Straight Talk with Pastor Raul Ries // EP 86 (September 14, 2021)

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we're back with another episode of straight talk we'll be back in 20 seconds pastor all is in studio we're going to be talking about all the craziness that's going on in this world and where we can find comfort in the lord we'll be back in 20 seconds we're back here in studio uh somebody loves you and pastor all there are so many men it seems like there's more events that are taking place all the time or just a lot of unrest in our society today and then i know you have shared your heart you know sometimes you share on your instagram obviously you share with our staff often about the temperature the days that we're living in today raw like what's on your heart this morning regarding all this well i think this is a new day for our country a new day for california yeah a new day for everything that we see around the globe i was reading jeremiah this morning and you know jeremiah is a perfect book for today especially at the introduction of jeremiah because jeremiah thinks that he cannot do the work that god wants to give to him and i think that young guys ain't to rise up you know you had the world next to yourselves you know and i mean what are you gonna do in five years what are you gonna do in 10 years 20 years the old guys don't care but the young guys need to really wake up they need to become bible students they need to read the bible they need to pray they need to wait upon the lord the message he wants to give them here in the book of jeremiah chapter 1 he says then the word of the lord came to me saying before i formed you in the womb i knew you before you were born i sanctified you i ordained you a prophet to the nation then i said oh lord god behold i cannot speak for i am of youth i'm a young but the lord said to me do not say i am young for you shall go to all whom i will send you now he he will send you he says and whatever i command you you shall speak now you can't do that unless you're in the word you cannot do it unless you know the voice of god so there's that men's part and there's god's part then he says then the lord put forth his hand on touch my mouth and the lord said to me behold i have put my words in your mouth see i have this they set you over the nations and over the kingdoms to root out to pull down to destroy to throw down to build and to plant moreover the word of the lord came to me saying jeremiah what do you see and i said i see a branch of an almond tree then the lord said to me you have seen well for i am ready to perform my word so you see neymar jeremiah was prepared he didn't think i didn't think i could do when i came to christ because i thought the bible was too difficult you know i had to think that i had the capacity to speak the word of god to people but when i surrendered i submitted and i listened to pastor chuck his mother told me he said look ron you're young you know you're 24 years old you know you don't think you can speak your little thing you can do all these things he says but if you take a leap of faith and you're obedient to god's word as you read it as you deliver it don't worry about the rest the lord will take care of the rest and that's what we need today people to deliver the message people that are heeding the call of god in their lives right like that understand like there's one thing that you see problems and situations uh in the in the world but like god's places here in this time in history and so it should lead us into a place of prayer you know i talked to you about this the other day i look at the world from a perspective of of a father with three young children and my wife and decisions that we will make in the future and being mindful of those things so the preparation's important so you have to have a good foundation you got to know the lord's heart you got to look what's around and be able to stand for righteousness stand for truth be able to communicate and articulate why you believe what you believe and be able to stand behind it because what we see a lot of times is that we see so many that don't have an understanding of biblical principles therefore they just go with the flow of the world raw yeah you know i mean you're 42 44 44. 44 years old you're halfway through your life i know you had another half with your children i remember one day they're going to become adults and whatever you pour into them that's what they're going to be like when they grow up and living in the society living in this world you know for me looking ahead you know it's going to be a very hard place to live you know and i think that we can see it already just in two years look at the change in the world not just america the world what's going to be in the next four years without biden being the president of this country which i don't i don't respect yeah i don't think he's my president yeah he's brought our country our country down he's trying to be a communist gustafel which you know what he'll never account that yeah because america doesn't stand for that and i think that church christians need to understand that we need to stand for righteousness and we need to read the bible and we need to do what god says in his word yeah i know uh we are definitely here in the united states of america we are reeling with the consequences of horrible decisions and principles obviously we see it in in the government uh california has been california a beautiful um state for so many years right and uh you've talked about it a lot like there are so many people that are exiting uh california and that's like widely known it's like the first time ever most people always desire to come to california to live now there's an accident and it's really because of the way things have run that have allowed uh come to this point where there's a recall going on it's today like for newsome to get out it's like with all of that being said like there is chaos in a lot of areas and our comfort is only going to be in the lord but we do have to stand for the truth that in our day that we're living in today and see most people that are exiting they're not all christians most of these people they think by going somewhere else they're going to have peace you know but there's no peace so that we can say of the lord and so i think that you know christians if you're listening and you're planning on getting out of california make sure you leave california with jesus yeah to make sure because no matter where you're going to go texas i know wherever it is doesn't really matter if you're not the leader of your home right now you're not really reading the bible you're not praying you're not asking god's wisdom and god's counsel should i stay should i live and if you go on your own listen you're on your own and god's not with you no no that that's a good point because i think a lot of people make emotional decisions in those moving things that you want to really make sure that the lord is leading you in those decisions you know you bring up the book of jeremiah and as i was coming over here too i was thinking about the book of isaiah it's funny that we're in a place of speaking referencing prophets and if you know the prophetical books and in the old testament a lot of time they're speaking of messages of correction to the people that have forsaken the lord with jeremiah known as the weeping prophet a heart broken as he saw people that were kind of going through the motions of a religion and not thinking anything would happen but yet they were in a place of bondage and then also in um the book of isaiah same thing god speaks um in isaiah chapter 6 where isaiah has this moment with the lord and then this is the true way where god works in your life he breaks you he breaks you you because what we don't need today is proud boastful pastors leaders thinking that they're like the the reason of purpose for the church no it's the lord and we are servants of the lord isaiah when he got the call he says i'm a man undone i have a lot of issues and problems like how can you use me lord and then the lord calls him he empowers him but one of the messages and this is just our time right now that the lord tells isaiah he says then i said here i am send me and he said the lord go and tell this people keep on hearing but do not understand keep on seeing but do not perceive and make this heart the people dull in their ears heavy their they shut their eyes lest they see with their eyes hear with their ears and understand with their heart and return and be healed i mean this is going on the world today there's a blindness you know you continue seeing things crippling our nation our world we see the immorality on so many levels and then people just get they get dull of hearing and seeing they just get molded by this world and then they just go with the flow and that's what happens like the enemy lures you to sleep but those that have been touched by the lord those that say hey there's something wrong here like this isn't right this is the time to speak yeah i mean you know you look at the worlds among the churches you see these men of god also and you watch today their messages and there's no urgency it's all about my motorcycle it's all about my car it's all about my wife it's all about my kids it's all about me you know nothing to really take care of the congregation and those that are watching your life you know and if if i watch your life you know i'm going to judge you that's what the world does you know because you're proving to me what you're who you really are and i think that today we need pastors we need leaders we need sheep we need lambs that are going to make us in and not compromise in the things of the word of god if we do that we're going to have a strong country i mean seriously i mean when you go back to the old testament you look at what ezra was doing i just finished reading the book of deuteronomy in deuteronomy he talks all about obedience walking obedient to to the lordship of christ to the lordship of god and if you don't do that he says i'm not going to bless you blessings come through obedience obedience gets you to the front lines where god wants you to be and being on the front lines you have to trust in him you have to fight the fight you can't run you know and so i think today we need fighters we need real fighters that will make a stand not compromise rebuke people review people they call themselves christians and are not christians they're actually betraying the lord yeah you're not always going to be popular you know the gospel message is never going to be popular with people living in immorality and standing for so many principles that are against the word of god they're just not going to be popular when you go through the book of acts paul was a man that was used by god in a powerful way but there's sometimes that he would preach speak and then there would be riots trying to kill him right um he spoke out when he was brought into a court slapped a couple times right because he spoke truth and i i know that that's something on your heart as well we're all the importance of speaking true standing for truth and the days that we're living in today and the congregation is going through it right now yeah sure i mean pastors are giving cotton candy to their congregations it's when they should really be saying you know what this is real you guys this is not the only church there's all the other churches around us and you know if you look at your own personal life you look at your family what are you teaching your children how are they gonna grow up what are they going to be you know coming out of your home which should be god's home you know and i think people need to understand that it's not your home it's god's home god gave you that home to teach your children and for you to become the leader with your wife of that home we don't see that a lot in the church today and that's what we're having all these problems and that's why it's so important to pour into this generation because we don't know how many days that we any of us have left and so you want to make sure that you are using your time wisely i was with my older son the other day and he was going through the book of genesis and he had like this workbook thing and i was showing him like when you study the bible and he had it for his class i'm like don't just look at it like a school book like you want to pray you got to seek god it's not like math or anything like that you want god to speak to you but i'll tell you what if you understand this there's a foundation man it's going to help you so much throughout life and i it's true for young kids it's true for adults that's the only way that you can make i mean if you didn't have the word of god in your life wrong like how would you be dealing with this world around you you know i wouldn't i don't even know yeah because it's just so horrible maybe i would be first of all mad angry you know bitter you know and what do you do you do things you shouldn't do yeah but with christ you look at the world today you go guy lord you're coming and people are blind they don't see the drastic things that are going on they're trying to take away our freedoms they're trying to come against our kids and they're trying to force you to do something that you don't want to do you know what happened to the first amendment what happened to freedom you know and those are these things that we wrestle right now with the whole the whole world the church you know what is the church going to do if they're forcing you to do something you don't want to do so you're just going to bow to them or you're going to stand for righteousness yeah you got to stand by by your convictions i think that's what's so important and i know many people are being tested right now we're seeing it across the world um and the united states of america has always spoke of freedom you know yeah people have and there's so many foreigners that have come here over the years that have done it right and they come here and they love it they speak so i've been watching so many whether they're from nigeria whether from south america whether they're from china and then they become american citizens they don't want to go back you know and they don't want this nation to come to nothing because of trying to become like the other places of the world and we are definitely in dangerous times you pray that the lord would would intervene in some some of these areas remove people and we also know god's timing god's timing is always on time you know it's like all these foreigners are coming here right now no problem with that but it's like poison coming in i was reading this morning that from afghanistan on that on that plane you know terrorists got in there and they're here and they're coming to the different countries because we didn't examine them we didn't know who they were just get on the plane come on we're going somewhere else you know but at the same time where's where where's our minds i mean what's going to happen with your children my grandchildren when they stereo start blowing up buildings again you know think about that yeah you know and and yet we're so mellow about it so kickback about it we should be furious you know because i fought for my country and every veteran you can talk to today we feel betrayed we feel like hey what all those people that died in in all the wars what happened to freedom i mean those those people that died you know you bring up um the bombing buildings and stuff like that like september 11th just passed and it was 20 years to the day the last couple days there's a documentary on national graphic right now it's a six day episode it's six episodes of in-depth thing on september 11th i've been watching it it is so intense it's so crazy i remember exactly where i was at that time i was in north carolina my brother was getting out of the air force at that time so i saw the second plane going live it was nine o'clock in the morning over there because i was on the east coast and uh you i felt like the world was gonna end i wasn't a believer at that time and neither was my brother and now looking back can you remember like the unity that was in our nation after that you know i got upset because all these firefighters and police officers and everything that sacrificed their life there and now like people have the nerve to try to force police officers firefighters nurses doctors like you got to get this vaccine or you're going to lose your job like dude these people have sacrificed so much and they threw them by taking their jobs right yeah that's communist so yeah that's socialism yeah you know these governments that today are ruling they're a bunch of atheists yeah social socialists you know somehow maybe we should have a revolution yeah you know it's it's corrupt bro that's the problem it's corrupt and that's why there's that balance where you know you have to be in the word you need a number one thing you need a relationship with god you need to grow in your understanding of god's word the principles that you vote on should be legitimate and true biblically you also need to be raising your children the ways of the lord you need to be a man of god if you're a woman you need to be a woman of god and then whatever platform god takes you like whether it's in being a teacher whether it's in politics whether it's in being a longshoreman i got friends as longshoremen firefighter police officer need to be an influence and if god gives you that ability to get in places to to have influence also important it is it's so important you know i i just left new york city with melinda my little granddaughter and i think goes ed with us like right before september 11th right before september and we were doing radio rallies and so on our way out of new york we saw the twin towers and i said melinda look how beautiful those twin towers are so we left and i was living here at that time because i was building my house and they woke me up with a phone can say hey turn on the tv look what's going on and all of us i turn the tv on and here comes our second airplane boom right into those buildings well three days later four days later dale myself went to new york and we went down to the ground zero it's just incredible to see what was going on and the smell of flesh and to see the grief and to see every building that had been hit by these airplanes you know and you look at that as we celebrate it 9 11 on sunday right saturday it was yeah and i mean it was cool but not the way it should be remembered no you know sad no no um it was a day that changed for in so many ways like um but a lot of people the theme was always never forget but people forget they forget that the nation was attacked that day um what took place how many lives were lost after that i mean at that day i wanted to like 3 000 people uh died and many more died a lot of people died after 9 11 because of all the stuff they inhaled and everything a lot yeah um i i think it's more have died since september 11th from that cover with that yeah you know yeah and then obviously wars iraq afghanistan you know all spawned from that many have gone back and forth from there and then now we've seen what's taking place what's next you know right you think about that right no and right now there's such a there's such a divide in ours communities in our society like i mean uh you see it sometimes in the grocery stores you see it like in schools um and they truly it's truly have tried to divide us and and we have to pray because we know in the lord like we need to be united with the lord we need to be reunited with the body of christ we understand that the world is at enmity with god it is against the ways of god we understand that um but we have to make sure that we are being a light in darkness that we are keeping a good countenance about ourselves we have to have the joy of the lord in these times that we're living in today the lord will give us strength you know what blooming we're watching tv that day a government official was walking he might he might have been probably 80s and this woman maybe in her 20s comes up and tries to hit him in the face and then another guy pretty bill comes and tried to hit him oh yeah the face yeah i mean that was that that was the larry elder that's running for governor what happened to the law no i mean if you're in the 60s yeah or the 70s they would arrest you put you in jail this time everybody's kind of laughing you know and kind of moving around man i tell you what we i've lost respect for government yeah we have less respect for people and we need to wake up once again i say that to wake up especially the church needs to wake up for the future what's going to happen when they close the church if we don't wake up gotta be i think one of the most important things that you need to pray for is discernment in the days that we're living in today because you're bringing up that that situation and it was larry elder that was out here in long beach running for governor and if that was done to the other party the democratic party it would there probably be riots in the street it would be all through the news but it wasn't for this nothing there was nothing and so that should just make you question like he moved on and whatever but it's like dude how how much hypocrisy is that and and that's why you can't trust things that you see on television the media you gotta really have discernment and that's why man you need to pray that even god will raise up people that speak truth in those platforms as well you can be a democrat republican you got to be a christian yeah you know you got to be righteous which means you're going to spend time in prayer you're going to love both camps because you want to know you come to christ but at the same time you as a child of god you know the light that we are you know people that do not know you and all of a sudden they begin to see your life kind of changing they're going to come to know crimes but sometimes we don't know when and you look at the world this morning just this morning what's happening you know and how we need to pray this morning more than ever before because this is a very critical day now it is you know there's been cheating already you know and so now from now on the elections there's gonna be cheating all the time so it doesn't matter your vote you know a lady came up on tv she you know she came to the voting uh place and they said well you already voted she got it i haven't voted she says well you already voted you know and this is what they did from morning into the evening yeah you know so what does that tell you about california yeah what does that tell you about new york we're going to tell you about our whole country in the next 10 years what's going to happen yeah no no we're there's no doubt about it that we're living in crazy critical dangerous times um and and for us this is why the gospel is so important this is why we must live a life that is led by the spirit of god we must uh be sharing the love of christ to people um because that's the only thing that can break because otherwise you are blind you're blinded that's what the bible says yeah that the god of this age is blind the eyes of the people so they shall not see and the only thing that can penetrate the blindness is the gospel spiritual blindness man it is yeah and and that's what we need right now um and that's why as we talked about in the beginning here is like these jeremiah and isaiah's they spoke truth when truth wasn't popular and they were hated yeah they were hate they were hated and that's gonna happen that's why you've always taught the word of god and it doesn't matter like you teach on sin very important you know it's not popular to teach against homosexuality but the bible says it doesn't matter you do the same thing with adultery do the same thing with with murdering and and all the different things that the bible says isaiah for preaching the truth they cut him in half you know exactly i mean it's crazy yeah and you got to count the cost you know we are in a spiritual battle all around us ronald and so you know with that being said right how what words of encouragement can you give the church right now there's a lot of people that tune into this show though they watch it after as well and they're going they're getting all these media outlets and they need encouragement you know what you got to keep your eyes on the lord and keep your eyes on the word of god you know make make sure you hang out with people that know the lord really know the lord so you can come together as a team and pray when you meet you pray and then as you go out and you talk to people love people care for people they can see that in our lives and if they can see that in your life in my life in others lives guess what's going to happen people are going to surrender to christ well you are on wednesday nights going through colossians um what and then on sunday mornings tell the people where you're going right now i know you gave amazing messages on prophecy the other day where are you going going for sunday morning i'm going to be dealing with the antichrist you know i'm doing a whole prophetical teaching because i want people to not only understand it's a lot of new people they really know nothing what's happening so i want to inform i want to teach them so they can teach others to what's going on so we can wake up people that are sleeping and say look you guys this is today not the past this is today looking to the future what's going to take place i think that's important no i think it's important too um also um we were been announcing that franklin graham has an event coming up october 2nd uh it's in san bernardino it's on our website you can get all the info there also make sure you follow uh franklin graham on all the social media outlets um it's gonna be a big event october 2nd seven o'clock p.m i think the news boys are there there's multiple uh other guys that are going to be there as well i think dennis academy hey you know what he doesn't ask for money he doesn't wear fancy clothes he doesn't talk about himself he talks about jesus all the time so go and hear him we're going to be there we want to hear the gospel of jesus christ and you'll get it through billy graham's son so cool continue to pray for our nation pray for the world pray for the state of california stand for truth stand for righteousness we love you guys so much god bless you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Somebody Loves You Worldwide
Views: 1,715
Rating: 4.9626169 out of 5
Keywords: overcoming distractions, interview, christianity, New, York, New York, raul ries, straight talk
Id: t-1KW7Xjyss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 1sec (1981 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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