Brett Kunkle / Gender Identity and the Transgender Revolution

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this is live with Ryan Reese calm down 180 day five sixty four sixty one seventy three or post your questions using the hashtag live Brian Reese on his Instagram Twitter or Facebook what's up family thanks for tuning in on another Saturday night I have my friend Brett Kunkle in studio from maven I was watching movies and there was a one-one of the sections where you can watch documentaries from National Geographic and the title of the National Geographic video was gender revolution did you see that breath actually that was the cover of their I think it was their January 2017 issue really it was the I and so I think they've done a documentary since then but yeah gender revolution was what they called it yes so inch this is so funny that we're actually in here in the studio we're gonna be talking today about the gender revolution and when I watch this video I was like okay National Geographic this is a credible source let's see what they have to say and I believe actually online they have a series I think it's a whole series of gender revolution stories but I'm interesting enough when I watched it I was seriously in shock because as you guys know as you listen to the show that I tour the public high school system and middle school and I've come across situations where there was a girl that actually came down and gave her life to the Lord at one of my high schools and that we went to in San Diego and she came up and she said she struggles with anxiety and depression and and and other things and as I started talking to her she says yeah you know I'm I'm genderqueer or non-binary so that means she either identifies as a man or a woman or both or none or something beyond that's just what I read online I'm sure Brett is gonna correct me or if that could be correct but basically this is a huge problem that's going on in the world there's just all this confusion and that's what we want to talk about today and as I was watching this National Geographic thing the whole moral of this story is they were saying it's not about what's between your legs or how you were born it's how you feel yeah and it was shocking because today I could feel one way tomorrow could feel another way and that's just basically what the whole agenda is is this gender revolution is it doesn't matter what how you were created by God it's just whatever you feel and that is very scary so Brett thank you for being on the show yeah yeah this it's a huge issue and I think actually kind of your intro there's a really good place to start because you're dealing with I mean let's just acknowledge first that we're dealing with real human beings with real feelings and before we even get into the topic I think it's important in this conversation because there's so there's so much emotion surrounding it and because there's so much there's so much vitriol and anger and and an emotion that surrounds the conversation and people are personally involved in this issue we just want to say from the get-go that people really matter yes and we think that every human being no matter whether they identify as male or female whether they are identify transgender whether they're heterosexual homosexual I mean just across the board we just want to say that the the the the Christian view is that everybody is made in the image of God and because they're made in God's image they have what we call intrinsic value that means they're valuable just because of what they are there's nothing you have to do to get value you and I are valuable because we're human beings and I and I think that's just an important place to start here that as we have this conversation I want people to realize that that my view your view the biblical view God's view is everybody is valuable no matter what theirs their struggles are no matter their identifications everybody is made in God's image and they're valuable and so so in this conversation I want the person who's out there who's listening who says I struggle with my own gender identity we want to say look we love you we care about you that's actually why we want to have this kind of conversation what what I want to add some 100% we with who's for a moment.we we work with and our friends with a lot of people that are going through this I have friends that are involved in all these different situations so this is why yes we're here it's to talk about what's what's going on yeah and I say so you and I like we love these we love yes folks they're our friends they may be family members we love them but it's also Ryan is really important to define love as well right because the culture says well if you love somebody what you have to do then is you have to affirm anything that they say or do right and now ie here's a great analogy you and I know as married guys that that's not that's not all there is to love right if if if our love with our wives simply included us affirming anything they do and anything them affirming anything we do we know that relationships gonna fall apart pretty quickly that just doesn't work because love is something deeper and richer than just saying hey I agree with you or I affirm you no matter what you do actually true love is when you are committed to the good of someone else even when they don't think it's their good so for instance my wife well at times she'll you know she'll pull me aside and she'll say honey I saw how you were talking to you know are one of our kids Mike I saw you were talking to Micah you were really harsh with him you were kind of a jerk I think you need to go apologize right she's not affirming me she's actually confronting me and my first reaction sometimes is why what do you mean and but then I come to realize okay wait this woman wants what's good for me and if I'm being in a jerk to my kid she's going to speak the truth in love in love right and so I so I think that has to be part of the opening of this conversation so that people understand that as we share what we take to be the truth that you would also understand that even if you don't like it it's still out of a place of love and actually the most loving thing to do sometimes is just to tell someone the truth even if they don't like it and so with that I want to say look we love people but we also want to speak the truth those are compatible so in this conversation even if you don't like what we have to say I would just bag that you would just keep your ears and open and your heart open to at least considering because I want to give some careful thinking to this I think this issue requires really good thinking because ideas have consequences the idea is that our culture holds that I hold individually have consequences when I live my life and here's the other side of that bad ideas have victims and for me what as I've looked into this issue and I as I've studied and researched I I've come to the conclusion that the bad ideas of transgender ideology have real-life victims people suffer because of this okay 100% so all that to kind of preface our conversation but I think the next thing to do is then to define some terms okay right because we have these different terms that we use that I think will if we don't get some definitions on the table it'll this conversation could be a little confusing so I want to define four terms in particular the first one is sex okay so you have this category of sex and that just if you look at the dictionary definition this simply refers to the two main categories of male of and female into which human beings and many other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive function so sex is a biological reality you have male and female this is the sex is the body's way of being organized for reproduction right okay now notice two things about this number one biology is unchanging okay your biology is unchanging and number two it's almost almost always immediately obvious your sex all right so when a child is born of course now in a days of ultrasound you can even look on the ultrasound and the doctor can announce it's a boy or it's a girl but the doctors never says almost never says it's gosh you know I don't know we're having real difficulty here now there are the cases of what we call intersex right kind of the you know the nickname in the past has been hermaphrodite but intersex is when the the you know when someone's genitals are ambiguous okay now that just so we know we're we know that happens in in approximately point zero five percent of the cases I was just gonna ask you what's the true percentage yeah point zero five so that means that ninety-nine point nine five percent of the human population is just obvious their biological sex so because it always in this conversation the intersex person gets brought up yes and here's what I want to say number one that's a small minority of cases and we need to be compassionate and I feel for those people where that's the their biological reality and and but those are really small cases and we'd say there they are the the exception yeah there are the exception to the rule and you don't make rules out of exceptions so you have some exceptions okay let's take those let's set those aside we need to deal with that and we need to do research and we need to figure out how do we help best help those individuals they're trying to use that idea for the masses right for the minutes exactly it's so small exactly ninety nine point nine five percent of the human population their biological sex is immediately obvious it's self-evident here's what's kind of crazy as we define this it what's crazy is it the culture has got us thinking it has got us I guess almost denying what is just common sense yes you can look at the way a male is constructed and a female is constructed and identified that's a male that's a female but the culture has got us so confused that it wants to tell us know what what is biological reality is not necessarily obvious now okay so here gets into another definition because some people will say well know what here's the distinction do we need to make there's biological sex right now notice the term terminology that's used to they'll talk about your sex that's assigned okay at birth as if we are creating this we assign it which i think it's just a bits of reality you don't assign it you discover it but so it's important to pay attention in the language so then the next definition I think we need to come up with is gender because people say well okay you have biological sex right but what about gender genders something different I would agree gender I would define this way it's how we identify and then present ourselves to the world so as either male or female so it's how identify and then present myself to the world as male or female now this is where we make a distinction between the biological reality of sex and the mental realities of gender and and so that's what that's what gender is it would be how we how we identify okay now here two more terms there's gender dysphoria and this is the condition where you feel like you're emotional psychological identity as male and female is opposite of your biological sex so I'm born biologically male but somehow there's some discomfort there's some kind of lack of identifying with that biological reality so this is where people say well I feel like is that would be like the the Kris Jenner not Kris Jenner Bruce Jenner yeah well that would be thing that would you'd say someone like Bruce Jenner had gender dysphoria and I think they would go then a step further but it's the person who might feel like they're the they're a man in a woman's body or they're a woman in a man's body there's some kind of gender the disconnection from their biological sex so I'm born biologically male but for some reason I feel like a FEMA I don't feel at home in my body I don't feel comfortable with it I identify more with what appears to be femaleness that's gender dysphoria and I think it's important to lay that out because there are a lot of people who struggle with gender dysphoria who don't actually identify then as the opposite sex so I could be Sam I'm a male okay but I feel like a female and I have this Jen dysphoria not everyone who experiences that also says well therefore that must mean I'm really I really am a female right that's the next step and so you have this gender dysphoria there are people who struggle genders for it and and will acknowledge well I know that I'm not a female I mean a biological male so I know that I'm not a female but I've got this the struggle and I think that's important distinction because there's what the culture is wanting to do is push those people who struggle with gender dysphoria into another category and that's the category of transgender so they're just saying you're transgender yeah they're saying oh you yeah you struggle with this well then that must mean then that you actually are that thing you really are a girl in a male body and so what we're gonna do is help you transition so this is the ideology that says whatever you claim to be that's what you are you claim to be a female or even though you're biologically male you actually are a female so whatever you claim to be and this is kind of a radical autonomous feeling like I as a individual whatever I express whatever I feel that's my reality or that's a reality period and so this is where I think we get into the radical claim of the transgender ideology I have Bret Kunkel in studio from maven and we are talking about the gender revolution that is it's basically hid in the world right now as we speak yeah yeah we see it on we see it in the celebrity world of celebrity of course you see high profile people like Caitlyn Jenner and a number of other people that you have shows on Netflix there's a show transparent about a great-grandfather yeah yeah grandfather who becomes you know a transgender individual and identifies as a female I mean you tall Miley Cyrus - she came out as pansexual excuse me pants tax well she basically that means she's into men women yeah I mean the doors open now and now even like there's even students in schools that are transgender there's even teachers right here in Chino high school there's a there's a teacher that that is a transgender is a girl now yeah yeah so it's it's a it's an idea and and then what's happening so here's here here's where we want to say look we have to balance between giving people freedom to live life as they see fit right and yet balancing that freedom with how it imposes on other people and and so that that's a complicated conversation but my main point is that this ideology now is being forced on other people it's being forced on people through laws right so you have laws and you have public policy and you have even private businesses instituting policy and you have the government of the state of California creating policy where things like bathroom policy someone identifies as a particular person our particular gender that gives them access to the bathroom or locker room of that so that this is why it's so important to think through these and yeah I mean I have daughters you have you have I have the app three girls and two boys yes oh yeah yeah so do you think I want some dude going in the girls bathroom yeah well in so but what the what the transgender ideology would say is we'll wait a second they're not they're not dudes they're a girl they're really girls and see that's the radical part of this claim whatever you claim to be that's whatever you feel that day yeah so this is you see why I'm crazy it's important to make the distinction between gender dysphoria and transgender ideology because I want to tell those people because there are people who are listening now who struggle with that gender dysphoria who I want to say okay that's okay that you struggle with that and and and that's a real honest struggle and that's tough place to be but the world tells you go further change your physical body you are what you think you are and claim to be and then go go this route of being coming a transgender and I want to say you don't need you don't have to go that route there are serious consequences if you do in fact here's what the research tells us 80 to 95 percent of young people who struggle with gender dysphoria we'll grow out of it really absolutely and when does it start and so it can start anywhere in an adolescence I mean you you could have 13 even younger younger even younger and so you have young people who struggle with it but if if you don't do anything so here's what the research shows if you don't do anything and you just kind of let the natural course of growing up happen 80 to 95 percent of those young people will grow out of it but here's what we're doing here's the scary thing is we're taking that 7 to 8 year old who who says I feel like I'm a boy in a girl's body and then we're starting to give them things like puberty puberty blockers we are starting to you know do things physically to them that could actually lock them into this identity which they might might grow out of which is almost 95% grow out of yeah absolutely so so this is where you got to think we can't think carefully about this stuff so I think a couple of things here to think through so here's the part where I want to say look whether you struggle with gender dysphoria or not or whether you're just thinking about this issue or let's give our best thinking to this let's try to be rational about this okay and so I would say on a rational level so again I care about people's feelings but there are facts that don't change based upon our feelings right and so that we got to have that part of the conversation we got to say okay let's think through this so think through the ideology that tells you you are what you claim to be you are what you claim to be well where does that stop where does that stop so so for instance so this is actually a real a real case you had this lady her name was Rachel Dolezal is a lady EOL easy al Dolezal who was a she's a white woman grew up with white parents recently discussed she had been claiming to be African American of Africa American descent she was claiming to be black she worked for the n-double-a-cp it chapter up I think in the Pacific Northwest up in the Seattle or something and it came out that she was actually this white woman claiming to be black right and and then you watch interviews with her you can go on YouTube uh you know do a search for her name and she there's interviews where she says well I feel like I'm black I is she young or she older excited I read some story about something this kind of story she's a younger she's probably early 30s maybe I've seen mid-30s I know somewhere around there and she's a white woman who says she feels like she's black she and she identifies is black yes so the now of course there was this kind of firestorm of criticism right saying hey you know you lied about your heritage well if at the end of the day if you'd follow the transgender ideology that says you are what you feel like then guess what there's nothing wrong with Rachel Dolan yeah now this even gets more radical there are documented cases of people who don't just identify as a different race they identifies the different species really yeah so you can go online and look up a guy named Gary Matthews he goes by the name of boomer and he identifies he self identifies as a dog he wears dog costumes he wears collars he eats out dog bowls he eats dog food and he's a 48 year old guy who identifies as a different species okay so the question is if Gary Matthews identifies as different species does that mean he's a different species right right well according to the ideas that undergird the whole transgender ideology you would have to say well yes because whatever it is you identify that's what you are it's opening the Pandora Box yeah it just it there's no logical stopping to this and there's no basis for then denying other people whatever identity they want and again this is so this is where we say wait a second these these cases seem absurd you can't identify as a different species and then that makes you a different species you can't identify it with whatever race you want to be and that makes you that race right in the same way what is more obvious than biological reality of male and female just because you identify with a different gender doesn't make you that thing right okay now so I think that that would be you know it's it's what we mean it just it's a what we're doing here is just some basic logic in logic we there's a way to kind of evaluate arguments it's called a reductio ad absurdum which is simply well you know Latin for reduce to the absurd it's like you take an idea and you test-drive it so let's test drive transgender ideology and if it takes us into these absurd places the ideology must be a bad idea so that's all we're doing here right saying hey this there's no there's no stopping point on this and and so you know so that's that's a huge issue but then here's here's a second issue I think to think through why would we think that detect because here's what happens with with the person who are struggling with gender dysphoria and then goes into transgenderism is they are detaching their gender identity from their biology and I think just a really good question to ask is hey why would we do that why would you detach the gender identity from biology what good reason is there to do that now someone might come back and say well because of my feelings right I feel like a girl but I'm really in a male body so that's why I would do this okay so okay but just because you have these these these feelings these emotions where it doesn't matter by all biological reality I think we need to step back and go well wait a second there's another question here well if you feel this way we don't just say okay well let's let's go that route I here's a basic question can your feelings ever be misguided can your thoughts and feelings ever be misguided now the obvious answer is yes of course all the time are our feelings are misguided right hey you're that dude walking down the hallway you see that beautiful girl you know in your high school and and you you dig her and and you kind of work up in your mind you know what she digs me too right and so you think she's into me but you know for some reason she never even talks to me I asked for a phone number she won't give me your phone number you know I mean what's that an example of it's an example of misguided feelings it doesn't matter what you feel there's a reality here she's not India did right in the same way we it's possible that our feelings and our thoughts are misguided or could be wrong right and so so here's a great example I think that that's parallel to this the transgender situation take the anorexic okay right what's going on with the anorexic well an anorexic girl might be 70 pounds but she has these thoughts about herself it's all feelings she's overweight she might feel like she's a hundred and seventy a 200-pound girl right so what we know so what do we do in that situation where we look at her and we're like okay there's something wrong here you're 70 pounds you're not looking very healthy but you feel like you're overweight you feel like you're 200 pounds what do we do in that situation do we'd say hey let's go with your feelings okay it's time to go on a diet because of how you feel no we don't do that instead because we want to help that girl what we do is we don't treat the physical we treat the mental we treat the feelings we say there's something something has gone wrong your feelings don't match up with the biological reality and so we treat the feelings and so again in the situation where someone doesn't feel like they are the you know the biological sex that they are their gender identity doesn't match up with that we need to ask okay is it possible your feelings are wrong and if so maybe we ought to think about treating the feelings and the thoughts not the body not cutting off yeah because they just get you in there to start cutting stuff off and adding stuff and removing stuff and that will fix the oh yeah yeah that's the whole idea is that the mental yeah so you have people then saying let's treat the body yeah we wouldn't do that with the anorexic no we wouldn't do that in a little you know a lot of situations where there's a there's actually a disorder called body integrity identity disorder and you can people can look this up it's in the medical literature where people who have healthy limbs feel like they should amputate them no way feel like they should be somebody who is you know doesn't have you know have a right arm or a left leg and they will request doctors amputating these healthy limbs that is crazy and and so again here's a situation what do we do do we say okay doctors feel like they feel like they should be an amputee yeah go ahead and cut their arm off and again people can look this up on their own this is a real thing now do we treat the body in that situation no we treat the what's going on mentally and the same thing can it can be done with with the transgender issue wow that is that is heavy stuff yep it's so true well yeah good well so you know and then I I think part of this conversation that I'm just gonna say where is it where does it even end I mean like you said where does the whole this the way I feel in yeah it doesn't well if someone wants to do some of their own research on this there's a really good book that came out this past year written by a guy named Ryan Anderson and Anderson is spelled with an O at the end it's a and D er s o n Ryan Anderson and the the book has a really unique title it's called when Harry became Sally kind of play off that old like 80s movie When Harry Met Sally when Harry became Sally and what Ryan and Ryan Anderson's a he's a philosopher a good thinker but what he did is he spent about two years researching this issue and thinking through and looking at all the medical data on this and looking at the stories of different transgender men and women and doing the research and he wrote this book and it's a really helpful book for those who want to think carefully about it and I don't care well what side of the issue you're on if you want a fair treatment of the issues if you want to look honestly at this issue then you owe it to yourself to read this book okay hold that thought yeah cuz we're gonna go to break right now this minute and we will be back in two minutes with Brett Kunkel [Music] now back to live with Ryan Ruiz back in studio with Bret Kunkle from maven ministries where can people find you on the internet yeah our website is maven truth comm and we're in the process of build a new website but that's a holding place we can get some basic info about what we're doing and how we're trying to impact a new generation and what your guys is focused there what maven yeah we want to help number one what helps students really we want to help Christian students know what they believe why they believe in it so they can take the truth of Christ to a lost and hurting world we want to help parents as well parents and youth workers and youth pastors to help disciple that generation how do we help equip that generation to navigate the culture that we're living in so that's our focus Jeff Lake contact him he can come out and speak and do a presentation that's where I actually discovered him was that a Calvary Chapel conference out here in Costa Mesa and we had him add another show with him a couple months ago you can go to my website Ryan - Reese comm and find the past show with Brett kunkel from maven so we were just talking about the ROM the gender revolution which I told you before the break I was flying to Israel and on the flight I was on a United flight had what's the name of it a National Geographic had this video documentary about the gender revolution and it's all about how people feel and if you feel like a man today you're a man today if you feel like a girl tomorrow your girl tomorrow if you don't identify with either man or woman that's what you are or maybe you identify with both and that's what you are that's the whole movement that's happening right now with the youth so yeah and I think the most compassionate loving thing we can do in this situation is is tell the truth yeah and as a follower of Christ one of my obligations is to bear witness to the truth and what did Jesus say you will know the truth and the truth will set you free exactly and so we share the truth out of love and I just want people who are listening to understand that there's no there's no conflict between those two even if you if you don't like the things that we're saying know that it's out of a good place if I look Ryan if I'm wrong about this I want to know I will change my views but I've done some thinking about this I've done some research I've read the stories I've talked to you know trans individuals and my research is has led me to conclude that this is these are bad ideas that hurt people and I don't want people to be hurt and if we are telling people you feel this way well then walk down this path and that path leads to destruction that path leads to harm we have a wit have an obligation out of love to warn people from going down that path so if there's people out there who again who maybe have a problem with what we're saying maybe get upset I know I just did a talk on this at a Calvary Chapel in Aurora Colorado a couple weeks ago and I had people who got so upset with me that one guy had to be escorted out of the auditorium by security another gal who's who is trans got up in the middle of my presentation and walked out and was making a you know a ruckus in the in the lobby area and and I want to say number one I love those people I'm okay if you get upset with me number two though try to at least listen to the arguments here that we're trying to make because if they're these are bad ideas they will bring harm to you and and if they're not if they if my ideas are wrong I want people to convince me well there are some statistics saying that there is harm coming to these individuals that are going down this route which we're going to talk a little bit yeah yeah and that's and that's really the biggest I think the biggest response to this to someone who says you know this transgender ideology is wrong it's gonna hurt people they actually say well if you don't affirm the trans person you're the one who's gonna bring them harm because if you don't affirm their gender identity then they're going to experience discrimination or rejection which is going to lead them to maybe self harm right even suicide and therefore in the interest of the well-being of the trans person we have to affirm whatever gender identity they want you know so this is kind of the harm argument I would say a couple of responses number one this I think this response assumes that if they actually do transition and if we affirm that that that is going to lead to wholeness in them right right so it assumes that but I think the data shows that that's not the case and so one of the indicators would be the suicide rate it's that so what do they say so if you if you look at the people who identify as transgender forty-one percent who identifies transgender will attempt suicide now compare that with the rate of the general population in the u.s. it's four point six percent four point six percent versus you mustn't it is massive and so those people who identify they're the the the the suicide rate is attempted suicide rate is much higher and those who actually transition so you if you actually go through transition and go through what's called sex reassignment surgery you are 19 times more likely to die of suicide than than the general population so and it's the data seems to indicate that it's transitioning going through the full physical transformation right doing the sex reassignment surgery does not bring the wholeness that these these individuals are hoping for and that would make sense if the problem is not physical but the his mental and emotional right that's the struggle because that means we're treating the wrong thing we're treating the body instead of treating the heart and mind and so transitioning doesn't lead to the wholeness that that people hope it will that actually scares me because we live in you know LA and down in Hollywood right there off of Melrose they just put a new transition Center I don't know if you've seen it yeah what they have blocks they're building a whole new transition Center for for kids yeah you had you know if you a number of years ago there was only one you know medical yeah gender identity kind of Institute or Center in the US and now there's like 45 oh really yeah I mean across the u.s. because this ideology is taken root now and so we're just we're starting to affirm it now now think about this for a second I mean how do you know how do you know someone is struggling with gender dysphoria there's no medical test a doctor can do to find that out right so no doctor can come to you and do tests on you and say oh you're struggling with gender dysphoria right the person has to self-report they have to say I feel this way and then here's what happens you go into the doctor you say I feel this way I feel like I'm a man in a woman's body whatever and now the doctor says okay we will then start treating you this is the only situation where I can think of that a doctor lets the patient do the Celt that the diagnosis yes if I went to my doctor and I said hey doc I have cancer yeah and doctor do what we need to run tests I said no no no no I did self diagnosis I know I have cancer he's okay we're gonna put you in leukemia yeah he does he said no leukemia how would he call chemotherapy mo therapy yeah the doctor doesn't say oh okay well if you did cite yourself diagnosis then we'll just go ahead and treat you right but in this situation that's what we do it that's how radical these ideas are and why would we do that why would we let the person do a self diagnosis I can't think of any other situation where we do this but the medical community is even going along with this although there are there voices out there who are um speaking out against this but they take out they pay a heavy price you get slammed pretty hard if you go against the transgender ideology yeah yeah so now and again there's also the idea that we talked about earlier where eighty to ninety five percent of children with gender dysphoria grow unnaturally grow out of it okay now okay so you have those individuals who might still struggle with it well what's going on there well this is where I you know in his book Ryan Anderson goes through different some different examples in the literature of individuals who struggle with gender dysphoria and how instead of treating the body and transitioning them instead what's what what's done is somewhat what they call talk therapy where they they do some therapy with people to help them see you know what's going on so and so a couple examples he gives he's there was a situation with a young boy elementary age boy who was feeling the sense of I want to be a girl I want to be a girl now his mom what what so he was he was in therapy and what came out is that he he had a sister and it appeared to him what he sensed in his family with his mom was that the the daughter got a lot more love and attention than he did right and there was a sense like if I if I if I just could be a girl then I would get more love and attention from mom and this is a single mom I get more love and attention from mom and so he was struggling with his gender dysphoria and this desire to want to be a girl well turns out his mom got into therapy along with her son turns out that this mom had experienced some sexual abuse at the hands of a man which is tragic right right but what she had developed this antipathy this anger this bitterness is hatred towards towards men and was unconsciously treating her son in that kind of way and distancing herself from him because of the hurt she experienced which makes yeah that's but and so what happened is that instead of treating this boy and starting to trans in him and start you know changing him physically what happened is that he was in about a year therapy talk therapy talking this out the mom gotten therapy got to see the issues that she was struggling with realizing then she's treating her son differently and through that therapy there was some healing that happened and and after about a year therapy the boy stops struggling with that gender dysphoria and comes to feel comfortable with being a boy right so that's the kind of thing that often is going on in these situations is that and and this is where I want to be sensitive here yeah but I want to be honest and I want to say look I think the result gender dysphoria is the result of living in a broken world where we have broken families broken mom and dad's broken human beings who hurt us and bring pain into our lives and we experience gender dysphoria because we live in all this brokenness and it's not because you're really a male who's in a female body it's because we haven't been loved and nurtured the way that God intended and that's the reality of a broken world and it's all of us it's not just the person who's struggling with gender dysphoria it's the person who's addicted to porn it's the person who's you know sleeping around with their boyfriend and girlfriend all the time it's the person who's addicted to alcohol or drugs it's the person I mean it's all of us it's every single one of us experience that brokenness in different ways and I want to say look gender dysphoria and your struggles with with gender identity come from these places of brokenness so for instance if you're a girl and you've experienced sexual abuse that could be something that leads you to have some some confusion about your gender or two maybe even withdraw from your gender to protect yourself because look if you're a girl and you feel vulnerable being a girl because guys are idiots and jerks and you've been abused by them well then you might withdraw from that that identity is a girl I have a little story about something similar like that there's a girl that we had on the show more cierra from from Miami Beach and she grew up she was getting abused by a neighbor very crazy story I don't want to go in at all now but just basically being abused so on the only concept she had am in was abusing her physically and sexually so as she grew up she wanted disassociate with looking like a female and having anything to do with that because all she knew in her mind is that men wanted to abuse her sexually and use her so that led her to looking like a man dressing like a man acting like a man because she wanted to disassociate with that whole connection so yeah 100% yeah and and they're so there's so many stories of brokenness that surround that and and I want to say hey look we're all broken in different ways so that manifests itself differently this is just one of the ways it manifests itself but you can increase the brokenness if you don't deal with the heart the heart of the issue so you treat the body you're treating the wrong thing so before you start transitioning before you tart you take you know hormones or puberty blockers or before you start cutting off healthy physical limbs you know parts of your body at least consider that there there's something else going on here and that there is data that supports this and at the end of the day I want to say to to anyone you know whether it's the person struggling gender dysphoria the person who's transitioning the person whatever the the primary need of every human individual who's broken like us is we it's a spiritual need it's a need for Jesus Christ it's the need for his healing and redemption look our our friends our family our parents will they let us down or they they actually harm us and that's that's the reality well what's the solution to that the solution is being put together made whole again by only one person our Creator through the cross of Christ and so there is how and redemption and restoration that's available to every individual so we want to say kind of you know towards the end of this is that hey we want to end with hope here there's hope for those individuals there's healing that can happen there is there's wholeness that we can we can discover but but we have to seek out the right answers on this so we have about 10 minutes left and as we bring this hope down at the end I just want to say that I do have a transgender right now that I've been in communication with that's actually coming to one of my Bible studies and he's like hey I'm a transgender and how he got into it was a series of interesting abusive situations so now he's he's on the hormone blockers and he's going through the this whole transgender thing but he recently found Jesus Jesus Christ and he's like dude I love Jesus he's revealed himself to me but it's all so new he has the Holy Spirit but he's like I am in the process I just found Jesus but I'm in the process of transitioning I am transgender and he's like it's all good like you know it's fine I understand like I'm not offended by anything you say he's like searching for the truth he's just like tell me more what does God say what does the Holy Spirit say you know what you know what the deal is so he's like I'm not offended I'm totally open to Jesus I had an encounter with him so I said listen this is the but some more most important it's not about who you're sleeping with or what you identify with the most important thing right now for you is to keep seeking Jesus find your identity in Jesus Christ you know because a lot of people in churches or people can just say well you're a man and that's it or beat it you know and it's I'm saying hey I don't care what's going on your life just keep coming to church keep reading the Bible keep learning about who he is and let God keep revealing himself to you because he's the one that's gonna answer these questions yeah so we prayed with him and now he's just coming to church and we're just counseling him yeah that's awesome and you really write process you hit on the key issue the key issue there's identity right what's what's the problem here there's an identity problem identity crisis and our culture is at a point where now we tell people identify with your sexual orientations or your you know your desires or your gender and an identity is put in every all of these things that change that will never reach you and ground you and the only identity that's unchanging unfailing is identity in Christ that you and I are children of God we are loved we are redeemed by him and so that's the first step the first step for my transgender friends neighbor is that they find Christ first and let him begin to change them from the inside out right that's the first step and then when you wait when you say inside out just to be clear people it's about he needs to do a work in our heart it's a hard issue God needs to just come in and reveal himself to you who you are in Christ and work on your heart and then he works out all the other details yeah and and then of course there is a place for I think good Christian counseling and friends who can come around you and help you and and walk you through this but there are also plenty and people need to know this are plenty of stories and all you got to do is go on youtube and search these out of people who have de transitioned who have what we have transgender regrets they went through the surgery they went through the whole transition and they experienced maybe some temporary happiness where they thought okay now I can out live out my true identity that doesn't last and they D transition and they transition out and there's all kinds of testimonies that people say I wish I never had done that I was misled and now some of them have huge regret because they've cut off body parts that can't be replaced now they can't have kids and you know they wanted kids so they're there there are people who are who've been on the other side of this yeah have gone through everything you're going through or your family members gone through and at the other side of this are saying don't do it is there any story that's on YouTube that you could think of that maybe someone could go watch yes they look up just do a search for Walt hire Walt Wal t and then hire spelled H e ye r h e ye r won't hire has been out really publicly singing there or proclaiming the message because he was once a man transitioned into being a woman and then read you know D transitioned and he's talented he's warning he's kind of signaling to people kind of what he called Cigna giving the warning signal yeah well yeah like hey there's a lot of pain and hurt here in fact in that book that I mentioned earlier when Harry became Sally Ryan Anderson goes through a number of different testimonies of people who are speaking out against it and again these testimonies are on YouTube and just remember this is just the beginning of the gender revolution we haven't even seen the site like the side effects are starting to have come out like the statistics that people try to transition and all that well this is a huge social experiment yeah exactly this is just the beginning yeah you know but God loves you God loves you exactly how you are and he wants to reveal himself to you and it's all about identity in Jesus Christ so if you're listening to this right now and you're whatever you're going through in your life I would just ask Jesus Christ into your heart just say God reveal yourself to me come into my life forgive me for my sins because it doesn't matter what walk of life you're involved in we're all sinners we were born sinners none of us are perfect all of us are far from perfect and this is why we need Jesus Christ as our Savior and it's very simple it's just believing says that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son and that whosoever believeth in him will not perish but have everlasting life you know the only thing that keeps us away from a relationship with the god of the universe Jesus Christ it's believing all you have to do is believe that Jesus Christ came on a rescue mission out of eternity to die for the sins of the world and that anyone that believes in Him that he died and raised on the third day and now he lives will have eternal life he will plant this Holy Spirit in your life and when you have the Holy Spirit in your life the job of the Holy Spirit is to come into your life and transform you from the inside out he reveals himself to you you have God's Spirit inside of you now dominating your life transforming you changing your mind it says all who are in Christ all the old things will pass away in your life and all things will become brand new so I would challenge you guys all today wherever your app you're watching this on youtube you this in your car on the radio or just even you're at home just call on the name of the Lord whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved shall be saved he will come in and he will reveal himself to you and we have a couple minutes left you have anything you want to say yeah I would say you know I would just reiterate yeah the the key issue for the transgender person who's not a Christian is is you need Christ but and I would say for those who are kind of you know whatever you're at in this issue I want you to think oftentimes we kind of think of kind of Christianity or God in these negative terms like God is saying no no no all the time so whether it's transgenderism or same-sex marriage or sexuality or premarital sex or casual sex or the hookup culture it's always like no God says no no no no and sometimes we as Christians communicate it that way and that's our fault yeah but I want people to realize that actually for every no is a beautiful yes yeah right so what it when I when I talk to young people and I warned them about casual sex and I say God says no to casual sex it's because there's actually a more beautiful wonderful fulfilling yes that God has waiting for you I mean we do this all the time think about it I I mean I Drive past 7-eleven I know inside of the 7-eleven there's 7-eleven coffee I say no to 7-eleven coffee every single day why because there's Portola coffee down the street or Starbucks or whatever there's something better in the same way that's that God isn't just interested in saying no he actually wants to give us good gifts he has something so much better for us and as our designer the designer knows how we are designed and how we should function and when we live a certain way according to his design we experience flourishing we experience true life we experience the good life the way that our designer has made us and so all other ways lead to brokenness and destruction and that's why the path is narrow Jesus says but God's a good God who wants to give us and part of that is our gender and an identifying with how he's made us and the path the wholeness is his path not the world's path 100% I don't I don't look at a relationship but with God all these rules and regulations and all these knows it's funny how a lot of people can oh I can't do this my fall oh God or this that God like you said he puts those those knows in there is to protect you you know like thou shalt not kill thank you and it's the truest path to freedom yeah it is because now we are culture we have one minute left by the way our culture says freedom is doing whatever you want yeah that's a lie freedom is doing having the freedom to do what is right doing what is right that is that brings true freedom and in this situation in every other situation that's the case 100 percent so you know I would encourage you guys it's it's not about our walk with God is not about it's not be about being religious or anything like that it's not about a bunch of rules it's about truly it's just about living that life that you were created for and finding your true identity because the whole world is constantly trying to find their identity what music they're listening who they're sleeping with who they're hanging out with your identity is in Christ and that's when you find out your purpose and why you're even placed on this earth and that's where the piece comes God's come to give us peace and rest for our souls he says come to me all you are weary anyway you that are going through hard times come to me I will give you peace and rest for your soul so if you could take away anything from that whatever you're going through God loves you and thank you for being on the show Brett we'll see you guys next week this has been live with Ryan race to connect or find out more about riots click on Ryan - Reese comm check us out next Saturday at 9:00 p.m. for live with Ryan Reese this has been live with Ryan race to connect or find out more about Ryan click on Ryan - Reese comm check us out next Saturday at 9:00 p.m. for live with Ryan Reese
Channel: Ryan Ries
Views: 6,982
Rating: 4.7419353 out of 5
Keywords: K-WAVE, The Whosoevers, Ryan Ries, Calvary Chapel Golden Springs, Calvary Chapel, 107.9FM, The Movement, Saints & Sinners, Kill the Noise, Holy Spirit, God, Transgendor, Gendor, Identity, Truth, Live with Ryan Ries
Id: fM_ebsLlrMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 57sec (3477 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 22 2018
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