Stranger Things’ Gaten Matarazzo and Joe Keery Give Advice to Strangers on the Internet | Glamour

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joe keery and gaten matarazzo are just as awesome as steve and dustin lmao

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/mustafa_xiv 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2017 🗫︎ replies

"Yeah this is my first date right now"

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/antepenelope 📅︎︎ Dec 05 2017 🗫︎ replies

I love how MerliniDota just slides in there like any old twitter user.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/admirablefox 📅︎︎ Dec 05 2017 🗫︎ replies
SOS on bed rest for the next four days what show should i binge watch this is live life advice this one is from Aaron saxe-coburg how do you get over a bad haircut uh how do you get over that haircut I've had so many bad haircut I went through this barber shop and sat down and this guy he gave me a boat he gave me eight but it was honestly like no business in the front so I wore a lot of hats I guess advices patter just don't even Aaron just don't get a haircut or wear a hat wear a hat Ben what's the best way to eat for Rolo 52% say bite or tear in the small pieces we're in 48% stay role in a big ball I say rolling a big ball Wow no ball so if you don't do it that way you're doing it wrong mm-hmm Katie what's a really cute song you can sing to your girlfriend I just decay what descend where's decay it's gonna be one less lonely girl anything that's early Justin Bieber Oh hate to disagree with you there Katy sinasohn Burt Bacharach uh this is for Elizabeth what do I buy my boyfriend for Christmas when I can afford to buy him a potato I think I can't afford a potato yeah she can't okay well I guess if you can't afford a potato Elizabeth if you can afford the potato get the potato eleazar eleazar so like how do I get over someone because damn I imagine something like so how do I get over someone because like damn man how do you get over someone you just got a Alice are you gotta live your life you're winning you let it go Aron SOS on bed rest for the next four days what show should I binge watch Aaron make a grilled cheese get some tomato soup with glass a meal take yourself in with that trust me okay and watch stranger things I was gonna say Ozark I was gonna say my hunter no I was gonna say whorehouse no I was going to say Hannah Montana no I was going to say Teletubbies no this is a from Bill what is the best way to know what kids these days are into like fashion online media humor subcultures oh that kind of thing man bill I feel like I am right there where you maybe start kind of browsing mean culture I think the culture whatever ones into college student well okay hey please read it how do I lay in bed for the rest of my life but also become a billionaire at the same time what a college student Wow I would say maybe investing I think there's like a game we're like you can play a game like on an app like you can just play a game about being coming a billionaire you won't actually have money but you can feel the college student check out this app that gate knows he's gonna email it to you geek up palm is my dream dog guys and someone just gave it now oh so basically we get to name this dog she named the dog or you come with the first time over the last name last name ready all right old students but Gil you should name your dog Cornelius Watkins Cornelius Watkins loosely someone please teach me how to be likable people tell you we're not the guys for that I talk to people it was like but I don't know what to say basic conversations different know what happened to your name Radovan all about an orange really my uncle owns an orange your portrait like really that's so cool it's first covered so Lucy just talk about your Dave Norris says question time for boys what is the most attractive thing about a girl I would say probably intelligent humor intelligence approach to Nora the most attractive thing about women for men according to us is eight elegance a sense of humor and kindness Angus says how do I tell a girl I like her without coming across as awkward and there's a million ways to do it just let it happen don't force it I like you know really don't do that Angus be yourself be yourself and let it happen on its own Rico says how do I legally change my name to Taco good question so I actually went through a very similar process to this yeah Rico go to your City Hall ask the right questions maybe I wouldn't tell you folks because taco I mean talk is actually fine I don't go Asha says I'm intrigued to know what your opinion is dot dot dot who do you believe should pay a bill on the first date um anything but I was always taught you take the bill but I think the person who asked Ashley I think whoever asks the person on the date should be the one who takes the bill and I have no idea I've never been on a date really yeah this is my first day right now Oh God
Channel: Glamour
Views: 6,768,154
Rating: 4.978971 out of 5
Keywords: stranger things, stranger things 2, stranger things joe, joe keery, joe keery stranger things, gaten, gaten matarazzo, gaten matarazzo stranger things, joe keery gaten matarazzo, gaten matarazzo interview, stranger things season 2, joe keery hair, joe keery interview, stranger things cast, joe keery stranger things 2, steve stranger things, celebs give advice, gaten matarazzo candy, dustin stranger things, steve and dustin stranger things, glamour, glamour magazine
Id: XX5McntVCd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 50sec (350 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2017
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