The Boys of Stranger Things Are Obsessed with High School Musical

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-Welcome, welcome, welcome to the show. [ Cheers and applause ] -It´s so bouncy. =It´s always good to see you. And we´re not bouncing anymore. We´re not bouncing anymore. What? -These are bouncy chairs. -They´re very bouncy. Yeah, mine don´t bounce as much. We can do the whole thing bouncing. All right. All right, let´s settle down, kids! -Jimmy! -This is your first time, Noah. I´ve met these dudes before. Yeah. -But this is the first time you´re here. -I´m very excited. -Welcome to the show. -Thank you. -I´m happy that you´re here. Guys, I´ve said this before, but I think you´re the best cast in television right now. Unbelievable. [ Cheers and applause ] I love -- Every single person on the show is fantastic. -Thank you. -But you guys here have such great chemistry together and awesome. You guys won the S.A.G. award for Best Ensemble, right? -Yeah. -For a drama? [ Cheers and applause ] [ Band plays ] -What was that like, Noah? Did you have fun there? -That was crazy. I mean, we didn´t even, like, expect -- -Wasn´t that your, like, first award show you went to with us? -No. -Or no? -No. -But it was -- -It wasn´t. Never mind. -No! -No, it wasn´t, yeah. -No but, like, now it´s so cool that he´s like with us now, so like, yeah. -Yeah, but you guys didn´t get to act together much in the first season. -Like three scenes, two scenes. -Yeah. -Literally two scenes. -Yeah. -Yeah. Did you like going to the S.A.G. awards? -I did three scenes with you. Remember the bike race? -Oh, yeah, that was fun. -Oh, yeah. -No, I think it was four scenes. -Yeah, you´re right. [ Laughter ] Jimmy, you´re right. -Thank you, I am right. Thank you, I appreciate that. -Yeah, you´re welcome. Finn, I- love you said that you were kind of shocked when you look in the audience and you see, like, Meryl Streep and Taraji and everybody and you´re kind of freaking out. You´re like, "Wow, this is really happening." So you kind of blacked out? -It´s -- Yeah, oh yeah. Totally blacked out. It was surreal because, like, I was hearing David Harbour´s speech and it was super theatrical and amazing and then I see, like -- I see Emma Stone and Meryl Streep going, "Mhm." [ Laughter ] And I was like, "I made it!" -I made it. Let me just show you a picture. This is a close-up of Gaten and Caleb. -Go for it. -Look at the -- Look at you guys. [ Laughter ] -I got the pray hands going on. -I know. [ Laughter ] -You had to pray. -Whoo! -I´m blessed. -Thank you, -Yeah. Are you guys all real buddies in real life? -No, nah. -No, we hate each other. [ Laughter ] -But you did hang out Halloween night, though? -Yeah, we did. We watched "High School Musical." -Yeah. -It was weird. -Wait, what? -We planned on watching a horror movie. -I got a text from Gaten saying, "Come downstairs and we´re gonna watch a bunch of scary movies." And I show up, and they´re watching "High School Musical." I´ts the scariest movie of all. -Sadie is a very big fan of "High School Musical" and so is my sister when she was younger. Like, she was there for when all the movies came out, so I would watch them with her. And of course, the music would always be playing in my house. So Sadie starts to sing it and it opened a flood gate in my brain, and all of a sudden I start singing the harmonies and the correct words and I´m like, "I can sing this back up." -He´s like, "I don´t know the lyrics," and he´s like, "Oh, my God. I know it." And he would start singing. -I meant -- I don´t know the words. ♫ It´s like catching lightning ♫ -I´m like, "What in the world is happening?" -I love that you all -- -The reason -- No, the reason why I played basketball was because of Zac Efron. [ Laughter ] It was Troy Bolton. -Troy Bolton, absolutely. -Do you want to see it? Do you want to see my Zac Efron impression? -Yeah, let me see it. -Sorry. Can I do this real quick? -Please, please. -Kay. -Zac Efron in "High School Musical." -Okay, it´s a lot of this. Ready? -Yeah. [ Laughter and applause ] [ Band plays ] -So good. -I want to grab him and -- -Not bad. That´s a good impression. -Sorry. -It´s more with this, like this. -It´s more like -- because he´s not actually grabbing his head. It´s like -- -No, you don´t want to mess up his hair. -Yeah. -Please. I got scenes to do. I got dancing to do. [ Laughter ] I heard a thing on set, Finn, that you were like very sneezy. Do you have, like -- -Oh, my gosh. -Yeah. -Yeah, Caleb, you were telling me. -Okay, first season, this is when we discovered this whole thing about him sneezing. It´s the first scene where he´s like, "The shadow walks --" what is it? -"Grows in the wall behind you." -"Grows in the wall behind you." So, this is Finn. -Swallowing in darkness. -He´s like, "[ Sneeze ] The shadow grows on the wall behind you." I´m like -- -Trying not to laugh? -A tear comes down my eye like this. [ Laughter ] -The thing was is I don´t, like -- -It´s so bad. -I don´t want to get out of character to, like, throw off the scene but that throws off the scene even more because I´m like, I don´t mention it. -Yeah, and you tried to stay in character but it didn´t go well. -Yeah. -So he went -- He didn´t go, " [ Sneeze ] A shadow grows --" He went, [ Sneeze ] [ Laughter ] -Yeah, I was wide-eyed. -He did it about, like, 20 times this year. -What can you say, ´cause no spoilers. Everyone hates spoilers, but basically everyone´s seen it. Have you guys seen it? [ Cheers and applause ] I´ve only seen -- -It´s been out since Friday. -I´ve only seen episode -- -Catch up, whoever hasn´t seen it! -I´ve only seen the first one. [ Laughter ] -Catch up. -No. I only -- only episode one. -Only one? -Yeah, only the first episode. -Catch up, Jimmy! -I know, I´m going to catch up, but I want to, like, spread it out. I enjoy it. -He has a job, guys. -Get the program. -Yeah, thank you very much. I appreciate it. Yeah. -I understand. -But what can you say about this one, about season two? There´s more of you. Noah, you´re tight. [ Cheers and applause ] No, you can´t clap for yourself! Hey, guys, settle it! [ Laughter ] Don´t make me turn this desk -- turn this desk around, yeah. -We´re all doing the interview like this. -See what´s behind my desk, which is nothing. Oh, you know, I have a baby Drake. -Aw. -Hey. [ Laughter ] -But, let´s get to season two. What is going -- I don´t even know what you´re talking about. Now, let´s -- [ Laughter ] -Okay, okay, we´re ready. -Okay, back. -Mini-drake is a big fan. At the end of season one, you threw up that slug or whatever that was. -Yeah. -Or like a worm or something. And then it just went, and then the credits came and that creepy music and it was great. This scene we´ll see. -Okay. -You guys are dressed as "Ghostbusters" for Halloween. -Yeah. -It´s kind of set around Halloween. -Okay. -At least the first episode was. -Yeah. -I don´t know. -Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. -Okay. I want to show a clip. Here´s a scene from season two of "Stranger Things." Take a look at this. -Tt´s, like -- it´s like, totally tubular. -Totally tubular. -What a gnarly wave, dude. -Totally, bro. [ Laughter ] -Stop! [ Laughs ] [ Bobby Pickett´s "Monster Mash" plays ] -Watch it, zombie boy! -Trick or treat, freak. -Boo! [ Cheers and applause ] -Drake! -You want to take care of mini-Drake? He´s a little nervous. Take care of mini-Drake. -Oh no, Drake! -No. no! -No! -You guys, season two of "Stranger Things" is available now on Netflix.
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 17,361,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon, The Boys, Stranger Things, Obsessed, High School Musical, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, Fallon Stand-up, Fallon monologue, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, Finn Wolfhard, Gaten Matarazzo, Caleb McLaughlin, Noah Schnapp, upside down, demogorgon
Id: MloJx8bAcOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2017
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