Finn Wolfhard Replies to Fans on the Internet | Actually Me | GQ

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hi I'm Finn wolfhard and I'm about to go undercover on the Internet and this is actually me twitter mary says you said you cut your chin on the desk in Jimmy Fallon did they cover that up and stranger things by you getting hurt on the rock oh that's a great question no they didn't but that would have been a good writing point no what I'm gonna get a addition to the script if they did I know the duffer's love adding stuff that actually happened to us in real life into the show but now they didn't replied krysta see Quinn is Finn Wilfred okay why does he like horror so much it's all coincidence but I'm also a psychopath reddit how jumping from cliff was made in season 1 Finn Wolf's heart was made seen of Mike who was forced by Troy jumping from cliff to water then Jane comes broke Troy's arm what our behind-the-scenes visual effects or similarity or bungee jumping thanks for answers it was a few things it was a real cliff we could only stand maybe 30 feet from the actual edge we never got close to it it started with the location I would walk off camera they would cut they bought a fake cliff with a mat underneath it and they shot from below and I would walk up and look down that's the shot where I'm looking down off the cliff I then jump off onto a mat but then cuts I'm suspended in the air I am on a giant blue screen in Atlanta Georgia being hung by my butt on a giant wire and I'm being dragged up like that it was fun for the first two hours when you're kind of flying around but then you realize that you're chafing in places that you would never normally chafe in in your entire life so I was very happy with the finished result posted more Twitter from Lindsay advance is it just me or does anyone else think that fin wolfhard would make an excellent young Ben it is not just you I would love to do that but it just ended the series just ended but you know I'm a free agent Marvel and gives me I'm around Marvel doesn't handle any well it's owned by Disney anyways whatever hire me what made you want to take on your role in attorney I want to see it but looks so scary oh well you're an awesome dude Thank You Alicia I that's really nice of you first of all and second of all I thought that the turning was different from any thriller or horror script I'd read before I thought that all the characters were very put together and well-developed and I thought that Myles the character that I play was weird and unorthodox and I wanted to take it on and try to play him he's the turning based on the turn of the shrew well it is based on the turn of the screw but not the turn of the shrew Cora without any spoilers who gives the best performance on stranger things well I'd like to say myself but I know I really wouldn't I think David Harbor gives an amazing performance I love when the writers performance I love Joe Carey's performance you know what scratch all of that I love everyone's performance in the show if stranger things and a crossover would Mike wheeler and Richie Tozier get along because they're both in wool for that is a great question Mike would hate Richie Richie is much too abrasive for Mike Mike is a really intense person too so I think Richie would think he's really intense and Mike would think Richie's really dumb but maybe they could you know if they had a mediator maybe they could do it what would be the ideal is an thesis and Jesus that's why I'm an actor okay what would be the ideal antithesis to Finn wohlfahrt I guess what's think who is the opposite of me and like any I guess anyone that's not me that's a good right that's a good answer Yahoo Answers Bethany and what is the show strainer things really about I've read summaries in the description but I just don't understand no spoilers please why wouldn't you just watch the show I don't understand I had to go on Yahoo Answers to ask people what it's about when you can't you know I just watch the show Instagram you may not believe it but it's actually me here is me with the more Finn what happened well sometimes when you have long hair and you straighten it it looks different so I'm not you know I'm not sure this was for fun I wanted to do something different with my hair and a half the people liked it and apparently half didn't I loved it posted Wikipedia wolfhard got his first acting job from Craigslist that is true I got my first acting job from Craigslist um it wasn't sketchy was for this local Canadian band that needed a kid for their music video that went up and I auditioned for it with a bunch of young fun college kids that were making it and directing it and it was great I got the first job I ever auditioned for I ended up booking but part of that I think was just cuz I looked like the lead singer I am DB Finn admitted to having a fear of clowns appropriate for playing Richie Tozier in the new hit movie I don't not have a fear of clowns it's not like my fear I guess I might have said that in an interview or two that's really because I couldn't really come up with it better response I think clowns are scary on a surface level but they're not my fall in fear submit he plays the guitar the piano the drums bass in there Monica that is all true I do play all of those it's not like I play them well but I do play them technically anyone could say that they play anything doesn't mean anyone plays it well but I do play all that stuff next more read it does anyone know which guitar pills Finn uses that's a good question I've do the same thing with messages that I really like to try to emulate there's Sam but that's really nice that someone asked that right now I'm using this thing called a distortion feedback er it's made by boss and Kurt Cobain used to use it lots of people used to use it but that's one of the noble names I also use a Holy Grail reverb pedal I use a boss chorus and tuner pedal mmm that's about it and then Fender amp or something like that seriously it's actually me his three favorite films of the Graduate based confused in melody that is all true those are my three favorite films of all time I have lots more that I love those are some of my favorite films graduate is probably yeah definitely my number one and then it kind of everything else melody is a movie that I've never met anyone in my life who's seen that movie other than me and my parents but it's great okay that's it signing off the internet
Channel: GQ
Views: 4,588,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: actually me, finn wolfhard, finn wolfhard funny, finn wolfhard interview, gqactuallyme, undercover, goes undercover, undercover celebrity, undercover celeb, finn wolfhard 2020, finn wolfhard gq, finn wolfhard actually me, finn wolfhard undercover, finn wolfhard goes undercover, celeb goes under undercover, finn wolfhard twitter, finn wolfhard reddit, finn wolfhard instagram, wolfhard, finn wolfhard the turning, the turning, finn wolfhard stranger things, gq, gq magazine
Id: -74PvYSeQ4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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