Storybrand One Liner Exercise | Donald Miller | EntreLeadership Takeaways

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now we're going to switch gears to something else that you detail out in the book and this is again going to be an exercise and we want you on facebook to engage as well now don's going to walk you through this and then our audience is going to go through this as well we're going to give you a little bit of thinking and writing time and then again we're going to have some more of our live audience members go through this with don so don we're going to take him through this idea of a one-liner right what do you mean by that and how can we all create a one-liner well a one-liner is one sentence that explains what you do or what you offer in such a way that you you capture the most people's attention and so it comes from the movie industry a one-liner is what describes a film so when you say jason bourne has forgotten who he really is but he's you know it makes me go ooh i'd like to see that right i'd like to see that movie because all the suspense is in that one line now a one-liner every screenwriter knows if you create a good one-liner for your screenplay it's worth fifty thousand dollars to half a million dollars if you can sell that screenplay and then it goes into your phone two years later and you're looking for a movie and you read that one sentence that could be worth hundreds of millions of dollars you gotta really nail it what we tend to do is when when somebody asks what we do we say you know my grandfather started the company or worse we say well it's kind of complicated what do you say when you say it's complicated you're saying you're gonna have to do a lot of math in your head and it's probably not gonna be worth your time but here i go well they're not gonna stick with you right we wanna say something that attracts them right away that makes them interested in what we're offering so i'm gonna take you through an exercise it's a three part sentence or it could be multiple sentences but it's a one-liner it's something you can say really quickly and somebody says what do you do i want you to say this right and it works like this the first thing is we want to ask ourselves uh most businesses struggle to talk about what they offer we have a process that helps them clarify their message so the companies get growing again one we want to do in our one liner there's three parts it's identify your customers problem this is the first part of your one liner you're going to open with the problem when i walk on stage and give a speech i don't say my name is donald miller and i've been living here in nashville a long time and i'm married to a wonderful woman named betsy and we have a chocolate lab named lucy and we have a dog named jude carter and i'm very glad to be with you today why it doesn't start a story i walk to the center of the stage and i say we have a serious problem we're wasting money on marketing and you have no idea who i am and i don't care if you don't know who i am because it's not about me it's about you right i open up with your problem that's what starts a story a story is a character that has a problem and the sooner you can get to the problem the sooner you get to the hook and now they're interested you see and so uh you know if i'm selling a product then i want to start with that problem because it makes the product valuable i say you know how you sometimes drop your phone in the toilet well i invented the toilet net okay that's not a good example but [Laughter] that's i stole that from some comedian anyway so you want to identify your problems so what is your customer's problem and you want to say most people struggle with or do you know how a lot of people feel about this or a lot of people are afraid to go to the dentist because they're afraid it's going to hurt really bad so when when you say hey what do you do for a living you say well you know a lot of people hate going to the dentist because they're afraid it's going to hurt really bad we actually have all the modern technology you don't feel a thing most people because of the laughing gas we use they actually love going to the dentist they come even when they don't have a toothache you know right so you want to identify your customer's problem second you want to explain your plan to help them now this is where you can you can mention your product uh how your product differentiates in the market but basically you know you want to explain here's what we do that solves the problem so it's the problem and then what i do that solves the problem and then finally third the successful ending to their story most people struggle with this but we created this thing so they don't have to struggle anymore and they actually enjoy life and it looks like this for them what is that it's the summary of a story but it's a summary of a story that you're inviting them into so those are the three parts of your one liner now here's our one liner most most businesses struggle to talk about what they offer we have a process that helps them clarify their message so their company starts growing again that's my one liner and i memorize this and when the uber driver says what do you do i say that and inevitably they're handing me their business card or they go to their website they buy one of my products because they i just opened a story loop in their brain that they want to close i walk them down a path that they now want to walk themselves and that's the essence of a one-liner what's your customer's problem a couple things you want to be specific don't be vague um a lot of people don't enjoy their lives okay that's i don't know you know that's a little bit too vague also make sure it's a pain point they need to feel this problem what you're looking for is for them to say that's me that's me i have that right that's my problem you're looking for them to identify themselves in the problem second or third get it down to a sound bite this is short again you have to work on this a little bit but it's worth the work i promise make it super super brief let's look at a pet store pet owners are concerned about what their pets are really eating well it wasn't until you said that so i just agitated a problem here's a financial advisor most people can't get their heads around their financial future how many of you feel that way your business it's like yeah i actually can't get my head around my financial future i don't know if i'm rich or poor i think i'm rich but i don't know yeah use car sales nobody like hey you know how nobody likes to haggle with a used car salesman can you imagine if somebody said that to you and they're a used car salesman at a cocktail party you'd be like i'm buying my next car from this guy he gets it he understands my pain all right next is the plan the part two you want to make it feel like a new idea i've never heard that before it's a differentiator well that's interesting i didn't know uh you could go to a used car dealer without haggling so it's a differentiator make it understandable make sure it's not so elusive they can't understand it and make it brief let's look at the pet store pet owners are concerned about what their pets are really eating here's the second part so we source our food from trusted local vendors right and so now you're going i've never heard of a pet first i didn't know i don't know what my dog is eating is probably not healthy but you're making sure it is okay financial advisor most people can't get their heads around their financial future so we created a financial map that puts all your info on a weekly dashboard that's the differentiator that's the resolution to my problem lastly used cars nobody likes to haggle with a used car salesman so we remove the salesman entirely you can choose and test drive a car hassle free by the way people are making billions of dollars with that exact business plan they remove the the resistance from the actual process and third you describe a happy ending to their story make it the controlling idea of your business that means all your employees are trying to get people to this thing you know you would think that brand was in the business of clarifying your message that's just our product that's not what we're in the business of we're in the business of increasing your revenue we have a whole slack channel that's just dedicated to i doubled my sales this person wrote in they're seeing huge increases blah blah and that's the motivator for our entire company we've got to get these people money that's the controlling idea is the resolution the happy ending to their story is the business you're really in not the selling product it's the happy ending that you're in the business in make it something they actually want so they go they don't go uh that sounds interesting but i don't know if i want that right so i wouldn't say so you can have a ton of flowers at your event that that's not that's not the controlling idea so that everybody will think that you gave the best event of the year that's the happy ending right and the flowers are just the product that gets me the happy ending but i'm actually the person who sells the happy ending okay so let's look at them all together pet owners are concerned about what their pets are really eating so we source our food from trusted local vendors which ensures your pet stays happy and healthy there it is three three statements one one-liner most people can't get their heads around their financial future so we created a financial map that puts all your info on a weekly dashboard giving you peace of mind about your finances that's the result use car sales nobody likes to haggle with a car salesman so we remove the salesman entirely you can choose and test drive a car hassle free so you have a peaceful experience getting the car that you want that's what a one liner is now what do we do with our one-liners we have to repeat the one-liner hundreds of times before the masses will actually hear it that means you use the exact same language over and over i want you to do a lot with this one-liner i want you to memorize it and be able to repeat it over and over that means you're going to ride it and you're going to put it on an index card and you'll put it in your pocket and you'll carry it with you for months and when you're at the grocery store you're going to pull out you're going to read it it's going to be really unnatural for you to break the habit of rambling when somebody asks what you do but it's an important habit to break so you want to memorize it okay and then you want to teach it to your entire team when you teach the one-liner to your entire team you convert everybody on your team into a sales force everybody they're sitting next to somebody a baseball game they say what do you do who do you work for they're going to repeat the one-liner so the way you do that is you go down to the bank and you get a giant wad of five dollar bills you put a rubber band around make sure it's like a mobster roll and you're going to walk around the office first of all you have a big day where you say hey we're all going to repeat the one-liner because people ask us what we do and we nobody knows how to answer do you guys are you guys frustrated by that nobody so we're just going to write it up here we're going to create a sentence we're all going to memorize it and what i'm going to do is over the next six months i'm going to walk around with this giant wad of five dollar bills and if i say hey what do we do and you repeat this sentence i'm gonna give you a five dollar bill right now what you just did is you gamified some discipline of actually memorizing this thing because your team's not going to want to do it and you made it positive and once you're done with that 500 bucks let's say you spent you know 250 it's the best 250 you ever spent because now everybody knows you know and i it took me months and i started hearing it on the phones around the office i'm like they're saying it they're saying it right and you just converted everybody into a sales team it's free you just you just converted everybody into a sales team for free you didn't even hire a sales person open your keynotes with this statement you want to you know if you're giving a keynote you want to say hey most people struggle with this we have a product as this makes their life look like this all right let's talk about what we really want and then you open and you close and you use it as on as much marketing collateral as possible parts of your one-liner could be in your header but it's probably too long at the top of your website but there is a part of a website to get into the parts of a website that need to be on your website in my book there's a whole chapter on it one of the parts is an explanatory paragraph it's where you get your search engine optimization usually slid down pretty far on the website the first sentence of your explanatory series of paragraphs will be your one-liner this is how you're going to brand your company and you're going to use the exact same language over and over because you're branding into the mind of the subconscious of your customer anybody here ever branded a cow a few of you yeah i have a buddy we branded his cows one time you lay across the back of this calf you take that bran you punch the back of that cow it doesn't actually feel it as bad as you thought it just kind of goes what are you doing you do that smells a little like hamburger but what if you took what if you took a different brand you put it over the top of that brand and you took a different ranchers brand you put over the top of that brand you took a different rancher's brand you put it over top of that brand anybody know whose cow that is after a little while it's exactly what your sales people are doing to your company they're talking about it 25 different ways same language same words over and over it's going to be your competitive advantage in the marketplace all right do we want to have some time and create some one-liners all right part one is you want to decide a problem what is the problem that most of your customers struggle with what is the problem okay we're gonna have about a two minutes to define this make it succinct [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay so we're gonna we're gonna do the whole one-liner before we start sharing but next i wanna know explain your plan to help them we have a product or we have a plan that resolves that problem that's part two we have a product or plan that resolves that problem okay take another minute and a half to two minutes and add the second part of your one liner if you wait in line maybe you can do it right there but go ahead no no no i didn't mean to share i mean actually start writing it out yeah we'll share we're all done thanks though [Music] these the overachievers are the ones in the line right now the valedictorians and hey out on facebook you're doing this as well all right we want to see what you're doing can they can they comment on facebook becky they can't all right so our team our social media team is watching so hey let's get some of your comments on facebook as well [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay let's do the third part describe a successful ending to your story you have about a minute or two on that describe a successful ending and then i want to start hearing some one-liners just take another minute and we'll hear some good one-liners [Music] i put our one liner on the screen so you can read it and compare length and all [Music] that [Music] all right some of you keep working but we've got a line of people who i think they've they've finished them and we want to get through as many we've only got 10 minutes we want to get through as many as we can will you tell me your name nicole nicole welcome give me your one liner many parents are concerned about their child's ability to communicate we provide an individualized speech therapy approach to give your child a voice that lets last forever that's humble that's really wonderful really wonderful okay here here's one thing i'll say nicole part one and part two were fantastic part three was good but not fantastic and here's why you said a voice that will last forever that's a beautiful piece of poetry but it's very hard for me to figure out what the benefit is to me so you would say so they can communicate clearly and move ahead in life without any with with ease okay you see what i'm saying so it's i love the the beauty of the poetry that's nice but if you say what i really want is for my child to be able to communicate clearly and move through life with ease and succeed right so that i want that more than find their voice or so that's a little bit poetic but other than that i think it's fantastic excellent first first go thank you okay next excellent i'm robin from best from the nest and many product-based businesses are really frustrated with selling their products on amazon we show them how to tame the amazon marketplace so they can be more profitable and grow faster okay i love i love everything i love part two and i love part three you just did a little repetition on part one many products based businesses as soon as you said products based businesses my mind spun out okay because i was wondering what's a product based business and what's the difference between that in a normal business and but it's when you said uh many people sell stuff on amazon but they don't know how to do it really well they're losing a lot of money then i was like oh got it so just take away the part where i got lost in the first you just take away almost the first few words and go straight to the many people try to sell their products on amazon and that's it everything else is fantastic perfect thank you awesome yep next yeah yeah great hey there i'm brian um ours is most people think heart failure and pets can't be treated we fight to keep families together with expert care most people think what pets with heart failure can't be treated oh that's beautiful yeah and then we do what we fight to keep families together with expert care okay i'm not sure how pet heart i'm a vet i'm failure veterinary cardiologist gotcha but but the the result i wouldn't think if you're most people think pets heart failure can't be treated so i'm looking for a result for the pet okay so you connecting my my pet's heart problem with my family splitting up i think is too big of a gap too bigger bridge so let's go uh most people don't think a pet's heart fell you can be treated it's actually quite simple with a few process and a pet can live just your pet can live just as long as any other pet of their type or breed cool makes sense yes so just be a little bit more specific with it i think you went to a feeling result and i would normally recommend that but the feeling result really was more of therapy family counseling than veterinary and cardiology okay got it yep thank you great hi hi my name is rachel carroll hi rachel hi um okay mine is um people are tired of taking pills so we offer medical massage therapies for the relief of chronic pain we help people have less pain more movement and a better life done i wish i could critique you but i can't that's fantastic [Applause] yeah wonderful yeah i'm frank many doctors fear going into private practice because they don't know enough about business we guide doctors through the process of setting up a successful medical practice that way they can have the medical practice they've always dreamed of i i love it i love parts one and part two they can be a little more succinct in terms of words part three let's give me a little more than just what i'm dreamed of let's be so they can be successful as doctors and as business people or something like that right instead of because dream dove is just a little bit elusive other than that i think it's great yeah fantastic thank you can you see how at a cocktail party if there was a doctor who's thinking about leaving their hospital and starting a private practice or something you can see how they would want to talk i run into them all the time yeah they want to talk to you guaranteed fantastic stuff hi hi i'm laura uh with so much conflicting information everywhere it's hard to know how to take care of your pets we are a full service hospital and your partner in keeping your pets healthy and happy for a lifetime love part two love part three part one it took me a long time to know where you were going so when you said with so much conflicting information everywhere okay where does my mind go internet hacking russian people getting north korean [Laughter] that's my side job can i be honest you didn't have to tell us it was obvious say hi to kim jong-un awesome uh so i would just get right to the veterinarian part uh i would say um when it comes to pets now i'm in there's so much conflicting information when it comes to pets there's so much conflicting information about how to care for them now you framed it before you got to the information so my mind didn't go off on a trail perfect thank you wonderful great people are unaware or fearful of cyber predators we offer free cyber security training and we'll come to your house to help you implement cyber security so that you can protect your family and use the internet with confidence and vigilance i i i i really like it it's fantastic there's one thing i want you to hone in on what kind of cyber predator like what i want you to get to what this because you said cyber predator and there's so much like they can take my credit card number i'm sorry my debit card number they can take hey i live by it i'm not that's not a joke my wife and i both uh so so uh you know they can take that information uh they can you know try to meet my kids at the corner you know or something like that i want you to get a little bit more specific about what a cyber predator can do to my house because i was a little confused between home security and cyber predator other than that i think you dialed it in so i would just work on that little part right you might not even say cyber predator you might say you know there's all sorts of people having all sorts of problems of this you're stealing identity theft or whatever it is get right to a specific and then it's got to be fascinating because you're coming to somebody's home and helping them figure it out now i'm just curious i mean what what sort of cyber predator are you talking about both um i i've so i'm former law enforcement i used to work child exploitation crimes but i've also worked cyber security cyber incident response malware oh all that kind of stuff i do all of it yeah these these days people don't break in your house they break into your computers which means they can get to your kids they can get your credit cards see how i just did it that fast yeah i made it really understandable it's called the same but different the same as a home crime but it's on your computer and it allows people to fill in categories lightning fast great stuff but let's let's finalize that first that first part and then we're golden thank you wonderful hi christopher most families are tired of paying investment fees whether they make money or not our firm only gets paid if you make a profit so our investors know that we want you to get the highest returns possible there you go is that allowed at the sec to say that yes oh it's wonderful fantastic i love it change nothing thank you yeah hi my name is skip and most businesses struggle with the counter stables issues with what issues i'm sorry accounts receivables issues gotcha we help clients convert receivables into cash flow i i think that's fantastic yeah i think it says that so that they can grow their business there you go let's add that third part yep jordan saterwhite uh trucks today are expensive we hope you get the most of it we protect your truck from the abuse life dishes out we make it a more profitable work thing and a more fun play thing okay i like a lot of that trucks today are more expensive my mind actually went to head to big rigs so i don't know why it did but it did and i'm just telling you as a novice that's what i'm hearing so trucks okay so i'm your co and you do any what you like rhino line and all that that's a cuss word we do line x but you do lie yeah i'll forgive you sorry uh fantastic so uh i am your client like two months ago bought an f-150 paid cash for it uh i did i was so happy uh saved up uh and i i already i'm used to driving a little bitty toyota fj40 and i have a car that's twice as long so i've hit the mailbox twice i'm your guy right so you want to say uh most people are scared to death to scratch their new truck okay okay so or something like that most people instead of protect their investment on whatever it's you know most people are scared to to to scratch their new truck or make their their new truck look like garbage whatever we do we have a bunch of processors you know whatever but get me to the point read your first part again trucks today are expensive we help you get the most of it okay stop right there trucks today are expensive means you're gonna solve the problem of expensive trucks i can't do that okay so don't say that right that's not the problem you solve you solve the problem of keeping my truck valuable or you know or whatever it is right but you that that i think that's where i got caught off guard you don't solve the problem expensive i think everything else was i understood it but i could feel my mind literally trying to recalculate after getting lost in that one sentence and that's not what you want to happen so you want to start off with most people want to keep their truck looking and running great because it's expensive then you go oh right keeping and running great all right fantastic thank you next week i love your sport coats so thanks my wife calls this the real estate salesman jacket it absolutely looks like i've only worn it twice because it's a bit bright for me there you go it looks good good job betsy so my line would be um the medical device industry unemployment is under three percent and my company legacy med search hires rock stars so our clients can help more patients and make more money okay i think i i think i like two and three but i didn't understand the problem the medical industry's unemployment rate limits under three percent which means it's hard to find good absolutely that's the problem okay in the medical industry it's hard to find really good people right everybody already has a job yep there it is keep one and replace number one with what i just said and then keep two and three great thank you all right i think we're out of yeah so there it is one thing that you guys can do practice on each other and here's a great thing um practice with strangers at a starbucks i say hey i'm working on a sentence explaining what i do can i just tell it to you and you tell me back what you think i do and it's you just have to do that in order to get the real reaction from from people who don't know what you do and you you get that one-liner down you get your entire team memorizing it you put it on your website put it on the back of your business card make it the bio on your twitter make it the bio on your instagram and make it every single employee's email signature with a link to the website you also you want to add on those methods a call to action buy it from us today schedule an appointment today do all of that and you should see a good return thank you so much yes absolutely and before we let him go speaking of a call to action we want you to get the first three chapters of this book absolutely freedom we want you to buy the book as well but the first three chapters free for those of you watching right now all you got to do is text story brand to 33 444 that's 33444 story brand no spaces and you get the first three chapters great stuff this book is going to change so many businesses i want to say a big thank you to all of you that are tuning in on facebook a big thank you to our amazing live studio audience and of course a big thank you to donald miller appreciate you buddy
Channel: EntreLeadership
Views: 325,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: One Liners | Donald Miller | EntreLeadership Takeaways, story brand one liner, donald miller one liners, storybrand one liner, entreleadership master series, donald miller one liner, entreleadership podcast donald miller, storybrand oneliner exercise, donald miller entreleadership, entreleadership donald miller, storybrand donald miller, storybrand, entreleadership takeaways, donald miller podcast, don miller storybrand, entreleadership miller, story brand
Id: HFergI0UOAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 31sec (1831 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2017
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