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like it subscribe right now or the spider will crawl on your face when you're sleeping watch quick this video cannot be explained when cameras were first invented they were done so with the intention of capturing some of the most amazing and beautiful moments in our lives they were created to ensure we left the peace of our existence for our future generations to see unfortunately cameras can also capture things they did not intend to from the weird to the creepy to the downright incomprehensible cameras truly make us believe that there's more to life than what meets the eye with that being said let's take a look at 10 of the most unexplainable moments caught on camera number 10 an unexplained shadow in the water the mysteries of the sea how will we solve them all yes it is home to some of the creepiest creatures lurking in the deep we've heard of nightmares like the thing tooth fish in the giant squid we've even heard stories of ghoulish creatures like the Kraken swimming the deep blue but could there be true this to these mysteries take for example this video here that captured a weird creature meandering eerily in the cold ocean waters of Alaska could this be a prehistoric dinosaur trapped in the wrong timeline could it have survived the numerous mass extinctions that have rocked our planet over the course of millions of years while some viewers agreed that its movements exhibited that of a foreign creature not documented in our fossil records others consider this video a fake one overwhelming evidence is the formation of ice on the creatures back no creature would allow ice to form in such a manner whether warm-blooded or cold-blooded a must perhaps they are some foreign creature not of this planet you be the judge of that and let us know in the comment section below before we move on I've got a little challenge for you that'll take five seconds to complete so here's the deal you just leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button and hit the notification bell and you will get 25 years of amazing luck try it it really works number nine ghosts in the Tower of Terror Disneyland has had its share of mysteries as one of the most beautiful and wonderful places to visit Disneyland can be somewhat creepy at times while children love the place adults might spot a few things that will make them wonder yes it can also be home to some paranormal activities that will truly shock and amaze you let's look at this footage here for example you can see one of Disney's maintenance technicians carrying out a service check in the famous or shall we say infamous Tower of Terror ride of course if anything creepy was bound to happen in Disneyland it would most likely take place here right yes the technician thought he was alone but it turns out that's not the case as you can see a weird flicker of static shows that there is a silhouette a few paces from the engineer but he does not notice it he is so focused on the task at hand that nothing seems to faze him a few seconds later it appears right next to him yet again he is not fazed could it be a ghost just fooling around with him we'll never know but one thing's for sure this engineer takes his work very seriously number 8 golem or alien CCTV cameras have certainly made the world a safer place indeed you can sleep safely knowing that your camera is watching your property especially the driveway where robbers love to take advantage of parked vehicles but what happens when your security camera records something unexpected something that borders alien propaganda this is exactly what one woman in Colorado woke up to find the next morning when she decided to see what her security camera had been recording deep in the night some weird creature walks creepily past her camera the creature looks a mass eiated and has elf-like ears some people actually think that it could be a magical elf like in Harry Potter or a weird creature like Gollum on the other hand some viewers believe that the creature could finally be the first sighting of an actual alien captured on camera nevertheless there are skeptics who believe that the video is a hoax and it's really just a child wearing underwear over his head but if that's really the case and we have a few questions to ask first of all why does the child look so emaciated even if it's a prank why are his parents starving him secondly why does the child have such awkward in weird movements he is literally walking and prancing about as if he has nails on his feet nonetheless this video is a bone-chilling reminder that you never know what you'll find in the darkness so better keep safe number seven struck by lightning twice while they say that lightning never strikes the same place twice it appears that nature has a funny way of playing tricks on us take for example the hilarious story of Casey Wagner who was unfortunately hit by lightning twice for the young energetic man it seems like he got more than he bargained for in one day in fact let's take a look at the facts the chances of a person being struck by lightning twice on the same day is one in a million additionally the odds of being hit by lightning in your entire life is about one in 12,000 now hear this the chances of being struck by lightning twice in the same place at the same time is about one in nine million yet against all odds Casey was the victim of one of nature's most vicious Arsenal's or maybe the heavens have some sort of vendetta against him while attending an annual event based in Saint Joe Texas known as rednecks for pay checks Wagner had opted to take shelter under a tree as the clouds darkened signaling the onset of rain the 31 year old was waiting for one of his friends to come back from the restroom when he suddenly saw brights marks emerging from the tree trunk in a split second Wagner was going down and he instantly knew that the big bright flash was a lightning strike with the electricity surging through his body surprisingly Wagner did not lose consciousness during the entire ordeal at first he thought he was dying but before he hit the ground there was a second bolt that hit his right work boot the bolt moved up his right leg traveled through the side of his body and escaped from his left arm realizing yet again what had transpired Wagner shouted for help as he lay there motionless fortunately a nurse came to his aid and managed to calm him down as she called the paramedics to the scene fortunately Wagner did not sustained any serious injuries and lived to see another day number 6 invisible wall we bit this man was having a great day before this happened yes sometimes unexplainable things can just transform our amazing day into a horrible one even creepier yet is that this incidence was filmed by a CCTV camera as the man in this video is running we see something truly unexplainable happen it looks like they slam face-first into an invisible wall real hard so much so that it knocks him down to the ground and he ends up lying on his back unless were blind it is crystal clear that there is no wall ahead of him so what did he hit two invisible walls actually exists or is this just a really good case of editing maybe this man has been hunted by ghosts for a while now and he was just trying to escape whatever the case might be it's crystal clear that this video is extremely disturbing number five real vampire vampires are no doubt some of the scariest creatures of myth and legends but what if they are real and actually walking among us for centuries vampires the likes of Dracula have possessed unfathomable powers which they have used to overpower humans and feasts on their blood in fact the story of vampires has driven fear in the hearts of many to the point that they've gained a popular following in Hollywood movies and series spin-offs such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer nevertheless different cultures have developed unique ways to spot hunt and even kill a vampire one of the ways is by holding a crucifix that will no doubt caused them to recoil in terror another way is to see the creature skin burn when the vampire is exposed to the Sun and finally a vampire can be distinguished by the fact that it does not have a reflection in a mirror so you can imagine the shock of a CCTV surveillance security guard when he reviewed this footage from a restaurant as you can see this guy walks past a mirror while leaving the rest Jerome and one thing is clear he does not have a reflection even more eerie is the fact that the guy is dressed in black from head to toe which is definitely a classic vampire look now to give him the benefit of the doubt he could just be a goth who loves his dark attire but how do you explain the lack of a reflection on the mirror good we have just spotted a modern-day vampire walking amongst us number four the decade old Disney mystery about a decade ago before Disney had taken over the world and controlled billion-dollar businesses like Marvel Star Wars in the Toy Story trilogy Disneyland was one of its major cash revenues thousands of Americans loved to visit the place to spend time with their family and to generally have a good time indeed one youtuber by the name of Danilo gana Phi was visiting Disneyland and filming a glorious display of fireworks when he spotted something very weird if you pay close attention to the video you will notice that there is a weird greyish Specter standing creepily atop the Disney castle and it also seems to be enjoying the fireworks display which makes the question could it actually be the ghost of Walt Disney watching the fireworks display number three guardian angel they say that each and every one of us has a guardian angel watching our every move so that you don't falter in your path in life and yes these guardian angels can also protect you from facing your death take for example the guy in this clip here he is just about to cross the train tracks but doesn't seem to be aware about the train speeding by if you look closer you can clearly see that some invisible force Yanks him backwards just as the train is about to make him shall we say train kill if it weren't for this mysterious force looking over him then we're pretty sure this guy would have been flattened by the train and now we've come to the best pic of the day what would you do if you came across an invisible bike wheeling right next to you would you freak out well in this picture it seems like the cyclist is pretty relaxed about it gonna be a prank and is he in on the joke number two invisible traffic wall while walking into an invisible wall looks disturbingly painful we bad driving headfirst into one seems much worse can you imagine the awkward conversation trying to explain to your insurance agent exactly how you dented your bumper or crash the car the footage shows several car suddenly slamming into an invisible wall with the force even rag dolling some of the cars around like they were alight feathers perhaps some magnetic field was triggered somewhere to move these cars around or better yet could this be evidence that magneto from the x-men actually exists now that would be an awesome power to have number one black ring yet again we have creepy footage emerging from Disneyland this is courtesy of youtuber dare to be Crimson lace who decided to visit Disneyland in the summer of 2015 while Disneyland is usually a place of fun and happiness it can also be a place of mystery and terror as much as there were numerous attractions and spectacles in the amusement park nothing could take the youtubers cameras off the weird event in the sky it was around 10 p.m. right above Tomorrowland where a strange black cloud materialized could it be a portal to another dimension could it have been aliens making contact one could not be so sure in fact the truth remains unclear to this day and now that we've come to the end of this video do you have any logical answers to some of the unexplained occurrences caught on tape let us know in the comments section down below want more videos that would probably still exist until the end of time click on any of the videos you see on the screen as always thanks for watching you
Channel: Viral Now
Views: 545,194
Rating: 4.7918868 out of 5
Keywords: top, viral now, education, entertainment, mysterious videos, videos that cannot be explained, scary videos, creepy videos, mysterous videos that cannot be explained, Slapped Ham, slapped ham creepy, Lars Mittank, Chinese Woman Possessed in Store, The Real Men in Black, ghost in hotel room, Elisa Lam, Chinese traffic accident, teleporting man, witch's face in abandoned house, girl in red dress ghost, ghost in hospital, mysterious footage, real video, ghost video
Id: lKb0Qz3txkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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