MOVED ON BY ANGRY LOCAL! Why this Village hates Camper Vans

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what was that there's no camping on there where is that there's a sign there sign right what's the problem there's no camping in there what what's the problem there's no camping here right well you shouted through the window so that's why because I didn't want to start banging on your van well you should have well we obviously wanted to say something so that's why I came out [Applause] yeah [Music] I think I'm so sophisticated cuz I'm living my life I like a good homo sapian but all around me everybody's multiplying and they walk around like fers man so I'm there to the the animals sitting in the cages in the Zuma cuz compared to the flowers and the birds and the trees am an [Music] man I'm an man I'm an I'm an man I'm a king man I'm a man I'm a compared to the Sun that sits in the sky compared to the clouds when they Rose by compared to the box and the SPID and I am um don't worry this is a non-alcoholic beer I'm not planning on drinking and driving it doesn't really appear to be any form of paying here even though it did say as I entered leave a donation in the honesty box so I think we should go do that going to be super trusting and leave my van door open right now let's go and find out where we need to [Applause] pay so by the looks of it there is a place to pay it's an honesty box and you can either put your donation in the box there or you can actually scan the QR code and pay that way I think uh £5 should should be enough so my plan is just to sit here drink my non-alcoholic beer watch the sun go down I mean there's not a real great deal of things to do here I have got my wet suit and things just in case I want to go in the sea in the morning but if tonight's anything like last night it it was snowing this morning so there's a chance that I mean on the radio they said it's probably going to go down to about minus5 tonight so not looking forward to that but I've got my diesel heater it should be fine um there is a there is a pub here as well so I might have to nip in for a cheeky P later so I've just done a quick Google search on who owns Beach and this is what I found Village trustees bought the beach today the beach is still privately owned Village associate maintains the beach with a group of voluntary trustees a privately owned Beach I mean I didn't even know you could own a beach just makes you think about all this all this stuff about land you know like who claims the land and then it's their right to sell it it just it just seems a bit odd to me I'm going to still attempt to stay here maybe the angry Pitchfork people will come down later on and uh Turf me off this whole area is perfect I just don't see why they don't sort of allow people to stay here for one night and charge them you know5 or whatever because it's such a good spot and they could actually be putting quite a bit of money back into this little little tiny fishing Village right so I've just had a thought maybe while I'm here I should um I should have a look and see if I can find some plastic on the beach so then at least if I do get an angry mob I can say well I have cleared up your Beach for you [Music] [Music] St fields of grass [Music] there we [Music] [Music] go there's always something around the corner something more to be found I'm sure the coast californ W look at [Music] this sh so bright but to tell you the truth plastic now that is a pretty weighty bag and I think it's I think it's important to do these like little sort of mini beach scenes whenever you stay anywhere on a beach and you feel like giving a little bit something back but I really hope the people have see this video and realize do you know what people that stay in their vans on the beach aren't all or that bad I I get why a lot of these beaches don't want people staying here they don't want people moving in I get it but just put a little 24-hour maximum stay 24-hour thing on the entrance as you come in and you could just pay £105 whatever it is to stay and uh I've cleaned your Beach for you so there's this uh this red boy that's just behind me here and it says risk of grounding and winch wire in use no parking Beyond this point so worst case scenario I'm going to stay here until the sun goes down maybe cook my dinner whil parked here and then later on I'll move the van slightly up the car park just so that if the tide does come up and wash out under the van at least I know I'll be at a fairly safe distance away now I know for a fact that as soon as the sun goes down it's going to get very cold and my hands are starting to go Frozen already so luckily I did bring my woolly hat so I don't really want to not sit outside but there will come a time when I need to shut the van turn the diesel heater on get it all nice and warm inside ready for the evening I might end up going in and cooking cuz it is pretty cold out here home sweet home still got a view i' got the diesel heater on so there's no point letting all the heat out is there I'm going to draw the front curtain and leave the uh the side window uncurtained for now just so that I've at least got a bit of a view I hav't mentioned as well I've got a door here now so in the last video I obviously showed you these doors here and then the reason why I hadn't done this side was because I was trying to work out which way to do it because obviously this one opens up well they all open up whereas this one opens that way and it's mainly just because of the just because of the way that the ceiling comes down at an angle so that's actually goes it's almost like a it's got a slight gradient on the top um but I think it works it looks good somebody actually said that the natural wood look good and yeah I do think it does look nice here but I'm still going to paint it [Music] anyway [Music] so for those of you that don't like rare steak I apologize but you know it's not you eating it is it it's me so look at this this is going to be a messy boy I can see it already it almost seems like a like a big shame using a really nice steak in a in a sandwich but I mean for me this is camping you know food you can eat with your hands I mean look at it look does that not look delicious just so everyone knows that is my uh that is my second non-alcoholic beer I didn't nurse that and make it last all those hours this is the second one which I've now finished so dinner was lovely I am going to take a trip just to see if the pubs open pop in for a pint but before I do I'm going to reload Lo at the van just around the corner well I say around the corner I'm just going to move it back probably 3 m there the main my keys it's cold in the front of the van just so everyone knows all my lights are out other than the uh the one that tells me that the it's icy outside okay so this is uh this is it this is where I've moved to the beach is still over there the uh Hub doesn't look very open free House Bed and Breakfast so even if I did want to stay here tonight I won't be able to cuz it's not open January opening times this part of the country are always quite Limited that's not a good sign is it everything start icing up already right I need to get the diesel heater on I mean look at it this way they might actually leave me alone because they might say you know what that poor guy tonight he's having to sleep in his van so let's just leave him to it and then they might just come and speak to me in the morning I guess but I don't know why I'm threatened so much I'm sure it'll be absolutely fine but I've never stayed anywhere before where the beach in the car park is owned by the village and that's why I've got a few concerns I just don't want to be woking up at 2:00 in the morning until to sling me up I might have to leave the diesel heater going all night I'm going to use this pillow to uh insulate my max air fan because I don't have a like an insulated cover for it or anything so I'm going to put this up in there but the problem is is that the fan sucks out all the grease out the van so now my pillow is covered in crap but doesn't matter it'll it can all be washed warmth is everything it's going to be uh one of those all of my clothes on for the entire night kind of night I reckon all right well on that now lights off and I'll uh I've seen the morning good night okay it's the middle of the night and I keep hearing lots of weird noises outside so I'm going to go go check it out take my torch look at the frost on the farm for well there's uh there's no one out there but literally just had this like really untion fear while I was out there that you know maybe I've locked myself out even I've got the keys what if I can't get back in the van I'm probably going to freeze to death but luckily I'm back in there's no one out there I can go to bed good morning I pretty much slept with a diesel heater on all night because uh it was cold but with the heater on it f absolutely fine I switched it off at one point at like midnight and at 3:00 I put it back on cuz the temperature dropped too much but it's 8:00 in the morning now and I got woken up because I heard my fan just cut out and I've had a look and it's because the Tank's out of fuel empty the fuel tank I've got for the diesel heater wasn't full anyway it was literally the same Jerry can that I've had but I figured it would last but obviously having it on all night and it was on quite High um obviously use more fuel than I expected it to so that's fine but I wanted to get up [Applause] anyway my wind screen is iced up and my window is IED up on the inside which is which is nice I just thought of something what if my door's Frozen and I can't get it open that would not be good now it was [Music] fine [Music] it is a cold morning any of my thoughts of possibly going in the sea this morning um yeah I'm not doing that it is bitter cold beautiful sunrise I'm not rushing off this morning it is still pretty warm in the van I'm just going to chill out enjoy my breakfast being coffee I might have some porridge actually cuz i' cuz I've got something in the cupboard but I just don't normally eat breakfast but it might warm me up a little bit from the inside not that I'm cold but I've just been outside and I came like literally I was out there for 5 minutes and my hands froze so I need to get some like fingerless gloves so that I can still film without uh without losing all feeling in my fingers and thumbs and according to my we app on the phone we got down to Minus 5 last night and it says it's about 3° out there now but it didn't feel like 3° when I went out [Applause] [Music] there so um I just had an altercation with with one of the locals and yeah as expected they don't like you camping here he walked past the van and sort of shouted through my window that you're not allowed to Camp here so I got out and thought I'd just have a quick chat with him what was that there's no camping on here where's that sign there sign all right look what's the problem there's no there what's what's the problem there's no camping here right yeah but what's the problem with it it's private own Beach problem is we've had divers here camping here parties on the beach right okay well that Mak sense I mean I just did a beach clean but you know people come down here and do Beach CLE they don't Camp here right all right and they don't do you not think that it would generate some money if you charge for it there is a charge no but like charge for overnight 15 quid night or whatever problem is they've had a lot of rubbish left here by people in motor right yeah had people causing troubles having part no I I I know I know what you're saying sign up right okay I didn't see that I I well you showered through the window so that's why because I didn't want to start banging on your van well you should have we obviously wanted to say something so that's why I came out yeah but over there it just says about an honesty box so I put money in that box there no camping yeah but it's not there's also the little signs around Beach it's camping up there oh that little one often people park right in front of it so they then go oh I didn't see the sign okay well to be fair Stones there now to I mean I I know the beach is privately owned um but I didn't know that there's campsite up there can use right yeah it's just a bit icy is it yeah it is yeah okay I do this all over Cornwall you know but it's and and there are people that that ruin it but I'm trying to like I don't know I just want it to be a bit more like I've got mates that live like up country and they're just like they don't even want to come down here anymore cuz they're like Coral hates campers things now we're just trying to stop it being I went and camped on and then before we know it we've got this big problem which we have had in the past and that's why it started to it became came to a head right all I'm saying is not everyone's the same and if it was if you used it to actually generate some income people might expect it a bit more but some people have suggested that but then they still don't want the youit could become very popular here I'm sure one of the recent meetings say we're talking about camper van and maybe there'll be an overnight charge but um but the thing is as soon as someone starts mistreating it or they should do it where you can only stay for one night and then you haven't got people staying for like weeks on end taking up all the spaces one night 20 quid or whatever if they want to use the toilets and and that's it one night and then they've got to move on I'll move on in a bit I'm just waiting for the sun to come up a bit but it's just you know I'm just sorry I'm just making the point issues I get it you know we no no fine thanks for thanks for chatting for me sorry if I jumped out on you I just you know I like to sort of talk to people it's quite tricky is it CU you don't know who's in the van or and you don't know who I am sort of yeah but yeah okay nice cheers like everything the reason why they don't like camping here is because there's been a lot of people that have misused the area and just trashed the place pretty much so do you know what he wasn't actually a bad guy but I tried to explain to him that we're not all we're not all bad people but it is what it is I think I made my point but I think the moral of the story is just don't stay [Music] here I've still got my bag of look at all that that I got yesterday from this Beach unbelievable but I'm not going to mention where this place is because out of respect for the locals I don't really think that's fair and to be honest do you really want to stay in a place where you're not welcome probably not and if you do know where it is please refrain from leaving it in the comments because you know let's just respect their wishes but because of that I'm just going to go now thank you to everyone that's bought me a beer through the link in this description all of these people right here and uh I'll see you next week I'll try not to uh oh God I'll try not to anyone off next week cheers [Music] make
Channel: Love Sundays
Views: 214,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: St ives, Cornwall, snorkelling, falmouth, Vlog, cornwall uk, Cornwall England, holiday, sunshine, ocean, sea, beach, sand, vacation, harbour, england, britain, scenery, drones, wetsuit, vanlife, Perranporth, Padstow, fowey, st ives beaches, Stealth camping, Stealth van, Campervan, Wild camping, Scary camping
Id: Kzbwe0idHZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 50sec (1430 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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