Straight Talk with Pastor Raul Ries // Special Guest: Ryan Ries // Episode 59

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you me you you you you we're back here in the somebody loves you studio and we got ryan reese with us you don't want to miss it and pastor rawl we'll be back in 22nd so we're going to talk about a lot of stuff stay tuned tell your friends and family peace [Music] well we're live here in studio i got rawl and ryan so this is probably going to be an epic show ryan how's uh dad life dude horrible [Laughter] it's uh it's insane you know when you're trying to when you're running a business you're running a movement working on books films trying to be a husband raise kids there's just so many um things going on at one time that it's i feel like i'm like the tasmanian devil at the moment you know i see your face i'm a different man today uh it's it's it's really honestly very very crazy and i just thank god for the grace in this season is it easy nope not at all but i'm just depending on that grace i think everybody knows i mean years ago when um when crystal became pregnant and you've heard the story that ryan's talked about of finding out that there was triplets and that story they also have a baby boy yeah asher he's addicted to cars [Laughter] he's growing his hair he got his hair growing out too his hair's grown oh it all you know it all started at your house dad we were at his office and asher was pulling me and we go into my dad's office and he has this like harley um it's like a it's like i think it's like wood or something but it's like carved but it looks real yeah and it's like up on the wall and he points up and he goes and that's when it all started and now it's just like i bought him the grave dinner gravedigger monster truck uh it was uh it was like it's like this big and he was like pushing it through target yeah well actually no that's not true he was pushing the target i thought it was just like a big monster truck well it got in the car and i took the kids to the car and your mom your wife bought it brought it home i was like cool look at this monster truck it was a remote control so now daddy got a remote control car that's that's amazing well i say that because you know we hear the stories you know he has triplets and well now doing ministry having four kids your life changes you um and and it gets very busy well let's talk i want to talk about a lot of things today i want to talk about ryan's uh the full sin documentary we had here a couple weeks ago but also raw like what's going on with you i know um i i told you last week you were sharing with the staff that deuteronomy chapter 8 which is like legit it's all about obedience and like basically the stories of those things is so true for all of us because basically what it is is like if you obey god your life's gonna be good but if you veer off to the left and to the right like your father's did in the past and you you serve other idols it's distractions you're gonna reap the consequences of those things that's what's kind of been going through my heart lately how about you yeah you know what i'm looking at life you know our family is real busy we got so much going on all the time but also you know being in the word of god and like we talked about deuteronomy 8 you know i i taught that so many times and again we will tell you the other day you know it's like god just we re we remember but he also rehearses in our lives what needs to be done and i see it in it here at the church what's going on we cannot believe you know we cannot believe the letters we cannot believe the ways uh god's uh you know the response from the people yeah it's just been amazing to see that god is bringing the people back but also all kinds of new people are coming here from all over you know all over i mean we have people from san jose we have people from uh what's up there by uh fresno you know they're here on sunday so it's been really you know going to the character studies has been really neat for me you know you know the trip is like yeah like you're saying like during this whole covet thing from times past like god's really like taking care of this church he's blessed it in a lot of ways you're seeing people come to the lord you're seeing people coming back right now which has been epic and you talk about those people that travel this ministry has always been an interesting ministry because being here in diamondbar i always hear the story where when you came over from west covina the professor said no church will ever make it i just broke your glasses don't worry about it no church will ever make it in diamond bar but yet look where we're at and ryan you used to say stuff about this location which is interesting because where it's located here in diamond bar i mean you got los angeles you got orange county you have san bernardino it's kind of like this uh cross-section that people go through so much and it's like it's diverse in the people that come here as well they travel from all over the place all the freeways meet here you got the the 5 the 605 the 22 the 45 connects the 10 the 210 it's literally it's right in the middle of everything yeah it's pretty interesting yeah you know um what i wanted you to talk about a little bit ryan a couple weeks ago we had the full send tour we talked about it um when you were on here last time i think you were prepping to go on it or maybe you just got back um but tell about a little bit of this vision of these trips that you've taken you went to mexico put a movie together you went to idaho you've got a couple other spots but what is the vision behind putting a documentary on these um trips that you're doing right now you know honestly i've just been kind of thinking about everything and and um you know when i got called to to follow god when he when he made himself real to me i just started putting a desire in my heart to just do evangelism and um i never really thought like i'm gonna be this this you know i want to be this great man of of god and the faith and do all the stuff it's more like i just feel like god just had this like a different call for my life and you know i i was just i've always kind of related to the john the baptist you know he was uh he grew up in the temple his father was a a a priest he was in line he could have been in line to to be a priest as well and um but he just had this it was in a city he was in a city you know he was with a lot of people but he just had a different he just had a different call yeah you know and um that's what god kind of led me just from the very beginning just a different call and um as i followed it it just led me to doing the great commission and as i've been doing the great commission we just started seeing what god's doing out there as we travel so i just figured it wasn't like i want to make i want to be a movie star or anything like that it was just like we have a different call um it's not you know if you want to be famous it's like it's you see a lot of pastors that are you know they want to be they wear the expensive clothes and and be shiny look like a shiny object on social media and all this stuff and for us we've just always kind of been like the just the out and about like in the streets you know there's no people yeah there's no glory in the streets you know what i mean it's just out with the normal people the the like jesus the common folks from town to town village to village so i've always just kind of lived that jesus model and what god started doing is i was like wow this is incredible like we should actually film this instead of coming back and showing up at church and reporting hey god did this god dad did this and we showed some photos we're like why don't we just um make a film out of it and uh recap video and show what god's been doing well what happened is i took a film on the trip he saw what was going on and he's like this needs to actually be a movie because we were only gonna do a two-minute recap to show the church so he did a film and it was amazing and and then we went on another another film or another trip so we filmed that and that's what uh became us starting to do several films because we're always touring so we're like let's always just tell the story and what god does is god writes the story it's different every time so we went to mexico first then we went to idaho because the government was like you're on lockdown no one leave the house i was like forget that we're going out because people are committing suicide people are using more drugs than ever people are overdosing and i have a family member that actually works in the clinic she works in a mission hospital in um in orange county which is the huge hospital down in south orange county and they were seen like and as you guys know in the church you know spousal abuse was going up drinking people were odin all this crazy stuff was going on so i said you know what we got to go out we got to get in front of people and we got to bring the great commission it was the most important time so we went to idaho and we ended up calling that film full send so while everyone was locked down we were out full sending it which means fully committed uh in our mission to reach people and that's what the film is it tells a simple story of us um come up with the concept i said all right this is this is how easy evangelism is so i go okay we're gonna go to idaho it's open so how do i get how do i get in front of kids well i've been a skateboarder my whole life so god always uses the things that he's uh put on our heart like my dad's a martial artist so he uses martial arts to spread the gospel he'll get in front of thousands of people do a demonstration share the gospel a bunch of people get saved i've seen it over and over he teaches kung fu sun tzu here at the church you know he's he had a movie he uses that to go and share the gospel i'm a skateboarder i'm on lockdown i'm like let's go to skate parks so i google skate parks in idaho 12 of them pop up i get the addresses i create a flyer i print 10 000 flyers and i drive to idaho with my family i show up no one knows we're coming i didn't get any permits i started going to the skate park skating meeting with all the kids and uh time we're coming two weeks later my team drives in and we go to all the skate parks and now we're in front of like three to 500 kids we do a best trick contest we're hanging out with the kids we're with the people as we talked about earlier i was hanging out with the kids even before like jesus he went from town to town village to village and what happened is thousands of kids we're in front of thousands of kids on that trip in total and we saw thousands of kids give their life to christ and i'd like to close with this one interesting thing about idaho is dude there's tons of cults up there like colts like they call themselves christians but there's cults like sex abuse and like multiple wives and like girlfriends and like crazy weird bizarre stuff that we're not used to here in california wow that's a trip you know i i when you were bringing that up i was thinking the same thing it's like obviously you've been skating your whole life and it's cool then uh god uses that as like an impact obviously i i'm gonna in a minute i'm gonna have the guys queue up because i brought the the full sin little promo i want the audience to see right now but raw like the same thing ryan's right like god you used to say like man when i gave my life to the lord you'd close down your studio you went in full-time ministry maybe god's taking this passion away from me and that's okay but then when the lord does it he kind of gives it back to you with a purpose like talk about a little bit about you and like that that martial arts aspect yeah i mean i love i've been in martial arts for 50 some years you know i had one of the greatest instructors and the lord showed me as he gave me back my martial arts that i was going to go to high school so when i got saved i went to five high schools a week you know and they got me to the classrooms and i got to show the guys from the classrooms outside when they had lunch hours you know i went out to share the gospel with them if you kids will come to the lord like ryan said you know and that's one thing that churches are not doing today you know churches have become kind of hiding churches and there's a lot of people that need to be saved you know they're not they're not going to heaven and that's not only wife and husband children grandkids you know and i think that today like ryan god has given him a special ministry that we don't see today not because he's my son you know but god chooses john the baptist you know and i think that through that god is going to do greater things you know god will tell him you know what he's going to be doing in the next five or 10 years you know and there will be a time when when the kids you know those kids will be adults and those adults like here when they come to church they go hey i used to be at bonfire high school asusa high school you know and he says i heard your message and that's why i'm here yeah and that's what he's hearing that's what he's going to hear all his life go to the supermarket that recognizes him whatever it is he's not looking for promotion he's not looking for a self-promotion that he wants to be great now god makes you great because you're making god great i think that's something that people really need they need to listen to here at calvary you know we we preach the gospel we teach the bible and people come because of the word of god but also i encourage you you've heard me i said jesus called us you know to preach to teach and to heal but preaching is not for the church preaching is for those evangelists that got us wasted and by the way everybody should be preaching the gospel everybody should be teaching the word of god you know to their families but like i said here before at calvary when you go to the store there's a lot of sinners there here you see somebody bummed or whatever you know you pray about it and you go excuse me are you okay you know and then boom the gospels are open then they they accept christ believe it or not you know that's why i'm with the sheriffs you know with all these people i don't want to be just in the church you know i want to be i want to finish the race really well you know sometimes people complicate the gospel you know like i don't know what to say i don't know if i could go share because i think that evangelism has been complicated in these days where it's like professional yeah it's it's it's or it's like you have to go up and give a three-point sermon yeah to do it that's not evangelism jesus says um whosoever believeth believe in the what that jesus died on the cross and raised from the dead paul talks about the foolishness of the message of the cross the thief on the cross he said remember me when you're in paradise what does that mean he believed that jesus was the messiah it's that simple it's john 3 16. you don't have to go you don't have to go get this whole like breakdown i mean people know they're sinners i mean i always say this because it's so true you know i always tell people and even in the full send video the first guy i pray for he comes up to us so here's a perfect example um here's a here's a skate contest i give the gospel this kid doesn't get saved he comes up to me after he was actually a guy on the uh on the bmx bike i was doing my flips yeah well he like he hit his ankle really bad and like he couldn't like he was limping and he came up after because he knew we were christians we shared the gospel with people but he didn't get saved but he came up and he was like hey um and this is cool just being a witness of christ you know like he we never pre we didn't go to him and force anything on him we were just hanging out after with them this is after the event we're all just chilling you know drinking cokes or you know doing whatever we're doing just hanging out and he's like hey he's like can you pray for my ankle he's all i heard it really bad and i'm like okay so i prayed we prayed for him to get healed he ends up getting healed and he's like what the heck he's like i go what i go is it like pain going away and he's like yeah it feels like it's just like dissolving and i'm like okay well i'm all do you believe in jesus he's like no i'm like well that was jesus who healed you you believe in your mouth he's like yeah i go well do you believe you're a sinner and he's like yeah i'm like well you need to ask for forgiveness and god's gonna forgive you because he died on the cross to forgive you for sins and if you believe in him he will forgive you and he will give you the holy spirit and you'll have eternal life and what you encounter now this is just the beginning i go do you want it yeah well then i led him to the lord like the simplicity of the gospel i didn't give him this three-point sermon that particular thing that happened was that through the work of the holy spirit he got healed he god revealed himself to him because the job of the holy spirit is to draw all man to himself he used one of the gifts of the holy spirit to reveal that he was real because this guy just heard the gospel message it didn't penetrate his mind he was still friends with us because we were hanging out with him all day but he needed that extra little kick in the butt he needed that healing for god to reveal like yo i'm real let's do this and then he gave his life to the lord but then there's others where i get up and i just speak and i said hey you all know your dirty sinners and everyone starts laughing because listen dude we are living i mean just look at social media just look at album covers just look at you know we've talked about this on our our radio show but i'm going to say it here like nicki minaj came out of that album years ago it's her um i don't know was she naked or something or she was something she was naked actually sitting backwards looking back at the camera naked and that particular photo about 10 years ago would have been the front cover of club magazine or like hustlers for sure that would have been the front cover of a pornographic mag that's actually covered at a liquor store that you can't even see that cover unless you buy it that is now the album cover of a rap artist that's on your itunes and anywhere like for your k and your kids are listening to that to you by the way so now this is when i say people know they're sinners they're seeing so much garbage and because of that the lust and the and the and the the the appetite of the body this this is today that this is coming to life and what are they gonna do after you get aroused you're gonna go act out and you're gonna go have sex with your tv screen or your computer screen or your phone and because of the the the progression of pornography and sin you feel this guilt you feel this shame so when going back to what i was saying is when you talk to people and you tell them they're sinners they all know they're sinners but the good news is that jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of sins and that by believing in him you will be forgiven he will give you the holy spirit and that will the transformation process starts at that moment yeah so are they open to it heck yeah the majority of these young kids and even people nowadays they they don't even know who jesus is when we're in montana they've never even y'all seen that new montana film when it comes out we're talking to them and they're like we've never been to church we've never heard of jesus we've never and one girl god like filled her with the holy spirit she was like whoa that was weird she's like i'm i'm not really scared but this is like new to me i've never encountered this before yeah and god is just doing what he said he would do in the book of acts he says i will and in joel i will pour out my spirit in the last days you know i like to say something because what's happened in the church today you know the bible says you know they were supposed to go out to the world yeah they're not going to come to the church when they get saved or they want to hear the gospel those that are sharing the gospel with them because they love them they're going to bring them to church and then they're going to hear the message if they didn't get out of the church they're going to get saved in the church and then they're going to have that burden you need to teach them you need to go back to your parents to your friends and let them know what happened to you and what's that i've been born again of the holy spirit and when you're really born again the holy spirit as he says jesus in matthew 13 he gives you the illustration of the parable of the sower you know those first no faith and the second emotional third ones matter into the whole world and then the the fourth ones those are the ones that god said they bring for 30 60 100 following fruit there's no such thing as a non-fruitful christian and i think today when you look at the church you look at pastors you know they're into the clothes into the cars into the houses you know and they got all these body guards whatever it is you know and high salaries whatever it is and yet they're not going out and teaching their people about evangelism or the real gospel of jesus christ and and i i feel sorry for them because they're not going to go anywhere and one day they're going to be found out that they've been abusing the church and the finances and everything else or they're in adulterous relationship i want to say one thing because i always like to go to jesus as the model jesus uh he healed the demoniac of the the demons and he was it says he was sitting in his right mind and then he was like jesus i want to roll with you let's go where are we going and jesus says go back and go back to your town and go tell people what has happened to you and that's that's an evangelist right there and there and he went he listened to jesus he went back to the ten towns and he basically he was a forerunner almost like a john the baptist he was a forerunner going to the city told everyone what happened what jesus has done set cleared the path made the crooked path straight lined it all up jesus showed up and many people got saved yeah i want to ask questions why do churches die yeah because there's no evangelism and nobody coming to the lord i think that's why when you look at old church buildings in different location cities you're like wow this is a big building you know in some other areas but then you don't see anybody there back in the day this is probably filled because i didn't just come out of nowhere but the church loses the vision and everything and and there's a balance balance too like you have to also see like churches have to also see as the the leadership continues to grow and does ministry they also have to be raising up other leaders that they poured into to carry their work on after that because if not it just dies with those that were uh in the beginning yes you have to disciple people and get people in place to to uh move it like moving that calling and and there you have to push those people as well and that's you know going back to the film that we're talking about full stand in that film you've seen it um i have a group of people a group of nobodies because we're all we're all nobodies no no you know when we're going when we're going to idaho and that says the whosoevers are showing up no one knows of whosoevers yeah like they don't know who we are right so we have all these uh whosoevers that anybody's basically showing up and what i do is in that movie you they they tom starts talking about it like hey i fly in and and also we're out of skatepark ryan's like hey dude you're up and he's like uh wait what and i just made him get up and share the gospel and share share the gospel and share a story and you know you gotta as a leader you gotta see you know what i look for is i look for people that are filled with the holy spirit you know that's what it goes back to acts it says that these men were in the word and they were filled with the holy spirit so they laid their hands on power and yeah you got to make sure that these guys are filled you got to make sure that the people don't have an agenda to to to be insta-famous or want any recognition or anything like that and and by hanging out with people you know when you're in a van hanging out for people for weeks at a time you get to know people people know me how i am and and i know how christina is i know how tom is we sunny i know when people start getting moody and they want to get back to the hotel like we know each other you know what i'm saying it's funny you see but that's good because you got to kick it jesus kicked it with the disciples always with them and he knew how they were and you see all their weaknesses and strong parts and all that and it's awesome but the whole thing is what you want to see is people that are real the real deal everyone has flaws we all have flaws but those ones that are the real deal you put them in the action and you already you just saw their character and you put them in and you watch them go and they're going to mess up and they're going to say stupid stuff and whatever but you just keep sending them you keep encouraging them and you keep going and then now you have a team like i have like a team of like that those guys in the film like that's my team i've discipled them i brought them on tours we've been side to side and the trenches grinding grinding making mistakes going for it and i tell people i go step out by faith you know as us as uh uh you know when we get we receive the holy spirit but then jesus gives us the baptism of the holy spirit acts 1 8. you know now we are antennas to pick up the signal from the holy spirit the holy spirit is in us but it's hard to like you know get that radio wave to hear that is that jesus saying this or is that my my intentions but we get the prompting of the holy spirit will we get nudged but it's it's hard to hear always so sometimes we make mistakes when we step out in faith like i feel like god said this but maybe that wasn't it you know or maybe you feel like god said to go lay hands on someone to reach you know for for healing or whatever or maybe he felt like the nudge of god said just to go share the gospel and it wasn't maybe it was just the seed cast or maybe it wasn't the right time but i like to encourage people that you know it's all about learning to hear and putting yourself in that uncomfortable situation because what i've learned is that you can't always hear clearly but sometimes when you just step out by faith god just moves to power you know jesus says walk by faith he doesn't say sit by faith and um i've seen more on the more that when i step out by faith i've seen god move just by that simple act of of faith i want to unpack some other stuff on this show but i do want to play the full send a little promo that we did and then ryan can get some information or where you can check out the whole movie after so once you guys cure it real quick so we've been here in california and the pandemic shut everything down around the world people are afraid and on edge i thought it'd be a good opportunity for the whosoever's to be active and doing ministry in this time right now since everything shut down idaho is open so that means we can give the gospel out and reach as many people as possible we came up with 10 000 flyers 100 posters and i just charge it to idaho [Music] every whosoever's trip is completely insane life-changing guns god fireworks the holy spirit the holy spirit is going down skateboarding i missed it he came up to me and he's like dude what happened tonight was crazy i've been to youth group i've been to church but i've never experienced what happened tonight and i said shut your mouth dude okay i said wait till the camera gets here yeah now i went from tour mode to daddy you're like why am i here why am i going through this why is this happening sometimes there's not answers to that during this time of coronavirus when everything's been put on pause a lot of people were left to look in the mirror of asking themselves who am i who am i without school sports you know social media friends and all of these hobbies god cares about the smallest details because he has a plan and he has a purpose for everyone's life that's the message we share with the youth of the nation and of the world he loves you and he has a plan for every detail of your life and if you're willing to step up by faith you're going to watch god do the impossible keep coming this is awesome this is awesome this is why i came [Music] we're saying there's best trick contest happening the city doesn't know no one knows we don't even know if we're gonna get shut down but as far as i'm concerned came up with the idea god confirmed so i just left and we went to idaho [Music] so what you just watch right now is the trailer for full sin you can go to the ryan do you have i saw this post you did the other day of this mega tour as well like talk about what that is how people can bring the whosoevers i heard you doing a trip in may but also your vision for this film like what do you want people to do go to the whosoever's website to watch it go to the whosoever's website it's free download it and watch it and share it and uh right now yeah we're booking a uh we're booking a mega tour right now for the united states we're basically just we're on a mission i mean start things are starting to open up we've seen several uh states open up but because of the pandemic and everything that happened the problems are still there people what god has showed me is that not obviously there's always i want to reach people for christ the non-christians that's always like the first agenda but what god showed me in this season is that there's been a great falling away in the church people are coming to church but they're but because of how bad they got tripped up during the pandemic being at home isolated not going to church not in their bible studies not in fellowship that a lot of people have gone back to pornography a lot of people have gone back to popping pills drinking you know uh whatever lying she just sinned just wrapped up in sin and and god confirmed it too because at the premiere that's what god showed me when i was when i during this season recently and i walked up and he confirmed to that day and i wa at the end of the premiere i just said if this is you don't think and i went through the list and literally half the place stood up and like rededicated their life to the lord and gave their life so right now i believe truly that the harvest is ripe in the church and outside of the church so that's basically what we're trying to do is or we're on we're on the mega tour we're going to tour churches and we're going to tour uh uh outside the churches equally and basically hit as many stops as possible right now we're starting in the month of may and we're going to continue and going to the book that i that i have coming out you could pre-order it now you could go to amazon or barnes and nobles walmart target anywhere you buy books you could buy the book it's called kill the noise finding meaning above the madness and what it is is i created this book as a tool it's it's not my uh you read it it's not my biography it's a tool that will uh expose what sin is it will show what repentance is it will show the work of the holy spirit it will show with those shiny objects in your life that satan because satan's a fisherman too and he throws their shiny objects to get us off course and then it will show the call how to find the call how the importance of the word of god and uh um and um he'll show you uh how god actually uh puts puts your life together you know how he shows you um how he can lay out your life the call of life and how these things have worked in my life and it just kind of ends with the send off for the great for the great commission but it really will help anyone i had um uh sheila well she's a she's like a a a a conservative uh she's like a she does a lot of tv shows and she was a big worship artist et cetera et cetera but she's i wanted her to write up a review on my book because she's like the opposite yes yeah but when we met and she was just like oh like we just like hit it off she read my book and i think her quote says something to the fact of like you know at first i thought this book was to help people that are strung out on drugs but then i was i realized this book is someone that but this book is also for someone that really wants to know if god's real but then i realized at the end of the book this book is for anyone new or old christian that just wants to be sold out for christ and that's what this book is it's literally it's a tool to really empower people to find their call whether they don't know who god is or they do know who he is or if they're backslidden but they just want to be sold out for christ this book will help you in any way you're at you know i did have an opportunity uh to go through the book and obviously i've known ryan since i was 14 15 years old so i've seen his whole life i've seen his battles his struggles the party life that i was a part of too when we were younger and then like a supernatural work of god in his life and then obviously the calling of where we're at today and i will say this like with the book like ryan says it's not genesis testimony it just brings up aspects of his life but the main focus is what we're i want to talk about here for a minute and we just had a graphic that came up that showed like where you can pick up the book obviously you can all go to it has links to it but there's an actual website as well you can pre-order it today we'll probably have ryan back here in the future too we'll get a whole breakdown of this book even more in depth but it is pretty epic because what it does um is it kind of does it it doesn't surprise me that that girl said that ryan because it does have that flow of like bringing somebody to maturity because you know you get you get changed by the lord it's it's crazy right god changes your life you're overcoming addiction you're overcoming the things that once had you enslaved you have this peace but then there's challenges then there's detours there's men being led by the spirit of god there's trials that you go through and that's all a part of the christian life and this you talked about this before we went to break about your desire for being people coming to maturity both of you guys have always had a heart for evangelism but you also have the importance of growing both of you guys have had to grow in maturity with god i mean even ryan's speaking and he's breaking down these scriptures that are in his heart because i mean he's had time in the word he's sat under your teaching he's gone through chuck smith's teachings and other guys um and by that it brings growth to your life it doesn't mean that you don't have challenges doesn't mean that you don't have trials but you're able to navigate through this world ryan also brought up how in this last year a lot of people did they got lazy they are lazy staying at home you know church wasn't a priority any longer reading the bible wasn't a priority any longer and before you know it you start walking in the flesh now you're all stressed out about life again this has always been your desire right so done evangelism still is still an evangelist but bringing people to maturity is important um what have you seen like in your time of ministry what causes people to drift and what causes people to stay on point well i think was what people stay on points because they're rooted and grounded in god's word it's a hunger desire you know it's like ryan's book is not an emotional book it's a book that of discipleship you know he's gonna speak his uh his life story but he also tells you how to be a disciple you know how to win people to christ that's what i like about that and with me you know it was the same thing pastor chuck smith you know he took me aside sure and i we never thought we'd have a movie he he says i want you to do your life story in sharon so that people can see what god can do in my in my intro when i have in my book you know that's the uh the actual uh preface the other he puts in there you know that he's somebody like paul the apostle it's really cool when i read it i go wow lord you know chuck saw something that i didn't see as people see something that you know other people don't see and that's the way it works you know not everybody's the same you know and i thank god for that you know we all have different calls but the same spirit the same god you know but you have to respond to that call that god gave you like ryan you know me you you know if you don't respond to us he'll give it somebody else i mean that's just how it works if you don't take the leap of faith like i've talked about these rest homes you know how many times i've talked to these pastors or people say man i wish i would have done this was too late too late now you know you're gonna die and i think that people need to do what god's come to do you don't get time back yep you don't get time back and you know like my dad was just saying it's the same god in spirit you know first uh what is it first uh corinthians 12 3 4 5 and 6. it's the same spirit doing his thing differently in different people and you don't get time back and i that's the whole thing with me right now is i just have this urgency um more than ever because i i truly feel like jesus is coming i don't know when but i feel like these are the these are definitely the birth pains i mean everything that's going on you know without getting into politics and the chip and all that stuff i mean jesus is coming we're in the last days and things are ramping up but you don't get time back and i don't want to um i just know my call so it's all about just trying to find the balance how to uh to do everything and god takes you through different seasons you know and the mo the main thing that that's i'm focusing right now is the decrease you know he must increase i must decrease and that's always the hardest thing because you know mankind wants to uh exalt themselves we want to be great you know and maybe it's like you know some people want to be famous some people don't want to be famous but just like without those two elements just like you want to do you want to do something with your life that's what i'm talking about okay everyone wants to be great in the sense of like you want to accomplish goals and basically show something for your life you know at the end of the day some want to be famous some don't care about being famous but at the end of the day the middle ground is we all want to do something with our life and that's the whole thing i think for for for mankind and and for us uh to try to figure out you know what it's so hard with the uh the balance of like how do you how do you balance everything to to be a father to be a husband to to run business to do ministry you know all these there's all these different avenues and the whole the whole balance and i think that that's you know the thing that we as we that we have to figure out and it's it's and i think that god puts you through storms and seasons because he wants to grow your faith and during these these seasons it's like i know the scripture says he can he'll give you as much as you can handle but sometimes you're just like you know how much how much can you handle before you you go you go crazy and i know that god is stretching and breaking and molding uh he stretches breaks us and molds us for for and what i've learned honestly is through these seasons that i'm going through is that now i feel like i could relate more with a a bigger group of a demographic a bigger demographic of people now when someone says i'm going through sorrow i'm going through where i'm in bed and i'm i'm feeling fear and i can't even sleep i've felt that recently just fear of like the unknown of things that were going on uh in my life the the anxiety i've never been able to relate to people on on those some of those things you know or or just wanting to give up in marriage or or just want to give up on ministry and you know i've been through a very crazy season and i can honestly say that you know uh i can relate to to those people that have that have been in that wilderness experience in that very dry dry place and all they want is peace and they feel like they just want to need to just walk away from everything and we also know that the enemy satan he brings um he's allowed to um get access to you like job you know god's been really showing me about that whole job thing and he has access and you know through that story jesus you know he says let me touch your servant job and god lets him um has access to him and job never denies uh he never denies god even though he's going through much sorrow and a lot of bad crazy things were going on his life and and that's the thing that you know i feel in my life is that like where would i i never would ever turn my back on christ but there's moments that i just want to give everything up so i want to encourage people that you know maybe you're at home right now and you're you want to give up in your marriage or you want to give up on your kids or you want to give up on your job or you want to give up on ministry and you want to maybe god's not blessing your ministry the way you think that you know you or maybe you're looking at other people and you're like man look at what that guy has how come i don't have that well god gives everyone what they have it's a gift from god nothing comes as to you unless it's a gift so if you see people striving ministry they're not striving that's where god has you if you see people exploding in ministry that everything comes from god and what i've realized is that you know god has a call for everybody and we just have to be faithful at the end of the day and we just have to pursue and continue and if god wants to be make you you know the most famous person on this planet he'll do it and if that's not your call then but don't strive just try to do good and stick stick it in god's trying to teach you things and sometimes when you go through stuff hard stuff like i was saying he's putting you through those moments because maybe that's going to be the people that you're going to be ministering to you know i think one thing that's needed in life in the ministry is honesty and transparency you know because i think we've seen a lot of that that hasn't been there so i mean a couple of weeks a couple weeks ago you were sharing like your heart like battling with anger and frustration like you're having a bad week like you're totally obvious you know ryan's bringing up this stuff too and it's like at the end of the day we are in a race the bible says um and none of us know how long that race is you know some race or cuts short but the goal is always always finishing well there's going to be hindrances along the way the story that ryan brought up earlier i love that story and it's with a demonic man in mark chapter 5 and he does say that he says jesus let me come with you know you go and tell people what wonderful things god has done in your life because a lot of times people do this like if you want to grow in a relationship with god we know it read your bible right pray okay i got that go to a church or teach us the word okay those are three things but the other one that people kind of neglect but is important is the sharing your faith or basically just sharing what god's done in your life it kind of activates you it kind of puts you out there and it's like wow like because for myself you know coming from the background when you start seeing god use your life you're like wait a minute like i didn't even know i knew that yeah i didn't even know i knew the scripture in this way i didn't know that i could be able to connect but it was the holy spirit working through your life tell us the gifts and what it what it does it kind of strengthens you it does it gives you life it's just like we talked about physically if you're not you know your shoulder was in this thing if you're not using your shoulder after a while it gets it gets frozen you can't use it properly and that's why you have to can always kind of continue sharpening your gives continue walking by faith being led by the spirit of god because there will be challenges and sometimes they'll come in the form of ministry sometimes they'll come in the form of home you know family finances bills like all of us go through those challenges in our lives and you have to be able to look at it and this is why you have to stay spiritual through it and like lord like i'm overwhelmed like i am i am tripping out how am i gonna make it through this um but you also have to recognize that the lord is for you he's not against you you can't believe the lies of the enemy and that's what a lot of people succumb to they they come to this this pressure this fear this condemnation of the enemy look we're just sinners saved by grace there's no man perfect in this world we're all going to have bad days sometimes we're going to have bad weeks man we might have bad months even years the lord will be faithful in our lives as we follow after him with all of our heart i want to add something yeah um in following him you know the one thing that has been saving my stinking life uh over the last three weeks was i was i've just got so caught up and so busy that uh there's just a lot of moving parts at that moment because we moved and there's just a lot and there's so many i can't believe this season is crazy this is a this is to be a chapter or two chapters in the next book my goodness maybe more um but but god i just have that that bible app and it's just it's in my phone but for whatever reason man for seriously for like three weeks straight i would see the verse of the day every day and i'm like literally like you know when jesus says the man will not survive by bread alone but by the word of god and literally like that word just boom and it'll be like verse of the day like what are the chances of me like seeing that verse and it's like every day and literally it's like almost like god was giving me a verse every single day and it was exactly what was going on and he was encouraging me like boom and i was literally like feeding off that word just that verse that verse that verse and those a lot you know the people listeners you know it's so important that's how god speaks us because people go well how does god speak well if you've read the bible that's his word he's speaking to you right there it's so important to get find a a pastor that you like to listen to and and listen to him and and and because you because if you're trying to listen to something you don't like to listen to it's going to discourage you find a bible translation that you like to read and read it um find uh get the bible app read the daily one um just do whatever you got to do just get there listen to worship you forget about worship sometimes you get so caught up and you forget about worship music dude god speaks to you through worship music i mean there's three songs i've been holding on to through this crazy crazy season i think like i forget one of the jesus one of the waymakers the most recent one uh lean something from jesus culture uh and i don't know there was i forget there was another one from jesus culture i like all the jesus culture stuff but but um these songs do the lyrics man i was just holding on to and god was just speaking to me through this time where i was just so fried my brain was so fried that i could just listen to the worship and you know and i'm speaking this stuff because there's people listening right now and they're in this place right now they're like dude i'm so overwhelmed i can't even focus on the bible turn worship on go to itunes download a new album it's free you know you have that 10 a month you got you got every kind of worship album possible find what your vibe is download it find a pastor like right now i'm listening to garrett beeler i'm going through all this john the baptist studies right now and and we're starting what are some new series um i'm i'm doing that thing fine just switch it up sometimes you got to switch up your program sometimes you're burned out on the pastor you've been listening to sometimes you're burning on that same worship cd you've been listening you for three years switch it up yeah yeah for sure roll um let's talk let's we're gonna wrap up here in a minute but talk to the listeners out there about like that importance of that growth and like you've gone through moments in your life too i remember you saying long time ago i think it was like maybe the mid 90s you're busy going to school and every time and you're going through this dry spell in your life too but you're teaching you're doing ministry what lessons i mean because you've been doing ministry 50 years a long time you've gone through a lot of different seasons what keeps you going forward and what would you say to the listeners right now well i would say like ryan did you know that it's the lord he burns in your heart if you lose that that burning heart then you know what you're not going to do anything so when you get up in the morning you read you pray you know you allow the holy spirit to use your life that day remember every day there are people that are lost you know they need to go to heaven so how do you do when you go to the grocery store you know you go to the beach you go to the mountains you go to the desk or wherever there are people there that need jesus and i think the people that listen today what ryan was saying i think they really need to pay attention from a full-time minister you know evangelists that we need the church more to share the gospel than ever before the church is dying if we don't preach the gospel because people are not going to come to church we got to go to the people and as you go to the people your neighbors where it is they get saved they come to the church we teach them they grow they develop and then some of them go to be pastors they'll become i mean in a church or whatever it is doctor whatever you know but they have jesus as their main source and they give it out we've got to be led by the spirit of god i think things have changed a lot and i think we can all say that i mean just drive go to the store things have changed in our culture nation a lot of ways and we need to be led by the spirit of god i think churches also they have to kind of do internal perspective as well it's like the things that we've always done is that what we should be doing like obviously teaching the word is you know priority important but also i'm talking more of like what the evangelism looks like missions looks like everything has to be done with a purpose do you know what i'm saying yeah um because there is such a great need we are in a very critical time in our nation so this show is epic let me just highlight a few things for you guys uh number one go the whosoevers dot com we said earlier you can find the full send um documentary there also on the whosoever is not only is it all of the apparel there which is legit but also you can just kind of see the heartbeat make sure you follow him on all the social media you'll be able to kind of follow along with ryan's trips for ryan's book kill the noise it's called kill the noise is a direct website if you forget that go to you could follow the links and it'll take you there as well ryan also has a maker tour coming up in may 11th go to the whosoevers dot com you'll be able to if you want to get in if you want to invite them there you go through the little cues there the email that we have a team that's working here that will get back to you and make that happen also over the somebody loves all of pastural's books are there all of its studies recently on the somebody loves you app they've also ryan brought it up of the app that he uses but also the somebody loves you app has added a new bible app as well where you can have a reading plan it will follow along and encourage you and your walk with god you think i'm looking for a red bull sponsor for the mega tour because i'm too old [Laughter] and some and ibuprofen i was like hey we're doing a mega tour i'm like wait mega tour what does that mean shoot what did i get myself into did you already post it awesome i can't wait no but you know what the mega tube we're gonna i'm bringing ambassadors out we got we gotta go i got people speaking we just split it up where are you where are you going are you wherever we're getting invited all over the place yeah so so uh so we're getting a bunch of stuff from um from the whosoevers and then we have another uh guy bookings uh stuff as well so music festivals um uh new mexico uh not new mexico new new uh what's the other place new hampshire uh new york colorado um i mean just texas i mean just they're just popping up all over the place yeah we're staying in the united states right now until um things open up if you go to texas you're going to preach a girl from a horse i'll do that all right i'm gonna do a tour right right through uh no you know what i want mexico to open up i love going to mexico man the food's amazing and the people are amazing man the tacos are amazing you got to come on a mexico tour i know it they're just crazy down there there's no law yeah like we have guys doing backflips i saw that the kids are doing backflips on concrete off the stage we're getting the principal and mares and like our skaters are all in over the mayor of the city dude they don't care they're just watching i remember when you and i went there with the uh police right oh yeah oh yeah yeah that's right that's right you did go there yeah cool roll why don't you close by just praying for this pray for this trip with the whosoevers and all that's taking place father we come before you lord to thank you so much for ryan lord god and for sean and just everybody that serves here at calvary and look for those they have and here to hear what the holy spirit is saying in this show father in the coming shows lord god lord open those doors that we can preach and teach the word of god and lord close those doors that is going to put us on the shelf lord and we ask you that you meet with my wife my kids my grandkids and lord that you just bless it continually this church in jesus name amen amen we'll be back next week with another edition of straight talk and we're going to be having ryan back here right before his book comes out so make sure you follow them and what's taking place in their lives jim peace [Music] you
Channel: Somebody Loves You Worldwide
Views: 3,640
Rating: 4.8579884 out of 5
Keywords: overcoming distractions, interview, christianity, New, York, New York, raul ries, straight talk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 15sec (3795 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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