Internet Mysteries That Will Send You Down the Rabbit Hole

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anyone who visits the internet regularly will know that it isn't always sunshine and rainbows newsflash the Internet is super weird sometimes some things just can't be easily explained and coming up or some of the strangest mysteries that will send you down the rabbit hole fins gold this story has all the makings of a classic treasure hunt except no one has ever completed this quest alive and probably never will it all begins with this guy Forrest Fenn Fenn is an eccentric 87 year old multi-millionaire who made his fortune collecting mostly Native American artifacts as if they're from some mystical ancient civilization and not real life people whose stuff was stolen but I digress in 1988 then 58 year old Fenn was diagnosed with terminal kidney cancer and told he only had three years to live instead of you know donating some of the artifacts to museums Fenn gathered up over 1 million dollars worth of his prized possessions including chunks of gold his biggest chicken eggs stuck them in a bronze treasure chest and planned to bury it somewhere in the wilderness to be found after he was long gone and an unexpected twist of fate Fenn managed to beat the cancer by 1993 and the plan was put on hold until his 80th birthday on that day 17 years later he took the 40 pound 10 by 10 inch chest somewhere into the Rocky Mountains and buried it at a height of some 5,000 feet of course a good scavenger hunt is nothing without clues so his next move was to write a mysterious 24 line poem which allegedly contained all the information needed to track down the treasure the poem was released with his self-published memoir the thrill of the chase and once word had spread through the internet the hunt was on the ensuing search for Finn's gold hasn't only been nigh on impossible it's also proved deadly what started as one old man's ploy to tempt people away from their electronic devices and into the great outdoors became a worldwide race to find Willy Wonka's golden ticket blogs message boards Forbes and even a youtube show dedicated to solving the mystery quickly crapped up line what seemed like a bit of fun for armchair detectives and outdoor adventures gained a dark reputation in January 2016 1 54 year-old randy bill you went missing while searching for the treasure and was discovered dead on the banks of the Cochiti lake in new mexico six months later and total five hopeful explorers have now lost their lives on the perilous quest to recover fence gold despite all this Finn has refused to call off the hunt even ignoring the advice of New Mexico's police chief who highlighted the potential dangers it posed to this date the buried treasure remains well buried although Finn claims that some explorers have come within 200 feet no one has actually ever laid eyes on the bounty in fact there's no evidence that the 80 year old man hiked up the mountain with the chest on his back in the first place and yet with each new death the stakes only grow higher for all we know fence gold is just the world's most elaborate wild-goose chase but that isn't going to stop people from searching for it Jesus and the land of tah let's move away from tragic deaths for now and focus instead on a neat little mystery that somehow tapped into the Internet's collective consciousness Jesus in the land of tah the story begins on June 21st 2017 when comedian Nate furnald posted a picture of this pin on Twitter apparently Renaud collects loads of vintage pins but this one caught his eye although the character wasn't particularly interesting or well-known the strange shaggy creature still seemed eerily familiar at the time plugging cheetah's related keywords into google turned up virtually no search results so perhaps the pin was just some quirky anomaly strangely enough though Fernald was able to source more identical pins on eBay and before he knew it he damasc quite a collection of the peculiar little fellas surely this proved that Jesus was a character worth mass-producing rather than just some random one-off but there was one hitch none of the sellers could tell for not where Jesus came from after expressing his frustrations on Twitter it seemed Fernald had once again reached a dead end then on August 1st someone replied to Fernald tweet with another cheetah's related item a sticker sheet this there were a whole host of characters not just Jesus along with the generic name the land of Tom soon too more sticker sheets had turned up online one showing the women of table where push-up bras seem to be mandatory and another featuring a group of barbarians and monsters surely this was enough evidence to suggest that the land of Tao was some forgotten eighties franchise whether it was a cartoon a video game a board game or a book series Jesus had to have come from somewhere right wrong Google trend analysis even shows that there was no search interest in either Jesus or the land of Taba for furn odds original tweet weird of course people all over the internet soon joined in they remembered Jesus too they weren't just sure where from was this a classic case of the Mandela effect and the internet been collectively duped into remembering a totally made-up franchise and most importantly what was Jesus despite three years of internet sleuthing no one can be 100% sure what the land of taw was or even if it existed outside of this limited merchandise here's what we do know the sticker sheets were made by the adhesive label company Dennison which had since become Avery Dennison and has offered no real insight into the origin of the stickers however Dennison doesn't make pens which means the Jesus pan was produced by another company this would have cost way more than the stickers to make so why bother doing it if the design didn't relate to something with fans who actually wanted it Jesus is also the only character to have been turned into a pen which suggests he had some larger role to play but he isn't even central on the sticker sheet ultimately it seems like there are more questions and answers with this puzzling internet mystery the main one being do you remember Jesus Kate yeah Kate yep is a youtuber who joined the platform in 2018 and gained a following by posting regular mukbang videos where she devours huge amounts of raw seafood on camera except no one really knows who Kate yep is even her profile picture is just a random stock image okay she values her privacy so what according to online super sleuths there might be something more sinister at work here and it's enough to send shivers down your spine even before Katie up found herself at the center of the Internet's hottest conspiracy some might say her content raised a few red flags firstly yup never speaks in her videos in fact the sound of her chewing is the only thing you'll ever hear which isn't everyone's cup of tea secondly we never see her whole face and she seems to wear some sort of AI mask in every video so she has her quirks but these aren't the only things that raise suspicions on 21st of June in 2019 yep uploaded a video where you can see visible bruises on her arm and a cut on her lip which weren't there before in the same video yup starts randomly tapping the rim of the bowl she's eating problem which online detectives quickly interpreted as Morse code and translated to mean I need help there was only one logical explanation Katie up was being held against her will starved and then forced to eat obscene amounts of food for clicks it sounds ridiculous I know but the clues collected by people who were genuinely concerned for this woman's safety started to stack up pretty fast as chips videos gained more attention and hashtags save Katie up spread online thousands of armchair detectives with their own two Penson about her potentially dangerous situation although you have supposedly films alone viewers claim that there was always someone in the room with her in her videos at one point after yup starts eating unusually fast the table moves as if someone had kicked it while in other videos people said they could hear someone instructing her off-camera to just eat hurry up or eat faster locate herself never speaks in the video she does include on-screen captions but these only stoke the fires of conspiracy further take a look at the way she randomly capitalizes letters in this caption is it just coincidence that the initials read SOS surely it was time for Katy up to respond to the allegations and she did just not how people expected in a penned comment yep denied the claims about Morse code and the whole captive theory but eagle-eyed viewers were still not convinced many pointed out that the comment had clearly been copied from somewhere else the entire thing was even written in the third person two months later Katy up uploaded another video which she titled I am alive you know as if things weren't already creepy enough despite including various captions throughout the video she capitalized just four individual letters letters that just so happened to spell out help this is where things get real weird enter missing 16 year old girl Carly goose this California team mysteriously disappeared in the early morning of Saturday 13th October 2018 and has not been seen since what does this have to do with Katy up while Internet detectives drew some uncanny connections between the two by focusing on the UPS physical features mostly her chin nose and smile which seemed eerily similar to those belonging to Carly goose this plays perfectly into the whole being held captive theory but there's one hole in the theory Katy uh posted her first video some six months before goose disappeared on November 10th 2019 yep uploaded her final video to date midway through eating she loses a tooth and carries on as if nothing happens there's not even any blood this led some to speculate that yup suffers from bulimia which would explain why her teeth are rotting due to constant vomiting towards the end of the video she includes a caption which reads I can die in peace after this bite and just like that Katy up vanished from YouTube at least for now what do you think is this a classic case of Internet hysteria or is Katy up really hiding something more sinister webdriver torso finally let's look at another YouTube channel which sparked a mystery that left Internet users scratching their heads webdriver torso despite its ominous name the content of this channel is not nearly as threatening as it sounds in fact every video is pretty much the same some variation of red and blue blocks flashing across a white background accompanied by random beeping noises hardly the most thrilling content the channel first got going in 2013 and quickly amassed over 80 thousand of these cryptic clips the strangest thing was how frequently they were uploaded what some being posted within 20 seconds of each other while most are around 11 seconds long my personal favorite the piece de resistance is twenty five solid minutes of pure unadulterated weirdness as web citizens caught wind of the strange goings-on at webdriver torso the race was on to find out who or what was behind the channel and why they had so much time on their hands initial theories were about as far flung as they get this is the Internet after all as people suggested the videos were an elaborate advertising campaign and coded spy messages or proof that extraterrestrials were trying to communicate the truth unfortunately is more mundane than you could imagine although efforts to track down the channels creator were and successful new york-based software testers saw Vargas happened to spot one of the videos online and recognized them from an automation conference he had attended a year before in the presentation the British firm youview had explained that they needed to quickly and reliably upload digital video which they tested by uploading short randomly generated snippets online but there's a twist webdriver torso did not belong to you view as the infuriating web phenomenon captured the Internet's collective imagination people started noticing strange anomalies on the channel like this random Eiffel Tower video which stuck out like a sore thumb then came the biggest clue that something more was afoot committed viewers noticed that the video titled TMP rkr l85 takes a rather unexpected turn everyone with a dial-up connection would recognize those as the unmistakable dance moves of Rick Astley himself that's right what Traver torso had just rickrolled the entire internet and if that isn't the 21st century equivalent of laying down the gauntlet I don't know what is Italian blogger sujeto van - no deserves a medal for his work in cracking the puzzle through some serious internet sleuthing Venuto discovered that the channel belonged to a network of accounts called YT upload test partner underscore torso a Google+ account associated with this network then led Venter node to a linked Facebook page belonging to a Google employee named Matei Gruber who just so happens to be mention in the comments of the Eiffel Tower clip suddenly the game was up and Google released a statement confirming that webdriver torso was nothing but a channel they used to keep tabs on upload quality no aliens no CIA conspiracy just Google having a laugh with the internet over a totally accidental mystery Touche Google do you know about any more internet mysteries I should check out let me know in the comments below and thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,195,183
Rating: 4.9314942 out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, internet mysteries, mysteries, mysterious, most mysterious, yet to be solve, to be solved
Id: ksyk_nL8-CY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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