Stranger Things' Caleb McLaughlin and Sadie Sink Take a Friendship Test | Glamour

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I need to come up with a new handshake I know whether all we did that wait wait [Music] when I first met Caleb I think we were both on Broadway I was in The Lion King she was a nanny and when you're a Broadway kid everyone kind of knows each other so that's how I met Caleb and we'd always go to the what we called the Broadway Park we call it the Broadway park because all the kids on Broadway to go there and hang out and I just remember seeing her and hanging out with her there my first impression of him I mean I can't really remember when I first first met him but like first impression after joining the cast I was like probably wow he's so grown up I thought she was really cool I met her family and her brother and they just seemed like she seemed like a really great person some things that Caleb has taught me certain plants that are edible and everything about nature and animals he's told me a lot about that Caleb always is asking for a handshake the handshake well I was gonna say like you're always like really like you're always asking for like tissues I'm so what does our friendship mean I think it means a lot to me just having someone that's kind of going through the same thing that you're going through it's a great support system we're there for each other and I don't have the same relationship that I had with many people I've known her for a long time now and I feel like our friendship will always last and I appreciate her as a friend if I ever get this okay 1 2 3 let's try again let's Regan 1 2 3 1 2 3 strategies 1 2 3 11 1 2 3 p's 1 2 3 Greek I was I was I just kept saying stuff 1 2 3 Mets feature hmm one two three Marty one two three six one two three Mex one two three mascara one two three series one two three coating 1 2 & 3 0 s 1 2 3 bracelet sir [Music] ladies first surprise yes I've ever seen Caleb you were very boy okay Sadie were elegant Thank You Caleb you give great advice I speak for everyone when I say that we can go to you for some good advice I appreciate it very fashionable that was my next one I was saying you are very fashionable yeah I love that you're a vegan and you care about the environment thank you well I was gonna say that you're very caring as well just for your friends and stuff thank you you value friendship friendship is very important to you okay you're very trusting thank you also just really like chill to appreciate not to like extra you know yeah you're just you're chill - thank you I do you're like very chill you don't everything's like really - yeah same like if things are going crazy you just I just look to you and you're like it's all good yeah it's all good everything's gonna be okay appreciate are you - no I was doing that [Music] maybe there's different announcement fuzzy [Music] I don't know la mina oh my god i never know [Music] yeah I was like I feel very connected to yes I feel like we connected on a different level it doesn't strengthen your friendship for sure I just said like wow like how much your friendship means to each other and so it was very nice to hear each other and let me pitch other companies and stuff this but I love you love you too what the hardest part I would say for me just describing our friendship because it's not just one word or one sentence it's a lot because we see each other almost all the time each other every day I always say like the bond that everyone has in the cast is so different than any of the other friendships in my life yeah I liked writing the company yeah that was cool time to think yeah I was surprised we have something good things I don't know [Music]
Channel: Glamour
Views: 6,714,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stranger things, stranger things cast, glamour friendship, caleb mclaughlin, sadie sink, sadie sink interview, friendship test, friended, friendship test 2019, caleb mclaughlin interview, celeb friendship test, stranger things 3, stranger things 3 cast, stranger things cast interview, stranger things lucas, stranger things max, max and lucas stranger things, max and lucas, stranger things cast 2019, sadie sink 2019, caleb mclaughlin 2019, celebs, glamour, glamour magazine
Id: K3VsY7Qmixc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 41sec (341 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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