Stranger Things' Dacre Montgomery Replies to Fans on the Internet | Actually Me | GQ

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hi I'm Decker Montgomery and I'm going undercover on the Internet this is actually seriously it's actually me first up Twitter MacMurray pants says how many times a day do you watch naked Montgomerys audition for stranger things I haven't watched it I've seen various clips when we've been doing press and stuff but I haven't really watched it there's a lot of other ones there that are on private on my VM EO account that I wouldn't want to see the light of day my mother after seeing Decker Montgomery's abs in Power Rangers are those drawn on no they're not I spent a long time training before I came to Canada to shoot the film but I can tell you that they're only like that during shooting and I smash out about another 20 pounds on as soon as we wrap just smashing I don't drink I don't smoke so it's like that's my vice I guess right I saw Decker Montgomery's doppelganger working at New York fries today or was it actually taken and he decided acting wasn't working out are you okay buddy how's it going can I get a veggie it works all the New York fried fries references just went over my head I'm sorry because I'm not from here but I will say that you never know how long you were gonna have what you have and I am prepared to go back to being a barista next year I'm always prepared I did it for many years and I'm just lucky to be having an opportunity right now to to do something I love is the Shrek make you know how many times a day I get this so deca Montgomery as Shrek in a live-action like the human Shrek yeah look I'm down for it I just don't know if I would do justice to Shrek wait who's the voice Mike Meyers who's the voice of Shrek I bet then I as well I'm like I can't compete with my clients it's Mike lies I'm not gonna do that yeah I know I'm not gonna do that take Montgomery as Raider hood slash Jason Todd he would perfectly bring evil acting the character has shown in strange things I don't know I feel like I'm at it I I'm at an interesting point where I'm enjoying seeing the universe has come to an end and how the ones begin but I would really love to play outside of the world that's so prominent I guess in cinemas at the moment which is just origin stories of amazing superheroes that we love I'd love to dive into a different world that we don't know that we aren't kind of given a lot of both in television format and cinema superheroes growing up I don't know I didn't have anything in particular you know I remember as a kid I had all the action figures like he-man and that blue guy from x-men the wolf guy forget his name Nicholas Hoult yeah beast but I didn't really have any specific I was more kind of interested in like interior design and kidding out my room and sister this strange kid about two years ago I went and did an interior design internship in a shooting break in LA which was amazing and it kind of opened my eyes up to this whole other world of sourcing fabric figuring things out and figuring out how spaces would work and I'm really interested in lighting and how that affects our mood I want to get to Kanye on everyone here but I I definitely think it has a big impact on us and yeah Instagram how underscore very says any chance the mind flayer stabbing Billy through the chest four times like didn't kill him ask for a friend I keep saying this it's like obviously the portal I guess to the upside down is closing at the same time so you think all because that's being cut off that's why the monsters dying but in our discussions that was partly it because Billy is the predominant host for that creature in killing him or in stabbing him as how various talking about here it does kill itself which I'm assuming is that what they mean and you don't have to ask for a friend you can just ask me so main Queen Bane says what is this yes that's a good question so I have a podcast that I'm doing which comes out in two days holy let's just say my advertising campaign to promote it been a little bit not off brand but I think confusing for most people I started collating my beep poetry about 10 months ago that I've been writing for the last few years and I built it into six tracks and then I reached out to musicians all around the world to compose scores and I now write my poetry so I'm very nervous it's very personal it's very close to me I'm kind of excited for everyone to just hear what this is and hear what it's about the D km/h podcast comes out July 11th on all platforms Decca Montgomery how would you feel about a second Power Rangers movie if possible that's a really good question my biggest thing is I learned a ton on that movie so I would be happy to jump back into it and secondly that cast is like my family and we've all gone on to have amazing opportunities so I'd love to reunite with everyone but I don't think it's gonna happen I'm sorry YouTube why is his American accent better than mine and I'm American that's very flattering but I spent a lot of time working on my accent one thing that I did learn going through is that the Americans have I guess what's called a rhotic ah so like as opposed to we wouldn't pronounce the R in most things like part part of and Americans would go heavier on the are like part I think as any actor or anything so you sort of still hear flaws subtle floors there's one point in season three that I still cringe at when I'm watching there's a moment in the scene in the sauna when I smashed through the window and I'm yelling at my younger sister max and I think someone at one of the only times that there's just like a expletive in the show and it was so Australia so Australian IMDB is very good we'd be doing parkour on my high school roof we'd get in trouble but I was never a reckless kid it's kind of a oxymoron there it's because it sounds like I'm a reckless very reckless yeah we did a lot of jumping around the school ruse with client I the amount of times I should have broken my legs and it never happened but ya know I was a hugely adventurous kid and even though school was tough for me I always found kind of ways to kind of climb around things I was that kid that would do enough that I'm not gonna like crush my genitals on a pole or like yeah so based some of my performances as Billy in stranger things on my own experiences being bullied in school yes I certainly did I was bullied pretty badly in school I was so a really big kid and but I think more so than anything would have been talking to his is finding empathy for the bully because we all have insecurities it wasn't just me and as I always say I got to go home to a really good family environment and I'm sure most of the people that who were antagonizing me didn't so yeah I'm descended from Charles the second of England who was king of England Scotland and Ireland from 1662 1685 and King of Scotland from 1649 to 61 this descent is through Charles's daughter and Leonard Countess of Sussex actors Kit Harington and Rose Leslie are also descended from Johnson City yep that's all correct my mum's family are the Barrett Leonard's so if you see here Charles's daughter and Leonard I'm assuming that's the connection but I think my name was originally Celtic and then French and there's sort of different derivatives I guess like that yeah more Twitter so much Twitter a goose named Keith says how does one pronounce taker of day to Montgomery so in Australia this is getting back to the Rohtak are that are speaking about before so des car is just a car like five acres to the next farm right let's say the unit of measurement acre so we say echo and in America generally I'm sure I'm wrong in pots but people say acre so dico would be de coeur so that's just the translation and then Montgomery is the most standard name you can have so it's a nice couple iconic spider-man says they come on gamma-ray my Australian man can you please drop that skincare routine thanks in advance look I don't know I really have a skincare routine I would just say that my parents always told me don't get too much Sun and yoga is good hot yoga just sweat it out and you will be glowing like the in-between of my eyebrows is glowing like a bowling ball the fact that the loml deck of Montgomery is from Australia just amazes me I mean which part of Australia is he forgetting is there our city of hot men here where day care Brenton Thwaites and the Hemsworth brothers are from love it well the the Hemsworth brothers are from one of the most beautiful places in Australia which is Byron Bay it's just south of the Gold Coast and I have friends from there we go out hang out there a lot scourged by the world but I am from Perth which is on the west coast it's one of the most isolated capital cities on the planet and it's absolutely beautiful fudge cat says can you think of a name more elegant than Daegu Montgomery or I'm sure there are many many names more elegant than Dec Montgomery and I will not claim to have the most elegant one fudge cats are great now I'm down for it well ah that is it I guess I my sign-off thank you
Channel: GQ
Views: 6,967,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gqactuallyme, dacre montgomery, dacre montgomery stranger things, dacre montgomery 2019, dacre montgomery interview, dacre montgomery gq, dacre montgomery undercover, dacre montgomery billy, dacre montgomery goes undercover, actually me, dacre, billy dacre montgomery, billy stranger things, stranger things billy, stranger things, undercover, goes undercover, undercover celeb, undercover celebrity, celeb goes undercover, dacre montgomery acrually me, montgomery, gq, gq magazine
Id: -vx_-H_158w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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