Dumbest Criminals Who Must Not Want Their Freedom - Part 2

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in the world of crime there are some individuals who are so incompetent that they make the work of police a walk in the park with stories ranging from the funniest failed bribery attempt to the most ridiculous police chase ever let's check out some criminals so dumb they must not want their freedom [Music] benson 22 the game of football or soccer as it's called in america has some pretty crazy fans all over the world paul benson from belfast northern ireland happened to be a fan of manchester united he also happened to be a fan of petty theft on one thieving session at his local tesco supermarket in 2015 paul loaded himself up with 104 pounds worth of goods and was preparing for a clean escape until the store's staff spotted him shoplifting paul fled the scene with the goods in hand hoping he'd be able to avoid being identified but paul failed to account for one important thing he'd been wearing his favorite manchester united jersey which happened to have his name printed in big letters on the back after one glance at the cctv the police were able to identify the thief by his unmissable name tag and he was arrested soon after word to the wise if you want to remain anonymous don't commit crimes in your personalized sportswear otherwise you may end up as a benson 22. another word to the wise for more hilarious fascinating and mind-blowing content be sure to hit those like and subscribe buttons i post stuff like this every day that just be criminal to miss now back to our laughably incompetent law breakers come back later when a vape shop owner in belgium found himself faced with a group of robbers one afternoon in october 2018 he tried something he probably never thought would actually work as most of the store's sales tend to happen later in the day he advised the robbers to return later when the earnings had picked up a bit unbelievably the robbers agreed with a suggestion they left and the shopkeeper called the police the police however were reluctant to send someone out as they argued the chances of the robbers returning to the crime scene was almost zero but it turned out the police were wrong the robbers returned later in the afternoon and incredibly the store owner was able to convince them to come back later still as peak business hours were about to begin with the criminal's gullibility confirmed the shopkeeper phoned the police again this time being able to convince them that the criminals were coming back so a couple of undercover cops came to the store hid in the stockroom and waited sure enough the robbers returned once again and when they did the police burst out and arrested them by returning to the seat of the crime not once but twice these catastrophically incompetent lawbreakers made this a very easy case indeed for the belgian police force easy identification there are a couple of very important things to remember when carrying out a crime firstly never return to the scene like those belgian robbers did secondly never leave anything at the crime scene that might be used to identify you one burglar from leeds england forgot to follow that very basic second rule back in 2014 when he broke into of all places an orphanage with a normal residence on an evening trip to the cinema the burglar gained access to the building safe before making off with the loot but on his way out he dropped something which he really shouldn't have brought with him in the first place which the police found immediately upon investigating the crime scene the burglar's birth certificate it remains unclear why he had it on his person but it made for a quickly closed case when paired with the fingerprints he left in the building a remarkably similar case also occurred in boston usa in 2013. when a woman had her purse stolen in the street the robber unknowingly dropped his own bag before running off luckily for the woman the robber's bag was overflowing with information that would prove very useful to the police among clothes and sneakers the bag contained the thief's birth certificate as well as a note from his mother if the note didn't say i'm ashamed of you the next one probably would as he was arrested and his blunder was made public knowledge back at it again for some people the allure of the criminal lifestyle is simply too much to resist but one florida man took his inability to resist crime to the extreme after being released from jail in 2019 with freedom in his grasp he stepped out into the open air but didn't even make it beyond the boundaries of the parking lot before his criminal urge overtook him officers found him a mere 15 minutes after his release breaking into cars in the jail parking lot in that short time heat managed to acquire an iphone four packets of cigarettes a debit card a driver's license and 547 dollars in cash needless to say his taste of freedom proved extremely brief as he was arrested and returned to jail immediately carpool pals in the early hours of the morning of july 27 2017 a thief was wandering around downtown in fort pierce florida looking for an opportunity when he noticed a vehicle which appeared to have been left with the keys in the ignition and engine running it seemed to him like the perfect ride home so he started rattling the handle to the driver's side in an attempt to get in however he failed to notice two very important things firstly that he was attempting to gain access to a police car and secondly he missed the fact that there was a police officer sitting in the passenger seat instantly clocking what was going on the officer hopped out and detained the opportunistic but not so perceptive thief on the bright side he still got a free ride to the station that is hold the door most people have at some point or another experience the awkwardness of trying to push a door that's meant to be pulled or vice versa but no matter how much embarrassment a situation of this kind may have caused you in the past i guarantee it wasn't as bad as it was for this next robber walking into a bank he wanders over to the desk where his demands for cash are met with a hard no in the form of a metal shielding fleeing he becomes stuck at the door and begins seeking a new exit when this happens thanks to a very oblivious older lady the failed robber finally sees where he was going wrong and makes his grand escape needless to say with all those cctv close-ups of his face it wasn't hard for the police to catch the robber once they did i've got a feeling he would forever be remembered in the precinct as that one criminal who couldn't figure out how to use a door [Music] hamburglar how far would you go for a tasty cut of premium meat if you're a vegan you don't have to answer that but a man in cadiz spain showed his commitment to premium pork in february 2016 and stole seven legs of ebriko ham lugging the legs away alongside the cash till and a tv he managed to make it home unnoticed that was until the next morning when the bar owner discovered his ransacked place of work he contacted the police and a lead of a very unusual nature was found turned out when the burglar had stolen the ham he dragged it to his home leaving a trail of grease along the ground the fatty trail led straight to the burglar's house inside which was found two legs of very tasty ham an empty cash tool and an embarrassed looking thief canine cop sometimes catching a criminal comes down to the police using a few clever tactics but the success of one such tactic used by police officer in wheelchair england in 2016 partly depended on the gullibility of the criminal he was pursuing when a police chase ended with the occupants of the target vehicle fleeing the officer in pursuit had to think quick selecting one of the passengers he chased them for a moment before losing sight of them with the target's escape seeming imminent the officer made an unusual decision he started barking like a dog of course it's important to mention that before he started barking like a madman the officer shouted to the criminal that he had a police dog with him the officer hoped that by making the fleeing suspect think he was about to be chased by a snarling police hound he might surrender rather than risk a nasty bite it seems the plan worked because the target stops allowing the officer to arrest him whatever works i guess even if the whole thing does sound barking mad learning the card way as most rookie criminals learn early in their career if you want to avoid getting caught don't try the stuff you see in tv and movies it never goes to plan in real life a german thief learned this the hard way back in 2007 when he attempted to replicate tv criminals by prying open his neighbor's apartment door with his credit card not only did the trick not work for the burglar but the resident of the apartment was woken up by the sound of the failed attempt the thief was able to flee before his neighbor saw him but it didn't take the apartment owner along to realize who'd been trying to break in that's because the credit card the burglar had been using to pry the lock had been snapped in half and dropped during the attempt the half of the credit card that was left behind clearly said the thief's name and account details and when police investigated his apartment they immediately found the other half i wonder if this escapade and the ensuing arrest affected his credit score a brief mission i'm not sure why but dim-witted criminals seem to have a really hard time with doors this was proven when this group of jumps tried to rob a jewelry store together only to be stopped by the front door like our bank robber friend from earlier these wannabe robbers can't quite grasp the idea that some doors require pulling rather than pushing this minor hurdle brings the whole heist to an early close as they immediately flee back to the getaway vehicle in an incredibly embarrassing failure this guy seems to realize how useless these criminals all are straight away because he doesn't flinch or move an inch during the whole event you can't fault the attempted robbers for speed though it was the perfect in and out job only without the in part sales pitch this next story of useless lawbreakers comes from nelson crocker who commented on the previous episode in this series nelson shared the brief tale of how thieves stole his dad's generator only to make some seriously dumb decisions in the aftermath looking to turn a quick profit the thieves failed to do their research before selling it on to what they hoped would be an unsuspecting buyer if they'd used their brains even slightly they'd have thought twice before attempting to sell the generator in the same area they stole it from but that day intelligence was in short supply and the thieves sold the generator to the original owner's friend and neighbor who lived just across the street as soon as he noticed the similarity to his neighbor's missing machine the friend put two and two together and gave it back to its rightful owner before turning the thieves in as hard as it can be at times this is why keeping your neighbors on your good side can really pay off if you're keen to share a dumb criminal story of your own just like nelson you can just email yours across to stories at bmas.com or leave a comment below for a chance to be featured in the next episode reading the situation if you're planning to carry out a robbery it helps if you know what the place you're robbing is but thanks to his inability to read or write one man in blackburn scotland made a blunder in 2015 that's up there with the all-time greats in an effort to get some quick cash the man attempted to rob a fish and chip shop after his illiteracy caused him to mistake it for the betting shop next door when it became clear the man wasn't there for his dinner but before the would-be robber had time to issue threats the server suggested he tried the betting shop instead so off he went for take two this time at the correct location he handed the betting store's confused manager s a note written by a friend that said put the money in the bag or someone will die in an unexpectedly bold move however the manager s declined the command while her colleague contacted the police but instead of staying true to his threats the world's worst robber simply claimed he was joking and sauntered out the door he was later arrested and charged though hopefully his sentencing was explained verbally rather than in writing too close for comfort sometimes a smart criminal is one who can spot an opportunity for a quick buck without consequences but the without consequences part of that idea failed to be taken into consideration by a thief in oregon in 2018. the opportunity in question was an expensive looking bicycle attached to a bike rack with an easily breakable lock it seemed too easy to pass up so the thief began cutting the lock with his bolt cutters that's where his lack of risk assessment became an issue because that bike happened to be chained right outside the local police station and while the thief was attempting to liberate the bike for his own use he was caught in the act by one of the station's officers pinned arrested and held on the ground he had plenty of time for the stupidity of his actions to dawn on him while the officers gathered his information but on the bright side he wouldn't have to walk far to jail so he wouldn't be needing that bike leaving a mark when police were called to an attempted burglary in carroll iowa back in 2009 the witness report seemed a little strange allegedly two men had been seen trying to break into an apartment with fake beards and masks scrawled onto their faces in permanent marker their attempt to burglarize the place had failed and they'd fled the scene in their 1994 buick roadmaster while the report seemed a little nutty the police were eventually able to track down a car matching the description and when they pulled it over the descriptions proved accurate in the car were two very drunk young men with permanent marker disguises as described these hilariously bad attempts to remain anonymous were apparently a drunken idea as was the attempted burglary but drunken escapade or not the pair were charged with attempted burglary and drunken driving if they'd used their brains for just a moment the blundering burglars would have realized this inky story was always going to leave a permanent mark on their records sweetening the deal when police officers in frederick maryland received reports of a man peeking into parked cars late at night in july 2018 they apprehended him on suspicions of planned thievery what the policeman hadn't expected was for the guy to begin trying to bribe them first with money then with donuts initially they thought the donut offer was just a belligerent criminal's attempt to mock them but after a while it became clear that he was totally serious as it turned out the suspect was actually an employee of krispy kreme donuts and was legitimately trying to use his role to bribe the officers as tempting as the offer must have been the officers stayed true to their principles and having found illicit substances and an air pistol on the man chose law and order over glazed goodness the suspect was given a court date and i can't help wondering if he tried his donut method on the judge and jury when the big day rolled around hey he'd certainly swing my vote kicking up a stink hide and seek can be a nerve-wracking game and considerably more so when it's the police trying to find you so when a man wanted for possession of a controlled substance was chased in a wooded area in clay county missouri it makes sense that he was a little nervous but this proved to be his downfall as those nerves or perhaps whatever he'd eaten earlier caused him to release an almighty fart so loud it gave his position away the cops found him presumably after giving it a moment for the smell to clear and he was arrested considering the volume and aroma of what went down i'd argue they could have added disturbing the peace to his list of charges too needing to vent in 2018 police and firefighters were called to an abandoned chinese restaurant in san lorenzo california after reports of someone calling for help from inside the building but when they arrived they found nothing within the restaurant itself it turned out the cries were coming from up above from a man who while attempting to burglarize the building had become stuck in the restaurant's grease vent for two days he'd been wedged in foul-smelling old film which had lined the vent walls so thick they were too slick to climb out of but with a little help from the baffled officers he finally found freedom embarrassed dirty but otherwise generally healthy despite his two-day stay in slime city it's fair to say this rookie crook wouldn't be breaking and entering through any vents again in a hurry total snoozefest another hot take from one of our viewers now we have commentator sega's story of when their neighbor's house was broken into by a hilariously bad burglar while the criminal was mid burgle the homeowner returned and with no time to escape the thief was forced to hide under a bed unluckily for the burglar this bed belonged to the owner who climbed onto it shortly after with no other option the burglar was forced to wait there until the homeowner fell asleep soon the bedroom was filled with the sound of snoring only the homeowner was still awake as it turned out the burglar had fallen asleep while waiting and his snoring alerted the homeowner to his presence it must have seemed like an awfully rude awakening when the police finally turned up to take sleeping beauty to the slammer [Music] duct tape bandit what do you do when you want to carry out a robbery put your balaclavas in the wash going by the example of one man from ashland kentucky all you need to do is grab the closest thing at hand to use as a mask for this particular man his disguise of choice was made from duct tape which he wrapped around his face before attempting to rob a liquor store despite threatening the clerk the diy disguise must have negated any intimidation he'd hoped for as he was soon being chased out of the store by a wooden club wielding manager despite his attempts to flee his disastrous robbery attempt the duct tape bandit was quickly tackled by the manager and held in place until the police arrived with his face taped and his arrest imminent perhaps he finally realized what a sticky situation he'd created for himself police and petroleum siphoning fuel from cars is a bold move on its own and stealing gas from a police car is moving into ridiculously risky territory but doing all of that taking a picture in the act and posting it publicly on facebook is just plain stupid that didn't stop a man from kentucky back in 2012 though having proudly posted the picture of his thieving ways online it wasn't long before the police had caught wind of the act they tracked him down and arrested him hopefully ensuring that any of his criminal future acts of arrogant idiocy would be kept private high speed pursuit in january 2016 near aberdeen scotland a series of events took place that sound more like a sitcom than reality it all began when a man was kicked off the bus for being too drunk in his intoxicated state the man somehow managed to steal a mobility scooter which he attempted to use to complete his journey home his wobbly driving pattern grew concerning for the other motorists on the road and soon the police were called when they arrived however the man refused to stop his wild ride and led the police on a 5 miles per hour pursuit while sadly no one caught footage of the high octane pursuit it likely looked something like this only with more chaos and the rider veering all over the place needless to say the drunk's slow-paced vehicle was no match for a police car and the chase proved short-lived he was arrested at double the legal driving limit for alcohol proving you should never drive and scoot folks or you might end up the embarrassing subject of a video like this do you have any local stories of dumb criminals getting up to ridiculous antics let me know in the comments below or email me at stories bmas.com thanks for watching you
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 2,533,238
Rating: 4.9003239 out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, dumbest criminals, americas dumbest criminals, worlds dumbest criminals, stupid criminals, dumb criminals, caught on camera, dumbest criminals compilation, americas dumbest criminals compilation, stupid crimes, criminals caught on camera, worlds dumbest, dumbest criminals of all time, cops chase, top 10 dumbest criminals of all time, worlds dumbest people, worlds dumbest drivers
Id: 8Mkc00yIhts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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