25 Unsolved Mysteries That Cannot Be Explained | Compilation

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spiny bat chimpanzee a bizarre creature known as the spiny bat chimpanzee has been reportedly seen in the Democratic Republic of the Congo unlike other creatures the alleged sightings of this mysterious creature are quite recent the creature was first reported by a member of the United States Navy who was stationed in the Democratic Republic of Congo sometime between 1997 and 2002 according to the Navy officer who wanted to remain anonymous his unit encountered 13 strange bipedal chimpanzees the group of chimpanzees was trying to take down other animals they were 4 to 5 feet tall and had a grey color however the most distinctive feature these chimpanzees was the series of spines on their backs whenever these mysterious animals became agitated the spines on their backs stood up like a porcupines quills the Navy officer also stated that his team members had a three minutes video of his trained animals but that the video was never released to the public and it remains a military secret the officers did not tell the exact location of the sighting however it is believed the sighting was made somewhere near the lake of Tanganyika in the Democratic Republic of the Congo spiny bat chimpanzees is one of the strangest creatures ever reported the researchers believe the jungles of Africa potentially hosts hundreds of undiscovered species the spiny bat chimpanzee could be an undiscovered species with very little population and could very well be extinct by now The Devil's poor Australia near a little town up a bender Queensland Australia is a natural pool this is known as the Pippin de Boden's the Nessa roundings of the environment is a haven for campers hikers and photographers but what most of them do not realize is that it's known as The Devil's pool as this place has a reputation associated with people passing away under mysterious circumstances the aboriginals dread the location as one of their legends about the paw is particularly devastating according to the sad story a beautiful young lady married an elder from her tribe not long after she got married she met a younger man and soon fell in love shortly after an affair took place she decided to run away with the young man into the woods but her husband being an influential man sent out men to look for her and bring her back when they found out they were surrounded she threw herself into the devil's pool rather than live a sad life of what the one she truly loved but it does not end there the aboriginals believe that she's still in the pool looking for young men to law to an early grave many young men have met their demise in Nepal with around seventeen people drowning under mysterious circumstances since 1959 which some say gives credence to the legend in one of the cases a young couple stood coached their poor admiring the view when suddenly the pool rose and sweat the couple in the woman survived but the man was never able to get out a more recent case happened in 2010 when a young man met his demise it was said that an invisible hand poured in backwards when he was swimming in a calm area every attempt to save his life proved tough and he eventually passed away from drowning the disappearance of Fredrik violent Inge on the 21st of October in 1978 a man by the name of Frederick volantis disappeared under mysterious circumstances he was flying across the Bass Strait in a Cessna aircraft while on a 230 kilometer training flight ins at this point had already done around 150 hours of flying time which made him an amateur pilot he was confident in this top of flight suit he went ahead with the journey on that day at around 7 p.m. on Island the pilot radioed in to the Melbourne flight control center to report an unknown aircraft he stated there was following him at around 4,500 feet ins the surface responded and told him there was no traffic close to him at the time of the report Volant H was adamant about what he saw saying that a sizable unknown aircraft was closing in at high speeds saying that I had four bright landing lines he added that the aircraft that kept approaching him was metallic and shiny with a green light on it minutes later he reported that he was having problems with the engine but when the service asked him to identify the aircraft once more he replied it wasn't an aircraft a noise like a metallic scraping sound interrupted before the transmission was cut off shortly after a scene air search was conducted around the area he was lost in but nothing turned up the case was closed after the Department of Transport investigated the case but found nothing assuming that disappears to be fatal five years later small parts of a Cessna aircraft similar and Rangers volantis was found washed ashore on finless Island according to his father before the disappearance for lunch fish believed in UFOs and was wired by the force of being attacked by one ufo-ologists believe that his aircraft was either destroyed by extraterrestrials or they abducted him interestingly local is close to where he went missing stated they saw bright green lights are on the same time some however had preferred the idea that volantis stasia's own departure with all the theories surrounding the disappearance of Fred Overland Ainge none have been able to give a solid answer for what happened Nikola Tesla in a car with an unidentified woman born an attempt of July 1850 sayings Nikola Tesla was born into the family of an Orthodox priests as the fourth child out of five children and lived his childhood in a village in the Austrian Empire which is modern-day croatia his mother was gifted in creating mechanical household appliances and retaining link fees Serbian heavy poems to heart a creative and retaining gift Tesla eventually inherited Tesla's father had originally wanted him to enter the priesthood but promised to enroll him into the best engineering school if he recovered from an illness that had tested bedridden for nine months Tesla study did the Polytechnic Institute in Graz Austria where he didn't graduate because he didn't get his great for the last semester of the third year after working for a while two telegraph company in Budapest Hungary where has made the chief electrician he moved to Paris where he gained a lot of experience in electrical engineering before moving to the United States in 1884 to work with world-renowned inventor and businessman Thomas Edison after a fall out of Edison Tesla started his own electric company Tesla designed the alternating current electricity supply system which has been widely used today and Tesla also passenger the Tesla coil in 1891 the year he became a citizen of the United States the Tesla coil which is an inductor established the framework for wireless technologies and is used in old radio transmissions Tesla never married and it was even suggested he wasn't really interested in women as he dedicated the majority of his time to his work however many women hope to get his attention in one famous image tester could be seen seated beside an unknown woman in a car although some believe the unidentified woman is JP Morgan's daughter and Morgan who also loved Tesla there is no documentation supporting his claim Tesla lived in New York for almost 60 years and eventually passed away at the age of 86 in the 7th of January 1943 before he passed away Tesla was bankrupt and lived a secluded life Tesla's work lives on to this day and men have said if people listened to him during his life this world would be a much better vanes the arraign bottie the arraign betty is a strange winged creature that's believed to live in indonesia the creatures been described as a plants like flying animal some people describe the Arang betty as a winged monkey according to the local legends a rank batty tries to take people and carry them back to her out limbs it's believed the creature resides nyan a sport rain forests of Indonesia the stories of a rain Betty have been around since the 15th century one English missionary tossin Hughes was quite skeptical about the orang batty and said that he didn't believe the claims by the local tribes however a few years later he became a believer and claimed that he had an encounter with the erin batty recent investigations have shown there is a strong possibility that the Arang batty could actually be the large flying fox however the creature is not capable of carrying a human some researchers have claimed as it could be an entirely new species that is not previously known however further research and perhaps many expeditions since the jungles are required to conclusively solve the mystery of the erin batty it seems that every year astronomers are discovering incredible things out in the vastness of space it's become apparent that space exploration is going to be one of the top priorities for the next few centuries big companies are now investing big money into venturing out into space and it could be the key into our species survival as the technologies progressed over the years scientists have been able to explore space in much more detail than ever before as a result of extensive research and continued hard work over the years many new space discoveries have been made some of these discoveries of completely surprised scientists however some researchers have said that we shouldn't be surprised by this because space is so vast going back on the 19th of October 2017 astronomers and the scientific world are amazed when they notice an objects traveling through our solar system the object in question had come from another solar system it was quickly given the name of Momoa what stood out about this object though was that it seemingly appeared out of nowhere which in turn caused many to ask questions when researchers were able to lock onto the object they could see it traveling around the Sun and then shooting away again however after this it was not to return astronomers were able to record a turn the object for a short period of time after looking at the data it turned out that a murmur was in our solar system for over a century the reason a murmur wasn't spotted until recently is because it wasn't close enough to reflect enough light for astronomers to pick it up even when it did get close he was still moving very fast and when astronomers had very little time to observe it once the strange object flew around the Sun it was going further away meaning it was getting fainter and fainter the astronomers very lost observations from Hubble were on the 2nd of January 2018 and on the 3rd of May it was then seen outside of Jupiter's orbit according to some murmurs expected to reach the Cooper Belt in around 2024 since first being seen by astronomers it's caused much speculation as to what the object actually is they are currently studying all the dates they have to come to a conclusion about the interstellar object the first theory that was put forward was that it was an asteroid the scientists look to the size of the object which was 2,600 feet or 800 meters long and around 260 feet or 80 meters wide however going back it was reported that astronomers stated the object was not moving as it shouldn't they picked up on the fact that a murmur showed a really strong non gravitational acceleration this tells the researchers this motion indicated that gravity was not learning thing dictating his path ultimately it will be very difficult to find out more about her murmurs it's no longer in the solar system many people have put forward their theories one of which is that this object is extraterrestrial in nature however recently new research carried out by math unit of the University of Maryland Department of astronomy suggest that a murmur is in fact a trouble going on to say the following we have never seen anything like a murmur in our solar system it's really a mystery stable but our preference is to stick with analogs we know unless or until we find something unique the alien spacecraft hypothesis is a fun idea but our analysis suggests there is a whole host of natural phenomena that could explain ends others are still sticking to the idea that an alien spacecraft visited our solar system saying that even researchers said that its motion indicated that gravity was not anything dictating his path as of right now a murmur remains a mystery recently though it's been announced their second interstellar object has been captured by astronomers it's been caught comet C 2019 q4 it's also named after the astronomer that discovered it a man named Jenna D Borissov after other researchers were able to see the objects they noticed it was on a hyperbolic orbit hence this is something that suggests it wants to get away from our solar system and therefore means that had to enter our solar system at one point in time as you can imagine many people have asked why these interstellar objects have been entering our solar system why is this happening now or has this been happening for decades and it's only been in the last few years that we've been able to pick up on them astronomers working a Gemini Observatory in Hawaii were able to capture real images of this object it's been a lot of speculation as to what this object is going back to when a murmur was festus governed researchers suggested as it was a comment however this wasn't a gaze as of today though a murmurous planetary system of origin the amount of time has been floating around in space and where it's heading to are completely unknown as of right now though comet C 2019 q4 doesn't have much mystery about end this is when compared to a murmur researchers know this object is a comment and this is because of the bright comets heyo is giving off as of right now the Comets close to our Sun but we'll soon be heading deep into space researchers have said that right now is a fascinating term for Spain's as our technology improves we're discovering more and more objects it's important astronomers conduct further research on these objects when they're first picked up on detecting a celestial object early on is essential to understand what behavior is like for example back in 2018 we saw more than 91 near-miss hits of different asteroids of all sizes passing by our fragile blue ballons the scary thing is that out of 91 asteroids that passed by us only 30 of these asteroids were seen coming prior to their passing and only two of those were discovered one year ahead of the near miss event this means that for more than eighty none of the asteroids near struck in the earth in 2018 only two of them could have been prevented with our current technology showcasing just how threatening these large celestial bodies can be recently an asteroid by the name of 2019 ok made headlines around the world this wasn't because of its size but rather because his sudden appearance in our sky he we had no idea it was close to our planets until the day passed by us again this just shows how fragile we really are our best scientists and researchers had no idea this object was flying past us until the last minutes and at that point it could have been too laned this object is estimated to be 57 to 130 meters in diameter or 187 to 426 fiend interestingly the closest an asteroid has come to Planet Earth in 2019 it came within 62,000 miles or 100,000 kilometers of Earth and although this doesn't sound close when we're talking about distances in space this is actually pretty close another object was first observed back on the 13th of December in 2012 the asteroid known is 2012 EXO 134 quickly passed past in the 18th of April this year but astronomers have said they will most likely make a return trip in the coming years in this could see according with our planet ravines fortunately for us the size of the asteroid is only roughly 90 meters in length and when calculating the velocity and angle of entry along the journal makeup of the wrong the asteroid should more than safely break up in the atmosphere before getting anywhere close to the ground despite this good news NASA appears to be keeping a close eye on the asteroid as has been cataloged more than 91 times since his first discovery back in 2012 an average enters coming up as that of the Orionid meteor cluster this will be visible through the month of October the peak these showers will last from the 21st of October to the 22nd of October and will feature a parent object known as one P Halley this will pass our planet at a velocity of 41 miles per second although this parent objects will be far from our planet and is no way going to strike up on it for several millennia it will have numerous smaller bodies to make up the peak of the shower during the month of October those two have the necessary equipment to view the object can track its trajectory using online resources to help them map out the ideal locations to view the comments this reported as being more than eight Mars and ammeter making it one of the largest asteroids discussed in this video another object NASA have picked up on is that of the comets waved known as a comet with an orbital period of roughly 133 years the comet Swift will be passing by us with an incredible proximity to our planet with the size that's more than eight Mars and radiators this comet is absolutely massive and if it's on a collision course for F it could cause a massive amount of damage unprecedented bypass strikes during human history luckily for us this comet mates the near miss list and won't be on a collision course affair for possibly hundreds of thousands of years to come until then it will be the source of a wide number of meteor showers as is broken up into pieces as of today though astronomers and researchers are keeping a close eye on these celestial objects and are giving updates when they can national parks is some of the most beautiful places in the planet they offer incredible views and are home to hundreds of species of animals every year people travel to national parks in order to see their beauty efforts will be made by the government to preserve these spots in the hopes of allowing the public at large to enjoy Sun aging beauty for centuries to come however people picked up on the fact that these locations are not as perfect as people make out ones when you scratch under the surface of these locations you will soon start to notice a worrying trend this is in the form of disappearances and mysterious creature encounters this even been said that some of these cases have been covered up in order to stop mass panic although this may sound dramatic is tough to understand why so many people go missing in fact there seems to be an unreasonable amount of disappearances that occur in national parks from around the world and almost disproportionate amounts given any other errors compared to regarding visiting populations of any kind of course skeptics may argue that this would make sense for there to be so many disappearances given the fast the national parks are massive they also points out that untrained individuals can easily get lost in their massive signs this would be a fine answer but it doesn't apply to all those that go missing in fact many people that go missing our experts and people they know these regions very well many people walk into a national park and are never seen or heard from again as mentioned many of these do have experience some of these individuals even lay out plans of travel backup phones in case of emergency telling family members and friends where their trail will be covering and so on when they're eventually reported as missing though nothing can be found it's almost as if they disappeared from the planet and other people have been reported as missing only then to turn off weeks or months later when the individual is eventually interviewed and asked what happened they have no idea in fact some people can't even remember the last few years of their life it's one of the reasons why people are so interested in these cases it begs the question as to what's really happening to these people the number of people who thoughts go missing in national parks is said to be in the thousands sadly although many of these people never returned some have and their stories have left us with even more questions than answers it's fair to say that national parks are not the safest paisans there are many places where someone could get lost whether that be going the wrong way ensuring of a path or getting injured and not being able to walk what some people have also picked up on is the fact the National Park Service has no database or missing people the fact these people go missing in their parks you would think they would have some kind of tracking system but because of this no one really knows how many people are currently missing in national parks there's also the sheer volume of missing person cases that would qualify as especially strange one example is that of Steven Kibaki in February 1978 Steven decided to go exploring in the Great Lakes triangle however while in this region he suddenly vanished what strange is that this location is known for its disappearances not only this but over the years people have reported encountering mysterion's Steven had told some people that he was going skiing this turned out to be true because when investigations were carried out his skis were found close to Lake Michigan investigations concluded he was missing and it would be 50 months before any news was released about where Steven waters this news however came about him one of the weirdest wayne's after being missing for over a year he turned up in his father's doorstep after opening the door Steven said he can remember anything that happened for the last 15 months the only thing he said was that after waking up he realized he was over 700 miles away wearing nothing Stephen said that he didn't know he was gone for that long and didn't understand how he couldn't remember anything he was considered a sane man and holds a PhD in clinical psychology to this day this case remains a mystery if these people who've gone missing were in excellent physical and mental condition while also possessing incredible hiking skills and were essentially regarded as individuals of whom know exactly what they were doing when they were missing and there was still no trace of them to be found then we need to consider the idea that perhaps there is something other than the decisions of these hikers that are a fault so we should first ask ourselves is there something that's being hidden in national arms could it be the national parks are formed to hide something that's been found to preserve wildlife or creatures that otherwise need to remain hidden so the next question is why would such zones be protected by the federal government an interesting statistic from this error comes from the commonly reported sightings of strange creatures in national parks in many of these national parks many people have reported supernatural sightings of spirits a mysterious orbs of lines or throats North and South America national parks are hotspots for unidentified flying objects and creatures that seem to resemble John humanoids further evidence can be found when analyzing a surprising number of cases found at the Green Mountain National Park in fact many locals have suggested the area is a hotspot for supernatural and paranormal countenance saying that many of the disappearances appear to happen in a small area and this area is referred to as the Binnington triangle the area was provided the name by the locals after an unreasonable amount of disappearances began to happen during 1945 to 1950 of course many of these hikers had experience in the region some of these disappearances also seem to occur while the person was still within 50 yards of their group but still happened to vanish without a trace one of the things that people encounter while exploring national parks is mysterious Allen's many of confidence said that while hiking it feels as if low and high pitch sounds are following them some believe that could be creatures lurking in our national parks that are causing this disappearance Innes over the years experts have come forward and said that they've encountered large humanoid creatures while out in his open areas of course these claims are immediately met with criticism however these people stand by what they see one hunter claimed that while camping in a national park he heard some strange grunting noise ins when pointing a flashlight to where their noises were coming from he saw a large bigfoot-like creature and he said it was over eight feet tall one thing he noted though is help built the creature was saying if it wanted to it could have easily overpowered him but he said although the creature was of such a large beyond it didn't seem vicious in any way these creatures usually follow a theme they stand on two legs on a roughly seven to twelve feet tall they have the general appearance of that of a large ape-like creature sightings of this piece of persisted for eons since the time of the Aborigines and their ancient mythological folklore we'll saw the more startling about these claims is that even in the modern day people are encountering these creatures all over the globe there have been reports of them from Tibet America and even Australia there's no shortage of these stories ancient myths credit these creatures as having run-ins with humans and when this happens it doesn't usually am well some have even managed to record some of these mysterious calls and when given to scientists they said that humans are unable to make these kinds of noises going back old tales said in Australia the Yowie were the original inhabitants of the Australian continent but were completely driven out of their native lands by men that came there to settle whatever you believe is no denial as something is going on and that people all over the world are encountering something oddly enough these mysterious creatures are not anything new in fact for hundreds of years large humanoids have been encountered in national parks around the wild with legends detailing that these ancient giants tried to avoid men at all cars if we so often however people do encounter these creatures and what's interesting is that all of the eyewitness accounts seem to follow a similar theme something else this encountered in these regions is mysterious flashing lines these unidentified flying objects are often described as looking like pulsating balls of lions some have been hiking in national parks have said that they give off a range of different colors with the most commonly seen colors being that of red orange blue white and purple what's interesting is some have put for darker theories about what these lights are which some my witnesses saying they felt as if these lights were trying to get them to wander off their trial another objects this commonly seen in this area is that of the triangle UFO these crafts is said to be made up of three lions we've ever seen the object is actually a large dark triangular craft and they're able to hover motionless without making any noise it can normally be seen when a mysterious creature has been reported leading some to believe that perhaps the two are linked in some way today these lights are still being witnessed by thousands of people across the globe and it seems we're no closer to understanding where they're coming from in recent years archaeologists have made some fascinating discoveries these finds have helped researchers understand what life would have been like thousands of years ago sometimes these discoveries of left researchers baffled where some have helped us to answer some of our history's greatest mysteries all around the world there appears to be a number of strange internauts facts those surveys and this has led many researchers to question where the ancient past had in store for humanity one place where many discoveries have been made is that of Central America perhaps one of the greatest civilizations to have ever have existed is that of the mayor the mayor people of a Hamas best known for their sophisticated writing over the years researchers have been able to map out certain eras where the civilization lived and it turns out they were well distributed through northern Mexico in Central America the mayor civilization were known for being one of the most sophisticated and highly developed cultures of pre-columbian Americans they were also known for their astronomical knowledge art agriculture mathematics the mayor Empire was a strong one and had lost in foundations that would see them fit for many years however during the 16th century researchers noticed they seemingly vanished since first discovering this many questions had been performed and up until now it's been archeologists and researchers have been trying to unravel these mysteries researchers last year was searching for a lost whale underneath the ancient new khatam peninsula and accidentally made an incredible discovery turns out they stumbled across 150 ritual objects this scientist said they would have been one of the first ones to view these in thousands of years and these ancient cave systems could tell us why the ancient Maya civilization fell the discovery of the cave system was by pure luck as going back all records of the cave seemed to have vanished one of the researchers said the following about the discovery I couldn't speak and I started to cry I have analyzed human remains but nothing compares to this sensation I had entering alone for the first time in that cave what's incredible as this cave has been untouched for thousands of years and since its discovery only a few of ventured inside however actually reaching this cave isn't easy for the archaeologists it gets inside the cave they must crawl through other cave systems researchers working the site said is extremely uncomfortable and in some places even gets dangerous after crawling on their stomachs the archaeologists were able to reach this incredible signed which was home to many different ancient artifacts is perhaps one of the biggest discoveries in regards to the mayor and researchers are hoping or help us to better understand this mysterious civilization this isn't the only mayor discovery that's recently been made going back researchers are trekking through the Guatemala jungle and stumbled across something they didn't expect to find it's known to be an extremely hot place to explore and the researchers at the time did experience some difficulty in navigating their way through the dense jungles after struggling due to the dense vegetation the team tried to come up with a different way of allowing them to see what was inside the jungle it was then that one of the researchers came up with a great idea to map out the whole terrain of the jungle thanks to the technology that we call light detection lidar as the researchers were doing this they noticed that something massive was lying beneath the jungle the interesting discovery includes over 61,000 meir structures all lain beneath the dense jungle canopy of Guatemala large pyramids houses single houses palaces and even ceremonial centers were discovered this incredible find may reveal many clues about the farming practices politics economy and infrastructures of the ancient Maya civilization the whole region spans more than 2,100 square kilometres the slider technology allowed the researchers to see through this thick jungle canopy and maps areas where we normally can see this means that we're now able to see human-made objects and structures on the ground apparently the researchers believe there were up to 11 million people who lived on the male lands knowing this the researchers can start to piece together the massive agricultural effort that was required to sustain such a large population it will take a while for researchers to study each individual object and they won't stay their time as they say that each object tells a different story as of right now the researchers are just happy they made the discovery these are the only interesting discoveries that have recently been made over the years archaeologists have been able to peel back our history and each discovery that's been made has allowed us to understand our past a little better some of these come in the form of ancient science however although some of these are incredible some still remain a mystery our ancestors would engage in bizarre which shows that even to this day we struggle to explain it's hard to believe that some of the structures that we've discovered were built by our early ancestors but studies have shown us that we don't give them the credit they deserve recently a team of archaeologists made an interesting discovery in southern ancient Chinese tomb this came in the form of some old scones this didn't seem out of the ordinary but they soon realized that these ancient people were intentionally reshaping their skulls this is a theme that's been found all over the world but in this case it's thought they did this to show off their status and wealth during the excavation the scientists and researchers were able to find over 20 skeletons showing deform craniums further research showed the team the remains dated from 4,800 to 12,500 years ago what's interesting about this is researchers thought skull modification only dated back to around 9,000 years ago with cultures such as the Mane's and Aboriginal people being the first to do so the research team from Dallas Texas said the schools that were found belong to atoms of which for them were men and one a woman close by what artifacts which told a team they would have been wealthy when there was alive one of the researchers that they're following [Music] it's too early to tell whether intentional crane or modification fest emerge in East Asia and spread elsewhere originated independently in different places another place where these skulls have been discovered is in southern Mexico recently an underwater group of archaeologists were exploring a flooded sinkhole in southern Mexico this location was shrouded in mystery in the locals didn't want to go near it in fear of something bad happening the archaeologists managed to find a cavern filled of human bones and elongated skulls the cavern is a natural piss that was once used by the ancient mayor for various offerings one legend believed by the locals was that the mysterious cavern is guarded by a horse headed serpent many of the older residents tell stories of people noticing this serpent leaping up spinning around the trees and then diving back into the water another ancient civilization as fascinated researchers is that of the Aztecs one of the most impressive and powerful empires to come out of all of South America was the empire of the Aztecs they saw the ancient civilization become an almost overwhelming presence throughout the entire region the Aztecs form the central harvest city in what is now modern-day Mexico City and has been the topic of a wide variety of archaeological discussions it appears the early tribal civilization had produced a wide variety of technological breakthroughs for their time including a complex and detailed calendar with an accurate map of the constellations as well as specialized crafts and ceramics feather works and early developments of a written language and higher education interestingly even though a tremendous amount of information regarding the old civilization is recorded deep throughout the mythologies and historical records not much is known in the modern day about where the tribe originally came from or what changes they don't agon compared to neighboring tribes it became obvious to the first settlers that the Aztec tribes had a strange culture and religion this focused around an almost apocalyptic scenario and would often engage in strange sacrifices to appease their gods this was in fear of what would soon become of them if they did not perform these sacrifices it became obvious that wherever these original rituals came from it did not completely originally solely from the Aztec empire and references the mythology spoke of a land from which the tribes came from the land was known as the lost land of Aslan which was said to have been the home of seven different tribes that rose from the city known as the place of seven games each of these underground caves held the different people in a safe and secluded location until they emerged into the wild and became separate tribes an empire on their own which seemed to be eerily similar to the function of an underground bunker of some kind due to the mythologies ranging from each tribe regarding the origin of the land and where it could be located no one has been lucky enough to find it and this wild goose chase has led me to believe that perhaps is nothing more than a religious origin story with no basis in historical fact until more can be discovered in additional translations of the mythologies can be found it appears these cities and lands will be locked away in force water find underground for many years people from around the world have been fascinated by the sightings of a large ape-like creature this giant ape is often referred to as Bigfoot or Sasquatch this creature is known for its size and being commonly seen throughout the United States those who've allegedly seen the creature have reported this able to reach sizes of around 10 to 15 feet tall though many manat believe the creature is there is a surprising amount of evidence that could point this creatures existence there are many areas stretching across North America they are often referred to as hot spots for sightings of Bigfoots according to many big four experts these concentrated areas get the highest amount of reports of a sasquatch creature according to thousands of witnesses they have encountered massive hairy ape-like humanoids or throughout North America though the accounts vary widely there's no shortage of strange Bigfoot claims many of the eyewitnesses state that only of they've seen these regions but they have also heard them saying they give out low grunt noises and can be heard hissing treatments this has become known as tree knocking and Bigfoot researchers have said they do this to communicate with one another in fact over the years some people have managed to record these creatures making low vocalizations this one recording was submitted by a woman named Lisa she said the following while camping out in Washington me my husband started to hear some strange noises it was around 1:00 a.m. and we both couldn't figure out where the noises were coming from at first I suggested it was just the local wildlife but he wasn't one over he told me to record it and upon hearing it back it's kind of eerie he goes out into the forest more than me and he said that he's never heard anything like this before after sharing the video around it was suggested we may have captured a Bigfoot and I'm not sure about this but others seem to think no other animal sounds like this [Music] so what'd you guys make of this recording and you think it could be that of a big friend let me know your thoughts in the comments [Music] the grassman is another big fella creature that is said to inhabit the woods of Indiana in West Virginia the grassman is a massively large and hairy man-like creature unlike many of the other Bigfoot sightings all across the island it appears that the grassman is far more hostile than big fans many who claim to have stumbled across the beast while hiking through the forest and have said the grassman is capable of constructing small huts and errors for living the unique behavior that's never been reported surrounding that of the big four species the first reported sightings of the grassman monster goes back to 1970 and this was when several kids run into their home and alerted their grandparents that a hairy man was digging through their trash bins when the grandparents went out to investigate they saw a large hairy man digging through trash looking for food however quickly ran away after being spotted by the add-ons as research continued in the area surrounding that of the grassman people began to report spotting a large ape-like creature living in huts made of tall grass I'll need to come back to the site later to find a completely abandoned with the creature moving on to new areas after being spotted [Music] one theory that's been performed by some is that what people are actually seeing is a surviving group of apes known as Gigantopithecus Gigantopithecus was the largest ape that ever water our planet scientists have studied this giant beast think that away down to half a ton researchers have been frustrated those they haven't been able to find much information about this creature excavations only revealed a few fossilized teeth and jaws paleontologists have long wondered how this John 8 moved around given its massive size it would have needed an extremely muscular body along with a strong frame however after reconstructions researchers before the idea that Gigantopithecus purse a lot of weight on his arms however there are those that think it could have been bipedal another mystery surrounding this creature is when did it live it's thought that the biggest populations would have lived around two million years ago with the loss of their kind going extinct around 200,000 years ago as large as this creature was it was a herbivore researchers have studied the Tifa said that their diets would have consisted of fruits not some bamboo what's incredible is how strong these giants would have been it's been estimated an average gorilla is approximately four to nine times stronger than an average human gorillas have been seen in the wild tearing down victories of hardly any effort researchers have suggested that going by its current estimate assigns Gigantopithecus could have been anywhere from 12 to 30 times stronger than a human with some researchers saying it could have been 50 times stronger than a modern human it's common knowledge this creature has long been extinct but there are those that think it could still be living in remote parts of the wild the Yeti is a giant ape-like creature believed to be found in the Himalayas yetis according to modern-day sightings are said to stand from eight to 11 feet tall have a coat of brown reddish or black hair and said to resemble a huge upright walking aim for the last few hundred years individuals have come forward in reported sightings of large humanoids in Himalayans one local Tibet said the following about their encounter a living in the mountains we see in a told stories about things that many wouldn't believe most of us have lived here our entire lives and it's allowed us to have a much more open approach than people that just visit we have come accustomed to these conditions and what the mountains offer we know the past to take and what lies in the mountains I know every creature here big and small and my recent encounter was unlike anything I'd seen before there has always been talks of great men that live in the mountains these stories have been passed down by our parents and friends our ancestors talks a lot about these creatures and it's common knowledge that we share the mountains with them some of my friends have said they've seen them they said that it didn't get close they keep their distance from us and live in the mountainous regions my friends have said to me they don't hum humans but they're also not fond of arms on one particular occasion I decided to head out for a walk after trekking for hours I reached a slope and could see something in the distance at first I thought it was someone who lived nearby but as I walked closer I was able to get a better look I could tell that whatever this thing was it was tall if that's a guess I would say this creature was around eight feet in height it also had a deep brown reddish fur that surprisingly blended into the snowy background at this point in time I would say that creature was around 60 feet from where I standing although I was aware of the creatures I never thought I'd see one after observing it for several minutes his suddenly turned its head towards me at this point I started to get nervous as this thing was much taller than me however after staring at me for what seemed like several minutes the creature soon went on its way it's an experience that we'll never forget what's interesting is that in all of the Yeti encounters the creature is never reported as coming to the humans another said to be credible encounter is that of Eric Shipton back in 1951 a group of hikers were already making headlines for their attempt to scale not Everest and the endless amount of training they'd taken to see their journey to the end the group came well-prepared with the equipment and mental fortitude necessary for their expedition to be seen as a success most importantly though in order to prove they do climb the mountain they brought along a state-of-the-art camera this was to take high-quality photographs once they reached the mountain peak incredibly the headlines that ran all across the country after the group had finished their ascent was not that of their credible Trek to the top of the world's tallest mountain but rather of that of their incredibly high-quality images they snapped what appears to be an anatomically correct footprints of a strange humanoid eye creature which appeared to be living at an incredibly high altitude in the region the footprints were originally found by Michael Warland and were later pointed out to fellow members of the hiking group eric shipton quickly took high-quality photographs of the prints while placing down his ice pick next Island this was to help show the Nick from whiff of the incredible find many skeptics had argued the authenticity of the footprints but research analysis have found anatomically correct detail so perfect it would have been impossible to find the footprint showed the big toe of the creature appeared to be the perfect size and following one would seen a creature of a massive size this would also allow for adequate balance and the death of certain errors of the footprint showed a detailed distribution of weights that the hikers would have never been able to actually reproduce today the photographs is seen as one of the most compelling pieces of evidence of the Yeti creature and has even helped to shed light into its weight size and evolution skeptics however have said the Yeti in Bigfoot can easily be explained although there is a large amount of photos videos and even audio recordings they say that what people are seeing is hoaxes or even misidentified wildlife for example they say that most of photos that have been taken of Bigfoot actually showing normal animals one skeptic said that a photograph he analyzed turned out to be a better one skeptics said there are too many hopes is out there and most of the time their alleged findings turn out to be nothing more than molded materials or gorilla suits one of the issues is there are many hopes is out there that are doing damage to those that are genuinely interested in these creatures there have been many high profile hoaxes that have unfortunately made it into the mainstream media all this does is give people a negative view on the creature and the people who are interested in searching friends over the past few years I've tried to bring attention to anomalous creatures items and occurrences they've been happening all around the world as information surrounding the strange phenomena have continued to grow impossible to predict parallels have begun to service begging for a much deeper interpretation of reports and how they all connect this has led to a new idea of him working on on this channel and it's going to be known as the a CIO reports these reports will feature in a cio an abbreviation of the term anomalous creatures items and occurrences these will include those that captured the attention of our researchers of whom believe they can try and understand and research the theoretical makeup of such an ominous antecedents not only could this help to establish serious research efforts in fields otherwise completely ignored but it would also help to propel the mystery of such entities into the forefront of natural science growing our understanding of the world around us so many times in the past of incredible characters claimed impossible creature sightings and other fantastic phenomena facing the blunt criticisms of people claiming their information was far from factual only to be proven legitimate later down the line with none of the credit int an example of such a report was made surrounding an elusive creature known as the African unicorn of which would later become a proven species now known as the ax copy that many researchers have denied the existence to have in the Congo another example is the existence of the ether proved by Nikola Tesla with his advancements in radio wave technology only to have the name be recognized as the electromagnetic spectrum despite Nikola Tesla named it the ether first ether properties in ancient magic references an effort made to delegitimize his claims of mysticism so today our first a cio report will center around organism 46 b-before information surrounding organism 46 be can be discussed the environmental context to the investigation must be thoroughly identified reports of organism 46 be area of habitation rest within that of lake vostok located more than 700 feet beneath the glacier surface of the ice it is shallow s region and roughly 2,600 feet at its deepest region is that their step that the ice from the antarctic glaciers are under enough pressure to mountain form deep layings it's within one of these deep lakes known as Lake Vostok that the creature known as organism 46 B resides in a supposedly leaked documents surrounding the first attempts made by Russian researchers back in the 5th of February in 2012 while drilling to the lake surface made reference to the creature known as organism 46 B the report itself was titled organism of 46 B and detailed an incredibly bizarre story in rich Russian researchers claimed to encounter a massive colossal squid and that this creature resided in the lake and could release toxins into the water could squeeze itself down into small sizes taken where James changes physical colors and could cause a mod form of hypnotism this was if a person began to stare the creature for too long here are quotes from the suppose letter written by a man named dr. anton padalka we encountered organism 46 B on our first day it disabled our radio which we later learn to our alarm was intentional it's also able to paralyze prey from a distance of up to 150 feet by releasing its venom into the water tragically my colleague and lifelong friend was cured this way he he tread water wearing a blissful smile as the organism approached him we watched helplessly as he uses homs to tear off his head then pops this remains into his mouth It was as if it hypnotized him telepathically it shaped herself into the form of a human diver we thought it was one of our colleagues swimming towards us in scuba gear by the time the closest scientists had realized what it was it grabbed him and tore intervenes some variations of the legend claim that one of the tentacles of the creature had been chopped off but that the 7:10 score later reanimated and strangled another member of the team the legend ends claiming there are few surviving members of the expedition and that Russian officials captured the creature and tried to cover it up that's checking the story leads to a number of strange dead ends that come about in errors of documented factual events that a voice should have been explored below is the complete online of the factual events of the late for stop drilling expedition back in January of 2011 Russian scientists published a paper titled Vostok subglacial Lake details of Russian plans activities for drilling and sampling one of the scientists Valery lurkin worked to the Russian Antarctic expedition our takin Antarctic Research Institute in Petersburg the document detailed the first and only public plan for a Russian expedition into Lake Vostok below is a portion from the introduction of the paper surrounding the expedition the Russian Federation has developed a national project involving the drilling and sampling of Vostok subglacial Lake East Antarctica the objective is to explore this extreme icy environment using a variety of techniques to identify the forms and level of life they exist there the project is funded by the Russian Federal service Rachid Roma and during the time of the published paper the Russian Federation had yet to receive support from other nations of the world as their borehole efforts were actively going against the antarctic treaty with the United Kingdom and the United States petitioning the Russian Federation against borehole techniques due to environmental impact to the seal lank the opposition was due in part to the drilling techniques used by the Russian scientists of which included the massive use of ferony kerosene this was to add to the lubricants for the drilling equipment of which would immediately drain into the lake at the point of connection despite the Antarctic Treaty violation the Russian Federation contained with their athens within the published paper titled Vostok sub glacial lake details of Russian plans activities for drilling and sampling the scientists detailed a new piece of technology that would allow the borehole to use a transportation module with it could be sent down as the borehole via new mechanisms and enter into the lake the diagram for the technology claims that the module device in the borehole would only be 123 millimeters in diameter and impossible to send a diver into however given the secrecy of the project and the design used such a technology could have been sealed up to send a research team into the borehole if made slightly larger the technology also shows evidence of human size transportation modules given that the module designs had a height on width that would scale to fit a human body in a cylindrical tube of a height three times the tubes width by October 2011 Valeri Liukin the co-author of the published paper was at the Antarctic Research Station the expedition continued for several weeks up until the end of December before issues fest arose amongst the expedition the reasons for why Valeri Liukin first started his expedition in October of 2011 was due to October being the summer months for the Antarctic continent keeping the location at his warmest for the expedition the summer months only lasted from the beginning of October to February however after the six of February the expedition must have been called off due to temperatures plummeting below 40 degrees Celsius on the 28th of December the Russian team clearly had less than 5 metres left to drill before striking into the lake and while confident they were to meet their goal before the end of the Antarctic summer months it was shortly after this transmission however that the team would undergo a six-day radio silence and this was for reasons not entirely understood the encounter with the organism of 46 Beene led to the reported deaths of several top-secret Russian researchers and so many believe this is what the document could have been leaked as a warning to other researchers in the area despite the far-fetched abilities of organism 46b reports if hits a match number of known cases of squid and octopus entities in the real world in fact every single ability mentioned by the letters the organism 46b might possess appear to match many of the abilities found in deep-sea species of cephalopods and environments that would be similar to in lighter and water quality to organism 46b below is a detailed writing surrounding the theoretical ability of telepathic traits within organism 46b and how the ability could be scientifically explained understanding the creatures ability to perform telepathic ability is both difficult and nearly impossible as the mechanisms for telepathy are still not entirely understood in the modern day however assumptions and data information surrounding numerous marine animals can be made as to what might be responsible for telepathic abilities in organism 46b it's important to note there is evidence and scientific endeavors in the realm of neuroscience and the ability to translate the neurons near random electrical pulses phones into readable information that can be displayed or understood in fact back in 1999 there was a research study by dan yang at the University of Berkeley California that successfully recreated our cat observes in the physical wound this was done using pure data retrieved from visual neurons the implications of this finding means that if someone could create a technology so sensitive and accurate in picking up electromagnetic fields or electrical stimuli one could remotely detect these occurrences coming from the human brain and work to gather the data required to translate your thoughts and brain signals into readable information if we take this theory of data retrieval from the brains of animals for sensing electrical impulses and changes in the electromagnetic valent then there is evidence of evolution granting this ability amongst life here on earth given the fact the organism 46b is expected to live his entire life in a completely dark underwater environment it is possible that the species could have evolved a complex form of electroreception for a survival [Music] squids are one of the very few species in the world that can come off large and change the pigments to their skin sir rapidly they can make a variety of Collins additionally the glass squid species is capable of using bioluminescence in a deep-sea environment this is to stun fish and simile him attached them to be consumed given the death and lack of Lights deep within the underground lake vostok is of a high probability that if large marine animals were to exist within the trap link they would also possess evolutionary abilities to generate bioluminescence bioluminescence tired of a squids ability to alter the color of their pigments of their skin could create seizure inducing colors and shapes that could temporarily cause an individual to become hypnotized will undergo a seizure of looking directly at the creature this could explain the hypnotic effects as reported in the leaked documents surrounding the creature given the lack of bones or large deposits of cartilage within an octopus the species is capable of squeezing through small openings and shrinking their body down to impossible sizes in fact a 600-pound octopus is capable of pushing through its entire body through a hole the size of a coin as long as an opening is large enough to allow the creature to fit as big through it will travel through the opening with relative ease it's for this reason that the claim of a shape-shifting abilities of organism 46b are realistic to the species additionally a porthole the size of 123 millimeters would have been more than enough of a size to fit his body through if it was to make an attempt to reach the surface of the glacier if the claims surrounding organism 46b are to be believed the creature has the following abilities that have allowed it to take down individuals with an incredibly short span of time shape-shifting hypnosis camouflage cross or size ability to shrink telepathy and large quantities of toxin given its danger and efforts needed to be contained by the Russian Federation as claimed by the leaked document this could very well mean the organism 46b is one of the most dangerous creatures naturally living on planet earth its ability to be weaponized for future efforts also seems to be a very real possibility given the claims of the league document and other rumors that have surfaced surrounding igreja for these reasons organism 46b has been given a red status refer to by theorists as the alien abduction movement back during the years of the 1960s to the 1980s alien abduction reports began to skyrocket as they seemed to be a narrative of both mainstream reports and popular alien encounters far more personal than the average UFO sightings of the years before this has led many to wrongly assume that the sudden bursts of alien abduction reports were nothing more than its hems by desperate people to capture their 15 minutes of fame when realistically these reports were far more legitimate than the major news sources were making them out to be so today we'll be taking a step back to look at one of the first alien abduction encounters to have ever been reported several years before the alien abduction movement and uncover this secret has to offer working as a farmer back in October of 1957 Antonio Villas Boas would go on to be one of the first reported alien abduction encounters with not only the overwhelming evidence to prove his claims but also as one of the main reports there helped to develop further evidence for that of the alien hybrid theory according to his abduction reports on the night of October the 15th of 1957 Antonio and his brother were working out in their fields when they began to notice a bright red lights in the night sky he originally they believed the light to have been a form of aircraft but then as time went on they assumed that given his stationary position in the sky it was more likely a star they never noticed before they would finish a portion of the field at night with no further incident on the night of October the 16th of 1957 Antonio was working in his field of up the help of his brother well after the Sun ascent this was to avoid the scorching temperatures of the daytime he was well equipped to work throughout the night as he had done many times before sitting on his tractor and plowing the fields for the next few hours oddly enough as Antonio was working he then claimed to see the same bright red star he'd witness on the previous night out in the distance although the bright red star was an anomaly he wasn't too white by it as his brother had seen the red light the previous night means two wedges seemly displayed no strange patterns other than having moved a few times before unfortunately however Antonia was alone this night without the aid of his brother and so this situation will not be the same as the previous day he continued his work unsure of what he was seeing keeping an eye on the strange red star Simoni unmoving across the sky he but appearing brighter and closer than the previous night a few more moments passed before he began to notice that the red star was growing in size worried it could be a number of things he quickly stopped working and looked over adds the bright red lines trying to figure out what it could have been he then began to realize that the bright red star wasn't growing in science but the rather it was definitely some form of aircraft quickly approaching his position it was not long before he could make out the shape of the craft a roughly circular or egg-shaped aero craft with a bright red light at the front and a strange rotating tower protruding from the top as the entire aircraft seemingly hovered without any visible mechanisms or propulsion as the aircraft began to descend near the location of Antonio it began to protrude through extended legs to support the craft as it landed in the nearby fields after seeing the craft ascend Antonio put his tractor into gear and tried to leave the area as fast as he could after only a few seconds however his tractor completely dined as well the lights on the tractor shut off in the engines suddenly stopped believing the strange aircraft have been responsible for the sudden shutoff antonio quickly jumped from the tractor and began running on foot through the viren's away from the landing craft as Antonia was running falling in and out of the soft recently plowed field it was quickly captured by a small pfeiffer tall humanoid creature wearing gray overalls and a helmet though it's not specified whether or not the creatures helmet was that of a completely airtight system or merely a protective gear worn on the head and Antonio does not specify that he was able to see the entirety of the humanoids face that ground him he only states the he notices ice that was small and blue and that's as it spoke it made noises similar to that of a bark or a yelping sound shortly after the first humanoid sees Dantonio three more humanoids of similar description joined in and grabbed him rapidly dragging him inside the aircraft as he fought to try and get away he once tried inside the humanoid creatures then began to take Antonia's clothes off as they began to cover him from head to toe in a gelatinous compound after being completely covered by the gelatinous compound Antonio then described an overwhelming feeling of calmness that prevented him from fighting back leaving many to assume that the strange compound had some sort of effect on his body as he entered this new doe sustained the humanoid figures led him towards a large semicircular room through a tight doorway they had a number of mysterious red symbols written all over end it was at this point when Antonio entered the room that the true nature of the humanoids figure became obvious the figures began to take samples of blood from Antonio's chin leaving a deep mark they would later prove his evidence of the encounter as the scar would last for over two years these figures then let him into a third room where they pumped a large amount of gas into the chamber that made Antonio violently ill as Antonio was gasping for breath believing he would soon be careened he saw the main door in the chamber opened with a naked female humanoid creature standing in front of him the female humanoid creature was described by Antonio is being Pfeiffer tall a Heights that was similar to the other beings he'd encountered the female humanoid also seemed to possess large blue cat-like ions that made her appear to be inhuman additional facial features included a small pointed chin on her head she had long blonde hair and had a visible hair on her underarms shortly after entering the chamber the female humanoid then began to force acts on Antonio making a number of animalistic runs that he claimed scared and disgusted him when they were finished Antonio described a feeling of terrible disgust he then saw that the creature was rubbing her stomach and then pointed upwards following this experience Antonio was then given back his clothes by the other humanoids and was given a tour of the Shin while taking this tour he attempted to steal a small clock light device to show proof of his encounter but was quickly caught by the creatures and was a medius courted of the ship as the ship left he quickly returned home to find that more than four hours of passed one of the strange side-effects he would soon begin experiencing following the alien encounter Antonio began showing signs of extreme radiation sickness unaware of what was happening with growing lesions nausea weakness and terrible headaches he quickly saw help from a journalist researching alien abductions and was examined by dr. Fontes of the National School of Medicine of Brazil Antonio had originally believed that he'd caught a form of extraterrestrial disease but was informed that he was suffering from a sickness caused by a massive dose of radiation at one time written in the doctor's reports their following among Antonio symptoms were pains that the body nausea headaches loss of appetite burning sensations in the eyes lesions at the slightest of light bruising which went on appearing for months looking like small reddish nodules harder than the skin around them and painful when challenged each of a small central orifice yielding a yellow thin waterís discharge the skin surrounding the wounds presented a hyper chromatic violet tinged area such levels of radiation sickness would have been impossible to have been exposed to during this time in the 1950s and would have required Antonio to have gotten hit of direct dose of radiation equal to the amounts that would later be experienced at the Chernobyl incident overwhelmingly proving advanced technologies had been within the vicinity of Antonio however despite this mountain of evidence that more than supports his claims that the strange event Antonio would go on to be ridiculed by those around him and would face a number of mental health issues following the event and Tony would later go on to become a respected lawyer and even up until he passed away would claim that what he experienced was completely factual and not at all homes throughout human history there have been many they've claimed to have encountered the devil what's interesting is there's no shortage of stories in which people who speak about their encounter with the devil one of the most famous stories comes from Loftus Hall in Ireland Loftus Hall was a mansion that's located in the Ireland's County Wexford this impressive looking building is long thought to be haunted and is even considered by some paranormal researchers to be one of Ireland's most haunted buildings this is because of the well known paranormal stories that are attached to the building over the years people who've lived worked and visited the building have conferred with their paranormal stories the most famous story is that of a 1765 mystery that still brings in people to this day for many years the story's been told by the locals and because of what happened some even refused to go near the building the story starts on a stormy night in Ireland the weather was raging outside and those inside the mansion were boards they couldn't do anything during the bad weather though one of the residents noticed an old looking ship coming into the nearby bay as the residents watched they could see a large person walking towards the house back in these times this wasn't rare as some people would seek shelter during harsh conditions once the lodge individual reached the door he not three times and was greeted by those in signed at this point they could see it was a matin he explained that because the weather was treacherous could he come inside until her calm down as mention this wasn't uncommon so he was less in signed strangely enough the masted in the house of over a wing the guests were welcoming though and they didn't mind them as company while here a young resident by the name of aunt started to fall in love with the mysterious man she would spend many hours a week socializing with him however this was soon to come to an end one rainy night Sam was playing a game of cards with a stranger everything was going fine until she dropped one of her guards as she bent down to get it she noticed the man had cloven hooves she started to panic and let out a loud scream as she did the mysterious guest then transformed into their devil he shot up through the roof leaving a large hole behind him Anne was left in a bad way and she was never able to recover from what she'd witnessed Anne's mental state only got worse and her family decided to lock her away in a room she stayed here until she passed away his thought that after this event the house started to take on a new life guess living in the house started to report panel activity with some suggesting that all was out while others thought the mysterious man had brought some kind of curse on the house several clergymen tried to put an end to the hauntings but were never successful some have even seen a spirit of a woman in white wondering they're building some of said this is an and that she's looking for answers for what happened on that night many people who visited the house report seeing a part in the ceiling that doesn't match the rest and they think this is where attempts have been made to patch up the hole some have even said there's a dark presence in the room that something feels off roughness even been featured on shows such as that of Ghost Adventures those who've studied the story have said that mysterious man was trying to lure the woman in and even take her with him while others have suggested the story is just not able to this day though many travel from all around to visit the house that the devil once dined at and every so often someone even manages to capture a picture of an alleged barians this isn't the only encounter with the devil for years people have come forward with their stories of allegedly running into the evil entity one famous story is that of Johann Georg Faust however this story holds a number of details that have left many wondering if such a person ever existed in the first place in fact back in the early 17th century many believe the terror of Johann Georg Faust was nothing more than a fictitious peace only to be later confirmed by additional accounts made by a variety of other individuals according to the story of year hundred founders he has started his education as an incredibly young age first studying to become a physician it would not be long before he would pose to be one of the greatest doctors of his time and would go on to learn a variety of other fields such as becoming a doctor a philosophy of brilliant Alchemist an astronomer and then finally feeling dissatisfied with the pursuit of science one of the greatest magicians the world has ever known the multiple accounts of your hand draw pounced he was turned away by the churches of his time that claimed he had given his staff to the evil of magic after he began posting to anyone passing by the he was such a powerful magician that he could replicate every single miracle that Christ himself were done bought with his power he uses magic ability to summon the devil himself and what to make a deal with him the deal was he would exchange his soul with the devil if the devil would join him and serve him for a for 24 years in return this led the devil to conjure up anything that your hand Raj Faust his Island including food drinks in a variety of other wants and needs after roughly 16 years of servings Johann Georg Faust attempted to break the patent but was persuaded by the devil to enjoy and renew the contract for the remaining eight years this was after he'd conjured up Helen of Troy to marry him on the last day of the deal with the devil claimed that by midnight Johann Georg Faust would die as foretold when midnight came around many heard a loud explosion come from the room of Johann Georg Faust and found his body in pieces or throughout the area another strange story comes in the form of mysterious Berg one of the most well-known stories concerning that of a person making a deal with the devil is the existence of the fabled codex gigas the codex gigas which is also known as The Devil's Bible was supposedly written by the devil himself and this was after a desperate monk summoned him in exchange for his life according to the legend back in 2013 ad a monastery in Bohemia that made up the monks of the black Rolfe a radical Christian group of whom devoted their belief to God but performing gruesome acts of starvation and isolation accepted the terms outlined by one monk who promised to write the greatest book in a single night the reason for the promise was due to the fact the monk of the monastery had broken such a sacred rule of their monastery that the sin itself was covered up those around him decided that the punishment for the monk would be to wore him up alive essentially trapping him into a mausoleum this led the monitor quickly promised the monastery that he could earn Redemption by crafting the largest book there held all of human knowledge including magic medicine information on herbes as well as the entire Bible in only one night the monastery greets this outlandish promise on the basis of making a deal with a monk they would only allow him a chance a Redemption if he could create a book in one night but that if he failed they would continue with their punishment regardless this led to the monk walking throughout the night in a moment of panic gathering or the supplies necessary and binding the massive but before realizing that it would be humanly impossible to complete a task at the stroke of midnight in his desperation he performed a dark ritual and summon the devil himself he quickly promised the devil his soul if the devil himself would use his supernatural powers to create the book and save him from death in an instant the devil accepted the deal and mert the entire book in a single night fulfilling a promise and saving the life of the monk interestingly in the modern day when experts took Todd to look over the burg they found overwhelming evidence that the entire book was written by a single author in an incredibly short amount of time the expected amount of time to work on such a massive book was expected to be more than a single office lifetime however the entire piece had a constant style of writing of which is only possible to accomplish by having a lone author uses the same type of ink made in the same way as is common with books with a single author and has an entire page of a drawing of the devil as a reference to the credit of the author to this day the book is shrouded in mystery one of the largest predators have existed was that of the giant Megalodon it could also be argued that it was one of the greatest predators to have lived on our continent scientists have given many reasons why this giant went extinct some range from climate changes while others suggests their main food source which was whales migrated to colder waters but some scientists and researchers have said the main reason for his decline comes down to his science this shark was massive Megalodon could easily reach lengths of up to 60 feet and had a bite more powerful than that of transferor's rangs strangely enough without sharing a timeline that would have placed this creature on a fur on the same Tom's are praised our ancestors suddenly and rapidly the John Megalodon went extinct though many would remark this size of the Megalodon made it an incredible predator that helped to allow the creature to dominate the oceans during his reign the truth is that the creatures large stature actually proved to be more of a hindrance in nature than an actual benefit in order to support its massive body weight and muscle growth the body of the meddler Don had a tremendous metabolism and this essentially meant the Megalodon had to constantly be on the hunt this calorie requirements would have forced the Megalodon to more than 2,500 pounds of meat a day and it needed to do this just to survive meaning the creature would have easily starved of prey was to decline in the air as it dominated given the fast the diet of this massive shock was made up of mostly whales turtles and zebras the Megalodon would have been forced to be in a constant state of hunting just to meet its daily calorie requirement even going as far as possibly eating its own young and tons of strands and engaging in risky behaviors just to locate a possible food toss this is one of the reasons why researchers and scientists say the Megalodon went extinct scientists say there's no way a predator of this size will be able to survive in the current ie why then are they scattered reports of people encountering abnormally large sharks in our oceans these accounts have been reported for hundreds of years and each report follows a similar theme one of the most famous accounts comes from Australia back in 1918 a researcher by the name of David steed an Australian expert in Natural History wrote about the strange event of when a number of fishermen located to the air of the sighting came to quit their jobs and even refused to go back into the open sea after witnessing a sighting of a massive shark the men went on to say the giant shark had eaten their entire loaded net in one bite this giant shark also destroyed all of their gear nearly sunk their entire boatman's the reports came from lifelong fishing veterans not from amateurs unaware of the ocean life around them more than familiar with where was an already known species of sharks to have prevented them from being frightened despite this experience they still claim the shot they witness was far larger than any shock they'd ever witnessed according to the gathered information from the researcher the shark in question was believed to be over 90 metres long and pure white in color 90 metres would mean you'd be looking at a shark of a 295 feet in length so much say discredits the encounter altogether as no shark has ever been recorded reaching those lengths others have looked up the case and suggested the men did in fact encounter a real shark but that the size of the creature has been increased over the years to make the story more outlandish one suggestion was that the men encountered a shark reaching over 50 feet in length one thing some researchers picked up on was the color of the shark the men said as there was close to the water they could see a disturbance happening just below the surface one of the crew members then saw a few fish dart away from the disturbance shortly after a large white shot could be seen passing by them the men couldn't believe what they were seeing and could easily rule out the creature being a type of whale one theory that's been put forward was that unmeant did indeed witness a shark but juice the crew been scared at the time they weren't able to get an accurate measurement of the creature animals are always bigger in real life and if you have a large shark in front of you it will always seem bigger than what it actually wants this is why some people have put forth a theory of it being a whale shark the largest fish in the ocean is that of the whale shark and some can reach enormous sizes while sharks can be found in tropical oceans around the island they have a Conn temperament and unknown to researchers and divers as gentle giants although these creatures are normally blue and white in color it's been suggested that what the crewmen saw was an albino whale shark this would explain the ghostly color of the shark it can also grow to over 12 meters or 40 feet in length with some fishermen saying they've seen whale sharks reaching well over 20 meters or 65 feet in length being close to an albino whale shark will be scary especially if you've never seen one in the wild before with that being said whale sharks only feed on plankton in this goes against with the crewmen saw they said they watched as the giant shark turned over the Cray pots and ate everything that was nearby he a way of shark has never been observed doing this and researchers have said it never wouldn't although the albino whale shark could be a potential candidate it seems unlikely as it would never eat crayfish again it's been suggested by some researchers that this part of the story has been added as of today researchers are no closer to understanding what creature was in the waters that day most have suggested this story is a Holmes but those who studied the case have suggested otherwise saying that they think the fisherman did encounter a large shark some theories have suggested that a small group of Megalodon sharks did manage to survive in relocates deeper waters although this sounds far-fetched they point to the few sightings people have had with large sharks as of today the case remains a mystery going back in the 1960s there appear to be another widely reported sighting of a methodone creature in the modern day according to the report a captain of a 50-foot long fishing ship claimed that a massive white shark larger than the boat itself passed by other captain and the crew was sitting at anchor when people began to question the captain and claim that had been nothing more than a whale he continued to claim the he was an experienced fisherman and was well aware of what a whale look like he confirmed that it was indeed a larger shark and was not similar to that of a whale of any kind another large shark that people can still allegedly see today is become known as the black demon shark this shark is said to live off the coast of Mexico in every so often the locals tourists divers and fishermen get a glimpse of this giant most of the reports and sightings have been made by a number of fishermen across the Mexican coast and they have claimed to have seen a massive black shark roughly 60 feet in length from resembling the build of a great white shark but with that of a dark coloration across his body in a massively sized tail given the fact that many of these reports fit the modern-day recreations using method on skeletons as well as their average tail size has led many to believe that it could be a possible hunting ground for the creature additionally many of the fishermen that reported the sighting of often being veterans in their field never having once claimed such sightings in their past and having more than enough experience with different species of whales throughout the region one fisherman described fishing in the air and hooking onto a large fish however when he brought the fish in it had been chewed in half this was an unusual because great whites can be found in the area however when he looked at the bite marks they were around three times larger than that of a great white to this day no one's been able to identify what the black demon shark is in conclusion mainstream scientists completely debunk any claim involving a method on shark saynot our climate cannot support a shark the size of a Megalodon they go on to say this simply not enough food and if they were real there would be more than just a few scatter sightings as mentioned though some theorists have suggested these giants now live in deeper waters and only come out when they need to something to bear in mind though is ninety-five percent of the ocean is still unexplored so until someone is completely explored every part of the ocean we can't say they don't exist so far scientists have discovered over two hundred and forty-two thousand marine species however it's been estimated that every year over 2,000 new oceanic species are discovered while people still report encountering giant sharks stories of the Megalodon being alive will persist well into the future over the years people reported seeing angelic beings incredibly some eyewitnesses have said this only happens when they're feeling down or if something bad has happened in their life these are usually individual occurrences however the Thames in London has been a hotspot for seeing one of these mysterious entities the anomaly's been called the thames angel by those who live in and around London miss described as being a large angelic being that sometimes seen hovering over the Thames those who have seen the angel said in melee after Lane Ozma they feel a sense of comfort with one person saying they were having a bad day and after seeing the angel they had a warm feeling come over them and that for the rest of the week there was in really high spirits only a few have captured this entity on camera is Isetta only appear for a short amount of time interestingly this entity supposedly been witnessed around London for quite a few years now historians have studied the area have suggested the angel first appeared during the Great Fire of London after this event people started talking about a strange entity they couldn't explain the locals would describe seeing bright lights hovering over the Thames and giving off an Aurora that made people feel better however after the Great Fire of London the sighting stopped and everybody visiting or living in the area soon forgot about the angel of the Thames the angel returned however when the war started and once again people started to report seeing a bright angel close to the Thames one of the most common places to see the angel is the London Eye for the past 100 years there have been reports by many people of seeing the angel theories for what or who the entity is depends on who you ask there are some who say it's the souls of those that passed away during the great fire while others have suggested it could be a helper sent by God to help the people of London feel better about themselves one consistency by the angel encounters is that anyone who sees it does always say they feel instantly better one man said the following about his encounter of the angel while visiting London with my wife and a few friends I had a strange encounter this was back in 2018 me my wife and a couple of our friends decided to do a trip to London while here we travelled around the city and saw some of the various islands one of the places my partner really wanted to do was the London Eye after arriving at the London Eye my partner of friends decided to get something to eat him one of the local shops I wasn't hungry so I stayed outside on water the ward that was looking over the Thames however while I was there I saw something bizarre as always looking out over the Thames I saw a bright figure hovering above the water I must have seen it for around four seconds but I looked away to grab my camera when I looked back the entity was gone one of the strangest things is I wasn't mad because I didn't get a picture in fact I felt quite the opposite I had a warm feeling inside as if someone had just told me some really good news when my partner and friends came out I told them what I'd seen and they just laughed it off suggesting that what I'd seen was probably a mist or a reflection of some kind however I was sure that what I'd seen was some type of going humanoid I'll run around 10 feet above the Thames interestingly when I got home I decided to Google what I'd seen just to see if anyone else had a similar encounter to my surprise other people had also seen the growing figure to this day I have no idea what it was I saw one interesting theory that's been put forward is that the angel only appears when something bad has happened this could either be to London itself the surrounding area or on an individual basis this is because whenever the entity is seen is when someone's received some bad news or something bad has happened around London however there are those who are not entirely convinced some have suggested because the angel was most commonly seen near the London Eye it's actually not real at all and is instead a marketing scheme to help the local businesses around London the area where the angel seen the most is one of the most popular places in London within a couple of hundred meters where the angel is most commonly seen is the London Eye The Sea Life Centre London Aquarium and the London dungeons these are very popular attractions and Somerset is strange where the angel was most commonly seen here saying that it was an idea put forward by some to help the business inns others are using the popularity of the angel to their advantage selling t-shirts and even doing guided walks the thames angel does have somewhat of a following with many people travelling to this part of london in the hopes of getting a glimpse of the entity however others have suggested the only reason it seen so much here's because there's always people near these attractions and people are always looking of the thames as well today people were still seeing the mysterious thames angel what's interesting is all across the world is stories of people encountering this mysterious angels those who are religious believe these entities of guardian angels and they look out frost on a daily basis some who've been in bad situations that car crashes usually see their guardian angels trying to save them they believe this in situations like these the lining between our world and Ness become thin and it's one of the reasons why we're able to see them so clearly one woman shared her encounter with what she believed was something not of this earth she said the following this experience happened to me in 1992 at the time of the event I hadn't been driving that long while I was driving to my friend's house I hit a curb at around 40 miles an hour this instantly gave me left on a road a car a few times now before I carry on before this experience I was not someone who was religious or believed in anything outside of life on earth I was very much someone who thought it was only ask floating in space however this experience did changed my outlook on life after flipping the car I remember opening my eyes and feeling very scared after what seemed like forever I saw a very bright object coming towards me it instantly reminded me of when people say they see a light at the end of the tunnel but as dislike got closer I could see it was humanoid in appearance I couldn't make out any features or CFA's but when it approached me I felt instantly relaxed the only way I can describe it as it felt like all my problems had disappeared in that moment in time as this being approached the car I could feel it left slightly after this I lost consciousness and don't remember anything else that happened the next time I opened my eyes I was in the hospital surrounded by my family they told me that when I hit the curb I was shot out the carton was laying close by he however I distinctly remember being inside the car and seeing this bright humanoid the doctors told me I was lucky to be in the state our waters as I only suffered from a few scratches and bruises I can't understand though how I got outside my car I'm someone who always wears my Sieber before heading off I asked about in the hospital staff said it looked like it'd been on Clinton they said however that I luckily did it when I was panicking a few weeks after returning back to normal life I still can't get my head around what had happened then another bizarre thing started to happen I started to have dreams about that day but during the dream I was standing on the pavement I could see everything that played out from where I was I saw this being lift me from the car and placed me on the ground their beam was as I remembered it bright and human-like however even in my dream I still couldn't make out the veins and know this was just a dream but I thought it was weird I had it while I was looking for answers after looking and reading similar stories some are suggested that a guardian angel was looking over me I'm still confused about what happened but it's made me look at life in a different way I think there is more out there than we realize and our lifes are really only the start as of today many people with the world-over believe there are beings that look out for us and tons of need but there are some that think our brains play tricks on us when it's received damage many people reported the same thing after being in accidents and it's led some to think is our brains way of telling you is damaged with that being said there are many that believe these entities are very much real for the last few decades dinosaurs have made it into the mainstream media they've been featured in films television and burms throughout the history of our planet untold billions of species have come and gone throughout the Asians facing extinction level events that required new life to take on different forms to this day though people are able to get their hands on ancient relics of the past and these include things like dinosaur teeth and bones although these ancient Giants have been extinct for many years they still fascinates us to this day and although we've learned a lot about them so far there's still an air of mystery surrounding them going back a few years ago it was announced that creature resembling a dinosaur was discovered in Jasper which is a small city in India as you can imagine the photographs who made their way are our social media and everyone was trying to figure out what this thing was it caused excitement amongst some groups as it was suggested a small group of dinosaurs that somehow survived without being detected by humans the story goes then electrician was sweeping the floor inside a substation that been abandoned for many years while he was looking around the building he discovered a strange-looking object after pulling it into the light he could see what appeared to be the remains of a dinosaur-like creature the thing that was off about this though is that the creature in question didn't look Outland and it certainly wasn't fossilized the creature reminded many of a theropod dinosaur theropod sir described is Donna Soares that had hollow bones and three toed limbs these are perhaps the most recognizable of the dinosaurs one thing is known though is that a dinosaur any other creature cannot be in such good state after such a long time others went down the route of speculating that some scientists had tried to create a dinosaur of their own but something went wrong and the creature ended up being abandoned with that being said not much information came from the story and was eventually forgotten about this story made the rounds in 2017 and it wasn't until early 2019 that we got a potential answer for what this creature may have been one paleontologist said the following after reviewing the photographs the interesting thing about this discovery is that I don't think as a holmes it looks like a real creature and if I'm being honest I think someone is just having fun in all fairness it does have a slight resemblance to what a theropod dinosaur would look like but of course we know this isn't the case here what we're most probably looking at is some type of mammal others have suggested this creature belonged to the weasel family and I can agree with and others haven't seen the funny side and have said that things like this shouldn't make the news whereas other paleontologists have said this Fineman stories like this make the news but it's important we set the record straight from what it is and that what we are seeing here is some type of mammal that hasn't long passed away one creature has been put forth for possible candidates is that of the Marten it's interesting to note as well that many animals that pass away don't look like what they did in life and this seems to be the case with this creature as of today researchers and scientists agree that what we're looking at is some type of modern mammal most likely a Marten this isn't the only controversial discovery that's been made in the field of paleontology a few years back a 68 million year old bone from a t-rex was found a hat soft tissue in signed and right from the get-go this discovery left people with many questions the discovery was made by Mary Swisher a molecular paleontologist at North Carolina State University the discovery was made in 2005 when her and her team made the incredible discovery soft tissue and blood was found inside a train asaurus rex specimen even other scientists were confused as they thought the soft tissue should degrade in less than 1 million years and here you have a 16 million yacht fossil that's still showing soft tissue however as of today new research has suggested that the iron in the darkness was body preserved the tissue before I could decay another incredible dinosaur discovery was made in March 2011 this was when a group of Canadian miners were doing their routine work at an alberta mine the group of workers discovered a docile fossils so well preserved that even its skin color was visible the fossil could be described as a well preserved dinosaur mummy of a 110 million your dinosaur this 18 foot long dinosaur is known as a notice or or the dinosaur fossils they've been found till now consisted of bones only this is the only dinosaur that's been discovered in such a perfect condition that his bones Armour in the skin or were preserved this is the first time we're able to see a dinosaur exactly as it may have been millions of years ago the scientists believe that not a saw was a herbivore and it had thick half a meter long spikes on his skin the researchers believe the reason why the fossil has been found in such an amazing condition is because it remained buried in the sea for a long time according to the archaeologists the body of the notice or swept away in a flood and ended up in the sea when it landed on the sea floor it created an impact crater because of his writings and as a result it was quickly covered by the sediment this protected the body from being scavenger also prevented the decomposition so today we have this perfect fossilized body of a join that once roamed our Islands it took the expert six years to remove the fossil from the rock they're surrounded end more than 7,000 hours were spent to carefully chip away the rock and underneath the skin of the dinosaur this darkness or fossil which looks more like a statue is present in Alberta's rural Terrell Museum researchers have said is one of the most impressive fossils we've ever discovered another mysterious Donna saw is that of the Spinosaurus before we can talk about what we don't know about the creature we need to first discuss what we do know about the Spinosaurus in its nature the name Spinosaurus roughly translates from Latin to mean the spine lizard today scientists and paleontologists have already constructed a partially completed skeleton of the creature and this is based off of fossil findings located in Egypt although they weren't complete in their findings they were able to estimate missing bone structures and reconstructing other areas of course as might seem obvious with this type of method and this has led to a wide range of debate among research scientists and paleontologists as to the creatures true size and skeletal structure however more fossils are being found every year that help us to get a better picture of the natural species of the creature and what it most likely would have more accurately looked like in the wild from the gathered fossils thus far scientists believe the Spinosaurus was roughly 41 to 59 feet in length weighing anywhere from 7.7 to 23 tons in weights given his age the species most likely stood at 14 feet or slightly shorter than the 15 to 20 foot tool Tyrannosaurus Rex with a massive Selleck spine running down the length of his back that would have allowed the creature to look much taller compared to other species of his time I was thought of that gathered information most of the noise pertaining to this creatures been entirely speculative another interesting feature to notice about the Spinosaurus of which it merci derives his name is the long cellulite spine that protrudes from the back of this creature the function of the dinosaur's hump has been one of the biggest debates in paleontology with many different groups of paleontologists and evolutionary theorists proposing their own ideas and what the purpose of the spine could have performed many scientists believe the spine could have been a tight skin a structure similar to that of the wing of a band they could have held the creature to regulate his temperature by having large blood vessels running through this aisle Alvah scientists are quick to assert that the large spawning structure is massively larger than that of other species with similar formations and that it could have held to support a much larger waist than that of a skin like structure and could have perhaps been similar to that of a large grouping of feathers and could have mostly been used for display purposes inciting fear and other enemies of a similar size or even for that of demonstrating breeding behavior lastly one of the least popular theories the circles around the spine is that of the debate surrounding the creatures dart and posture scientists believe that the spinosaurus could have perhaps lived the majority of his life in the water and that the spine could have anted sinner to that of a sail or to allow the creature to cut through the water much easier and reduce dragging similar to that of a large dorsal fin of a shark as of today this Spinosaurus is one of the mr. baited dinosaurs in the field of paleontology and every year new theories come out regarding what this creature would have looked like and how it would have behaved for years now mysterious creatures have been reported from around the world most of these have become famous in their around for example the Loch Ness monster and big ferns they're so popular they've even spawned Ferriss books movies and TV shows however it seems that after all these years we're no closer to coming to a definitive conclusion as to whether they exist skeptics will say they're nothing more than hoaxes or misidentified creatures raised those who've allegedly seen them swear they do in fact exist it's not just in the modern day these creatures have been witnessed in fact the first Bigfoot sighting was reported hundreds of years ago native settlers will talk about giant men that they shed their land with and although they refer to them as Giants summer put forth a theory they were talking about big ferns perhaps though one of the most common crypt is seen our alleged sea monsters even to this day many creatures was assured that we're not able to identify one of these creatures was discovered a while back that caused a lot of speculation was found of New Zealand the creature was named the Saguaro Maru after the post that discovered ins this happened on the 25th of April in 1977 our first when setting up their nest they were hoping to catch small to medium sized fish the main fish they was after was mackerel however after having their nets out for a short amount of time they could through the boat being dragged this indicated to them that something big was in the net and as they were bringing it in though they slowly started to see the mysterious creature that being tangled up in their nets when the mysterious looking creature was brought to the surface they could immediatel it was no longer alive and they speculated it passed away a while ago one of the first things the crew noticed was its long neck and what appear to be slender flippers they hadn't seen anything like this before and as the news broke many people across the scientific world were interested in what they captured after taking measurements the team stated the creature was over ten meters in length one of the first theories that was put forward was that the creature in question was that of a way all scientists from all over the world said that these creatures are different when their inner decane statement going on to say that many of the large unidentified sea monsters that wash ashore turn out to be decaying wayans when the tissues break down they could take on an entirely different learning suggesting that going back years ago this is why many people thought sea monsters exist end because they were misidentifying once living white wounds with that being said some did believe that what the fishermen had captured was a real-life sea monster suggesting that it could have been a pleasure all the pleasure saw as an extinct marine reptile that used to swim in our oceans hundreds of millions of years ago the idea was put forward by some theorists because of the look of the creature paleontologists have pointed out the main features and oppressive sores that of his flippers and on this creature they seem to be very much present those who've seen the pictures say that a house paddles and a long neck two very distinct features that a pleasure saw hand another thing these creatures had were small heads and once again this creature seems to have that cryptozoologists have put forth the idea that a small group of these flesh of sauce were able to survive the extinction event saying they were able to do this by diving deep and surviving and the rich sources of food the ocean has to offer however scientists have said this is not the case and that no place if saw has ever been discovered every single year those scientists had been funding the existence of long thought to be extinct species some of these include marine animals that are roaming in our oceans back during the time of the dinosaurs for example one of these is known as the coelacanth this creature was swimming in our oceans hundreds of millions of years ago and scientists said they became extinct around 80 million years ago but in 1938 and living coelacanth was discovered in the indian ocean near the southern coast of africa incredibly these creatures have been living since the time of the dinosaurs with this much evidence gathered by the scientific community it's no surprise then there appears to be large tales involving the existence of real-life encounters with ancient creatures even in the modern day when the creature was brought up the captain didn't want to keep it on bond saying that firstly is smelled bad and nutty didn't want the creature on the fresh fish however he was convinced by the other crewmates to heed the Ganj after taking a few photographs one of the crew members said they should take a sample however the creature did end up getting thrown overboard after the sample and photos were taken incredibly shortly after taking these samples an incredible discovery was made a professor from Japan declared that this self was given to him match that of an extinct lesser soul as you can imagine the scientific community couldn't believe they'd captured a real-life ancient marine reptile and due to it only passing away not long ago this would mean there's many more out there waiting to be discovered after this news broke many people headed out to the spot where as discovered and tried to find the original creature however after getting there no one could find a single thing it seemed like the ocean had claimed it Rita however shortly after the excitement's science stepped in and announced the creature was in fact a basking shark as mentioned earlier alleged sea monsters are witnessed by many people every year and when they're initially discovered it's hard to give an accurate ID as to what the creature is this was the case for another sea creature that went by the name of trongo back on the 24th October in 1924 a strange and unexplainable monster washed ashore after witnesses combing the beaches claimed to have seen an even more impossible to explain scenario plane before them out in the waves close to the shore they appeared to be too large killer whales working to take down and even not a creature in the ocean there not a single person standing watching could explain the ocean monster was described as having along a massive trunk similar to that of an elephant a thick white fur wrapped around his entire body similar to that of a polar bear and the bloated a massive body of a small whale given the massive trunk extending from the face of the white furry Beast many gave the creature the name of the trongo and believed it to be a strange monster unknown by researchers of the time despite the body rotting away in the beaches for more than 10 days with a wide variety of people visiting this Islands not a single scientist or researcher once the body and none of it was preserved for future study this has led many to believe that perhaps the creature was nothing more than a large whale on a case of mistaken identity given the fact that nothing could have been preserved at the location it's hard to assume that the creature was a case of mistaken identity and the witnesses that recounted tales say overwhelmingly this wasn't the case unfortunately it appears we may never know what the creature really looked like and where it came from making it an impossible to explain ocean mystery today many cryptid websites in the internet have removed the tronco creature and accepted the explanation of a know bloated carcass as the cause of the sighting despite numerous witness claims more than detailing the strangeness of the creature what's odd about this though is even to this day people have come forward and allegedly seen more these creatures going back a few years ago one managed to find his way on the beach again covered in thick white fur however scientists said the same thing but the creature in question was away on what people were seen was the tissues breaking down it seems that as of today the world of science has done a great job at identifying the many mysterious creatures that have appeared on our beach inns with that being said that doesn't mean there is a mysterious creatures lurking in the dams around 95% of our ocean is still unexplored and every year we are discovering hundreds of new ocean creatures like the coelacanth that was thought to be long extinct and if he told researchers they were still living he probably would have been dismissed immediately however as it turns out these ancient creatures are still roaming our oceans some have preferred the idea that many of the ocean creatures that live during the same time of the dinosaurs dive to deeper dams and have adapted to them living off the deeper sea creatures so perhaps in the near future an ancient relic will once again make yourself known Antartica has always been the center of a wide number of different mysteries what's interesting is that it appears Japan is no stranger to these theories and have been at the center of rumors surrounding the icy continent it appears that over the past few years stories of strange humanoid creatures living in Antarctica have slowly been circulating all around Japan according to the Japanese whale industry many crew members aboard so-called whale research ships have reported seeing strange humanoid creatures on the continent these aren't just one-off rapport Ziva many have come forward with their allege encounter and each one follows a similar theme reports detail that when approaching the continent of Antarctica Japanese crew members will report seeing what appears to be large giants laying out in the ocean they appear humanoid in shamed these creatures are described as being twenty to thirty meters in length and having a completely white skin tone others have reported that the creature was originally mistaken as being a large submarine in the distance before getting closer in seeing hands fingers eyes and a mouth this led to the name of the ningún but a Japanese crew who raised others simply refer to the creatures as the Antarctic humans to this day a few images can be seen online but some suggest these are recreation and not the actual creature itself those that had a close encounter with them have described them as being a concrete jar and do not mind humans being in the area a few eyewitness reports have come forward in recent years however these need to be taken like the ears there's no way of proving these are genuine for example one Navy officials said the falling about his encounter the Navy is no stranger when it comes to missions in Antarctica I'm of an old age now and was lucky enough to be present on several of these missions I won't go into detail about what happened as that's not the point of the story my story is about something I witnessed that to this day I struggled to explain while in Antarctica mean a few crew members were looking overboard when we could see something big in the distance while with the Navy I was lucky enough to see some of the world's most beautiful creatures and that's exactly what I thought was happening on this particular occasion however this wasn't the case as we came closer to this entity we couldn't work out what it was at first from a distance if had to be a large white whale laying on the surface me and the other men thought it was a way of the past away but as we got closer we were able to get a much better look at what this thing was however this just made things worse what we saw appear to be a mix between a humanoid and away this thing that suck away over had massive human-like arms the noise of the boat caused the creature to slowly move away from his position which gave us a great opportunity to see his body in arms in fall the hands had fingers that were connected by what appeared to be webbing like skin I can see the head but got a good look at his body it was very similar to that of a beluga whales white and smooth all over if it wasn't for the long arms and fingers I would have guessed this thing was away all the whole experience lasted only a matter of minutes before the creature swam into their dams taking a photograph at that moment in time was not an option and even if I was allowed I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been allowed to keep it for obvious reasons as I've said to this day I still remember the event and struggled to think what I encountered it without proof my story is just a story I can still describe in detail what I witnessed but I don't know what it was I saw although the majority of these stories comes from the icy continent others have shared their story of encountering something similar in other locations across the world this has led some theorists speculate that these creatures actually inhabit a wide area and aren't just confined to the cold waters of our world in Sweden residents have been coming forward in saying that when on their boats they keep seeing strange creatures in the water they described them as aquatic creatures and some people have come forward and given detailed accounts one person said the wall on their boats they could see a large white object below the surface after slowing the boat down to get a better look the creature in question slowly swam past not knowing what these creatures are many of tries to take photographs but the majority of them are blurry and don't show anything that can be positively ID'd these creatures are thought to resemble large humanoids and don't look like any no marine creature or some videos have emerged showing these creatures must agree their fame however the eyewitnesses stand by their testimonies and say that these strange creatures are attracted to their violence I further lost vva Sweden has had its fair share of strange goings-on he o fos have been reported here constantly and is said to be a hotbed for us owns an unidentified submerged object or year so is any object or optical mechanical detection phenomenon of unknown origin and these are observed underwater that remain unidentified even after thorough investigation most people who see these UFOs usually report flashing lights under the water some eyewitnesses say that these crafts can enter the water without making any disturbance however photos and videos of these alleged crafts is debatable or some have also reported seing creatures next to these grands some believe the creature responsible for the sightings could be the ninguém they're being seen close to Antarctica these creatures are usually encountered in cold regions but in the last few years reports have been coming from all over the world these creatures are set to often get misidentified as wiles and some why witnesses have said it's really hard to tell the difference unless already closed sometimes they described as having fins or a large mermaid like tail instead of legs or even tentacles although the creatures are said to be quite relaxed it's said that if a human approaches they will disappear quickly these creatures are believed to be curious but shy all of these stories tend to follow a similar theme usually when someone encounters them is always breathe Lincoln sightings seem to occur most frequently and is making them all the more difficult to photograph has been suggested by some that this creature is responsible for the encounters in Sweden most of the reports seem to match the ninguém however skeptics believe that eyewitnesses are just seeing away also other marine life it seems that until better photographs can be taken this creature will remain a mystery a more out there theory is some believing these creatures are related to the mysterious night crawlers ancient American legend suggests that these creatures have lived on our planets for a very long time saying that they came here from a planet that consists many of swampland and this is one of the main reasons why they have very long names some have said though that they spend the majority of their time in and around the oceans and occasionally come onto land they say this is one of the main reasons why we don't see them very often and that their descriptions and then ingens are very similar over the years the creatures have been seen Iran the areas of California they've been described as a strange death lurking creature they've often been at the center of a wide number of skepticisms as the only evidence of an encounter with the night crawler is that of unedited security footage spotting the strange entity walking through the backyards of homes and traveling great distances it dish neither night crawlers described as being a creature easy to fake as the entity looked similar to that of a large white cloth draped over a person with long legs all that person has to do is walk slowly on foot Inge this is their - a number of video experts looking over the footage to confirm whether or not the footage was edited in any way he not only did they find the video was genuine but that by using the angle and direction of the cameras they were able to create a complete walking path of the creature crossing many different parts of the city before disappearing altogether to those that believe the creature is nothing more than the use of practical effects the night crawlers have been of varying sizes to that of the height of a child to a map and even that of account but still always walking with two long white legs and no arms of any kind additionally the billowing movements of the wind correlate with the movements of the creature along with shadows and lights showing the creature occupies three-dimensional space and not edited over the footage footage of the strange night crawlers have continued over several years and has even led many to believe that the creature is genuine every so often someone will come forward with a sighting but because they're not expecting to see one capturing footage of the elusive creature has been challenging one thing to bear in mind is that much of the ocean is still unexplored and researchers have said we know more about the surface of the Moon than we do our very own oceans so it's anyone's guess as to what could be lurking in their dams [Music] for years now people have been encountering mysterious creatures although most of these end up being hopes is misidentified wildlife pranks or even natural phenomena there are some that have been encountered they have left people with more questions than answers one of the most interesting things to happen in these types of cases is when police officers get involved many people including the officers are critical when it comes to believing there are mysterious and panamá events happening around the world however when these individuals see the creatures for themselves they very quickly changed their time this happened to be the case for a mysterious creature that was reported a few decades ago back in 1988 a 17 year old local resident known as Christopher Davis claimed that he was driving near the location of scape ore swamp and during this trip he struck a creature those described as being green completely wet seven feet tall had the skin of a lizard possessed three fingers of both hands had glowing white red eyes and was covered from head to toe in snake-like scales this creature would later be referred to by locals as the lizard man of scape ore swamp a further sightings of the creature would continue for years to come though many claimed to have spotted the creature even occasionally having direct encounters on the roasts okt at nearby the scape ore swamp others claimed they'd encountered the lizard man more than a few miles away from the swamp this would eventually lead to many sightings of the creature that's a local radio station known as w cos offered a 1 million dollar reward to anyone that could capture the creature alive and bring it into the studio though many people believed it to be nothing more than a publicity stunt the seriousness of the creature would later be the focus of the nearby military bases an airman known as Kenneth all the work to the nearby Shaw Air Force Base would go on to file a police report claiming the hidden counted the lizard man he encountered this creature close to highway 15 and even claimed to have taken a shot at the creature he believed the he'd wounded the creature but couldn't locate its body despite the police reports in the proof of a number of scales and blood being found at the location kennefa was arrested for claims of an unlawfully carrying a weapon and attempting to file false police reports this led many to believe that though the military may be actively hunting and looking for the creature they are also working to cover-up the existence of the lizard men to prevent mass panic as some of pointed out is how to think of an animal someone could miss identify as theirs over the last 30 years a few reports have come from the region of scape ore swamp interestingly most of these encounters seem to happen at nights when people are alone the eyewitness accounts or follow a similar theme seeing a large bipedal humanoid creature doing things and normal human being wouldn't be able to do for example one eyewitness said the creatures she saw was extremely strong and was able to move a car simply by lifting it up this led to the locals living near the swamp at the time to go into panic mode residents were seeing them reporting a large unidentified creature and many wanted answers for what was going on perhaps one of the most interesting developments to happen in the case was on the 4th of July in 1988 at the time the Lee County Sheriff's Office was calling to investigate a report of a damaged car this happened while it was parked overnight at Browns town outside of Bishopville what's interesting is this is just outside of scape ore swamp and happened during the height of the reports although these kinds of call outs are not uncommon the officers were about to find out that something seemed off about this case for example when two officers arrived they picked up on the fact they were large tooth marks and scratches running across the entire car not only this but muddy footprints could be seen on and around the car proving that something large had been in the area that night sheriff Liston Truesdale was one of the first on the scene and was surprised at what the locals were saying firstly the locals were making claims about there being a large lizard like creature in the area and that it had been causing damage for a few consecutive nights as mentioned though the most famous account was made by 17 year-old Christopher Davis who said his car was damaged by seven foot tall lizard creature that had three fingers although for some that claims sounded ridiculous it was eventually picked up by several news networks and actually brought him people to the area hoping to see this mysterious giant lizard however although large crowds gathered no one was able to catch a glimpse of the giant lizard - sheriff took cost of the alleged footprints made by the Beast they were said to have measured around 14 to 15 inches in length and even showed details of their homes what people find strange there as the sheriff's were taught out of sending them to the FBI for further analysis this come down to a biologist advising them the tracks they brought in were in fact unclassifiable this led to even more confusion about what creature left behind the tracks his self Carolina Marine Resources departs boatsman even came forward and said the traps didn't match and can be misidentified for any recorded animal wildlife experts later came Ford however and said the footprints most likely belong to local wildlife with that being said that others the belief of footprints are real and that the officials didn't want the truth getting out regardless the traps were quickly forgotten abounds and the whole mystery surrounding the lizard man eventually died out fast for to 2008 snow couple came forth with an interesting story they said that while in South Carolina their car was damaged by an unknown creature they went on to say their scales and scratches could be seen her on a car and they can think of anything that could have done this another couple who were driving in the area of South Carolina had this to say about their encounter while driving close to scape ore swamp we encountered what we thought was the lizard man we've gone over this night so many times and it's the only thing we think it could be as my husband and I were passing through the area something caught his eye in the mirror he said it looked as though someone was trying to wave him down because we weren't traveling fast we decided to reverse back and see if the person needed help we quickly got back to the point where my husband saw the person that tries to look for them I told my husband I'll get out the car and walk around to see if I could see anyone however he told me to stay in the car looking back this was a good idea as it was getting dark and we can see Marge we must have waited for several minutes and because we can find anyone we decided to go on our way however just as we were about to set off we heard a scraping sound in the back of the car my husband puts his head outside the window and amid the east wall as I look back I caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a 7-foot slender looking creature but didn't get a look at his face but I noticed this thing had a long tail and a green and yellowish colored body this all happened within 10 seconds as my husband quickly floated from the scene ever since then we've been convinced that what we saw was the Lizardman of scape ore swamp what's interesting though is some skeptics have suggested the lizard man is something ours a few years back some people put for the idea the lizard man of scape ore swamp was in fact a bear they said this would explain the majority of the encounters and sightings of the creature black bears can be found around South Carolina and they grow up to 5 to 7 feet this is around the height that the alleged Izzard man of scape ore swamp is this would also explain the scratch marks found on people's car it's been suggested that if you've left food or other items in your car a bear may be able to sense this and has tried to get into your car this in turn would leave scratch marks and in some cases blond there are still some however that believe the Lizardman of scape ore swamp is genuine with some comparing its myth and story to that of the Mothman all big fans every couple of years it seems that someone comes forward with an alleged sighting of the creature some cryptozoologist believe the creature may actually be an unknown creature that lives in swamps are on the island however it seems that for people to take this creature serious we need some solid evidence this living around the area of scape ore swamp in the last few years no reports of the lizard man have been made making many people believe that whatever the creature was is now gone the first unmanned mission to the moon was in 1959 by the Soviet Luna program with the first moon landing being Apollo 11 in 1969 the primary objective of Apollo 11 was to complete a national goal set by President John F Kennedy on May the 25th 1961 perform a crewed lunar landing and return to Earth additional flight objectives included scientific exploration by the lunar module deployment of a television camera to transmit signals to earth and deployment of a solar wind composition experiments in seismic experiment package during the exploration the two astronauts were to collect samples from the moon and return them to earth they were also given instructions to photograph the lunar surface as much they couldn't on July the 20th 1969 American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to ever land on the moon about six and a half hours later Armstrong became the first person to ever walk on the moon as he took his first steps Armstrong famously sent thus one small step for man one giant leap for mankind Armstrong and Aldrin spent 21 hours 36 minutes on the moon surveys after a rest period that included seven hours of steam the ascent stage engine fired at 124 hours 22 minutes it was shut down 435 seconds later when the eagle reached an initial orbit of eleven by 55 miles above the moon and when Columbia was on his 25th revolution interestingly over the years some people have come forward with some interesting photographs that could prove that something else was witnessed on the moon going back a while ago a strange anomaly was picked up on by eagle-eyed viewers looking through archive footage of Apollo 11 the photograph in question is that of the moon however when people zoomed in they could see what appeared to be an object hovering slightly above the moon the photograph has earned itself the name of break off a summer suggested a piece of the moon somehow broke off when the photograph was taken what strange though is a photograph taken seconds later doesn't show the anomaly and this has led some to put out their theories for what the object could be the original photograph was sent to NASA by some amateur astronomers in the hopes of getting to the bottom of what the object is however NASA hasn't provided an answer for what the object could be going back the former head of a secret government program who starts to investigate UFO sightings came forward with bold claims they told several media outlets that extraterrestrial life may exist they further said that millions of dollars had been put into the research of absurd technologies affiliated with unidentified air phenomena these headlines caught the attention of many worldwide as for the last 80 years people have been coming forward with their encounters with mysterious lights in the sky it's important to remember that a UFO is simply an object that someone cannot identify at that moment in time hence why it stands for unidentified flying object it's only been in recent years that the UFO is bending to extraterrestrial beings with that being said though the thought of planet Earth being visited by another form of life is exciting for some some have said if you're going to believe any reports of UFOs you might as well trust those coming from the men who've actually been to space the list of those who've made claims of sightings includes Edgar Mitchell Cady Coleman and dr. Braun O'Leary Buzz Aldrin has also spoken of his own experience on board the Apollo 11 when they saw something flying alongside them at first they thought it was the final stage of the detach rocket until Mission Control confirmed it was over six thousand miles away from them dr. Brian O'Leary a former NASA astronaut said the following there is abundant evidence that we're being contacted the civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time that their appearance is bizarre from any kind of traditional materialistic Western point of view that these visitors use technologies of consciousness they use co-rotating magnetic discs for their propulsion systems that seem to be a common denominator of the UFO phenomenon nasa scientist and photo analysis george leonard is someone who has a story to tell all he what for nasa and was able to get his hands on Ferriss official NASA photographs of the moon while working for NASA one of his choice was to study thousands of photographs that were taken by the Space Agency not only that but he spoke with dozens of NASA officials and was able to listen first hand to astronaut recordings he then published a book called someone else's on the moon and inside the book included many of these photographs however because some of the photographs are of low quality some have said they can't be taken as fattened and could actually be faint from a scientific point of view they say that what people are seeing is known as pareidolia her scientists described this as our brain playing tricks on our mind and say that our brains are hard-wired to see faces and images and everyday things and never mysterious theme was picked up on during a live broadcast of Apollo 11 in Western Australia many residents who are watching the live show said they saw an unusual occurrence one viewer called owner Ronald watched the broadcast by NASA and were surprised at what she saw interestingly the residents of honeysuckle Creek in Australia said they saw a different broadcast to the rest of the wound shortly before Armstrong stepped on the moon surface the picture changed in their TVs the residents said it went from a dark picture to a bright one and there during this change they could still hear the voice transmission the actual film of Apollo 11 was broadcast from Australia but these residents noticed something that no one else did which is why they said there was watching a different broadcast to the rest of the world as owner and others were watching Neil Armstrong walking on the surface of the Moon they spotted what they said was very clearly a coke bottle and that it was kicked in the right hand side of the picture huh you know couldn't believe what she saw and phoned her friends to see if they had seen the same thing unfortunately they missed it the next day the walk was being broadcast they tried to see if they could say int however it didn't appear owner even suggested the rerun looks slightly different others did come forward and say they saw the same thing causing an article to be published in the Western Australian newspaper going back a while ago if video was making its way around the buzz aldrin admitted we'd never went to the moon a little girl asked him the question why have we not been back to the moon and he said the following that's my question I want to know but I think I know because we didn't go there and that's the way happened and if it didn't happen it's nice to know why something didn't happen so in the future if we want to keep doing something we need to know why something stopped in the past that we wanted to keep doing so what people are focusing on is the part where he said we didn't go there many of confidence said he stepped up and finally admitted we never went to space websites posted this at the time and said he didn't mean to say this with many picking up on his body language and suggesting that he was telling the truth however during that same interview he goes into detail of why we never went back to the moon he explains that it was a very expensive mission and that's the main reason we haven't gone back he goes on to say that we don't want to keep redoing things we've already done and we should look to future projects the reason people could be getting confuses because he worded his answer badly and this is what was paid up on bus makes a good points about money and this could be the reason we never went back back in 1973 the total cost of the Apollo program reported to Congress was twenty five point four billion so spending this money on a mission they've already achieved would be pointless it would make more sense for NASA to spend money on other ventures however not everyone is so convinced and as mentioned people who think he actually lets out the truth another thing that was reported recently was that NASA lost the original footage of the first moonwalk incredibly although this sells out summer Landers theory there is some truth to this NASA had this to say naso search for book could not locate some of the original Apollo 11 data tapes original in this sense that they directly recorded data transmitted from the Mouton an intensive search of archives and records concluded that the most likely scenario was that the program manager is determined there was no longer in need for the tapes since all the video and data were recorded elsewhere and they were raised and reused NASA also said the data from these original tapes were relayed to the manned spacecraft Center further saying the following the video was recorded their own in other locations there's no missing video from the Apollo 11 moonwalk interestingly it was announced that a NASA intern is selling what he says are the lost Apollo 11 times the worker said he brought the tapes from the government and wanted to sell them however NASA officials have said the tapes don't contain any material that hasn't already been preserved NASA had this to say of other times if the tapes are as described in the sale material they're 2-inch video tapes recorded in Houston from the video that's been converted to a format that could be broadcast over commercial television and contained no material that hasn't been preserved by NASA all across North America our reports and tales of a creature has become known as the dog man it's been described as looking like a strange werewolf like creature and seems to possess supernatural strength and abilities some eyewitnesses have often compared the creature to a more doglike sasquatch whereas others believed it to be more of a werewolf beast in a center of skim or collisions interestingly for the past 60 years there have been many reports by these creatures and as with most of these tales the majority of these stories follow a similar theme researchers have managed to pinpoint the first dog man sighting to 1887 this was said to have occurred in Wexford County the story goes that two Lumberjacks were having a conversation when one of them spotted something mysterious he described as having a man's body in a docked hand when they noticed it they quickly left the scene not wanting to stay in risk getting hurt by the large creature fast forwards in 1961 and a security guard witnessed something similar in Big Rapids Michigan most of the encounters with these creatures are just stories and there is no way of backing up what the individual soul however the security guard remembered that he had a camera on him and was in fact able to snap a picture of the large beast those who have analyzed it says it matches our eyewitness descriptions of the dog man although the majority of the dog man sightings are from Michigan there have been some outside of this area that have come forward with similar experiences one of these occurred in California one of the strangest reported encounters of the dog man creature comes from that of reports made in Sacramento California according to the reporter the story circles are on that of a woman who claimed to have encountered the dog man creature near the city of Sacramento and this happened back in 1953 the sighting is believed to have taken place roughly 1,000 feet west of the American River a short 2,000 feet east of the State Capitol in a small house owned by a small family in the region according to the woman she had this sighting when she was roughly 12 years old and it happened when she was watching TV and laying down on the couch as she was laying there she claimed to have noticed a large mass moving in the window as if someone was staring into the home she quickly got up and went to the window to see a large face of a dog that seemed to be staring into the room she claimed that the head of the dog looked very large much larger than that of a coyote or a normal dog of any kind saying this I had a long straight snout and it was too dark to see what color it was they suggested it could have been a dark gray and said her had glowing red eyes she ran from the window and then noticed the creature began to stand up on his hind legs and estimates it it was over five feet above the ground she screened for her parents to come which scared the dog man away before anything else could occur she quickly went outside and claimed there was nothing nearby in that the window was far too tall for a dog to be standing up and looking in unfortunately nothing more can be gathered from this report as the woman wasn't sure of the exact time of day that the event occurred one of the strange reports surrounding that of the dog man comes from New York according to the report a woman had arrived home a few minutes after dusk in a row location while her two children aged 2 and 11 was sitting in the back seat of the car the woman reported as soon as she sets out the vehicle she had a sixth sense that something was watching her she also said there was no noise eventing crickets or people nearby this led to her grabbing the kids and rushing them inside the house as she approached the front door she claimed she heard a loud growl those described as being a deep tone and similar to that of a large angry dog before anything else could happen the woman got herself and her two kids in the house and closed and locked the door quickly behind her it wasn't long before she called the husband to come home quick because a large animal was outside when the husband came home it was discovered at this point in time the family category Singh so the husband went looking around nearby to see if perhaps there was any bears or large wild dogs in the region after a moment of surging the husband also began to notice a strange silence only to spot a large creature running through the forest this led him to take aim of the creature but it was running too fast and was able to get away this led to the couple to reporting the encounter as that of the dog man as any other explanation was impossible to explain unfortunately their count was never found a woman from England encountered what she thought was a dog man-like creature she saw the creature while out in her garden she said the following about the encounter I have a strange story me my husband owned a large house that has a lot of land our garden backs on to a large wooded area and we have fences so it separates us from the woods on this particular evening we were sitting outside towards the end of our garden at the bottom we have a setup of chairs and tables after sitting here for an hour or so my husband decides to head inside for a shower I told him I would be inside shortly after around 30 minutes of him being gone I started to hear these strange noises it sounded I someone was walking behind our fence this was odd because it was gone 10:00 p.m. at nights in usually we don't get people back there I tried to ignore the noises but every so often I could hear the snapping of twigs being a naturally nosy person I decided to try and find out what was going on I located estates in the panel ISM was able to peep through I was then shot to see what looked like a large hairy man this initially threw me off as it looked like something from a movie I tried to call my husband's phone but he was already in the shower I started to get worried as this figure appeared to be quite big and as mentioned our property is out in their staying's this toilet creature was on the floor scuffing up the leaves this tamo got a better view and the only way I can describe it is it looked like a giant hairy Mountain I quickly made my way back to my house and has opened the door my two dogs ran out I had no way of stopping them in the first place they went to was the bottom of the garden when they got there they started barking non-stop I ran upstairs and taught my husband what I seen once he got dressed we went out to investigate the woodland in the area Jason to our house was scratch marks on the trees and what appeared to be human life footprints these footprints they were massive my husband compared them to his size the Levin boots and they were much bigger than that after this I started to get worried and asked if we could go back inside once we got inside my husband could see I was worried and asked me what I wanted to do I told him that maybe it was a wild animal but this thing didn't it like any wild animal I'd seen before it can have been a war fever as we don't get these in England another encounter with the alleged dog man has come from India to watch men have reported seeing a mysterious a can't explain the two men have said that these reports keep happening around flea markets one of the issues though is that these men have never seen anything like this before the descriptions have been vague with one eyewitness saying the creature was black and had glowing red eyes saying that before encountering it they had a strange sensation enough eyewitness gave a better description and said the creature they saw as a black doctor had glowing red eyes this isn't the first time a creature like this has been observed going back a few years ago people from all over the world started to report seeing large black light dogs and nearly everyone who saw them said they had glowing red eyes each of these encounters followed a similar theme usually the person will be alone it would be late at night the dog would be abnormally large and it would have glowing red eyes when reported most of these encounters are just brushed aside and officials suggested that what people were seeing as stray dogs however the eyewitnesses have said that what they've encountered wasn't any ordinary dog it's interesting to note that that Navajo Native Americans have been talking about these creatures for years though many know them as the dog man the Navajo call them the skinwalkers they say the description of these creatures is like a human but instead they have werewolflike regions the Navajo described them as possessing superhuman strength being able to move very fast and having the ability to easily take down a human although many people have come forward with their reports as of right now the mysterious dog man remains a mystery until more evidence can be gathered over the years researchers and scientists working for NASA have done a great job at uncovering some of the mysteries of our universe however there have been some anomalies and signals that researchers haven't been able to explain space is one of the places that humans will never fully explore it's anyone's guess as to what's out there and with it being home to hundreds of billions of planets it's not crazy to say there could be all walks of life inhabiting various planets over the years scientists have discovered some strange mysteries out in the vastness of space one of these has become known as the space roll back in 2009 top researchers at the good old Space Flight Center sent a device up into space via a jar balloon and this was known as arcade arcade was an acronym that stood for absolute radiometer for cosmology astrophysics and diffusion missions which these houses mission is being that of a searching device capable of picking up diffuse radiation caused by the universe's earliest arms it was a huge surprise then that instead of picking up on these weak signals the arcade device captured data that scientists had described as a spacer or although a large amount of radio waves caused via radiation was expected by researchers at the good or Space Flight Center what was recovered in analyzed turned out to be radio wave six tons the normal amount expected to be heard as well as their origin points being from a galaxy 2.5 million light-years away this has led many to speculate the possibility that perhaps this enormous amount of background radio waves found in our universe could be thus of an extraterrestrial civilization and their frequency sent out into the vacuum of space this could very well be the case considering our radio wave frequencies had been spreading out like a bubble from Earth since the first transmissions were sent out over a little 100 years ago and given the fact that these extraterrestrial civilizations could predate us by millions of years we could be picking up on the faintest signals that reached us over a vast distance of both space and time scientists struggled to find any other cause of this mystery and have left many wondering if whether or not we're truly alone in the universe were merely the latest species to tune into an old age galactic conversation this isn't the only mysterious sound deep in the vastness of space is some strange objects that continues to throw out extremely large blasts of radio waves out from around it ends interestingly these sounds travel in all directions and they also travel at the speed of lines the research group behind the discovery is confident that in a few years more creative theories will emerge to help with splain these strange radio anomalies coming up from deep space and what it could mean for the extreme local galactic environment recently NASA scientists announced that mysterious sound in space is battling them they said the strange whistling sounds were detected in the van Lanen pro's mission for those unaware the Van Allen probes are a pair of doughnut-shaped robotic spacecraft which can be found currently orbiting the Earth when NASA are talking about the sounds it was their descriptions of them that threw many people off they say their sounds can be attributed to different electromagnetic waves which penetrates almost every single known aerospace a spokesman for NASA said the following although space is technically a vacuum it still fourth electrically charged particles which come into constant interaction with the magnetic and electric fields to the various objects throughout space what the researchers have now found out is that certain particles behave differently depending on what kind of magnetic and electric fields they're interacting with this is why different planets give off their own noise ins going back a few years ago nASA released the sounds of Saturn and many people said those noises were eerie these intense radio emissions were picked up by the Cassini spacecraft and the scientists studying these recordings have said that they hope it will give them a better understanding of plasma waves in spades another interesting discovery researchers have made is that of gravitational waves sent out from black holes our universe holds a massive amount of galaxies along with an even more countless number of mysteries over the years black holes of course much speculation in the scientific community though these findings have made scientists question the very nature of reality these incredible discoveries of supermassive black holes have helped us to better understand the true nature of our universe recently astrophysicists have come forward and said that they detected mysterious gravitational waves it was then put forward that these were created by a black hole when it collided with a neutron star the theory behind black horses more than just shrouded in mystery and it was an interim and by the recognizable name of Albert Einstein helped humanity's who realized that space and time are interwoven and connected in something we refer to as the fabric of space-time the mathematical theory of mass then being able to stretch and distort this fabric similar to that of a rock resting on a cloth led to an innovative theory when scientists picked up on the gravitational waves they stated allowed them to study astronomical events occurring in the universe the researchers said that what they were seeing was the merging of a black hole in a neutron star at the moment more study is needed but if this can be confirmed is thought this could help us to confirm that black holes in neutron stars can coexist in a binary system one of the researchers said the following about the event it's like listening to someone whisper a word in a busy CAF it can be difficult to make up the word or even be sure the person whispered at all what some people may not be aware of is how big these black holes are for example there is a black hole that's known as SDS sje and this black hole is so massive this more than 12 billion times the mass of our Sun researchers began to wonder how such a large singularity form could exist if our universe is believed to be only 13 billion years old today the black hole continues to be one of the largest youngest black holes out there in spades and is believed to be even larger in nature if we were able to visit it however given the distortion of space and time it would be another 13 billion light years before any information could catch up and show us its true size today this black hole however is incredibly far away one light year is around five point eight trillion miles or nine point five trillion kilometers so it's fair to say we won't be able to get anywhere near at anytime soon although it's been talked about a lot once signal this gained a lot of attention was that of the mysterious while signal before they establishment of the SETI project in 1973 the only radio telescope working to uncover the mystery of extraterrestrial life was that the Big Ear radio Observatory that was turned on back in 1963 and had the sole purpose of listening out in the cosmos for extraterrestrial signals the strange thing was that fourteen years after his first turned on it received a signal that most members of the alien community deemed them a substantial piece of evidence for extraterrestrial life regarding the SETI project involving radio telescopes on the 15th of august in 1977 a 72 second long transmission was captured while the bigger telescope was pointed towards the constellation Sagittarius and many suggested it board the expected hallmarks of extraterrestrial origin in fact prior to this events back in 1959 researchers put forth a theory that if extraterrestrial contact was ever made it would likely be that of a radio a frequency of 1420 megahertz which is the specific frequency naturally emitted by hydrogen the most common elements in the universe and therefore likely familiar to all technologically advanced civilizations oddly enough the seventy-two second on transmission was exactly within the 1420 megahertz frequency with peaks and lows exactly equal to each other in variation macchina not only was this a mathematically symmetrical frequency but that there was no possible way that this frequency could have a non artificial origin this 72 second on transmission was given the title of the while signal which was named after the lead researcher who discovered the signal the data emerged the small note of well to indicate the unbelievable nature of the data skeptics and researchers to this day have had a massive difficulty trying to explain away what this signal could have been from and so it could very well be that on a lonely planet out in the Sagittarius constellation we heard the radio signal of a greeting more than 25,000 light-years away as of today researchers have done a great job at unraveling some recent cosmic discoveries however there are still many out there that waiting to be answered not all of these revolve around the search for alien life for example in September 2019 a groundbreaking discovery was made by the researchers working the Imperial College of London and the National astronomical observatory of Japan they have discovered the oldest known galaxy cluster in the universe the researchers have found a galaxy cluster that is 13 billion light-years away from us this means that if this galaxy cluster is 13 billion years old and the scientists are currently observing it's 13 billion Yod physical form the Yowie or more commonly referred to as the Australian Bigfoot is a large beast that stands on two legs roughly seven to twelve feet tall and has the general appearance of that of a large ape-like creature sightings of this beast persisted for eons since the time of the Aborigines and their ancient mythological folklore what's all the more startling about this urban legend is that even to this day many Australians claim to have encountered the Yowie and many others have started their own research groups looking into the evidence of this mythological beings ancient aboriginal mists credit the Yowie is being beast from the time before man and that the Yowie were the original habitants of the Australian continent they were completely driven out of their native lands by men that came there to settle interestingly this could very well be possible evidence of the Homo sapiens driving up Neanderthals a species similar to that of humans that were believed to share an ancient common ancestor but later went extinct roughly 35,000 years ago under mr. Scoggins going down the yaoi rabbit hole leads to further starting theories surrounding their existence from Australian government officials covering up further evidence to yahwah's being involved in many of the extraterrestrial and unidentified flying objects sightings all around Australia there are even subgroups of the Yowie community that defend the idea that yelling might be an alien species visiting the earth and that the Bigfoot monsters and variations could all be extraterrestrial species the Yowie creature is commonly encountered in Queensland Australia with many of the eyewitnesses saying this creature is unlike anything they've seen before one woman claimed that she saw one outside of her house and that when she went out to investigate afterwards a bad odor was left in the air she didn't manage to take any photographs as the encounter only lasted for a few minutes however she describes the creature as looking like a tore humanoid that had a thick layer of hair although the Yowie creature is said to just live in Australia others have suggested the Yowie and Bigfoot creatures are actually the same in fact some have put forward the idea that one of the most common places to encounter these creatures is national parks across the planet and something that many may be aware of is there seems to be an unreasonable amount of disappearances that occur in national parks across the wire and an almost disproportionate amount given any errors compared to regarding visiting populations of any kind of course skeptics may argue this makes sense there to be so many disappearances given the fact that national parks are massive and to an untrained individual could potentially be a death sentence if they happen to become lost however even specialists have become lost and turn up months later with no idea what happened well rather worryingly don't turn up at all one of the things that many people encounter while explain a tional past is mysterious albums many have come forward and said that while hiking if it was as if low and high-pitched sounds are following them some believe that could be creatures lurking in our national parks that causing these disappearances over the years experts have come forward and said that they've encountered large humanoid creatures while out in his open areas of course these claims are immediately met with criticism however these people stand by what they see one hunter claimed that while camping in a national park he heard a strange grunting noise when pointing a flashlight to where the noises were coming from he saw a large bigfoot-like creature and he said that it was over eight feet tall these creatures follow a similar theme they stand on two legs and are roughly 6 to 12 feet tall they have the general appearance of that of a large ape-like creature sightings of these mysterious creatures have been reported for years all over the globe there have been reports of them from Tibet America and Australia there's no shortage of these stories and ancient myths credit these creatures as having run-ins with humans and when this happens it doesn't usually end well some have even managed to record some of these mysterious calls and when given to scientists they say that humans are unable to make these kinds of noises scientists and researchers who work in the region have said that what people are seeing is nothing more than unidentified wildlife but the people with its encounter these creatures disagree saying that they know what they saw in his son like anything they've seen before the most recent case involves a camper who was hiking close to Mammoth Cave in Kentucky it's been reported that this camper was being investigated for open firing in a national park and their reason for doing so is because they encountered a large humanoid - campers who woke up by a scared man with a gun and a flashlight one of the campus said the following about the event we got out and saw a man in his son who told us that campsite had been destroyed by someone or something we heard them coming back about ten minutes later we heard them yelling I see it we saw the flash from his gun and he shot maybe 20 yards from the side of our tent I was mostly just concerned about him shooting in the middle of the nines nine-one-one was caught and the couple decided it would be best to stay in their car for the rest of the night US law state that no firearms can be used within the confines of a national park shortly after Park Rangers decided to go out and investigate the area but they said they found nothing one individual said the following about the incident I've encountered something while hiking late at night in the national park I'm not going to make any outlandish claims but whatever it was is stood around eight feet tall and smell banned I've read similar instance of Park Rangers going out after people claim they saw a large creature they always say they found nothing biss not like they're going to admit if they did find something the man ended this by saying there are creatures living in these areas and people need to be careful however officials on the other hand have another theory saying that when people witnessed these alleged creatures is always during the night and during this time is hard to counter conclusive answer as to what you were seeing something as simple as a tree can have the appearance of a large mountain and most of these cases involve pareidolia or normal National Park wildlife lieutenant colonel Percy Fawcett is a well known Explorer of South America during his travels however he encountered some mysterious things and on his way he although some have brushed aside these stories offers of question that would someone who had this much experience lie about what they saw one of his most famous encounters was that of the merry cop see it's been reported in the past and believed by many varrick's is a strange undiscovered tribe known as the merry coxy they allegedly live deep within the dense jungles of the Amazon rainforest the merry coxy are unlike any other in that many of the reports claimed then not to be entirely human back in 1914 Percy forse claimed to have come across a strange tribe that were extremely hairy lived in villages constructed from primitive materials in the jungle in news bows and arrows to help them hunt and fight back invaders of all kind they were described as being similar to that of reports of Sasquatch people only speaking and communicating with each other in primitive grants and residing north east of a well-known tribe known as the max abou given the fact that many of the uncontacted tribes in the region if hits have origins tens of thousands of years in the past many claim the perhaps these merry coxy are a part of the last living troughs of Neanderthals in the modern day offers believe they could be a hidden village of Sasquatch people moving whenever they discovered two denser and more undiscovered regions in the world though many might not believe that these creatures exist there is evidence of his presence in mountains and forests from around the wetland and recently we found out the FBI was interested in these sightings since 1978 it's reported the FBI started to take interest in the script and during that time director Peter Byrne of the Bigfoot information center sent the FBI an interesting package inside contained around 15 hairs attached to a tiny piece of skin the reason it was sent to the FBI is because the organization can identify what animal this came from the FBI decided to take a look and it turned out the hair samples from my day for decades later the FBI Declassified his Bigfoot file about this analysis as many pointed out though it doesn't prove that Bigfoot exists it just means the government is someone a favor and may have been a little interested themselves they never expressed interest in Bigfoot and never stated the humanoid Israel it turns out though these sightings have been happening for years an early settler by the name of David Thompson crossed the Rockies near the present site of Jasper Alberta he mentions coming across the tracks of a large animal the entry in his journal means continuing our journey in the afternoon we came on the tracks of a large animal the snow around six inches deep in the eyes I measured it for large toes of four inches in length to each assure plural the ball of the foot sunk three inches lower than their toes the hinder part of the foot did not mark where all the length 14 inches by 18 jeans walking from not herself and having passed around six hours we were in no humour to follow him his great size was not that of a bear in the city of Jefferson Texas is a haunted hotel that many may not be aware of this hotel goes by the name of the Jefferson hotel and for many years now people have been reporting or things while staying here however the paranormal is overshadowed by something that only a few have seen this comes in the form of a mysterious burg the book isn't just given to anyone as you first must know where's camped over the years people said the book is kept behind the hotel desk in the main lobby whereas others have said you must occur on the hotel and find it if you're one of the few that manages to get their hands on this mysterious burg it said that you're in for a wild ride for this book isn't just any ordinary book it details paranormal encounters early writings and other mysterious things another catch to being able to read this book is that you must be a guest of this hotel not only that but you must have been a guest for several years before you're allowed to read this burg the hotel itself is said to have a weird presence and even those not looking for the book of reported encountering mysterious things in and around the building if you're one of the few that's able to get their hands on the book it said that you have to take it back to your room and read it at night some have suggested the best time to read this book is just before you go to sleep is this causes you to have vivid hallucinations or throughout the night some have even described it as going on a journey or having an epiphany with that being said most of the encounters with the book don't in WoW most readers unable to reach the end of the book about something happening that causes them to stomp one of the most common things to experience after reading this book is a lucid dream a lucid dream is a dream in which the person is not only aware they're dreaming but can also control the dream some have expressed their doubts about whether this is real or the lucid dreaming is backed up by scientific studies a 2009 study by the neurological laboratory in Frankfurt revealed increased brain activity during lucid dreams some people have claimed Tomas this have said they can make any situation happen however there is another cite it is many who've attempted to lucid dream have said that they've experienced something that's put them off it forever some describe it is the man in black while others call it the boogeyman it seems that if it's not done correctly soot dreams can give you an incredibly bad nightmare some of these have even affected people weeks after the experience others have read the book have said that they've seen dark shadows in their room someone suggested these figures could be the mysterious shadow people the shadow people are described as being black masses they can often be seen around objects that are said to be haunted or in places where something bad happened one of the first things people say they feel when they see them is fear and as if they've drained all of the energy out of the room some have reported them as having glowing red eyes while others have suggested they have black eyes it's not known what they want but those who have seen him have said they think their band as mentioned inside the book is said to be accounts of previous hotel members who experience things they couldn't explain this range is from the pounding water even encountering mysterious creatures they can explain a wooded area can be found close to this hotel and this era was said to have once been inhabited by the Caddo Indians this tribe will talk about large creatures they shared their land with and they deterred them as not being friendly towards them some of describe that book has been some kind of portable and inside is all of the bad things that happened over the years and depending on what part you read depends on what you experience so for example if you read about the paranormal experiences you are likely to encounter something paranormal one woman encountered the following while staying in the hotel and she said the following I stayed at the historic Jefferson hotel and it was a place that changed my life while staying in room 12 I saw something I couldn't explain me and my husband decided to travel here as is a hotel we always wanted to stay and we were here during 2011 then we actually had a great time it was on the last day that things seemed to change while trying to fall asleep I could hear strange knocking sound coming from the door what was strange though is that it wasn't coming from our side this sounded like someone was tapping on our door from the inside this happened for several minutes so I decided to get up and go take a look I couldn't initially see anything so it got back into bed and then around a minute later the knocking sound started up again this time though the sounds were coming from the end of the band as I sat up I could see a humanoid standing at the end of the band I could see a young girl dressed in old-looking clothing as I rubbed my eyes she was still there staring at me after around 20 seconds she walked across my room and through the door at this point I thought I was dreaming I quickly woke my husband up and told him about what happened what's crazy about this is while I was telling him this story he interrupted me and said he was having a dream about seeing a creepy girl in our room he said he was seeing this from a bird's-eye view of the room and could see the girl at the end of the bend this was enough for us to wake up and leave the hotel several weeks after being back a home I decided to do some digging on the incident it turns out the room we stayed in is where a strange book can often be found this boot details past travelers who have stayed there and many of them have allegedly encountered the paranormal while staying in that room each person wrote in detail about seeing a small girl in their room during the night this gave me goosebumps as it detailed the same things I experienced with that being said there are those who say this book isn't even real and that is more of an urban legend to try and get people to stay at the hotel whatever the case the hotel's miss Tears presence and Birkenau throughout the area so what do you guys make of this and have you ever experienced anything similar let me know your thoughts in the comments mysterious writings can be found all across the world and one that still splits many people is that of the Dead Sea Scrolls seen as one of the lodges and most influential religions of the white-owned Christianity dates back as far as two thousand years ago and derives the majority of its legends and myths from the Judaism religion these writings as referenced in the Bible have often been regarded as incomplete translation or scriptures missing a large amount of information that was discarded eons beforehand this wasn't an effort to filter out with a Catholic Church in the ancient kings throughout time wish for humanity to remember these true scriptures and details were thought by scholars to have been completely destroyed and lost a time unable to be recovered for the foreseeable future however this turned out not to be the case after the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls these ancient scrolls contain first-person accounts of the ancient stories regarded in the Bible from the Book of Enoch to the complete story of Noah as well as a tremendous amount of information regarding the nature of angels and fallen angels what was so strange about these stories was not their complete and unedited nature but rather the detail inside these documents in the stories they told many accounts in the Book of Enoch regarded angels similar to that in Tucson as aliens with some even recounting entering a floating cloud in which they resided for a beam of light they encased around them once inside this cloud that was described by Enoch is using smokeless fire bright lights and lightning hero that he was brought out into the star turns an observed strange phenomena that many experts believe are referring to known anomalies in our galaxy such as a supermassive black hole us on itself and many other cosmological constants recorded in these first Han accountants not only this but after Eno traveled with these angels through the stars for a couple of wings upon coming back to earth he realized that more than 300 years had passed which actually maps to the time traveled moving at the speed of light and time dilation caused by the observations made by Albert Einstein known as the theory of special and general relativity this means it could very well be possible that the Book of Enoch was the very first account of an abduction written in the ancient times and reference and scriptures from around the world as of right now though many debate this and their true nature is still shrouded in mystery our world is always revealing its secrets for the last few decades humans have done a great job uncovering certain mysteries and so far we've been able to solve quite a few of em however there are some that have remained unsolved each time we look at these discoveries and artifacts sometimes we end up with more questions than answers this world is ever-changing leaving many mysteries of history lost to time as we attempt to uncover the secrets that we think can be uncovered and fortunately enough for us it appears that every now and then a timestamp of history's perfectly preserved for us in the modern day and is just waiting to be discovered these Tom stamps are usually stored away inside the earth waiting for someone to one day uncover it however every so often we make discoveries right on the surface Jennings Randolph Lake is the location of this mysterious looking rock it's been given the name of the waffle rock due to his strange appearance not many people know about this strange-looking rock but when people do first year they normally ask of Israel this is because of the unnatural look of the wrong one thing to notice that the rock is still baffling visitors and researchers to this day according to scientists and researchers they've put forth the idea that the rock is owned in fact they've suggested it could be between 275 and 310 million years old one of the first things you'll notice is the odd-looking design that covers the wrong this interesting design doesn't look like it's naturally made and some have suggested it looks as though it's been printed on the rock theorists have said that if this rock is over 300 million years old then how are the people of this time have the tools to carve these deep intricate designs another mystery is that there isn't much information out there about this object many of the postings online and mini speculation as to what the object is of course there are some more out-there theories UFO believers have put forth the idea this large piece of rock is actually a part of an alien spacecraft suggesting that it landed on earth millions of years ago and one of the reasons we can't find much information about his because it's not from here however researchers don't believe this theory and have said is most likely mermaid even if this is the case it doesn't bring us any closer to unraveling its mystery we still have no idea what civilization created is and how they were able to do ends the discovery of the rock was made in the 1980s and as mentioned it was given the name of the waffle rock as of today the mysterious rock is still baffling researchers archeologists have discovered some incredible structures over the years not only are they impressive to look at but they've also made us question who could have built them this comes down to the fact that some of these is so massive it's hard to understand how humans could construct them some of the more obvious structures include those of the Great Pyramid of Giza and Stonehenge these are the more famous ones as over the years they've been brought to the public's attention however scattered across our planet a chart mega lifts that some are not aware of one of these has become known as the fortifications of Mycenae the fortifications of Mycenae have continued to baffle engineers and architects to this very day the technique of masonry used is actually referred to as cyclopean masonry this is in reference to the written works made by the ancient Greek historians the describe the walls of my seniors being produced by that of Giants it's claimed these wars' was said to have been the work of cyclones created by using honor out stones with each being so big their pair of mules could not move the smallest from its place to the slightest degree not only were the massive was built about using mortar or any materials to keep the large rocks in place but the each massive block was supposedly placed by hand by the psychic Giants inhabited the region although this may sound like far-fetched stories you can see why they've been passed out if you were ever to travel to the fortifications of Mycenae one of the first things you'd notice is the massive size in fact when a human is standing Mnet's then they're completely dwarfed by their science this bares the question of how humans would be able to move these giant stones archaeologists have come forward and said the ancient sites of Mycenae is built on a hill 900 feet above sea level it said it was placed here so that it was seen as a power location looking over everything else there's close by he the civilization at the time decided to build here because it was good for farmland and had easy access to water s believe the water created 3,500 years ago during the Late Bronze Age period which seems baffling given the fact that the wars were completely without delay or technological limitation this is despite the human civilization not having made advancements in metals that could have been used for tools in the construction of the walls or the placement of the large stones in fact the blocks are so massive that even modern-day cranes in technology could not place the stones at the accuracy required to build the wall and maintain a stability of the structure without the use of mortar of any kind this begs the question then how did the people at the time move these charges it's been suggested that some of the stones here weigh over 100 tons not only this but the stones are also in awkward shape meaning you'll be near impossible for people the time to move them another theory that's been before de staat the civilization that lived here never built these structures and did in fact stumble across them this is why they suggested they were built by the Cyclops Giants it appears that due to these seemingly impossible to answer questions the Cyclopes sites appear to remain a mystery as of today archaeologists and scientists are unable to provide an explanation to the science reliable methods of carbon dating have not been attempted and further theory or explanation of the site appears to be non-existent which some say point to the obvious conclusion that researchers are not interested in learning more about the structures some of afford the idea their structures like these prove the existence of giants further saying that massive structures can be found all over the wound they point to examples like the jaws of Laius and the Pyramids at Giza scientists have said however not to look down on past civilizations saying that they could have had their own way of moving these giant stones and would have used their surroundings to their advantage the ancient Egyptians is another civilization that's been subjected to many questions there are some people in the ancient et community that believe the gods our ancestors wrote about we're fats alien life-forms although this is a bold theory they say they have proof one of the biggest pieces of evidence of this claims comes from the cradle of human civilization that is ancient Egypt this incredible civilization made incredible breakthroughs in the development of Agriculture science medicine mathematics and the construction of large cities and societies the first piece of evidence to take a close look at is probably the most notable and these are of course the Great Pyramids of Giza these are often reported as one of the greatest wonders of the world and with this title holds an air of mystery how were these megalithic structures constructed for what purpose and war end interestingly even to this day we really have no idea archaeologists and Egyptologists from around the world have devoted their loss to the study of these structures this still cannot seem to crack exactly how they were there haunt to this day we've not been able to recreate these structures even on a much smaller scale all understanding this how can such a technology to perform this incredible feat of engineering in a short twenty years have existed back then in fact some say the sheer size and number of blocks used along with the work force is more than enough evidence of advanced technologies the Great Pyramid consists of roughly 2.3 million stone blocks each weighing more than a car ranging from 2.5 to 15 tons of peens according to suppose receipts discovered in nearby tombs in areas regarding the pyramids the fair has recorded the only 20,000 workers built the pyramids over the course of 20 years mathematically this doesn't make sense if that turns out to be the case according to these ancient Egyptian records then that would mean a block was cut from the quarry moved to the pyramid pushed up a ramp and placed into his crest alignment within the span of two minutes and 30 seconds a technological impossibility but of course given our questionable historical records the ancient Egyptian civilization have created forged documents and receipts in the past to cover up problems with ownership timeline and creation it could very well be possible that this forgery took place for the creation of the pyramids as well given the timeline workload and many other staring pieces of evidence when it comes to theories and techniques of the formation of the pyramid and the facts they just don't seem to add up as of today these sites remain a mystery Antarctica is perhaps one of the most mysterious places on the planet hint researchers and scientists have tried to explore this location the each expedition takes a toll on the human body is an incredibly hot place to study and with it comes many setbacks new and upcoming evidence appears to have opened the eyes of researchers as they have been able to take a glimpse into Antarctica's past not only this but modern technology has helped them to discover new anomalies in the region one of which appear to scientists in the 1970s when satellites were mapping our planet scientists who noticed they'd picked up on something strange in Antarctica this came in the form of a mysterious howl researchers then got together to try and understand what this hole was and what appeared so suddenly however fast for a few months in this joint hold completely vanished this was perhaps one of the first mysteries of Antarctica and scientists are frustrated they can figure out what it was fast 40 years the researchers started to forget about the anomaly his suddenly made an appearance once again this time the hole appear to be much larger the hole in question was over 3500 square miles and had appeared in exactly the same place as a dipper fall while studying the anomaly once again they realized it was growing at a very fast rate in fact in just a couple of months the hole grew by massive 700 percent once again though just as the researchers were taking measurements and trying to understand white apparent the giant hole suddenly vanished once again as you can imagine the scientist can understand why this was happening and it's only been in recent years that they think they figured it out turns out that John anomaly could be caused by harsh weather conditions the theory was put forward by scientists at the York University in Abu Dhabi this was after they looked over satellite images the reason for these large holes is said to be because of cyclones domes when the storms hit the region that abled it's heavy OSA Parnes this theory was put forward this year more researchers going into what's causing these holes the researchers have said although they think this is what's causing the homes the Cyclones in the region do benefit the local wildlife the researchers said this study was published in the Journal of Geophysical Research atmospheres you over the last few years scientists have been quite vocal by the fact that Antarctica is melting at a rapid pace for example researchers have recently said they've noticed a large fissure growing in the continents fourth largest ice shelf this was picked up back in November this was because the crack grew by over 90 miles this has led scientists to speculate the loss and sea ice shelf was breaking apart for those unaware the Larsen ice shelf is a long ice shelf in the northwest part of the Weddell Sea this can be found on the inside the ice shelf itself originally covered an area of 85,000 square kilometres or 33,000 miles however in recent years is thought to measure around 67,000 square kilometres or 26,000 square miles the most recent discovery though is in regards to a John hole discovered under the ice the scientists have estimated the hole was the size of Manhattan this giant anomaly was discovered by nasa's operation icebridge this is a program of theirs that helps to find a map on glaciers and ice sheets than three dimensions the scientists have said that this is allowed them to see how fast a glacier net was and what's actually below the bedrock the next question people started to ask is what's in the cavern the researchers said they think is most likely filled with air much warmer than the surrounding eyes and this is the reason that ice has been melting faster the biggest news however is still the rate at which Antarctica is melting researchers and scientists have been mapping and studying Antarctica of confidence said that they've noticed some strange warming effects as our poles this is happening at times they wouldn't expect for example like winter and in places I can't ask our recent studies have been released and suggests that planet is warming armed the scientists have said this warming in the Arctic and Antarctica have caused many strange events one being melting of off winter problems including permafrost that never reef roses winter and also Wildlife dams the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration released the following statement in our recent report we stated this year was the second warmest year on record in the artic and this came with many problems record low winter sea ice has been reported in parts of the region as was increased toxic algae blooms which are usually a warm water thing on weather changes in the rest of the country unfortunately average American people are also likely to be deeply affected by the decision not to tackle climate change head-on in the last few years flooding has become a major problem all around the world one of the places being hit the most some of the areas of the United States according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is projected that high flooding around the American co-signs this year will surpassed typical levels of flooding by around 60% this has scientists worried as it was initially thought it wouldn't be as high as this within the next 30 years it's estimated around 300,000 homes in the country with a combined value of one hundred and seventeen billion are likely to be at risk of chronic flooding [Music] another interesting discovery was made by scientists in this Kim in the form of toxic for Lowndes the researchers said that something bad is happening is the Earth's temperatures rise what they're talking about is the radioactive fallout from nuclear meltdowns of weapon testing after the tests were done that wasn't the end of this Ayers fallout stem found it's went to the glaciers order on the world now if these glaciers melt which it seems likely they will he could mean as him might get released back into the atmosphere and this could have massive effects a team of scientists have been working together to try and figure out spots where the fallout could be so far they've managed to find nuclear fallout in the Arctic ice land the Alps British Columbia as well as Antarctica and as you can imagine they started to get worried it doesn't help either that researchers have said that Antarctica is melting at an alarming range researchers and scientists have been mapping a studying Antarctic Grove confident said that they've noticed some strange warming of Amiens they've said they now have proof that the planet is warming armed the scientists have said that this warming is having strange effects on our Pantene's the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration released the following statement in our recent report we stated this year was the second warmest year on record in the Artic and this came with many problems a scientific team went on to say they found man-made radioactive materials 17 survey signs the worries that glaciers and ice caps are melting and then what happens is it's been released into the atmosphere and then forced back down to earth usually in the form of rain what this means is that is then absorbed by plants and soil not just that but a large bowl Kofi also finds its way into the oceans and rivers this fallout can stay in the environment for a long time interestingly a study was done in Sweden then they found that what will may contain more than 10 times the safe levels of caesium the wire here is as scientists and researchers have said the melting of glaciers around the world is happening and it's not something we can start on they've said although we can slow the process down is still going to happen they are worried that we won't be ready when this happens and when it does eventually become a reality we're going to struggle to find the correct thing to do [Music] going back a few years ago scientists reported their massive objects that could change our understanding of history's hidden beneath the Antarctic ice these claims of called theorists speculate about what could be lying under the eyes and as you can imagine all kinds of theories have been performed this mysterious anomaly is believed to be underneath an era called whips land the air is over 150 miles across and has a minimum depth of around 2500 feet interestingly researchers have suggested it could be the remains of a giant asteroid and if this is the case it would be more than twice the side of the asteroid that struck Mexico 66 million years ago this was the asteroid that's believed to have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs this could help to answer one of the planet's most mysterious events during the Permian Triassic a massive extinction event happened it caused seven not hisses percent of the earth sea creatures and over 70 percent of vertebrate organisms living on land to perish this giant rock could have been behind that event this mysterious anomaly was first brought to the attention of researchers in 2006 this was when NASA satellite picked up on gravitational changes so what do you guys make of these recent discoveries surrounding Antarctica be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comment section below and help us by growing this community while working to solve these unexplained mysteries thank you for watching and don't forget to subscribe for more videos [Music] you
Channel: Unexplained Mysteries
Views: 3,531,384
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Keywords: 25, unsolved, mysteries, that, cannot, be, explained, 25 unsolved mysteries, 25 unsolved mysteries that cannot be explained, 100 unsolved mysteries, 100 unsolved mysteries that cannot be explained, recent discoveries, amazing discoveries, incredible discoveries, latest discoveries, most incredible recent discoveries, most recent amazing discoveries, amazing recent discoveries, most amazing recent discoveries, incredible recent discoveries, most amazing discoveries, new discoveries
Id: abq7RKyfjWo
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Length: 213min 25sec (12805 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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