Straight Talk with Pastor Raul Ries // Episode 52

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we are live here in studio and somebody loves you we're going to be talking about what's taking place in the world you probably have a lot of questions as well we're going to see what god's word has to say and catch up with pastor raul on what he's teaching right now as well see you in 20 seconds hi [Music] [Applause] so [Music] people don't realize this like you start singing these songs some of these old songs you can dance a little bit people don't know that i like dancing too right right yeah you guys you guys like dancing i like dancing you know i used to dance you know when i was my wife doesn't think i can dance but when i was in the 60s i used to go like not crazy you didn't dance like a chiller nope i was in the cholo i was a chola well we're here live in studio today is january 19th which means that tomorrow is the inauguration we have a new president um obviously we have seen what has taken place in our world i think there's a lot of unrest in our nation right now raul um we've been talking about this i mean we you mentioned it last week on the show how in the beginning of this like god gave you a message on saul and the people chose saul to be their king and leader they chose the man of the world of the flesh and they got their king they didn't want god to go go govern over them any longer and they got that king well now we're going to be watching and seeing our country change rapidly because you know they're they're actually choosing people they're not godly they're choosing you know people that are half men have women i mean it's just really really sad and our children our grandchildren i mean the whole country what are we gonna do you know with all these people that are ungodly and they're going to hate the church they're going to hate you they're going to hate me they're going to hate our whole country you know obviously one thing that has been circulating so much in the last couple weeks is is the censorship things and so many voices that are starting to be silenced in a lot of ways and how dangerous i can be in the long run of silencing people's voices you know you're going to have opposite points of view on everything i mean just look at our nation our nation and all of the presidencies of the last you know 10 20 years everything split about 50 50 you know on a popular vote it might go we've never had what we have today no no for sure but what i'm saying is that across the nation there are people that you know think and look at the world from a different view you know they live in different communities and you don't want to silence them all because of something that you don't think or you don't believe you know for us as the church our our mission doesn't change you know we are preaching the gospel we are going to continue teaching god's word that doesn't change there's a great need right now uh one thing that we're doing on sunday nights is going through studies on the battle of truth or what is truth because that is what's being questioned a lot of platforms right now um royal how important is it to know truth in the days that we're living in today well i think is it's a it's a priority today because who's to really preach truth i i would recommend and i would exhort pastors out there you know whoever you are or christian whatever that you're going to have to speak truth or you're going to compromise and you're going to become just like one of those that are in washington that means that's just the way it is and in the church you have these pastors that are allowing homosexuality that are learning lesbianism they're allowing people to drink and they themselves drink and so the bible speaks against that and so where is the holiness of god yeah you know we see immorality you know you're teaching on sodom and gomorrh this week i want to get to that here in a second uh but wade when we're you know talking about some of these things like you know we as roles kind of alluding you know you see the the transgender that has gotten this place in the board and there's going to be more of those things you know these times have changed and you know it's not that we hate these people or anything we want them to come to to know the lord um but you start seeing these decisions that are being made and they will shape um our country for sure i think like everything tying in together what you're saying the danger of censorship the danger of truth being um skewed and secularized is crazy and i think the challenge for the church is going to remain not just knowing truth but standing for truth and being willing to count the cost of what it really means to stand for truth because whether it's homosexuality or or whatever it's all sin and so when you preach against sin because sin binds people when you're looking at what's taking place in our nation right now it's all a result of sin it's evil oh yeah and so if if we don't know our message and we're not willing to stand for our message we're going to continue to see people bound what we're doing in in the ministry and what we're called to do as a church is to preach the gospel and make disciples that's the most loving thing you can possibly do is to be be about uh the father's business and i think as you look at people right now it's like in in matthew chapter nine the people are weary they're scattered they're like sheep having no shepherd and so we have to be willing to to give them sound biblical truth that will really enable them to discern what's going on but also free them so they can be used to minister to others yeah no i i was just uh when he was talking i was thinking especially what's happening right now all these people coming from central america you know they're coming here but what's going to happen to america they need jobs they need an income they need a place to live you know a lot of these guys are there come up if they're criminals you know and they're going to come here and those criminals that that are present and kicked out they're coming back now and if they let him hear what's going to happen to america yeah we're in a real tough situation that i think that these people should never come in here i think these people they belong in their own country we have already enough people here that have come to america and we've lit them in and a lot of the great citizens of the united states of america but how many of those people want to destroy our country and i'm very concerned about that you know and now i'm concerned about those that are coming there might be child molesters you know molesting children i mean homosexuality lesbianism fornicators adulterers all these sins you know and for me sin is sin but i can't stand people that molest children i can't stand it you know i think to me that's a great great sin that not only the little babies and you see little kids that are being molested sexually for a person to get satisfied sexually that's perversion and those people like in the old testament they need to be stoned to death yeah you know i think when you bring up all those things of like the immigration and all that kind of stuff it's like there are people that we have known do ministry through life that have come to this country and they've done it the right way they've gone through the whole process uh through immigration they became citizens they take tests they they learn u.s history a lot of them know more of u.s history than people that are here yeah and what you'll see a lot of times that those that are true from immigration they come here because they want to be in a place of freedom they love the country you know so many of them i think there was a a weird skew that was on last week a couple weeks ago the horrible thing that happened on the capitol and man don't justify that anything that took place there was so sad and horrible what took place but then you see the media skew it like it was like this whole white nationalist and just all white people and like i actually knew christians i knew like 10 people there and they weren't i they were asian they were mexican puerto rican like okay i mean if you want to believe a fake narrative you can but that's where it comes like in our in our world today where you realize we are in a battle that is spiritual for sure and um it the one side wants you to bow down and obey everything that they think and say and like that's the right way and we have to be able to challenge we have to be able to speak our point of view on various things we love this give a speech we love this nation and we pray that god will do your work we'll pray for for them we'll pray for biden and kamala heroes i pray that god will break them god would shower their grace upon them and they would come to the lord that some of the the agenda that is a part of that party would be stopped i would be i want to be honest i would never pray for biden unless god told me to do it yeah well you know you know the bible does say like we got to pray for our leaders and it's tough and it's tough it's so tough in the days we're living in today especially when you understand like the agenda and so many things that are there where they're like you your heart is you don't want the nation to be destroyed you're thinking about your grandchildren i'm thinking about my kids and we're seeing like my kids are gonna be um my oldest son's 11 so in four years and there's rain you know he'll be like 15 going on 16. and what takes place next few years is going to shape our our children and so those are the reasons why we speak out i mean that's really why the reason why we did such a campaign for our church of exhorting them to vote biblically on these four premises you know and make sure that after you vote you vote for truth and righteousness on these principles don't get misconstrued with a personality or a person yeah you're thinking you got to think more longevity but the sad result is that i think that there were a lot of people that were led by emotion that were led by what the media taught them and didn't really vote the biblical views when it came to voting that day but a lot of them they don't know the word of god you know a lot of them are bitter yeah toward christianity and this is going to affect the country yeah you know i wonder if today they feel remorse you know i mean if they really have repented that's great but what about if they continue to believe that way and they go to church and they read the bible you know i don't see that in the bible you know i see people that do that are sinners and they need to repent yeah i think that you're going to see it i mean i think when i was watching that thing today of the that new appointee and there's other ones like who's probably going to be for the school of education that you're just going to start seeing people that are going to be in positions and this is what you voted for yeah i mean this is what you chose like and if you're a believer and a christian you're late in this way i think i mean this is this is the result of that you know you have the freedom we have freedom to choose however we want to choose um and i think people are so easily swayed in the days that we're living in today it's so all they have to do is put a narration and put some video edits and a person with the eloquent voice of an uh narration and they get moved with emotion and they believe something to such an extent and they don't question some of the the norms and i think that the days are living in today you have to have critical thinking skills you have to be able to discern truth from error because people will lie to you and i'm not saying it's just one side i mean both sides i mean there are people that are corrupt you've got to be able to filter things through not believe everything that you see i mean the bible tells us to be diligent uh to know the truth biblically um and i think like with the things that are taking place in our nation that's kind of where my heart's at as well yeah i just think the chur the church even up until this point was not ready for this year the church was not ready um believers had not made themselves spiritually ready um and i think a lot of this has to do with the lord separating the wheat from the chaff a little bit and shaking up the church because to to be a believer and to be to live in that amount of deception is it's amazing it really is it's it's it's and i don't mean that in a good way like it's truly mind-boggling you know and i think going into the year that we're getting ready to go into if we if we're not so focused on the lord right now and not overly distracted we need to be focused on the lord right now we're not going to have discernment we are going to be shaken and we're not going to be on a solid foundation and it's going to shake you it's going to shake your marriage it's going to shake your children now when your children need leadership more than ever before yeah yeah i know for sure and i think that you know moving forward you know we obviously have to pray we got to be open for what god has for us um i i think we're going to see some challenging days i think there's no doubt about it but the lord's on the throne yeah i mean we'll make it through for sure um but i think that it's sometimes i think the biggest thing is just that deception you know the bible says that satan can transform himself into an angel of light and what does that mean it means that you might perceive this as like a good thing there's a lot of people oh man i like this policy i like this thing i like this person all these kind of things and even some of the jargon that's out there some of the the communications that's out there it sounds flowery it sounds good it sounds inclusive or whatever the words they like to use but then they're like but is it linked to truth well not you think about what took place in germany not everyone immediately realized how wicked hitler was yeah it was a huge majority that that supported him until then until they saw the real agenda they're like oh my gosh isn't evil and i think they're going to see that you know as the president begins here they're going to see things that they never thought they would see for me people ask me well what do you think about this what do you think about that hey to me it's all new i mean i know about wickedness i know about sin but the setting of a government socialism or communism is going to change the church is going to change everybody it's going to change your marriage my marriage is going to be everywhere in america you know there's so much fake stories that are out there and so many things and things that are trying to get spun and one thing that's starting to get spun is like this negativity towards the church yeah you know whatever you thought of president trump um and we never said that president trump was born against you know a man of the spirit no no no doubt i think god god used him in ways for sure i i think that maybe having good relationships with other christians and other people of influence i think that he probably saw the value of the church and maybe god's going to do an amazing work in his life through this process that's that's our prayer but you can't deny of so much of the christian influence that he had around him from his press secretary to mike pompeo to so many key people in the leadership were like pretty solid believers and christians and now there's a narrative being spun like the christians are the problem you know what's so crazy when you talk about like there was a couple clippings that were going through where people were blaming like christian um i forget the word they said but christians of being part of this issue that happened in capital it's like what are you talking about you know what the first thing that came to my mind was of caesar nero with paul and all that stuff because remember he was in a place where he tried to put the blame on the christians of a uprising that took place and so what he caused is that many christians were killed and persecuted at that time but it was all of a lie he was trying to um take away the the spotlight on himself of the the things that he has done wrong and blamed it on the christians that's crazy yeah i mean think about the different countries that are watching our nation now that are going to take advantage of our nation they're going to use us you know and when they use america what's going to happen financially i mean they're going to do it in every possible way to enrich themselves which we've seen in the past you know so we as a church really need to pray like never before the bible says that prayer changes things you know and we've seen that over the years you know like you said president you know with president bush and you go back to his dad and all these things then i mean honestly what's happening we're beginning to see a one world government one world i mean in every way everything is one world and so what's going to happen you got to read your bible to know that there's a church living maybe this this church today it's a church that is going to be taken by the lord or we're going to be here another 100 years yeah i know i think perspective is important and you brought up again of biblical understanding yeah we know the bible yeah we know what the bible says by what the bible says about the end times it doesn't say that things are going to get better towards the end they're going to get worse but for us and that's why we stand in the gap because we are praying and interceding for god's grace upon our nation for god to move for people to come to the lord for people to be set free in these days that we're living in today because we do know the bible and we know that as things get darker they will get darker and there's much destruction that will take place but having things in perspective proverbs 21 verse 1 know this scripture it's important it says the king's heart is in the hand of the lord like the rivers of water and he turns it wherever he wishes what does that mean god is in control pastoral has been going through a couple months ago he was going through the book of daniel and you saw all of these different kings that reigned nebuchadnezzar darien's and yet god continued to move his plan through even kings that were wicked or didn't have a relationship with god and god broke nebuchadnezzar there's many so much application that we find in the bible i will continue till jesus comes again let's talk about what you're going to be teaching on the this sunday you talk sodom and gomorrah a lot of people even people that don't really go to church they've heard the the the phrase sodom and gomorrah what's the picture what takes place there the bible speaks about sin but when i read chapter 19 of genesis there's a lot of emphasis i mean it i mean you see it it's not about fornicators or liars whatever i mean the main issue is homosexuality child molestation less humanism all these sins when you look it up in the language you can see that god sees something that should not be very deadly so what does he do does he spear sodom and gomorrah no he destroys it but my question is why was lot there and his family why does he offer his two daughters you know these are things that you know they put questions in my mind and as believers would you do that today i mean you love your children would you be willing to sacrifice your children to do that no i would not i would never do that so something was happening in the life of lot one foot in the world one foot in christ and so the lord sends his angels not only to warn him but to spare his life he could destroy him imagine if those people would have accepted his daughters but who did the angels spared them the angels were there to protect his family and the angels were there to destroy these people they were coming against someone that knew god you know um last sunday raw was teaching on abraham intercession for sodom and gomorrah because judgment was going to come abraham is aware of it and he's pleading on behalf of the people and saying but lord like are you going to judge the righteous with the wicked is that fair well how about if there's 50 righteous and you know raw went through the whole study he's like if there's 50 righteous i won't i'll spare the land and he goes all the way down and there there wasn't there was only the couple that were there and it was his his nephew and then children who were obviously compromised and you bring up a good question and let me hit this up with you wayne is lot being in that place he should have never been there and if you know the story in the book of genesis abraham and lot are together they have all of these possessions or in such a way they didn't want to have stripe between the two of them and so they were going to choose and settle in various land lot chose first and so and he saw this beautiful land he chose by sight portland yeah he just he just he chose my site and you've done a great study before raw where you show this gradual backslidden state that lot goes through but it was all linked to a decision a decision that he thought was right and we've i've exhorted people too it's like you need to pray like where god's leading you like where you live some people make rash decisions oh i'm gonna leave california or i'm gonna leave this ministry i'm gonna quit my job you better make sure that god is leading you because it might seem like a good decision maybe on the surface but you don't know if it's not god's plan for your life it can snowball into multiple effects and lot you can really depict one bad decision led to a gradual process that eventually led him in a place where he was in surrounded by corruption sin his family is paying the cause the the casualty the the cost of immorality talk about that way just as far as like how important decisions need to be based upon god's word and truth in your life in prayer like you're going to be in highly emotional times the enemy loves to tempt us to make emotional decisions but as you said man you cannot when you're making a decision you can a lot of times you don't understand the implications of that in the future even if if lot would have never made that decision his wife would never look back his wife would have never died lots lots of daughters were wicked too they got him drunk they slept with him and produced the moabites and ammonites so his sin that one decision in the flesh because he looked at what he could see and he made an emotional decision and he got comfortable in the world in this wicked place the ramifications i mean we're still paying for it today with the descendants of lot and so you we better be prayed up we better be um making spiritual spiritually led decisions and not leading by emotion and walking by faith you know well going back to the sodom gomorrah i mean those are one of the big judgments in the bible on the level you know prior in the book of genesis you have the the story of noah for sure all the the wicked and center of men's heart was evil continually and here and a lot like he was saying like in sodom and gomorrah perversion homosexuality uh so much so that there's um even when they're blinded they're still trying to partake of sin talk about how disastrous sin is in someone's life unchecked well you look at your own life you know how your life was destroyed and i guess when you come to christ your eyes are open and you see things that you never saw before and i think that in solomon gomorrah we can read it and study a bit we really don't know the depth it says wickedness you know and the death that we see today are in san francisco you know across the country you know that they're not ashamed of their sin uh they want to infect other people with their sin and to me the worst thing is okay so two guys want to you know be together let's find two women together but but when you start infecting children i mean that that's not right you know and as a parent as a grandfather i mean if somebody would ever molest my children my grandchildren i i don't know how i would react you know i know that i would be very angry and i know the devil would come after me that you know to do something that i shouldn't be doing but what can you do i mean you know here is this little child that doesn't know what's going on and you're gonna teach them to be just like you in in thailand when you go to thailand i mean they have camps they have places where these rich men come to this place and they can molest babies they can molest nine-year-olds 10 years old 18 whatever it is you know and people get satisfaction and they're not doing anything about that but god's gonna judge god's gonna judge those people and there's a real hot spot for them and anyone that lives a life of sin you brought up like human trafficking or sex trafficking and that is something that is been a huge problem all across this world the united states of america has seen it we've talked about this multiple times on different platforms on ryan's show i believe january january right now is awareness month for that and going back to the administration up to this time the last couple years they have had so much strife into doing a lot of things to help those that are abused and one of the things like you've talked about the the wall and all that stuff actually helped in the process because they're able to get vetted a little bit more and it helps in the process because people do i'm sorry people have wicked intentions not saying i'll do but they will when they when people see a loophole they'll take advantage of it you know we saw this in during the pandemic i don't know how many people saw it but in arizona they were getting so strategic of smuggling drugs they had more methamphetamines in arizona here in 2020 even though there was a pandemic because they found a way these guys are smart dude in the the drug cartels they were doing something in the semi trucks where they were ripping out the the underneath the floor and it was just all over they had gotten so much um methamphetamines through by using little kinks in your system little loopholes that are there and so when you open it up they're like oh man this is gonna be easy now and i'm just sad to say sin is destructive and the bible says the heart is deceitfully wicked who knows that god knows the heart of men and so you leave man to himself and you give men all these opportunities they will take things to the next level and that's why we have to pray we have to be open we have to love people we have to pray that god will move in a powerful way and i think that perspective is important i think also something that you said were all i think it was last sunday before your service because a lot of people a lot of questions you're like a lot of people are asking me what's going on what the you know i'm like i don't know yeah like i i don't know if we fully grasp all that's taking place right in front of us and that's why we have to really wait upon the lord and have wisdom of god in the days we're living yeah we can't we can't get ahead of god yeah you know and a lot of times people get ahead of god and then they pay the consequences you know so did that you know and i think for today for the church as we're moving into this new year with a new government you know that the church is going to have to really spend time in prayer to really know god's perfect will and in order to do that you got to know god intimately and i've been reading and praying asking the lord for our congregation here how am i going to lead every chapel of golden springs for this next year how can we get people involved how can we prepare people for what's taken what's taking place and what's going to take place and i think like with way you're having a little family you're having a family you know what are you going to tell your kids they're going to be asking questions well how come i can go to school how come i can't play with these kids over here why did we cut this family off you know all these questions they come up in times like this we gotta have answers yeah what would you add to that way i just echo everything that was just said you have to be invested in your church right now persecution is coming to some degree or another like it just is what it is the the censorship thing is a real problem it's it's a violation of the first amendment right and that's what the church was standing on during kovid we're saying why can't we why can't we stay open because we do have the freedom to peacefully assemble um but we have to be prayed up we have to be invested in the work of god right and i really mean that whatever church you go to wherever you fellowship you have to be invested in the work because when you're invested in a work you realize you're you're part of a battle and you're linked with a team that's bigger than you the enemy wants to isolate you but you like nehemiah they're building the wall together they were committed to the work and when you're when you're down there's going to be someone plowing next to you and building next to you that's going to lift you up and so we have to as for golden springs or wherever you're at you have to you have to have the vision of the ministry that you're involved in now more than ever before because you can't be lukewarm either in or you're out yeah yeah you guys talked about last week of nehemiah while you were bringing that up this morning as well because nehemiah saw his nation that that he loved so much that was in disarray and it broke his heart and so it led him to pray and he waited upon god for what is the plan of attack what should he do and it was that's important prayer and waiting on god and then when god speaks and god opens up that door then you follow through with what god's calling you to do why is that such so important to you well i think it's important because where you're heading what you're going to be doing and i thought when you were talking i thought how you know we always talk about paul you know all these other guys in the new testament but i think that nehemiah becomes a very important personality today more than ever before because what did he do god laid on his heart to go to jerusalem because the temple here the temple the place of worship was not in operation because of the gates because of the walls so what does he do he doesn't say nothing to anybody it's between him and god that god will speak to a king they will provide the money he'll provide the protection he'll provide everything that needs to be taken care of so they can build the house of the lord and today we need people like that you know we we can be guests in here guessing there do you really know god's god really spoken to you and as you pray and you come together like we did this morning then we're in agreement there's a unity why because god has been speaking to your leadership he's been speaking to your family and when that comes together what do you have unity yeah and we need that we need that unity yes uh today wait let's talk to the audience right now for those that man they've been dreading this day in a lot of ways as far as tomorrow as far as the inauguration but it's going to come to pass and a child of god always he doesn't quit he doesn't fold recognize this is the time that you have been called a nation's history there have been so many good kings and bad kings that reigned over the history but the lord is always on the throne share just some words of encouragement way to maybe those that are being feel overwhelmed or burdened or mad or whatever it may be yeah i think it's okay to go through those emotions but then you've got to get yourself in check you know we can't be living down and out all the time i think what keeps what's been in my mind the past week is the the children of israel going into babylon babylonian captivity and a lot of us have heard the promise jeremiah 29 11. i know the thoughts i think towards you thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you a future and a hope uh when you call upon me i will answer you when you seek for me with all of your heart that's great but to know the context of that promise is even greater because jeremiah would gave him that promise after he got done telling them you're going to spend 70 years in babylonian captivity do not partake of their gods do not give don't give your children to be married to their children stay tight focus on the lord and in babylonian captivity you have daniel you have haggai you have zechariah you have ezekiel you have all these men of god who were used tremendously in a wicked place and so i think we need to have that heart and say okay lord we're going into some form of difficulty right now and say but the level of intensity when pastoral was sharing with us this morning what was really on my heart is just meeting the level of intensity in your pursuit of god and saying okay this is what it is lord this is the hour that you've called us to i want to be used whatever you have lord use me open my eyes to see things i don't see and give me discernment because if we're completely disco living in the discouragement about what's going to take place we're not going to see the opportunity so we have to see the opportunity the church has always thrived in persecution because it's been purified there's a level of holiness that's brought to people's minds and so we cannot be given in to the world in its system now more than ever the line has to be drawn in the sand and you still can be on and be open and just be open no i think that's an amazing point like and that's just kind of puts like flesh to it where it's like god still works no matter the circumstances and he raises up leaders that's true right he raises up leaders during that time you know even during the time of the nazi reign there were there were christians that were coming to the lord standing in the gap and doing stuff and and trying to save those that have been afflicted and there are like wade was saying what persecution or testing happens it can lead you in a place of a closer commitment to god and i think that that is what we need today more than ever wrong that's your burden i know your heart breaks for this nation uh you you pray for the congregation the guys entrusted you and all the churches that are teaching god's word give some words of encouragement to them raw right now yeah i always share that we love you we pray for you and that you get together with your congress if you're a pastor or leader get together with your family and with those that god has given under you you know so that we can see not one church but 10 20 whatever if there is power in america over all the churches praying and doing what god has called us to do we're going to see answers answers yeah we're going to see that for sure yeah you know and just to end on that note like be encouraged be praying for your nation praying for the world pray for what god has for you maybe during this time god's going to raise you up to be a missionary god's going to raise you up to be a pastor teacher maybe you get involved in your ministry maybe it takes you to a place of getting deeper in god's word like these guys are saying that i need to know truth maybe it encourages encourages you to know truth as the schools start to open eventually they will start to open eventually for the children going back to school they're going to need discernment you know there are going to be a lot of things that are going to be taught that's going to become pretty gnarly and in the college system we need a lot of solid believers coming to the lord and going to the colleges and being an influence so god's called you understand that and don't be afraid the bible says to not be defeated be afraid or dismayed because the lord is with us and he will never leave us nor forsake us we love you guys so much we'll be back next week here in the studio if somebody loves you make sure that you like this video make sure you comment on this video and share it with your loved ones and friends and make sure you subscribe to somebody loves you worldwide take care and god [Music] bless [Music] you
Channel: Somebody Loves You Worldwide
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Id: eAH11nLGbJc
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Length: 41min 58sec (2518 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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