Prophecy of the End Times // End Times: A Series Through Daniel with Raul Ries EP11 (Daniel 11-12)

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God allows this man called the Antichrist to come and rule for seven years and in the seven years he played sites with the Jews but at the same time he makes the whole world in order to survive it to live in the world you have to get remember the mark on your right hand or your forehead or otherwise you're beheaded well somehow God will send a hundred and forty-four thousand Jews that never knew a woman and they'll preach the gospel in the military relation period and the Antichrist will be so upset that the Antichrist will not only want to kill every one of the Jews and that's when he comes into the temple he sits in the temple and he says worship II I am God and at that particular morning from all those years that the I so the Jews were close their eyes will be open and they will say wow man he missed the first Messiah and this is the false messiah and the Antichrist will hate them I want you to understand this chapter has a lot of history and I'm not gonna give it to you this honor this chapter probably could be taught in Bible School in five weeks just one chapter there's so much information I read and I read it and I mean there's different Kings here and the different people that he's speaking about here that meets in the purchase and dyrus and then all these guys are gonna hear in a moment but it's important we understand that Daniel now is coming to the end of the book and what's gonna happen here in chapter 11 is that the chapter is going to actually sure there's going to be sharing with us you know what's gonna happen in the future that God comes here he says okay there I'm gonna talk to you not about what's happening today I'm gonna talk to you about what's coming ahead before it happens and God begins to share with him about antiquers epiphanies all these guys that in history in the time of the Maccabees that God spoke to him before it ever happened in Daniel writes it all down it's God gives it to him let's begin with verse 1 as we see this prophecy as he goes on now he says also in the first year of dire as the meat I even I stood to confirm and strengthen him he's talking about the angel remember the angel in chapter 10 we're in chapter 10 three weeks it takes him to come back where the message has Daniels praying he comes back in three weeks he says hey the reason I'm a little late is because we've been fighting hand-to-hand combat with Saints little demons we we finally had to hand combat and then after that chapter 11 the same angel they came to Daniel's the same angel now he's going to be telling Daniel what's gonna be taking place so he says again I even stood up to confirm and strengthen him dyrus he says and now I will tell you the truth behold three more kings will arise in Persia in the four shall be far richer than them all by his he says by his strength his riches he shall steer up all against a realm of Greece so well first of all the angel informing Daniel of the present leadership that is in the Persian Empire he says there's three coming number one was condemned race in a thermos entire as the first then he says the fourth one is assert seize Xerxes was one of the probably the most richest and he was known by Esther and Harris this was the Harris of Esther's book there was the fourth one and he was very very wealthy he says again verse three and a mighty king shall arise speaking of Alexander the Great a mighty king shall arise who shall rule with great Dominion and do according to his will not God's will now what we know about Alexander the Great he had conquered Asia Minor he had conquered Syria Egypt and the land of the meats in the Persian Empire and then in his conquest he extended his conquest all the way to India and then he dies at the age of 32 years old he'd been drinking cod pneumonia and he died of alcoholism he loved to drink and he dies imagine conquering the whole world and still be dissatisfied he would say well what else can i conquer now 32 years old and he's conquered the whole world Alexander the Great one of the prolly most talked about I saw his movie just incredible to watch his life story he had everything a person could ever have and come to a place of emptiness and to say I've conquered India I've conquered just about every nation and that to sit there 32 years of agency what's next and the next thing that happens he drinks he stays out on the rain and he dies and then he says in verse four and when he has arrested his kingdom shall be broken up and divided toward four winds of the heavens but not along his posterity not according to his Dominion with which he ruled for his kingdom shall rooted even for others beside these so the four that he's talking about here yes elusive Ptolemy in LA Mateus and Cassander now the first one solutions he's the one that took over Syria in Mesopotamia telling me over Egypt in analyst Inachus over Thrace in portions of the Asia Minor area in the Cassander he took over Macedonia and Greece these were the four generals of Alexander the Great and when he died they broke up he says also verse 5 and also the King of the South shall become strong now the actual general of the south this is Ptolemy the first solder that's his name general then throws under Alexander the Great so the King of the South shall become strong as well as one of his princess speaking of like Issus the first nectar is he also was the general of Alexander the Great who was given authority to rule over Babylon in 321 BC and he shall gain power over him it hath dominion his Dominion shall be a great Dominion and at the end of some years they shall join forces for the daughter of the king her name is Bernice he says so the King of the South shall go to the king of the north to make an agreement that she shall not retain the power of her authority and neither he nor his authority shall stand that she shall be given up with those who brought her and with him will be got her and with him who strengthened her in those times let me go back just a little so I can give to you exactly who this the King of the South here are the kings of the South Syria and Egypt the kings of the north east talking about here he's talking about her Bernice was the woman that he's speaking about here the return her power but here Bernice was the one that was chosen the purpose of marrying him was not only to be with him but ended up in getting poisoned by and then it says here and with her be got her and with him who strengthened her in those times her father too limited the second and her husband was aunty kiyose all these names and all these people it's crazy but from a branch of her Bernice he says root Swan shall arise in his place who shall come with an army into the fortress of the king of the north and deal with them and prevail so Ptolemy the third and he shall also carry their gods so here he's talking about these mental images that he had that they worship captive to Egypt with their leaders and their precious articles of silver and gold and he shall continue more years than the king of the North telling me that there was the king of the north and what they were doing is they were worshipping all these are metal images and also the king of the north shall come to the kingdom of the king of the south they shall return to his own land this is siliceous he was actually defeated and returned to his own land after being defeated and then however his son shall stir up strife and he's talking here about siliceous kaliesha's in here aunty keas he says his son shall stir up strife and assemble a multitude of great forces and one shall surely come in overwhelm and pass through then he shall return to his fortress instead of strife and tiki 'as a persecution of the word Ptolemy the philosopher he's the one that actually fought in the King Ptolemy of the South shall be moved with rage and go out in fight with him and T kiyose with him the king of the north who shall master a great multitude but the multitude shall be given into the hands of his enemy what happened here is 70 thousand infantry in five thousand cavalry we're now with his great motor to fight against his enemy and when he was taken telling me philosopher here when he was taken away the multitude his heart will be lifted up and he will be cast down tens of thousands that he will not prevail for the king of the north will return in muster a multitude greater than the former it shall certainly come at the end of some years 14 years later with a great army and much equipment so he left but he comes back 14 years later in a stronger way verse 14 and now in those times many shall rise up against the king of the south also violent men of your people shall exalt themselves in fulfillment of the vision that they shall fall now in 201 BC and take us again began to go against the Egyptians as we see here he says the vision but they shall fall so the king of the north and take use the great north shall come and build a seat mount and take a fortified city and the forces of the South shall not withstand him even his choice troops shall have no strength to resist the power of these people but he antic his who comes against him shall do according to his own will and no one shall stand against him he shall stand in the glorious land with destruction in his power the glorious land is a nation of Israel of the land of Palestine he shall also set his face to enter with the strength of his whole kingdom in our bright ones with him thus shall he do and he shall give him the daughter of women to destroy it but he shall not stand with him or be for him he's talking about Cleopatra the daughter here and takis here's ultimate planning was to use that marriage in order to further his own ambitions in conquest over Egypt after this he shall turn his face to the coastlands he shall take many but a ruler notice a rumour his a Roman consult here a consultant and the ruler shall bring the reproach against them to an end in with the reproach removed he shall turn back on him so here he's talking about enrollment consult last issue Asst subpoena iris took yes these are all these big names man very shall turn his face toward the fortress of his own land but he shall stumble and fall and not be found there shall arise in his place one who imposes taxes on the glorious Kingdom they within a few days he shall be destroyed but not in anger or in battle he's going to be destroyed here and then and thick as the fourth year his early reign as we have in verse 21 and then in his place shall arise a vial this is Atticus epiphanies he says person whom they shall not give the honor or royalty but he shall come peaceably and seize the kingdom of the intrigue with this force of a flood they shall be swept away from before him and be broken and also the prints of the Covenant the prints of the governor he refers to the Jewish High Priest an SM as a third whose death was ordered by Atticus in 172 BC so he's talking about the Jewish High Priest verse 23 and after the league is made of the Covenant made with him Atticus shall lag deceitfully for he shall come up and become strong with a small number of people then he shall enter piece of lis notice that here antique yes even into the richest places of the province and he shall do what his fathers have not done he's gonna do worse nor his forefathers he he'll dispersed among them the plunder spoil enriches and he shall devise his plans against the stronghold but only for a small time and takis shall steer up his power and his perch against the king of the son ptolemy that's his name he says with great army and the King of the South shall be stirred up to battle with a very great mighty army but he shall not stand for they shall devise plans against them so Ptolemy was defeated here by antiquers in 169 BC yes those who eat of the portion of his delicacies shall destroy him his army shall be swept away and many shall fall down slain but these Kings heart shall be bent on evil and they shall speak lies at the same table but it shall not prosper for the end will still be appointed time for them and while returning to his land and thickest with great riches his heart shall be moved against the holy Covenant against who Israel against the holy Covenant so he shall do damage and return to his own land after disappointment in Egypt he goes back he takes his frustration coming to Jerusalem and he in his very very wicked against the Jews by desecrating the temple of God he goes into the temple of God he kills a pig in the holiest of Holies puts up an altar to Zeus his God and totally comes into the temple of God and desecrate the temple of God and the Jews are totally destroyed by what he does I guess what God decided to do here verse 29 at the appointed time he shall return and go towards the south so he goes back to Egypt but it shall not be like the former or later times he goes but then he actually comes like with greater fury to come into the Land of Israel and to begin to destroy the Jews again verse 30 the ships from Cyprus shall come against him here again therefore he shall be grieved and returned enraged now he's coming back from Egypt and he's upset I guess the holy Covenant does in what in order to Jerusalem in do damage he says so he shall return and sure regard for those who forsake the holy Covenant I'll read what I wrote here and take you to sell his generals with 22 and troops into Jerusalem they attack on the Sabbath day they kill many of the people too many women in children as slaves and then they actually came down and burned the city of Jerusalem and takis epiphanies and forces shall be muster 31 by him and they shall defile the sanctuary fortress notice the temple and they shall take away the daily sacrifices and the place were the abomination of desolation you remember that when you read the book of Matthew chapter 24 15 he talks about the daily sacrifice in the place of the abomination of desolation in Matthew 24:15 he's speaking about the Antichrist coming a type of the Antichrist here when the Antichrist comes in the middle of the tribulation period the three-and-a-half years remember we talked about this in the first three and a half years they build the temple the Jews get permission in the middle of the Tribulation Period he goes into the temple he sits as God in the temple and that actual juice eyes are open because now they see that he's not the Christ but he's the false Christ and so what he does now remember he starts killing the Jews but a remnant of the Jews becomes so concerned about this that they take themselves and he goes over to the other side of Moab and he goes to the city of Petra though the actual Remer are Jews and therefore the last three and a half years God protects the Jews that are left over from the persecution that he did to the Jews and you wonder what's gonna happen to Jews in the future imagine that in the future to come when the Antichrist comes begins to kill the Jews but at the beginning of the three-and-a-half years he gives them permission to rebuild their temple but then when they finished the place of worship he goes in and he says now you gotta worship me the church will be gone at this particular moment we will be in heaven but then he says this and also do wickedly verse 22 I guess the Covenant he shall corrupt with flattery but the people who know their God speaking of who the Jews speaking of these guys with it by them called the Maccabees but the people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great expose now let me read what I wrote down here this is a reference to the Maccabees this was a remnant of Jews and when they saw the desecration of the temple they said enough is enough so they gathered themselves a little army to come against and take his epiphanies to fight against him but he says this in the time of the Makah followers who seen death rather than to deny the Lord in the Covenant that God had given to him so they decided to fight against you know the Romans and what happens here is just you have to read history it just incredible the battle goes against them as they defend the sin of Jerusalem and those of the people who understand shall instruct many speaking of the Jews knowing their God by the Word of God he says shall instruct many yet for many days they shall fall by the sword in flame by captivity in plunder ease these are the Jews that not only came against and take his epiphany and they were killed by Atticus epiphany he says and now when they fall they shall be aided with a little help but many shall join with them by intrigue literally here he says the word that he uses to fall here is stumble it refers to the severe suffering on part of many many of the Jews that had not only been killed but others they were suffering because of the persecution they were receiving and then some of those understanding shall fall notice again the persecution that comes against them to refine them to purify them to make them white until the time of the end because it is still for an appointed time here he's speaking about Israel the walls of the Israel you know this is where Israel now not only is being judged by God and the reason we see Israel even being today judge by God people say well why does every but I pick on the Jews the reason that Jews have to go through everything they face today is because of the past what they did in God one day when Christ comes back again Christ is gonna lift him up and remember in bukas acharya 14 when they see jesus they're gonna ask the question who did this to you who did this you who did this to you he's gonna say this and this and this was done in the house of my friends you did it to me and God will forgive them and God will cleanse him and God will wash him and God will use him that's why I pray every day for the Peace of Jerusalem even to the present time that God will be merciful to the Jew you see that you was running in the middle of the land were the Egyptians when they would fight they would have to come through Israel the agree she's had to come to Israel Israel is right in the middle you know of every nation if you want to go to Africa you gotta come through his robe you want to go up north you gotta come through Israel so Israel became a very strategic nation that people picked up but yet we know that in the last days even to the present time what does the world want to do it they wanted him against Israel and the Antichrist will convince the world they will convince the world that he's the Messiah but he's a false messiah verse 36 now he begins you know you're gonna be speaking here prophetical history now and then the king if you want to write this down this is the Antichrist now and then the Antichrist shall do according to his own will he's gonna exalt himself above everybody above every God shall speak blasphemies against the God of gods and shall prosper till the wrath has been accomplished for what has been determined shall be done now we know the story or the 70 week of Daniel this will be the beginning when the Antichrist makes his appearance what he will do is he will come into the scene because the church is taking away to heaven there seven years that have to be fulfilled and during those seven years God allows this man called the Antichrist to come and rule for seven years and in the seven years he played sites with the Jews but at the same time he makes the whole world in order to survive it to live in the world you have to get remember the mark on your right hand or your 40th or otherwise you're beheaded well somehow God will send a hundred and forty four thousand Jews that never knew a woman and they'll preach the gospel in the military relation period and the Antichrist will be so upset that the Antichrist will not only want to kill every one of the Jews and that's when he comes into the temple he sits in the temple and he says worship me I am God and at that particular moment from all those years that the ISO the Jews were close their eyes will be open and they will say wow man we missed the first Messiah and this is the false messiah and the Antichrist will hate them and try to destroy each one of them individually then he goes on to say verse 37 he the Antichrist shall regard neither the god of his father's no desire of women some proclaim that he might be a homosexual nor the sire of women nor regard any God for he shall exalt himself about them also he will be one that not only glorifies himself that when I read this he desire of women he will not have any desire for women many of the commentaries say well you know it could be very possible that he could be a homosexual but this could be something else also it doesn't have to be a homosexual he's totally separated from women that he not only worships himself but as he looks at the world and he sees the power that he has as he's ruling over the world and that the world is bowing down to him how is he bowed they get the mark of the beast in the right hand or forehead he's in control of the food is in control of everything in the whole world in the world bound to him and then all of a sudden he begins to see that the Jews will not bow to him so that really becomes upset at the same time Russia Magog GOG are pushing as we'll see in a moment and this is calm fleeting up for his equal 38 and 39 where the kings of the East remember that two million Chinese it will come at the bell of Armageddon but he seeketh 39:39 gets these Muslim nations that come together and they're gonna try to fight against the Antichrist but the Antichrist will come and he will defeat many of these nations verse 38 watch this in in their place he shall honor a God of the fortress notice satanic powers doing what ruling over him are going to rule over him in a God which his fathers did not know he shall honor with gold and silver with precious stones and pleasant thing remember in the book of Revelation he receives a mortal head wound and what do they do they build an image of him and the false prophet promotes him for every person to receive the mark of the beast and to bow before him but then in verse 39 he says and then he shall act against his strongest fortress with a foreign God and he shall acknowledge the advance its glory and he shall cause them to rule over many and divide the land for gain and at that time of the end the King of the South notice here again shall attack him and the king of the north speaking of Russia he seeketh 3039 he shall come against him like a whirlwind with chariots horsemen and many ships well according to modern technology you talking maybe tanks airplanes and then ships he says with many he shall enter the countries overwhelm them and pass through and then he says and he shall also enter the glorious land was that the land of Israel in many countries shall be overthrown by him but he shall escape from his hand Edom Moab and the prominent people of Ammon and he shall stretch out his sin I yes these countries and the land of Egypt shall not escape so he's trying to bring dominion over every country and he wants everyone to worship Him in then verse 43 he shall have power over the treasures of gold in charge of the oil in charge of everything that is precious on the earth and all the precious things of Egypt and of Libyans and Ethiopians shall also follow at his heels those are the african continent's he says but news come from the east and the North shall trouble him and therefore he shall go out with great fury industry and he lead the army so here what's going on out bela verm again two hundred million soldiers from China they're coming down from the east they're meeting down at Megiddo remember went to Megiddo we're up on top where we're actually is go Mount Hermon and from monitor Minh you can see Nazareth on the other side you have this valley where there's going to be a hundred and eighty miles to 200 miles of men's blood as the Chinese come the Russians come all the nations of the world come at the Battle of Armageddon revelation 18 you need to read it and when they come down the Bible says this the river Euphrates will be dried up for the kings of the East to cross over that you know they already have built a dam to hold up the waters and one day the Chinese will cross over 200 million soldiers from China will cross over maybe the time is now that is barely enough for the last days as we see China North Korea right now we see everything kind of building up that this could be probably a time where we really need to be praying as a church as believers if we truly believe that these are the last days and how much time do we really have left before the incomes for sure I know one thing seven years are left which we call the Tribulation Period but the church the Bible says that the church there is a remnant of the church in order to fulfill those last seven years called the seventy week of the the church has to be taken to heaven that there is a generation remember we talked about this they will never die they will never die could it be could it be that there's a generation in existence at this particular moment that is never gonna die and the Lord's gonna come for that church it could be this church it could be any one of us here it could be your children it could be my grandkids if people don't want to agree to it that there's a generation they will never die that's what the Bible says there's an appointed time for a man to die and then the judgment but also Paul says there's a generation they will never taste death they're going to be taken to heaven and that will be the greatest sign for the world that when the church disappears and whatever lie they come up with when the church disappears what's gonna happen we the church your family those that are backslidden are gonna know why I mean the Lord did come and we've been left behind and what does the Bible say the Bible says that when the Antichrist comes they either get the mark on their forehead or on the back of the writer or they have to be beheaded and when their be here that they'll enter the kingdom of God but imagine how many will be left behind because they haven't believed what they were being taught or maybe they didn't believe their film they didn't believe you but for sure I know one thing man you gotta tell people about Jesus because of these are really the true days that Jesus Christ is coming again and we see it Africa China Korea I mean everywhere you go there's a buildup on war and that was our new government here in the United States of America which we're not putting up with a thank God for that now they're not gonna push us around anymore then now we begin to see that things are building up according to the scripture also where China is really building up more and putting more power and then North Korea now - and yet the Bible says in the last days the kings of the east we'll come become understood the devil of Armageddon but the Bell over again and will not be until the last seven years of world history so the next event that I'm concerned about is a rapture of the church and that's what I'm waiting for in my own life Pastor Chuck was waiting me he made it before the rapture but I mean there may be many of us do they will not leave for the rapture the church but get as there is a drafter coming don't let people discourage you there is a generation they will never ever ever die the Bible says that verse 45 and he shall plan the tents of his palace between the Seas between the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean the Antichrist will build his place he says in the glorious holy mountain Mount Zion in Jerusalem Yeley shall come to his end and no one will help him the Antichrist is gonna come to the end of his life after seven years that will take him according to the scripture and the false prophet the Antichrist will be cast into the lake of fire into the lake of fire and when you read Revelation chapter 20 verse 11 through 15 he says that whoever his name was not found written in the book of life will be cast into the lake of fire or Satan the false prophet every demon and every person that never never had their name written in the book of life were cast into the lake of fire forever and ever and ever come to an end no more there will be a final state the Bible talks about that and then chapter 12 verse 1 he goes on we're almost finished and at that time Michael here's Michael again defending Israel and at that time Michael shall stand up the Great Prince who stands watch over the sons of your people what he knew over Israel and there shall be a time of trouble now he comes back to the Tribulation Period such as never was since there was a nation speaking of the Great Tribulation even to that time and at that time your people the Jew shall be delivered every one who's found written in the book notice the book and many of those who are dead in the dust of the earth shall wake up some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt many many will end up in the lake of fire but then the rest will be were in the kingdom of God verse 3 those who are wise shall shine let the brightness of the firmament that's us he says what and those who turn many to righteousness like the Stars forever more being a good witness the only people about Jesus and they get converted they accept Christ many will turn to righteousness like the Stars forever and ever it has been you Oh Daniel he says shut up the words and seal the book until the time of the end here he's finally given his following instructions many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall increase he's talking also why what's happened did they go back to the 1940s 50s up to the point in time do they look at everything has grown computers knowledge is greater than every before he tells Daniel Daniel don't worry about it he says this is gonna happen people will be able to understand what you wrote because of knowledge increasing well for sure today we open the scriptures and we can understand where they ever understood in the past as prophecy is coming to test the scriptures are becoming clearer and clearer and clearer to the Church of Jesus Christ and this is what he's talking about referring to the knowledge verse 5 if an idea you looked and there stood two others one on the riverbank and the other that on that riverbank and then one said to the man clothed in linen who was above the waters of the river how long shall the fulfillment of these wonders be and then he says and then I heard a man clothed in linen who was above the waters of the river when he held up his right hand and his left hand to heaven and swore by him who lives forever that it shall be for a time times half a time three and a half years he says and when the power of the holy people Israel has been completely shattered all these things shall be finished speaking of what the last three and a half years when Jesus returns back to the earth to man Mariah although I Daniel heard I did not understand then I said my lord what shall be the end of these things so he's asking the question when is these going to happen and then he says and he said to me go your way Daniel for the words are closed up and sealed to the time of the end Daniel don't worry about it you won't be here this is for the future Daniel can you imagine Daniel spoke about today the days were living in today he says Daniel don't worry about I'm talking about in the future what's gonna take place the Battle of Armageddon there's going to be seven years of tribulation period there'll be a church that will believe in Jesus Christ in that church will be taken to heaven and then all hell will break loose and at the second coming when Christ comes back he's gonna judge the world before he starts the kingdom age there's gonna be a 45 day judgment to see who goes into the kingdom edge and who does not we will come back in her beautiful glorified bodies and we will live for Christ forever and ever and ever but those are going to the kingdom age as we've talked before they're going to repopulate the earth Satan will be in the bottomless pit tied up but after a thousand years once again the Lord says let's try it one more time he opens the pit Satan comes out he goes out and tells so many people on the earth and many many people turn with Satan against God and then got a wife some all out and then the Antichrist is thrown into the lake of I remember the false prophet and then Satan and then the Bible says in Revelations 20 11 through 15 that the books were opened at the white throne judgment and whoever's name was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire I think of my loved ones that have died cousins aunts and uncles that I knew there were Catholics good Catholics but they never accepted Christ which means I'll never ever see them again imagine that and then I say man I wish I was a Christian there well God knows the timing this every person has an opportunity to receive Christ I don't give your Buddhist or a Catholic or your home awareness whatever you are God gives an opportunity to every to come to know his love and grace and mercy and he says Daniel don't worry about it then again verse 10 many shall be purified and made white and refined but the wicked shall do more wickedly and none of the wicked shall understand that only the wife shall understand why because of the Holy Spirit the inside of the Holy Spirit look how much we understand today because of the Holy Spirit as we read the scriptures you're going through a book of the Bible that the Holy Spirit stops you and begins to speak to you convicts you in that verse or that chapter the Holy Spirit and then he says and from the time of that daily sacrifice in is taken away the abomination and desolation is set up speaking again of the 1290 days in the Tribulation Period there shall be 1290 days blessed is he who waits and comes to the 1,335 days well that gives you 45 days when you come together but was 45 this is establishment of the new government the Messiah he comes back at the second coming before the Millennium stars as 45 days of judgment who goes in who doesn't go in and then it comes to an end verse 13 but you go your way Daniel notice until the end for you shall rest you'll die and will arise in your inheritance when at the end of the days at the end of the days when everything up Daniel we're gonna stand together and we're gonna see God himself there's an end to every person's life and we know and we understand they were living in very critical days like never before your grandbabies you're something that they need to understand it that days were living in we need to walk a straight line a tightrope we're gonna get tempted for this tempted for that then we need to stand strong in the fundation the guts given to us and that is upon the rocket who's a rock Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and I would pray this evening that as God speaks to you individually that you would come to your own place in your own heart and ask Jesus to use you in such a way that he's never ever used to ever again that you're ready to meet the Lord at any time of your life and I would pray this in and that the Holy Spirit will come upon us and baptize was this power that he wants to give to each one of us individually so that we're never ever the same even when wake up tomorrow morning that we will be totally different and they're our kids and our husbands in our wives we know that something happened to us and what happened is the Holy Spirit estat your lives father I pray in your name Jesus that your Holy Spirit God would be with us Jesus Lord I don't know what people are going through here tonight Jesus but you know or God and then I ask you by your power Jesus the you would speak that you would touch Lord that you would anoint but in such a way Lord God that we would look to you Jesus as the author and finisher of our great faith Jesus Lord as we saw in the Old Testament Lord God the things that you spoke about the things that were fulfilled as you spoke Lord Jesus and Lord in the last nineteen hundred years the grace that you've given to the Gentiles Lord got including us Lord would I pray for the Jew I pray for Israel or god I pray somehow Lord God that many many more Jews will come to know you as a messiah Lord I know that our children and grandchildren would be protected and learned that as we teach them as you lead them and guide them Lord God that they would wait upon your word father to experience your loving grace and mercy Jesus Lord I pray that you would baptize him with power Lord God the Holy Spirit you know for each one of us here individually Lord father for those wives there might be a being abused by their husbands Lord or maybe father for those children that are being abused you know I do pray father if there are any child molesters in the body your Lord God in the whole church Lord God that you would bring him to repentance or Lord expose him Lord don't let them get away with anything Jesus I learned that if there are any homosexuals in the church or God know that they would come to repentance Lord God because you love them Lord God and you want to work in their lives and through their life Jesus and look for those who have an alcohol problem Jesus or maybe women problems with God no you know deeply in our hearts with our situations and our problems our Lord Jesus we ask you Lord to help us Jesus well we do need your help Lord I need your help Lord Jesus my wife needs your help Lord God my kids my grandchildren Lord God the church Lord it's all our we ask you now that you just touch his heart annoyed laughs father we give you all the praise and the glory and the honor Lord God and when we ask you that you would have all the glory Lord God we give you all the praise and glory Jesus I know that as we spend time with you as we leave here Jesus and we would be still and hear what you have to say [Music] we know one thing for sure that when a person comes to Jesus Christ his name is written in the book of life you
Channel: Somebody Loves You Worldwide
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Length: 47min 5sec (2825 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.