Does Your Team Know Where You’re Going? - Donald Miller

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so you say that this is a pretty bold statement we should only have three core values yes that's actually from Kim Blanchard it's a paper that he wrote it's it's a lot of his stuff but sure you and I kicad on politics ken wrote a white paper on how to turn around the American government wrote about five years ago I actually flew out San Diego and got everyone knows we went through the entire white paper and I asked some questions cuz he's 83 now oh yeah he's a layman and I want this to live forever that's great but you know in that white paper he talks he repeats some things that he says about organizations he says one people can't remember much more than three or four yeah and so here's the neat thing I did when we realized we we suffered from this problem we had seven or eight core values you know they were vague business language those kinds of things I decided we're gonna we're gonna shrink it to three but we're actually in a film a little documentary about redoing our mission statement core values so when we you know had our first meeting to talk about this I actually had our camera guy comment I said hey pull people out of the room one at a time and ask them what our core value is on camera and one of our team members was able to say one so imagine imagine one not having a mission statement and not having core values right that would be like me calling you saying hey kid you want to go on a road trip with me what's the first question you ask where we going exactly what your team is doing you're saying let's go yeah and they're going where and when your mission we exist to be more productive and provide efficient solutions to innovative problems that yet they're it's like a dog chasing his tail yeah well it's like this it's like Ken let's go on a road trip Don where to a place where the Sun is good and the air is temperate yes and you're going we're right right yes exactly what we're doing to our teams and not unlike the whole Viktor Frankl thing if you don't if you they wake up in the morning they have a problem they're solving for other people who's a Kenda mental health is associated perhaps for it for with mental health if you ask people to show up every day and you don't tell them what we're building why it matters and where it's going you are really hurting that person's mental health they have to sit there for eight hours and work for absolutely no reason that's right you take somebody and you say listen I'm gonna give you $85,000 this year say they the most they've ever made us 30 I mean you know $85,000 this year here's where we do once you take this this pallet of bricks and build a brick wall on that side of the parking lot when you done I want you to chisel that brick wall down and build it on this side of the parking lot when you're done when you chisel that down and build it back where it used to be you're gonna do that for a year yeah and I'm gonna give you 85 grand know they'll last a month absolutely it's what they did in concentration camps it's due to future yeah yeah so we can and you know we gotta get our mission same right that's a negative the positive is when you actually get the mission statement and core values right you you motivate inspire a team you unify a team and you you immediately increased productivity and efficiency it is the cheapest thing you can do too deep to increase the efficiency and become a lean machine is mission statement and core values that's the importance of the mission statement mission statement is the plot of the story yeah that you were inviting people into where we are going why does it matter what's my role these are three key questions that you say you got to be yeah for someone to simply understand the answers to those questions yeah within the core values in the mission stable how they work together that's right so your mission statement core values work together to answer three questions that every employee has and that is where are we going why does it matter and what's my role right so if you don't if you tell mission statement is where are we going and probably why it matters it's gonna answer both of those that's right and so after that its core values which is what's my role and you know this is an umbrella version of what's my role what's my role needs to get down we're going to talk about execution later and what's my role really get needs to get down into what am I supposed to do today right but in the core values really or how am I supposed to behave and so you know if I hire an actor if I'm a director of a movie and I hire an actor and I don't give him a script I'll tell them what this character is about what they're like who they're supposed to be that's a form of torture also because we say action and they don't know what to do right they can't wing it they need to know what this thing is about what am I supposed to do how am I supposed to behave and so those core values are incredibly important they should be actionable so our mission statement by the way our mission statement will change we already have a second iteration of our mission statement that will launch 48 months from now but right now we're just doing we exist to train the world's greatest business leaders and our mission statement will change too most companies don't develop their people we exist to develop the entire American workforce that's our next mission statement 48 months from now that we haven't even you know made public because we need to do this first and then we will do that so there's a long-range vision now how are we gonna do that there are three core values one is be the guide and what we mean by be the guide is in everything that you do help the customer win period help them win find out what their finish line is and get them there help them get there second is be ambitious so we want to always say you know we're here to win I mean we're here to win a Super Bowl and third is b-positive now they are not only so that's about it I mean I could add a fourth and believe me I want to write there's so many great core values I want to add they won't remember the fourth member of the problem I had the beginning of the year I don't remember them I think I've got it on video it's hilarious so they're gonna remember be the guide be ambitious and be positive and they're actually in rank order so they cancel each other out they can cancel each other out if I'm trying to help a customer win right but that customer you know is they paid $3,000 be in my workshop they're sleeping in their car they have well the ambitious side of me would say you know I don't want to cop their hotel room or give them some cash because that's not gonna help us win but the ambition comes second to be the guy so if I say my main ambition is to help this guy win my second one is to be ambitious then I have to say you know what helping this person win cancels out my ambition to slow down and help them win that's the most important one and then the third is b-positive and we actually say you know there's a sentence behind each of these be positive we say in almost every situation we see the bright to hood and I put the word almost in because if a tree falls on top of the office I don't want somebody walking and going sunlight they're good for certain reasons yeah so they have to be in rank order you know ken Blanchard talks about Disney's Disney parks core values and they're their first core value is safety you know right and then they have courtesy so if I hear some if I'm being courteous to a customer and I hear somebody screaming I need to stop being courteous to this customer and go with the primary value of safety so really your core values are informing how people should live within the workplace they're incredibly important yeah I want to touch on something and then we'll move on but I want to touch on what I think is a reality and that's some people struggling with looking at their business have a lot of small business owners yeah you know you know our audience well so let's just pick plumber electrician or some type of trade okay now you and I could sit there and come up with eight reasons why that man that company matters tremendously yes but I think some small business men and women they they have a struggle going as the leader as maybe the owner how do we how does this matter that much nobody really brags on us somebody talks about us we sell windows or whatever it is how do they overcome this idea that well it having a hard time coming up with why what everybody else doing matters so much well you know let's talk about just a mission statement for a plumber mr. Seifert a plumber might be well you know I don't know we help people we help fix people's pipes or whatever but I would actually come with something much better than that I would say we fix people's plumbing and ease the tension of having a stranger in their home yeah you should I just dad oh that actually motivates very different behavior yes you know my our dishwasher went out two days ago and we called six different plumbers none of them could get to it till Monday my sister is visiting town we got dishes piled up I think we have ten people coming over for dinner tonight all family and we need a dishwasher so my assistant who's a miracle worker found somebody 65 year old man comes into our house and my wife immediately falls in love with this guy's the sweetest nicest guy he says look it's actually he's brutally honest he says this is a $3 part that they're charging us about $250 for and I have to mark it up you can actually get a new dishwasher for about $200 more than what I'm charging you we can have it installed it's you know 500 bucks to fix this and I just want to be brutally honest it's actually a $3 problem that because this this this is what we have to charge he's brutally honest and my wife said I'll get the checkbook you know because I don't want this being in a landfill yeah you're telling me it's gonna last another five years and it would cost me another $200 to replace it and we don't have a dishwasher and he said well I just wanted you to know everything that we know right you think we're calling him again absolutely I am telling every day and tell story you just contrary leadership that's right and I don't know what the core values are but my guess is one of them in that culture right is honest that's right they are honest with the customer they consider them partners and solving their plumbing problems yeah and we're connecting here is we had a similar story big giant planer falls off the front of house middle of winter rips off five pieces of siding my house is exposed can't get anybody out there yeah find a contractor guy comes out makes a point to get it all taken care of quickly yeah he's my wife's favorite guy on the planet several levels of that I'm a little jealous of this guy 65 yeah exactly right yeah and so that's the point is if you're trying to figure out all this romantic language don't forget what you've taught me and that's why I set you up dates the question you're meeting and it's peace of mind yes what what that guy did on my siding thing was not fix something ugly my neighbors know me they know we're not the Clampetts you know I'm gonna fix it yeah it was peace of mind about weathering is it gonna water gonna get in down side cause a $10,000 problems yes your I'm worried solving the problem that is not the problem you're solving theirs you're solving the emotions that come with the problem solving and preaching that said when you understand that and you instill that into your core values you provide direction you create a team alignment unity you give people mental health and you add value to your products and that value makes your products worth more it makes people enjoy them more talk about them more here's the great thing about mission statement and core values it is completely free to create it and to instill absolutely I mean it could cost you some paint on the side of the wall maybe a couple t-shirts and hat right coffee mug whatever and it will do it will direct your entire team
Channel: EntreLeadership
Views: 7,438
Rating: 4.8796992 out of 5
Keywords: entreleadership, dave ramsey, Does Your Team Know Where You’re Going? - Donald Miller, how to create a vision for your team, vision, goal setting, business, success, motivation, business strategy, leadership, how to, strategic planning, company vision, business plan, strategic plan, training, entrepreneurship, donald miller
Id: S8GxJZ9r48s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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