Strange Unexplained Internet Videos

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watching videos on the internet is great until you find yourself caught in one of those weird YouTube spirals and end up watching something that can never be unseen I'm not talking about prank footage or CAD fits I'm talking files uploaded onto the web that make no sense and no one really knows where they came from get ready for weirdness as we take a look at some strange unexplained Internet videos blank room soup avi first uploaded in 2008 blank room suit that avi quickly became a creepy sensation the footage shows a man with his eyes censored eating from a bowl of soup with an oversized spoon while a large almost featureless mascot slowly approaches him the man then begins sobbing when a second identical mascot appears but he never stops eating the soup internet snoopers digging around on the topic we're able to link the mascots to a character duo called Ray Ray created by Raymond Percy bizarrely Perseus of all things an artist and voice actor for Walt Disney it turned out he'd performed the characters doing funny skits and sketches live in Los Angeles for several years until one night when his distinctive costumes were allegedly stolen after a show a few weeks after the theft Percy received an email with the blank room soup video attached baffled he put it on YouTube to share with his friends where it is remained as one of the Internet's biggest enigmas it's unknown what happened to the man in the video or whether it was all just an elaborate hoax designed by Percy himself one thing's for sure I wouldn't want to be locked in a room with Ray Ray especially with super round pets cop in 2017 a channel called pets Cop appeared on YouTube and began uploading let's play videos of a mysterious video game the narrator Paul takes the viewer through what appears in graphics and gameplay to be a low-budget 90s PlayStation game it even has an attributed production company called Guerra Lena but despite the on-screen legitimacy there's no evidence of a production company called Guerra Lena having ever existed so the reason no one has heard of this game is because it never existed as Paul progresses in pets Cop the original bright and bubbly atmosphere becomes dark and sinister each layer Paul descends into the game solving puzzles and riddles he becomes increasingly aware that the game somehow specifically links to him and his family there's also in-game referencing to the death of Candice new maker a ten-year-old killed in 2000 who was a victim of the now illegal practice of rebirthing in 2019 a Twitter account with the handle press ties claim they made the series and edited the video description specifically to prove so even though the creator was tracked down he has never alluded as to why he made the extensive and clearly laborious series he Sibley claims it was fun for him and that's all if anything the submission just makes it stranger unfavorable semi-circle unfavorable semi-circle was the name of a youtube channel that went live in 2015 the seizure-inducing content of the videos is what drove it into the limelight the videos generally contain distorted voices and noises along with flashing abstract images some would last only a few seconds where others would go on for almost 11 hours they were titled with the astrological symbol for Sagittarius along with random digits from 2015 to 2017 a favorable semicircle had uploaded tens of thousands of these videos but in 2017 the account was deactivated and reactivated removing the entire video library without reason five years on fans of the mystery the account post are still trying to decrypt the riddles of the videos is it art is it a joke with any luck we'll never be subject to an equally nonsensical explanation Max Headroom on a November evening in 1987 during an episode of Doctor Who television sets around Chicago Illinois were suddenly hijacked by a mysterious figure wearing a man the mask itself was of Max Headroom a fictional AI character from a British cyberpunk TV movie but this intruder was a far cry from the max people knew the signal intrusion lasted for less than two minutes during which max spoke mainly gibberish through a voice altering device and then trapped his pants before being spanked by what looks like a lady with a fly swatter a lot of very weird thoughts seems to have gone into this performance but whether it was live or recorded we may never know to this day the culprits haven't been caught and Doctor Who will never be the same again I feel fantastic cast your minds back to 2009 the year Bitcoin was first established the Year Michael Jackson died and the year you first saw I feel fantastic it's a grainy home video of a female Android singing and moving to an eerie digital tune a middle break in the video wipes over some garden foliage for no reason then the video ends the way it began it was originally posted by creepy blog and remains the only video on their channel but at no point do they take credit for it and it gets even weirder the description of the video contains a contemplation of the Greek myth of Pygmalion a sculptor who decided to create the perfect woman after 9 years of this taunting internet mystery a YouTube user called Kitts did some digging and sourced the full and increasingly bizarre video supposedly it was all made by a guy called John Bergeron who has something to do with this 90 style nightmare of a website the Android named Tara was apparently made in an attempt to get into the Android industry although that doesn't explain the video's description or the reasoning behind the song and shots of trees whatever the real explanation may be I feel pretty far from fantastic SNC H back in 2015 a channel labeled simply s n CH popped up on YouTube and dumped a disturbing playlist of 10-second videos without any descriptions they showed three young adult males hanging out appearing to have a good time but it quickly descends into a paranormal joke-hole each clip shows a step in an odd story where they investigate a room in a house they seem to know which contains a baby monitor they don't recognize the monitor reacts to only one of their trio and they jokingly try to interact with it but the final video in the playlist sees the camera owner manages to accidentally capture footage of an ominous moving figure outside their window a year later another playlist of what seems to be the same three guys was uploaded in the same format having a nice day playing video games and playing with their dogs after a seemingly normal days suddenly a loud noise disturbs all the boys as the outside door is ripped off its hinges and all their power goes out they begin to panic and talk about phoning the police but the video then cuts off all the videos are titled with a sequence of numbers and letters which reddit user George the hamster has attempted to decipher some of the titles of the second playlist apparently read where is your daughter there are theories that this is a hacked or stolen footage or maybe a staged performance but at this point the three amigos are complete unknowns press f to pay respects dying NASA scientists sometimes a cosmic joke can turn into a cosmic nightmare as YouTube channel NASA gym 108 shows you in the video dying NASA scientist shows how to neutralize an alien far from relating to anything in the title the 45 second clip shows a man in a goat mask alongside a woman strapped into a lawn chair goatman flips open a large fan which has some symbols names and numbers scribbled onto it followed by a shot of the woman struggling to escape and ending with a location and Bible references no aliens that I could see or logic for that matter the location at the end refers to luck shot weep just off the coast of India translated as 1,000 tiny islands and in scrip and the Bible passages read as for my loins are filled with aloe some disease and there is no soundness in my flesh as well as and he denied him saying woman I know him not the channel itself hosts multiple weird eclectic videos working along similar themes of aliens NASA and death there are theories floating around on the internet that the weird arty joke channel was created by comedian Duncan Trussell whose voice sounds like those used in many of the other videos has never been seen I mean if you can be not this is his idea of comedy I'd recommend he stick to his day job the Eric Harris girl you've all heard about the weirdos who send fan mail to famous criminals in jail well as it turns out they're just the tip of the iceberg this lady is referred to on the Internet simply as the Eric Harris girl she's posted in numerous videos professing her love of the Columbine High School shooter Eric Harris complete with a collection of custom printed mugs and pillows the most disturbing of the video shows her chanting Eric Harris rocks my world to the camera over and over with no context or description of who she is naturally reddit latched on to the videos and tried to get to the bottom of who she was and one user appears to have been successful Sycamore II managed to find the social media accounts of a lady named Lynn and Gracie D and it seems the videos weren't even the creepiest symptom of this woman's obsession with CD appears to be completely dedicated to harris going as far as to photoshop images of herself into ones with him and supposedly faking a marriage certificate between the two of them the bizarre love appears to be very real despite her never having met or spoken to harris prior to his death love knows no bounds i guess and neither does mental illness sitting in smiling calm finally the world has entered an age we're telling people to smile more is recognized for the weird anti compliment it's designed to be well that no one seems to have told this guy say hello to Benjamin Bennett owner of sitting in smiling calm and 2014 Bennett live-streamed himself sitting in a corner of his house and smiling non-stop for four straight hours no explanation was given and the internet became fascinated by this bizarre behavior a few days later he posted another video doing exactly the same thing every other day Bennett would film himself just sitting for four hours and smiling unnerving ly into the camera 300 videos later we heard that right 300 and he's still going by the power of maths I figure he spent more than 1200 hours doing this that's 50 days he must have cheeks of Steel it might be a form of endurance art but that doesn't explain why I chose this method to express himself he's turned down plenty of interviews and doesn't seem to have ever openly addressed it Jesus imagine if he ever meets a girl and she asks him what he does in his free time skin an Xbox man my sister now this might be one of the strangest and creepiest videos ever to grace the internet titled simply as my sister the video shows a woman walking up and down a hall trying on different outfits and staring unblinkingly into a camera before removing a well-fitted mass to reveal her real face underneath she then proceeds to eat a variety of different food items and then peels the bottom of her face off to reveal that to is a mask now this is a video that had internet sleuth stumped for over 10 years it was a notorious YouTube post on a channel called Raider dog back in 2011 but hidden in the scores of gaming content it seemed unlikely this channel was the videos original host it took over five years for anyone to make any kind of headway into its origins when a certain YouTube channel was discovered and the whole thing got even stranger the poster appears to be a YouTube user called Z JC f hgf an amateur mask maker who has posted multiple videos of themselves wearing and modeling different silicone masks their content dates back over ten years the masks are all exclusively female and most appear to have a Japanese origin z JC h GF never their name or their face for what I'm going to call obvious reasons but their Twitter link shows they're still very much active and continue to anonymously make nightmare fuel to this day that's alright I never wanted to sleep again anyway which of these strange videos is going to keep you awake tonight let me know in the comments below and thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 326,455
Rating: 4.8523622 out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, mysterious videos, caught on camera, caught on tape, unexplained videos, internet videos, caught on video, unexplained internet videos, creepy videos, most mysterious, found footage, strange videos, found on the internet, unbelievable videos
Id: VOomBXM0Wd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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