To Be Rescued // Sunday Morning Services (September 19, 2021)

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good morning you know there's nothing better to worship jesus that's the only thing you know i'm down for seminars and all that that when you leave you live with a seminar you know you need to have jesus in your life especially days we're living in today we need answers we need answers from the lord to see what he wants us to do as his church there are so many churches today that are not teaching god's word and the church is hurting and a lot of churches are going not only home empty the people in the lord you know when i talk about the church i'm talking about people not the building because we are the church of our lord and savior jesus christ and one day we're going to spend eternity with him and today we're having so many issues that need to be dealt with big time issues you know get a shot don't get a shot go here do this with that and you know what i'm not into that you got to do what you got to do as long as you put god first put jesus first and so i've been just dealing with this whole situation and asking the lord to give me the teachings that i need to teach in this church a lot of people have been calling you know they've been calling me all week long about you know what is the rapture that you're what does that mean how is that going to come what do i do these are questions that need to be answered and i i pray that in the next couple of weeks i can teach you i can teach myself to have that confidence in the lord that he is coming and this is what he wants us to be like fully completely so if you have your bibles this morning go to the book of first thessalonians chapter 4 verses 13 through 18. this is an event that people don't believe in a lot of people don't believe in but as you study it it's a guarantee that god has given to us and when i say a guarantee it's going to happen not because i say or you say it's because the bible says so jesus said it and when you study the bible you have four gospels that you read jesus has those four gospels he teaches about preaching teaching and healing and then when he leaves and he dies and resurrects and then he leaves this world he gives us the holy spirit in acts chapter 2 the holy spirit came upon them 120. and from 120 it went to millions and billions of people in the last 2 000 years and then paul the apostle gets converted and he gives us romans 1st corinthians second galatians jesus colossians all the way through to hebrews 14 letters and then you look at james and then you look at peter then john again and then the book of revelation john again before he dies he's given a book on prophecy in chapter 4 of revelation verse 1 you see john there at the entrance of king of god at the entrance of heaven and he's looking up and here's the throne of god and it's a picture what we're going to be speaking this morning on in heaven coming at the rapture of the church what are we going to see what are we going to do well if you go into that gate you begin to see the angels worshiping you begin to see the church beginning to worship the lord and then you turn to chapter five and here we are in the presence of the lord worshiping that's what we do worship seeing and worship and then when you turn to chapter 6 all of a sudden things change things change rapidly from chapter 6 to 19 the last years of the kingdom of god the last seven years of world history called the tribulation period when you study the tribulation period is broken into two parts semi and great tribulation the anti-christ will come with his assistant and then ten major cities ten major cities are going to be governing with the antichrist and the false prophet over the world and what's going to happen is that when the rapture takes place and the original church is taken out of the way now you got to understand this thing there's a lot of people today that call themselves christians when you go back to the old testament you come into the new testament god had always had a remnant of believers the remnant is separated from the world you have a lot of people today they call themselves christians they don't know the bible they don't pray they don't read all they do is play in the world and they expect by sitting in church they expect by you know looking at a bible and maybe you read a couple chapters here a couple of chapters and then live like hell on friday and saturday and then throughout the week they think they're gonna be taken to heaven i hate to disappoint you you're not i'm gonna say that the bible says that that we need to be aware of our lives to be aware of jesus who he is why he came why he's coming back again why he died and when we do that and we begin to see the hand of god as paul the apostle was chosen to become one of the greatest apostles that ever lived to give us 14 letters 14 letters the one that suffered tremendously beaten three times he says he died and as you look at paul the apostle writing there in prison before he's going to be beheaded he writes at the church he writes to those like timothy and titus it says you guys stay on track keep your eyes on jesus keep your eye on on the cross of jesus christ and now we have those letters for ourselves not a lot of theology he's very theological but very simple very simple when he preaches the gospel he shares his heart with us the heart of jesus and that's why we're supposed to have the heart of jesus not become fanatics not become religious but becoming and having a relationship with jesus christ relationship is very important paul the apostle now ministers here to the church of thessalonica first second thessalonians here in first thessalonians you have to answer this is the early church that this church has only been a church three weeks that's all three weeks and paul wants to make sure they understand salvation he wants to make sure they understand the holy spirit and he wants to make sure they understand the coming of the lord very important doctrines and in the coming of the lord's doctrine he wants to make sure they understand that they're not going to be here for the last seven years of world history but god has done something that we're all expecting and that's to take for god to take us home to heaven some people to there said well i mean when is he coming i mean it's in the bible but look what's going on in the world yeah a lot of things are going on in the world but he's warned us you know things are going to happen i don't know if he's going to come to there tomorrow the next day i know one thing i believe the bible i believe the word of god it's not my timing it's his time and not your time his timing and i believe that be very possible with the things that are going on in government what's going on in america australia new zealand south america mexico all over the place the savings going on here the virus the shots should i get the shot should i not get the shot that's not you know that's not my business every person is individual they can do whatever they want to do we can't condemn people but we had to do this work together praying together sticking together understanding that jesus is coming and that jesus is coming then what kind of authority or what kind of life am i living at the present time in every day for me it's important we can't be hypocrites if we read and we study and we share the gospel we don't have a religion we have a relationship totally different a relationship i understand that he loves me and i understand that i love him i don't want to disappoint him i don't want to agree the holy spirit of god because of sin and i'm praying that the church not only this church but the church around the world may get the message that these are not days to be played with christ not to be plain with god's word these are days to be very concerned very very important that we have the peace of god that passes all understanding and so paul here in this church in three weeks he sits down with them as they're being persecuted they're asking for questions they're actually asking questions they want answers and paul begins to share with her look i want to share something with you there is a day of escape what do you mean paul a day of this game you will not be here the church will not be here when all hell breaks loose for the last seven years of world history you see when you read daniel chapter nine you go back to nehemiah chapter two verse one daniel says in chapter nine that there are 490 years it'd have to be fulfilled at the end so if you're reading daniel reading and maya said well what do you mean i mean we're not at 490 years fulfilled well we know that on march actually april 6 32 a.d we know that in march 44 44 45 we see that we know for sure that nehemiah began the actual prophecy to be fulfilled that when jesus entered the city of jerusalem he entered in 32 a.d on april the 6th of the 490 years 483 years when he got to walk to that gate you said 409 yes i did 700 actually seven years are not yet fulfilled the rapture is between 1900 years and the seven last years of world history and what will begin the seven years will be the rapture of the church when the church is taken out god has not appointed you or me to wrath the bible says that and the word rather he speaks about i'll deal with in a second is the word not for being angry is for what's going on in the world the war and all those things that are bringing people down and they're being slaughtered and what's going to happen it says there that those people that are not taken at the rapture of the church and they're left behind when the antichrist makes his appearance the false prophet and the ten nations ten leaders he's gonna say this if you wanna live here you want to eat here you want to work here you want to do all these things that you need to be not back you know not not in a place where they're going to give you a shot he says but you got to take my identification mark in that 666 where in the back of your right hand or in your forehead i don't think that you're going to be seen a number the japanese and others have developed a little microchip they use it in animals to identify your dog if it's actually lost they can where they know where he's at and when this thing is put in the back of your right hand when you go to the supermarket you don't have a credit card you have no more money you just not scan it and then they give your calendar go to your bank and then you seduct it but if you take that mark you'll never ever go to heaven ever that's the identification of the devil and those people that are taken at the rapture of the church will be in the presence of the lord will be up to be my seed of christ the supper of the lamb and at the end of seven years we'll be coming back with christ at the battle of armageddon and there will be blood five feet deep and not 200 miles cried coming out to set up his kingdom but what's going to take place at this particular moment is that you and i have to be looking like paul told the early church you guys he's going to come out on the wind it's been 1900 years but there is a time it has to be fulfilled jesus has to come for a generation they will never die the bible says that it'll be a time of discouragement because let's say the lord is coming back soon and we're watching all things that are happening around the world in one day the world could be reached they know that in one day they can close the world down we saw that two years ago one day close it down in two years in control of the world now what's next and if we know that these things are true as a church for sure we know that it's not far away for jesus to come we may all die from old age whatever it is but he will come he made a promise he will come and here paul wants to make sure they understand why he's teaching the book of first thessalonians chapter 4 let's read and see what he says beginning with verse 13 of chapter 4. he says but i do not want you to be ignorant so right away he says you guys i don't want you to be stupid this is what's going on brethren speaking to who christians the whole bible speaking to christians paul made a distinction between the christian and the non-christian when you read first corinthians five and six he makes a distinction from the church becoming homosexual lesbian drinking doing all these things he says i'm not talking to the world i'm talking to the church if you're a christian you're not supposed to be doing those things that you used to do before you came to christ if you do that you will not inherit the kingdom of god you can read it for yourself so he goes on but i do not want you to be ignorant brethren concerning those who have died falsely speaks of death who have died lest you sorrow as others who have no hope you see that's what's going on if you don't really believe that those that are believers are in heaven you might as well do whatever you want to do but i believe i believe that when i die i'm going to be in heaven whether he comes from that i don't really care i believe in him i believe in his word that's why i came to christ that's why i've lived for christ almost 50 years i came out of the world i never ever wanted to go back to the world the world has nothing to offer but death just a matter of time and paul here is sharing his heart his brethren concerning those that have died lest you sorrow as others who have no hope i mean what hope do people have they're not christians you know i do a lot of funerals and when i do a funeral there's a lot of people that come to that funeral they know the party and so you sit up here and before that they talk to me and say can you please say a lot of nice things to the people that are coming i say listen i'm doing the service not for not for the dead i'm doing it for the life those are our life i'll say a few things but my message is to the non-believer the holy spirit convicted to come to know christ what else is there left after the funeral to go home and get drunk and go talk about that person's past when he's no longer here when they should be talking about their future that's important your future my future and so paul wants to make sure we understand that he's talking to christians but he also says there who have died lest you sorrow as others who have no hope we have hope hope we do in jesus for if we believe that jesus died and rose again even so god will bring with him those who have died in jesus circle the word ages in jesus not outside of jesus you have to be a christian in jesus he goes on to say for if we believe that jesus died and rose again even so he will bring with him those who have died in jesus for this we say to you by the word of the lord that we who are alive and remain unto the coming of the lord will by no means proceed those who have died see they're there we're here then jesus one day is gonna come halfway not all the way that's not the second coming he's going to come with those that have died in christ and we're going to be caught up with him in the clouds and be with him forever forever we'll be coming back at the second coming as god's coming to judge the world right now he's pouring out his son for any one of us he goes on verse 17 again then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together you see that word caught up there in the in the greek is a very interesting word it means to be snatched out it means that you're sitting there and all of a sudden you're gone that's all you got imagine pilots flying in an airplane they're christians man it's a long ways down driving on the freeway whatever you're doing you're at work wherever you are all these people will disappear and they'll be caught up in the air to be the lord then all of a sudden they'll say man something weird happen you know we don't know if that's aliens whatever but all these people are missing and then the devil come along and he'll begin to lie he'll begin to lie to people but those that said in church and her messages but they were not taken this is the danger they are left behind and they're going to church and the pastor was left behind something is wrong but their loved ones have and friends have witness to them and share the gospel and all of a sudden they remember that you talked about one day being taken to heaven and here the antichrist makes his appearance a false prophet these 10 nations and the antichrist says okay if you want to live here this is what you have to do if you don't do it hey we're going to take you and we're going to catch her and we're gonna cast your nose we're gonna cut your head off just like the muslims do we're gonna cut your head off he could say you know we're gonna put you in jail no i'm gonna cut your head off if people don't accept christ by faith you think they're going to accept christ when they tell you you're going to cut your head off people are afraid then you have to receive the mark of the beast and if you receive the mark of the beast you're doomed you're done you can do whatever you want to do that's why he has a rapture the church is separated to separate it so that we know exactly that jesus has come for us we're going to be with it look what he says again and thus we shall always be with the lord therefore what i just told you comfort one another with these words that's what we're doing today that's what we need to do every day jesus is coming he's coming for his bride a bride that he loves now when you look at terms theologically you have pre-raptured pre-tribulation then mid-rapture mid-tribulation post-rapture post-tribulation those three things are very easy to identify pre is what we believe that is before the actual seven years we're gonna be taken to heaven mid in the middle post at the end why we want to go up and down immediately when the lord's coming back that's kind of dumb we are pre because i believe that before the last seven years because jesus said that we're going to be in the presence of the lord otherwise why have the seven year tribulation period a day of judgment and so as i study the word of god and look what the god is saying through the scriptures i want to make sure that i am on target in the things that i do the things that i say and the way i live my life fully completely jesus in the gospel of john as you're reading to john in the 14th chapter he starts in the chapter 13 through chapter 17 which are very important chapters to read in chapter 13 or 14 he says this in verse one through four let not your heart be troubled people's hearts are troubled today troubled and people that are not really walking with god or not being obeyed obedient to the word of god they don't really believe that jesus is coming again man their hearts are troubled man they don't know what's going to happen they're talking to people and they don't have peace they can't sleep they can't do anything he says let not your heart be troubled you believe in god believe also in me jesus in my father's house are many mansions imagine that all these mansions in heaven if there were not so i would have never told you this is jesus i go to prepare a place for you and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again to do what to receive you unto myself so that where i am you will be with me also those are the words of jesus and where i go you know and the way you know by studying god's word we know that is coming again time magazine years ago did an article called the future of money the future of money and i remember reading the article and it was a whole thing how you know they were gonna have not only a one a one monetary city they're gonna get rid of all change all bills and it's gonna be a credit card and pretty soon it will be something else well we know the bible says no credit cards no cash no bills it's gonna be a mark in the back of your hand or your forehead look what's going on today we don't have to go to the past let's go to the present and let's look to the future people are concerned they don't know what's going to happen and yet in the book of revelations chapter 13 in verse 1 to 10 we have the identification of the antichrist coming and then verse 11 through 16 listen what it says and then i saw another beast the false prophet coming out of the earth he had two horns like a lamb spoke like a dragon who's a dragon satan he gave him his power and he exercises all authority of the first beast antichrist in his presence and caused the earth and those who dwell on the earth to worship the first beast to worship who the antichrist whose deadly wound was healed he had a wound in his head we don't know how that happened we had a hole he actually had a hole in his head and they got healed watch he performed great signs so that he even makes fire to come down from heaven to the earth in the sight of men he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he has granted to do in the sight of the beast the antichrist telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image of the beast who was wounded by a sword and lip he was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed he causes all both small great rich poor free slave to receive a mark on their right hand or their foreheads thus saith the lord that's god speaking see it's not something we're making up it's real it's going to happen we don't know when but it's going to happen your kids or my grandkids might be able to see that if you're in your 70s you know you're just on borrowed time and really all of us are on borrowed time but more of you there are 70 to 80 you have no opportunity don't look forward just to jesus coming for you having a nice funeral but to the rest the young guys may they get a long time but i remember being a young person how fast it went especially when i came to christ it went so rapidly so rapidly and you come to that place okay lord here am i i know you're here and hear the antichrist will be ready to get everyone in the world to get this mark you can buy you cancel you can't go to church you can't do nothing in second thessalonians we'll hit that next week a little in depth chapter 2 verse 1 to 11. i'm just going to read it real careful here and now brethren speaking to the church concerning the coming of our lord jesus christ and our gathering together there it is again our gathering together to him we ask you not to be so soon shaken in mind or trouble either by spirit or by word or by letter as if from us as though the day of christ has come had come let no one deceive you by any means for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first notice who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called god the antichrist notice is god in the you know again that is in the worship so that he sits as god in the temple of god showing himself that he is god don't you remember paul says that when i was still with you i told you these things don't you remember that he may be revealed in his own time for the mystery of lawless it's already at work back in the 1900s years ago only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way who's that the holy spirit capital h until he's taking another wait a minute take it out of the way the holy spirit is here until the church is taken out and no more holy spirit what does the holy spirit do convict people we do right or do i do wrong in the antichrist will there is no holy spirit but same spirit they will rule the world he goes on he who now restraints will be sold until he is taken out of the way and then the lawless one will be revealed the antichrist so you see he's telling you when the holy spirit in the church has taken out boom here's the last seven years he appears he says the lord will consume with the breath of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming second coming the coming the lawless one and according to the working of satan with all power signs lying wonders and all unrighteous deception among those who perish because they did not receive the love of the truth they might be saved for this reason god will send them a strong delusion that they should be noticed that they should believe the lie rather than the truth man right there in the words the lord speaks matthew 24 15 22 is the tribulation period therefore when you see the abomination desolation spoken by daniel the prophet standing in the holy place whoever reads let him understand then let those who are in judea flee to the mountains let him who is on the housetop not go down and take anything out of his house and let him who is in the field not go back to get close but go to those who are pregnant in those days who are nursing babies in those days and pray that your flight may not be in the winter on the sabbath for there will be a great tribulation such as has never been since the beginning of the world into this very time nor shall ever be again unless those days were cut short no flesh will be saved foreigners for the alleged sake those days will be short that's the jews let me tell you what's going to happen to the jews seven years people are here the antichrist false prophet to nations rule in the middle of the tribulation period the last three and a half years will be great tribulation read the book of revelation you will be scared what's going to happen at that time the antichrist will come against the jews there's gonna be a hundred and forty four thousand jews virgins that will be preaching the gospel two witnesses we don't know who they are one we know for sure elijah they will be coming and there in jerusalem will be preaching the gospel and then the world will come and they will kill them in jerusalem and when they kill them they don't bear in israel they bury you the same day you die way back from the old testament to the present time so those two bodies that are on the ground will not be touched by anybody three days laying there all of a sudden the third day they start to rise up and as they rise up they're looking up and they're going back to heaven the jews are in petra the city of petra i've been there incredible city jordan's behind me you go a little bit further to my left and the city of petra is there it's a city of rock no cars nor buses nothing can go through there because it's only a narrow path and when you're walking through this narrow path you're going this way and all of a sudden you come to the end of whoa this huge city of rock where the jews will live for the last three and a half years as god's going to protect them man there's so much so much to learn and what's incredible as that three and a half years comes to an end jesus will be coming back with us we're riding white horses i see us he has an army they will come back to the valley of megiddo there in jerusalem mount carmel you look down valley of the ghetto and he will wipe out every one of those people every nation that has gathered together their five feet of blood 200 miles and he'll set up the second coming the hell a day of judgment not a day of judgment for heaven a day of judgment for hell before the white throne judgment and a thousand years later so here it is the bible the scripture speaking to our hearts in luke chapter 21 34-36 he says but take heed to yourselves let your hearts be weighted down with carousing you know parties drunkenness and cares of this life and the day of the lord or the day should come on you unexpectedly speaking of the rapture for it will come as a thief in the night a snare to all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth watch be alert therefore pray always foreign pray always that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things they will come to pass and to stand before the son of man what more do we need as god speaks as he speaks and says this is what's going to happen in matthew 24 40 51 and 2 will be in the field one shall be taken one shall be left two women will be grinding at the meal one shall be taken one shall be left watch be alert therefore for you do not know what hour the lord is coming but know this that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief was coming he would have watched he would have done nothing we noticed he would have watched and not allowed his house to be very broken into therefore you also be ready for the son of man is coming in an hour you don't expect him with then his faithful and wise servant who his master will master made him ruler over his household and give them food and do cease and bless it is that servant who is master when he comes finds him so doing his will heavy heavy what god says in the scriptures in the book of first corinthians chapter 15 first verse 50 to 15 you go and read it it's another scripture on the rapture of the church i'll read it quickly now this i say brethren the flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god nor does corruption inherit incorruption because i tell you a mystery we shall not all die but we shall be changed transformed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye there is again at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed transformed mata tautom the greek we're going to be changed for this corrupt almost belonging corruption this mortal must put on immortality so when this is so when this corruptable has put an incorruption and this more to put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the same that is written that is swallow up in victory or death words you sing oh hell where is your victory the sing of death is sin the strength of sin is the law but thanks be to god who gives us the victory through jesus christ our lord therefore what he just said to you my beloved brethren be steadfast immovable always abounding in the work of the lord knowing that your labor is not in vain in the lord philippis 3 21 2021 for our citizenship is in heaven not from this world from which we eagerly wait for the savior lord jesus christ who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed into his glorious body according to the working by which he is able even to subdue in all things to himself first john 3 2 beloved now we are children of god and it has not yet been revealed that we shall be but we know that when he is revealed we shall be like him for he shall see we shall see him and he not only be like him revelations 4 1 after these things i john looked and behold a door was open and standing in heaven the first voice which i heard was like a trumpet speaking with me saying come up here met it tout again and i'll show you things which must take place after these things speaking of the tribulation period john come up with the rest of the church i'm going to show you guys what's going to happen i love revelations 22 20. he who testifies through these things says surely i am coming quickly amen even so come lord jesus even so come lord jesus we need to wait for his coming we need to look for his coming we need to be ready for his coming we need to love his coming and we need to be praying for his coming for his coming because he's coming again i like something that i read a couple years ago and i wrote it down it's kind of kind of like a not funny but it's true something that he has to say to us he said there was an inscription in a british all-british cemetery it reads pause my friend as you walk by as you are now once i was as i am now you will be prepare my friend to follow me a visitor who read the epithet added these words to follow you is not in my intent until i find out where you went do you know what your hope is you know where you're going i hope so father we come before you jesus to thank you so much for your grace for your love for your mercies lord thank you so much for your people lord thank you father for the privilege being the pastor of your lord and for teaching these people or which are your people i don't know who's here you know who you are but if you don't know jesus today i want to give you the opportunity young old i don't care who you are to accept christ as your lord and savior to get your name written in the book of life today so that when you leave here the blood of jesus christ wipes out every one of your sins he cast him as far to the east or the west and buries him in the deepest part of the ocean never again remembers them just very quickly you want chris if you want christ get up and come down right away because we got to go get up and come let's get up and come don't wait [Applause] [Music] are you hurting broken fit overwhelmed by the weight of sin jesus is called [Music] jesus is calling [Music] open wide forgiveness was bought with the precious blood of jesus christ [Music] i can't leave you without christ please don't be ashamed don't be embarrassed just get up and come we're gonna sing it one more time [Music] jesus christ oh come to the altar the father's arms are open wide forgiveness was [Music] [Music] father for the whole church here father for all of us and know jesus lord lord i pray for these that have come forward lord i pray that you touch him lord i want you to pray with me this prayer out loud repeat after me dear jesus please forgive me lord for all my sins i confess that i am a sinner i ask you to cleanse me wash me by your blood i ask you to baptize me with your holy spirit and your power in jesus name amen we're gonna give us a bible you say guy right over here go right over there awesome awesome let's all stand lord thank you so much once again for these wonderful people lord lord we love them we pray for them lord lord please be with them jesus lord help us to look up for our redemption draw at night lord give us the peace that passes all understanding but help us to read the bible lord to sit and wait upon you to speak lord father for those watching through the internet in many countries lord god i pray for them jesus that you would speak to them lord and lord right now that you baptize all of us with your holy spirit and power lord in the name of jesus we pray these things lord amen may the lord bless you may he keep you we love you guys we'll pray for you guys continue to know him intimately wednesday we're in the book of christians god bless you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Somebody Loves You Worldwide
Views: 4,423
Rating: 4.9215684 out of 5
Keywords: overcoming distractions, interview, christianity, New, York, New York, raul ries, straight talk
Id: NY9fUlW-U_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 49sec (2629 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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