Stranger Things Cast Reviews 80s Fads | Teen Vogue

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Oh Jeffrey I'm Joe Curie hi I'm Doug Montgomery and I'm gonna tell you that we're gonna be deciding which eighties things rad or bad yeah I think that's pretty rad oh it's juicy it's not rad it's juicy [Music] video computer system pong right oh let's see if we have the right coaxial cable we could just plug it in right now but I doubt we have a TV with that sort of power boys yeah I think it's it's a look yeah you look great mysterious yeah see what's under the bucket hats like fisherman's sheep oh yeah where does this go then when is this card oh this is definitely read like Devo so duh oh yeah totally dressy that's pretty rad he's gonna try on the other pair I look like that guy from Star Trek who did a Reading Rainbow you know what I'm talking about oh that's rad [Music] [Music] Wow that's what perm is that the idea arms or perms rat or bad I don't know this is bad bad I don't know that's looking pretty rad over there though I feel like I'm in like a white snake I'm gonna say badness shoes for the cabbage for oh wait oh my gosh that's great a diaper these are the creepiest all do you see how bad that is do you want to go to bed with that next to you I remember the smell of this night does that did you that's like high school theater yeah to keep your hair wet if you want to look like you live in LA you use that stuff now dress that's gone he walks himself that's rad see you later bye bye the bug [Music]
Channel: Teen Vogue
Views: 12,110,051
Rating: 4.9690094 out of 5
Keywords: stranger things, stranger things cast, joe keery, joe keery interview, joe keery stranger things, natalia dyer, 80s fad, dacre montgomery, stranger things interview, stranger things cast reviews, stranger things cast reviews 80s fads, 80s fads, joe keery 80s fads, stranger things 80s fads, stranger things 80s, stranger things toy review, stranger things 80s fads review, stranger things reviews 80s fads, stranger things teen vogue, 1980s fads, 1980s, 80s, fads, teen vogue
Id: Y_SBhp_j93Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 47sec (167 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2017
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