music] good Landy I ran for my life you guys I hope if this shows you anything is that a lot of the time when you live out of a vehicle stuff doesn't go to plan and sometimes a lot of it comes down to you making executive decisions and making calls that you don't know what the right answer is there's a note on my wiper some nice people left me a note on my Dash saying if I need a garage shower laundry or Wi-Fi they live at the end of the road and they're fellow Land Rover Travelers that is very nice I thought I was getting a ticket so thank you to whoever left that if you see this oh my gosh oh like I was saying though sometimes you just don't know what the right call is and you have like two tough calls both have consequences but for me tonight like being in the truck with a diesel heater is more important for blue and I always have to put him first and although that was a very scary Pik back and I'm not saying it wasn't dangerous cuz it was I'm glad that we made it back safe thank God and um now blue will be warm all night and that's what's important and tomorrow we will leisurely wake up and when we feel like it we will go back and get the rest of our stuff from the Y man that was a fail though what a fail oh my eyes hurt from the smoke okay I'm done complaining I'm happy to be back we're going to stay positive my gosh Bubby we have so much stuff in here huh the diesel heater is blowing like freezing air it's never happened before Gucci bur are you happy to be back in po po bub yeah know that's what I thought yeah you someone sleepy Four mile hike for nothing fuel supply H1 service fuel supply or pump that's great and the diesel heater is blowing freezing cold air okay cool the diesel heater broke already yeah I feel you bub that's what you call Murphy's lost all right I'll go ahead and turn that sucker off and that's why you carry a body heater oh did a nice oh we should take her jacket off we should take her jacket off you do yeah I'm going to just go go ahead and take this as a sign that today has been enough so I think I'm going to head to bed and thank God for the Buddy Heater thank God that Poe still running okay and uh we're just going to start over tomorrow tomorrow will be a better day okay good night oh my gosh it smells like smoke okay let's pack up and clean this place out frozen solid good thing we didn't stay last night I guess there's a little water in there little bit of slush you want to try to eat some food I can't believe that we walked that trail all the way back last night there's a sign in here talking about an aggressive bear in the area and granted bears are hibernating right now but they do come out of hibernation every once in a while and we're in aggressive bear territory so oh it's hilarious would you like some frozen lunch sit wait hey say wait there you go this says in recent weeks a black bear with bad behavior attempted to gain access to all three Yurts he or she slashed the vinyl coverings in various places that cancel reservations for weeks so that bear is roaming Reckless per checkout instructions were supposed to sweep so I did we technically also are not supposed to leave anything but I am going to leave fire starters for the next people because I feel like what if they don't have any and it's like their only hope to get a fire going so I am going to leave fire starters for them right next to the matches hopefully that helps them if they can get a fire going good for them I'm quickly going to sign the little book and then we're going to head out I think I really hurt my hip somehow yesterday on this hike I did fall into a snowbank at one point um so maybe that's what did it but I feel like I pulled something so I've been like hobbling ever since which is great love being injured roaming Reckless was here roaming Reckless was unsuccessfully here but we came nonetheless if anybody comes to this YT in Eagle River find this and send it to me send me a little picture I put the caps on the wrong colors she's so chaotic all right let's get out of here B we got to hike back to PO and get ourselves to town because because we have an appointment tomorrow to get the diesel heater fixed so I got to go buy more propane got to find some more to camp we got to make dinner and we got to get po to a diesel heater appointment but first we have a 45 minute hike back with your mom having an injured hip right yeah you are the cutest dog on planet Earth BB oh my gosh wish just Lu still the most stunning view ever it's the rapid what is it Rapids y c what Rapids hold on let's go to the sign if anybody wants to come here and book it and successfully make the fire let me tell you what the name is although I think I did mention it earlier come on come on kid wo how do you keep losing your boot hi Mr bootless come on Rapids Camp YT if anybody wants to rent it man okay we'll see you back at po come on come on hop up good job come here all right the plan of attack for tonight is to get to like a Home Depot or something so I can go get more propane for the budy heater and then we need to organize po because he's a mess from this failed y Excursion and a me Bubby you okay and then I need to get everything in its place before the diesel heater appointment tomorrow because they kind of have to be able to move all over like the diesel heater cords go all throughout the back and I just need everything out of their way so it's like an easy appointment for them and then we need to make dinner the Home Depot I'm so tired the last couple of days have taken a lot out of me and blue too blue slept so much today I haven't seen him sleep like that in a long time I think he's just like uh mom um what's up with all this hiking in the middle of the night like excuse me this is my new invention of how I keep the door cracked for the Buddy Heater without it swinging open while I'm asleep so I just tie a bungee cord to the uh sink door and then we have the air flow it won't just swing wide open okay El the B insulation with new insulation oh you guys oh my gosh this looks so good the thing that I love about Peak refuel meals is like it's the closest freeze dried food I've found that's like it's like actual home-cooked food like it looks like you would get it at a restaurant you know yep yep I think blue and I are just like whooped and I still got to get po ready for our diesel heater appointment tomorrow I can't believe the diesel heater already broke that's crazy like that's just that's just my look you cannot make this up uh sometimes stuff is so frustrating though so frustrating okay what this is so good seconds you still have to find a way to get off the ball you have to Dismount the and furthermore these guys do it for the love of the hi baby how you doing oh Big Stretch Hi how are you feeling I got to get up holy condensation appointment do you think it's going to be an easy fix or no place your butt I love that you're so positive honey butn look how cute this dog is you're telling me this dog isn't the cutest dog you've ever seen are you [Music] kidding I'm just testing hey hey chill out almost reminds me of voice he told her to start it what the heck so just but it just died by hitting this mhm it was at 41% and I pushed the power button to reset it to turn it off and then turn it back on and it won't turn back on cool jackary just died I guess all right we're backing up PO to bring him into the shop because in the middle of trying to figure out what was going on with the diesel heater my jocker just died just fried I literally can't make this up this is what Murphy's Law is one thing goes wrong and then everything goes wrong out of a jackery out of a diesel heater y failure what else is going on I don't know okay cuz this is all sticky uhhuh so this looks melted why would it have melted uh if it arked out it melted okay cuz this completely damaged inside of there it looks okay okay so it may just be the connector [Music] okay oh there's the smoke is that good or bad that's good means that it's firing maybe he wasn't doing that earlier he said BBE see it wasn't pouring out forli yeah I was doing that trickle yeah looked like a smoke waterfall it was so flooded with diesel the diesel heater has been fixed if you can hear the loud noise of it running the entire intake was just clogged with snow and ice nice so they emptied it they cut it shorter and then they put it over by my cross member so hopefully we don't have the same problem in the future so that is good the diesel heater was just getting flooded with diesel which is all the kickback that you guys saw so diesel heater hopefully that doesn't happen again so as far as the jackary goes we were able to get it to turn on but all of the cords were destroyed because I guess I had left a coffee on the counter and it had spilled behind the jackary and totally like either corroded the cords or caused them to like melt together somehow I don't know it was my fault so I have parts to order for the Jacky and for the charging setup and then I'll go back to Charlie's and we will get that fixed so all in all better news than what I thought when I got to the shop you know I was afraid some of this wasn't going to be fixable looks like in a couple weeks everything will be back to brand new running just as it should I've been reflecting in the last few days just because I tend to do that when a bunch of stuff stuff goes wrong and I genuinely you guys that walk back from the YT was genuinely the most scared I've ever been truck camping that was the I never get scared that was the most scared I've ever been I'm not joking it was the freakiest feeling like just something was watching you and I felt like I had a bear about to attack me at any moment it was so crazy so all that to say I'm very glad after the last few days that blue and I are healthy and happy and alive and that Poe is running cuz things could be a lot worse I could be stranded with a dead Land Rover I could be being attacked by a bear blue could be cold shivering in a year like I think when things go wrong on the road you kind of always have to like bring yourself to a place where like it could be worse you're doing good it's all going to be okay count your blessings you know what I mean so yeah I'm stealth camping in town right now I have no idea if I'm allowed here but I'm going to try to get some sleep because your girl is exed okay all right bye see you in the next [Music] one
Channel: Roaming Reckless
Views: 887,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roaming reckless, truck camping, living in truck, winter camping, alaska
Id: MVgq-pAsbyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 27sec (1947 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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