Making the Right Decision - Luke 16:19-31 - Raul Ries

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[Music] it's been a while since Rawls been here morale is the pastor of Calvary Chapel in Golden Springs Diamond Bar California God really transformed Rawls life from an angry kid into a teacher and evangelist of the Word of God he's a Vietnam vet and he's a writer and he has an incredible hunger and thirst for the word and a passion to have people obey God's Word that's why I'm so excited to have him back here Rahl has been an influence on my life and I love him dearly would you please join me in welcoming Rory's thank you sir thank you so much what's a blessing to be here in Albuquerque back in 1982 when time flies I remember skip at a small Bible study and we came I did a crusade and from that point on we you guessed became our home just really my wife's answer her greetings she has cancer if you can keep her in Paris she's 14 years now with cancer stage four and the Lord has been gracious to us and now she's still going to the City of Hope and there with me and I have a situation in my own life for the last 14 years I have the situation where I'll be teaching or I'll be with other people and I have these see sure I don't pass out but I can't speak and I can't read which is really a real frustrating thing in my life so if you guys can keep us in prayer would be really appreciated this morning I want to thank skip high Sikh and his wife for just inviting me to be here I went to see him he looks good he'll be back this next week so I'm really need pray for your pastor really on basing and this morning what I like to do is I like to take you through the Gospel of Luke chapter 16 if you have your Bible Luke chapter 16 in the title the message is making the right decision you know with all of our lives here this morning you know we want to make sure that we make the right decisions when I got saved I met the right decision to accept Christ as my Lord and Savior you know my story and my story has been you know all over but at the same time it's not my story it's the gospel of Jesus Christ we all have a testimony we all have a story and you know when I got saved one of the things that really touched my life is the way God went out through my life and began to touch people that I never thought that I would be a password evangelist never wanted to be a pastor I'm a martial artist I have my own kung-fu school and I started having Bible studies in that come from school and turn into a church I don't know how it happened but it happened and it's been just a long journey I spent 40 some years now I guess man time flies so fast that we've been coming to Albuquerque and there's been a blessing for me to be here and to be able to speak but as I was in California California as I'm going to California man California is bad you can't drive you can't do anything come and live in Albuquerque that's the best place there was there was a husband that loved his wife so much husbands listen carefully and he thought you're it's her birthday what should I buy her so he went antibiotic so he came on with this parrot on the cage and put it up and the next morning he goes to work and now his wife comes down the stairs and the parent looks at her and says you are the ugliest woman I've ever seen in my life she became so angry so when her husband came home he said you bought me this parrot and man he has called me the ugliest woman in the world don't worry I'll go talk to him takes my sketch and begins to shake him says have you ever come my wife I'm gonna kill you so the next thing he gets off is going to work and so he leaves and the wife starts coming down and the parrot standing there looking at her say you are the most ugliest woman I ever seen in my life so she says honey again they call me the same thing don't worry I'll shake him up a little more so she said that morning she starts coming down the stairs and the parents standing very still she's coming down so he looks this way he looks this way he says you know customers be careful you don't do that but this morning in our lesson you know I love this chapter because it puts us right where we should be and the chapter is gonna be leading with three people it's gonna be dealing with Abraham gonna be dealing with a rich man and also a beggar a beggar that has nothing in life I mean he just walks around the city he's looking for something to eat and he comes to a place when he comes to this this God that had parties all the time in Richmond you know I just had that about a couple days ago one of the guys that I know where I live he's a rich made his way out there and he just found out oh I just found out that he went bankrupt imagine cars houses I mean vacations all these things and now he sell his house he has nothing and I'm always concerned about religiously where he is in the kingdom of God to ours religion or relationship I like relationship there are so many religious people in the world they think that by religion they're gonna enter the kingdom of God but the Bible says there has to be a relationship and that relationship can only come through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior well you got saved when I got saved what do we do by faith we accept Christ into our lives and when I accepted Christ it was all history the reason I say that is because people were watching my life one of my best friends is here with me he's my assistant pastor he's known me for over 60 years and when he saw me changed my life not only that he come to know Christ more what I did is I had a little piece of paper then like a little book and I rolled down every one of my friends friend my friends names and I put the date when I start praying for them and even the police department those guys they used to arrest me I said Laura you're gonna get these guys too so I start praying and all of a sudden I started watching one by one coming to Christ one by one I wasn't really doing anything but I was praying for these guys and they started coming to Calvary and they started seeing what I was doing about my Chapel you know my studio turned into a chapel so they would come and they would get saved so what goes on now they get say a lot of them have died and I've got the oven and then I thought about my own family you have families what happens to your mother what happens to your father went up to see your sister got up into your brother's your aunt's your uncle's nieces whoever it is how do they come to know Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior I really believe that the only ways they gotta watch your lives they gotta watch your lives how do you behave who do you share the gospel with it's not by preaching it's the way you live that people will come to know Christ that's the way I saw these guys coming to know Christ my mom my dad my brother my sisters and I always stood back and I thought wow the Lord so many people need to come to Jesus Christ and that's why I'm here today not only there for those of you that are Christians but I wonder how many of you invited someone to come and hear the gospel of Jesus Christ that's why I'm on the radio all over the country for so many years and my message has always been a concern for people people that I want to see in heaven one thing that I've learned is you know the Lord never forces you to come to know him never he gives his Holy Spirit to you yes he comes along and what does he do he convicts people of sin things that you used to do you can't do them any longer now what I see in the church is that in the church a lot of people come to church they come on Sunday mornings they come to hear the word of God that when they leave the church they go right back like the dog going back to his vomit or like the pig leaving the tub and going back to the mud the Bible says they were supposed to be a new creature Paul says that in his second Corinthians 5:17 therefore if any in Christ Jesus all things are passed away all things have become brand-new so people watch our lives and what would they see in your life what are they see in my life in this gospel that I began to read it to study it really touches me it touches me because there was a rich men they thought that everything was going to be okay you know he bought things he invited people to his house he had parties on almost every weekend and then there was this little old guy or maybe young guy he was in the streets had nowhere to lay his head he was poor you know what to eat the dogs would come and I shall lick him and then he found a house in Beverly Hills one of these rich people it had parties you know in this rayul they they recline on tables tables are low you sit on actually pillows and you recline so he found this home that he came to and he saw that there were parties going on so he went to the gate and he began to reach into the gate from the table the crumbs that would fall and he picked them and he would be in to eat them and the dogs would come and lick his face I don't know what the Richman thought but I know that in the scriptures we know that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son and that's why we're here his love his grace his mercy and then people when you look at people people ask the question how many people die a day how many people die a week how many people die in a year well let me give you some stats this morning there are approximately eight deaths per a thousand people every day every day a hundred and fifty 1,600 people die each day six thousand three hundred and sixteen people die each hour a hundred and five people die each minute nearly two nearly two people die each set 50 5.3 million people die each year each year so death is very presently before us a lot of us here might not be here next week next month next year and we don't we don't really think that we're gonna die we think we're gonna live forever in this world but Jesus has warned us he's warned that that some people are gonna be in Hell some people are going to be in heaven it is so easy to get to heaven and yet so hard for people to go to heaven before Jesus died on the cross he came into this world there was the place in the center of the earth called Hades shield all these name that was given to it and there was a place with a chaff or a pit actually real deep this world on a like a canyon on one side was those people that rejected Christ on the other side were Abraham bosom were those people in the Old Testament had received the Lord and they died and they went there when someone dies he's buried the bodies buried goes back into the earth man I can't believe how many people will spend so much money on a coffin seriously when the person is no longer there people cremate themselves that's great but I think that we need to understand that once a person dies this spirit comes out of the tent we have a tent in that body goes back into the earth what counts is the spirit that is within in our lives in our bodies the spirit will depart from the body the Bible says this person by the name of Abraham 2,000 years before he ever ever knew Lazarus or the Richmond then all of a sudden you have here Abraham 2,000 years before he's now in Tarsus or she'll and he's there not only looking over all these people in the Old Testament but this is a personal story where this young man or all person that was walking the streets of Jerusalem in all of a sudden we'll see in a moment that he dies dr. Billy Graham says this on death death is the Christians coronation the end of conflict and the beginning of glory in the heaven in triumph though the Christian has no immunity for death or from death and no claim to perpetual life on this planet death is to him a friend rather than a foe the beginning rather than the end another step on the pathway to heaven rather than a leap into the dark unknown when a Christian dies he goes straight into the presence of Christ Jesus he goes to heaven to spend eternity with God when a sinner dies he goes into out of darkness into a place that Jesus calls hell because hell it must be horrible it must be terrible to know people in hell they thought they were Christians they thought they would go to heaven this is something that we need to understand as believers just because we go to church doesn't mean we're going to heaven the Bible is very clear on that to become a Christian you become a different person you reach survival you develop you grow in crises that's why this church is so awesome that you can come here and pastor skip can teach you the Word of God and you can grow spiritual and develop and then you can go out and share the gospel of Jesus Christ with other people that's so you know the thing that I see concerning the scriptures there disappears life and there's a prince oppressor life and there's a future life well in this story let's begin by reading the past life of these Pete beginning in verse 19 of chapter 16 he starts with the Richmond he says and there was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple fine linen and fair suspiciously every day you know when you go to Orange County you can go one of these malls you can see people there spending for a period actually for a for a a pair of Levi's a hundred to three hundred dollars on Levi think about that just to wear shirts suits all these things that so much money spent on self when you can go to let's just say key right they'll see you they're all you know my cameras Kisuke go to any other stores Target wherever and you can buy probably not the same thing Ben something cheaper but it's close styles coming styles ago if I were to camp my Levi's from the past and today it kind of rip up my Levi's and sell them for $100 I would be rich you know and guys that are here you know what I'm talking about I go to the source and I see these Levi said I ripped up I mean crazy you know they pay hundreds for a rip up of the ice that may be there or whatever or they are they spend you know to spend that kind of money where it can be given to the Lord the reason people can get to the Lord is because they got themselves in trouble financially and they're paying twenty percent to the bank when that could be given to the Lord it's about self me myself and I well we have a story here that should speak to our hearts because this rich man dresses classy he has parties I mean they have drinking eating and then they have this poor man that has nothing in life only God only God in his life he says in verse 20 that there was a certain beggar named Lazarus full of sores who was laid at Gate he couldn't walk he was laid at his gate this is a man that as him has I don't know maybe some kind of infirmity where he couldn't walk and he's hungry he's thirsty he comes to this place called Beverly Hills and all of a sudden he sees they're having this major party and they have to eat anything they want anything they want imagine how God must have felt seeing one of his servants hungry sick and have nothing not even people paying attention to him when we as believers should pay attention to people that do not have you got to be careful on the freeways because you have these people that are asking for money and asking for food you know who are real who's not real what I like to just go by then my hamburger fries whatever I don't like giving them money because what happens they buy the liquor and they buy things they shouldn't be you know drugs they shouldn't be buying so before you give somebody something make sure you know where your money is going make sure that be a good steward of what God has given to you if you're a good steward then you can help other people and you can give to the lordship of Jesus Christ so the church the real church can do things that wants to do concerning missions and other things here you have a situation a rich man and a poor man again verse 20 he says but there was a certain beggar named Lazarus full of sores who was laid at his gate desiring notice desiring what desired to be fed he was hungry he was funny crippled and hungry with the crumbs that fell from the table the pita bread held the crumbs falling down which fell from the rich man's table moreover the dogs came and licked his sores the dogs licked his sores no medical attention but the actual dogs would come in liquor source probably infection no food infection knowing what's gonna happen out knowing what's gonna happen to him but as the Lord looked at his life the Lord already had plans for him like the Lord has plans for you and for me look what God has done look what God wants to do look what God will do in the future if you're willing to align yourself with God's will God's Wells the most important things don't do your own thing please don't do that you'll miss God's chances and God's wilt in your life one of the things that I like to do especially pastor Dale he likes to go and visit the elderly you go to one of these places where the elderly are sitting there or you come to a pastor that's in that home and I've talked to pastors and this is what they say I wish I would have done when God spoke to me to do those things that I never did sorry not too late man make sure you do what God called you to do now not next year not next week you know I mean at this very moment make sure you're gonna do God's will and hear God's will not only for Lazarus to be where he is and the Richmond where he is God is giving him an opportunity to Humble himself an opportunity to be a person that is giving and kind to people he goes on verse 23 or 21 desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table moreover the dogs came and licked up his sores verse 22 so it was that the beggar dies all of a sudden he dies he's right by this gate you see what he was doing he was actually reaching through the gate getting those crumbs and feeding himself in all of us on that night not going anywhere he dies at the gate right there can you imagine when you read the story that when people were going home nobody stopped to see that he was there we just go in their way they didn't care they only care about self themselves they were used to partying all the time but check this out look what it says verse 22 so it was that the beggar died and was carried by the Angels by the Angels carried were carried to Abraham's bosom isn't that cool - Abraham's bosom center of the earth Abraham's bosom a chaff or a great pit in the middle and on the other side is the place of torment place of torment when the beggar is carried to Abraham's bosom may what a great welcome you know Abraham saying hey lass is so good to have you here and all these people from the Old Testament for 2,000 years already they had been dead but being comforted and now another one Lazarus and on the other side look what it says but the rich man also died and was buried nothing about the Angels nothing about the Angels dead Deluxe can you imagine his funeral in the in Israel even to the present time when somebody dies they bear you the same day same day it's incredible so imagine here the beautiful beautiful burial that he had because he was rich rich and yet when he gets to hell it's a different experience a different experience and I guess with each one of our lives my mom died in 93 had just buried her in three two years ago almost three years ago and my mom you know she was getting ready to die I used to go see her I would pick her up to go to church and then after church I would take her she liked to go to the winner's initial she's like hot dogs so I took her to heart that's there every Sunday you know and so when she was getting ready to die it was a very moving I think for my life a very moving because I had abused my mom before I came to Christ when I was in high school when I given the give the Moringa came back from Vietnam I was a mess I was locked up for six months locked up because of what I went through and my mom came to know Christ and I went to her I said mom I want you to forgive me forgive me for everything that I've done against you and now she couldn't speak so I held her in and she squeezed my hand I knew she had forgiven me and maybe even here today you've done bad things that you need to take care of with your family this poor beggar who knows where his family was the Richmond who knows who his family was but I know one thing they will you become a Christian you have to have a different attitude a different life we're supposed to be loving supposed to be kind and for me was very hard because of the lifestyle that I used to live to forgive somebody and you know as a pastor something happened to me then I was not I when people would get sick I wasn't compassionate when I went to see them I would pray for them but I wasn't compassionate and one day I went back to Vietnam to do a film called taking the hill which I found three other guys in my platoon that I hadn't seen in 45 years and he was the time one of them lost both of his legs I carry his legs into the chopper and the guys had gotten shot and it was just a hard time when we saw each other it was just a neat that getting together and for them to be in my film while them just fast away the one that lost his legs and I was sitting there and I was thinking you know these guys not only one of them two of them have come to know Christ but I thought what's gonna happen in my life because of the things that I did and today how God has forgiven me and I had to forgive my you know to forgive my brother made me think that I've done to him and and as I stood back and even to the present time I didn't have compassion the Lord allowed me in Vietnam to get sick when I went back to doing this film and to have seizures I've had over a thousand seizures I'm still here and you know what I accepted like Paul I asked the Lord three times and he said my grace is sufficient for you and I've accepted that here we see this you know here we see this poor man the grace of God demonstrated on the Richmond no grace demonstrated because of his life and what he did of what he did because he wasn't compassionate he wasn't forgiving and I had to learn some real heavy lessons in my life because so the things that I had done and things that I needed to go to my dad you know when I got saved that same week I went back to my dad and you know beef week before that my wife and I went to visit I hated go there because he would get drunk and he get not only violent but he would start saying things he shouldn't say to my wife and one day he said that I picked up a butcher knife and I was gonna cut his throat in the Lord convicted me and I have saved it I have to say that I was sorry but I was sorry that through that my did came to know Christ and it was a total different line that weren't loving my dad caring for my mom my brother my sisters and when I read this story and I continued to read this story you know of the rich man he had the grace of God given to him and he denied it he didn't want it so verse 23 it says and being in torments notice where he is being in torments in hell hell place called Sheol the grave the pit Hades Gehenna in the lake of fire the lake of fire is the end of Satan his actual angels and the Antichrist the false prophet and every person that never went to heaven because it says this in revelations chapter 20 verse 11 through 15 and the books were opened and whoever's name was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire or call Gahanna that's why I have such a bird in my heart for people to get saved for people to come to Christ lot times people think because we're Christians that we want everybody to go to hell but that's not true that is not true because the body of Christ loves people and the body of Christ has come to that place where you know were you stood before you came to Christ and where you stand today in Jesus Christ and then he says again in verse 24 for him to go back to 23 and being in torments in Hades he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off so Abraham's here the poor man's here and he's over here looking across and see an Abraham he's being in torments he saw whatever he went through you know he couldn't he couldn't really be comforted in any way we're gonna see in a moment and he said that'll Astra's he says in the bosom then he says in 24 and then he cried out and said father Abraham have mercy on me son it's too late too late you're over there and we're over here imagine how drastic that that is to know they when someone dies in they don't go to heaven we'll never see them again ever again and being in hell being in hell before Christ came even I told you it was the place of Abraham's rusyn when he died on the cross and then he resurrected three days later it's been 40 days with the disciples and then he has said that they heaven and 10 they say the Holy Spirit came upon them and received the power there before he went to heaven he went below two shields and led captivity free every Muslim they were taken to heaven and then hell became one major place where today people have faces as they can see they can touch they can taste man all five senses are there in Hell never never to see the light never ever again to see Christ never again to see their families better done completely fully and it says and they ever have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip his tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue for I am tormented in this flame plural no singular in this flame he was being tormented not comforted like we see on the other side he says verse 25 but Abraham said son remember so he had a mind he could remember his past life remember that in your lifetime you received every good thing you were rich you were a millionaire and likewise Lazarus evil things he had nothing nothing but now he is being comforted and you are being tormented you were being tormented man when I read that Lord McHale had helped me Lord be with me Lord and beside this beside all this between us and you there is a great gulf nor disfigure or a deep pit between Abraham's bosom between the Richmond there's a great pit where nobody gets their can cross over nobody here can cross over to the other side he goes on to say so that those who want to pass from here to you sister the other side you cannot nor can those from this I pass over to us it's a done deal those that go to hell stay in hell don't say God I haven't stay in heaven this is why within each one of our lives even to the present time how we need not only to read to pray but to be sensitive sensitive to people I go surfing almost every morning there in San Clemente I love surfing when I first went there 17 years ago nobody like me nobody knew me and when I first stepped into the water and I had my surfboard I was standing to the left sitting in my board and these other guys were sitting all business guys on the right they wouldn't talk to me I never told anybody that I was on the radio never Thomas a pastor I just kept quiet I said Lord how can I reach these guys out of here but your seals how can I reach these guys real simple the Lord told me make hot sauce and gave him hot sauce that's it that's it so I made hot sauce I took it to them the next day they said you want to surf with us sure I paddled out there and said all night I've been there 17 years and anytime anyone have a problem they paddle up to me and they said on their board and I said well can you pray for me see there are opportunities there are opportunities in your life in my life that people are in need and you can tell them about Jesus you can tell them about Jesus and they have a will to get save or not to get saved now here is this rich man they had an opportunity now he is being not comforted but he is in pain he's being tormented and then on the other side Lazarus is being one being comforted being comforted because of the Holy Spirit and then he goes on to say verse 26 as he said and beside all this between us you and you and there in the great gulf fixed and that those who want to pass from here to you cannot nor can those from deaths that come over here so then verse 27 and then he said listen he said I beg you now he's begging now he's made he was always used to buying him you know by his way wherever he went he says now I beg you therefore father that you would send Lazarus to my father's house wait a minute you want me to send Lazarus to your house why I have five brothers I have five brothers listen when you when you have Christ in your life like I told my brother my sister's God not only at times you know maybe you haven't told your family about Christ then man there's television their satellite there's a dummy there's books nobody can say I never knew about Jesus everybody knows about Jesus everybody and when you read about Jesus oh you see a author of Jesus you don't have to be stupid to say that's Jesus that's Jesus and God gives you in this particular time men they have prophets they had Moses which means they have the Pentateuch they have the prophets which you could read you can accept and not only believe what the prophets say what Moses said in the five books of Moses but look what he says in verse 28 for I have five brothers that they honor that he may testify to them lest they also come to this place of torment singular torment he speaks of definite pain four times four times torments torment four times in this chapter imagine as you're sitting there and you're thinking of torment here he's confessing this is reality man I'm in pain I am in pain I am so sorry that I did what I did too late I repent still eight there's no more opportunities however however you're here on this earth thirty years twenty years or 15 years or a hundred years all those years God is giving you an opportunity to know him to repent to accept him as your Lord and Savior it's not about religion it's about a relationship with Jesus Christ a relationship with Jesus Christ and when you hear the voice of God through his word I've never heard the voice of God than when I read I hear the voice of God what he wants me to do what he wants me to do not as a pastor but he wants me to as an individual person how about you how do you listen to the voice of God in your life this person wants to conclude it he goes on he says verse 29 and Abraham said they have Moses and the prophets notice that you can make a choice and what and the prophets let them hear what it says how are they going to hear their Moses enter the prophets they have the Torah they have the prophets they're without excuse verse 30 and he said no father Abraham but if one goes back to from the dead they will repent I don't know about that I don't know about that somebody came back from the dead I don't think that you know first of all we wouldn't believe them if they told us I don't think so you know why Jesus Christ came and died and rose again and people still don't believe people still don't believe by the millions and the billions can you imagine the billions of people from the beginning to this present time that are going to be in hell in the lake of fire forever and ever it is so awesome that we're going to be in heaven forever there's gonna be like Jesus is gonna be the light no darkness ever again no hatefulness only love and grace and mercy that God has given to each one of us individually and so he says in verse 31 but he said to him if they do not hear Moses and the prophets neither will they be persuaded though one rises from the dead people still do not believe what Jesus said the cross of Jesus Christ in our lives and that's why I get in that position in my life because when I look at Jesus on that cross it really moves me that he died for me that he's coming back again for me how I thank him that he took me out of hell and he brought me into the kingdom of God and that's the same thing he's done for a lot of you that are here today and maybe some of you are in hell and you want to come out of hell the only way is to repent and to us Jesus by feet to come into your lives he'll receive you Father I pray in your name Jesus that your Holy Spirit would speak to us Jesus and that in every way Lord in every way Lord that people would respond to you Lord Jesus and as we're gonna worship those of you that are young old whoever you are doesn't matter who you are they've got up spoken to you and you want to accept Christ to get your name in the book of life today forgot to use you and got to speak to you then you have to settle things with Christ first and that is to come and to repent of your sins so if you want Christ in your life get up and come now and then we're gonna pray in a second here you get up and you come as motions [Music] come to the altar the father's arms are [Music] was my the precious subscribe or come to the altar the father's arms are open wide scoot up the jumpiness was born [Music] he says if you confess me I will confess you it's not an embarrassing thing - coming out Jesus Christ you guys it's an honor to receive Christ and many of you here today is that they have salvation the Bible says behold I stand at the door and knock on your hearts and if you open the door I'll come in and sup with you and you with me how much work and we want what is offer himself to you we're gonna sing it again you get up and you come wherever you are to Walter the father's arms for was boring the precious [Music] the altar the father's arms are open wide 14 was far [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus could come don't leave the same way you came here and leave different that's why you're here today he loves you so much that he's not willing that any should perish but all should come to repentance I'm gonna ask these guys to sing it again you get up and you come like these have come come down [Music] the precious [Music] [Applause] [Music] anybody else who you are you know what you've done and you know that he will forgive you too much is given much more is required father I pray in your precious name the name of Jesus where God that you be with these people Lord and those of you that I've come I want you to pray with me this prayer and ask Christ into your lives pray with me there Jesus please forgive me Lord for all of my sins I confess to you that I have sinned against you I ask you to cleanse me to wash me in the name of Jesus amen we're gonna give you guys the Bible right here you see these guys to your right we're right there okay they're gonna give you a Bible awesome may the Lord bless you guys when he keeping me you watch over you and pray for skip and his wife and pray for God here in Albuquerque to get all of our kicky god bless you guys we hope you enjoyed this special service from Calvary Church we'd love to know how this message impacted you email us at my story at Calvary nm Church and just a reminder you can support this ministry with a financial gift at Calvary nm Church /give thank you for joining us for this teaching from Calvary Church
Channel: Calvary Church with Skip Heitzig
Views: 5,153
Rating: 4.9444447 out of 5
Keywords: eternity, heaven, hell, Christ, Bible Study, Calvary, Albuquerque, Jesus, Sermons, Gospel
Id: 7Ie3Rtq00og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 35sec (2915 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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