Stranger Things' Gaten Matarazzo Takes a Lie Detector Test | Vanity Fair

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"I just found out I'm an open book!" Haha He answers with confidence and doesn't waiver...if he's an 8 he's pretty healthy and recognizes his own limits/is humble. Good solid 8 energy though on being so decisive and blunt.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Ayejayelle 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/cb2204 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

I really like him, he seems so relatable. What makes you think that be is an 8?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2019 🗫︎ replies
I breathe from my diaphragm I'm scared it's gonna like a fact you'll be fine is your name gating monterossa yes are you 16 years old do you play the character Dustin in stranger things I do we all calibrate it yep way did it go then let's get started okay first thing we'll talk about stranger things when you first read the script did you think the show be as big as it is no I hoped obviously but I we not all of us have like the greatest amount of hopes for really blowing up just because it was a very small production and this before like a lot of Netflix shows were even coming out so this is like only a couple really I think or just a new black what's the big one at the time and it was like oh what if it's one of those what if it's one of those run oh come on guys let's take it back a notch you ever get stopped by fans when you leave your house someone did come to my house once I was watching a movie with my girlfriend and all that I hear a knock on the door I thought it was like I don't know if it was like my brother coming home from school or something open up the door he's cute little Canton I'm like oh Girl Scout cookies yes and I was so excited and like are you Gaytan like yeah I didn't know they're gonna give me like a letter or something and like can we get a picture and I was like I don't of a sudden I find out the next day that my they went to my grandma's house and she invited them in for like coffee just as this is my grandma so I don't know I don't know like they had mutual friends or something or I don't know how they figured it out but like they look for him I invited them in it was like something you should never do but they were great people [Music] do you get a lot of fan mail yeah a lot of fan letters I can't always read them though because I mean there's a lot of hey just pile in legs it's not always a lot of places to put them there's like a part of my room it's just like a bunch of like letters and like paintings and stuff I look like a sociopath it's in love with myself because they're just a bunch of paintings like of me and like next to my bed on my on my dresser and it freaks me out when I'm looking at it but alone you're so great I just want to keep them because they're so talented people put so much time and effort into them but a lot of times it's hard to read all them or keep all of them have you ever met someone who has a tattoo of you yes I have I've seen pictures of people with my face on there I've actually signed someone's arm before and they came back the next day and I had they a tattooed it to themselves does that freak you out a little bit yeah feeling excited for the new season yeah well once summer really change everything in ways just Netflix train you how to answer when people ask you for spoilers actually yeah they sends in like a guideline before press junkets and they say what you can say what you can't say so that you know exactly how to handle certain situations but a movie we've done it for a while so I feel like we're pretty good at it so can you give me some spoilers no does one of the main characters die this season yes well this character will ever catch a break yes Lu do you know what's gonna happen in the final season no I know that I know that they have certain things planned I don't know what they don't usually to express that do you know any spoilers for other Netflix shows no no I don't does Netflix punish you if you spoil stranger things I don't know cuz I haven't done it yet so that is your hope that give read fan theories about the show on reddit uh yeah sometimes I do sometimes they're cool sometimes they're accurate and sometimes they're just lame do you mind if I read you a couple please do you think it's possible that will has psychic powers that can open the gates to the upside down maybe that'd be really cool he's got something going on have you ever pondered the idea that Hopper might actually be Elevens death no I've never really liked that theory there's a lot of stuff people that think that but he's doesn't make any sense I mean you look back to his daughter looks nothing like Milly and the age doesn't match up with the with the time with how much he's aged from that point and it wouldn't make any sense I think it'd be far-fetched eleven we recognize him if you could would you bring back barb from the upside down I wouldn't simply because I think her death was essential and demonstrating that nobody was safe even the most innocent likable relatable character couldn't be saved from what's going on and I think that really resonated with audience with audiences and I think that's why they wanted to come back because they liked you so much and because she didn't deserve it and it wasn't fair that's why she died Sam do you think the upside down is actually an alternate universe yeah that's interesting though there's a lot of theories that it might be far from the future do you think the upside down could be part of the multiverse what do you mean like maybe it's part of the Marvel multiverse Oh like that I don't know about that I think that if they want to keep it within the straight to things universe as a whole but uh but maybe I'll be interesting to think about I think it's definitely a lot closer to home than we might believe her or maybe even a lot further there's a lot more about it we don't know I'm really excited to see where they take it to see if we can learn more about it do you think it's possible Riverdale is the upside down and that's my Barb's there no that'd be that's interesting to think about did you like your characters makeover at the end of season 2 I wouldn't personally I dress up that way but I think it was very fun actually didn't take that long to it to do but it was very fun getting to dress up like that I enjoyed it a lot she'd never worn that hairstyle in regular life I've well I mean I have technically during the shoots but I wouldn't use it as a stylistic choice now loo that one was largely deceptive what oh goodness who would you say is a better mom Joyce buyers for Steve Harrington probably Joyce she ever stops trying she never stops wanting what's best for kids and she doesn't care if he puts herself in home for that and she was a very good protector but it seems like he's always the one in a way he seems to bring them towards the trouble even though he should probably keep them back I feel like every time I mean of course he doesn't never really wants to bring them there but when he's there like he helps them out in that sense but I think Joyce I think Joyce would die for any of the kids I think Steve my too now but before maybe not do you ship hopper in choice I do yeah I think that's a really cool I think it's an interesting plot line I think that would be really cool if they went further with that I do season 3 comes out July 4th 7 4 7 plus 4 is 11 oh my coincident most likely let's move on to your co-stars you and the other stranger things cast seem to get along very well hey do y'all have a group chat um we Swedish several I guess I think there are some depending on like what's going on because sometimes there are press junkets that happen with there's just three of us so we have a group chat and there's group chats with all of us or we don't really use it a lot especially when we're in Atlantic if we see each other for like 10 hours a day everyday we really need to text is there any one person who texts too much no actually we don't text each other a lot I think we should is there a collab in the works between your band and Finn wolf hearts in my mind there is that'd be really cool I'd like that and even if it wasn't even if we didn't make my music together at least like a show together there would be a lot of fun I think that would be great do you know who would win in a battle of the bands I'm gonna say to them right now who's a more original music and they all play instruments really and yeah it's probably like the only reason I was into them now but who knows I mean we're still making stuff so we got it like establish our sound first I think but someday someday someday someday would you say that this man Joe Curie hmm is more of a heartthrob than this man dicker Montgomery no I wouldn't for some reason it just feel like I don't know why but for some reason like every one of the female friends that I have asked me about taker before I would how did they stack up against this guy Noah sent an a yeah my girlfriend's in love with him she tells me all the time I don't know his name comes up more with that topic so we'll see can you tell the difference between the two tougher brothers I can and I know exactly how I can Matt always had Matt has this gray streak at the front of his hair its natural he doesn't know why he has it and he's always had it that's how I told him parted to begin with but eventually like he just starts to like decipher certain features I don't even take you even realize what they are and like eventually it's just like it's not even a question anymore at first sometimes I'd mix them up especially when it was like night shoots so you're sure you can tell them apart not to show me that when they're on the kids they're usually features when they were like students probably not but now definitely which one is this that's Ross I believe that's Matt no way it's not mad that's not mad it's rod is that Matt oh sorry buddy just the cast ever go out to karaoke together they did karaoke for the seasons here at Party and I couldn't attend I had to get out of there really quick I was upset about that but I've never gone to do karaoke with them before I'd like to you though deep down to karaoke on your own I had like a good man you have a go-to song I think it depends I I mean I'm a musical theater guy so sometimes I'll sing that and usually people don't really care about missing a musical theater cuz there's no way fun to listen to what karaoke but it's fun who would win in a karaoke off you or Millie Bobby Brown I don't know I might say her she was like much more upbeat and energetic about the whole thing so I think she might like be a little bit more comfortable doing it whenever I do it I actually go to try and sing as best I can and it's not much karaoke is for is that I have fun with my idea I have something to prove I don't karaoke what about a rap battle oh she totally went first sure she totally went I can't rap to save my life what about you versus this person Caleb mcLaughlin hmm it's hard to say actually and karaoke results I am yeah I don't know I think I might take him on I think I might I think I might take him on karaoke but we have to actually have an official battle to see it sounds like the gauntlet and throne I think so I think so excited no okay let's talk about your life so you've been auditioning since you were 7 years old that's right did you know it's 7 that you wanted to be an actor not in particularly not particularly I think it was until I was about nine when I first actually got my first role that I realized there was like oh yeah there's what I want to do have you ever bombed an audition oh yeah for sure it's actually funny one of the auditions that I bombed actually got the role for it's funny I messed up on the script like three times I went out of the room crying I was nine and I actually got the roles the first of all I ever got is it true you played Gavroche in my miserable that's true yeah did you know that Nick Jonas also played that role I did I think Nick and Joe both lives apart do you think your death scene was better than his actually I've never seen his death scene oh wait no that's not true I have I think that the way the scene in my production was choreographed was way cooler I'm gonna say beats NICs nothing to a performance but the way it was set up is really cool do you think you make a convincing dying face yeah I think the key is just to relax every one of your muscles and just it's not just about not moving because we need to just when you think not moving you tense up I mean you tense up it's unconvincing so I think the keys just relax almost like you're sleeping with your eyes open can you give us a sample example you just kind of tense open okay my head rolls back naturally so how's he doing well he's dead it's let's move on okay do you've an older sister and a younger brother I do do you feel like you get less attention as the middle child uh not necessarily simply because of the line of work I'm in no I don't get less attention for my from more attention for my parents obviously they treated us both all three of us equally would you say you need to be the center of attention no I don't like being the center of attention but you're an actor I am I think the reason I act is simply just because it's so easy and so it satisfying to get lost in somebody else but I think that those who go into that the acting field to get attention I'm not gonna make it far I think if you're in it for the right reasons then you do it because of your passion you do it because you love it you're gonna do fine Lou he is being truthful so proud of those for this one yeah nice I'm glad that I didn't like get nervous for the reason do you think your parents have a favorite child probably it's definitely not me do you still have to do chores there isn't much Tori need to do chores and like I we get yelled at for not taking out the trash and doing the dishes for you need to I just go by the litter box more than my brother my sister do we have three cats so there needs to be a lot of scooping and so I feel like I'm the one who scoops it most that's a lot of scooping just I am 100% true it is you told Jimmy Fallon that a fire alarm once made you cry it's true I actually have a story about that I found out quite recently that well my girlfriend is the grade is a very younger than me sure she was in second or first grade she pulled the fire alarm I was like oh that's funny I cried in second grade about the fire alarm ringing and I fell out of my chair she's like wait when was this and we figured out that she was someone who pulled the fire alarm that made me cry do you cry a lot depends on the situation I think I'm good at sharing my emotions and I think what helps is sometimes like I'll just cry at night just cuz you need to cry I think everybody needs to cry if you don't like a lot of stuff gets bottled up and there's nothing to be ashamed about it I'm not ashamed of it can you cry on command it's hard but I've done it before and it's weird because usually when I know I have to cry I can't but it's the times when I don't need you or when I don't necessarily think I'm going to when it happens so joke Yuri told glamour that you're one of the brightest young people he's ever met that's very nice of him would you agree with that statement I don't know I think there I know many people that I believe are smarter than me and I know many people that have achieved many greater things to me I think I do pretty well at school and I think I I like I love learning I love knowledge and I like obtaining knowledge but I think smarts is different I think brains and being smart is different than knowledge but I really appreciate him saying that how we doing good this is a very truthful person all right next category let's talk about pop culture so you have almost 9 million followers on Instagram I do if acting doesn't work out are you considering a career as an Instagram model no do you have a Finster Graham I knew if Instagram I do it's usually for my friends I haven't posted on it in like a year I think it's been a while I usually use it just so I can like pose like random stuff that I see a lot this is funny do you have the app that lets you know when someone unfollow us you know okay you know you don't have to follow me you know what's here I guess sometimes people like it first for sometimes I don't post for like a month and a half and the one I do post it'll be for something like something from my band coming up and so there's nothing really interesting going on so I get why somebody would unfollow me have you ever used face tune on any of your photos what's that so you don't know oh like Photoshop yeah I usually don't like you they might have been something like for like I mean Hollanders photos of me like never Photoshop I for like put like promotion for like changing things and stuff like it hazards like for like to make it to calm you look cooler but I wouldn't do that personally people there's a running joke and I post like terribly awful quality pictures of myself and of everything else like I like like look up like a like a image offline I like screenshot it and then post it and now we have a picture like Kaden come on you can definitely do would you consider yourself to be part of Gen Z Gen Z yeah I I'm not an I don't think I'm gonna I think like by definition I'm not able anymore I think like after 2000 or 2001 on 2002 so I think I'm like the first gen Z Gen Z's are said to spend at least three hours a day online Wow are you part of that group depends on the day usually when I'm sick or like sometimes I'm like rainy day weekends I'll spend a lot of time on YouTube or Netflix and I like binge watch something motives like social media and like stuff like that now at most I'm on like five minutes like every couple of days did you dab dab wait to dance move not to be cool if I ever do is since it's a spoof or a parody above the tab is lit part of your everyday vocabulary oh god no it is when I'm joking around but nothing to be serious they don't actually use the term Lich as a way of describing a fun time be honest do you floss every day my teeth no what the dance no I have done it I've done it before kind of like feel pretty good at it I don't like to are you gonna make me fall I don't know if Lou would be happy about that you into video games I am how many video games give her play online multi-player 'he's like fortnight I don't I'm terrible at it I can't call Judy campaigns and stuff I love RPGs like Skyrim I love I love spider-man Red Dead Redemption read that twos so I always keep going back and forth between read that to in spider-man like there - my favorite games is there anyone who if you saw them in real life you would fan out over them I found out of some people I got pretty nervous when I met mark hamill understandable that was that's pretty good that's that's respectable nobody was great such a nice guy he turned 16 years old this year right yes I'm sorry oh I turned 16 last year I'm turning 17 this September did you know you're legally allowed to quit the school at 16 oh yeah have you considered it no I want to finish I've started senioritis and I'm just finishing my junior year so if I'm gonna be sick of it but next year all my classes are all fine so do you see yourself going through a rebellious stage at any time I don't know I feel like if I were gonna have a rebellious stage I would I had it by now I might just I feel like I sometimes I might feel like I'm growing up a little too fast or I might want to grow up a little too fast there are things set up like I just want to stop in a kid for now but I realize I just need to accept what I have now and know that once it's go on I'm not gonna get back so I got a C+ because if I see the positive when I don't have it I'm gonna miss it would you consider getting a face piercing god no what about a tattoo yeah I'm gonna get a tattoo there's a tattoo - my sister has it's an upside-down triangle that represents my brother me and her and so that each corner represents us and then a different design of their preference and the know she has flowers and I want to get one I like the back of my shoulder or something - something small because I I'm still have to do shows and acting and stuff that with our zodiacs on it and my brother was gonna get one as well do you know what you do if you really wanted to make your parents mad trying to think it's probably a bunt I do stuff that I don't intentionally mean to make them mad and they get them mad sometimes like I forget my place a lot and so sometimes like when they tell me to do something like I'll do it or like when they like get mad at me about something I'll start to yell back and that's not okay at all and there's no freak out about it then I'll realize that that's a terrible thing to do oh god no I'll regret it later and then all apologize then it'll be good and then eventually like something will happen again this is this is how it works how's he doing Lou he's being truthful he is absolutely pissed off his parents love you dad final question okay at any point during this interview did you lie and we didn't catch you I don't think so no you're an open book I'm an open book I just found out that I'm an open book I don't I don't lie a lot of air
Channel: Vanity Fair
Views: 10,631,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaten matarazzo, stranger things, celebrity, comedy, science & tech, gaten matarazzo 2019, gaten matarazzo interview, gaten, gaten stranger things, gaten matarazzo takes, gaten matarazzo takes a lie detector test, takes a lie detector test, take a lie detector test, stranger things interview, gaten matarazzo vanity fair, lie detector test, lie detector, vanity fair lie detector, stranger things season three, gaten matarazzo friends, stranger things theories, vanity fair
Id: 8Ugel7XFkms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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